`When used with the paint bucket tool, the Fuzziness parameter softens the tran(cid:173)
`sition from the filled areas to the unfilled areas by applying some of the color in
`the fill to a one-pixel boundary around the selection. This, in turn, allows you to
`make changes to portions of an image without making the changed areas stand
`out from the rest of the image.
`See the section, "Controlling the amount of anti-aliasing in a selection," in
`Chapter 9, "Making Selections," for more information about how the Fuzziness
`parameter works.
`To specify a fuzziness value for the paint bucket tool:
`1. Double-click or Option-click the paint bucket tool in the toolbox.
`The Paint Bucket Options dialog box appears.
`2. Press the Tab key or double-click in the Fuzziness text box.
`3. Enter a value from 0 to 255.
`4. Click OK.
`Tolerance value: 32; Fuzziness value: 200
`To use the paint bucket tool:
`1. Click the paint bucket tool in the toolbox.
`2. Position the paint bucket pointer on the part of the image you want to fill.
`3. Click the mouse button.
`The Adobe Photoshop program fills the pixels that fall within the Tolerance and
`Fuzziness parameters you specified.
`Chapter 10: Using the Fill Tools
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0151


`Using the blend tool
`The blend tool lets you create a gradient fill. A gradient fill displays a gradual tran(cid:173)
`sition from the foreground color to the background color. If you haven't selected
`a specific part of the image, the blend tool applies the fill to the entire image.
`A blend fill can be applied either as a radial or linear fill. Each type of blend fill
`has several options, which are accessed from the Blend Tool dialog box. A linear
`fill is a fill that projects from one point to another, in a straight line. A radial fill
`is a fill that radiates from a center paint outward in all directions. For a linear fill,
`you specify the starting paint and direction for the fill; for a radial fill, you specify
`the center paint for the radial fill.
`For both types of fills, if you drag beyond the selection border while creating a
`blended fill, the fill shows only part of the transition from the foreground color
`to the background color. The selected areas before the specified starting point are
`filled with the foreground color; the selected areas after the specified end point
`are filled with the background color.
`Options for the blend fill include midpoint skew; an RGB or HSB transition of
`colors; and for a radial fill, an offset value. If you don't select options for the blend
`tool, the Adobe Photoshop program uses the default settings for the tool or the
`last defined settings. The default settings are Linear, RGB fill, with a SO-percent
`midpoint skew.
`For either type of fill, you can define the midpoint (or "skew") of the blend. The
`midpoint skew is the point at which the color is an even mix of the foreground
`color and the background color. For example, enter 25 to make the midpoint
`appear near the beginning of the fill (one-quarter of the way across the fill).
`For both linear and radial fills, you can define the transition from the foreground
`color to the background color. You can either make the transition pass from the
`foreground color through intermediate gray levels to the background color (the
`RGB color space option). Or you can make the transition pass from the fore(cid:173)
`ground color through the hues that lie between the foreground color and the
`background color (the HSB color space options).
`User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0152


`For the HSB color transition, you can select either a clockwise (HSB-CW) or
`counterclockwise (HSB-CCW) option. Either option causes the blend to display a
`transition from the foreground color through the hues displayed on a hue wheel
`(analogous to the color wheel in the Color Wheel dialog box) to the background
`color); the direction is either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) around
`the hue color wheel from which the intervening hues are to be taken.
`For example, suppose you select pure red as the foreground color and cyan
`(which is a mixture of pure green and pure blue) as the background color. Open
`the Color Wheel dialog box by Option-clicking the color indicator box on the
`toolbox. You will notice that these colors are opposite each other on the color
`wheel. If you select the HSB-CW option for the blend tool, then create a blend
`fill, the blend displays a transition from red to magenta to blue to cyan; the
`intermediate hues are derived by traversing the color wheel in the clockwise
`direction. (The Color Wheel dialog box is sometimes referred to as the Apple
`Color Picker. In this guide, the dialog box used to select colors, which is unique
`to the Adobe Photoshop program, is called the Photos hop Color Picker dialog
`For a radial fill, you can also specify an offset value. The offset value defines the
`distance from the starting paint where the radial fill displays the foreground color
`without any gradations of color. The radial offset value is the percentage of the
`total distance from the starting paint to the end paint of the line you create when
`you drag with the blend tool. A radial offset value of SO causes the foreground
`color to appear as a solid color without gradations of color for SO percent of the
`distance from the starting paint to the end paint of the fill.
`Creating a linear fill
`When you create a linear fill, the foreground color appears where you started to
`drag, and the colors display a transition to the background color, which appears
`at the selection border. The portion of the selection before the specified starting
`paint is filled with the solid foreground color; the portion after the specified
`ending point is filled with the solid background color.
`To create a linear fill with the blend tool:
`1. Select the part of the image you want to fill.
`Chapter 10: Using the Fill Tools
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0153


`Ilk! I 2. Double-click or Option-click the blend tool in the toolbox.
`The Blend Tool Options dialog box appears.
`Blend Tool Options ...
`@ Linear
`o Radial
`Midpoint Skew: ~ '70
`Radial Offset: D '70
`n OK n
`( cancel)
`Color Space:
`3. Select the Linear option from the Blend Tool Options dialog box.
`4. As an option, select a Color Space option by clicking RGB, HSB-CW, or HSB(cid:173)
`CCW; the default is RGB. To specify the midpoint, or skew, for the blend, enter a
`percentage value from 13 to 87; the default is 50.
`5. When you have finished specifying the desired options, click OK.
`6. Position the blend pointer where you want the blend to start and where you want
`the foreground color to appear.
`7. Holding down the mouse button, drag in the direction you want to project the
`blended fill. To constrain the line to a 4S-degree angle, hold down the Shift key.
`A line is projected from the starting point to the pointer.
`8. When you reach the edge of the selection border, release the mouse button.
`The selection is filled.
`User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0154


`Creating a radial fill
`When you create a radial fill, the foreground color appears where you started to
`drag and the colors display a transition to the background color, which appears
`at the selection border. The portion of the selection before the specified starting
`point is filled with the solid foreground color; the portion after the specified
`starting point is filled with the solid background color.
`To create a radial fill:
`1. Select the part of the image you want to fill.
`IDr I 2. Double-click or Option-click the blend tool in the toolbox.
`The Blend Tool Options dialog box appears.
`3. Select the Radial option from the Blend Tool Options dialog box.
`4. As an option, select a Color Space option by clicking RGB, HSB-CW, or HSB-CCW;
`the default is RGB. To specify the midpoint, or skew, for the blend, enter a
`percentage value from 13 to 87; the default is 50.
`5. Press the Tab key or double-click the Radial Offset text box.
`6. Enter a value from 0 to 99 to specify the offset for the radial fill.
`7. When you have finished defining options for the blend tool, click OK.
`8. Position the blend pOinter where you want the center of the radial fill, and the
`foreground color, to appear.
`9. Holding down the mouse button, drag in any direction.
`A line is projected from the starting point to the pOinter.
`10. When you reach the edge of the selection border, release the mouse button.
`The selection is filled with a radial fill.
`Chapter 10: Using the Fill Tools
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0155


`Using the Fill command
`The Fill command in the Edit menu allows you to fill a selection with the current
`foreground color; to specify an area around a selection border, and fill that area
`with the current foreground color; and to fill a selection with a pattern. You
`define a pattern using the Define Pattern command in the Edit menu. To select
`the parts of an image you want to fill, you can use any of the selection tools or
`For all of these options, you can specify how the fill (the foreground color or
`a pattern) affects the pixels in the selection. You can control the opacity of the
`fill. You can replace only pixels that are lighter or darker than the pixels in the
`selection. You can also replace the hue and saturation values of the pixels in the
`selection with the hue and saturation values of the fill, without affecting the
`luminosity values of the pixels in the selection.
`I NOTE: In the Indexed Color Mode, feathering around a selection is ignored when you
`Filling a selection with the current foreground color
`Unlike the paint bucket tool, which fills only pixels that are within a specified
`color range, the Normal option of the Fill command fills the entire selection with
`the foreground color.
`To fill a selection with the current foreground color:
`1. Select the part of the image you want to fill.
`2. Choose Fill from the Edit menu.
`User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0156


`The Fill dialog box appears.
`n OK D
`( Cancel 1
`@ Normal
`o p~~ nHn
`o Border Only: D (piHels)
`Opacity: ~%
`@ Normal
`o Dark:en Only
`o Lighten Only
`3. Click Normal. Click OK.
`The selection is filled with the current foreground color.
`I NOTE: You can also fill a selection with the current foreground color by typing Option(cid:173)
`Delete at any time, except when a dialog box is active. You can fill a non-floating
`selection with the current background color by pressing Delete or by choosing Clear from
`the Edit menu. Floating selections are deleted when you press Delete or Choose Clear.
`Chapter 10: Using the Fill Tools
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0157


`Filling a border around a selection
`You can use the Fill command to define an area of a specific width around a
`selection border and fill that area with the current foreground color.
`To define the area around a selection border and fill it:
`1. Select the part of the image you want.
`2. Choose Fill from the Edit menu.
`The Fill dialog box appears.
`3. Click Border Only.
`4. Enter a value from 1 to 10 for the width (in pixels).
`5. Click OK.
`A border of the specified width, filled with the current foreground color, appears
`around the selection.
`Filling a selection with a pattern
`In addition to colors, you can also fill selected parts of an image with a pattern.
`Before you fill a selection with a pattern, you must first select the pattern you
`want to use. To do so, you select the Define Pattern command in the Edit menu.
`User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0158


`" )
`To define a pattern to be used for a fill:
`1. Click the rectangular marquee tool on the toolbox.
`2. Holding down the mouse button, drag to select the part of the image you want
`to use as the pattern.
`3. When you have selected a pattern, release the mouse button.
`4. Choose Define Pattern from the Edit menu.
`To fill a selection with a pattern:
`1. Select the part of the image you want to fill.
`2. Choose Fill from the Edit menu.
`The Fill dialog box appears.
`3. Click Pattern.
`4. Click OK.
`Chapter 10: Using the Fill Tools
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0159


`The selection you defined as the pattern is repeated as tiles within the selection
`to create a pattern effect.
`Specifying the opacity of the fill
`Using the Fill command, you can specify the opacity of the fill or how transpar(cid:173)
`ent the pixels in the fill are. Specify a value near 100 to make the fill pixels nearly
`opaque; specify a value near 1 to make them nearly transparent.
`To specify the opacity of the fill:
`1. Choose Fill from the Edit menu.
`The Fill dialog box appears.
`2. Double-click the Opacity text box.
`3. Enter a value from 1 to 100 for the opacity.
`4. Click OK.
`Opacity value: 100%
`Opacity value: 50%
`User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0160


`Using color modes
`Using the Fill command, you can control how the fill is applied to the selection.
`You can choose to have the pixels in a fill appear only if they are lighter than the
`pixels in the selection (Lighten Only), or only if they are darker than the pixels
`in the selection (Darken Only).
`By default, an entire selection is filled when you use the Fill command in the
`Normal mode. However, you can choose to apply the hue and saturation values
`of the pixels in the fill to the selection without affecting the luminosity values
`of the pixels in the selection. These options are called color (painting) modes. The
`Color Mode options are applied to pattern fills as well as solid color fills.
`For more information about the color modes see "Selecting a painting mode," in
`Chapter 7, "Painting and Editing Tool Options."
`To select the color mode option you want:
`1. Choose Fill from the Edit menu.
`The Fill dialog box appears.
`2. Click the Color Mode option you want.
`3. Click OK.
`Chapter 10: Using tile Fill Tools
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0161


`Petitioner Samsung EX-1026, 0162
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0162


`Chapter 11: Selecting Colors
`This chapter describes how to select the foreground and background colors. The
`Adobe Photoshop program provides a number of ways to select the foreground
`and background colors. You can use the eyedropper tool to select the foreground
`and background colors from the colors in the active document, and even from
`open, inactive documents.
`You can also use the color palette, a floating palette accessed from the Window
`menu, to select the foreground and background colors. The color palette offers a
`fast and convenient way to select colors based on percentages of color values.
`Using the color palette, you can specify a color, or mix your own using the scratch
`You can also use either the Color Picker or Color Wheel dialog box to select colors.
`(The color wheel also is referred to as the Apple® Color Picker.) Using either the
`color picker or color wheel, you can select a color from a color spectrum, or specify
`a mixture of colors using one of three color models, either HSB, RGB, or CMYK.
`The RGB model defines colors in terms of the mixture of the three additive
`primary colors, red, green, and blue, that combine to form colors; this is the
`model your color monitor uses. The HSB model defines colors in terms of the
`values of hue, saturation, and brightness in the color. This model typically is used
`in special effects. Hue is color: blue, yellow, orange, and so on. Saturation is the
`amount of gray in a color. Brightness is the intensity of light reflected from or
`transmitted by the image. The CMYK color model defines colors in terms of the
`levels of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black in a color. The CMYK color model is
`commonly used for images that will be printed on a printing press.
`The foreground and background colors you select are displayed in the toolbox, as
`well as where you selected the color-either in the color palette, color picker, or
`color wheel.
`The various methods for selecting the foreground and background colors are
`described in the sections that follow.
`Using the eyedropper tool
`The eyedropper tool is a color selection tool. It lets you select the current fore(cid:173)
`ground and background colors for an image. You can select colors from any open
`document without making it the active document (bringing it to the front). This
`allows you to use other documents as color tables that store collections of colors
`from which you can make color selections. When you use the eyedropper tool to
`select the foreground or background color, the color you select appears in the
`color palette only if the Fore mode is active when you select the foreground color,
`or if the Back mode is active when you select the background color.
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0163


`You can also temporarily activate the eyedropper tool while using the paint bucket,
`pencil, line, airbrush, paint brush, and blend tools. This allows you to choose the
`foreground color without actually selecting the eyedropper from the toolbox.
`To select the foreground color:
`II' I 1. Click the eyedropper tool in the toolbox.
`2. Position the pointer on the color in the image you want to use as the foreground
`3. Click the mouse button.
`To select the background color:
`1. Click the eyedropper tool in the toolbox.
`2. Position the pointer on the color in the image you want as the background color.
`3. Hold down the Option key.
`4. Click the mouse button.
`The new foreground or background color appears in the color indicator area on
`the toolbox of the active document.
`To activate the eyedropper while using a painting or fill tool:
`1. Hold down the Option key.
`The pointer turns into the eyedropper.
`2. Click the color you want to use as the foreground color.
`3. Release the Option key.
`User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0164


`( ,
`You also can use the eyedropper tool to reset the foreground color to black, and
`the background color to white by double-clicking the eyedropper tool.
`Using the color palette
`You can use the color palette to select the current foreground and background
`colors. The color palette is a floating window that you can display on-screen. You
`can move the color palette to a more convenient place on-screen, and you can
`hide it when you have finished using it.
`The color palette lets you select colors using slide controls from one of three avail(cid:173)
`able color models: RGB, HSB, and CMYK. You can use the color palette to select
`the color values you want for the foreground and background colors. The palette
`also includes a scratch pad area for mixing various colors to create the colors you
`want to use and to define a custom brush and the current pattern.
`slider controls
`color model box
`You can also use the color palette to access the Color Picker and the Color Wheel
`dialog boxes to select a foreground or background color, as described in the
`sections, "Using the color picker" and "Using the color wheel" that appear later
`in this chapter.
`Once you select a foreground or background color, the color selection box beside
`the three-tiered rows of color swatches displays a sample of the color you selected.
`Also, the current foreground or background colors appears in the color indicator
`area in the toolbox as the new foreground or background color.
`iUii!!!!i!!iiiiiiii!!iiiiiii!!iiiii!!iiiii!!iiii!!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!!!iiii!!!!iii!!!!iiiiiii!!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!iiiii!!iiiii!!iiiiiii t-'-::'---t-=:-:-tl
`~ 255 I RGB
`G . c , .1< " " - - - - - -
`I Fore
`Chapter 11: Selecting Colors
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0165


`To select the foreground or background color using the color palette:
`1. Choose Show Palette from the Window menu.
`The color palette appears.
`2. Position the pointer on the box labelled Fore or Back.
`3. Hold down the mouse button.
`4. Drag to highlight Fore to choose the foreground color; drag to highlight Back to
`choose the background color.
`:z:,. 255 I RGB
`:z:,. 255
`:z:,. 0
`s. When you have selected a color, release the mouse button.
`Your choice appears in the color model box. The box shows whether you are
`selecting the foreground or the background color.
`To select a color from one of the color swatches:
`1. Click the eyedropper tool in the toolbox.
`2. Position the eyedropper pointer on the desired color swatch in the color palette.
`3. Click the mouse button.
`To move the color palette to a more convenient location on-screen:
`1. Position the painter on the gray bar at the top of the palette.
`2. Hold down the mouse button and drag until the palette is where you want it.
`3. Release the mouse buttob.
`To hide the color palettel click the close box on the color palette, or choose Hide
`Palette from the Windot menu. The color palette disappears from view.
`Using different color models with the color palette
`You can also select the fbreground and background colors by choosing a color
`model on the color pale~te, and dragging the slider controls to define the desired
`color values.
`User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0166


`When the CMYK color model is active in the color palette, the color sample may
`appear different from the color you selected from the image or from the color
`indicators on the toolbox and the color swatches on the color palette. This is
`because in CMYK mode, the color selection box displays the colors that can be
`printed, whereas the colors in the color swatches, the color indicators, and RGB
`images display RGB (or screen) colors.
`Some RGB colors cannot be printed as CMYK colors (the bright green color
`swatch on the color palette, for example) because there is not an equivalent color
`in the CMYK color model. If you select an RGB color that can't be printed, the
`Adobe Photos hop program displays the closest color that can be printed in the
`color selection box.
`To choose the color model you want:
`1. Choose Show Palette from the Window menu.
`The color palette appears.
`2. Position the pointer on the box labelled RGB, HSB, or CMYK.
`3. Holding down the mouse button, drag to highlight the color model you want.
`R L>~------------
`6 L>~------------
`4. When you have selected the desired color model, release the mouse button.
`The color model you choose appears in the box. The slider controls change to
`reflect the color levels of the color currently displayed in the color sample box.
`!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.::: .....
`0 "10 I CMYK I
`0 % I Fore I
`:6.. 100 "10 ' - -_ .....
`C LS.
`Y LS.
`Specifying RGB or CMYK colors using the color palette
`When RGB or CMYK is the active color model in the color palette, you select a
`color by using the slider controls to specify the percentages of red, green, and blue
`or cyan, magenta, yellow, or black in the color.
`Chapter 11: Selecting Colors
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0167


`To specify the color
`1. Choose Show Palette
`The color palette
`2. Select the color model :
`3. Position the pointer on I
`want, either RGB or CMYK.
`triangle beside the color parameter you want to
`Y LS..,....-----(cid:173)
`K LS..,-------
`O~O I Fore
`O~O D
`I button, drag to the right to increase the percentage of
`4. Holding down the
`ileft to decrease the level.
`the color; or drag to
`5. When you have ;)C1<:Ll<:U the desired color, release the mouse button.
`~ LS..------L
`Y LS..,------(cid:173)
`K L:>.."------
`80~o I CMYK I
`O~olFore I
`o ~o D
`Specifying an HSB
`model, you specify the percentage values for
`When HSB is the active 1
`saturation and
`the same way as you specify the color levels for the RGB
`hue control works differently. With the hue control,
`and CMYK models, but I
`you specify the angular IAr'<>",An of a color on the color wheel. The angular
`to the pure red color on the wheel.
`location is measured
`saturation and brightness levels to 100 percent, and
`For example, if you set I
`you drag the hue slider I
`90 degrees is displayed, the color green appears in
`the color sample bOX
`green is located 90 degrees from red (in the coun-
`terclockwise direction)
`the color wheel.
`User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0168


`For more information on the color wheel, see the section later in this chapter,
`"Using the color wheel."
`H~,,----­ 0 0
`------~~100% ~--~
`------~:z:,. 100 % I Fore
`90 0
`-----~~100% ~--~
`-----~~ 100 % I Fore D
`Select foreground color: D
`Hue 111):1. ll)
`Saturation 65535
`Brightness 65535
`Red 32768
`Green 65535
`Blue 1
`90 degrees location
`L..L ____ -+- I
`( cancel) n OK D
`Chapter 11: Selecting Colors
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0169


`Using the scratch pad to mix colors
`A scratch pad area on the right side of the color palette allows you to mix colors
`then select them for the foreground color. You can use all of the painting tools,
`including the rubber stamp tool, to paint on the scratch pad. You can also use the
`zoom and grabber tools to change your view within the scratch pad area. You can
`also use the scratch pad area to select the current pattern and custom brush
`For information on selecting a custom brush shape, see the section, "Selecting a
`custom brush shape" in Chapter 7, "Painting and Editing Tool Options." For
`information on selecting the current pattern, see the section, "Filling selections
`with patterns" in Chapter 10, "Using the Fill Tools."
`To use the scratch pad to mix colors:
`1. Click one of the painting tools in the toolbox.
`2. Select the color you want to paint in the scratch pad.
`0 "10 I CMYK I
`96 "10 :===~
`92 "10 I~F_o_re----l1
`0 "10 -
`3. Position the tool inside the scratch pad area.
`4. Holding down the mouse button, drag to paint in the color.
`!!ommm;!"m! !"!!"!m"""m"m!mm"!,,,,!!!!,,,,!!!!,,!!!!,,!!,,,,!,,!!!!,,!!!!mmm!,,!!!,,!!!,,!!i!!!g!!!!!,,!!!!gg!!!!,,!!!!m!;m
`C <S~----------­
`0 % I CMYK I
`96% :==~
`92% I Fore
`0 "10 u
`s. Release the mouse button when you are finished.
`146 User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0170


`To select a color from the scratch pad as the foreground or background color:
`1. Position the pointer on the scratch pad.
`2. Hold down the Option key.
`The pOinter turns into the eyedropper.
`z,. 255 I RGB
`G ~~------------
`3. Click the color you want on the scratch pad.
`I NOTE: This capability is not available when the rubber stamp tool is active because
`the rubber stamp tool is used to sample and paint textures, not just colors.
`The color appears in the color sample box and in the color indicator area in the
`I Fore
`Adding colors to the color palette
`You can add new colors to the color palette so you can use them again during the
`current Adobe Photoshop session. The color palette contains blank swatches for
`new colors, but new colors can be placed in any of the color swatches on the
`Chapter 11: Selecting Colors
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0171


`To add a color to the color palette:
`1. Use the eyedropper tool, the color picker, or the color wheel to select the color
`you want to add.
`The color appears in the color selection box.
`2. Position the pointer on the color swatch where you will place the <wlor.
`3. Hold down the Option key.
`The arrow pointer turns into the paint bucket pOinter.
`4. Click the mouse button.
`The selected color appears in the color swatch.
`C £ : . ,1< " " - - - - - -
`If you want to paint using the rubber stamp tool:
`1. Click the rubber stamp tool in the toolbox.
`2. Option-click on the part of the image you want to sample.
`148 User Guide
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0172


`\ '
`3. Position the rubber stamp pointer inside the scratch pad area.
`4. Holding down the mouse button, drag to paint in the sampled image.
`0 "10
`:zs: 96 "10
`0 %
`You can continue to select other colors and paint them in to mix with the
`existing colors on the scratch pad.
`Reading color information on the image
`Using the color palette, you can display the color values of any pixel. The color
`palette shows the information for the current foreground or background color.
`To determine the color values for a pixel on an image, you use the eyedropper
`tool to select the pixel you want, then view that pixel's color values in the color
`This information is useful when you make color corrections based on the color
`values of pixels using such options as the Adjust and Paste Controls commands,
`and the Trace Contours filter.
`The color of the pixel appears in the color indicator in the toolbox. Notice that
`the values and sliders in the color palette change to display the color levels of the
`selected color.
`When RGB is the active color model on the color palette, the sliders and color
`values on the color palette reflect the red, green, and blue color values of the pixel
`beneath the pointer. The color values are measured on a 2S6-step scale. The scale
`ranges from 0 to 2SS, where 2SS represents the maximum brightness of a color.
`The reading 0 0 0 represents the color black, and the reading 2SS 2SS 2SS repre(cid:173)
`sents the color white.
`When the CMYK or HSB color model is active, the color values are evaluated
`according to percentages of color, or, in the case of hue, a color's angular location
`on the color wheel.
`To display color information about a certain point on the image:
`1. Click the eyedropper tool in the toolbox.
`2. Position the tip of the eyedropper on the pixel in the image whose color levels
`you want to display.
`3. Click the mouse button.
`Chapter 11: Selecting Colors
`Petitioner Samsung Ex-1026, 0173


`Using the color picker
`The color picker, as well as the color wheel allow you to select the foreground or
`background color. Both are accessed from either the color sample box in the color
`palette, or from the foreground and background color rectangles in the toolbox.
`The color picker and color wheel work in a similar manner. Both allow you to
`select a foreground and background color based on a particular color model, and
`both allow you to enter numerical value for a color. Both the Color Picker and the
`Color Wheel dialog boxes allow you to select a foreground or background color
`from a color spectrum, or to specify the mixture of colors that, once combined,
`creates the color you want. Unlike the Color Wheel dialog box, the Color Picker
`dialog box allows you to select colors based on the CMYK color model.
`The Color Picker dialog box contains several controls you can use to select a color:
`the color field, a large box that you drag a pointer through to change the color
`selection; a rectangle in the upper right of the dialog box, which displays two
`color swatches; and three color model options, HSB, RGB, and CMYK. The color
`components (such as hue) are called color parameters. The parameter you select
`becomes the active color parameter. The color slider, the thin rectangular control
`to the left of the color models, displays the range of color levels available for the
`selected color parameter.
`When you open the Color Picker dialog box, both color swatches display the
`same color. The title in the upper left corner of the dialog box shows whether you
`are selecting the foreground or the background color. The color in the lower color
`swatch shows the current foreground or background color, depending on which
`option is active; once you select a new foreground or background color, the top
`color swatch displays it.
`You can select a color using one of three color models, HSB, RGB, and CMYK. To
`define the mixture of primary colors that make up the color, you enter values in
`the text box next to the color parameter of the appropriate color model. To select
`a color using the

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