`Luxury edition
` The woMl's a _......


`'I'WIEI.1-'”|‘II FDI'I'ION-
`Edited by
`Angus Stevenson
`Maurice ‘W’uile


`Greai CInrendnnStreetflsfc-Id ax: Em!
`Oxford UI'IIWI'EIJI' Press ind-apartment uftlie Universityuffixford.
`h‘. furtlicrslhc University's thuiwol amt-lime in Icyral:ll,si:hularship.
`andeducatinnhirpublishingwnrldwide In
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`Published Inthe United States
`hyOxl‘ui-d University Press Inr..Ne-u' York
`© DIIOH‘I University Press 1954. 1936. i932. I990. I99519§9.209I. maggot». 2093,1011
`Database right-Oxford University Pies; [makers]
`Mist-published. igii
`Neweaimntrevisedj i929
`Fwnh edition Lgsi
`l-‘Ifih M'illOn i964
`Sixlhcdillnn I915
`Seventh Id iTiUn I952
`Eighth ed itiun I990
`Nimhcdilicrn i995
`Tbntheditiun i995
`Tenth {revnnedledition ZDDL
`filevenihadilion 2004
`Elevenihisdirlo‘n {revisedjmofi
`Elmninedlllnn (realm) zoos
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`ur ascxarchercn-riiiwd bi-Iaw.urund.crlmnn:rwdwiil1lhc EDDWDIiIIt
`icprusiiaphltsrlihuomanliallun Ennulrlcsconternlniregmdurlion
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`Oxford University Press.“ thczddressabuvc
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`ISBN fits-u -19- 96m 03-11 mam ed itiari.
`ISBN 9:5-0-19-95mw-3 bank-Ind CD-RDMedimn
`ISBN 978-0dy-gfiqui-otuxuryedulnn
`Tl'PeSP-E in Frunitcrarul Parable
`by Baum-Mix. Inc.
`Printed and bound in Great Britain Ii?
`my: ”ms: 1mm:


`prunnlu | pro-dupe“
`urm- pmkmlmmacnmdmnm (mm
`D: “mull-III“: WurmninIIInfilmilldu
`renalutuldllhlnj h1llll'IID thdfllrodlule Ena- “If.
`minurpu-nmfpfl:huwz.l I I In nun-1M
`mud nuhlln'lzr Itulthni’hneinlflklknlm HI:
`album MEJIIDIII Id. LmnnhlrIJmm
`L plucmfll )‘Icllld'.
`mmthwngnu-gwm Mal-unncmnd “III I
`Illrlufikmld helm- III Irrelnfculu: mmllflfll.
`[run MILII mama: Inl Enla'tlnrnlhlt 'IIIE mitten
`mandarin: Mallnd. I'l.{lll"lflllmllilI-I
`-DI:IIVA'I'I'|'L1 pew-Inn“
`moo-nil I-nmlflthlflkltlr.
`Wan-urn:Lunar-u". «mu-”I. rIglunaf the
`"III! Inlnlduheb- In rmnmamtmm.
`“III-III L'I-u' Ilrfl,n1’l..mrmdm'llllphm, IIIIII1II'
`mrnn. 'I Ipunm nrthlnglhllmmhul'm
`mfllhlm lllfl. tad-Mhmhmh‘hflh
`m II Fonludjqxlnlh: hymn IIIICIIHI
`- onum ME'I'MII L. mmnrJrnmnr—xfln
`'flflnelkll'. Emmmuanmmrbzlumhmd'c
`rumrr'lu rfln'.
`mlnnmmmfaiubupmlan {uf m
`- OIICIN CIR: fmlll1. Meda'mrv mm.
`”dill Ivlzull Urumlalarlllnflflk'rlhl.
`mud-thumu'dflflnlm I I. I Emu" thepmlngnf
`II Hmwnlunduinfl.
`- DEI
`lawn pulm-
`OIIGIN C15 Llll HIIL “him I..flIl‘fllD{fl}
`'ullngal hur', fmnmufim'wuuphnflcr‘JmII
`pIId-Iantfpnulhfl-IJ IlalllulIhII profic-
`DHI'EI'I.2 I maul-uh: nIpluIlInIbL-rs. II (nmnrlhzt
`Inn muummber.
`pluddnrffimdalfilhu I fid {chill-III.) pupil-
`nIquIILrnnthan unlllfilnnplolluthfis.
`unwanvuwmum pun-rm '
`Bud-hurl pritinl rulmmlcmflmnr mun:
`II mhl w1m| IhIIoIIIII Fir-Hanna: mmeand
`an l'olud bu knell: muleL
`”dawn “up mktlnulnuzuunuularr berm mum.
`”damn-n rufllthlumtmhfl plum]. III-l
`«aluminum: Hm allmlwrnnnw
`will.” II1IHMIWHIMIII 031”"le
`laden IMfllfl'Plll halal-I I I IIIIIIIIIIII In: UNI
`[01mm MWMWWM
`HIIEIN ME-Imm Im- lamina-nun rnmIL mu-
`'Hlflmrlu'uffl'flFflF'Mlflll until”.
`pndllflnld bwmmllmflndmrmmuhnun
`WCHIHSHHII-h' Imnanporwurmmwhujl
`run-H Mllmlulm. I
`allcm C19: Irma LIII .II 'unnfl'.
`miniin-ri-n .IprLdLsLI'mmanfrnamI-wn
`Id. Wilmer MIIIulaIMIde-(mmof
`pnduiinm H. {punt-1mm: mum.
`In‘l .'prl:'dlsmu|rprulmlneu.
`- :IIIIIN ME.[mnI<IIII-.l.. Mrmuul .Imdml'urr
`'lmlun inhuman-f. rmm'mmllm':
`Mutilation I'll-(Itlcflilllllfl :mmllm
`Goullrr Lluim momma-damn" will happen.
`emu-.3: Infillvmlm.
`Ind-Ilium In ! («Gulunaninml [nu
`Hnuummrwwnw Imam-Mknownmlln
`mucmulwnn Mlle: rune.
`uIIWA'nUu Iflnfinfl NI
`DI “Mm mill: III-Nail.
`- DEIIVfl'IIVEI ”MED-lib r3 WWII”
`“mind-In mind‘s!
`pad-lawn! In. Inn-ram If plunge :hn
`Hill" HmIlflfimlm.lmflln‘.ufl“fl'|mlh¢"
`IIIHIIDII'IMLHII eumle hnl'rorl Moi.
`[Ir-dill fpl'IHl-IJIJ rd. 1 rm: mum. n-
`. [IE
`1‘ IIlMJ‘WflIIIUrwkulufllflmflfl‘. 3
`“morn-mum. I II.
`pn-HIII slaw.
`- ullr-III M[:fmn:n—L L. mnflnmirmnl. mlufllm
`municnflcrpmnkwL-fltrrm rm wamwaw
`Ina-11mm. I-I.‘l III-‘1'“! namedlraflrj [In
`AnllclrJIInlnIltlachufth: (uncalnwhkh
`mmnhwmn mlndlllnemm mm.
`- Hummus pndlnIIIu-r
`m ' I 1'|l|LIIII[fi]r|H hl.1 Idll'l‘illll
`unulkmj I» ~I|Mafih Lmulmrlnll
`- allow ME (lull. III mimeflnfilim'mn
`olh-chI'JIIIct'mrlkun sltullcn'JJ-‘um Ilw
`|_|I‘Ie.d‘ Imunm'wmhllflpruulmd'lmmhuck
`manure-um) frat-L Murine-Initial
`nndTmrpmlM-flnr; .----.- Hi [owl-Ir mm
`mil-m. II-illmlllr.cwullramnrm I'rln.
`- «mm cm. mmL. Inn-Jinan: manI'. [In-
`”Him, Intuit-LL mning'llcnzh'.
`”all: In..‘prl|1ILatn'1';I-.IT IhepIrlolIIeMclte
`DILlaullethhl‘lInlhull IIIII'II muthlni Ibnnl
`the “Hun (Ll. wnlflmc IIIMI III-IIIl Plain-1.] int:
`mr-tfullilrh'llh II Il'firnfl Dtdalild Imlmilulu
`.Il'l'umcnl Mlnmlnmblfilmdlkm'l :rr-
`LL43 ill“. lfliflIJI lMHMIIIIfl-fll: mm. ll!
`whim“! Muunlmmnnl I million.
`lml-IWIDI'IFWI'I li'lmflrmlunfi 3W
`”Lulu-19M: Flidlulimr
`- oIIcm ME:fmn: L. rmmmuu min-adularld'.
`”All prim-film, I'mmmnllranmm pit
`'bI-Inclfuml' - .Irnm-‘nnh' kmn'
`Huh uludun hmfiuhmhnf m-bqu rap:
`(nun-nu! mlhmw-Immtlnunudlml.
`mm. In] IlIln-Ililrl.
`[In-dim" .n'mrdlkam' I- .11 511-1- (uh-dimm-
`uruther mudlficrlhmfingmumlnfl In me
`mediumunu in Und‘u'fn all (human: in Umdd' m1.
`mmufl! mm Irr-IuIL-dmminll manhunt
`MWIO flflfl ”MIMI“ MI I“ WHEEL I L'ri‘x' ICIII'II
`- DEFI'WH'IVE‘ ””1“?”
`mm». Hum-M liWfiMMIJWI-ll MIMI Ill
`InHIVAtIvIZI ”tank-ax. #ifiuflgm pour-awn
`- Dunn EI3:IIII1L Inn-dun .pm-dm-n'mah III'WI
`Hunhm,mmu'.l’mmpmr 'bnfmhznll' d llnul-
`Mflflflenumw bound-ml. granary-hay:
`- alumnus: ”II-utility n my r.|u
`Mdinn II. I thug predlcledufolaclst. "human
`W II'I. 'l Irul [Inodjmulnluic LlITIZIrE flu]:-
`fimhth-ben mm! Iimlllf! {Imnulln Uni.
`illlnlllrrm Inn-u
`- unrwmv'zl Million:
`' i'lur I mlnuluof
`prudflum anallhnl41rmL1-n'
`Mlclh D|L.lmnnodnLL Helium‘s-mick".
`M'Iflhll .I'Jmhll'llkfiahn' I-I. Immune“
`whillilufu ”Mam.
`MIG-IN Cllfi [fill I'LWH'IN‘IM. [um I.- Mk‘vfl .
`mum'uflluilmmwnnadmu' . dang-Ir 10
`prIdIn-MI I-I ml: lube I'II imaned lu- mnlfd
`- DIFWKTW'Ei ””th '

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