`(114) Patent Number:
`United States Patent 55
`Gillespie et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Inventors: David W. Gillespie, Palo Alto;
`Timothy P. Allen, Los Gatos; Ralph C.
`Wolf. Santa Clara. Shawn P. Day San
`Jose, all of Calif.
`0 609 021
`2 662 528
`2 040614
`....... GO06K 11/16
`EuropeanPat. Off.
`France veseeesesscsseseseeeees GO06K 11/16
`Japan ...
`.. GO6F 3/03
`Japan ...
`. GO6F 3/033
`++ GOGF 3/033
`«. GO2G 1/133
`.. GO6F 3/033
`(List continued on next page.)
`[73] Assignee: Synaptics, Incorporated, San Jose,
`[21] Appl. No.: 623,483
`Mar. 28, 1996
`Related U.S. Application Data
`“Pressure—Sensitive Icons”, IBM Technical Disclosure Bul-
`letin, Jun. 1990, vol. 33, No. 1B, pp. 277-278.
`“Scroll Control Box”, IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin,
`Apr. 1993, vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 399-403.
`Wilton, Microsoft Windows3 Developer’s Workshop, 1991,
`pp. 229-230.
`Tiburtius, “Transparente Folientastaturen”, Feinwerktechnik
`& Messtechnik 97, No. 7, Munchen, DE, Jul. 1989, pp.
`[63] Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 320,158, Oct. 7, 1994, Pat.
`No. 5,543,591, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No.
`200,387.SeP- feats abandoned,whichis PN “Double-Click Generation Method for Pen Operations”,
`787, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 895.934.
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Nov. 1992, vol. 35, No.
`Jun. 8, 1992, abandoned.
`6, p. 3.
`“Three—Axis Touch—Sensitive Pad”, IBM Technical Disclo-
`sure Bulletin, Jan. 1987, vol. 29, No.8pp. 3451-3453.
`Chun, et al., “A High-Performance Silicon Tactile Imager
`Based on a Capacitive Cell”, IEEE Transactions on Electron
`Devices, Jul. 1985, vol. ED-32, No. 7, pp. 1196-1201.
`Int. Choees GO08C 21/00; 0Gclog
`[52] US. Cl
`178/18.01; 178/19.01:
`rns345/157-345/159: 345AB
`[58] Field of Search 0.0. 178/18.01, 19.01,
`178/20.01; 345/157, 159, 160, 173, 174;
`382/119, 186, 187,316
`References Cited
`Primary Examiner—Vijay Shankar
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—D’ Alessandro & Ritchie
`Methods for recognizing gestures made by a conductive
`object on a touch-sensor pad and for cursor motion are
`disclosed. Tapping, drags, pushes, extended drags and vari-
`able drags gestures are recognized by analyzing the position,
`pressure, and movement of the conductive object on the
`sensor pad during the time of a suspected gesture, and
`signals are sent to a host indicating the occurrence of these
`gestures. Signals indicating the position of a conductive
`object and distinguishing betweenthe peripheral portion and
`......... GO1B 7/00
`0 187 372 12/1985 European Pat. Off.
`an inner portion of the touch-sensor pad are also sent to the
`........ GO6F 3/033
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`0 490 001==6/1992 European Pat. Off. ........ GO6F 3/033
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`4/1964 Romero .
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`64 Claims, 28 Drawing Sheets
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`Exhibit 1007, Page 1
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`4/1986 Blesser ........eeeseeseeeeeeeseeeeeeeeee 178/19
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`7/1971 Dym et al. occ seeecee 323/93
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`w. 178/18
`8/1987 Greanias etal......
`. 178/19
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`.. 340/347 DD
`10/1987 Meadowset al... eee eeeeeeee 178/19
`3,675,239 7/1972 Ackermanet al.oceeeeee 340/365 4,733,222 3/1988 Evans oo... ceeeeeeceeeceeeeee 340/365 C
`3/1988 Watanabe ......seceeeereeeteterees 340/710
`8/1972 Holz oe
`4/1988 Matzkeet al. on. eee 340/365 C
`10/1972 Braaten
`3,732,389 4,758,690=7/1988 Kimura oe eee eeeeeeneeteeeeeeeeee 178/195/1973 Kaelin etal. 200/167 A
`.. 340/709
`6/1973 Larson weceeececeeeseeeeteesereeneeeeee 307/116
`8/1988 Onoetal.
`11/1988 Kimura oe. ee eeeeseneeeseeeeeeeeee 178/19
`9/1973 Barkanetal.
`340/365 C
`9/1973 Stich wocecccccccseceeseeeeseeeeees 340/200
`4,794,208 12/1988 Watson .......ceesesesrenteeteseeeeeeee 178/19
`11/1973 Hacon.....
`200/52 R
`4/1989 Watson.......
`. 178/19
`8/1989 Meadowset al. woe eeeeeeee 178/19
`4/1975 Halsenbalg .
`we 178/19
`11/1975 Volpe sesseeeee
`.. 340/365 C
`4/1990 Dunthorn 0. eeeeeeeeeee 364/900
`1/1976 Marin etal.
`. 340/172.5
`4/1990 Flowersetal. ...
`. 178/18
`1/1976 Graven ....
`. 340/324 M
`8/1976 Abeet al.
`... 178/18
`11/1976 Dym etal.
`. 178/18
`. 345/173
`3,999,012 12/1976 Dym....
`... 178/18
`11/1977 Jordan...........
`.. 200/5 A
`5/1992 Greanias et al. oo. eeeeeeee 178/19
`11/1977 Richardsonetal.
`324/61 R
`6/1992 Shinboriet al.
`. 478/18
`1/1978 Pepper, Jr.
`... 178/19
`9/1992 Greanias et al. occ ceeeeeee 178/19
`5/1978 Dym etal. .
`. 178/19
`5,153,572 10/1992 Caldwell et al. wee 340/712
`w- 341/20
`7/1978 Bobick.......
`. 331/48
`3/1993 Edwards.....
`4,129,747 12/1978 Pepper, Jr. 5,231,450=7/1993) Daniels... eee eeeeneeneeseeeeeeneee 355/27. w.. 178/19
`4/1979 Burson....
`8/1993 Kurodaet al. wee ceceeeeeee 178/18
`w 341/34
`4,177,354 12/1979 Mathews....
`12/1993 Knapp........
`7/1994 Logan et AL, ceeeccccecesteeeteeereeee 345/157
`12/1979 Thornburg .
`324/61 R
`4/1980 Pepper, Jr.
`11/1994 Kawamoto... eeeseeeseeeeeeee 345/157
`9/1980 Lednickietal.
`11/1994 Stone
`. 178/18
`5,373,118 12/1994 Watson ou... ccecenescteceeeeneeneeeee 178/19
`9/1980 Penz....
`1/1981 Chandler .
`. 200/5 A
`5,374,787 12/1994 Miller et al. occ eeeceeeeeee 178/18
`. 345/174
`3/1981 Besson....
`we. 368/69
`1/1995 Greaniaset al.
`4/1995 Kotaki et al. occ eeeeeeee 395/122
`4/1981 Bigelow sesee
`.. 340/365 C
`7/1981 Burnett et al. oo.
`eee 340/712
`1/1996 Mead et al. occ cecereeeeeee 345/179
`9/1981 Eichelberger etal.
`340/365 C
`9/1981 Serrano......
`9/1981 Cutleret al.
`4,293,734 10/1981 Pepper, Jr. 06 139022=5/1994. 178/18 Japan wee ceseeseeeeeee GO6F 3/033
`4,302,011 07 072 976=.3/199511/1981 Pepper, Jr. . 273/85 Japan.... see .. GO6F 3/033
`1/1982 Schwerdt
`2 139 762
`11/1984 United Kingdom
`.. GO6F 3/033
`1/1982 Thornburg .
`2 266 038
`10/1993 United Kingdom............ GO6F 3/033
`4/1995 United Kingdom
`. GOOK 11/12
`6/1982 Paiilus et al.
`2 288 665
`.. GO9IG 3/02
`2/1983 Pepper, Jr.
`... 178/18
`3/1991 WIPO .....
`.. GOIG 3/02
`8/1983 Yamamoto .
`340/365 S
`4/1991 WIPO...
`12/1983 Bergeron....
`... 178/19
`3/1996 WIPO...
`GO6F 3/033
`2/1984 Pepper, Jr.
`... 84/1.01
`4/1996 WIPO...
`.. GO6F 3/033
`4/1984 Jandrell wo... ee ceteetereereeeeeeee 178/18
`6/1996 WIPO. oo eecceccceeeeteeeenee GO8C 21/00
`Exhibit 1007, Page 2
`Exhibit 1007, Page 2
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`Mar. 9, 1999
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`Exhibit 1007, Page 3
`Exhibit 1007, Page 3
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 2 of 28
`30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 303030
`FIG. 2A
`FIG. 2B
`Exhibit 1007, Page 4
`Exhibit 1007, Page 4
`U.S. Patent
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`Exhibit 1007, Page 5
`Exhibit 1007, Page 5
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`42-n ao \
`Vuax VMIN
`Exhibit 1007, Page 6
`Exhibit 1007, Page 6
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 5 of 28
`FIG. 4A
`Exhibit 1007, Page 7
`Exhibit 1007, Page 7
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 6 of 28
` \
` \
`OUT —
`_——_—— scan cycle ——————
`FIG. 5
`™ 124
`FIG. 6
`Exhibit 1007, Page 8
`Exhibit 1007, Page 8
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 7 of 28
`132-2 |
`439-3 '
`132-4 |
`FIG. 7
`Exhibit 1007, Page 9
`Exhibit 1007, Page 9
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`FIG. 8
`Exhibit 1007, Page 10
`Exhibit 1007, Page 10
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`FIG. 9
`Exhibit 1007, Page 11
`Exhibit 1007, Page 11
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`Mar. 9, 1999
`Exhibit 1007, Page 12
`Exhibit 1007, Page 12
`FIG. 11
`U.S. Patent
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`FIG. 12A
`Exhibit 1007, Page 13
`Exhibit 1007, Page 13
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 12 of 28
`Y FingerOuter
`X FingerOuter
`FIG. 12B
`Exhibit 1007, Page 14
`Exhibit 1007, Page 14
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 13 of 28
`Exhibit 1007, Page 15
`Exhibit 1007, Page 15
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
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`FIG. 14
`ZA TAP[~__)rTt~—<—SCY
`FIG. 15A
`tg|ts ts ><
`FIG. 15B
`Exhibit 1007, Page 16
`Exhibit 1007, Page 16
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 15 of 28
`FIG. 15C
`tg'tg! to t1 tye tig
`FIG. 15D
`Exhibit 1007, Page 17
`Exhibit 1007, Page 17
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 16 of 28
`tha tis
`FIG. 15E
`tre MtaoT
`FIG. 15F
`FIG. 15G
`Exhibit 1007, Page 18
`Exhibit 1007, Page 18
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 17 of 28
`FIG. 16A
`CorerY 296 inne eee CornerxX
`FIG. 16B
`Exhibit 1007, Page 19
`Exhibit 1007, Page 19
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
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`FIG. 17A
`Exhibit 1007, Page 20
`Exhibit 1007, Page 20
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`324 PRE-
`334 bf
`FIG. 17B
`Exhibit 1007, Page 21
`Exhibit 1007, Page 21
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` 354
`FIG. 17C
`Exhibit 1007, Page 22
`Exhibit 1007, Page 22
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`FIG. 17D
`Exhibit 1007, Page 23
`Exhibit 1007, Page 23
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` TIME >
` S
`FIG. 17E
`Exhibit 1007, Page 24
`Exhibit 1007, Page 24
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`FIG. 17F
`Exhibit 1007, Page 25
`Exhibit 1007, Page 25
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 24 of 28
`ZIGZ — “xX”
`ZIGZ' — “xX”
` 404
`ZIGZ' — Z
`| F
`IG. 18A
`Exhibit 1007, Page 26
`Exhibit 1007, Page 26
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 25 of 28
`43. -a
`FIG. 18B
`Exhibit 1007, Page 27
`Exhibit 1007, Page 27
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`FIG. 18C
`Exhibit 1007, Page 28
`Exhibit 1007, Page 28
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`FIG. 19
` 45
`FIG. 20
`Exhibit 1007, Page 29
`Exhibit 1007, Page 29
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`Mar. 9, 1999
`Sheet 28 of 28
` FIG.21
`Exhibit 1007, Page 30
`Exhibit 1007, Page 30
`This application is a continuation-in-part of co-pending
`application Ser. No. 08/320,158, filed Oct. 7, 1994, which is
`a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 08/300,387,
`filed Sep. 2, 1994, now abandoned whichis a continuation-
`in-part of application Ser. No. 08/115,743, filed Aug. 31,
`1993, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,374,787, which is a continuation-
`in-part of application Ser. No. 07/895,934,filed Jun. 8, 1992,
`now abandoned.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to object position sensing
`transducers and systems. More particularly,
`the present
`invention relates to object position recognition useful in
`applications such as cursor movement
`for computing
`devices and other applications, and especially to cursor
`movement with enhanced edge-motion and gesture-
`recognition features.
`2. The Prior Art
`Numerous devices are available or have been proposed
`for use as object position detectors for use in computer
`systems and other applications. The most familiar of such
`devices is the computer “mouse”. While extremely popular
`as a position indicating device, a mouse has mechanical
`parts and requires a surface upon whichto roll its position
`ball. Furthermore, a mouse usually needs to be moved over
`long distances for reasonable resolution. Finally, a mouse
`requires the userto lift a hand from the keyboard to make the
`cursor movement,
`thereby upsetting the prime purpose,
`which is usually typing on the computer.
`Trackball devices are similar to mouse devices. A major
`difference, howeveris that, unlike a mouse device, a track-
`ball device does not require a surface across which it must
`be rolled. Trackball devicesare still expensive, have moving
`parts, and require a relatively heavy touch as do the mouse
`devices. They are also large in size and doe not fit well in a
`volume-sensitive application like a laptop computer.
`There are several available touch-sense technologies
`which may be employed for use as a position indicator.
`Resistive-membraneposition sensors are known and used in
`several applications. However, they generally suffer from
`poorresolution, the sensor surface is exposed to the user and
`is thus subject
`to wear. In addition, resistive-membrane
`touch sensors are relatively expensive. A one-surface
`approach requires a user to be grounded to the sensor for
`reliable operation. This cannot be guaranteed in portable
`computers. An example of a one-surface approach is the
`UnMouse product by MicroTouch, of Wilmington, Mass. A
`two-surface approach has poorerresolution and potentially
`will wear out very quickly in time.
`Resistive tablets are taught by U.S. Pat. No. 4,680,430 to
`Yoshikawa, U.S. Pat. No. 3,497,617 to Ellis and many
`others. The drawback of all such approaches is the high
`power consumption and the high cost of the resistive mem-
`brane employed.
`Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) devices have potential use
`as position indicators. However, this sensor technology is
`expensive and is not sensitive to light touch. In addition,
`SAW devices are sensitive to residue buildup on the touch
`surfaces and generally have poor resolution.
`Strain gauge or pressure plate approachesare an interest-
`ing position sensing technology, but suffer from several
`drawbacks. This approach may employ piezo-electric trans-
`ducers. One drawbackis that the piezo phenomena is an AC
`phenomena and may be sensitive to the user’s rate of
`In addition, strain gauge or pressure plate
`approaches are somewhatexpensive because special sensors
`are required.
`Optical approaches are also possible but are somewhat
`limited for several reasons. All would require light genera-
`tion which will require external components and increase
`cost and power drain. For example, a “finger-breaking”
`infra-red matrix position detector consumes high power and
`suffers from relatively poor resolution.
`There have been numerous attempts to provide a device
`for sensing the position of a thumbor other finger for use as
`a pointing device to replace a mouse or trackball. Desirable
`attributes of such a device are low power, low profile, high
`resolution, low cost, fast response, and ability to operate
`reliably whenthe finger carries electrical noise, or when the
`touch surface is contaminated with dirt or moisture.
`Because of the drawbacks of resistive devices, many
`attempts have been made to provide pointing capability
`based on capacitively sensing the position of the finger. U.S.
`Pat. No. 3,921,166 to Volpe teaches a capacitive matrix in
`which the finger changes the transcapacitance between row
`and column electrodes. U.S. Pat. No. 4,103,252 to Bobick
`employs four oscillating signals to interpolate x and y
`positions between four capacitive electrodes. U.S. Pat. No.
`4,455,452 to Schuyler teaches a capacitive tablet wherein
`the finger attenuates the capacitive coupling between elec-
`U.S. Pat. No. 4,550,221 to Mabusth teaches a capacitive
`tablet wherein the effective capacitance to “virtual ground”
`is measured by an oscillating signal. Each row or columnis
`polled sequentially, and a rudimentary form ofinterpolation
`is applied to resolve the position between two rows or
`columns. An attempt is made to address the problem of
`electrical interference by averaging over many cycles of the
`oscillating waveform. The problem of contamination is
`addressed by sensing when no finger was present, and
`applying a periodic calibration during such no-finger-present
`periods. U.S. Pat. No. 4,639,720 to Rympalski teaches a
`tablet for sensing the position of a stylus. The stylus alters
`the transcapacitance coupling between row and column
`electrodes, which are scanned sequentially. U.S. Pat. No.
`4,736,191 to Matzke teaches a radial electrode arrangement
`under the space bar of a keyboard,
`to be activated by
`touching with a thumb. This patent teaches the use of total
`touch capacitance, as an indication of the touch pressure, to
`control the velocity of cursor motion. Pulsed sequential
`polling is employed to address the effects of electrical
`to Greanias,
`U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,686,332 and 5,149,919,
`teaches a stylus and finger detection system meant to be
`mounted on a CRT. As a finger detection system, its X/Y
`sensor matrix is used to locate the two matrix wires carrying
`the maximum signal. With a coding scheme these two wires
`uniquely determine the location of the finger position to the
`resolution of the wire stepping. For stylus detection, Gre-
`anias first coarsely locates it, then develops a virtual dipole
`by driving all lines on oneside of the object in one direction
`and all lines on the opposite side in the opposite direction.
`This is done three times with different dipole phases and
`signal polarities. Assuming a predetermined matrix response
`to the object,
`the three measurements present a set of
`simultaneous equations that can be solved for position.
`Exhibit 1007, Page 31
`Exhibit 1007, Page 31
`USS. Pat. No. 4,733,222 to Evans is the first to teach a
`capacitance touch measurementsystem that interpolates to a
`high degree. Evans teaches a three terminal measurement
`system that uses a drive, sense and electrode signal set (3
`signals) in its matrix, and bases the measurement on the
`attenuation effect of a finger on the electrode node signal
`(uses a capacitive divider phenomena). Evans sequentially
`scans through each drive set to measure the capacitance.
`From the three largest responses an interpolation routine is
`applied to determine finger position. Evans also teaches a
`zeroing technique that allows “no-finger” levels to be can-
`celed out as part of the measurement.
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,016,008 to Gruaz describes a touch
`sensitive pad that also uses interpolation. Gruaz uses a drive
`and sense signal set (2 signals) in the touch matrix and like
`Evansrelies on the attenuation effect of a finger to modulate
`the drive signal. The touch matrix is sequentially scanned to
`read the response of each matrix line. An interpolation
`program then selects the two largest adjacent signals in both
`dimensions to determine the finger location, and ratiometri-
`cally determines the effective position from those 4 num-
`Gerpheide, PCT application US90/04584,publication No.
`W091/03039, U.S. Pat. No. 5,305,017 applies to a touch pad
`system a variation of the virtual dipole approach of Grean-
`ias. Gerpheide teaches the application of an oscillating
`potential of a given frequency and phase toall electrodes on
`oneside of the virtual dipole, and an oscillating potential of
`the same frequency and opposite phase to those on the other
`side. Electronic circuits develop a “balance signal” whichis
`zero when no finger is present, and which has onepolarity
`if a finger is on one side of the center of the virtual dipole,
`and the opposite polarity if the finger is on the oppositeside.
`To acquire the position of the finger initially, the virtual
`dipole is scanned sequentially across the tablet. Once the
`fingeris located,it is “tracked” by moving the virtual dipole
`toward the finger once the finger has moved more than one
`row or column.
`Because the virtual dipole method operates by generating
`a balance signal that is zero when the capacitance does not
`vary with distance, it only senses the perimeter of the finger
`contact area, rather than the entire contact area. Because the
`method relies on synchronous detection of the exciting
`signal, it must average for long periods to reject electrical
`interference, and hence it
`is slow. The averaging time
`required by this method,
`together with the necessity to
`search sequentially for a new finger contact once a previous
`contact is lost, makes this method, like those before it, fall
`short of the requirements for a fast pointing device that is not
`affected by electrical interference.
`It should also be noted that all previous touch pad
`inventions that used interpolation placed rigorous design
`requirements on their sensing pad. Greanias and Evans use
`a complicated and expensive drive, sense and electrode line
`scheme to develop their signal. Gruaz and Gerpheide use a
`two signal drive and senseset. In the present invention the
`driving and sensing is done on the sameline. This allows the
`row and columnsections to be symmetric and equivalent.
`This in turn allows independent calibration of all signal
`paths, which makes board layout simpler and less
`constraining, and allows for more unique sensor topologies.
`The shortcomings of the inventions and techniques
`describedin the prior art can also be traced to the use of only
`one set of driving and sensing electronics, which was
`multiplexed sequentially over the electrodes in the tablet.
`This arrangement wascost effective in the days of discrete
`components, and avoidedoffset and scale differences among
`The sequential scanning approach of previous systems
`also made them more susceptible to noise. Noise levels
`could change between successive measurements,
`changing the measured signal and the assumptions used in
`interpolation routines.
`Finally, all previous approaches assumed a particular
`signal response for finger position versus matrix position.
`Because the transfer curve is very sensitive to many param-
`eters and is not a smooth linear curve as Greanias and
`Gerpheide assume, such approaches are limited in the
`amount of interpolation they can perform.
`In prior co-pending application Ser. No. 08/115,743, filed
`Aug. 31,1993, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,734,787, a two-
`dimensional capacitive sensing system equipped with a
`separate set of drive/sense electronics for each row and for
`each column of a capacitive tablet is disclosed. All row
`electrodes are sensed simultaneously, and all column elec-
`trodes are sensed simultaneously. The sensed signals are
`processed by analog circuitry.
`Of the touchpad devices currently available, only the
`Alps/Cirque GlidePoint includes gesture recognition. The
`GlidePoint supports basic tap, double-tap, and drag gestures
`to simulate actions on a primary mouse button. It does not
`support multiple-finger gestures, nor are there gestures for
`simulating secondary button clicks. No information is
`known about the implementation methods employed in the
`GlidePoint. However,
`the GlidePoint
`is known to have
`difficulty with double-taps, one of the problems addressed
`by the present invention. The GlidePoint exhibits a hesita-
`tion on each finger-motion stroke which may be an attempt
`to stabilize the cursor during tap gestures. Also, the Glide-
`Point must rely on physical switches or extremely high gain
`or acceleration in order to allow drags over long distances.
`One touchpad product, the UnMouse, mounts a switch
`underneath its resistive sensor so that the user simply presses
`down onthe pad to activate the button. Aside from requiring
`fragile and complex mechanical mounting, this device also
`is reported to be very tiring to the user.
`Graphics tablets operated by a pressure sensitive stylus
`instead of a finger are well knownin the art. These devices
`typically use a mechanism like the “push” gesture of the
`present invention to simulate actuator switches. No other
`gestures of the sort described herein have been seenin stylus
`operated tablets.
`It is thus an object of the present invention to provide a
`two-dimensional capacitive sensing system equipped with a
`separate set of drive/sense electronics for each row and for
`each column of a capacitive tablet, wherein all row elec-
`trodes are sensed simultaneously, and all columnelectrodes
`are sensed simultaneously.
`It is a further object of the present invention to provide an
`electronic system that
`is sensitive to the entire area of
`contact of a finger or other conductive object with a capaci-
`tive tablet, and to provide as output the coordinates of some
`measure of the center of this contact area while remaining
`insensitive to the characteristic profile of the object being
`It is a further object of the present invention to provide an
`electronic system that provides as output some measure of
`area of contact of a finger or other conductive object with a
`capacitive tablet.
`Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a
`two-dimensional capacitive sensing system equipped with a
`separate set of drive/sense electronics for each row and for
`each column of a capacitive tablet, wherein all row elec-
`trodes are sensed simultaneously, and all columnelectrodes
`Exhibit 1007, Page 32
`Exhibit 1007, Page 32
`to translate the capacitance
`(ie., greater than about 5)
`changes of the conductors caused by object proximity into
`digital information whichis processed to derive position and
`touch pressure information. Its output is a simple X, Y and
`pressure value of the one object on its surface.
`In all
`descriptions herein, fingers are to be considered interchange-
`able with conductive objects and objects of high dielectric
`are sensed simultaneously and wherein the information
`defining the location of a finger or other conductive object
`is processed in digital form.
`It is a further object of the present invention to provide a
`two-dimensional capacitive sensing system wherein all row
`electrodes are sensed simultaneously, and all columnelec-
`trodes are sensed simultaneously and wherein the location of
`a finger or other conductive object within a peripheral region
`of a sensing plane can optionally cause cursor “edge
`Different prior art pad scan techniques have different
`motion” on a display screen allowing control of large cursor
`advantages in different environments. Parallel drive/sense
`excursions from a small sensing plane with a single gesture.
`techniques according to the present invention allow input
`A further object of the invention is to provide for the
`samples to be taken simultaneously, thus all channels are
`recognition of a drag extension gesture madebya finger or
`affected by the same phaseof an interfering electrical signal,
`other object on a touch-sensor pad in a manner which
`greatly simplifying the signal processing and noise