
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2020-00337
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646


`Petitioner Juniper Networks, Inc. and Packet Intelligence LLC submit this
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`unopposed motion for entry of a modified protective order. The parties have met
`and conferred, and Patent Owner Packet Intelligence LLC does not oppose this
`motion. Pursuant to the Board’s instructions in its July 13, 2020 Order, Juniper
`submits this unopposed motion with its motion to disqualify Dr. Almeroth.
`Petitioner requests that the Board enter the modified protective order
`(attached herewith in clean form as Attachment B). Also attached as Attachment A
`is a “redline” version showing differences between Attachment B and the default
`protective order. The modified protective order is the same as the default protective
`order, but includes an added designation of “PROTECTIVE ORDER MATERIAL
`— ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY” for documents, materials, testimony, or
`information that the designating party believes, in good faith, constitutes or
`• Expert witness draft reports or disclosures or communications between a
`party’s attorney and expert witness subject to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(4)(B)-
`(C), or
`• Trade secrets or other non-public, highly sensitive confidential research,
`development, technical, business, and/or financial information that has
`not become public.
`The modified protective order also specifies which individuals may have access to
`such ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY information. By including a confidentiality


`designation regarding draft expert reports and communications between a party’s
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`counsel and experts, Petitioner does not suggest any such categories of materials
`are discoverable in connection with any petition, IPR that may be instituted, or
`pending litigation.
`These additions to the default protective order are designed to limit access to
`certain materials to only outside counsel, expert declarants, and the Board. The
`Board has previously entered similar protective orders, which limit viewing certain
`confidential information to outside counsel.1
`Petitioner submits that the additional limitations in the modified protective
`order are necessary. In particular, Juniper’s motion to disqualify Dr. Almeroth
`includes exhibits that contain highly confidential, competitively-sensitive
`information relating to products developed by Juniper. And those exhibits contain
`communications and draft expert declarations exchanged between Juniper’s
`litigation counsel and Dr. Almeroth when Juniper retained Dr. Almeroth as an
`expert witness in connection with prior litigation and IPR proceedings against
`Petitioner Palo Alto Networks.
`Due to the sensitive nature of the exhibits to Juniper’s disqualification
`motion and the minimal additions to the Board’s default protective order,
`1 Laird Techs., Inc. v. GrafTech Int’l Hldgs., Inc., IPR2014-00023, Paper 30 at 2
`(P.T.A.B. Aug. 8, 2014).


`Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board grant this motion and enter the
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`unopposed, modified protective order.
`Date: July 21, 2020
`Respectfully Submitted,
` /Joseph F. Edell/
`Joseph F. Edell (Reg. No. 67,625)
`5301 Wisconsin Avenue NW
`Fourth Floor
`Washington, DC 20015
`Phone: +1.202.362.3524




`Default Protective Order
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`This protective order governs the treatment and filing of confidential information,
`including documents and testimony.
`1. Confidential information shall be clearly marked “PROTECTIVE
`2. Access to confidential information is limited to the following individuals
`who have executed the acknowledgment appended to this order:
`(A) Parties. Persons who are owners of a patent involved in the proceeding
`and other persons who are named parties to the proceeding.
`(B) Party Representatives. Representatives of record for a party in the
`(C) Experts. Retained experts of a party in the proceeding who further
`certify in the Acknowledgement that they are not a competitor to any party,
`or a consultant for, or employed by, such a competitor with respect to the
`subject matter of the proceeding.
`(D) In-house counsel. In-house counsel of a party.
`(E) Support Personnel. Administrative assistants, clerical staff, court
`reporters and other support personnel of the foregoing persons who are
`reasonably necessary to assist those persons in the proceeding shall not be
`required to sign an Acknowledgement, but shall be informed of the terms


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`and requirements of the Protective Order by the person they are supporting
`who receives confidential information.
`(F) The Office. Employees and representatives of the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office who have a need for access to the confidential
`information shall have such access without the requirement to sign an
`Acknowledgement. Such employees and representatives shall include the
`Director, members of the Board and their clerical staff, other support
`personnel, court reporters, and other persons acting on behalf of the Office.
`3. The parties also have the right to further designate confidential
`information or portions of confidential information as “PROTECTIVE ORDER
`MATERIAL - ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY” designation shall be limited to such
`documents, materials, testimony, or information that the designating party believes,
`in good faith, constitutes or contains:
`(A) Expert witness draft reports or disclosures or communications between a
`party’s attorney and expert witness subject to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(4)(B)-
`(C), or
`(B) Trade secrets or other non-public, highly sensitive confidential research,
`development, technical, business, and/or financial information that has not


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`become public, the disclosure of which is likely to cause harm to the
`competitive position of the disclosing party.
`4. Access to confidential information marked “PROTECTIVE ORDER
`MATERIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY” is limited to the individuals
`identified in Sections 2(C), 2(E), and 2(F), and the following individuals who have
`executed the acknowledgment appended to this order: Outside Counsel who appear
`in the mandatory notices as counsel for a party, as well as partners, associates,
`employees, and staff of such counsel to whom it is reasonably necessary to
`disclose the information for this proceeding, including supporting personnel
`employed by the attorneys, such as paralegals, legal translators, legal secretaries,
`legal clerks, and commercial copy vendors.
`53. Employees (e.g., corporate officers), consultants, or other persons
`performing work for a party, other than those persons identified above in Sections
`2 or 4(d)(2)(A)–(E), shall be extended access to confidential information only upon
`agreement of the parties or by order of the Board upon a motion brought by the
`party seeking to disclose confidential information to that person and after signing
`the Acknowledgment. The party opposing disclosure to that person shall have the
`burden of proving that such person should be restricted from access to confidential


`64. Persons receiving confidential information and/or confidential
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`EYES ONLY” shall use reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the
`information, including:
`(A) Maintaining such information in a secure location to which persons not
`authorized to receive the information shall not have access;
`(B) Otherwise using reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the
`information, which efforts shall be no less rigorous than those the recipient
`uses to maintain the confidentiality of information not received from the
`disclosing party;
`(C) Ensuring that support personnel of the recipient who have access to the
`confidential information understand and abide by the obligation to maintain
`the confidentiality of information received that is designated as confidential;
`(D) Limiting the copying of confidential information to a reasonable number
`of copies needed for conduct of the proceeding and maintaining a record of
`the locations of such copies.
`75. Persons receiving confidential information and/or confidential


`EYES ONLY” shall use the following procedures to maintain the confidentiality of
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`the information:
`(A) Documents and Information Filed With the Board.
`(i) A party may file documents or information with the Board along with a
`Motion to Seal. The Motion to Seal should provide a non-confidential
`description of the nature of the confidential information that is under seal,
`and set forth the reasons why the information is confidential and should not
`be made available to the public. A party may challenge the confidentiality of
`the information by opposing the Motion to Seal. The documents or
`information shall remain under seal unless the Board determines that some
`or all of it does not qualify for confidential treatment.
`(ii) Where confidentiality is alleged as to some but not all of the information
`submitted to the Board, the submitting party shall file confidential and non-
`confidential versions of its submission, together with a Motion to Seal the
`confidential version setting forth the reasons why the information redacted
`from the non-confidential version is confidential and should not be made
`available to the public. A party may challenge the confidentiality of the
`information by opposing the Motion to Seal. The non-confidential version of
`the submission shall clearly indicate the locations of information that has
`been redacted. The confidential version of the submission shall be filed


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`under seal. The redacted information shall remain under seal unless the
`Board determines that some or all of the redacted information does not
`qualify for confidential treatment.
`(B) Documents and Information Exchanged Among the Parties. Documents
`(including deposition transcripts) and other information designated as
`confidential that are disclosed to another party during discovery or other
`proceedings before the Board shall be clearly marked as “PROTECTIVE
`ORDER MATERIAL” and shall be produced in a manner that maintains its
`86. Within 60 days after the final disposition of this action, including the
`exhaustion of all appeals and motions, each party receiving confidential
`information and/or confidential information marked “PROTECTIVE ORDER
`MATERIAL — ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY” must return, or certify the
`destruction of, all copies of the confidential information to the producing party.
`9.(k) Standard Acknowledgement of Protective Order. The following form
`may be used to acknowledge a protective order and gain access to information
`covered by the protective order:


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2020-00337
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646


`I __________________________________________, affirm that I have
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`read the Protective Order; that I will abide by its terms; that I will use the
`confidential information only in connection with this proceeding and for no other
`purpose; that I will only allow access to support staff who are reasonably necessary
`to assist me in this proceeding; that prior to any disclosure to such support staff I
`informed or will inform them of the requirements of the Protective Order; that I am
`personally responsible for the requirements of the terms of the Protective Order
`and I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Office and the United States District
`Court for the Eastern District of Virginia for purposes of enforcing the terms of the
`Protective Order and providing remedies for its breach.




`Protective Order
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`This protective order governs the treatment and filing of confidential information,
`including documents and testimony.
`1. Confidential information shall be clearly marked “PROTECTIVE
`2. Access to confidential information is limited to the following individuals
`who have executed the acknowledgment appended to this order:
`(A) Parties. Persons who are owners of a patent involved in the proceeding
`and other persons who are named parties to the proceeding.
`(B) Party Representatives. Representatives of record for a party in the
`(C) Experts. Retained experts of a party in the proceeding who further
`certify in the Acknowledgement that they are not a competitor to any party,
`or a consultant for, or employed by, such a competitor with respect to the
`subject matter of the proceeding.
`(D) In-house counsel. In-house counsel of a party.
`(E) Support Personnel. Administrative assistants, clerical staff, court
`reporters and other support personnel of the foregoing persons who are
`reasonably necessary to assist those persons in the proceeding shall not be
`required to sign an Acknowledgement, but shall be informed of the terms


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`and requirements of the Protective Order by the person they are supporting
`who receives confidential information.
`(F) The Office. Employees and representatives of the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office who have a need for access to the confidential
`information shall have such access without the requirement to sign an
`Acknowledgement. Such employees and representatives shall include the
`Director, members of the Board and their clerical staff, other support
`personnel, court reporters, and other persons acting on behalf of the Office.
`3. The parties also have the right to further designate confidential
`information or portions of confidential information as “PROTECTIVE ORDER
`MATERIAL - ATTORNEY'S EYES ONLY” designation shall be limited to such
`documents, materials, testimony, or information that the designating party believes,
`in good faith, constitutes or contains:
`(A) Expert witness draft reports or disclosures or communications between a
`party’s attorney and expert witness subject to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(4)(B)-
`(C), or
`(B) Trade secrets or other non-public, highly sensitive confidential research,
`development, technical, business, and/or financial information that has not


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`become public, the disclosure of which is likely to cause harm to the
`competitive position of the disclosing party.
`4. Access to confidential information marked “PROTECTIVE ORDER
`MATERIAL – ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY” is limited to the individuals
`identified in Sections 2(C), 2(E), and 2(F), and the following individuals who have
`executed the acknowledgment appended to this order: Outside Counsel who appear
`in the mandatory notices as counsel for a party, as well as partners, associates,
`employees, and staff of such counsel to whom it is reasonably necessary to
`disclose the information for this proceeding, including supporting personnel
`employed by the attorneys, such as paralegals, legal translators, legal secretaries,
`legal clerks, and commercial copy vendors.
`5. Employees (e.g., corporate officers), consultants, or other persons
`performing work for a party, other than those persons identified above in Sections 2
`or 4, shall be extended access to confidential information only upon agreement of
`the parties or by order of the Board upon a motion brought by the party seeking to
`disclose confidential information to that person and after signing the
`Acknowledgment. The party opposing disclosure to that person shall have the
`burden of proving that such person should be restricted from access to confidential


`6. Persons receiving confidential information and/or confidential
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`EYES ONLY” shall use reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the
`information, including:
`(A) Maintaining such information in a secure location to which persons not
`authorized to receive the information shall not have access;
`(B) Otherwise using reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the
`information, which efforts shall be no less rigorous than those the recipient
`uses to maintain the confidentiality of information not received from the
`disclosing party;
`(C) Ensuring that support personnel of the recipient who have access to the
`confidential information understand and abide by the obligation to maintain
`the confidentiality of information received that is designated as confidential;
`(D) Limiting the copying of confidential information to a reasonable number
`of copies needed for conduct of the proceeding and maintaining a record of
`the locations of such copies.
`7. Persons receiving confidential information and/or confidential


`EYES ONLY” shall use the following procedures to maintain the confidentiality of
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`the information:
`(A) Documents and Information Filed With the Board.
`(i) A party may file documents or information with the Board along with a
`Motion to Seal. The Motion to Seal should provide a non-confidential
`description of the nature of the confidential information that is under seal,
`and set forth the reasons why the information is confidential and should not
`be made available to the public. A party may challenge the confidentiality of
`the information by opposing the Motion to Seal. The documents or
`information shall remain under seal unless the Board determines that some
`or all of it does not qualify for confidential treatment.
`(ii) Where confidentiality is alleged as to some but not all of the information
`submitted to the Board, the submitting party shall file confidential and non-
`confidential versions of its submission, together with a Motion to Seal the
`confidential version setting forth the reasons why the information redacted
`from the non-confidential version is confidential and should not be made
`available to the public. A party may challenge the confidentiality of the
`information by opposing the Motion to Seal. The non-confidential version of
`the submission shall clearly indicate the locations of information that has
`been redacted. The confidential version of the submission shall be filed


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`under seal. The redacted information shall remain under seal unless the
`Board determines that some or all of the redacted information does not
`qualify for confidential treatment.
`(B) Documents and Information Exchanged Among the Parties. Documents
`(including deposition transcripts) and other information designated as
`confidential that are disclosed to another party during discovery or other
`proceedings before the Board shall be clearly marked as “PROTECTIVE
`ORDER MATERIAL” and shall be produced in a manner that maintains its
`8. Within 60 days after the final disposition of this action, including the
`exhaustion of all appeals and motions, each party receiving confidential
`information and/or confidential information marked “PROTECTIVE ORDER
`MATERIAL — ATTORNEY’S EYES ONLY” must return, or certify the
`destruction of, all copies of the confidential information to the producing party.
`9. Standard Acknowledgement of Protective Order. The following form may
`be used to acknowledge a protective order and gain access to information covered
`by the protective order:


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2020-00337
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646


`I __________________________________________, affirm that I have
`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`read the Protective Order; that I will abide by its terms; that I will use the
`confidential information only in connection with this proceeding and for no other
`purpose; that I will only allow access to support staff who are reasonably necessary
`to assist me in this proceeding; that prior to any disclosure to such support staff I
`informed or will inform them of the requirements of the Protective Order; that I am
`personally responsible for the requirements of the terms of the Protective Order
`and I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Office and the United States District
`Court for the Eastern District of Virginia for purposes of enforcing the terms of the
`Protective Order and providing remedies for its breach.


`U.S. Patent No. 6,771,646
`The undersigned certifies that a copy of the foregoing PETITIONER’S
`ORDER was served via electronic mail to the following attorneys of record for
`the Patent Owner listed below:
`R. Allan Bullwinkel – Lead Counsel
`Reg. No. 77,630
`Heim Payne & Chorush, LLP
`1111 Bagby Street, Suite 2100
`Houston, TX 77002
`Telephone: 713-221-2000
`Facsimile: 713-211-2021
`Michael F. Heim – Back-up Counsel
`Reg. No. 32,702
`Heim Payne & Chorush, LLP
`1111 Bagby Street, Suite 2100
`Houston, TX 77002
`Telephone: 713-221-2000
`Facsimile: 713-211-2021
`Respectfully submitted,
` /Joseph F. Edell/
`Joseph F. Edell (Reg. No. 67,625)
`5301 Wisconsin Ave NW
`Fourth Floor
`Washington, DC 20015
`Dated: July 21, 2020

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