`Reference Manual
`Volume II
`0Pll6AL S61~N6i;S 6ENTER
`CODE V Version 7.60
`February 1994
`Optical Research Associates
`550 North Rosemead Boulevard
`Pasadena, California 91107
`Phone: (818) 795-9101
`Fax: (818) 795-9102
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`The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed
`as a commitment by Optical Research Associates (ORA®). ORA assumes no liabilities for any
`errors that may appear in this document.
`The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied
`only in accordance with the terms of such license. CODE V output listed and plotted may vary
`version to version , platform to platform.
`Reference Manual
`Richard C. Juergens
`Contributing Authors:
`Barry Broome
`Thomas I. Harris
`Bruce R. Irving
`Peter Maccini
`Stephen F. Sagan
`Tom Bruegge
`David M. Hasenauer
`John Isenberg
`Daren V. Reid
`Kevin Thompson
`Eric Ford
`Michael Hayford
`Don Koch
`Matthew P. Rimmer
`William B. Wetherell
`Darryl E. Gustafson
`Robert S. Hilbert
`Thomas Kuper
`Michael Rodgers
`Program Development Staff:
`Tom Bruegge
`Darryl E. Gustafson
`Peter Maccini
`Rhonda L. Shook
`C. Tom Walker
`Sanguan Chow
`Thomas I. Harris
`Robert Mortensen
`Michael D. Strawn
`Kenny Yang
`Production Staff:
`Deborah A. Afarian
`Kathleen Clark
`Jimmy Chu
`Michael Hayford
`Daren V. Reid
`Phillip Suematsu
`Tri Dang
`Thomas Kuper
`Matthew P. Rimmer
`Samuel Sun
`Copyright© 1986 to 1994 by Optical Research Associates.
`All rights reserved.
`Proprietary Software Nc;,tification
`CODE V® is the proprietary and confidential property of ORA and/or its suppliers. It is licensed for use on the
`designated equipment on which it was originally installed and cannot be modified, duplicated, or copied in any
`form without prior written consent of ORA. If supplied under a U.S. Government contract the following also ap(cid:173)
`Restricted Rights Legend
`Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
`(c)(1 )(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or in sub(cid:173)
`paragraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FARS 52.227-19.
`CODE V, ORA, and Global Synthesis are registered trademarks and Macro-PLUS and Worksheet Buffer are
`trademarks of Optical Research Associates .
`DEC, DECserver, DECwindows, MicroVAX, ReGIS, VAX, VAXstation, and VMS are
`registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
`Sun Microsystems, SunOS, Solaris, and Sun Workstation are registered trademarks and Sun, Sun View, NFS,
`and OpenWindows are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
`SPARC and SPARCstation are registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc.
`Postscript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.
`UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc.
`X Windows is a product of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
`Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
`TEKTRONIX is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc.
`HP and HPGL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company.
`Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
`BRIEF is a registered trademark of SOC Software Partners II, LP.
`The Norton Utilities is a registered trademark of Symantec Corporation.
`PC Tools is a registered trademark of Central Point Software, Inc.
`WATCOM is a trademark of WATCOM Systems, Inc.
`PharLap is a registered trademark of PharLap Software, Inc.
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`Preface ............................................................................................................................ i
`READ FIRST - Things You Should Know When First Using CODE V
`How to Use This Manual
`CODE V Documentation
`Table of Contents .... ... ........................................... ......................................................... x
`1. OVERVIEW/ INTRODUCTION ............................................................... .......................... 1-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Introduction to CODE V
`The Architecture and Structure of CODE V
`A. Operating CODE V . . ... .. .... ... . .. .. ... ... . .. ... . ... .. . ... .. .. ... .. . . .... ... .. . ... .. .. .. . ....... ...... ... ... . . .. 1 A-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Important Commands
`VMS Help on CODE V (VAX only)
`Choosing a Version of CODE V
`Starting CODE V on a VAX
`Starting CODE V on a Sun
`Starting CODE V on a PC
`Starting CODE V from a CODE V Icon
`Starting CODE V from a DOS Window
`Control of System Messages - Batch Jobs (VAXNMS only)
`Exit from CODE V
`Immediate Commands
`Correcting/Reusing Commands
`Option Processing
`Files Used by CODE V
`File Naming Conventions in CODE V
`File Types used in CODE V
`Editing Files
`File Input/Output, Printing, and Plotting
`Text Output
`SEQ File Output (for lenses only)
`Graphics Output
`Graphics Devices
`Sending Data to Printers, Plotters, and Raster Graphics Devices
`Plotting and Printing after Exit
`Starting Other Processes from within CODE V
`Defaults Setup
`User-defined Functions and User Versions of CODE V
`User-defined Graphics Drivers
`CODE V Accounting (Sun and VAX only)
`The Accounting File
`Required Monthly Accounting Report (Variable Fee Licenses)
`Optional Accounting Reports
`Dynamic Memory
`Appendix 1A-A- Implementing a User-defined Gradient
`Appendix 1A-B - Implementing a User-defined Surface
`Appendix 1 A-C - Implementing a User-defined Macro-PLUS Subroutine
`Appendix 1 A-D - Calculating Dynamic Memory Requirements
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`Table of Contents (continued)
`Appendix 1 A-E - Lenses Supplied with CODE V
`Sample Lenses
`Optical Suppliers' Lens Catalogs
`Lens Catalogs
`Catalog Lens Data Format
`Using the Catalog Lenses
`Catalog Lens Design Example
`Searching the Catalog Lenses
`SEARCH Example
`Database Lenses
`Appendix 1 A-F - CODE V on the VAXstation
`Getting Started
`CODE V Commands for the VAXstation Environment
`General Information and Restrictions
`Appendix 1A-G - CODE Von a Sun SPARCstation
`Getting Started
`CODE V Commands for the SPARCstation Environment
`Appendix 1A-H - Running from an X Window Device
`Running CODE V from an X Window Device
`Controlling Graphics Windows on X Window Devices
`Appendix 1 A-I - Printing and Plotting Outside of CODE V
`Plotting Outside of CODE V (CVPLOT Command)
`Printing Outside of CODE V (CVPRINT Command)
`Plotting Raster Files Outside of CODE V (CVRAST Command)
`B. A User's Session .................................................................................. ......... ....... . 1 B-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`The Optical Problem
`A Note on Typography
`Logging In and Running CODE V
`Setting Up Your Session
`Defining a New Lens
`Getting Help
`Entering Surface Data
`Saving and Displaying Data
`Adding Zoom Data
`Running CODE V Options
`Changing Your Lens
`Using Sequence Files
`Accessing the VMS Operating System from CODE V
`Wrapping Up
`C. Syntax/Entry Rules ................................................................................................ 1 C-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Syntax Description
`Command Line Format and Elements
`Additional Syntax Elements for AUT (Automatic Design)
`The Syntax Definition
`Command Entry Rules
`Rules for Interpreting Command Notation
`Additional Rules for the LDM
`Rules for Command Entry
`CODE V File Usage
`CODE V Glass Names
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`D. Using Screens .......... ............................................................................................. 1 D-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Purpose of Screens
`Screens Requirements
`Communication Speed
`Screens Terminology
`Keyboard Terminology
`Screen "Command" Keys (GOLD Commands)
`"Global" GOLD Commands
`Lens Data Manager (LDM) GOLD Commands
`Screen "Shortcuts"
`GOLD/Q "Quick" Command
`Screen Files
`What Are "Screen Files"?
`Automatic Saving of Screens
`GOLD/F (Files Command)
`GOLD/F Menu Items
`Relationship between Screen and Command Mode
`Screen Errors and Error Recovery
`Typical Screen Session
`VAX CODE V Keyboard
`Sun CODE V Keyboard
`Appendix 1 D-A - Gold Key Reference Card
`2. LENS DATA ........................................... ... ......................................................................... 2-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`THE LDM - Introduction
`A.) Entering/Changing Data ........................................................................................... 2A-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Re-starting for New Lens
`Specification Data
`Depth of Focus
`Designating Glasses on Surfaces
`Using Pre-stored Glass Catalogs
`Using Fictitious Glasses
`Using Reflecting Surfaces
`Using Private Glass Catalog
`Other Properties
`Surface Shape & Position
`Representing Optical Systems in CODE V/Surface Order
`Entering Surface Data
`Shorthand Surface Entry
`Inserting/Deleting/Copying Surfaces
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`Table of Contents (continued)
`Glass Change
`Sphere/Cylinder Surfaces
`Ti lts/Dece nte rs
`Introduction to Decentered Systems
`Global Reference System
`Other Decentered Capabilities
`Global References
`Surface Tilts/Decenters
`Element Structure
`First Surface Mirror Substrates
`Coating/Cement Data
`Usage in CODE V
`Interpreting Command Descriptions
`Centered Tolerances
`Irregularity Tolerances
`Single Surface Decenter and Displacement Tolerances
`Group Decentering Tolerances
`Other Controls
`Description of Tolerances
`Zoom/Dezoom Facility
`Variable Designation/Control Codes
`A. Entering/Changing Data - SPECIAL TOPICS ................................................. .. 2A-201
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`CON/ASP - Conic/Asphere
`- X-Toroid of Base Asphere
`- Y-Toroid of Base Asphere
`- Thermal Gradient on Base Asphere
`- Radial Spline Asphere
`- Anamorphic Asphere
`- Diffractive Surfaces - Diffraction Grating on Base Asphere
`- Diffractive Surfaces - Holographic Surface
`MOD - Lens Module ("Black Box" Lens)
`- User-defined Surface
`Regular Grid, Parallel Array
`Individual General Channels
`Polynomial Decenter and Tilt Channels
`Introduction - When to Use Non-Sequential Surfaces
`Implementation of NS Ray Tracing
`High Level Modules
`Constructing Non-Sequential Surface Ranges - NS Primitives
`Getting Started with Non-Sequential Ray Tracing
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`Definitions & Examples
`General Commands
`General Apodization
`Gaussian Apodization
`Introduction/Polarization Ray Tracing
`Defining the Input Polarization
`Its Effect on Imagery/Modeling Effects that Alter the Polarization State of a Beam
`Use of Polarization Ray Trace Information by CODE V
`Activating Polarization Ray Tracing/Geometrical Representation
`Jones Vector Representation
`Stokes Parameters/Specifying Linear Polarizers and Retarders
`Examples of Output
`I nterferog rams
`Intensity Apodization
`INT Files
`Coordinate Systems and Sign Conventions
`Zernike Polynomials
`INT File Format
`Interface to Commercial Interferometers
`Sample Output
`Technical Notes
`Attaching INT Data to the Surface
`Orientation of INT Data
`Introduction/Running MSC/NASTRAN/Running CVNAS
`Output/Units/Dynamic Analyses
`Sample Files
`B. Operations on Lens Data ................................... ............ ........................................ 2B-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`End-for-End Flips
`Scale Lens System
`Ray-based Setting of Data
`C. Displaying Data ..................................................................................................... 2C-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Listing of Data
`Drawing of Lens
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`D. Quick Analyses .................................... .. ... ................ .................. .................. ........ 2D-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Table of Contents (continued)
`Evaluate Optical Values
`First-order Calculations
`Third-order Calculations
`Single Ray Traces
`Single Ray Trace Output Format
`E. Saving/Restoring Data ........... .................................................. ... .......................... 2E-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Save and Restore Data
`Copying Stored Lens into Current Lens
`Converting Lens to Sequence Data
`INDICES .................................... .. ..................................... ..... ...... ................................... lndices-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Option Index
`Command Index
`Subject Index
`Table of Contents . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . ii
`3. AUTOMATIC DESIGN ...................................................................................... ................ 3-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`AUT- ... ........................................................... ......... .... ............................. Automatic Design
`Specific Constraints
`Optical Definitions
`Manufacturing and Packaging
`Paraxial Ray Trace Data
`First- and Third-order Aberrations
`Real Ray Trace Data
`Holographic Optical Elements
`General Constraints
`Optimization Controls
`Global Synthesis
`Exit Conditions
`Error Function Construction
`Through-Focus Optimization
`Ray Grid
`MTF Optimization
`User-defined Error Function
`Outputs to Macro-PLUS
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`4. DIAGNOSTIC ANAL VSIS/GRAPHICS .............................................. .......... ... ..... ............ 4-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`ANA - Analysis
`- Field Aberrations - Astigmatism and Distortion Analysis
`- Rimray Aberration Plot
`PMA - Pupil Map
`CAT - Catseye Diagram
`FMA - Field Map
`FOY - Biocular Field of View Plot
`BEA - Beam Propagation
`IMAGE EVALUATION .............. ...................... ....................... ........................................... 5-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Point and Line Spread Functions
`PSF - Point Spread Function*
`SPO - Spot Diagram
`QUA - Quadrant Detector Analysis
`RAD - Encircled Energy
`GOE - Detector Energy
`LSF - Line Spread Function/Edge Trace, Pixel Analysis*
`GLS - LSF/Edge Trace - Geometrical
`Other Image Evaluation
`WAY - Wavefront Analysis*
`MTF - Modulation Transfer Function*
`PAR - Partial Coherence*
`- Biocular Display Analysis
`*Diffraction Based
`6. TOLERANCING.......................................................... ... .. .... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . 6-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`TOR - Ray Based Tolerancing
`TOD - Distortion Tolerancing
`TOL - Primary Aberration Based Tolerancing
`7. FABRICATION SUPPORT ................. ...... ....................... ...... .......................... ..... ............ 7-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`FAB - Fabrication Data
`- Lens View and Plot
`LAY - Lens Drawing
`ELE - Element Drawing
`FOO - Footprint Analysis
`COS - Cost Analysis
`- Weight Calculation
`TES - Test Plate Fitting
`CAM - Cam Calculations for Zoom Systems
`SLD - Solids Modeling
`- Alignment Optimization
`- IGES Interface
`INDICES ............ ............ ...... ... ........ ................ ....... ......... ............. ................................... lndices-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Option Index
`Command Index
`Subject Index
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`Table of Contents (continued)
`Table of Contents .......................................................................................................... ii
`8. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ............ ................................................. ............... .......... .. 8-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`ENV - Environmental Analysis
`9. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND MULTILAYER DESIGN ..................................................... .. 9-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`SPE - Spectral Analysis
`TRA - Transmission Analysis
`GHO - Ghost Image Analysis
`NAR - Narcissus Analysis
`MUL - Multilayer Coating Design
`SSS - Solar Simulator System Option (SSS)
`- 1-D Image Simulation
`1 O. DEF AUL TS AND UTILITIES .............. .......................................................................... 10-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Command Processing
`Option Processing and EXIT
`Immediate Commands/Defaults
`- Library Maintenance
`GLD - Glass Catalog Data
`UGR - User Graphics
`11. Macro-PLUS OVERVIEW/INTRODUCTION ...................................... ......................... 11-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`A. Language Reference ......... ............................................................. ..... .... ..... 11 A-1
`B. Database Reference ......... ..... ......................... ....... ...... ............ ......... ........ .... 11 B-1
`C. Examples ...................................... ...................... .. ....... .... _ .... ....... .................. 11 C-1
`D. CODE V Supplied Macros ..... ....................................................................... 11 D-1
`E. Worksheet Buffer........................................................ .. ................................ 11 E-1
`A. Error Messages and HELP ....... ............ .......................................... .................. A-1
`B. Glossary ........................................ ...... ............................ ........... ..................... B-1
`INDICES .......... ...... .................................. ........ .... .......... .......... ................... .................... lndices-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Option Index
`Command Index
`Subject Index
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`Diagnostic Analysis/
`These options provide tools to represent graphically and in listings, those characteristics helpful in
`diagnosing problems in aberration correction, pupil efficiency, available fields of view, and with
`Gaussian beam propagation.
`ANA - ANALYSIS ....................................................................................... ............................... 4-3
`ANA computes simple diagnostic analyses of the optical system including:
`- First-order traces and third-order aberrations
`- Pattern ray traces and wave aberrations
`- Higher-order ray aberration analyses
`FIE computes and, on request, plots the distortion and astigmatic field curves of the
`lens as a function of the field; for rotationally asymmetric lenses, a field map of
`astigmatism is provided. A table of scan linearity is also available.
`RIM - RIMRAY ABERRATION PLOT .................................................................................... 4-35
`RIM plots ray or wave aberrations vs. ray position in the aperture for X and Y fans.
`PMA - PUPIL MAP ....................................... .... ............................ ........................................... 4-45
`PMA displays functions in the exit pupil: wave aberrations, pupil intensity, surface
`codes for ray failure, HOE spatial frequencies, and properties of polarized beams.
`PMA can be used to write out interferogram files of the wave aberrations and pupil
`intensity. PMA can also be used to check pupils used in PSF, LSF, and PAR for
`corresponding inputs.
`CAT - CATSEYE DIAGRAM .......................................................................... ......................... 4-63
`CAT plots the appearance of designated surface edges as viewed on the entrance
`pupil plane from the object points.
`FMA - FIELD MAP .................................................................................................................... 4-69
`FMA produces plots for each zoom position of field dependent performance
`parameters including distortion, astigmatism, RMS spot diameter, and RMS wavefront
`error. FMA can also produce a table or plot of Bragg diffraction efficiency across the
`field for systems with volume HOEs.
`FOV - BIOCULAR FIELD OF VIEW PLOT ... ....................................................................... 4-79
`FOV draws the available field of view (FOV) in azimuth and elevation of the object
`space tor each designated eye point.
`BEA - BEAM PROPAGATION ................................................................................................ 4-91
`BEA traces a "slow" Gaussian beam through an optical system, using propagation
`equations and calculates at each surface the beam radius, beam orientation, wavefront
`radius of curvature, waist position and waist radius.
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`ANA - ANALYSIS ...... ............................................ ................................................... ....... ............. 4-3
`BEA - BEAM PROPAGATION ........................... ... ..................................... ............................. 4-91
`CAT - CATSEYE DIAGRAM ........................................................................... .... .... ........... ..... 4-63
`FMA - FIELD MAP .. .......................................................................................................... ...... 4-69
`FOV - BIOCULAR FIELD OF VIEW PLOT ........................................... ..................... ........... 4-79
`PMA - PUPIL MAP ...................... ................................... ......................................................... 4-45
`RIM - RIMRAY ABERRATION PLOT ................... ..... ... .... .. .... ................................... .. .......... .4-35
`Enter 1-8 I
`Anal~sis/ Gr aphic s
`r:llf:1 (1) 3rd & Higher Order. Ra~ Tracing
`Iii! (2) Astigmatism & Distortion
`liBJ (3) Ra~ Aberration Plot
`liJlil (4) Pupil Map
`fi5i (5) Catse~e Plot
`lalr:1 (6) Field Map
`limJ (7) Biocular FOV Plot
`!!1111 (8) Gaussian Beam Anal~sis
`H- M -:11 n 1·1enu
`- KeL Descr
`(- C ornr,, .:1nd 1·1ode L- Len: Dat .:1
`E- E ·· 1 t CODE V
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`ANA computes simple diagnostic analyses of the optical system including :
`- First order traces and third order aberrations
`- Pattern ray traces and wave aberrations
`- Higher order ray aberration analyses
`Listed output is provided for each zoom position for:
`- First order traces with third order transverse aberrations listed at each
`surface plus image distance, EFL and aberration sums, for the reference
`- Image distance, EFL, and third order sums for each of the other
`wavelengths and their difference from the reference wavelength
`- Tracing of a standard pattern of ray fans at each field, listing image surface
`ray aberrations and wave aberration (OPD) for each ray, relative to the chief
`ray. Distortion, entrance and exit angles, and field focus values are given
`for the chief ray at each field. Rays are traced at each wavelength.
`These, and other operations, can be individually selected by command; when such
`selections are made, the default group is abandoned and only those operations
`selected will be performed.
`Single Surface Pattern
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`At·-IA 1 / 2
`Raytrace Analysis
`Mode/ Controls
`iDII Th i rd order
`cmci I ys is
`<F-output cil I surfaces
`P-output image surface
`N-No anal y-i-)
`no . 1
`lmw Trcice ray
`<Y /N )?
`no . 1
`6- Go (Execut:)
`t::- Kew Dese:r
`P- Pre1; Screen
`t1a i n t"lenu
`T- To1;1 ::creen
`C- Commend tfode
`0 - 0~
`E- Ex i t CODE
`L- Lens Data
`At·-IA:2 /:2
`Ray Trace A n a l y s i s
`Single Surfcie:e Pcittern
`B Reference
`wcivelength trace:
`<F-ful I output
`P-pcirtial output
`N-no output)
`field no . 1
`2 N
`3 N
`6- Go ( Execute )
`IC- Kew Oescr
`P- Prev Screen
`M- Main Menu
`T- TOR Screen
`C- Command t-lode
`F- Fi les
`0 -0~
`L- Lens Data
`E - Ex i t CODE lJ
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`COMMAND MNEMONICS (alphabetical)
`Command Syntax
`Screen Prompt
`[ F I P I N ] .... w,z]
`Third order analysis ...
`Do first order traces and third order analysis. THI is included by de-
`fault only if no com-
`Listing flags for each wavelength/zoom posi-
`mands are given, with
`tion mean:
`F - list all surfaces and sums
`F in the reference
`P - list only sums
`wavelength; Pin other
`N - no listing
`If no flags are given, the default pattern is
`Fin the reference wavelength;
`P in other wavelengths
`More than one THI command can be given to
`complete the selection.
`[ Yes I No .... w,z]
`Trace ray pattern (Y/N)? Trace rays in pupil pattern according to DEL RAY is included by
`command, producing fans in +Y,-Y,+X (and -X
`default only if no
`if no Y-plane symmetry exists). Only focal
`commands are given.
`plane values are given; see SSP for obtaining
`a more extensive listing. Use YeslNo flags to
`turn on/off individual wavelengths/zoom
`positions; more than one RAY command can
`be given to complete the selection.
`ray_interval_pupil_fraction .... z
`Real ray interval
`Interval between rays in pattern ray tracing
`(RAY,HIG,SSP commands), in fraction of
`pupil radius. Rays are traced at relative f rac-
`tions of the vignetted pupil radii of:
`1.0, 1.0-DEL, 1.0-2 * DEL, ...
`until 1.0-n * DEL < or = DEL.
`Range: 0.01 < value < 1.01; 1.01 elimi-
`nates all but chief rays.
`0.2000001, giving
`rays at 1.0, 0.8, 0.6,
`0.4 * vignetting in
`each fan of the pat-
`Continued ...
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`Command Syntax
`Screen Prompt
`HIG Yes I No
`Higher order analysis
`Do higher order analysis of pattern rays (in No. Not done.
`reference wavelength only), listing the ray
`equivalents for third order aberration contri-
`butions and for fifth plus higher order aberra-
`tion contributions for each ray as computed
`from the Aldis theorem; listed also is the ratio
`of total ray aberration contribution to third
`order. These contributions for the chief ray
`and extreme two rays of each fan are listed
`surface-by-surface at each field; the contribu-
`tions of the chief ray are removed from all
`other rays at that field.
`SSP [ P I F I N .... f ,z]
`Reference wavelength Do pattern ray tracing (in reference wave-
`trace ...
`length only), listing surface by surface coor-
`dinates. Listing flags for each field and zoom
`position mean:
`F - surface-by-surface listing for all rays
`P - surface-by-surface listing for chief and
`extreme rays only
`N - No listing
`Use flags to turn on/off individual fields/zoom
`positions; more than one SSP command can
`be given to complete the selection.
`Not done.
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`When to Use the ANAiysis Option
`The ANA option provides several simple diagnostic analysis computations that can be useful in
`understanding the detailed aberration properties of an optical system. This option represents a logical next
`step beyond the very simple results of the "Quick Analysis" section of the LDM (FIR, FIO, THO, RSI, SIN).
`ANA includes multi-wavelength third-order aberrations and their differences; these can help you to analyze
`chromatic variations of aberrations. It also includes pattern ray tracing (fans) for more comprehensive ray
`analysis, and higher-order analysis of ray aberrations.
`What to Include in LDM Lens Data
`Any valid lens system can be analyzed by this option; no additional LDM data is necessary. Note,
`however, the limited applicability of THI and HIG data for non-centered systems and for systems with
`special surfaces (see discussion under Functions of the ANAiysis Option).
`Functions of the ANAiysis Option
`Default operation of the ANAiysis option is the combination of THI plus RAY with default DEL,
`excluding HIG and SSP.
`Third Order Analysis
`Third order analysis (THI) is based on classical aberration theory, in which image defects are
`expressed as polynomial expansions in object and pupil coordinates. 1 Such a polynom ial expansion can be
`carried to any order (third, fifth, seventh, etc.), but the third order (or Seidel) aberrations are the most widely
`useful. Surface contributions can aid in understanding the sources as well as the forms of aberration
`present in a lens design. 2 Because third-order data are calculated in multiple wavelengths (if present), they
`can also aid in the analysis of the chromatic variation of aberrations; surface-by-surface output for each
`wavelength is controllable by flags on the THI command.
`Third order aberrations are calculated from paraxial data (see Technical Notes). Because of this,
`third order aberrations are strictly valid only for centered systems.
`Although third order aberrations will be calculated for any system in CODE V, you should be aware of
`specific limitations that can limit the accuracy of these calculations. Third order computations are done
`correctly for centered systems consisting of plane, spherical, and polynomial aspherics. Third order
`computations for cylindrical surfaces are done for the equivalent spherical-surface in the meridian
`designated by XZF (in LDM). Third order computations for aspheric toroids are for the equivalent aspheric.
`For gradient index and diffraction grating surfaces, they are for the aspheric without regard to the index
`variation or diffraction. Splines generate aberrations of all orders (2,3,4 .... ) and are only treated as a
`parabola of equivalent power. No effect of decentration is included; therefore, for decentered systems,
`third order computations may or may not be of value, depending on system structure.
`Ray Fans
`Ray fans (ray pattern analysis - RAY co mmand) are based on real rays and can be useful in
`understanding the overall aberration properties of an optical system.3 Ray fans display data for the image
`surface only (no surface contribution or ray coordinate information). Use RAY when you want transverse
`ray aberrations, OPD, and chief ray properties in tabular form. The DEL command controls the spacing and

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