`Flex Logix Technologies v. Venkat Konda
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`plural e -pnoea
`Iply \'pli\ vb plied; Plyeing [ME piien, short for applien to apply] vt
`ural \iplur-al\ adj [ME,fr. AF & L; AF piurel, fr. Lpluralis, fr. plur:,
`1 a: to use or wield diligently <busily ~ing his pen> b ! to
`more — moreat PLus] (14c) 1: of, relating to, or constituting a
`practice or perform diligently (~ a trade> 2 : to keep furnishing or
`ass of grammatical forms usu, used to denote more than one or in
`supplying something to <plied us with liquor) 3a: to make a practice
`ome languages more than two 2: relating to, consisting of, or con-
`of rowing orsailing over or on <the boatplies the river)
`b : to go or
`falaing more es one er morea one kind orclass <a ~ society» —
`al 2 — Plueralely \--le\ adv
`travel regularly over, on, or through <jets ~-ing the skies» ~ vi_ 1: to
`apply oneself steadily 2 : to go or travel regularly
`olfabism \iplur-a-,li-zom\ 2 (1818) 1: the holding of two or more
`2ply n, pl plies [ply] (1532)
`1 a: oneofseverallayers(as of cloth) usu.
`p ffices OF positions (as benefices) at the same time 2 : the quality or
`sewn or laminated together b: one of the strandsina yarn ¢: one of
`of being plural 3 a: a theory that there are more than one or
`the veneer sheets forming plywood da layer of a paper or cardboard
`‘ore than two kinds of ultimate reality b : a theory that reality is
`mimposed of a plurality of entities
`4 a: a state of society in which
`ply vz plied; ply-ing [ME plien to fold, fr. AF plier, pleier, fr. L plicare;
`o embers of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups maintain
`akin to OHG flehtan to braid, L plectere, Gk plekein] (ca. 1909) : to
`autonomousparticipation in and developmentoftheir traditional
`twist together ¢~ two single yarns>
`culture or special interest within the confines of a commoncivilization
`Plym-outh Rock\'pli-moth-\ » [Plymouth Rock, on which the Pilgrims
`+a concept, doctrine, or policy advocating this state — plu-ral-ist
`are supposed to have landed in 1620] (1849) : any of a US. breed of
`(list\ ad a EGapluraltisstic \phir-o-'lis-tik\ adj — plueral-is-ti-cal-
`-ti-k(a-)IE\ adv
`medium-sized single-combed domestic chickens raised for eggs and
`ira sity \plu-'ra-lo-té\ 7, pl -ties (14c) 1a: thestate of being plu-
`plyo-meterics\,pli-a-'me-triks\ 7 pl but sing orpl in constr [prob.irreg.
`y b: the state of being numerous Cia large number or quantity 2
`fr. plio- + -metrics (as in isometrics)] (1981) : exercise involving repeat-
`+ PLURALISM 1; also : a benefice held by pluralism 3 a: a number
`ed rapid stretching and contracting of muscles (as by jumping and re-
`ater than anotherb: an excess of votes over those cast for an op-
`bounding) to incrédse muscle power — plyo-met-ric \-trik\ adj
`‘osing candidate ¢ : a numberof votes cast for a candidate in a con-
`ply-wood \'pli--wid\: 7 (1907) : a structural material consisting of
`test of more than two candidates that is greater than the numbercast
`sheets of wood glued or cemented together with the grains of adjacent
`for any, other candidate but not more than half the total votes cast
`layers arrangedat right angles or at a wide angle
`u-raleize \iplur-a-liz\ vt -ized; -i ing (1803) : to make plural or ex-
`1 phase modulation 2 premium
`ress in the plural form — plu-ral-i-za-tion\,plir-o-ls-'24-shon\ n
`Pm symbol promethium
`plu-rip-o-tent \plu-'ri-po-tont\ adj ILplur-,plus more + Epotent] (1916)
`3 postmaster 4 post
`PM abbr
`1 paymaster 2 permanent magnet
`+ not fixed as to developmental Liaaeio ops capable of differen-
`meridiem — often not cap and often punctuated 5 postmortem 6
`jating into one of manycell
`types <~~ stem cells,
`prime minister 7 provost marshal
`igus \iplas\ adj [L, adv., more, fr. neut. ofplur-, plus, adj.; akin to Gk
`pmk abbr postmark
`pleion more, L plenus full — more at FULL] (1579)
`1 : algebraically
`PMS\,pé-(,)em-'es\ 1 (1976) : PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME
`positive 2: having, receiving, or being in addition to whatis anticipat-
`pmt abbr payment
`ed 3a: fallinghigh in a specified range <agrade of C~) b: greater
`PN abbr promissory note
`than that specified ¢ : possessing a specified quality toa high degree
`~pnea or -pnoea x combform [NL,fr. Gk -pnoia, fr. pnoia, fr. pnein to
`4; electrically positive 5: relating to or being a particular one of the
`breathe] : breath : breathirig <hyperpnea) <apnoea>
`two mating types that are requiredfor eralGeata in sexual
`Pneum- or pneumo- comb form [NL,partly fr. Gk pneum- (fr. pneu-
`roduction in some lowerplantlike organisms(as a fungus
`ma); partly fr. Gk pneumén lung]
`1 : air : gas <pneumothorax> 2
`talus n, pl pluses\'plo-soz\ also plus»ses (1654) 1: PLUS SIGN 2
`: lung <pneumoconiosis> 3 : respiration <pneumograph> 4 : pneu-
`+an added quantity 3: a positive factor or quality 4 : SURPLUS
`monia <pneumococcus>
`Solus prep (1668) 1: increased by : with the addition of <four ~ five>
`Pneu-ma\'nii-mo, 'nyii-\ 7 [Gk] (1884) : SOUL, SPIRIT
`principal ~ interest> as BESIDES — usedchiefly in speech and ca-
`Pneumat- or pneumato- comb form [Gk, fr. pneumat-, pneuma]
`sual writing <-~~ all this, as a sedative it has no equal —Groucho Marx>
`: air : vapor : gas <pneumatolytic) 2 : respiration <pneumatophore>
`‘plus conj (ca. 1950) 1: AND <the Smyth Report, ~ an idea and some
`pneuemateic \nt-'ma-tik, nyd-\ adj [L pneumaticus, fr. Gk pneumati-
`knowledge of bureaucracy,wereall I needed —Pat Frank) Ceats alone,
`kos, ft. pneumat-, pneuma air, breath, spirit, fr. pnein to breathe —
`ahotbeef sandwich ~ a BLT ~ apple pie —Garrison Keillor) 2: in
`more at SNEEZE] (1659)
`1: of, relating to, or using gas (as air or
`addition to which <it was an achievement. Plus, I wrote the story and
`wind): a: moved or worked by air pressure b (1) : adapted for hold-
`ing or inflated with compressed air
`(2) : havingair-filled cavities
`shelves, ~ it smells good —Nikki Giovanni,
`fis, musical score~JackieGleason? as also pretty on my open
`: of or relating to the pneuma : SPIRITUAL
`3 : having a wells
`usage Thepreposition plus has long been used with a meaning equiv-
`proportioned feminine figure; esp : having a full bust — pneu-mat-i-
`alentto and(as in “twoplus two"); it is not, therefore, very surprising
`calely \-ti-k(o-)lé\ adv — pneu-ma-tic-i-ty \nti-mo-"ti-so-té, nyti-\ 1
`that in time people have begunto use it as a conjunction muchlike
`Pneu-maetol-oegy \,nii-ma-'ta-lo-jé, ynyii-\ 7
`pneumatologia, fr.
`Gk pneumat-, pneuma + NL -logia -logy] (1678) : the study of spiritual
`and, Sem a considered to be an adverb by some commentators.It
`js used chiefly in speech
`in informal writing.
`beings or phenomena
`Pneu-ma-to-lyt-ic \,nii-mo-to-'li-tik, nyii-; ()n(y)ii-;ma-\ adj
`plus fours n pl (1920) : loose sports knickers made four inches longer
`than ordinary knickers
`(1896) : formed or forming by hot vapors or superheated liquids under
`used esp. of minerals and ores
`iplush \plosh\ nIMEpeluchel (1594) : a fabric with an evenpile longer
`than velvet pile
`pneu-mat-o-phore \nt-'ma-te-for, nyt-\ 7 [ISV] (1859) 1: a muscu-
`2olush adj (ca, 1645) 1: relating to, resembling, or made of plush 2a
`lar gas-containing sac that serves as a float on a siphonophore colony
`2: ausu. partially exposed root of a wetland plant (as a mangrove) that
`epeeomurious b aeeR <the ~ sound of his saxophone
`<a ~~, ripe wine, — Dp usnely aav — plush-nessn
`functions esp. in the intake of oxygen from the atmosphere
`pneu-mo.-coc-cus\,nii-mo-'ka-kos, ,nyii-\ 7, pl -coceci \-"kak-,si, -,sé;
`plushy \plo-she\ adplush:l-er; -est (1611) 1: havitigthe texture of
`or covered with plus
`=: LUXURIOUS, SHOWY — plush-i-ness 2
`“ka-,ki, --ké\ [NL] (1890) : a bacterium (Streptococcus pneumoniae)
`plus/minus sign » (1971) : the sign + used to indicate a quantity (as 2
`that causes an acute pneumonia involving one or more lobes of the
`in “the square root of 4 is +2”) taking on both an algebraically positive
`lung — pneu-mo-coc-cal\-"ka-l
`yalue and its negative and to indicate a plus or minus quantity (as 4 in
`pneu-mo-co-ni-oesis \,nii-m6-,k6-né-'d-sas, nyii-\ n, pl -O-SeS \-Séz\
`INL,fr. pneum- + Gk konis dust — more at INCINERATE] (1881) : a dis-
`i "the population age was 30 +4 years”) _ calledalso plus/minus symbol
`ease of the lungs causedbythe habitual inhalation of irritants (as min-
`plus or minus adj (1926) : indicating a quantity whose algebraically
`positive and negative values serve to bracket a range of values either
`eral or metallic particles) — compare BLACK LUNG,SILICOSIS
`alone or when added to and subtracted from a given number <mea-
`Pneu-mo-cys-tis ca-ri-nii pneumonia \,nii-mo-'sis-tos-ko-'ri-né-,é-,
`sured with an accuracy ofplus or minus 3 feet) <a mummy aged 3500
`myi-\ 2 [NL Pneumocystis carinii, species name] (1964) : a pneumonia
`chiefly affecting immunocompromised individuals that is caused by a
`A plus or minus 150 years
`plus or minus adv (1849) : MORE OR LESS, APPROXIMATELY<a dance
`microorganism (Pneumocystis carinii), attacks esp. the interstitial and
`for singlesplus or minus age 30>
`alveolartissues of the lungs, and is characterized esp. by a nonproduc-
`Plus:sage \'plo-sij\ m (1924) : an amount over and above another
`tive cough, shortness of breath, and fever — abbr. PCP
`Ppneu-mo-graph \'nii-mo-,graf, 'nyii-\ m [ISV] (1878) : an instrument
`plus sign 7 (1841) : a sign + denoting addition or a positive quantity
`for recording thoracic movements or volume change during respira-
`Pluto \'plii-(,)to\ ” [L Pluton-, Pluto, fr. Gk Plouton] (14c)
`: the
`Greek god of the underworld — compare Dis 2 [NL]: the planct with
`pneu-mo-nec-to-my \,nii-mo-'nck-te-mé,
`jnyii-\ 7, pi -mies [Gk
`the farthest mean distance from the sun — sce PLANETtable
`pneumén + ISV -ectomy] (1890) : excision of an entire lung or of one or
`morelobes of a lung
`plu-toc-rascy \plii-'ta-Icro-sé\, n, pl -cies [Gk ploutokratia, fr. ploutos
`wealth; akin to Gk plein to sail, float — more at FLOW] (1652) 1: gov-
`Ppneu-moenia \nt-'mé-nys, nyt-\ 7 [NL,fr. Gk, fr. pneumon lung,alter.
`emment by the wealthy 2 : a controlling class of the wealthy — plu-
`of pleumén — more at PULMONARY] (1603) : a disease of the Jungs
`to-crat\'plii-to-;krat\ 2 — plu-to-cratic \,plii-to-"kra-tik\ adj — plu-
`characterized esp. by inflammation and consolidation of lung tissue
`to-crat-i-cal-ly \-ti-k(o-le\ adv
`followed by resolution and by fever, chills, cough, and difficulty in
`plu-ton \'plii-,tan\ 7 [prob. back-formationfr. plutonic] (1936) : a typi-
`breathing and that is caused esp, by infection
`cally large body ofintrusive igneous rock
`pneu-mon-ic \nt-'ma-nik, nyt-\ adj [NL pneumonicus, fr. Gk pneu-
`monikos, fr. pneumén] (1675)
`1: of, relating to, or affecting the lungs
`characteristic o
`tuto or the lower world
`Pluto-niean \plfictoné-an\ ad, often cap (1667) : of, relating to, or
`<~~ plague>: PULMONIC, PULMONARY 2: of, relating to, or affected
`pluton-ic \plii-'ta-nik\ adj [L Pluton-, Pluto] (1833)
`1 : formed by so-
`with pneumonia
`pneu-moeni-tis \,nii-mo-'ni-tos, nyii-\ » [NL, fr. Gk pneumén] (ca.
`perestion of meme deep within the earth and crystalline throughout
`~~ rock
`often cap ; PLUTONIAN
`1834) : inflammation of the lungs
`Blu-to-ni-um \plii-'t6-né-am\ # [NL, fr. Pluton-, Pluto, the planet Pluto]
`pneu-mo-tho-rax \,nii-mo-'thor-,aks, myii-\ 7 [NL] (1821) : a condi-
`(1942) : a radioactive metallic element similar chemically to uranium
`tion in which air or other gas is present in the pleural cavity and which
`that is formed as the isotope 239 by decay of neptunium and found in
`occurs spontaneouslyas a result of disease or injury of lungtissue, rup-
`Minute quantities in pitchblende, that undergoes slow disintegration
`ture ofair-filled pulmonary cysts, or puncture of the chest wall oris in-
`with the emission of an alpha particle to form uranium 235, and thatis
`duced as a therapeutic measureto collapse the lung
`fissionable with slow neutronsto yield atomic energy — see ELEMENT
`\e\ abut \°\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \aé\ mop, mar
`Plu-vieal \iplii-vé-al\ adj [L pluvialis, fr. pluvia rain, fr. fem. ofpluvius
`\ch\chin* \e\bet
`\é\easy \g\go \i\hit
`\i\ice \j\job
`Tainy, fr, pluere to rain — more at FLOW](ca. 1656)
`1 a: oforrelat-
`\n\ sing \o\ go \o\law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \th\the \ii\ loot \u\ foot
`: petorain , b: chateetees by abundant rain 2 ofa geologic change
`tesulting from the action of rain
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision, beige \k, *, 08, we, ¥\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`Bluvial 7 (1929) : a prolonged periodof wet climate
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