`destinations <<.
`I |||
`From other
`EZ Optional
`To other
`fia3] Essential
`Ex. 1022 / Page 1 of 64


`Fundamentals and Applications
`The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California
`University of California, Los Angeles
`P TR Prentice Hall
`Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
`Ex. 1022 / Page 2 of 64


`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Star, Bernarp (date)
`Digital communications,
`Bibliography: p.
`Includes index.
`I. Title.
`1. Digital communications.
`ISBN 0-13-211939-0
`Editorial/production supervision and
`interior design: Reynold Rieger
`Cover design: Wanda Lubelska Design
`Manufacturing buyers: Gordon Osbourne and Paula Benevento
`=5© 1988 by P T R Prentice-Hall, Inc.
`= A Simon & Schuster Company
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`ISBN 0-13-211939-0 O25
`Ex. 1022 / Page 3 of 64


`Digital Communication Signal Processing,
`Id.) Why Digital?,
`Typical Block Diagram'and Transformations,
`Basie Digital Communication Nomenclature,
`1.1.4 Digital versus Analog Performance Criteria,
`Classification of Signals,
`1.2.1 Deterministic and Random Signals,
`Periodic and Nonperiodic Signals,
`1.23 Analog and Discrete Signals,
`Energy and Power Signals,
`The Unit Impulse Function,
`Spectral Density,
`Energy Spectral Density,
`Power Spectral Density,
`1.4 Autocorrelation,
`1.4.1 Autocorrelation of an Energy Signal,
`1.4.2 Autocorrelation of a Periodic (Power) Signal,
`Random Signals,
`Random Variables,
`Random Processes,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 4 of 64


`Time Averaging and Ergodicity,
`Power Spectral Density of a Random Process,
`Noise in Communication Systems,
`Signal Transmission through Linear Systems,
`Impulse Response,
`Frequency Transfer Function,
`1.6.3 Distortionless Transmission,
`Signals, Circuits, and Spectra,
`Bandwidth of Digital Data,
`Baseband versus Bandpass,
`The Bandwidth Dilemma,
`Baseband Systems,
`Formatting Textual Data (Character Coding),
`Messages, Characters, and Symbols,
`Example of Messages, Characters, and
`Formatting Analog Information,
`The Sampling Theorem,
`2.4.2 Aliasing,
`Signal Interface for a Digital System,
`Sources of Corruption,
`Sampling and Quantizing Effects,
`Channel Effects,
`Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Quantized Pulses,
`Pulse Code Modulation,
`Uniform and Nonuniform Quantization,
`Statistics of Speech Amplitudes,
`2.7.2. Nonuniform Quantization,
`Companding Characteristics,
`Baseband Transmission,
`2.8.1 Waveform Representation of Binary Digits,
`PCM Waveform Types,
`Spectral Attributes of PCM Waveforms,
`Detection of Binary Signals in Gaussian Noise,
`2.9.1 Maximum Likelihood Receiver Structure,
`The Matched Filter,
`Correlation Realization of the Matched Filter,
`2.9.4 Application of the Matched Filter,
`Error Probability Performance of Binary
`Ex. 1022 / Page 5 of 64


` Multilevel Baseband Transmission,
`2.10.1 PCM Word Size,
`Intersymbol Interference,
`211.1 Pulse Shaping to Reduce ISI,
`2.41.2 Equalization,
`Partial Response Signaling,
`2.12.1 Duobinary Signaling,
`2.42.2 Duobinary Decoding,
`2.12.3 Precoding,
`2.12.4 Duobinary Equivalent Transfer Function,
`2.12.53 Comparison of Binary with Duobinary
`2.12.6 Polybinary Signaling,
`Why Modulate?,
`Signals and Noise,
`3.2.1 Noise in Radio Communication Systems,
`A Geometric View of Signals and Noise,
`Digital Bandpass Modulation Techniques,
`Phase Shift Keying,
`Frequency Shift Keying,
`3.3.3 Amplitude Shift Keying,
`3.3.4 Amplitude Phase Keying,
`3.3.5 Waveform Amplitude Coefficient,
`Detection of Signals in Gaussian Noise,
`Decision Regions,
`Correlation Receiver,
`Coherent Detection,
`Coherent Detection af PSK,
`Sampled Matched Filter,
`Coherent Detection af Multiple Phase Shift
`Coherent Detection of FSK,
`Noncoherent Detection,
`Detection of Differential PSK,
`Binary Differential PSK Example,
`3.6.3 Noncoherent Detection of FSK,
`3.6.4 Minimum Required Tone Spacing for Noncoherent
`Orthogonal FSK Signaling,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 6 of 64


`Error Performance for Binary Systems,
`Probability ofBit Error for Coherenily Detected
`Prebability ofBit Error for Coherently Detected
`Differentially Encoded PSK,
`Probability of Bit Error for Coherently Detected
`Probability ofBit Error forNoncoherently Detected
`Probability of Bit Error for DPSK,
`Comparison of Bit Error Performance for Various
`Modulation Types,
`M-ary Signaling and Performance,
`Ideal Probability of Bit Error Performance,
`3.8.2 M-ary Signaling,
` Vectorial View ofMPSK Signaling,
`BPSK and QPSK Have the Same Bit Error
`Vectorial View af MFSK Signaling,
`Symbol Error Performance for M-ary Systems (M > 2),
`Probability of Symbol Error for MPSK,
`Probability of Symbol Error for MFSK,
`3.9.3 Bit Error Probability versus Symbol Error Probability
`for Orthogonal Signals,
`Bit Error Probability versus Symbol Error Probability
`for Multiple Phase Signaling,
`Effects of Intersymbol Interference,
`4.1 What the System Link Budget Tells the System
`The Channel,
`The Concept of Free Space,
`Signal-to-Noise Ratio Degradation,
`Sources of Signal Loss and Noise,
`Received Signal Power and Noise Power,
`The Range Equation,
`4.3.2 Received Signal Power as a Function of
`Path Loss Is Frequency Dependent,
`Thermal Noise Power,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 7 of 64


`Link Budget Analysis,
`Two E,/No Values of Interest,
`Link Budgets Are Typically Calculated in
`4.4.3 How Much Link Margin Is Enough?,
`Link Availability,
`4.5 Noise Figure, Noise Temperature, and System
`4.5.1 Noise Figure,
`4.5.2 Noise Temperature,
`Line Loss,
`Composite Noise Figure and Composite Noise
`System Effective Temperature,
`Sky Noise Temperature,
`Sample Link Analysis,
`Link Budget Details,
`Receiver Figure-of-Merit,
`Received Isotropic Power,
`Satellite Repeaters,
`4.7.1 Nonregenerative Repeaters,
`4.7.2 Nonlinear Repeater Amplifiers,
`System Trade-Offs,
`5.1 Waveform Coding,
`Antipodal and Orthogonal Signals,
`5.1.2 M-ary Signaling,
`5.1.3 Waveform Coding with Correlation Detection,
`5.14 Orthogonal Codes,
`Biorthogonal Codes,
`Transorthogonal (Simplex) Codes,
`Types of Error Control,
`Terminal Connectivity,
`5.2.2 Automatic Repeat Request,
`Structured Sequences,
`Channel Models,
`Code Rate and Redundancy,
`Parity-Check Codes,
`Coding Gain,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 8 of 64


`Linear Block Codes,
`Vector Spaces,
`Vector Subspaces,
`A (6, 3) Linear Block Code Example,
`Generator Matrix,
`Systematic Linear Block Cades,
`Parity-Check Matrix,
`Syndrome Testing,
`Error Correction,
`Coding Strength,
`Weight and Distance of Binary Vectors,
`Minimum Distance of a Linear Code,
`Error Detection and Correction,
`Visualization of a 6-Tuple Space,
`Erasure Correction,
`Cyclic Codes,
`Algebraic Structure of Cyclic Cedes,
`Binary Cyclic Code Properties,
`Encoding in Systematic Form, 290
`Circuit for Dividing Polynomials,
`Systematic Encoding with an (n — k)-Stage Shift
`Error Detection with an (n — k)-Stage Shift
`Well-Known Block Codes,
`Hamming Codes,
`Extended Golay Cade,
`BCH Codes,
`Reed-Solomon Codes,
`Convolutional Encoding,
`Convolutional Encoder Representation,
`Connection Representation,
`State Representation and the State Diagram,
`The Tree Diagram,
`The Trellis Diagram,
`Formulation of the Convolutional Decoding Problem,
`Maximum Likelihood Decoding,
`Channel Models: Hard versus Soft Decisions,
`The Viterbi Convolutional Decoding Algorithm,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 9 of 64


`6.3.4 An Example ofViterbi Convolutional
`Path Memory and Synchronization,
`Properties of Convolutional Codes,
`6.4.1 Distance Properties of Convolutional Codes, 338
`Systematic and Nonsystematic Convolutional
`Catastrophic Errer Propagation in Convolutional
`Performance Bounds for Convolutional Codes,
`Coding Gain,
`Best Known Convolutional Codes,
`Convolutional Code Rate Trade-Off,
`Other Convolutional Decoding Algorithms,
`Sequential Decoding,
`Comparisons and Limitations of Viterbi and
`Sequential Decoding,
`Feedback Decoding,
`Interleaving and Concatenated Codes,
`Block Interleaving,
`Convolutional Interleaving,
` Concatenated Codes,
`Coding and Interleaving Applied to the Compact Disc Digital
`Audio System,
`CIRC Encoding,
`CIRC Decoding,
`Interpolation and Muting,
`| )
`Goals of the Communications System Designer,
`Error Probability Plane,
`7.3. Nyquist Minimum Bandwidth,
`Shannon—Hartley Capacity Theorem,
`Shannon Limit,
`Equivocation and Effective Transmission Rate,
`Bandwidth-Efficiency Plane,
`Bandwidth Efficiency of MPSK and MFSK
`7.5.2 Analogies between Bandwidth-Efficiency and Error
`Probability Planes,
`Power-Limited Systems,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 10 of 64


`Bandwidth-Limited Systems,
`Modulation and Coding Trade-Offs,
`Bandwidth-Efficient Modulations,
`QPSK and Offset QPSK Signaling,
`7.9.2 Minimum Shift Keying,
`7.9.3 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation,
`Modulation and Coding for Bandlimited Channels,
`7.10.1 Commercial Telephone Modems,
`7.10.2 Signal Constellation Boundaries,
`7.10.3 Higher-Dimensional Signal Constellations,
`7.10.4 Higher-Density Lattice Structures,
`7.10.5 Combined-Gain: N-Sphere Mapping and Dense
`7.10.6 TrelliseCoded Modulation, 417
`7.10.7 Trellis-Coding Example,
`Maurice A. King,Jr.
`Synchronization in the Context of Digital
`8.1.1 What It Means to Be Synchronized,
`Costs versus Benefits of Synchronization
`Receiver Synchronization,
`Coherent Systems: Phase-Locked Loops,
`Symbol Synchronization,
`Frame Synchronization,
`Network Synchronization,
`Open-Loop Transmitter Synchronization,
`Closed-Loop Transmitter Synchronization, 468
`Allocation of the Communications Resource,
`Frequency-Division Multiplexing/Multiple
`Ex. 1022 / Page 11 of 64


`Time-Division Multiplexing/Multiple Access,
`Communications Resource Channelization,
`Performance Comparison of FDMA and
`Code-Division Multiple Access,
` Space-Division and Polarization-Division Multiple
`Multiple Access Communications System and
`9.2.1 Multiple Access Information Flow,
`9.2.2 Demand-Assignment Multiple Access,
`Access Algorithms,
`Slotted ALOHA,
`Performance Comparison of S-ALOHA
`and R-ALOHA,
`Polling Techniques,
`Multiple Access Techniques Employed with
`Preassigned FDM/FM/FDMA or MCPC
`9.4.2 MCPC Modes of Accessing an INTELSAT
`SPADE Operation,
` Satellite-Switched TDMA in INTELSAT,
`Multiple Access Techniques for Local Area Networks,
`Carrier-Sense Multiple Access Networks,
`Token-Ring Networks,
`Performance Comparison of CSMA/CD
`and Token-Ring Networks,
`Spread-Spectrum Overview,
`The Beneficial Attributes of Spread-Spectrum
`10.1.2 Model for Spread-Spectrum Interference
`A Catalog of Spreading Techniques,
`10.1.4 Historical Background,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 12 of 64


`Pseudonoise Sequences,
`Randomness Properties,
`Shift Register Sequences,
`PN Autocorrelation Function,
`Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Systems,
`Example of Direct Sequencing,
`10.3.2, Processing Gain and Performance,
`Frequency Hopping Systems,
`Frequency Hopping Example, 557
`10.4.2 Robustness,
`Frequency Hopping with Diversity,
`Fast Hopping versus Slow Hopping,
`FFH/IMFSK Demodulator,
`10.5.1 Acquisition,
`Spread-Spectrum Applications,
`Code-Division Multiple Access,
`10.6.2 Multipath Channels,
`The Jamming Game,
`Further Jamming Considerations,
`10.7.1 Broadband Noise Jamming,
`Partial-Band Noise Jamming,
`10.7.3 Multiple-Tone Jamming,
`Pulse Jamming,
`10.7.5 Repeat-Back Jamming,
`BLADES System,
`Fredric J. Harris
`Discrete Sources,
`111.2 Waveform Sources,
`Amplitude Quantizing,
`Quantizing Noise,
`Uniform Quantizing,
`11.2.4 Dithering,
`11.2.5|Nonuniform Quantizing, 617
`Differential Pulse Code Modulation,
`One-Tap Prediction,
`N-Tap Prediction,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 13 of 64


`{14.3|Quantization for Transform Coding, 647
` 11.4.3
`Delta Modulation,
`Adaptive Prediction,
`Block Coding,
`Vector Quantizing,
`Transform Coding,
` Subband Coding,
` Synthesis/Analysis Coding,
`Linear Predictive Coding,
`Redundancy-Reducing Coding,
`Properties of Codes,
`Huffman Code,
`Run-Length Codes,
`12.1 Models, Goals, and Early Cipher Systems,
`A Model of the Encryption and Decryption
`System Goals,
`Classic Threats,
`Classic Ciphers,
`The Secrecy of a Cipher System,
`Perfect Secrecy,
`Entropy and Equivocation,
`Rate of a Language and Redundancy,
`Unicity Distance and Ideal Secrecy,
`Practical Security,
`Confusion and Diffusion,
`Product Cipher System,
`The Data Encryption Standard,
`Stream Encryption,
`Example of Key Generation Using a Linear
`Feedback Shift Register,
`Vulnerabilities of Linear Feedback Shift
`Synchronous and Self-Synchronous Stream
`Encryption Systems,
` Contents
`Ex. 1022 / Page 14 of 64


`Public Key Cryptosystems,
`Signature Authentication Using a Public Key
`A Trapdoor One-Way Function,
`The Rivest-Shamir—Adelman Scheme,
`The Knapsack Problem,
`A Public Key Cryptosystem Based on a Trapdoor
`Signals, Spectra, and Linear Systems,
`Fourier Techniques for Linear System Analysis,
`Fourier Series Transform,
`Spectrum of a Pulse Train,
`Fourier Integral Transform,
`Fourier Transform Properties,
`Time Shifting Property,
`Frequency Shifting Property,
`Useful Functions,
`Unit Impulse Function,
`Spectrum of a Sinusoid,
`Graphical Illustration of Convelution,
`Time Convolution Property,
`Frequency Convolution Property,
`Convolution of a Function with a Unit
` Demodulation Application of Convolution,
`Tables of Fourier Transforms and Operations,
`Bayes’ Theorem,
`Discrete Form of Bayes’ Theorem,
`B12 Mixed Form of Bayes’ Theorem,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 15 of 64


`Decision Theory,
`Components of the Decision Theory Problem,
`The Likelihood Ratio Test and the Maximum
`A Posteriori Criterion,
`The Maximum Likelihood Criterion,
`Signal Detection Example,
`The Maximum Likelihood Binary Decision,
`Probability of Bit Error,
`Ex. 1022 / Page 16 of 64


`From other
`Ez req-
`Modulation and Coding
`stream ronization|waveform.
`[] Essential
`To other
`Ex. 1022 / Page 17 of 64


`as ach
`will be
`plane; {
`System trade-offs are fundamentaltoall digital communication designs. The goals
`of the designer are (1) to maximize transmissionbit rate, R; (2) to minimize prob-
`ability of bit error, Pg; (3) to minimize required power, or equivalently, to min-
`imize required bit energy to noise powerspectral density, £,/No; (4) to minimize
`required system bandwidth, W; (5) to maximize system utilization, that is, to
`providereliable service for a maximum numberofusers with minimum delay and
`with maximumresistance to interference; and (6) to minimize system complexity,
`computational load, and system cost. A good system designer seeks to achieve
`all these goals simultaneously. However, goals 1 and 2 are clearly in conflict with
`goals 3 and 4; they call for simultaneously maximizing R, while minimizing Pp,
`E,/No, and W. There are several constraints and theoretical limitations that ne-
`cessitate the trading off of any one system requirement with each of the others.
`Some of the constraints are:
`The Nyquist theoretical minimum bandwidth requirement
`The Shannon—Hartley capacity theorem (and the Shannonlimit)
`Governmentregulations(e.g., frequency allocations)
`Technologicallimitations (e.g., state-of-the art components)
`Other system requirements (e.g.,
`satellite orbits)
`Some ofthe realizable modulation and coding trade-offs can best be viewed
`Modulation and Coding Trade-Offs
`Chap. 7
`7.1b). I
`M-ary |
`M)is in
`Pz, or
`Figure ’
`as k (or
`error pr
`able for
`rate, ca
`point in
`in the o
`from on
`7.1a anc
`can be.
`e and f.
`along li
`be achie
`tem isc
`3) invols
`need to
`Sec. 7.2
`Ex. 1022 / Page 18 of 64


`as a changein operating point on one of two performanceplanes. These planes
`will be referred to as the error probability plane and the bandwidth efficiency
`plane; they are described in the following sections.
`Figure 7.1 illustrates the family of Py versus E,/No curves for the coherent de-
`tection of orthogonal signaling (Figure 7.1a) and multiple phase signaling (Figure
`7.1b). Forsignaling schemes that process k bits at a time, the signaling is called
`M-ary (see Section 3.8). The modulator uses one of its M = 2" waveforms to
`representeach k-bit sequence, where M is the size of the symbolset. Figure
`illustrates the potential bit error improvement with orthogonal signaling as k (or
`M)is increased. For orthogonal signal sets, such as frequency shift keying (FSK)
`modulation, increasing the size of the symbol set can provide an improvementin
`Px, or a reduction in the E,/No required, at the cost of increased bandwidth.
`Figure 7.1b illustrates potential bit error degradation with nonorthogonal signaling
`as k (or M) increases. For nonorthogonal signal sets, such as multiple phase shift
`keying (MPSK) modulation, increasing the size of the symbol set can reduce the
`bandwidth requirement,but at the cost of a degraded Pz, or an increased E,/No
`requirement, We shall refer to these families of curves (Figure 7.1a or b) as error
`probability performance curves, ‘and to the plane on which they are plotted as an
`error probability plane. Such a plane describes the locus of operating points avail-
`able for a particular type ofmodulation and coding. For a given system information
`rate, each curve in the plane can be associated with a different fixed minimum
`required bandwidth; therefore, the set of curves can be termed equibandwidth
`curves. As the curves movein the direction of the ordinate, the required trans-
`mission bandwidth increases; as the curves move in the opposite direction, the
`required bandwidth decreases. Once a modulation and coding scheme and an
`available E;,/No are determined, system operation is characterized by a particular
`point in the error probability plane. Possible trade-offs can be viewed as changes
`in the operating point on one of the curves or as changesin the operating point
`from one curveto another curve of the family. These trade-offs are seen in Figure
`7.1a and b as changes in the system operating pointin the direction shown by the
`arrows. Movementof the operating point along line 1, between points a and b,
`can be viewed astrading off Ps for E,/No performance (withWfixed). Similarly,
`movement along line 2, between points c and d, is seen as trading Ps for W
`performance (with E,/No fixed), Finally, movementalongline 3, between points
`e and f,illustrates trading W for E,/No performance (with Py fixed), Movement
`along line 1 is effected by increasing or decreasingthe available E,/No. This can
`be achieved, for example, by increasing transmitter power, which means that the
`trade-off might be accomplished simply by “turning a knob,’* even after the sys-
`tem is configured. However, the other trade-offs (movementalong line 2 orline
`3) involve some change in the system modulation or coding scheme,and therefore
`need to be accomplished during the system design phase.
`Sec. 7.2
`Error Probability Plane
`Ex. 1022 / Page 19 of 64


`23a ei Eo
`g3&aZ&a 55 5 &
`10 E,/No(dB)
`(WW) 8g ‘Al qeqoud soa yg

`(IN) 8g “Auiqeqoud Joa Wg
`7.3 NYQI
`E b
`Ex. 1022 / Page 20 of 64


`Shannon [2] showed that the system capacity, C, of a channel perturbed by ad-
`ditive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)is a function of the average received signal
`power, S, the average noise power, N, and the bandwidth, W. The capacity re-
`lationship (Shannon—Hartley theorem) can be stated as
`C = W logs (1 + x)
`Everyrealizable system having some nonideal filtering will suffer from intersym-
`bol interference (ISI)—thetail of one pulse spilling over into adjacent symbol
`intervals so as to interfere with correct detection. Nyquist [1] showedthat, in
`theory, R, symbols per second could be detected without ISI in an R,/2 hertz
`minimum bandwidth (Nyquist bandwidth); this is a basic theoretical constraint,
`limiting the designer’s goal to expendaslittle bandwidth as possible (see Section
`2.11). In practice, R, hertz is typically required for the transmission ofR, symbols
`per second. In other words, typical digital communication throughput, without
`ISI, is limited to 1 symbol/s per hertz. The modulation or coding system assigns
`to each symbol, of its set of M symbols, a k-bit meaning, where M = 2*, Fora
`signaling scheme with a fixed bandwidth, such as MPSK, as & increases, the
`allowable data rate, R, increases, and hence the bandwidth efficiency, R/W, mea-
`sured in bits per secondperhertz, also increases. For example, movement along
`line 3, from point ¢ to point f in Figure7. 1b represents trading E,/No fora reduced
`bandwidth requirement. In other words, with the same system bandwidth one can
`transmit at an increased data rate, hence at an increased R/W.
`When W is in hertz and the logarithm is taken to the base 2, as shown, the capacity
`is givenin bits/s. It is theoretically possible to transmit information over such a
`channel at any rate, R, where R = C, with an arbitrarily small error probability
`by using a sufficiently complicated coding scheme. For an information rate
`R > C,it is not possible to find a code that can achieve an arbitrarily small error
`probability, Shannon’s work showed that the values of 5, N, and W set a limit
`on transmission rate, not on error probability. Shannon [3] used Equation (7.1)
`to graphically exhibit a bound for the achievable performance ofpractical systems.
`This plot, shown in Figure 7.2, gives the normalized channel capacity C/W in
`bits/s/Hz as a function of the channel signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A related plot,
`shownin Figure 7.3, indicates the normalized channel bandwidth W/C in Hz/bits/s
`as a function of SNR in the channel. Figure 7.3 is sometimes used to illustrate
`the power—bandwidth trade-off inherent in the ideal channel. However, it is not
`a pure trade-off [4] becausethe detected noise power is proportional to bandwidth.
`N = NoW
`Shannon-Hartley Capacity Theorem
`Ex. 1022 / Page 21 of 64


`C/W (bits/s/Hz)
` Unattainable
`systems 20
`SNR (dB)
`Figure 7.2 Normalized channel
`capacity versus channel SNR.
`Substituting Equation (7,2) into Equation (7.1) and rearranging terms yields
`W = logs (: i aw)
`For the case where transmission bit rate is equal to channel capacity, R = C
`we can usethe identity presented in Equation (3.94) to write
`Nod ~ Ne
`Hence we can modify Equation (7.3) as follows:
`© = 108, [! + (5)
`20W = 1 + ma (=)
`7 = =o - 1)
`Figure 7.4 is a plot of W/C versus E,/Np in accordance with Equation (7.6).
`Modulation and Coding Trade-Offs
`Chap. 7
`Ex. 1022 / Page 22 of 64


` Shannon-Hartley Capacity Theorem
`There exists a limiting value of E,/No below which there can be no error-free
`communication at any information rate. Using the identity
`lim (1 + x)* =e
`Figure 7.3. Normalized channel
`bandwidth versus channel SNR.
`The asymptotic behavior of this curve as C/W — 0 (or. W/C > @)is discussed in
`the next section.
`7.4.1 Shannon Limit
`we can calculate the limiting value of E,,/No as follows. Let
`a (C
`~ No
`Then from Equation (7.5),
`= x log, (1 + x)!”
`j= —
`No loge (1 + x)
`Sec. 7.4
`SNR (dB)
`Ex. 1022 / Page 23 of 64


`W/C (Hz/bits/s)
`log, 2 = — 1.59 dB
`E,/No (dB)
`Chap. 7
`This value of £,/No is called the Shannon limit. On Figure 7.1a the Shannonlimit
`is the Pp versus E,/No curve corresponding to k > ~. The curveis discontinuous,
`going from a value of Py = } to Py = Oat E,/Ny = —1.59 dB. It is not possible
`in practice to reach the Shannonlimit, because as k increases without bound,the
`bandwidth requirement and the implementation complexity increase without
`bound. Shannon’s work provided a theoretical proof for the existence of codes
`that could improve the Pg performance, or reduce the E,/No required, from the
`levels of the uncoded binary modulation schemesto levels approachingthelimiting
`curve. Fora bit error probability of 10~°, binary phase shift keying (BPSK) mod-
`ulation requires an E,/No of 9.6 dB (the optimum uncoded binary modulation),
`Therefore, Shannon’s work promised the existence ofa theoretical performance
`Figure 7.4 Normalized channel bandwidth versus channel E,/Np.
`In the limit, as C/W — 0, we get
`= 0.693
`or, in decibels = —1.59 dB
`Modulation and Coding Trade-Offs
`Ex. 1022 / Page 24 of 64


`improvement of 11.2 dB over the performance of optimum uncoded binary mod-
`ulation, through the use of coding techniques. Today, most of that promised im-
`provement(approximately 7 dB) is realizable [5]. Optimum system design can
`best be described as a search for rational compromises or trade-offs among the
`various constraints and conflicting goals. The modulation and coding trade-off,
`that is, the: selection of modulation and coding techniques to make the best use
`of transmitter power and channel bandwidth, is important, since there are strong
`incentives to reduce the cost of generating power and to conserve the radio
`H = — > p;logzp;_bits/source output (7.8) ))
`wherep; is the probability of the ith output and >) p; = 1. In the case of a binary
`message or a source having only two possible outputs, with probabilities p and
`q = (1 — p), the entropyis written
`H = —(p log. p + q log: q)
`7.4.2 Entropy
`To design a communications system with a specified message handling capability,
`we need a metric for measuring the information content to be transmitted. Shan-
`non [2] developed such a metric, H, called the entropy of the message source
`(having n possible outputs), Entropy is defined as the average amountof infor-
`mation per source output and is expressed by
`and is plotted versus p in Figure 7.5.
`including the
`The quantity H has a numberof interesting properties,
`1. Whenthe logarithm in Equation (7.8) is taken to th

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