`Patent Owner.
`In re Inter Partes Review of:
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,651,099, 6,665,725, 6,771,646, 6,839,751, and 6,954,789
`EX 1104 Page 1
`I, David McPhie, declare and state as follows:
`I am a partner at Irell & Manella LLP and a member in good standing of the
`bars of the State of California and United States Patent and Trademark Office. I
`have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration.
`Dr. Almeroth’s Previous Work for Juniper
`2. My firm and I represented Juniper Networks, Inc. in several matters against
`Palo Alto Networks (“PAN”) that were commenced in 2011–2013. These include:
`Juniper Networks, Inc. v. Palo Alto Networks, Inc., D. Del. Case No. 1:11-cv-1258;
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Juniper Networks, Inc., N.D. Cal. Case No. 4:13-cv-
`4510; Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Juniper Networks, Inc., P.T.A.B. Case No.
`IPR2013-00369; and Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Juniper Networks, Inc., P.T.A.B.
`Case No. IPR2013-00466.
`Dr. Kevin Almeroth entered into an engagement agreement with Irell &
`Manella on behalf of Juniper via a written retention letter, executed on December
`13, 2013. A true and correct copy of Dr. Almeroth’s retention letter is attached as
`Exhibit 1105 to the Motion to Disqualify Dr. Almeroth.
`In the agreement between Dr. Almeroth and Juniper, Dr. Almeroth agreed
`the subject matter of his retention includes the above-listed matters against PAN
`“and/or any disputes relating to network security technologies.” Neither Juniper
` 2
`EX 1104 Page 2
`nor Dr. Almeroth has served any notice to terminate Dr. Almeroth’s agreement to
`the terms set forth in the retention letter.
`Dr. Almeroth prepared and submitted two expert declarations while working
`for Juniper in connection with the above-listed matters against PAN. The first was
`for the IPR2013-00369 proceeding regarding Juniper’s U.S. Patent No. 7,107,612,
`and the second was for the IPR2013-00466 proceeding regarding Juniper’s U.S.
`Patent No. 7,734,752. Juniper asserted both of those patents against PAN in the
`District of Delaware (Case No. 1:11-cv-1258). In Dr. Almeroth’s declaration, he
`provided opinions on issues of claim construction, proposed claim amendments,
`and validity, including secondary considerations of non-obviousness based on Ju-
`niper’s SRX Series products.
`A true and correct copy of excerpts from Dr. Almeroth’s declaration submit-
`ted in IPR2013-00369 is attached as Exhibit 1106 to the Motion to Disqualify Dr.
`Almeroth. This exhibit has been redacted to eliminate confidential information re-
`lating to PAN.
`Dr. Almeroth was deposed on May 19, 2014 in connection with IPR2013-
`00369. I met with Dr. Almeroth to prepare for his deposition. I also attended and
`assisted in defending Dr. Almeroth’s deposition.
`As part of Dr. Almeroth’s retention by Juniper, I had multiple conversations
` 3
`EX 1104 Page 3
`with him in person and over the phone in which we discussed privileged and confi-
`dential information belonging to Juniper. These discussions included litigation and
`IPR strategy as well as substantive analyses regarding Juniper products, the prior
`art, and potential claim amendments that both differentiate over the prior art and
`would be practiced by Juniper’s products, including other issues addressed in his
`expert declarations. My colleagues and I exchanged multiple draft expert declara-
`tions with Dr. Almeroth, including transmission of confidential information and
`specific revisions and comments of a strategic nature.
`The subject matter of Dr. Almeroth’s retention by Juniper, and some of his
`conversations with me, included:
`Other attorneys for Juniper also participated in a number of these communications.
`10. For example, in connection with IPR2013-00369, I participated in an-person
`meeting with Dr. Almeroth and my colleague Benjamin Haber at my law firm’s of-
`fice in Newport Beach, California on March 24, 2014. During that meeting, Mr.
`Haber and I had strategic and privileged discussions with Dr. Almeroth regarding
` 4
`EX 1104 Page 4
` In his final submitted declaration, Dr. Almeroth concluded that the
`’099 Patent “does not disclose each and every limitation of any of the proposed
`amended claims of the ’612 patent.” Ex. 1106 at ¶ 353.
`11. During the March 24 in-person meeting, Dr. Almeroth, Mr. Haber, and I also
` This portion of his declaration
`was redacted in the public filing due to its confidential nature. As part of his reten-
`tion by Juniper, my team and I provided Dr. Almeroth with confidential Juniper
`technical documents concerning the functionality of Juniper’s products.
`12. As part of the exchange of draft declarations between Dr. Almeroth and my
`team, Dr. Almeroth also addressed
`An excerpted copy of Dr. Almeroth’s draft declaration is attached as Exhibit 1110.
` 5
`EX 1104 Page 5
`13. After executing his retention letter, Dr. Almeroth worked 140.5 hours and
`submitted invoices and was paid $85,808.02 in connection with his work for Juni-
`per on the above-listed disputes with PAN.
`Implicit, LLC v. Juniper et al. District Court Matter
`14. My firm and I are currently representing Juniper as outside counsel in an-
`other matter where Juniper also filed a motion to disqualify Dr. Almeroth. See Im-
`plicit, LLC v. Imperva, Ina, E.D. Tex. Case No. 2: l9-cv—40 (lead), Dkt. # 177. Dr.
`Almeroth has not provided notification to terminate his retention agreement with
`Juniper in connection with that case or any other matter.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on July 21, 2020 in Irvine, California.
`W D
`avid McPhie
`EX 1104 Page 6
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