Transcript of Conference Call
`Date: March 22, 2021
`Case: Samsung Display Co., LTD. -v- Solas Oled, LTD. (PTAB)
`Planet Depos
`Phone: 888.433.3767
`SAMSUNG EX. 1030 - 1/22


` --------------------
` --------------------
` Petitioner
` vs.
` Patent Owner
` --------------------
` Case Nos. IPR2019-01668, IPR2020-00140,
` IPR2020-00320
` Conference Call
` Conducted Telephonically
` Monday, March 22, 2021
` 1:56 p.m.
`Job No.: 361940
`Pages: 1 - 15
`Reported by: Matthew Goldstein, RPR, RMR
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
` Conference call held telephonically:
` Before Matthew Goldstein, RPR, RMR,
`Notary Public in and for the State of Maryland.
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`CO., LTD.:
`12424 Wilshire Boulevard
`12th Floor
`Los Angeles, California 90025
`850 Tenth Street,NW
`One City Center
`Washington, DC 20001
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`A P P E A R A N C E S C O N T I N U E D
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
` JUDGE KAISER: So this is Judge Jessica
`Kaiser. This is a conference call in
`IPR 2019-01668, IPR 2020-00140 and IPR 2020-00320.
`I have with me on the call also Judges Sally
`Medley and Julia Heaney.
` We've been -- we had some audio
`difficulties with people joining at the beginning
`of a call, but I'm just going to briefly go over
`what has been discussed and then allow each
`counsel an opportunity to address my summary.
` So we've talked about the fact that
`there has been a jury trial in the related
`proceeding Solas OLED Limited versus Samsung
`Display Company Limited, Case Number 19-CV-00152
`JRG in the Eastern District of Texas.
` The board reached out to the parties to
`ask for some information about that co-pending
`jury trial, including trial transcripts and other
`information that might be relevant to the issues
`to be discussed by the board in these IPR
` It appeared that the parties had a
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`little bit of -- or wanted some clarification
`about the scope of what the board was requesting
`and so we scheduled this conference call to
`address that scope and to get some more context.
` I understand based on information
`provided by both parties during this call that
`there has been a jury verdict in the co-pending
`district court proceeding related to
`IPR 2019-01168 [sic], which involves the '311
`patent. The jury decided issues related to
`Claims 7 and 12. We understand that the specific
`invalidity grounds or unpatentability grounds that
`are at issue in the IPR proceeding were not
`presented at trial so those are obviousness
`grounds based on Kuriki and Mikladal and
`obviousness ground based on Moran and Joo.
`Rather, there was some overlap with the jury being
`presented with an obviousness ground based on Joo
`and another reference called the Yilmaz as well as
`some evidence presented around the priority date
`of the '311 patent. And we understand that
`ultimately the jury concluded based on that
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`unpatentability ground and perhaps others that the
`'311 patent was not invalid.
` As to IPR 2020-00140, which involves the
`'450 patent, we understand that at the related
`district court, litigation Claims 4 and 5 were at
`issue and that the jury reached a verdict that
`those claims were invalid and that there were
`invalidity grounds presented in front of the jury
`based on the reference Utsugi by itself, which is
`also presented in the case before the board, the
`140 proceeding.
` As related to IPR 2020-00320, which
`involves the '338 patent, we understand the claims
`at issue before the jury and the related district
`court case were Claims 5 and 9, but that no
`invalidity arguments were presented as to those
`claims at trial.
` So that's my attempt at the brief
`summary. Mr. Garr, I'll give you an opportunity
`to comment on that for purposes of transcript.
` MR. GARR: Thank you very much
`Judge Kaiser for summarizing that for the
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
` For the most part, I think everything
`you said we would agree with. I would just note a
`couple small caveats or a couple caveats. One is
`for the '311 patent, which is at issue in the 1168
`proceeding, as I noted, we did not introduce any
`testimony on the priority date issue. And we did
`not cross the plaintiff's expert on that issue
`because there was an agreement allowing the cross
`as part of -- would be sort of permitted as part
`of the rebuttal testimony and that expert was
`ultimately not called to offer rebuttal testimony.
`So that's the caveat on the issues that you read
`into the record just now.
` And then the other additional comment I
`would make is that we understand the importance of
`getting information to the board as quickly as
`possible; but as we discussed before going on the
`record, there are certain aspects, perhaps smaller
`aspects of the testimony at least on the Joo
`reference, that may fall under parts of the court
`transcript that are currently sealed under a court
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`order. I think the same thing is true for the
`priority date issues and the parties will need to
`jointly, hopefully, seek relief from the district
`court judge before we can submit those portions
`that are currently sealed here in the IPR.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. All right. Very
`good. Thank you, Mr. Garr.
` Mr. Rubin, is there anything that you
`want to clarify about the related district court
` MR. RUBIN: Thank you, your Honor.
` So I think that the summary that you
`provided is accurate. The one thing I did want to
`do for the record is provide a response to what
`counsel said about the issue of cross-examination
`of patent owner's expert on the conception and
`reduction practice opinions that he offered
`concerning the '311 patent.
` So the expert presented those opinions
`during our case-in-chief and Samsung elected not
`to cross-examine him on those opinions during our
`case-in-chief, although they had the opportunity
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`to do so. For whatever reason, they were planning
`to cross-examine him on those opinions during a
`rebuttal case, but the witness wasn't called
`during our rebuttal case. So it's true they did
`not cross-examine him, but they could have had
`they chosen to do so during our case-in-chief.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. I'm going to just
`take a minute to confer with the panel now that we
`have a court reporter with the information that
`we've got on the record to see how we want to
`proceed. So I will be back in just a few minutes.
` MR. GARR: Thank you.
` JUDGE KAISER: This is Judge Kaiser. I
`want to make sure we still have Mr. Garr with us.
` MR. GARR: I'm still on, thank you.
` JUDGE KAISER: And we still have
`Mr. Rubin?
` MR. RUBIN: I'm here as well, your
` JUDGE KAISER: And we have the court
` THE COURT REPORTER: Yes, ma'am, I'm
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. Thank you.
` So I had a chance to confer with my
`colleagues. I wanted to thank both counsel very
`much for getting on this call and providing the
`context. We wanted to see -- and this may be
`actually a question for the court reporter. We
`wanted to see if it would be possible to expedite
`the filing of this transcript so that we can get
`it within a day or two. I think that may
`alleviate some of the other things that we had
`asked for, particularly in light of understanding
`some of the field issues that exist in the
`district court.
` THE COURT REPORTER: The transcript is
`rather short, I would have no problem getting it
`out to you guys whenever you need it by.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. Mr. Garr, would
`you be amenable to working with the court reporter
`to expedite that and trying to get it filed with
`us in the next day or so?
` MR. GARR: Absolutely.
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. Then this is what
`I would suggest: Let's go that route because I
`think the parties have been quite helpful and
`detailed in providing us with the information that
`we requested. And like I said, we just wanted to
`have context for what was going on as we often do
`when there are related proceedings happening at
`the same time.
` So I think given that, unless we reach
`out to the parties again, we actually wouldn't
`need you to go to the district court to work out
`the information or the issues with the sealed
`portions of the transcript, et cetera.
` Mr. Garr, is that okay with petitioner
`as a way of proceeding?
` MR. GARR: I believe so, but can you
`just clarify, are we using this transcript as
`the -- as providing the information that the board
`needs or are you asking us to also submit public
` JUDGE KAISER: No, we would just use
`this transcript as the context, context that we
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`were asking for.
` MR. GARR: Yes.
` JUDGE KAISER: The transcript of today's
` MR. GARR: Yes, thanks for the
`clarification. We think that would be a very good
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. And, Mr. Rubin, is
`that all right for patent owner as well?
` MR. RUBIN: I think that's fine.
` MR. RUBIN: Would it be helpful to have
`the jury verdict form entered into the record?
` JUDGE KAISER: I don't think so because
`we sort of went over the relevant parts of that so
`I don't think we need that in the record.
` MR. RUBIN: Okay.
` JUDGE KAISER: All right. Anything else
`from petitioner, Mr. Garr, before we end the call?
` MR. GARR: No. Thank you.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. And anything else
`from patent owner, Mr. Rubin?
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
` MR. RUBIN: No. Thank you.
` JUDGE KAISER: Okay. Then let's go off
`the record.
` (Off the record at 2:10 p.m.)
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`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
` ss:
` I, Matthew Goldstein, Notary Public
`within and for the State of Maryland, do hereby
` That I reported the proceedings in the
`within entitled matter, and that the within
`transcript is a true record of said proceedings.
` I further certify that I am not related
`to any of the parties to the action by blood or
`marriage, and that I am in no way interested in
`the outcome of this matter.
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
`my hand this 22nd day of March, 2021.
` ____________________________
` Matthew Goldstein, RPR, RMR
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`5:11, 5:17,
`6:2, 9:9, 9:15
`11:7, 12:10
`5:10, 6:4
`9:6, 13:9,
`5:4, 7:10,
`8:6, 15:14
`9:8, 13:18,
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`1:3, 5:16,
`5:20, 6:2, 7:10,
`8:17, 12:18
`6:6, 11:4
`12:19, 13:1
`8:19, 8:20
`1:14, 2:1, 5:2,
`5:4, 5:8, 6:3,
`6:6, 11:5, 13:4,
`6:19, 8:12,
`6:5, 6:15,
`6:16, 6:18,
`6:22, 7:9
`1:11, 5:14,
`7:10, 7:15,
`8:9, 12:2,
`9:10, 10:3, 10:4
`9:20, 9:22,
`5:6, 5:9, 5:12,
`6:7, 12:3
`1:1, 2:8, 7:10,
`7:14, 8:18, 9:4,
`3:2, 3:11
`15:7, 15:13
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`6:11, 7:5, 7:7,
`7:13, 7:15, 7:17
`6:1, 13:6
`9:9, 12:17
`5:17, 6:7
`7:20, 8:15
`10:8, 11:3
`1:14, 2:1, 5:2,
`6:4, 11:6,
`12:6, 12:22
`5:10, 9:15,
`6:8, 7:5, 7:15,
`SAMSUNG EX. 1030 - 17/22


`8:21, 8:22, 9:4,
`9:9, 10:9,
`10:20, 10:22,
`11:7, 11:14,
`11:15, 11:19,
`8:8, 8:9
`9:21, 10:2,
`8:22, 9:5
`6:20, 8:7, 9:2
`11:10, 11:21,
`5:9, 5:20, 8:18
`1:5, 3:2, 5:14
`5:15, 6:8, 7:5,
`7:14, 9:3, 9:9,
`11:14, 12:11
`6:6, 9:20,
`9:21, 10:2,
`10:4, 10:6
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`3:13, 7:19,
`7:21, 9:7,
`10:12, 10:14,
`10:15, 11:18,
`11:22, 12:14,
`12:16, 13:2,
`13:5, 13:19,
`8:17, 11:5,
`5:8, 12:2,
`12:11, 14:2
`5:8, 8:18,
`10:7, 12:6
`1:22, 2:8,
`15:5, 15:22
`9:7, 13:6
`6:16, 6:18, 7:1
`6:12, 6:15, 7:8
`4:6, 5:5
`13:18, 13:21
`3:4, 3:13
`11:8, 11:20
`8:8, 8:11,
`9:16, 9:19
`12:3, 13:12
`9:5, 10:18,
`9:11, 10:19
`5:17, 5:19,
`6:5, 8:17, 10:9,
`12:4, 12:12,
`7:2, 7:7
`6:12, 7:8, 7:16
`6:9, 7:3, 7:13
`1:11, 1:12,
`5:3, 5:20, 6:9,
`6:13, 7:3, 7:12,
`6:13, 7:6,
`7:14, 8:5, 8:7,
`8:8, 9:15
`5:19, 6:10,
`8:13, 9:2,
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`11:13, 12:12
`4:4, 5:1
`6:16, 6:18,
`5:1, 7:22, 9:4,
`9:6, 10:7,
`10:13, 10:16,
`10:20, 11:2,
`11:18, 12:1,
`12:21, 13:3,
`13:8, 13:11,
`13:14, 13:18,
`13:21, 14:2
`4:3, 5:4
`4:6, 5:5
`5:12, 5:18,
`6:7, 6:10, 6:17,
`6:22, 7:6, 7:8,
`7:14, 13:13
`4:4, 5:1, 5:2,
`7:22, 9:6, 10:7,
`10:13, 10:16,
`10:20, 11:2,
`11:18, 12:1,
`12:21, 13:3,
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`13:8, 13:11,
`13:14, 13:18,
`13:21, 14:2
`12:2, 14:2
`7:21, 11:5
`5:13, 5:14
`9:2, 11:17,
`12:11, 13:16
`8:16, 10:14
`1:16, 15:19
`2:9, 15:5
`2:9, 15:1, 15:6
`15:10, 15:16
`1:22, 2:8,
`15:5, 15:22
`4:5, 5:5
`6:14, 6:16,
`9:6, 10:7,
`11:2, 11:18,
`12:1, 12:14,
`13:8, 13:11,
`13:17, 13:21,
`1:8, 3:11, 5:13
`3:16, 8:4, 9:13
`9:17, 9:19,
`9:21, 10:2
`5:10, 7:19,
`5:18, 8:15,
`5:16, 11:17,
`12:10, 12:11
`5:8, 13:15
`1:9, 3:11,
`13:9, 13:22
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`8:2, 8:10
`5:16, 5:22,
`6:6, 9:2, 12:3,
`12:10, 15:14
`8:21, 13:15
`1:1, 1:3, 1:9,
`3:11, 4:3, 6:10,
`6:21, 7:2, 7:4,
`7:13, 8:5, 9:16,
`9:18, 13:9,
`7:1, 8:19
`1:6, 3:2,
`12:14, 13:19
`9:4, 12:13
`8:18, 11:8
`6:14, 6:18,
`6:20, 7:8, 7:10,
`7:16, 9:19
`6:20, 8:7, 9:2
`5:13, 6:8,
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`6:13, 7:11, 8:6,
`6:19, 7:9, 8:21
`5:21, 12:7,
`5:12, 6:8,
`15:9, 15:11
`6:10, 7:4, 7:12,
`7:14, 9:9, 12:7,
`6:6, 9:13
`5:19, 13:15
`11:5, 12:4,
`1:22, 15:9
`2:9, 12:19,
`10:9, 10:21,
`10:22, 11:7,
`11:15, 11:19
`9:6, 13:9,
`6:17, 11:16
`1:22, 2:8,
`5:16, 7:6
`1:22, 2:8,
`3:4, 9:8, 9:11,
`10:17, 10:18,
`8:11, 8:12,
`13:8, 13:10,
`10:3, 10:4
`13:12, 13:17,
`13:22, 14:1
`8:14, 8:19,
`9:14, 10:10,
`13:13, 13:16,
`14:3, 14:4,
`8:3, 9:15,
`12:5, 15:11
`4:5, 5:4
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`9:1, 12:8
`1:5, 3:2, 5:13,
`6:2, 6:4
`8:22, 9:5,
`10:10, 11:6,
`1:8, 3:11, 5:13
`5:6, 5:17, 6:1,
`6:4, 6:17, 6:20,
`11:11, 11:13
`8:10, 13:15
`2:9, 15:1, 15:6
`10:14, 10:15,
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`1:11, 5:3, 7:3
`1:12, 5:3, 7:12
`1:11, 5:3
`3:7, 6:11
`1:11, 5:3, 6:9
`1:11, 1:12,
`9:4, 12:19
`5:10, 7:19,
`1:15, 2:1
`8:7, 8:11,
`8:12, 8:20,
`7:21, 9:7,
`9:11, 10:12,
`10:15, 11:2,
`11:4, 13:20,
`9:1, 9:13
`8:2, 9:1, 9:12,
`11:10, 12:3,
`12:9, 13:6,
`13:10, 13:14,
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`6:7, 7:6, 13:13
`9:9, 9:13,
`10:10, 10:14
`6:1, 11:4,
`11:6, 11:8, 12:5
`12:15, 15:15
`5:6, 5:11,
`11:10, 15:6,
`10:3, 15:18
`7:20, 8:1,
`8:22, 11:9,
`11:15, 12:13,
`12:17, 12:22,
`13:3, 15:11
`1:3, 5:12,
`5:18, 6:14, 7:17
`9:1, 10:4,
`6:22, 8:12
`8:21, 8:22
`6:5, 6:11,
`6:21, 7:4, 7:13,
`6:12, 7:1
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`5:3, 7:3, 7:12
`1:16, 15:19
`1:16, 15:19
`6:9, 6:21, 7:2,
`8:5, 9:18
`Transcript of Conference Call
`Conducted on March 22, 2021
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`SAMSUNG EX. 1030 - 22/22

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