W0 9809968
`1 "r .‘
`2 0
`“they. directional -.- anten-n-a:;-; 402 -
`through»- .the. directional
`antenna -.J':n.ter_._face
`506-92 1.-,..'1"l'n-er-'I
`the. processr _goes -to step
`In; step SlOQG,‘ the processor: :determines- whether
`communication with
`selected .tsfltel-lite _: has
`‘If - the communication with the
`successfully established.
`selected-,satellitegha-s not been established,
`the process
`.- If ‘_the.,conununi-cation' is successfully
`,goes. to step=- 5101-2. 5
`establishedp t_he;.:process_fi-goes_-to step: 81003..
`In Step
`the processorhSOO increments encount
`.and then goes-
`to {step 9510145..
`‘Inr “SEQP‘.I'-SIOI4,-
`the u processor - 500
`determinesuyhether the count has. -_e'xce‘ed.ed-;a_ ,maximum.
`the count , exceeded .‘a’ maxi-mum, .---the process " goes -. to step
`31.36 and outputs,endin_g{message
`to the calling party
`communication cannot '
`.be.-._ established. 3-. Then
`the comunication
`and. ends
`_ process goes
`If the count has not exceeded a ,maxi-mum,
`:p-rocess met-urns to. step-;Sl-012..
`'- V .
`l LIm-‘step 5.1008” hthe select-ed satellite.
`1 information: .‘from .the.'-.-por.table r_ satellite,
`determines i tjhfe happr‘opriate destinat-irdn satellite-”if
`20 r.
`'- destination un'satelli-tfe '=:~'i's
`other .
`= In step
`satellite-2:; _T.-hen theipr'oce-ssv" goes to step 311010.
`I! H. 310310?“- 1"the"-tide£=.'t;1i.1‘lai_'.1011r {satelalitem {uni-rt; » could '= be
`s;elec-te1d..‘ satellite); 2 determines nwhet-her "-1 'L---' number dialed‘
`the 'ca‘lling‘ i-iis. th-e' number
`the portable
`:‘f: r
`satellite -..-:phone,
`portabler satelli'_.(
`theimumberrr-isw'. the number . 1.5:;
`then the prooes;
`to step 31022
`.to reach rthe called party by dir-ECLL:':"! contacting the
`portable" satellite _phone*- 104..
`. Otherwise“ if the... number
`tdial-ed by.
`the calling party is .the :n'umber connected to a
`ground based communication? networkeloo,
`{goes to step 8101.62:
`then the process
`. -: :5:
`35 "
`.3" ‘
`- In s..tep'=51022;--the destination :.satellite. outputs a
`. signal" Ito ale-rt'theyzcalled party that escall.‘ is pending.


`WO‘S'M9968 "

`Then theUprocess goes to stepLSI024.~'In:step'51024{ if
`the pOrtable satellite phone loéfiis in Standby'mdde-fe.g.,~
`not busy),
`then the portable satellite phone l04~alerts
`the called party‘that a‘call is pending.
`-Then the process
`goes to Steb!SI026;
`the'a proéeSS‘T'waitSVfinfor
`- predetermined time for the‘callediparty to answer the call
`through the po‘rtable'rsate-llit’e? phone “104.2 : -If- ’the'called
`party answerspthe calllwithtn-the.predeterminednamount of
`time,“ Uhe process.wgoes“'to 'stepfn81032:={ zdtherwise,
`In istep‘}81030,
`to3istep ‘310303
`destination satellite informs the selécfled<satelbite that
`2,5 «
`the' called -party‘~has- failed to 9an5wér-stHe-Lcallsf
`seleCted satellite in turm§informs the'balling party that
`thé call
`is not answered in an’ending message.
`’Then the
`‘Iprocess goes :t0”-step-
`SIOBBZ and: ends -the; communicatfibn
`.w.;~ ..
`:.J:. van
`In step 51032r-thé5portable=satellitefiphone 104
`-establiShe$A:communication' with ”the Idestination satellite
`by determining-therpositionqof‘thendestrnationuSatellfite’V
`and the position of the portableqsatellitewphome+m04 and
`forms-a.direCted beam toathe destination-satehldter: Then
`nthe .pIOCess- goes .tOt‘Step~‘8103flLJ'u%flfi'
`t~¢arling partys and-'the.’calledwgparty:nare~ connedCEdl
`in a
`-call. After the call
`incompleted;ft e pnocesshgoes toil
`step $1038 and ends the-communi¢ationypro¢ess.rfi
`establishes '
`destinationi “satellite
`step’ H81016,fiusthe
`'COmmunication ‘n:thhn.- a!-
`- based
`communication network 200.
`-Then the processfigoeS'to step
`In step $1018;J the igroUnd -based=-communication-“
`3 $1018;
`:netWork connects the call tOua.terminal suchJas a terminal
`~202Vorxa mobile phone.20¢ of the-called party and goes to
`= step $1020. -- In step. SlOZOythheuuprocesss waits: for
`predetermined amount of
`for'uthe- called ¢party to
`the call.
`'If‘:the‘ecallédzsparty; answers
`‘3:answer :thes call;:
`.then~-the; process--goes
`to :stepn“810284
`- Otherwise,


`WO 98/29968' - ‘ ".- '
`PCT/[1897124170 .
`In step $1028,
`process-goes;to stepgSlQ30;.
`~. party and-the called partyiare.connecteduin a call.
`‘wthe gall is completedfinehenprocess goes toistep $1038 and
`. ends I-the,;‘,communicati.on process.
`,After=thenportableLsaUeLlite phones
`102 and 104
`establish~ communication~ with {the :respective.-satellites,
`teach of,the.respective portable satellite phones 102 and
`104, continues
`to monitor .the: positions 'of
`the portable
`the _;respective
`.and ;.104 avand
`4 satellite‘ .phones
`: The,'respective,yprocessors ‘500.-continue to
`adaptively A. adjustpxhjels dimection- of“ them antenna beams
`'the ~BDUana‘ beams Mare. aimed
`atzatbe ~respective
`satellites irrespective of
`theumovement of
`the calling or
`:11? 9-";
`..E '
`the .respective
`-In ?the£:eventwgthat
`the; selected; destination
`'satellites are‘otherwthan.GEO satellites,
`lexists.forwthe‘respective-satellites=t04move'out ofwrange
`the respectiveuportable satellite phones 102 and'104.
`the selected/destinatidnfisatellites move out of range,
`‘xthe Portable satellite phonesthZ andrlOd must
`sanotherh‘satellite mto continue -the communication: path by
`consulting the respectiyegdatabases scuthat
`the call may
`~cbntinue'Withoutwinterruptionm :After
`identifying another
`thevportablewsatellite phones 102 and 104 may;
`transition from the originalMOr.first selected/destination
`satellites mUOw the‘;new; or"second-
`satellites bye-either
`a} snap beam “technique or .a. bridge

`diagram= of
`‘Figure A15H shows
`technique 'that. may' bem.used to ‘transition or~ “hand-off”
`'from a first satellite.802 to.a second satellite 804.
`ishown :in Figi, 14,.
`the‘ portable: satellite -phone
`communicatesAWithmtheffirst Satellite 802.through'antenna
`-satellitefi 802: goes‘ out of
`$beamu 806LM4%Befbre15theiwfirst
`the portable satellite phone
`800 determines


`wo 9mg "
`position.~bff the 'second“nsafiellite ‘804*:andf"~at
`appropriate ?momenty
`transitions 3the
`communication apathy
`from antenna'beam“806:to‘antéfina'beam 808 in the direction
`the .antenna ‘beam is aIsnapp‘ed' from a
`-dire¢tion of antenna beam-806 toga direction of antenna
`beam 808
`transitioning ithe commUnication“ path from the
`first.satellite1802 tOLthe second;Satellite 804.
`shows‘ a Vsecond possibleh method
`-'-5Figure- 16-
`transitioning between a first satellite 812 and a second
`satellite" . The' portable“ satellite phone 5820;
`example?'communicates‘withgthé first'satEIlite,8I2 through
`antenna beam 822;” When therfiflrst sateilite 812 is moving
`the~portable Satellite phone 820 locates the
`lout of range,
`'second satellite '814 -and converts the Fantenna beanw 822
`that permits
`into a bridge beam 824
`' both the first and second satellites 812 and 814.
`“the.commUnication‘path transwtionxfiom the first‘sateilite
`'812 to the second satellitewfil4uis completed,-theVbLidge
`beam 824 is converted to-a narrowqbeamt826 aimed~directly
`-' at the second satellite 814;LnThns;fithe transitibn betweeniu
`the ‘first :and'wseCOhdw satellites n&12 wandf‘814gumay
`‘achieved ‘Wibhout
`the >commflnicatiohunbetween
`Lthe callihg and the called partiesuu“ an; an:31:
`For handvoffs betWeenthO;HICOmorLMEOwBOBy:306 and
`,, Ar312 satellites,
`the*béam'bridgingumechnique-is generally *
`- widely ' applicable,uivsinceaf HOT: precise» timing
`- more
`- Coordination wbetween;‘the~vsate11ite network 100
`and the
`antenna phdnes 800~and 8207is reqUiredp‘ A bridging beam
`can be directed at both satellites 800-and1820 for seconds
`30 ‘-4
`or minutes to ensure.a seamleSs hand—offal The snap beam
`[between adjacentsnsatellites: 802= anda 804,
`-requires. some» timingv:coordination .between
`‘satellitesj802 and 804 and the portable.satellite phones
`u8OQ;and‘£20a’ pAltermatelynithefisnap:beamutechnique with.
`'the satellites-802 and 804*bridgingtthe:signa1 across both.


`W0 9809968 -
`II 'T '.
`satellitesh~802 andrHBOAygwould obviate .the
`precisionrhand-off timing:2
`.«M‘ V..
`shousu;a:;flowchart cof' the .process of
`transitioning_ betweenn a
`first.nsateLlite ~and- a
`Satellite-by the-portable‘satelliterphoneg102. -‘In step
`SZOOOvlythE' portable,
`ainstructiondto establish communication_with-a satellite.r
`,Then the process goes to.step_32002.
`In step.82002,
`i xsa-.calling
`.A processor~ 500 idetermines whether- the. user
`‘; party or.a called-party.
`‘If the.user is a,
`the. processor,;500=*goes-
`to step g32004.
`first. satellite.
`is: the; destination.
`satellitem and
`processor‘WSOO..goes;wto ustepp-82006.-(L:In':stepg.82004,
`processor 500 selects;a first satellite from the satellite
`-Then the processor 500 goes»to step 32006.
`network 1003
`In step 82006,
`the processor 500 determines
`In step
`finst.satellite.position and goes1to step 52008.
`$200811the-processorw500 forms and adaptively maintains an
`antenna beam directed at
`the first'satellite.
`.Then the
`In »step 82010,
`-processor‘-300 goes :to. step 32010.2
`5processor,=500 -establishes: communication with uthe ,first
`satellite“aangoesgto step:£2012.
`..In step SZOIZ,
`KprocesSqrn50Q~determines-whether it is switch
`It it is necessaryzto.switch to a
`--second.satellite;.the~processor-SOO goes to.step~82014.
`In step
`the'processor'SOO goes to step S2030.
`the:prOcessor=determines:whether=the communication
`between the'calling and called parties'is-completed.
`the communication between thelcalling.and called parties
`isficompleted,:the processor 500.goes to step 82032 and
`*ends the.process;
`:Otherwisep the-processor'SOO returns to
`.step 52012.
`.qun. step .52014,
`the processor
`.500 :determines
`.ThenWthe:proceSSor 500.goes to
`second satellite position.
`'step $2016."In“step'82016,‘the.processor~500rdetermines
`whether to utilize the snap or beam bridge process. If the


`W0 98’29968 '
`2 5
`processor' 500 decides ton: us’é'mthen snap—“beam~~‘-proces$'-,
`step [5.1320243'
`processor 500 goes: to: step 6202185
`- ".'-:'
`500‘? [concludes
`:In step -82024,==‘=the "processor
`communication with ~the~ftirst~ satellite;- The processor 500
`may determine the-=timing' for~ concluding. the-cornm‘Unication
`the ‘first .1 satellite and! begin 'the-51 snap" hand—off
`the processor 50039-receiiies
`process. or alternatively;
`synchronization signal.- -from the - first"? satellite} that
`the snap: ha'n‘d-o'ff process.“ = The
`the processor
`500 goes' 'to step" 82026..
`In. step 52026,: the processor 500
`forms-and:adaptively-maintains ani‘anten'na' beam directed at
`a lseCOnds satellite. =“uThen‘ Ithe u-p‘roc'e-srsor ~500ugoes to. step
`:- 820-28; ‘ .the-- prrioces‘sor‘w 500 --est»ablis~hes
`In’ step'
`communication withhthe second satellite and goes to step
`- w
`2 ,. '5
`the“ precesso'r- 3f 150.032. expands
`"step ‘ 82018,
`antenna "beamidirected 'towafrd’W'the"first:vsa'telli‘t'elv'int-9. a
`bridging. Ibeam zbetWeen the firstriand' second: satelliteseand
`tof- step’ $20203. " 5 In‘ step: $2.020,
`'t‘he processor @500
`transitions the! communication'é: frOm..:~t‘he '“f/‘i‘rst .‘4-5'a-te'l'l'iten'; to
`‘the . second satellite“wand-goesJ to‘fws‘tepi. 520,22; '-
`In step
`‘- -
`520221, - the processor 500‘:n‘a-rrow'si ".ther::bri§”dging_::beam.'into an
`antenna - beam directed . at
`the? [Second' .' satellite and
`‘-'!"adaptively maintains the , antenna.- beam' =toward athemsecond :1
`antenna '.'~ 1: Then - the proces'ssor 500'. goes: to: step «8-2030
`'E‘i’gure.‘ 18 -:shows-‘ ' a’ = flowchart: of‘ a response. of
`portable satellite phone -102- to aniobject xithat». comes into
`=a_ beam:-..path' neighborhood of" .the¥ antennaiizbe-am;
`';In step
`£3000,“ .Ithe processor
`beam and 1::
`a n sestablishes:communication.i witrlrrlra satellite. '.
`processor 500 goes
`to step 83002.
`In step 83002,
`.1 unprocessor‘ --500 .a-c—ti~vates-. the l-pr‘oximi‘ty. detector along a.
`. beam: path~=1neighborhood.
`.-2A.‘_ sbeam p'ath. -.neighborhood
`~ ,
`-. determined f-:l::vy‘~ 'a - predetermined .--;distance from ..:th_e-_ .antennac,
`1: =g,-'.'v.


`“419889968 \.. p .-
`PCT/0897124170 ’
`--.:beamA and :the portable [satellite phone '102u w-'Then
`:processor SOD-goestaste};SL3004.‘i
`'-'Aw:In£'5t5p 's3aompuatne 'proceSSor' 500
`entered -into ~the. beam! path
`if an object has-not entered'into a beam
`path neighborhood,
`the processon.500'goes to-step S3008.
`‘has entered‘ into the- beam path
`an sobject
`Otherwise .wif
`neighborhood,-then the.processor 500 goes to step 53006.
`In step 53008;
`the processor‘SOO'determines.whether
`_communication between the calling and calleduparties has
`completedu'au Ifw them Communication: has ‘bompleted,
`-processor.SOOQQOeE-tofisteanSOlS and.ends€the
`Otherwise,ithemprocessor 500 returns to step S3004.
`In- step 'S3005,
`500 .determines
`. whether alternativewantennazbeam pathsfare available.
`,alternative beam pathS'are available; thenHt e processor,
`the-procesSor 500 goes
`500 goes to step 83010. Otherwise,
`,-to step “'S3012;.- .I. 'In €stcpz-S3010,
`the .proces‘sor' i5'00 Ieshapes
`'-the antenna beamrto moverthe communication to-a new beam
`'thatienterednthe oniginal!beam path neighborhood;
`process;mayiincrudefiswitching-to another‘satelliteu Then
`»W =
`,thewprocessor 500 goeshto step 83004.
`ninxustepi 53012,.Etne ‘processor SOOi‘reducésv the beam
`power of-the}antennawbeam and then'goeS'to'Step~S3014.
`Astepis30143 the processor‘SOO activates the~a1arm device
`to alert thewusermand/or-the'object‘that entered into the
`.beam. pathw neighborhood ‘of potential‘ harm.w “Then
`, processon:500:goes:to step.s3004.

`W H"
`Figure-19 showsda diagram'of_atcommunicationzsystem~
`includes fixed phased array antennas 908,
`and 928 that are fixed to permanent structures 904, 906,
`922 and 924,
`The permanent35tructures 904
`and 906'arehiocaCedfiin:thederthern Hemisphere Such as
`~mhe UnitediStates.902§twhile:the permanentistructures 922
`and£924-are located?innthevSouthernHHemiSphere-such as in


`WO 98/29968 - " "
`Australia)920uz,Phased arraysMSOE and 926 may be planar
`phased arrays mounted =on structures sdch asr-houses
`-phased arrays 910 and 9287mayflbé.volumetriolphased arrays
`mounted .on
`towers -such as:
`for .terrestrial ”wireless
`transmitters%receiversu .2"[ ““u
`‘:“ Us“
`The-fixed=phased:array antennas @08w1910u1926 and
`3 ForVexamplé;
`form directed antennafibeams.
`928 may
`phase array antenna:90& may foflm beams.9169ahd”918;
`phased array antenna 910 may‘formzantefiha beams 912 and
`914;-the.phased;array?antenna 926:maw fidrmhbeams-934 and
`936; and the phased array 928 mayyform beams 930'and 932.
`‘The phased array antennas~908;:9L0,4926Wand 928 form the
`respective. directed: beams
`rtowardrqsatellite5'~SUch as
`gsatellites 938r 940,
`andVBAA that may have orbits
`alongnthe equatorq950;'Otherisateiiiues'that‘havevother
`..99‘8,.-)91:0,-'..92;6 and .928».
`wThe: «above—described“ phased narrayfi‘iafi‘tenna'
`that,are attachedtmo.permanentmstnuctuxeSwmaybbe used £9:
`satellite;cable|TV(and.broadbanddterrestrial'lmnks sqgh“
`as multimedia;direct;satelli£erand wirelessrcablenL:Usigg
`theielectronically steerablerphasedgatrayvantennas 908,
`.92&g:;installation>’b£?‘fiheaxphasedh array
`antenna iacilitieSnmayubexsimplyfilbeatiqg:thetantennas in
`;a xgeneral directionq.faeing "then satellit552w 1Thus,
`the ’
`'phased,array antennas 908,.910r~826 add 938 eliminate the
`complex- mechanicalh.installations *where
`antennas.amUStJ.ben~carefullyJ aimed ,atn destinations
`These fixedfiphased arrayrafitEnnaS*provide at
`two unique benefiitsi simple; auto~steering during
`.uinstaliationn.for ease. of vuSe,i and terminal
`In addinionp thegantenna systems may either receive
`‘ysepsfi;UlgcamionAaddness‘,(Latitude tand.:lbngitude)
`alternativelymyse builtvianPsrflpcalizati n tofeompute a.‘
`.steering Adirectiong to uelectronically- steer


`wo 93129968 ‘2 -
`for' Optimum receptibn.
`Electronically—steeredvantennas can :be‘redirected under
`:auser acontroll
`aiming :antenna mbeams :at.:selected
`satelliteshnto taken'advantagellofu nerrestrialn service
`: ”Thus,:'using.=a= singles,electronically—steered
`antenna system permitsrthesuser towreceive service for
`multiple systems.,
`:fixed phasedw:array antennasn.908,
`926-and 928-thatdtran5mit signals using directed~or non-
`directed beams may also apply proximity detection of
`objects that may be harmed by the electromagnetic energy.
`If objects are detected, alternative actions may be taken
`by redirecting the antenna beam,
`reducing the power of
`transmitted electromagnetic energy and/or activating an
`alarm to warn of possible harm.
`conjunction with
`alternatives, modifications
`variations will be apparent
`to those skilled in the art.
`In particular, while portable satellite phones 102 and 104
`have been described by way of example,
`this invention is
`applicable to other devices
`such as cars
`and airplanes
`from forming highly directed antenna
`that may benefit
`beams to conserve power and to reach destinations such as
`other satellites or other receiving devices.
`In addition,
`are _ described
`,conjunction with a portable satellite phone,
`the invention
`is applicable to other devices such as facsimile devices.
`the portable satellite
`phones 102 and 104 may include a simple compass and level
`in orientating the portable} satellite
`to assist users
`and 104.
`instruments provide
`rough attitude and bearing information for
`the user
`the portable satellite phones
`and 104 may be
`properly and approximately orientated at night or
`dense fog situation,
`for example.
`in a


`W0 98/29968'5-
`'Also,.=the_ alarmumdeqice
`methanical* alarm Vsuch
`aSwuawbvibrator. v-vThis-uadditional
`‘-élarm mode enablesnhearing andfiér visionlimpaired uSers to
`'be alerted of:antenna beam interference conditiéns;
`Accordingly,’ upreferred :Iembodiments
`inventionv as Uset'
`forth .herein mare
`iliustrative, not
`limiting. Various:chanqes may bevmade
`without ndeparting
`fromz¢the spirit' and
`. deflned..
`1m;‘Lithe=42 following-clalms.
`. r,
`.; ‘
`f, ’1‘.‘
`v n
`.2 .
`.. .

`:r »
`. H ‘,
`, 1,,


`“1998””. -
`'l. ”HaiporQable1terpinalh;compri$inggn
`,3.5%zdireC-tipnalifim—snna; sand».
`(‘1 an antenna'controller.conpled to fiheudirectional
`:aptennaw yherein|§he.antennadgontrqller,forms,an antenna
`beam of the directional antenna and determines a.direction
`lof_the antenna beam based on information generated by the
`;portablezfltegminalfiytp .allow. the portable_.terminal

`.-:"-.x .s:
`commpnicatetwithxghe satellite..n ”p
`.2r_;_Theupprtapleuterminaldof claim 1pbwherein the
`controller directs
`directional? antenna in “the; direction .determined by the
`antenna .qontroller
`to:,communicate .with _the hsatellite.-
`3,, “Ihe_ portable -terminal ”of
`;wherein “(themgssteeringL.7information7determining
`generates _steering,
`infiormation including a position,
`-.3 bearing ang anJattitpdeJofgthe portable terminalnuy
`4 The.:.rp_9r:'.:a.b.le,terminal.of. claim A3.- wherein the
`steering.jénfpamasaivom Qatarmipingidevice cqmprises ;‘ 1
`5% :7 arqlohalgRositioning System~signal receiver that.
`,receiyesfiglohalfRositioning_Systemnsignals;.and -
`steering information sensors that include at
`alleast one.p£-a compass,qa gyroscope,,a plumb line and an
`,The portable_tenmina1 of claim 3, wherein the'
`,antenna controller maintains the antennaqbeam of the
`.directionaliantenna toward the satellite'based on~ag
`position of the satellite and the steering information of
`,thekportable,terminal generated by1the steering
`information—determining device.
`,§$ni The
`-p9rtahle~3terminal ~O£a claim; 5; ufurther
`comprisingf a; database" _whereinrflthe,yantennag controller
`determines the position of,the.satellite based on at least


`wo 98129968
`31 '
`one of data retrieved from the database and position data
`received from the satellite.
`":-;"39'-"-‘-"-'--" "‘4‘
`Th‘e'hf'porfiablexf‘teir‘mffnal-J of ‘j'c'laIim ‘6,
`the ' Ian'té’nna
`clock; ‘- ‘Whé’r'ein'
`determines ”the ‘-ioeeiicibn'-5'of"the“éatenit‘e by generating
`orbital -information 'based"'ofi':'the; retrieved data and the
`clock.“ '
`-: mi)
`:1“ .r,
`t 1 ‘4
`'-".'The'- portable terminal; of claim" 5’,' wherein the
`antenna controller ’tran81t‘1ons {row-communicating With the
`satellite to communicating =Wit’h another satellite. by one
`of Remapping“ the antenna" 'Ee'am I and "" bridging the antenna
`.H \'
`§»"'x9--.!?"-I‘ The port'abl‘e-‘ terminal o‘f~"‘c'la'im"8I’ wherein the
`antenna-3 controller‘=' euap'e ‘-‘ the‘
`antenna ‘1‘ Beam ' from chef“
`' satel-lite' to‘" the 'anotfhér "satellite. at! a time determined 'by
`'one of the antenna controller and a. synchr'o’n'iiatiOn'Signal ‘
`‘“from‘tHeE-s‘atel'lit-e‘fl ”we? ' ’
`“HIO:WVThQJporLableétermififil’ofktlafm's,‘Whéréin the.
`antenna *' controller ”*brdédiens':
`the-“T’Tafitenha”"'bEam ”to "
`communicate—5 With the~3 sa'tell'it’éb‘ahd’it‘h'e‘another: satellite
`the ‘.
`the ----ant"em1a ‘*i$fi‘&eal‘e~f5
`broadened .“ahtehria’ “heal“ 3' ‘to Wei—rearLEHeV-‘anEeenav beem' toward ~'
`'ther'anOthe'r'?sétél’lii‘t‘e' at"é'"timéfi’deéefifi‘i—n’edi'by at least one "
`the -antenna"?controller)” 'thé Js'a-t’e'll‘ritie rand “the“:i'nother 3'
`,J.ncufirfi Gfliflngk
`.JSatellife'J u Lfisflfi é a
`The. 3-portable ~'te'rminal“'!.='-'"o"f
`“ c1‘air‘n’4 1-,"“—f§urther -‘
`a -‘broximity " ~déte‘ct‘or‘fi' Wherein
`antenna "
`controller "adjusts“one ' of" 5a“ ‘shape‘bf "the"-antenna' beam,
`a *
`direction—waif the-“antenna Beam"-'éind7’a"i>63vezr' of the antenna
`«beam based oh‘the‘ ’ou-tp’ut of ’the ipr'bxirrfi‘ty detector: '
`'The portabl'e't‘e-rminal‘of claim 11', wherein the
`antenna controller
`'afil-poWer ’ transmitted-'5 by
`I-antennal‘ibeam when the-‘p‘roiimityi-d'e't'e’ctor detects an object'
`”within-'a' predeterminé‘di distan‘cei"‘fr'omv at _liie‘a-:'st""one of
`antenna beam and the po-rt'able'xterrfiifnal: “4‘
`4 5 l 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 l 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5


`walk/29'9“ -'

`M"-1r3".-'~’The pbrtabl‘efif'te'rminal of claim ~11, wherein the
`fa‘nten’n‘a cdntr‘o‘ller ‘ou't-pnts'e'za‘n alarmi
`.when’the :‘proximity
`the ”object wibhinx; a '-;iprede‘-termined
`"detector; Hdetects
`distance from a path of the antenna beam.
`1. r"
`' 14..“fiThe 1 portable ifterminalu‘u'ofv- claim 1,
`a database; and
`- a'.Global iPositionifigt SYst'em- l‘signal receiver that
`receives::‘-'Glioba1 Positioning ~S'?ys‘tem , -signals,' wherein - the
`antenna "'con'tro'l-leb-~‘det:ermi=nes‘*:ra-n 'elevation angle: of
`'satellitefiba‘se‘dzv onF. awposition of, the satellite and a
`‘p’osition'f of
`the? portable i'terminal:, ; the position -of
`satellite being"? determined Inbased on-rdata in‘
`- and :the posi'tion'of thessportable=terminal being determined ’
`the "Globa‘lthositioning ' =System'
`' signals;
`the: determined --
`fani beam-at
`antenna ‘3.213111:rolleri
`"the" f—fan _'beam '-:being ' directed at.
`is maintained: at
`pre'Set'§-- attitude: ‘-and
`'bearingI ' generally facing
`" ‘S'a'tel'lite'jd ‘.1Ll'i.[.‘)>'~_'.,,
`-;--.-‘ ..i
`‘1 :-
`The portable terminal of claim l4,'=.wherein the,
`r'fireset-attitude is vertical. 5 F0!‘ w
`"5' 11¢ .
`' ~'I:‘hre' =‘-‘p6rta=bl'e
`terminal: of; claim 51‘, ~‘.Wh'er.ei‘n.
`’"‘sa’téllfit’é‘ié‘bflé of 53a geostationary earth orbit 'satéllite, ,
`a medium altitude earth {orbit Wé‘at—ellite,‘
`a "down-altitude-
`e'art'h orbit-3 satellite-,5: an -‘int'erme‘dia:-t-.-'z circular orbit
`‘satel‘Iite 'a‘n‘d-‘a ge‘o'dh'elio i‘syn'chkonohs‘ oft-'1'. rsat'ellite.
`'Thef portable terminal 'o’f claun: 1:,u wherein the
`' i7. '
`directional? aunt-enna' isf:a aphas‘efd 'array antenna
`The portable terminali '05” claim 1:7, wherein the
`phased "array”“ante'nna‘ AlisW' one "of-ma "planar. phased array
`: antenna and ’a-vol'umetr'i'c pha’eed array antenna:
`19. A method ‘for‘ operating -a part-ablei
`beam -df
`a . directional


`3 3
`_ determining .a'fidirectdOn. of:
`based on.information'generated}mm;a.;portable‘
`allow the portable
`.wurd *4.»-~n 91'
`iv dJn
`communicate ewflth
`mu”! ‘3 1:31‘“
`-The. method-306 -c1aim¢ 19pq further ncomprising
`directing the antenna beam in the directiomigenerated by
`the determining step.
`.:r at 3
`The method~ qf' claimnuISrnufurther
`generating steering infbrmationgthat
`ineludesra position,
`.a beaming and an‘attitudenof“theapontablegterminalr
`'22.‘nTher method .of'1CLaim:32L,u wherein; the” steering
`is ,generatedn.baSedrrong data received from a
`Globali Positioning. System psignalmprecgiVer
`Global Positioning Systemssignals andwsteeringiinformation 5:
`theta-include'iat”:leasta‘one of
`.tgyrdscope, a plumb line and,an attitudeusensorgllf.yr_ ~;
`i:flBLT'ThE‘qmeth0d ’of
`!qlaim¢32113{£urther‘acomprising ;;
`" maintaining the antenna; beam..-of .theg‘jdir‘rectional.’ antenna .-.
`:toward the satellite_based on agmpsition.o£-the,£ate11ite
`and the steering information generated byg the .portable
`";-_ "
`.xizfiu'u f?!
`....;:i nun-1‘ uni

`The method of Lelaimu»2311fifiunther¢ comgrising;
`: {-
`determining- then positian»ofi vtheQJSatelthe _pased on‘ at:
`least one of: data, retnievedmfirgmla ‘databélse‘vfipdf‘PQSition _
`,Lp ml. ‘13"
`’J-datazr9ceived from mhezsatellitegy
`:251- Then-.methodis-ofi claimwfiZAmq;further
`generating-orbitalginformationnbased‘onLthe.retrieyed data.
`and a clock¢.the determining cheapositionyof the satelliteh
`step determining the positiongofinthe satellite based on.
`Tthe$L1 1
`- 26. The methodgof claimgzgdufurther:comprisingEone of;
`snapping and bridging the antenna,heamlto transitipn from
`ncommunicating .with the .sategliteglto..communicating with
`another satellite.
`.wherein snapping the
`,elaimw 26,
`The method; of
`’~: g 2%.
`antenna beam comprises determining a ,time_ to .snap the-


`(antenna beam from-thehsatellite to the another satellite,"
`wthe time being determinedsby one of the-antenna controller
`,and receiving-a synchronization signal received'from the
`The method; of-iclaim"26; wherein- bridging the
`antenna beam_comprises;m"
`broadening the antenna beam to-communicate with
`athe satellite ~and the 'another Lsatellitel simultaneously;
`x -:;-:x
`_;, “I
`; h_
`reforming the broadened antenna beam to direot
`the antenna beam t0warthhewanOther‘satelliteiat a time;
`determined by at leastmone of the antennaHController ,
`satellite andtfihe:another.satellite."fi
`and iii:
`. generating proximity information of an object;
`5“; "-
`'J‘ '1':
`then :antenna Lbeam v based *56n
`proximity information output by the generating step.
`The method of claim 29, wherein the adjusting
`step comprises one of reshaping the antenna beam, changing
`the direction of the antenna beam and reducing a power of
`the antenna beam.
`The method of claim 30, wherein reducing the
`step is performed when
`predetermined distance from at
`an object
`least one of
`is within a
`the antenna
`beam and the portable terminal.
`claim 29,
`The method of
`alarm when
`is within
`predetermined distance from a path of the antenna beam.
`The method of claim 19, further comprising:
`determining an elevation angle of the satellite;
`elevation angle,
`fan beam at
`forming a
`wherein the elevation angle
`is determined based on
`the portable
`the satellite and a poSition of
`position of
`the position of
`the satellite being determined


`W0 98/293968 :
`PCT/UM!” -'
`. .
`based on data in a databaseuofathe pdrtable=terminal and9
`the; position: of
`the {portablefnterminal zbeingt determined‘
`based.9n“GlobathositionianSyStem signals;
`the fan beam”
`being directed at
`the satellite if the portable terminal
`is.maintained,at a“preset:attitudeg -w
`The method of
`claim M33} wherein"th€ Vpreset'
`.attitude:is vertical.
`:‘f'n “'--fi;:A '2=€
`The me

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