`Juniper Networks, Inc. & Palo Alto Networks, Inc.,
`Packet Intelligence LLC,
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2020-00337
`Patent 6,771,646
`PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(B)(1)
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450


`I. Introduction
`Under the Federal Rules of Evidence and 37 C.F.R. § 42.64, Packet
`Intelligence LLC (“Patent Owner”) timely objects to evidence submitted by Juniper
`Networks, Inc. & Palo Alto Networks, Inc. (“Petitioners”) in this proceeding. Patent
`Owner may move to exclude the challenged exhibits under 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(c)
`unless Petitioners provide evidence curing the objections identified by Patent Owner
`II. Specific Objections
`A. Exhibit 1006 - Declaration of Dr. Jon B. Weissman
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1006 under Federal Rules of Evidence
`(“FRE”) 701-705 and 802 because Dr. Weissman has not been made available for
`deposition, and Patent Owner reserves the right to raise any additional objections
`that become apparent from his deposition at that time if he is made available for
`B. Exhibit 1010 – RFC 1945- Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1010 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have
`not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1010 is a true and
`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it is actually RFC
`1945. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would demonstrate
`that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1010
`is a true and correct copy of RFC 1945. Patent Owner also objects to Exhibit 1010


`under FRE 802 as containing hearsay that does not fall within any applicable
`C. Exhibit 1026 - Chart comparing Riddle’s Claims 1, 8, and 11 to ’864
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1026 as an attempt to circumvent the petition
`word count limit of 37 CFR § 42.24. See 2019 Consolidated Trial Practice Guide at
`44 (“Claim charts submitted as part of a petition, motion, patent owner preliminary
`response, patent owner response, opposition, or reply count towards applicable word
`count limits…”).
`D. Exhibit 1032 - PointCast Inc. is Testing a New Screen-Saver Product, The
`Wall Street Journal, April 15, 1996
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1032 under FRE 802 as containing hearsay
`that does not fall within any applicable exceptions. Patent Owner also objects to
`Exhibit 1032 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have not produced any evidence
`“sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the proponent claims it is.” FRE
`901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit
`1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1032 is a true and correct copy of a document
`downloaded from the internet, not that it was actually published in the Wall Street
`Journal at the relevant time. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation
`that would demonstrate that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as
`to whether Exhibit 1032 is a true and correct copy of what it purports to be.
`E. Exhibit 1033 - Gillin-Computer World May 13, 1996
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1033 under FRE 802 as containing hearsay
`that does not fall within any applicable exceptions. Patent Owner objects to Exhibit


`1033 under FRE 106 for failing to introduce the document in its entirety. Patent
`Owner also objects to Exhibit 1033 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have not
`produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1033 is a true and
`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it was actually
`published in Computer World at the relevant time. Furthermore, Petitioners have
`provided no foundation that would demonstrate that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has
`firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1033 is a true and correct copy of what it
`purports to be.
`F. Exhibit 1034 – Sneider - The Christian Science Monitor
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1034 under FRE 802 as containing hearsay
`that does not fall within any applicable exceptions. Patent Owner objects to Exhibit
`1034 under FRE 106 for failing to introduce the document in its entirety – for
`example, page 2 of the document refers to an illustration, but no illustration is
`present. Patent Owner also objects to Exhibit 1034 under FRE 901 because
`Petitioners have not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the
`item is what the proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a
`declaration as Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1034
`is a true and correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it
`was actually published in the Christian Science Monitor at the relevant time.
`Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would demonstrate that


`the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1034 is a
`true and correct copy of what it purports to be.
`G. Exhibit 1035 - PointCast Inc. 1998 SEC Filings
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1035 under FRE 802 as containing hearsay
`that does not fall within any applicable exceptions.
`H. Exhibit 1037 - RFC 765 File Transfer Protocol
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1037 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have
`not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1037 is a true and
`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it is actually RFC
`765. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would demonstrate
`that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1037
`is a true and correct copy of RFC 765.
`I. Exhibit 1038 - RFC 791 Internet Protocol
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1038 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have
`not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1038 is a true and
`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it is actually RFC
`791. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would demonstrate
`that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1038
`is a true and correct copy of RFC 791.


`J. Exhibit 1039 - RFC 793 Transmission Control Protocol
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1039 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have
`not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1039 is a true and
`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it is actually RFC
`793. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would demonstrate
`that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1039
`is a true and correct copy of RFC 793.
`K. Exhibit 1040 - RFC 1543 Instructions to RFC Authors
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1040 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have
`not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1040 is a true and
`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it is actually RFC
`1543. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would demonstrate
`that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1040
`is a true and correct copy of RFC 1543.
`L. Exhibit 1041 - RFC 2026 The Internet Standards Process-Revision 3
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1041 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have
`not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1041 is a true and


`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it is actually RFC
`2026. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would demonstrate
`that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1041
`is a true and correct copy of RFC 2026.
`M. Exhibit 1042 - RFC 2616 Hypertext Transfer Protocol-HTTP1.1
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1042 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have
`not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1042 is a true and
`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it is actually RFC
`2616. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would demonstrate
`that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether Exhibit 1042
`is a true and correct copy of RFC 2616.
`N. Exhibit 1043 - International Standard ISO IEC 7498
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1043 under FRE 901 because Petitioners have
`not produced any evidence “sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the
`proponent claims it is.” FRE 901(a). While Petitioners submitted a declaration as
`Exhibit 1083 in support, Exhibit 1083 merely claims that Exhibit 1043 is a true and
`correct copy of a document downloaded from the internet, not that it is actually ISO
`IEC 7498. Furthermore, Petitioners have provided no foundation that would
`demonstrate that the Exhibit 1083 declarant has firsthand knowledge as to whether
`Exhibit 1043 is a true and correct copy of ISO IEC 7498.


`O. Exhibit 1044 - Internet Archive Affidavit for RFC 1945
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1044 under FRE 701-705 and 802 because
`Christopher Butler has not been made available for deposition, and Patent Owner
`reserves the right to raise any additional objections that become apparent from his
`deposition at that time if he is made available for deposition.
`P. Exhibit 1045 - Internet Archive Affidavit for RFC 1889
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1045 under FRE 701-705 and 802 because
`Christopher Butler has not been made available for deposition, and Patent Owner
`reserves the right to raise any additional objections that become apparent from his
`deposition at that time if he is made available for deposition.
`Q. Exhibit 1046 - Internet Archive Affidavit for RFC 2326
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1046 under FRE 701-705 and 802 because
`Christopher Butler has not been made available for deposition, and Patent Owner
`reserves the right to raise any additional objections that become apparent from his
`deposition at that time if he is made available for deposition.
`R. Exhibit 1047 - Chart Comparing Disclosures of Yu and 859 Provisional
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1047 as an attempt to circumvent the petition
`word count limit of 37 CFR § 42.24. See November 2019 Consolidated Trial Practice
`Guide at 44 (“Claim charts submitted as part of a petition, motion, patent owner
`preliminary response, patent owner response, opposition, or reply count towards
`applicable word count limits…”).


`S. Exhibit 1048 - Chart comparing Yu's Claim 1 to '859 Provisional
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1048 as an attempt to circumvent the petition
`word count limit of 37 CFR § 42.24. See November 2019 Consolidated Trial Practice
`Guide at 44 (“Claim charts submitted as part of a petition, motion, patent owner
`preliminary response, patent owner response, opposition, or reply count towards
`applicable word count limits…”).
`T. Exhibit 1081 - Claim Terms That Third-Parties Previously Proposed
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1081 as an attempt to circumvent the petition
`word count limit of 37 CFR § 42.24. See November 2019 Consolidated Trial Practice
`Guide at 44 (“Claim charts submitted as part of a petition, motion, patent owner
`preliminary response, patent owner response, opposition, or reply count towards
`applicable word count limits…”).
`U. Exhibit 1082 - Table Comparing Claims 1, 10, and 17 of the 725 Patent
`Patent Owner objects to Exhibit 1082 as an attempt to circumvent the petition
`word count limit of 37 CFR § 42.24. See November 2019 Consolidated Trial Practice
`Guide at 44 (“Claim charts submitted as part of a petition, motion, patent owner
`preliminary response, patent owner response, opposition, or reply count towards
`applicable word count limits…”).
`Dated: September 24, 2020
`Respectfully submitted,
`By: /R. Allan Bullwinkel/
`R. Allan Bullwinkel (Reg. No. 77,630)
`Attorney for Patent Owner
`Packet Intelligence LLC


`The undersigned certifies that pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e), a copy of the
`PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(B)(1) was served via email to lead and backup
`counsel of record for Petitioner as follows:
`Joseph F. Edell
`Fisch Sigler LLP
`Adam A. Allgood
`Fisch Sigler LLP
`Scott A. McKeown
`Ropes & Gray LLP
`James R. Batchelder
`Ropes & Gray LLP
`Mark D. Rowland
`Ropes & Gray LLP
`Andrew Radsch
`Ropes & Gray LLP
`By: /R. Allan Bullwinkel/
`R. Allan Bullwinkel (Reg. No. 77,630)
`Attorney for Patent Owner
`Packet Intelligence LLC
`Dated: September 24, 2020

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