(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`US 6,807,558 B1
`Hassett et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Oct. 19, 2004
`Inventors: Gregory P. Hassett, Cupertino, CA
`(Us); Jason Douglas, 5?“ FranCiSC0>
`CA (US); Max MaIIClIll, San Jose, CA
`(73) ASSignee: P01ntcast, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA (US)
`N '
`isc aimer,t e term 0 t is
`u ect to an
`f h'
`S bj
`patent 15 extended or adjusted under 35
`U'S'C' 154(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`2918846 A1
`322215323) ii
`0 733 983
`........... GOGF/17/30
`(List continued on next page.)
`T. Berners—Lee, et al.; “Request for Comments (RFC) 1866,
`‘Hypertext Markup Language—20’”, Nov. 1995*
`Source code for the Isis File tk13neW.c dated May 1990, Feb.
`24 1998 and Dec. 14 1987.
`CCITT Standard X209.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/089,056
`CCITT Standard X208.
`Jun. 2’ 1998
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation—in—part of application No. 08/962,139, filed on
`00L 31, 1997, WhiCh iS a diViSiOil 0f application N0
`08/489,591, filed on Jun. 12, 1995, now Pat. No. 5,740,549
`Provisional application No. 60/047,363, filed on Jun. 2,
`................................................ G06F 15/16
`Int. Cl.
`(52) U:Sa Clo ............................................ 709/203; 707/7
`(58) Fleld of Search ................................. 709/203, 206,
`709/202> 245> 223, 224; 707/1> 10> 3, 6,
`104> 7; 705/14> 27
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`An apparatus and computer-implemented method for dis-
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`Connectlon Scheduler
`Inltlate Connection \L..
`83nd User Profile and ‘_,,J:—’-Assign Application Sewer
`A enl l
`Sp ay \N Appllcauon Server
`Select and Send news ltems,
`Load received data Into4’1““ Ads, etc. needed to update
`local database. Delete
`local database.
`speclfled Items In local
`Information database.
`Update data access
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`Business & Industry, “Journalist—A New Podigy Add On”,
`Newsbytes News Network, Apr. 5, 1994.
`Peake, S. et al., “New Custom File Capability For NeXis”,
`Dateline: Dayton, OH., May 1, 1985.
`Abrahms, D., “Patent Office May Hinder Hopping Of bunny
`Across Computerscreens”, The Washinton Tiimes, Business
`Section, Apr. 16, 1997, pp B7.
`Williams, M., Article, “Oracle’s Vision of Networked
`Future”, Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 5, 1995.
`Article, “And Now The News— On Your PC Screen”,
`Broadcast Newsbytes News Network, Kanata, Ontario,
`Canada, Oct. 16, 1995.
`Article, “Globe Information To Market NewsEdge In
`Canada”, Newsbytes News Network, Toronto, Ontario,
`Canada, May 26, 1992.
`Patent Abstracts of Japan, “European Patent Office”,
`Abstract date Jan. 20, 1993, Application JP910000887.
`Patent Abstracts of Japan, “European Patent Office”, Patcnt
`date Aug. 11, 1994, Application JP930124730.
`Patent Abstracts of Japan, “European Patent Office”,
`Abstract date Apr. 12, 1991, Application JP900000018.
`Berkely Systems, Inc. Article, “More After Dark for Macin-
`tosh”, vol. 1, pp 1—13, 1991.
`EX 1036 Page 4
`EX 1036 Page 4


`US 6,807,558 B1
`Page 5
`Daniel Grotta, et al., “PhotoGeniX creates screen—saver slide
`shows”, PC Magazine vol. 13, No. 16, pp 52, Sep. 27, 1994,
`Copyright Ziff—Davis Publishing Company 1994.
`Rebecca Rohan, “In Your Face makes you a star—okay, a
`screen saver”, Computer Shopper, May 1994, vol. 14, No. 5,
`pp 767, Copyright Coastal Associates Publishing LP 1994.
`David Morgenstern, “Farcast service broadcasts instant info
`via the Internet; database use “droids” to process new
`items”, PC Week, Aug. 29, 1994, vol. 11, No. 34, pp 50,
`Copyright Ziff—Davis Publishing Company 1994.
`Karen Rodriguez, “Individual to tap Internet with an agent—
`based news service”, Info World, Oct. 24, 1994, vol. 16, No.
`43, pp 58, Copyright infoWorld Publishing Company 1994.
`Article, “Specification Of Basic Encoding Rules For
`Abstract Syntax Notation One”, Fascicle VIII.4—Rec. X.209,
`Melbourne, 1988, pp131—151.
`Patrick McKenna, “COMDEX—Moon Valley’s NetCruiser
`CD and more”, Newsbytes, Nov. 16, 1994.
`F. Schmuck, “ISIS Release”, V2.0, May 1990, pp 1—12.
`Article, “VCR Technology”, No. 4 in a series of reports from
`Mitsubishi R&D, Video Review, Jan. 1989.
`U. Bensch, “VPV—VideoText Programs Videorecorder”,
`The Phillips Group of Companies, Eindhoven, The Nether-
`lands, Jun. 10, 1988 pp1—5.
`Barbara Krasnoff, “Microsoft Scenes screen savers bring
`culture to your desktop (various natural and artistic wonders
`depicted as screen images)”, Computer Shopper (cont.).
`Affidavit in Support of Lead Case Plaintiff’s Motion for
`Partial Summary Judgment, ISIS Distributed Systems, Inc.
`versus Teknekron Software,
`Inc. Civil Action No
`93—CV—878 (FJS, GJD) (member case), Nov. 4, 1993.
`* cited by examiner
`EX 1036 Page 5
`EX 1036 Page 5


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 1 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`\ ,1.
`01 1
`AP News Feed
`DOW News Feed
`Sports Ticker
`Internet Interface
`User Interface
`information Database
`Tables for accessmg data
`News Story Items
` Display Scripts
`Software for downloading to clients
`Client Catalog
`Advertising display statistics
`News item display statistics
`Application Sewers
`Data Servers
`EX 1036 Page 6
`EX 1036 Page 6


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 2 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`FIG. 1 B
`EX 1036 Page 7
`EX 1036 Page 7


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 3 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`\Q lntemet lnterconnectitrity
`(Switches. etc)
`119 User Interface
`Internet Interface m
`Administration Manager
`Information Database
`User Profile
`Screen SaverNiewer Procedures
`WWW connection and viewer procs
`Other Applications
`21 0
`21 1
`EX 1036 Page 8
`EX 1036 Page 8


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 4 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`Category Protiler
`User Profile
`Subscriber Identifier
`Connection Password
`Subscriber Hardware & Software Configuration
`Connection Schedule
`Category and Subcategory Preferences
`Timestampt - Last News Update
`Timestampz - Last Ad Update
`Timestamp3 - Last Administrative Update
`Display Statistics
`Last Displayed Category. Ad, News Items, etc.
`Screen Saver Exit Mode
`Item Storage Limits
`- 219
`EX 1036 Page 9
`EX 1036 Page 9


`Checkbox for each topic that interests you:
`E Sports images
`E] Sports Scoboard Include only stories
`[j Basketball news
` Exclude stories
`X Hockey news
`[:I Soccer news
`[I Tennis/Golfnews I:
`[I College news
`mentionln . :
`Deselect All
`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 5 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`Category Profiler Dialog Box
`Sports News Profile
`Select All
`News Category Profile Data Structure
`Subcategory selections
`Include filters
`Exclude filters '
`EX 1036 Page 10
`EX 1036 Page 10


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 6 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`Headline 1
`Headline 2
`(Short Article)
`Headline 3
`EX 1036 Page 11
`EX 1036 Page 11


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 7 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`Edit Actor
`Actor2 . Actor3
`Wallpaper: NYNY1
`x. v. size
` 4
`x. y. size
`x. y. size
`x. y.
`Display Script Definition
`Dialog Box
` Define New Actor
`Delete Actor
`Smooth Path
`x y, size x, y, size x, y, size x, y, size x, y, size
`Actor1: N-> NextHL, W=300, H=150
`Display Script Data Structure
`Header: Script Name, No. of Actors, Wallpaper,
`Static image List
`Actor definition arrays
` Open
`Save As
`- Simulate
`EX 1036 Page 12
`EX 1036 Page 12


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 8 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`1st 1st
`Category Ad Stony Scri
`File Name Category Link
`Advertisement Queues
`File Name Category Link
`EX 1036 Page 13
`EX 1036 Page 13


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 9 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`1t1t 1t
`File Name. Category Link
`Category A: story Sim vmml-
`---= --II-
`mn-n man-u-
`---II‘L 8°05 mn-
`«8°06 -||-
`----u _-|Il-
`—--l‘ mam-“E
`Hzaedgefigy Will]-
`Script Queues
`EX 1036 Page 14
`EX 1036 Page 14


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 10 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
` Article Text
`Photo or image
`Associated with
`EX 1036 Page 15
`EX 1036 Page 15


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 11 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`Sewer 1
`Application 4”}.
`:I I
`Connection Scheduler
`Initiate ConnectionN Router
`Assi n A l'
`Advertisin Dis la
`pp tea '0" Server
`Send User Profile and 4/1",— 9
`Statistics 9
`p y
`. Application Sewer
`Select and Send news items,
`Ads etc. needed to update
`local database.
`Load received data int04———-r‘*‘
`local database. Delete
`specified items in local
`information database.
`Update data access
`EX 1036 Page 16
`EX 1036 Page 16


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 12 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`FIG. 13
`(SUM >
`FIG. 14
`* HL1
`* HL2
`ANM 2, HL1
`ANM 2, HL1
`ANM 2, HL3
`EX 1036 Page 17
`EX 1036 Page 17


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 13 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`“S een
`Figure 15
`Index of
`Fetch Engine
`Figure 16
`EX 1036 Page 18
`EX 1036 Page 18


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 14 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`The Big Picture
`Fetch Item Table
`gfetch state
`data Items
`(LID files)
`Content Tables
`(e.g., IE)
` get actor
`Category Table
` Actor Table
`Figure 17
`EX 1036 Page 19
`EX 1036 Page 19


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 15 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`EX 1036 Page 20
`EX 1036 Page 20


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 16 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`EX 1036 Page 21
`EX 1036 Page 21


`US. Patent
`EX 1036 Page 22
`EX 1036 Page 22


`US. Patent
`EX 1036 Page 23
`EX 1036 Page 23


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 19 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1
`EX 1036 Page 24
`EX 1036 Page 24


`US. Patent
`Oct. 19, 2004
`Sheet 20 0f 36
`US 6,807,558 B1

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