San Diego State University ILL
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`Title: Code V designer's manual: system of
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`Second Edition
`550 N. Rosemead Boulevard
`Pasadena, California
`(213) 351-8966
`Copyright @, 1978 by Optical Research Associates, Pasadena, California 91107
`All Rights Reserved
`Printed in the U.S.A.
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`image evaluation,
`CODE V provides the capability of analysis,
`and automatic design.
`It reflects research and experience in automatic
`design techniques dating back to 1954.
`ORA has used automatic design
`techniques as its basic design approach since 1963 and CODE V
`(Computerized Optical Design and Evaluation, Version V) embodies
`the results of operating experience on hundreds of complex lens designs.
`It and its predecessors have been in daily use by ORA and other active
`design groups.
`The key premises on which this system has been developed are
`the following:
`1. It must be easy to use, requiring only the input data
`naturally associated with the optical problem.
`to give the
`2. It should be flexible, with added data,
`optical designer sufficient command of the program
`to handle special optical problems.
`CODE V incorporates features which have resulted from real
`It is frequently expanded to include new capabilities.
`time to time, partially complete concepts are included to provide a
`limited new capability. Depending upon response to these features
`and experience with them, ORA will develop the capability in a complete
`History of ORA's Program Developments
`The current program is the outgrowth of research by the
`principals of ORA and reflects the combined interaction of extensive
`lens design experience with mathematical and programming skills.
`The early phases* of this research seem rudimentary by today's
`standards but provided valuable background on both the possibilities
`and limitations of automatic optical design.
`The first work was done
`on the Burroughs E101,
`the first machine low enough in cost to be
`dedicated to optical design.
`The "automatic design program" consisted
`of a 3 x 3 matrix solution for the changes needed to produce a desired
`set of third order spherical aberration, coma, and astigmatism
`coefficients when given a change table of these aberrations for three
`It took 45 seconds to trace a skew ray through one optical
`*This was done while the principals were with Bell & Howell Company,
`with that company's encouragement and support.
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`surface, a speed which precluded doing much else in "automatic design."
`In 1955, work was transferred to an LGP-30. With the aid of a
`hardware alteration and highly optimized machine language coding, a
`ray tracing and third order package was developed which provided skew
`ray tracing at 1.4 seconds per ray-surface -- twice as fast as the
`package developed for the optical industry a year later and distributed
`with the machine.
`Work by others (D. Feder, J. Meiron) using larger machines not
`devoted exclusively to optics had progressed by 1957 to the point that
`it appeared feasible to apply gradient techniques to optimization on
`the LGP-30. After six months of spare time study and mathematical
`the project won company endorsement and programming started;
`it must be remembered that Fortran was not available and all programming
`had to be done in machine language without benefit of assemblers.
`The program employed a scheme of pseudo-raytracing? to develop
`the merit function;
`this produced the third and fifth order contribu-
`tions to the ray aberrations for the selected rays to be minimized.
`Investigations in the optical industry prior to 1955 can be
`roughly categorized as the time when a number of relatively unrelated
`processes were tried (Baker, Black, Hopkins and McCarthy);
`the process
`of least squares of underconstrained equations (Hopkins and McCarthy)
`enjoyed the widest success.
`1955 to 1960 can be categorized as the
`period of the "gradient process." As experience built up it became
`evident that gradient processes surpass matrix processes only when
`the merit function can be so quickly calculated that the calculation
`time of a matrix process is dominated by the matrix solution itself;
`for optics,
`the use of gradient processes cannot surpass matrix
`processes for much more complex a merit function than one composed
`of the third order aberrations.
`The disenchantment with gradient
`processes led to the rediscovery of the damped least squares method
`(by Wynne and Girard) just before 1960, and to the orthonorma lized
`aberration method (by Grey)
`in the early 1960's. Both of these
`processes recognize the fact that gradient processes throw away a
`great deal of information which can only be recovered by a sophisti-
`cated acceleration technique (method of conjugate gradients);
`method of orthonormalized aberrations employs a transformation of the
`variables which makes it easy to apply a variable-by-variable reduction
`method proposed much earlier by Black (and without which Black's
`method is impractical). These two methods now are the dominant
`processes in use; each has been extensively enhanced by a number of
`acceleration techniques developed since their introduction.
`The LGP-30 program for third and fifth order ray aberrations
`was effective for correcting systems dominated by these two orders,
`Ieee "A System of Optical Design," Arthur Cox, Focal Press, p. 175-178.
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`but was overly ambitious for a gradient process on such a slow
`machine. After cutting it back to a third order correction program
`it served as the vehicle for experimenting with a wide variety of
`acceleration techniques culminating in a special conjugate direction
`combining the method of conjugate gradients with the parabolic
`approximation method of J. Meiron.
`In 1961 the need for a more sophisticated optimization program
`using damped least squares became evident.
`Two basic difficulties
`The first of these was that no literature references could be
`found which gave methods of employing the damped least squares tech-
`nique subject to side constraints, except by including them in the
`merit function.
`It was, and is, our belief that the merit function
`should represent only the quality of the solution and should not
`include deviations from physical requirements (effective focal length,
`back focal
`length, edge or center thicknesses, clear apertures, etc.);
`the "cleaner" the merit function is,
`the simpler and more constant the
`weighting of it becomes. After considerable mathematical analysis and
`experimentation a process was evolved wherein the damped least squares
`process could be solved subject to side constraints within the same
`size matrix as the damped least squares alone could be solved.
`The second basic difficulty was that the optimization program
`had to be adaptable to an IBM 7070 with 5000 words of memory for
`program, data and operating system.
`The solution of this problem was
`aided by the realization that the processes in the damped least
`squares method are separable. This produces the rather paradoxical
`result that a program can allow an unlimited number of aberration
`defects but fit into less space than any other approach.
`Early in 1963, ORA was formed and development continued.
`Introduced at that time was the monitor concept wherein any sequence
`of operations (scaling, automatic design, analysis, MIF, etc.) can
`be executed in a chain, operating on the current system in memory.
`This is the heart of an efficient production optical design operation
`and eliminates the need for data conversion from program to program
`with intermediate punched decks, and keeps the data entries independ-
`ent of any preceding operation so that they may be performed in any
`the program was converted into what is believed to
`In 1964,
`be the first zoom automatic design program.
`In 1965, ORA acquired
`its first computer, with a memory capacity of effectively 12,000
`2"Conjugate Direction Methods in Automatic Optical Design," Thomas
`I. Harris. Presented at Optical Society of America meeting in
`Pittsburgh, Pa., March 3, 1961.
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`words and converted the program so that the entire optimization process
`could be contained in memory at once without program overlays or peri-
`pheral data storage. At the same time, a major revision was made in
`order to permit an increase in the allowed number of variables to 45.
`Part of this revision included the conversion from the previous
`method to the Lagrangian multiplier method of handling the side con-
`The prime advantage of the latter is that it permits the
`programming of a precise, reliable method of including or dropping
`inequality constraints.
`Since 1965, many extensions and improvements of the program
`have been made.
`In that year, ORA developed one of the first poly-
`chromatic diffraction MIF programs and added it to the package.
`Accelerations have been introduced which accomplish an optimization
`in 1% of the time needed by the program in 1964, Transfer to ORA's
`larger, faster machines has permitted an increase in the number of
`variables (not normally required except for complex zoom lenses) as
`well as allowing additional basic operations under the monitor concept.
`In recent years, particular attention has been devoted to developing com-
`prehensive lens tolerancing techniques.
`The technology underlying CODE V is derived from many sources,
`including literature references. But more important have been many
`direct discussions with optical scientists.
`To them, collectively,
`we express our gratitude.
`As essential as the technology is, it is equally important that
`it be cast into a useful form. Our users, staff and customers are re-
`sponsible for many features of the present program which have arisen
`from their suggestions and comments. We welcome these as the founda-
`tion for future improvements in CODE V.
`In particular, we appreciate the vigorous representation of the
`user within our own group by Robert Hilbert and his staff and the many
`technical developments generated by Matthew Rimmer in recent years.
`We would also like to acknowledge the valuable contribution of
`Patricia Wilson, who has shared the programming load with us for sev-
`eral years, and both Mary Jo Poague and Leigh King who have supervised
`the generation and printing of this manual.
`Darryl E. Gustafson
`Thomas I. Harris
`September 1, 1978
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`Organization of Design Task
`Entry of Lens Data
`Manual Organization
`Functional Contents - CODE V Options
`Chapter I. Data Entry
`Philosophy of CODE V Data
`Input Data
`Title Card
`Surface Data
`Curvature and Its Control
`Thickness and Its Control
`Glass and Its Control
`Glass Entries
`Catalog Glasses
`Fictitious Glasses
`Reflective Surfaces
`Glass Control
`Glass Characteristics
`Special Surface Data
`Technical Notes - Surface Data
`Specification Data
`Aperture Specification
`Wavelength Specification
`Reference Wavelength Specification
`Wavelength Weights
`Field Specification - Y
`Field Specification - X
`Dimensional System
`Afocal System
`Telecentric System
`X-Plane First Order Calculation
`Designer's Initials
`Private Catalog
`Cylindrical Surface
`Aspheric Surface (and Fresnel)
`Diffraction Grating
`Aspheric Toroidal Surface
`Decentered Surfaces
`Thermal Gradient Surface
`Spline Aspheric Surface
`Design Notes
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`Chapter II. Data Alteration
`Input Data
`Change Codes
`Surface Data
`Specification Data
`Aperture Data
`Private Catalog
`Error Conditions
`Input Data
`Steady State Conditions
`Semi-Diameter Flag
`Expansion Constants
`Index of Refraction Constants
`Thermal Gradients
`Pressure Gradients
`Physical Structure
`Error Conditions
`Chapter LII. Lens and Procedure Libraries
`Chapter IV. Data Display
`Chapter V. Optimization
`Input Data
`Constraints in Merit Function
`Sensitivity Controls
`Error Function Construction
`Convergence Controls
`Error Conditions
`zZoomM- 1
`DEZ- 1
`SET- 1
`CHAN- 1
`- 1
`- 1
`- 2
`- 2
`- 2
`- 6
`- 8
`- 8
`- 8
`- 9
`SCAL- 1
`ENVI- 1
`- i.
`- 1
`=a 2
`- 3
`- 6
`LIBR- 1
`SEQU- 1
`PRIN- 1
`AUTO- 1
`- 3
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`TEST~ 1
`= it
`= gil
`= 2
`- 3
`- 3
`CAM- 1
`Input Data
`Fitting Strategies
`Print Controls
`Error Conditions
`CAM (For Zoom Lenses)
`Chapter VI. Evaluation - Geometrical Performance
`Input Data
`Third Order Analysis
`Summary Ray Trace Analysis
`Surface by Surface Printout
`Single Ray Trace
`Error Conditions
`Input Data
`Graphic Output
`Special Computations
`Line Spread Function and Edge Trace
`Square Wave
`Chapter VII. Evaluation - Wave Optical Performance
`Input Data
`Output Requests
`Wave Aberration
`Phase (Image Phase Structure)
`Special Image Analyses
`Line Spread Function, Edge Gradient
`Detector Energy
`Encircled Energy
`Graphic Output
`Oblique Projection Plots
`Contour Plots
`WAV- 1
`POIN- 1
`- 5
`= 5
`- 5
`- 5
`- 5
`- 6
`- 6
`- 6
`- 6
`- 6
`- 7
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`TOL-A 1
`TOL-B 1
`MODE- 1
`LAYO- 1
`cosTt-— He
`Input Data
`Graphical Output
`Optional Forms of Computation
`Square Wave
`45° Orientation
`Ray (Geometrical)
`Wave Aberration Printouts
`Chapter VIII. Evaluation - Physical Performance
`Chapter IX. Tolerance Analysis
`TOLERANCE (Primary Aberrations)
`Input Data
`Computation and Output
`Input Data
`Computation and Output
`Technical Notes
`Chapter X.
`Fabrication Aids
`Systems Analysis
`Chapter XI.
`B C
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`Chapter XII. Operation Aids
`O=TY, O=LP, O=NO,
`- For IBM 2780 Remote Job Entry
`I=R, O=R
`- For Remote Teleprinter
`Data Preparation Procedures
`CODE V Option - Chapter Index
`END- 1
`EXIT- 1
`FILE- 1
`LOAD- 1
`EJEC- 1
`0,I- 1
`RJ- 1
`RTT- 1
`APP- 1
`APP- 5
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`CODE V is an optical programming system - a language of optical
`Its aim is to permit
`the designer to communicate with the
`program in as easy, natural and simple a manner as possible.
`CODE V permits the specification of simple or complex lens
`systems, both rotationally symmetric and decentered.
`It is a powerful
`tool in the development of zoom (or multi-configuration) systems as
`well as non-zoom systems. Features facilitate the design of anamorphic
`and wide angle lenses, afocal systems, multi-spectral lenses and
`systems employing diffraction gratings. Surfaces can be:
`* Spherical
`- Aspheric (spline or standard polynomial)
`* Aspheric toroidal
`- Fresnel
`* Diffraction gratings
`- Radial index gradient
`- Decentered and tilted
`A lens can be input to the computer, either according to the
`designer's data or by retrieval from the Lens
`library. Glass infor-
`mation is supplied from disc stored optical glass catalogs to complete
`the data.
`The lens system remains in memory,
`to be operated upon or
`analysed by the computer acting under the designer's directions, until
`it is replaced by another lens.
`the lens can be altered by scaling, by optimization
`Once defined,
`or test plate fitting, by change of environment, by a given perturbation
`under a tolerance budget, or by specific request of the designer.
`can be saved in a lens library for later retrieval or conditionally
`replace the former version if it is better.
`the lens can be analysed with a wide variety of
`At any time,
`geometrical and diffraction based techniques, have its structure drawn
`on a plotter for checking its mechanical suitability, and have its
`physical properties evaluated.
`The data can be tabulated in a form suitable for the mechanical
`designer and released with an optical layout;
`tolerance budgets can
`be established with sensitivity analysis and checked with a Monte Carlo
`simulation of fabrication.
`The finished design can be automatically
`fitted to test plates; report-ready plots of final performance data
`can be generated as required.
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`|) |
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`CODE V is thus intended to be a powerful tool supporting the
`designer in all of the computational tasks from concept
`to finished
`Organization of Design Task
`Just as an optical design task may be broken down into sub-tasks,
`CODE V is organized into distinct operations. These are called options;
`there are more than forty of them.
`The designer might outline his
`basic tasks as:
`I. Define system data
`II. Optimize
`III. Save result
`IV. Compute third order and ray trace analysis
`V. Draw sketch of lens
`VI. Compute diffraction MIF
`these would be done by calling for the options (each repre-
`sented by a card):
`Following each of these option cards would be data which would define
`any special instructions to the computer applying to that specific
`operation. Most options will operate without supplying any additional
`data, by using standard assumptions or default settings;
`the additional
`data is supplied only if these standard assumptions are to be modified.
`Any such group of additional data cards following an option card is
`usually order independent.
`Thus it is easy to get useful results
`without lengthy data preparation and with little experience with the
`Entry of Lens Data
`The initial entry of lens data is done through the DATA option.
`There are two essential types of data required by every system. First,
`the construction of the system (curvature,
`thicknesses and separations,
`and materials) must be defined; second,
`the usage of the system (nature
`of the light bundles) must be specified.
`In addition to these, it is
`desirable to have a label attached to the data;
`this is used for titling
`printed and plotted output.
`Some systems require data also to define
`mechanical apertures, special refractive materials, or to generate
`constructional data based on use (solves).
`the surface data is entered in a special format
`For convenience,
`that requires one card per surface for normal surfaces.
`The three items
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`al ~lulonlshatsol nl ssle
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`required for each surface are surface shape, distance to the next
`surface and the material following the surface.
`The surface shape
`is normally defined by the curvature,
`the distance to the
`surface by the physical distance along the mechanical axis’, whether
`in glass or air, and the material by a suitable code which will
`permit the computer to provide all necessary indices of refraction.
`The codes used by this program are the manufacturer's glass type
`code or the equivalent 6 digit code; nine catalogs are included
`on the CODE V disc.
`The surface data can be put on a form such as that shown in
`Figure I, where the data for a double Gauss lens has been entered.
`Normal sign conventions are used; i.e., any surface whose center of
`curvature lies to the right of the surface has a positive curvature;
`any surface for which the following surface lies to the right has a
`positive thickness. All materials are represented by their codes; air
`is represented by a blank or the code AIR. Reflection would be indicated
`by REFL and the computer will assure that indices have the proper sign.
`the curvature, distance and glass code have
`Thus on the form,
`been entered for each surface of the double Gauss. Note that a blank
`space has been left for the object surface at the beginning and for
`the image surface at the end; data for a curved object or image would
`be entered there. Note also that surface 6 has been flagged as the
`aperture stop (column 76).
`The remaining items of SURFACE DATA shown
`on the form are optional and will be discussed in detail later; the
`data given is all that is necessary for many of the operations needed.
`The second type of data that is always required for any optical
`problem is the usage of the system (definition of light bundles}. That
`some indication must be provided of the aperture, magnification,
`and field requirements of the lens system and the wavelength region
`over which it is to operate. This data and almost all other data is
`entered one item per card with a mnemonic code, as an identifier,
`followed by the value.
`See Figure II.
`The aperture is indicated by entering the f/number of the cone
`of light in the image space;
`thus, since the lens is an £/2 lens with
`an object at infinity,
`the first card after SPECIFICATION DATA is
`the optical axis and
`it should be noted that, for centered systems,
`mechanical axis coincide.
`For decentered systems,
`the two coincide only
`if the designer sets it up that way.
`2the codes for all nine catalogs,
`together with ten indices of refraction
`calculated from the stored coefficients, can be obtained by using the
`GLIST request of the CATALOG option.
`For example,
`the Schott designation
`for 517-642 glass is BK7; no spaces or hyphens are used.
`The same glass
`would be obtained with 517642.
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`the wavelength band is specified by entering
`From one to seven wavelengths may be specified. Unless otherwise speci-
`the middle one of these will be used as the reference wavelength
`for first order and other calculations.
`The field specification is given in terms of the desired input
`angles as
`10.72858 15.0
`This requests three field angles at 0.0°, 10.72858°, and 15°: up to 5
`may be included.
`For this design some vignetting is permissable, so the
`amount of fractional bundle reduction on the upper and lower parts of the
`entrance pupil is entered as
`- 2828
`This clips both upper and lower halves of the pupil by 28.28% at the
`second field angle and by 40% at the outer field angle.
`The object distance may be entered on the object surface card or, as
`in this example,
`inserted by the program as a result of a SOLVE re-
`quest for zero reduction ratio.
`The reduction ratio SOLVE is most
`useful for finite conjugate systems; if the lens were to work at 2:1
`this would have been entered as
`In addition, if evaluation of all system variants is needed with refer-
`ence to the paraxial image distance,
`the PIM SOLVE requests that this
`distance be inserted by the computer as the thickness of surface 11.
`This, plus the single title card (following DATA itself) complete
`the normal input data shown in Figure II. When this is entered,
`the com-
`puter supplies the object and image distance and all refractive indices
`and ckecks
`the data for completeness. At this point the designer may
`perform any of the other functions which the options represent. These
`are shown schematically in Figure III; there is no restriction implied
`on the order of options - they may be executed in any sequence.
`A brief
`description of all of the options is given in the Functional Contents.
`If the designer chooses to perform an AUTOMATIC DESIGN operation,
`some additional data should be supplied on the input form.
`Even though
`it may have local significance only in the optimization options, for
`convenience of association with their variables we can supply control
`codes in DATA. These control codes tell the program which variables
`(curvatures or thicknesses in the current example) are to be varied or
`coupled to each other.
`For example,
`in the double Gauss,
`the designer
`may wish to freeze the curvature of the focal surface at zero,
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` TL
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`thicknesses of the negative lenses and separations between the doublets
`and singlets at their starting values. This could be done by calling
`the CHANGE option with:
`ccy 12
`Or these entries could be made as
`where the 100 designates a freeze.
`part of the input data as shown in Figure IV.
`To complete the operation laid out earlier in the example would
`require the data of Figure IV plus the cards:
`Maintains 1" EFL
`All ct's less than .2"
`All ct's greater than .038"
`All et's greater than .038"
`All airspaces greater than .003"
`Color weights for 650, 550, 450, resp.
`Saves optimized system under USERNAME
`3rd Order and Raytrace fans)
`(one focus position with default assignments)
`therefore, with relatively
`The designer can obtain useful results,
`simple input.
`The choices may be expanded and refined at will as experi-
`ence dictates.
`Manual Organization
`The remainder of this manual covers the detailed option descrip-
`tions and notes for data preparation.
`The options are grouped by chap-
`ters which follow, approximately,
`the design functions outlined in
`Figure III.
`In addition to these, Chapter XI is a collection of pro-
`grams that are of value in optical systems analysis and that are
`usually used independently of the other options.
`The new user should review the appendix on DATA PREPARATION PRO-
`CEDURES at the back of the manual to become acquainted with punching or
`entering data for CODE V including features such as comma input and com-
`ment cards.
`The early pages of the DATA option provide some of the phil-
`osophy for the way in which parts of CODE V data interact.
`The appendix
`to the DATA option describes the coordinate system used;
`this is of most
`concern to the designer of decentered systems.
`LGE Exhibit 1014
`LGEv. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
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`LGE Exhibit 1014
`LGE v. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
`Page 21 of 459


`Immediately following is an overview of all of the CODE V
`options. A second appendix at the back of the manual is an index
`of the options that can be used to find the chapter in which any
`option resides.
`Updates will be provided from time to time to this manual.
`Stripes at the top of each page indicate all new sections; stripes
`at the outside edge indicate new program features; stripes at the
`inside edge indicate manual changes only.
`LGE Exhibit 1014
`LGEv. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
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`LGE Exhibit 1014
`LGE v. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
`Page 22 of 459


`Functional Contents - CODE V Options
`Chapter I: Data Entry
`These options allow the generation of the starting optical system:
`DATA - Input for first configuration (the first zoom position)
`consisting of:
`Title Card - Designer's label for output.
`Defines the mechanical structure of the optical system
`with surface shapes, separations, and materials.
`Defines the optical usage of the system - the wave-
`length, aperture, field and vignetting of the light
`bundles entering the system.
`APERTURE DATA - optional
`Defines special aperture shapes and sizes to be used,
`if needed,
`in evaluating the system.
`SOLVES - optional
`Defines special conditions to be imposed on the system
`which will be maintained by altering one or more
`structural items.
`Defines special materials referenced by the SURFACE
`ZOOM DATA - Input for parameters changed in generating the
`additional configurations of a multi-configuration (zoomed)
`DEZOOM - Removal of selected parameters from zoom list, or
`extraction of a chosen configuration.
`SET DATA - Allows computer to generate some of the special
`input data rather than requiring it of the designer.
`Chapter II: Data Alteration
`These options allow the designer to change individual items of DAT

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