`Technical Report No.
`Pmms [u Liunsuier rim
`Cleaning Validation
`FDA Junmal of
`Science and
`Volume 52


`Points to Consider for
`Cleaning Validation
`Technical Report No. 29
`August 1998


`imes E. Akcrs. PILD.
`mnie Allen/ell
`layce L. Dchung. PILI).
`Stephanie R. Gray
`Frederick A, Gustat'son
`llartin W. Ilenley
`(Henry K. Kwan. PhD.
`Nikki V. Mehringer
`Robert F. Morrissey. PhD.
`lerry E. Manson
`loshiaki Nishihata. PILD.
`Glenn E. Wright
`President: Edmund M. Fry
`PDA Journal of
`Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
`Supplement. November-December 1998
`Joseph B. Schwartz.
`Volume 52
`Joyce H. Aydleu
`liaimianvElect: Robert B. Myers
`Floyd Benjamin
`R, Michael Enzinger. PhD.
`mmediate Past
`Raymond Shaw. Jr.. PhD.
`PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology (ISSN
`l0767397X) is published bimonthly by the FDA. Inc.. 7500 Old
`Georgetown Rtl.. Suite 620. Bethesda. MD 208M.
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`“Journal of Parenteral Science and Technology"
`CopyrightiPDA. Inc. 1998
`ISSN l076—397X


`1. Introduction
`I. I Background
`In recent years. cleaning has achieved a position of
`increasing importance in the phamtaceutical industry. The
`current good manufacturing practices (COMP) regulations
`recognize that cleaning is a critical issue to ensure product
`quality. Virtually every aspect of manufacturing involves
`cleaning. from the initial stages of hulk production to the
`final dosage form.
`The CGMPs in the United States. Europe and other parts
`of the world have provided the pharmaceutical industry with
`general guidance for cleaning requirements. For example. in
`the U.S.. section 21l.67 of part 2| of the Code of Federal
`Regulations (CFR) states that ”Equipment and utensils shall
`be cleaned. maintained. and sanitized at appropriate inter—
`vals to prevent malfunctions or contamination that would
`alter the safety. identity. strength. qttality. or pttrity of the
`drug product beyond the ofiicial or other established require—
`ments." Section 2| l.l82 of pan 2] of the CFR identities that
`cleaning procedures must be documented appropriately. and
`that a cleaning and use log should be established. In addition
`to CGMPs. various inspectional guideline documents pub—
`lished by the FDA contain expectations regarding cleaning
`in the pharmaceutical industry. Cleaning is also addressed in
`the PIC recommendations on cleaning validation and in the
`SFSTP Commission report "Validation des procédés de
`It has always been the responsibility of the regulated
`industry and the regulatory agencies to interpret the CGMPs
`and to create programs and policies which establish the
`general requirements as specific practices. Recognizing the
`importance of the relationship between cleaning and product
`quality. regulatory agencies are demanding greater evidence
`of cleaning elTectiveness through validation or verification.
`I .2 Purpose
`The purpose of this publication is to identify and discuss
`the many factors involved in the design. validation. imple-
`mentation and control of cleaning programs for the pharma-
`ceutical industry.
`The document does not attempt to interpret (‘GMPs but
`provides guidance for establishing a cleaning validation
`program. It identities the many factors to be considered for
`all segments of the pharmaceutical industry. It also identifies
`specilic points to be considered by dosage fonn manufactur-
`ers. manufacturers of clinical
`trial materials (CTMsl and
`manufacturers of bulk pharmaceutical chemicals and bio—
`chemicals. The report covers the different approaches which
`may be appropriate for the different stages of product
`development from the early research stages to the commer—
`cially marketed product.
`I .3 5(7),)?
`This paper applies to hiopharmaceutical. bulk pharmaceu—
`tical and finished dosage form operations: liquid. dry. solid
`and semi-solid dosage forms are covered in both sterile and
`non-sterile presentations. Both clinical and marketed prod-
`uct cleaning validation programs are identified.
`The manufacture of modem pharmaceuticals is a complex
`process involving highly technical personnel. complex equip-
`ment. sophisticated facilities and complicated processes.
`individuals responsible for all aspects of the production.
`approval and validation of products. such as quality control.
`quality assurance. engineering. validation. production. re-
`search and development. contractors and vendors and regu-
`latory affairs personnel may use this document as a resource
`for establishing or reviewing the cleaning programs within
`their facilities.
`The, validation programs described herein assume that an
`overall validation program with appropriate controls is
`already in place for the facility. utilities. equipment and
`processes. The cleaning of the environment is not specili-
`cally covered. however many of the same concerns that are
`considered for
`the cleaning of process equipment also
`impact the cleaning of the environment. The monitoring of
`microbiological and endotoxin contamination and steps for
`their elimination are mentioned in several sections and
`should be part of the cleaning validation program. However
`this document is not intended to be a comprehensive treatise
`on microbiological control. or endotosin limitation. Other
`documents have addressed microbiological programs and
`methods for the environmental monitoring which can be
`applied to cleaning.
`[.4 Report Organization
`Each of the major topics of this document starts with a
`general section which applies to all segments of the pharma-
`industry. Points to be considered for specilic
`industry segments such as hiopharmaceuticals. bulk pharma-
`ceutical chemicals. clinical products may vary. depending on
`the specilic product type. A glossary is provided at the end of
`the report.
`Finished Pharmaceuticals: Finished phannaceuticals
`represent solid fomiulations. semi-solid fonnulations. liquid
`and aerosol l‘onnulations with various routes of administra-
`tion. Over-the-counter and prescription phannaceuticals for
`both human and veterinary use are included in this category.
`The common characteristics shared by finished pharmaceu-
`ticals. are their manufacture by combining raw materials and
`active ingredients to create the final dosage form.
`Pharmaceutical manufacturers often make a large nutrtber
`of product
`types in one facility; often there are several
`different strengths prepared of the same product. The
`cleaning problems include the large number of processes
`and product
`types manufactured within one facility. The
`number ot'cleaning methods. assays and types of equipment
`to be tested are often staggering. This is complicated by the
`issues surrounding the use of non-dedicated equipment.
`the establishment of a cleaning validation policy
`which is applicable to all products is often very difficult.
`Biopharmaceutieals: Bioprocess' manufacturing. starting
`with microbial. animal or insect cells. or DNA derived host
`cells or other cells modified to make a specialized product.
`can be performed in several ways. Indeed. new methods for
`bioprocessing are constantly being developed. The most
`common method is through large scale fennentation (such as
`bacterial cell culture or mammalian cell culture) followed by
`highly specific purification steps. Other methods include the
`Vol. 52. No. 6 I November—December 1998. Supplement


`development of an antibody in host animals tsuch as
`ascitest. cloning of cells or tissues. or transgenic generation
`of cellular components. namely. proteins. Many in the
`hiopharmaceutical industry consider the stages of fermenta-
`tion to be similar to other pharmaceutical industry processes.
`For example. the initial stages of the large scale fermentation
`have a striking similarity to bulk pharmaceutical chemical
`production Later. harvest and purification steps find more in
`common with pharmaceutical processes. It
`is important to
`remember however. that other bioprocessing methods used
`in the biophannaccutical industry differ greatly from tradi-
`tional pharmaceutical processes.
`Cleaning for biopharmaceuticals presents special con-
`cerns due to the large number of impurities such as cellular
`debris. waste products ofccllular metabolism. media constitu-
`ents and buffer salts generated or added during manufacture
`which must be eliminated from the equipment. In the case of
`mammalian cell cultures. due to the nature of the source
`material. microbial contamination is of great concern. Iden-
`tification of the residues is often quite difficult because they
`may vary from batch to batch. The large variety of protein-
`aceous materials present in the residue make differentiation
`of the contaminants from one another a challenge.
`Due to the nature of the hiopharmaceutical production.
`facilities represent an area of regulatory
`concern. In order to control the production within a multi-
`is necessary to ensure that special
`precautions are taken which preclude product to product
`carryover. Cleaning is an integral part of the strategies
`designed to ensure that there is no cross-contamination in
`these facilities. The terms cleaning and cleaning validation
`in mold-product facilities often include the facility itself.
`and therefore emphasis is placed on changeover validation.
`Cleaning for biotechnology products has been described
`in “Cleaning and Cleaning Validation: A Biotechnology
`Perspective." FDA. Bethesda. MD. l996.
`Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals: Bulk pharmaceutical
`chemical processes are typically biochemical or chemical
`syntheses carried out on a relatively large scale. The bulk
`pharmaceutical chemicals may be provided to pharmaceuti-
`cal manufacturers as active or
`inactive ingredients for
`eventual inclusion in a finished dosage fomt pharmaceutical.
`The bulk phannaceutical chemical manufacturing process
`for active ingredients is typically enclosed in large tanks
`with direct transfer of materials from tank to tank after a
`particular chemical reaction has occurred. The initial stages
`of the bulk pharmaceutical chemical drug development are
`reminiscent of the chemical industry. At some point during
`the process.
`the manufacturer must.
`in accordance with
`CGMPs have identified a process step after which the
`process will strictly comply with the CGMPs.
`Bulk pharmaceutical chemical production. due in large
`part to the scale of manufacture and its use of strong reagents
`and chemicals. is often performed in closed systems which
`may use automated or semi-automated Clean-ln-Place tech-
`nologies. The difficulties in the validation of cleaning
`processes often stem from the inaccessibility of many areas
`to direct sampling. The contaminants to be removed include
`precursor molecules. intermediates. byproducts. impurities
`forms such as isomers or polymorphs.
`or other physical
`which exist from early stages in the process.
`Clinical Products:
`In this document. clinical products
`identify those products which are currently registered as an
`investigationaI status due to their involvement
`in clinical
`trials. The Clinical Products category identifies the special
`care that must be taken with these prodUcts which may not
`he as
`fully characterized as marketed materials. Both
`pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical drug products and
`drug substances are included in this category.
`Cleaning in a clinical manufacturing setting is often
`complicated by the use of small scale manually cleaned
`equipment. Clinical manufacturing may represent a period
`during which process improvements are made. and therefore
`the same equipment may not be used each time the product
`is made. Also. since clinical products are often manufactured
`in development facilities. the subsequent products may not
`he known. The next materials manufactured may be research
`products. development products. placebo products or other
`clinical products. Our
`to address cleaning of
`equipment in Phase III and later. but it may be appropriate to
`consider the same approaches in earlier phases as well.
`Typically. assays for
`low level detection of the active
`ingredient and its excipients will need to be developed and
`validated. Verification of cleaning effectiveness. as opposed
`to traditional validation. is prevalent since information on
`the material is not readily available.
`2. The Cleaning Continuum
`The subject of cleaning validation is one which the
`pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have struggled
`with. Progress to a consensus in approach in the industry has
`been slowed by the number and complexity of
`surrounding the cleaning process and the variety of facili-
`ties. products and equipment in use. The development of a
`universal approach to cleaning validation is unlikely given
`these variations.
`2.! Use rrffflt‘ Chanting ('nrttinumn
`The intent of this section is to describe the limits of the
`cleaning continuum (see Table l ). These limits represent the
`extremes in the range of operating differences found within
`the industry which preclude a uniform approach. At each end
`of the continuum.
`the cleaning validation requisites are
`either simple or complex. Recognition that there are many of
`these coupled limits. and that each cleaning process has a
`unique place within each level of the continuum. explains
`why specific industry-wide approaches have been so diffi
`cult to develop.
`The cleaning continuum provides some of the primary
`points to consider in any cleaning validation program. The
`continuum helps firms to establish the parameters which are
`factors for individual products.
`thereby enabling
`them to set priorities. develop grouping philosophies and
`establish the “scientific rationale" which will govern the
`cleaning program. The continuum will assist in determining
`which processes. equipment and products represent
`greatest concerns and may help to establish the criticality of
`cleaning limits and methods. The continuum should be used
`PDA Journal oi Pharmaceutical Science a Technology
`———_MYFKNTNBT_EXHI_—.BIT 1075 PAGE 5 _ —


`during the initial phases of defining a cleaning validation
`program or during new product development.
`The cleaning continuum includes: cleaning program crite~
`ria, equipment characteristics, quality attributes of equip
`ment design, formulation/product attributes. analytical meth—
`odology and manufacturing/process attributes. All of the
`factors in the continuum directly affect the ability to clean:
`however. their relative importance and criticality may be
`different from one company to another.
`2.2 Cleaning Program Critcrici
`When establishing a cleaning validation program.
`important to first characterize the types of cleaning that are
`used in the facility. The cleaning methods that are used in a
`facility can reveal important factors with regard to process
`control. process reproducibility.
`the best ways in which to
`challenge the process.
`the best ways in which to collect
`samples and the best ways in which to monitor cleaning
`effectiveness during routine cleaning.
`Automated Cleaning—Manual Cleaning: Automated
`cleaning will usually provide reproducible results. Process
`control is inherent in automated systems and process moni-
`toring is frequently integral with the control system. Auto-
`mated systems may not adjust
`to present conditions. The
`validation of an automated system requires that the cycle is
`proven to he rugged and will provide reproducible results
`under a given range ofopcrating conditions. Control system
`validation is a large part of the validation of an automated
`cleaning system.
`Manual cleaning is a universal practice within the phanna-
`ceutical industry. There are many pieces of equipment and
`portions thereof for which construction and/or configuration
`make manual cleaning a necessity. The control of manual
`cleaning is accomplished by operator training. well defined
`cleaning procedures. visual examination of equipment after
`use and Prior to the next use. and well-defined change
`control programs. It may be desirable to identify worst case
`cleaning situations (in terms of operator experience and/or
`cleaning methodology) for validation purposes. With manual
`cleaning. concern must also be given to thc ruggedness of
`the method Successful reproducibility is a function of strict
`adherence to written procedures.
`Clean~ln~Place iCIPl—Clean-Out-of-Plaee (COP): The
`cleaning of large pieces of equipment may he performed in
`The Cleaning Continuum
`Manual ....................................................... Automated Cleaning
`Clean-outiofPlace (COP) ......................... Clean-in-Place (CIP)
`Dedicated Equipment
`...................... Non-Dedicated Equipment
`Product Contact Surfaces ........... Non-Product Contact Surfaces
`Non-Critical Site ...................................................... Critical Site
`Minor Equipment
`........................................... Major Equipment
`Low Risk Drugs
`High Risk Drugs
`Highly Characterized
`. Poorly Characterized
`Sterile ........................
`................ Non-Sterile
`Solid Formulations ............................
`.. Liquid Formulations
`Soluble ......................................................................... insoluble
`Single Product Facility
`Multiple Product Facility
`Campaigned Production
`Non-Campaigned Production
`Simple Equipment Train .................. Complex Equipment Train
`the equipment's permanent location. generally in a configu-
`ration very similar
`to that
`in which it
`is utilized for
`production. This proeedure is widely known as Clean-in-
`Place (CIP). Smaller equipment items are frequently trans‘
`ported to a designated cleaning or wash area where the
`cleaning procedure is performed. This practice is known as
`CIean-Out-of—Place (COP). but the term is not as prevalent
`as its counterpart.
`The additional activities involved with transport of equip-
`ment to and from the wash room. component identification.
`the elimination of cross-contamination potential during
`transfer. and cleaning and storage prior to use make the
`validation of COP procedures somewhat more difficult than
`the comparable CIP activity. The need for manual manipula-
`tion is an integral part of many COP procedures and requires
`detailed procedures and training. The manual manipulation
`makes COP concerns similar to those of manual cleaning in
`The use of automated washing machines to COP smaller
`items is an important part of many COP systems. The use of
`these systems reduces the differences between CIP and COP
`significantly. These systems are considered to be highly
`reproducible in their cleaning performance and are gaining
`wide acceptance.
`2.3 Equipment Chrn‘or‘terattan/Materials of Construction
`Equipment usage during production is another important
`to consider in establishing a cleaning validation
`program. It is important to understand not only the range of
`products that are likely to come into contact with the various
`equipment surfaces. but also the role that
`the equipment
`plays in the production train. This will help to establish the
`contamination and cross-contamination potentials of the
`Equipment design characteristics. as established during
`product development. are often driven by equipment func-
`tionality and the requirements of the process. With the
`current emphasis on cleaning validation. it makes sense that
`“cleattability” be a key criterion in the design of equipment.
`Dedicated—Non-Dedicated Manufacturing Equip-
`ment: Dedicated equipment is used solely for the production
`of a single product or product line. Concerns over cross-
`contamination with other products are markedly reduced.
`Dedicated equipment must be clearly identified with the
`restrictions of use in order to prevent potential errors during
`cleaning and preparation.
`Where the same piece of equipment is utilized for a range
`of product formulations. (i.e.. nondedicated equipment). the
`prevention of cross-contamination between products be:
`comes the main objective in the cleaning validation effort.
`Clearly. cleaning non-dedicated equipment
`represents a
`more significant obstacle to overcome.
`Dedicated—Non-Dedicated Cleaning Equipment: The
`issues of dedicated and non-dedicated equipment can also
`arise when considering the equipment used for cleaning. CIP
`systems. for example. are frequently used for many different
`tanks in a single facility.
`the design of CIP
`systems should preclude cross—contamination through appro-
`priate valving and back—flow prevention. Care should be
`taken with shared devices which apply cleaning agents. such
`Vol. 52. No. 6 1 November—December 1998. Supplement


`as spray balls or spray nozzles which.
`require cleaning. Certainly any recirculation within the CIP
`system should be configured carefully during system design
`and monitored closely during routine operation.
`COP equipment. such as an ultrasonic sink. may also be
`used for multiple equipment loads. With cleaning apparatus
`such as the sink. the removal of potential contaminants from
`the sink. itself is a concern. Sinks and washers frequently use
`recirculation systems to economically remove residuals
`from surfaces without undue waste. The cleanliness of the
`recirculated materials should be evaluated during cleaning
`validation to ensure that contaminants are not being rcdepos—
`ited on the equipment to be cleaned.
`Non-Product Contact—Product Contact Surfaces: Tra-
`ditionally. the validation of cleaning has focused on product
`contact surfaces. Programs for the elimination of cross-
`contamination must address non-product contact surfaces if
`they are to be truly effective. In practice. cleaning validation
`requirements may change with nonproduct contact surfaces
`in accordance with the less critical nature of these areas.
`When establishing the requirements for non-product contact
`surfaces. it is important to review the possible interactions of
`that area with the process.
`Non-Critical Site—Critical Site: Critical sites are those
`locations in which a contaminant is in danger of affecting a
`single dose with a high level of contamination. Critical sites
`often require special cleaning emphasis. It may be appropri-
`ate to establish more intensive sampling schedules for
`critical sites. set tighter acceptance criteria for critical sites
`and ensure that enough detail
`included in cleaning
`procedures to provide for reproducible cleaning of critical
`Minor Equipment—Major Equipment: The distinction
`between “major"and “minor" equipment is not a definitive
`one. The CGMPs make mention (2! 1.105) of "major“
`equipment. but are silent on the subject of “minor“ equip-
`tnent except with regard to items described as utensils
`(2| L67). Despite this failure within the CGMPs.
`necessary to identify those pieces of equipment (major)
`which are central to the production process and those pieces
`of equipment (minor) which perform a secondary role.
`Typically the cleaning of “major" equipment will be the
`subject of individual. highly specific SOPs.
`In contrast.
`“minor“ equipment and "utensils" are often cleaned using
`broadly defined procedures which describe the methods to
`be used in general terms.
`Materials of Construction: The materials of construc-
`tion of the equiptnent should be considered carefully when
`establishing a cleaning validation program. The attributes of
`the surface to be cleaned will define the residue to surface
`identify possible contaminants and point
`areas which may not be readily cleaned or accurately
`sampled. The CGMPs (2i i .65) state that.
`"a) Equipment shall be constructed so that surfaces which
`contact components.
`in~pmcess materials. or dmg
`products shall not be reactive. additive or absorptive
`so as to alter the safety. identity. strength. quality or
`pttrity of the drug product beyond official or other
`established requirements.
`"b) Any substances required for operation. such as lubri-
`cants or coolants. shall not come into contact with
`components. drug product containers. closures in-
`process materials. or drug products so as to alter the
`safety. identity strength. quality or purity of the drug
`product beyond official or other established require-
`Equipment should not be reactive. additive or adsorptive
`with the process materials which contact them. The use of
`porous surfaces for multiple products should be avoided
`(filters. filter bags. fluid bed drier bags. membrane filters.
`ultra tillers). Any surfaces which have these properties will
`require review during cleaning validation evaluations to
`ensure adequate product removal and minimize the potential
`for cross-contamination. The interaction of cleaning agents
`with surfaces that are likely to display these properties (e.g..
`seals. gaskets. valves) should be assessed.
`2.4 Product Allribulus
`The cleaning of equipment is closely tied to the type of
`materials being removed from the surface. The product
`formulation is often the key in establishing appropriate
`cleaning acceptance criteria. challenge methods and sam-
`pling techniques.
`limits uti-
`Low Risk—High Risk Drugs: The residual
`lized for cleaning validation are often closely related to the
`allergenicity/toxicity/potency of the materials in question.
`The limits are eased when the materials being removed are
`generally of lower pharmacological activity. At
`the other
`there are numerous materials and fomiulations.
`where even minute quantities can have pharmacological
`activity. The equipment and the procedures utilized to clean
`the equipment might be identical. yet
`the production of
`materials with known adverse effects may require that
`tighter limits be achieved. Cleaning. sampling and analytical
`methods may need to be refined to a high degree of
`sensitivity to ensure that the equipment has been properly
`Many firms have used dedicated facilities and/or equip-
`ment. or conducted cleaning verification in order to circumo
`vent some of the inherent difficulties in processing high risk
`drugs. The difficulties of reproducibly demonstrating success-
`ful cleaning may make it operationally easier to dedicate the
`equipment and/or facility to the production of a single
`product rather than attempt to clean to the necessary level of
`The route of administration of a product may affect the
`level at which the product is found to be allergenic. toxic or
`potent. Generally speaking. injectable products. intra-ocular
`formulations. and some inhalants which provide direct
`access to the systemic circulation systems of patients are a
`much greater concern in terms of cross-contamination.
`Highly Characterized—Poorly Characterized: The in-
`troduction of prc-approval inspection requirements for NDA
`and ANDA approval has resulted in greater scrutiny being
`placed on documentation describing the development of the
`formulation. Regulatory agency expectations for cleaning
`validation are formidabl

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