
` _____________________
`Webster’s [1
`New College Dictionary
`Houghton Mifflin Company
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`gmh-mg‘ 13-pin). —ml cro-
`Ira-plied :
`photunicmgtaph. —ull’cro;flsoltognpls' v. (-pflpm
`la) n. —mi'cro-fl|o’to-gr|fls'li’e (g
`'ik) adi. -—m‘9§§
`pho-ms'n-phy ( :3 £6) 1:.
`mi-clo- lIyI-im (mi'kififlz'nts) ii. (In; in main). The” .
`ics of
`“In, ammic, male-r, an! sulmmlw gm -I|i. one,
`phyl'iocll ( I kal) adj. —ni'cro-phys’i-cII-ly nit
`micro-plum (mi'kra llt’) n. A plant of miumcopic size. "fill
`mflnyt’ic (fit’lk) ndi.
`(in I
`mic‘rio-plint (mi’kn m’) n. The pmitiye a mind rcplxlllé-
`mi-mJtoc-eI-nor [mi'kra mbs’és at) a. ”dummy: Sci. A
`min) um: ccnml panning unit usu. mmined m Isingle in-
`tegnted cimuit chip.
`mi-uo-pyle (mi'h: lil') n. [um + Gk; puk. we] 1.8m. A
`minmopafinginthcmulcdaplam Ihmughwhinh thepolutuhe
`mamas. LZooLApucinthcmamhnm dlllouofsome an-
`imals through which the s
`micro-scope (mi’kn
`’) n. [NIJL mbmium: mcm- +
`swp‘nm. scope.) An
`untmmmt the um amfiwm v
`lean to
`we “Eggs!ump'ofmallubpc‘ts, espofobjects too
`small to e seen by
`692 _
`mi-cm-scop-io (nfi'kwshbp'lk) aha mi-uo-seopi- ‘
`Mubdlryordmcwithenmnemcmimmdmfl. 4.0L 1:132th
`otcmoemed with :m‘xzrosnope. 5 Suumingor rambling:
`w in having th: :lility to olmrve my small dfpcls —Ill'fio
`xop'i-cII-ly div.
`Mi-cm-leoupl-nnuml'hasko'pe am) :1. Mn, minimal: A
`comdlatim in d: Somhcm Hm‘nphue.
`mi-croa-co-py (mikma'b p.) n. 1. The study must: of mm-
`scops. 2. lnwsfiyfim “in; : micxmcope. —m!-¢roo’cn-[lkt n.
`uni-madam (mi'haai'um) n Afaint, mm mm iilathe
`emh‘h crust. —ni’ao¢dl'nlc ( siz’mlk, sIs’ ) adi.
`mi-cro-Imnc (mi'kn 0111') n. [6. Mikmm : Gk mikm Small
`+ Gk. limo. body] A iihmmle —ml’m-Io'mi-nl ( sa’mé-al);
`ml'm-Io'mlc ( so'mlk) mil".
`mi-cmspo-rm-gi-um (mi ha spa rln'ie am) 11., pl. gin (-"
`Ideinwh'nh '
`careful-Md. —mi-
`clo-Ipom’d-Iu (if: It) aii.
`mpodueedbyhnexmpmom hmukmsg‘ungris'e
`mi-uof-Ipm (mi'kn sptt’, spin") 1:. 1. Ba. Thesmlla of two
`sod: mmpmdophymz '1']: smallfl mspma formed byRa.
`diola'is and cumin other [mum-us. -ml'uo-Ipo'rb, fierce
`up'mm (mi'h: spans, spfir' , mi ham»: as) Mi.
`macro-sprawl: (mi’haspbx’a sit', spin" ) n. A cellitlm
`generates mimospmu.
`mi-uo-Ipo-ro-gen-eqnin (mi'kn spbr’a in” sis, Mi) :1}
`Produclim (I' Immfim of micrmpum.
`l pmdum ‘
`TL-uo-npo-ro-phyll (mi'kn splk'a fil’, m! ) n. A lfiitm
`li-cro-Itlte (mi’fifi stit') n. An inlqiendmt munu'y having a
`small are: and papulninn.
`micro-muse” tmi'kmfit'ja—xé) 1:. Surgery m minute living
`minutes orallshy mean (i :micm '
`—nli'em§ sur‘
`fi-cll I i bl) adi-
`micro-unlucky (ml’kn ce'chlng) n A method (imam:
`mahinginuvhiduviimpe damallsgnnntohsmakm‘s claw
`m ’-
`mi-cro-t’me (mi'kn fim’) n, An im! used to an tissue
`into thin seaims for mianlmp'c examinatim.
`mi-aot-o-my (mi hm'a me) n
`(inn oi
`with a
`minmmne. —1ni'cro-tons'ic (mi’kra m'm i.
`mimdtom(ml'knfin')n. Mus. Animcxvalullatlgn aha]!
`DIE. —mi'cro¢on'nl ( lb'nall adi. u-nli'cm-to-nl’istN-tb
`nil’! a) n. —nl'cmon'nl-ly air.
`hwwhich VI
`iply Irene “film 6pc: ah:
`iii: kpier
`6pm one 0pm!“
`+ (annular-.1 An alum:
`fivemimmsin dim. —mi'-
`microcyte o microtone
`(mi'h: sit')n.
`‘mi-cr '
`ml hlaid cell, lms
`“mm u: (slt'k)m112
`P“ mmmfwmm
`do: who awn; A
`ffipfigedmagsiflm mmJMemhmm
`$30 deco-nonvio- (mi’ho Ck'a—nthn'ns, ek'a ) 1:. (ring. in
`._ ', number )Jhcstudydthenpnfiomofllxum undulations]
`" "economy such as individual finm, house]:
`and common
`‘ —mi'crh uec'o-mm’ie ndi.
`.c Jeotrode(mflréillk'ufid')n.Avaysmsllclcamde
`. _a.nd n'm-
`_ mi-ct
`, Joe-trunk. (mi’hM lfi mh'lkq n. (sing. In mun-
`u ..
`hard: of elemmics Mn; with mini/mire mpnmts.
`__mi’ ggo-e-lecvmn'ic adi.
`mi'cl'o :en-vi-ron--t (mi'h'rh vi' man) 1:. A micro
`v 1222:; .‘fiche (mi'hb[film 11., pLmm: at fish-en. [PL
`I'm-“01.111113 Ghmikms) +ficbs._ani < 0P1; peg < flabby, to
`. dfivein‘l“ _ Asllgtdm‘mfilmcmumngaluymmhu
`'blpagfi sad
`’fi-llr-i-I (mi'kn l: lir'e a) n. A slander larval hlsm.
`.' mi-cro-
`,_ - -I o-fl-l-r'i-Iuealhldy.
`in: ct_
`lflfl’hamm')n.LAfiknonwhi¢-.h ‘
`' m flwfiféllhlgbdgmdym insinLA
`film. _ VI. filmd, {ibis-ins, fill“. To mpmduz (L5,, docu-
`'l 1|-
`owl-Inn (nllllm'k‘r {am
`" mi gonna)“film
`PM”: flm'él’)n
`(- H
`w ‘31::5?alumina PMS. (he'lmlzgsmete. _
`-'mi-cro‘5"m‘1t°'¢7¢° (m1 Wane“: sit') n. A Wyn
`that gene“ “Wm”;
`‘ mi-cms “‘3th 0'“ h?! P M 21- Study or @3111: mountain:
`‘ ofmicrol'fi‘f olmns ”I“ mmlb (1m W'Ikndy.
`, mi-cro'h
`i-tlt (mi'hl‘) hlh'hit') n. The sauna! unit d a
`* W " ' “m" “flaw “mam -
`I'mm‘ (mi
`) Vt
`. win. apes.
`'giigglflmwlinamzl _ med
`3mm .
`-' mi,m.III-nip-Il-Ia-t¢ (m1 hum: nlp'ya In (at) n. A dame
`Mmmipfl‘m mimneinmmmts andmedlu umlcn mi
`in order [0 WWW -Illi'cm-nl-nip'u-l-’uon n.
`- mica-om (mi'h'bmk ) 11- [mm + (Emhnnl A tiny
`~ fiigg‘m‘fifl'hé(ml'ha ml’te a fil') n. A minimum“.
`hub-clo‘mQ'um'Oi-q (1'1?le lll‘é'té 3 tqd') n. 912 dnumm
`. rdacivelY'memwwmmsmcnmu
`j , inéieorsm
`mnqplgs ' _
`mum umsmsamll
`mashallm s
`. mi,croJE-9e-otd-i . .01” (m1 ho me n: 3x61 3 flnl'l’hesmdy
`, .22ng“ feuabavqmuniinwm
`”any“ ' 1y
`extre um: fouml. m'mmdum'mqu ”1.13mi,
`.‘ {.kaqual Idi- -nIi'cmqne'¢e-m-ol'9-ginn.
`,, Wmtmihhn'I-hnn mm:mm,small
`'fi‘ckmihos) + Wmdu<ckmmml Admin:
`. measuj'ngmimln disumn, Q. at hand in themfionofafindy
`. _r'»thmadedm,lsinmlafimtoamicmope.
`ini-cronrm (mi hom’[416) n. Masummmt'vndl I We
`tér __
`'ero-mct'rlc (mi'kié m'dk), mi'cromet'rl-ul
`: fim'd-ul-ly adv.
`uni-cm" also uni-hon (mi'hm' 11.. 171. m m -cn ( kn)
`also Jpn- a-kn. [Gk neuter miktos, smalllAunitdhngth
`o mmillimth 10‘) d a meter.
`oat-din: (Inf
`' né’thx,_ sham) adi. Ofor relating toMi
`V'czone mmmmmmmazmrcukm —n. LA
`native" residue 9‘ Minimums. 9. A mliamil 9f the Austin-win
`- miucr
`(mi’h'anlz') n vied, airing, dupes. To tedme
`ln-ce-lu ‘
`dnlt “eonlyl'luwm in dismflc’r.
`1 41:4
`, Timggotwan-Eel'lhemull:nmlarmmin)ciliamland m:
`wrial ppm an op
`to the madam.
`‘ mi-cromflcnt mi'kn') mo’ué an, nyIR)’ ) n. A suhsnnm
`‘ cumulus ismtialmlile.
`- -mi myndnm(—'moxlpuin)nmanimdapkm
`‘ singing:
`‘ ”Econ-taboo" (mi'ho 113'! m m1! 3;; an )-n.
`W of mimswpic {mils —nl’uo-pl’le-on to-log'b
`, ni’uo-pn’h-on’m-bg’i-ul M. —n|i'cmvpn'-
`leion- “'3'“ "‘
`51’) n. Amullflugmym
`mi-cP'th (mi'kn 511') n. An inn-um: that mm semis
`(ml vsnsimoanelelxriluzuuull,uqueglixmnnml
`orb: mica. —ni'
`' mi-cP'Ph"
`(mi’hfii’ layif’nl. I. Apholoysphre
`€1qu viewing}. Aphotqnphmmimiilml A


`i. -'r -_
`porter= o possess
`[ii-IE s: Ell-'1'. portier e LLat. portnrfus .-;
`“hitt lptir'tsr. pori-J rr.
`_—.:. Elf-Porto. gatoj Chict‘ly Brit. )1 gatekeeper : doorman.
`I-Itecri tptrr’tar. pfirF-i .1. [Short for pastor's been A darlt bcst rc-
`ling light stout. made from browned or charts malt.
`lat-vague [poritar-ij. par-L] rt. 1. The carrying oi parcels or goods
`Idiot by porters. 2. The charge not such sconce.
`- r-Estr Ipor'tar-is. poH-J n. var. of root-nus.
`;.i" Ber-house [pfir’tor-housl. pflrh] r1. 1. 1'1 Nth-cent. American
`i filtrate or cltophausc. 2.!1 cut of beef from the thick end of the short
`5‘: hail-HE 1 T-lJEmE and a sizable picture of tenderloin.
`Irhouse steak :1. rosrcsrtousr 2.
`fo-li-u lphrt-Et'i’lc-o'. port-in. pi. «is. [Italporrar'cglio :por—
`Minoan tn: tat.) + iogiio. sheet e latjolr'cnr. [ear] 1. a. a port-
`case or holding papers. drawings. or photographs. b. The
`Ittitticls included in such a cast. esp. when rem-cscntatiye oi roe’s
`Ell ca dotigner's portfolio} 2. The ciiire or post at a cabinet meni-
`fi'lifminisocr oi since. 3. A list oi investments. securities. and corn-
`.4 paper corned. as by a bank or individual investor.
`halt: rpnttihol’. porti-J n. 1. 11 small. usu. circular window in
`title. 1. not emhrasure.
`tl-cotporicI-iro’.por'-:In.. pl. -co-cs or -eos. [Ital s: Lat. por-
`.ml'iimrtd. grim] h walkway or porch with a roof supporoei by
`alien at the entrance of a building. "port-rhmad’ fldf_
`' or [tor-tiers: iphr-tydr’. pot-i rt. [Ft 6. DFr. lent. oipor-
`.’it putter 4: liar. porrarius c: Lat. prtrrrt. gate..' A heavy curtain hung
`his: doorway.
`~11 . lpfir'sban. poof—in. {ME s: (1F: s.‘ Lat. portio] LA part oi
`1- 31 P9“ til-'Flflltltetl drum a whole 3. A part: allotted to a per-
`»..‘la‘F EMF. 15? a. n helping of food. It. The partoi an estate rceti Itoil
`'_ H =5
`c. 2'1 woman's dowry. 4. Doc’s destiny or into. —vr.
`fined. tins-Eng. -t.ions. 1. To divide into parts or shares for
`2. To provide with a share. inheritance. or donvry.
`wlfinnrn-hle adi. mpur’tiullterfl. -por-':ion-lcss rdr'.
`.‘pfirr'lnnt‘l. pon‘rJ-l :1. [After Portland, England.
`0 limestone oust-riot] there] a hydraulic cement
`beating a mixture of limestone and clay. containing oxidts oi
`“lithium. iron. and silicon.
`in a kiln and pulverizing the
`liilllt't’lt". pt'JIl'ri adj. -li-t::r. -li-rts-t. [-=: math; 1. Corpu-
`Lliliot. lArchcic. Stately : imposing. —port'.'li-11esa n.
`-Ittetn.1 [porhmhn’ti porn. porr’inac-ts'. port'-1 11.. pi.
`. fireman: l-ot'ici lFr. portsmtmtetrn t: DH. : porter. to carry
`figs] + nirrnredu. rlnalc a: Lat. manta-Hum] Chicily Erit.
`suibcase that opens into two hinged compartments.
`- mword r1..-'1. ivcrtl iorrued lay merging the sounds and
`alien diiiaeut words. c.g.. cool-tic. From cit chiris and snort.
`_ n. A port where ships clock in the course oF voyages to
`cargo. obtain supplies. or undergo repairs.
`ti. A place where travelers orgoods may enter or leave
`' ..
`t larder oliicisl supervision.
`to pur-
`-T DFE. =2 partial-1‘6.
`flirt“. -tr§tr. péILl fl. EFr.
`tart ula pcrson. as a minting or photograph. esp. one
`_ littlest. 1. A verbal picture or description, esp. ol :1 person.
`tar .ici. Dior relating to the orientation of a printed
`hills: than it is wide.
`{Meghan-tier. prir-J n. One who mares portraits. esp. n
`pfit'tr‘t-cbtior’. poi-Lj- rt. 1. The 11'! or practice oi
`- 2. A portrait. 3. it group of portraits.
`flit". pot-J trt. strayed, -'I.rtl‘§r-l.1:|g, «rays. iMIi por-
`airs e Lat. prormhsre. to reveal :pro-. torch + tro-
`ll. To malts a picture oi. 1. To depict or describe in
`inflation dramatically. as on the stage. uproot-rayon
`. .'-
`ten-pin! {-trfifal. par-} :1. —pnr-trny’er n.
`this. port-J ciao por-cer-ess [por'tar-Is. potF-i n.
`.or door-keeper. cap. in a consent. 1 a. cits mornm.
`ship's-1 also Port do Sn-lut tpor' tin ai-io‘o'] n.
`' Blur. Trappist abbey in Prancc.f tit scmiharcl icruietzttd
`int Trappist months in France.
`ipdr'clta—giz’. -gl!s". pdr’—J £215”. or or relating to Pat-
`ot their language. —ri.. pl. Portuguese. 1. a. it
`- oi Portugal. b. One or Portuguese descent. 2. Tn:
`limp-1.1331 and Brazil.
`'_-of-wo.1- n. A corn lax colonial or anisrn oi the.
`warm seas. with a bluish bladdcrli a float from
`malicious long stinging tentacles capable oi l'.'l'
`phrlik’m phrl-l rt. [N'LaL Portulttcrt. genus name
`- _ t: Bargain. dim. of ports. gate} A plant :It
`.I'l-ip'tli. The grid
`assure: or hold a position or [insturn as in sitting ior a portrait. 2. To
`affect a particular mental attitude. 3. To pretend to be other than what
`one is. —-vt. I. To place I'e.g.. a model] in a specific position. 2. To
`advance or put forward ‘CthSti a ptolclem;I —rt. 1. it bodily portion or
`position. cap. one assumed for an artist or photographer. 2.3111 arrested
`physical or mental attitude.
`pursue1 [poo] vt. posed. pots-lug. poo-es. iii-1E nppotcn. alteration of
`opporcn .-_-. DFr. opposes to oppose. —scc Cir-tote] To pus-ale or cott-
`Itrsc Tsaith s c'iii-icult question or problem.
`Pom sci-don. [pd-std‘n} n. [Lai. < Git. Poseidon ] Git.
`oi the waters. earthquakes, and horses.
`puss-erl tpoizar} rt. Cine who pesos.
`pets-er! [po'rar] n. it bailliog question or problem.
`po-seur [no-rtcr'i n. [Fr -: DFr. potter.
`to pose. —sce 111::st Clue
`who assumes an attitude. character. or manner to impress others.
`130511 [posit adj. lCii'ig, unknown] Fashionable and expensive.
`etpdr’i-grnd'] nn‘i. [rrrsrit‘rys] + [its'rnoiottantflfih per-
`taining to. or being an auxiliary roelret on a spacecraft that provides
`additional mrust in the direction oi the spacecraft'a motion.
`pus-i1: {pfiz’ltl or. die-ed, -it.-ing. dis. [4: Lot. pon'tnr. p.patt. of
`to place.) 1. To place in position. 1 To present as a [art or
`asturnptton : rosrutarc.
`po-airfionipa-rish’an} 1:. IOPr. 1:: Lat. positio .: poncrn. to place.| 1.
`A place or location. 2. The right or ap.
`riatr. place {The contestants
`were in position:- 3. a. The way inflich one is placed stir: an in—
`conspicuous position} h. The arrangement of bodily part5 : ms torts
`ca prone position} :1. tin advantageous place or location {race cars
`inciteying ior pasiti'anb- 5. it situation as it relates to the surrounding
`circumstances scant in a position to quibble} a. An attitude or pohtt
`ol view on a certain question. 3'. Social status. 3. rt post of employ-
`ment 1 nos. 9. The area for whit-d1 a particular player is responsible in
`a sport. In. a. The act or process of positing. it. The principle or prop-
`osit'tcn posited. —vr. -tioued. rejoining. -tions.Toplace in pron
`tr position. —po-si’tiorI-a1orti. — po-silt-ianuer n.
`position paper :1. 1. it detailed policy report that usu. explains.
`justifies. or recommends a course oi action. 1. For aide-memoirs.
`pried-titre ipfiz’i-tlvi och. [ME e 01:1. potitif e Lat. positions. for
`molly laid down r: porters. to place.) 1. Marked by or exhibiting cer-
`tainty. acceptance. or affirmation 1'3 positive reply} 2. Measured or
`moving in a direction of increase. progress. or ism-aid motion. 3.
`Openly or explicitly laid clown or expressed {apotrtrve claim} a. rid-
`rnittirtg oi no doubr: instruranrn 5. a. Decca-mince or settled in opin-
`into or assertion : CDNEJDLNT {a positive attitude} is. Dt-crconfident :
`dogmatic. ti. Formally out-arbitrarily determined :r-nsscaraso. ?. Con-
`cerned with practical rather than discretion! matters. 3. Composed oi
`or marked lay the rescue: of distinctive qualities or attributcs : arm.
`'9. Philos. Of or relating to positit'itm. ll]. informal. Complete r utter
`ca positive angels: 11. Math. Relating to or designating: a. it quantity
`rotate: than zero. it. The sign [+]. e. A quantity. number. angle. or
`direction is
`pairs to another designated as negative. 12. Physics. itc-
`latiug cu orpdcsignattng electric charge of a sign opposite to that of an
`electron. 13. Mad. Indicating the presence of a particular diseasc. con-
`dition. or organism {a positive TB teeth 14. Bird.
`indicating or
`marltcd by response or motion toward the source of a stimulus. 15.
`Having the areas oi light and dark in their engine] and normal rela—
`tionship. as in a photographic print made iron: a negartvc. tn. Di. 11:-
`Eating to. or denoting the simple uncompated degree of an adjective cr
`adverh. 1?. Driven by or generating power directly through interme-
`diate machine parts having little or no play. —r1. 1. Something posi-
`tivc. 1. Holes. Something perceptible to the senses. 3. Math. a
`quantity pfieater than zero. 4. Physics. A positive electric charge. 5. a
`photogrnp in image in which the lights and darks appear as they do
`naturally. IS. a. The uncomparcd degree of an adieetivr or adverb. h. 11
`wool in this degree. —pos’i-tive-ly adv. —pD!’i-tivvctncsa rt.
`positive prescription 11. Law. PRESCIttF'nG-N do.
`posd-tio-ism [poa'i-ti-ytz'arnl n.
`1. a. it philosolaljiical doctrine
`contending that sense perceptions arc the only :tdrn'tssl
`c basis of Mn
`man knowledge and precise thought. h. The application of this doc-
`trine in logic. epistemology. and ethics. 2. The system of hug-oar:
`Comte designed to supersede theology and metaphysics and dcpcndin
`on a hierarchy or" the sciences. beginning with mathematics and co -
`minating in sociology. 3. Thc quaiity or state n: being positive.
`—pos'i-ti-vrist n. —p-ufill-tiiveis’tic cut-ii
`pos-i-tron iptiz’I-Lron'] n. [aosrtnvsi
`intact-room] The antipat-
`ticlc oi the electron.
`rpdz’i-trfiFnt-umi n. mist. ._- restroom} it
`short-livod association ol an electron and a positron trotted together in
`a cmrfiguration resembling the hydrogen atom.
`PW'B'B llitl'JS’ El 11. [Short for Med. Int. rat-ates mnu‘rmm- nnlamr m: 1.1....

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