A Technical Overview of CODE V Version 7
`Bnice R. Irving, Optical Research Associates
`550 North Rosemead Boulevard, Pasadena, California 91107
`The technical features of the CODE VT“ program for
`computer-aided optical design and analysis are described
`Examples of typical applications are presented which
`illustrate various special features of the program. The
`recently introduced interferogram interface is presented in
`more detail as an example of CODE V’s technical depth
`and approach to new technological requirements.
`CODE V Version 7 is the latest version of Optical Re-
`search Associates’ software package for optical design,
`analysis, and manufacturing support Although it is a
`large, comprehensive program capable of solving a wide
`range of optical problems, CODE V includes extensive
`features that make it easy for persons with varying
`levels of optical experience to learn and use it. Such
`“friendliness” features as screens and menus, interactive
`text, and on-line help have been discussed elsewhere
`[1,2]. This paper will present a brief overview of
`CODE V‘s technical features aimed primarily at the op-
`tical engineer or designer. Several specific features will
`be treated in more detail as examples of the program’s
`approach and technical depth. Because of the brevity of
`this review and its emphasis on describing CODE V’s
`features, very little information on the actual use of the
`program will be included. Please consult the CODE V
`documentation set for detailed usage information.
`History: CODE V had its beginnings in the early
`1960’s, when Tom Harris (ORA’s founder and current
`president) began developing a program to use in his
`own lens design consulting business. Building on ideas
`he had first explored at Bell & Howell in the 1950's,
`Lena Entry a Editing (LDM)
`. Spreadsheet lens
`- Glasseataloos
`. Special surfaces
`. lRNVrrnleriale
`- Aspheria
`- Command mode
`- Gradient index
`~ Tomids
`- Serves
`o Ful lorsdeu
`- We
`- Zoom lenses
`— Optical
`- User defined
`0 Docenteredltilted
`- Mm
`- Tolerances
`Fabrication and
`image Evaluation
`Optlmlzatlon and
`lilac. Options
`Anaiyala Options
`. Paratddroytraee
`Wave based
`. Optimization
`- RMSweveerror
`- Realmytraee
`- Lens Drawings
`- thorwveorror
`- W
`- Aberration plols
`' MTF
`- Barnum
`- Emctconstreht
`- corrosion beams
`- vs frequency
`- Third order aberr.
`- vs focus
`- Components
`- Solidtmdds
`- errdeflned
`. High order aberr.
`- PSF
`. Astignatiem
`- LSF
`- Distortion
`- Endrcled energy
`. Costestirnetes
`- Multilayer ilm
`. Partial coherence
`. Pupil map
`. Weight
`- Testplatefits
`. Environmental
`- Field mop
`- Biocular FOV
`- Spot dawom
`- Zoom Cern Design m
`- Catseye plot
`. Radial energy
`' NW9?!
`- Transmission
`- Detector response
`- Toleranclno
`. Ghost image
`. Narcissus
`- Bioculorandysis
`~ Spectral analysis
`- Image simulation
`Figure 1. CODE V major features summary (not all features included)
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`Tom developed the basic structure, optimization capa-
`bility, and analysis options of CODE V’s predecessor
`(“CODE V” stands for “computerized optical design and
`evaluation, version 5”). Limited outside use began in
`the late 1960’s, and in the 1970's, ORA began to ac-
`tively support CODE V as a “commercial” program.
`Its features, size. and user base continued to grow as it
`was expanded, improved, made more interactive, and
`placed in other computing environments, including net-
`works. Today it is one of the most widely used pro-
`grams of its type, available on any of Digital Equip-
`ment Corporation’s popular line of VAX, MicroVAX,
`and VAXstation computers and workstations, as well as
`via TYMNET, an internationally accessible time-
`sharing network.
`In addition to a staff of optical spe-
`cialists and programmers who develop, maintain, docu-
`ment, and support the program, Optical Research Asso-
`ciates also operates a major optical design consulting
`business. These in-house lens designers and optical en-
`gineers are an important source of guidance, testing, and
`feedback in the development of CODE V.
`put methods, and default provisions (“defaults” are com-
`mands and values that the program assumes in the ab-
`sence of user instructions). ORA has also tried to make
`CODE V as comprehensive as possible, giving the op-
`tical specialist all the design and analysis tools he is
`likely to need in one convenient and consistent package.
`Ease of learning and use have always been addressed by
`minimizing needed inputs and by using terminology and
`input structures that are “natural" to optical engineers.
`The extensive use of graphics has also been an impor-
`tant goal in CODE V’s development (Figure 2).
`An important question in evaluating a software package
`might be, “What is it good for?" In other words, what
`sorts of problems are people solving with CODE V
`now? A few examples selected from the many types of
`systems that have been designed with CODE V will
`serve to illustrate a number of the program’s special fea-
`Philosophy: Because it was developed by practicing
`lens designers, CODE V has always had a strong
`“designer orientation.” Long before “expert system” be-
`came a popular concept, CODE V was incorporating
`lens designers’ “expert lmowledge” in its algorithms, in-
`Optical disc lenses: Optical disc lenses are used in con-
`sumer applications (audio and video disc) as well as in
`optical data storage systems [3]. Because it is typically
`a bi-aspheric singlet, the optical disc lens might seem
`to be a rather simple system to design and analyze. To
`Figure 2. Graphics example - wire-frame solids model of a Cassegrain system with a field flattener
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`analyze the end-application, however, requires calcula-
`tion of the diffraction point-spread function (PSF op-
`tion) with asymmetric Gaussian apodization to simulate
`the semiconductor laser source. Multi-configuration
`features (ZOOm) can be used to design a lens with re-
`duced sensitivity to molding and mounting errors. Se-
`vere thermal environments (such as car dashboards in
`the summer) can be simulated with the EN V
`(environmental change) option.
`Zoom lenses: CODE V considers any system with par-
`ameters that change during use to be a “zoom”
`mum-configuration) lens, but “true zoom lenses”
`(where only the lens separations are zoomed) are the
`classic application [4]. Photographic, broadcast, and
`military zoom lenses are frequently designed with
`Zoom lens designers make use of
`CODE V’s ability to simultaneously optimize up to
`seven zoom positions and to define and use constraints
`that interlink various zoom positions (AUT option).
`When it is time to consider building a zoom lens, the
`TOR option can be used to simultaneously tolerance the
`multiple zoom positions, while the CAM option can
`assist in specifying cams that will move the zoomed
`Scanner lenses: As far as CODE V is concerned, a
`scanner lens is simply a “zoom lens” in which tilts or
`decenters are “zoomed” rather than air spaces. But scan-
`ners often do have special requirements. You can easily
`specify f-theta linearity as a set of image-height con-
`straints in optimization (AUT option), and you can ana-
`lyze the linearity with a special field aberration request
`(FIE option). Many scanners (product code readers and
`laser printers, among others) use very “slow" laser
`beams (perhaps f/SO to f/300). In these cases, Gaussian
`beam optics (BEAm option) must be used to determine
`spot size and orientation (this option works on any type
`of system, including asymmetric scanner geometries and
`those containing holographic optical elements).
`Holographic head-up display optics: The design of vis-
`ual systems has been a strength of CODE V for many
`years. While visual displays in general present chal-
`lenging design problems, the holographic head-up dis-
`play (HHUD) can be especially difficult, requiring both
`special program features and special design techniques
`[5,6]. CODE V provides a general HOE model that in-
`cludes aspheric phase terms and volume hologram dif-
`fraction efficiency parameters (HOE thickness, delta in-
`dex, etc.). The diffraction efficiency of a volume HOE
`system must be considered at all stages of the design, so
`CODE V allows it to be constrained during optimiza-
`tion and analyzed in several different ways. Aberration
`differences between the light bundles received by the
`viewer’s eyes are critical in biocular display systems, so
`specialized biocular analysis (BIO option) is needed.
`Packaging constraints can be important in airborne sys-
`tems; global ray constraints in optimization (AUT) al-
`low packaging constraints to be entered conveniently.
`The footprint (F00) option provides an easy way to de-
`temiine the shape of “used portion” of any surface in an
`optical system.
`FLIR Systems: Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sys-
`tems are typically scanning systems that provide ther-
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`Figure 4. Unobscured all-reflecting system
`mal 1R “TV” imagery in aircraft and other applications
`(Figure 3). FLIR’s have features in common with all
`scanners and multi-configuration systems (they often
`have flip-in/flip—out attachments as well as scan mir-
`rors), but of course also make use of special infrared
`materials (a catalog of these is built into CODE V). In
`addition, thermal IR system have special analysis prob-
`lems of their own. “Narcissus” is one such problem, in
`which a thermal detector can “see” a scanned image of
`itself as a spurious signal. Narcissus parameters can be
`controlled as constraints during optimization (AUTO op-
`tion), and the narcissus (NAR) option is available to an-
`alyze narcissus conditions.
`Unobscured All-Reflecting Objectives: This type of
`system (Figure 4) offers potential advantages in com-
`pactness and lack of the large central obscuration found
`in classical all-reflecting designs. Because of the inher-
`ent asymmetry of such designs, however, they also can
`present special design, analysis, and fabrication prob-
`lems. CODE V offers a variety of tilt and decenter
`types (as well as decentered apertures) that simplify the
`set-up of such asymmetric systems. When special sur-
`face types are needed, users can select conventional
`aspheres, aspheric toroids, anamorphic aspheres (“potato
`chip" surface), or user-defined surface equations. In op-
`timization (AUT option), global ray constraints allow
`packaging geometry to be easily controlled [7]. All of
`image evaluation options (MTF, PSF,
`PAR, etc.) are fully functional regardless of the degree
`of asymmetry of the lens system The recently intro-
`duced interferometry interface and alignment option
`(ALI) will certainly be useful in the fabrication, testing,
`and alignment of these often difficult systems (see sec-
`tion V).
`CODE V’s central metaphor is the “lens database"
`(Figure 5). The program’s active memory contains all
`the available information on the lens currently under
`consideration (any number of additional lenses may be
`stored in disk files). This database naturally includes
`optical definitions (curvature, thickness, glass data,
`aspheric data, decenters, wavelength, f/number, etc.),
`but also includes mechanical data (outside diameters,
`mirror thicknesses, weight, etc.),
`tolerance data
`(tolerances and compensators), and miscellaneous data
`(multilayer coatings, glass cost, temperature and pres-
`sure, etc.).
`Interferometrically measured data can also
`be part of the lens database.
`Managing Data: To manipulate this database,
`CODE V provides a highly interactive “lens data man-
`ager” (LDM). This central program section allows us-
`ers to create, modify, and display database items, singly
`or in groups (data can also be saved in or retrieved from
`disk files). Limited features for quick analysis (paraxial
`raytrace, single real rays, third order data, etc.) and dis-
`play (tabular data and simple lens pictures) are also
`available to guide the data creation/modification process.
`In its full-screen mode, the IBM has a spread-sheet like
`display and data-entry screen that allows the effects of
`data changes to be seen immediately. Over 350 com-
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`mands are available to change or examine any aspect of
`a lens system (although for most systems, only a tiny
`fraction of these are actually needed).
`Option Structure: Once LDM features have been used
`to establish and verify a lens database (i.e., to create a
`lens model), CODE V “options” can be used to generate
`(in database parlance) “reports” based on various analy-
`ses of the lens data. Each option represents a logical
`segment of the designer’s task, such as calculating dif-
`fraction MTF, plotting raytrace curves, or producing ele-
`ment drawings. Some options actually modify the lens
`database directly (e.g., optimization changes lens data to
`improve performance, tolerancing adds tolerances to the
`database, etc). CODE V has some 43 of these special-
`ized options (see Figure 1).
`The following are brief descriptions of most of the pro-
`gram’s major options, broken down into functional cate-
`gories. Many CODE V options can provide graphical
`output in addition to the standard tabular data
`face-by-surface real raytrace, paraxial, and third-order ab-
`errations; and tables or plots of field aberrations
`(distortion and astigmatism) are included here. Pupil
`maps of CPD (printed or plotted) and other quantifies
`give additional diagnostic data. There are also several
`special-purpose diagnostic options. These include
`Gaussian beam propagation for “slow beam” systems,
`biocular field of view plots for visual systems, and
`“field maps” of diffraction efficiency versus field-of-view
`for holographic systems. A recently added feature is the
`astigmatism full field display, used to locate astigma-
`tism nodes in asymmetric systems.
`Image Evaluation Options (Geometrical): When a lens
`is not diffraction-limited, geometrical optics-based im-
`age evaluation is appropriate. These options include ef-
`fects of apertures and obscurations (but not diffraction
`effects) on such analyses as spot diagrams, radial energy
`distribution, geometrical MTF, quadrant detector re-
`sponse, detector energy calculation, line spread and edge
`response functions. A specialized option perfomis sev-
`eral zoom-position differencing functions that are espe-
`cially useful for biocular visual systems.
`Diagnostic Analysis Options: These options assist the
`designer in understanding a lens’ performance at a rela-
`tively low level. Fans of rays (tabular or graphic); sur-
`Image Evaluation Options (Wave Based): Proper analy-
`sis of well-corrected lens systems must take diffraction
`into account. CODE V offers RMS wavefront error
`Figure 5. CODE V operations schematic
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`(including Strehl ratio and best focus prediction), diffrac-
`tion MTF, point spread function (PSF and its relatives
`— linespread, encircled energy. detector energy, etc.), all
`of which can be performed on symmetric or non-
`symrnetric optical systems, with or without Gaussian
`apodization to simulate laser illumination, and with
`FFT grids as large as 512 by 512. Diagnostic warning
`messages help users to avoid misleading results that can
`come from poorly corrected optics or from poorly cho-
`sen input parameters. The partial coherence option is a
`specialized feature that is most useful in analyzing op-
`tics for integrated circuit fabrication [8].
`,' M'Kt‘il-L .
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`clude the transmission effects of any multilayer coatings
`defined with the lens data (a separate option, MULtilay-
`er, is used to define, analyze, and optimize the coatings
`themselves). Ghost image and narcissus analysis op-
`tions can give useful secondary image information.
`Special “utility" options (non-raytrace based) combine
`spectral response curves, perform one-dimensional Four-
`ier—based image simulation, and provide two-
`dimensional plotting of user-entered data.
`Optimization Options: The power, flexibility, and so-
`phistication of CODE V’s optimization option (called
`AUTO) deserve more extensive discussion than is possi-
`ble in this brief review [9]. Although its default error
`function and other default features enable new users to
`achieve moderately good (or better) results with virtual-
`ly no input or preparation other than designating varia-
`bles, AUTO is much more than a smart “black box."
`Its standard error function is based on weighted RMS
`spot size derived from a grid of skew rays, though users
`can choose wavefront variance or even define their own
`error functions instead. AUTO’s basic method is an ac-
`celerated damped-least-squares (DLS) calculation, aug-
`mented by a “smart equation solver” that identifies and
`corrects for certain numerical problems that often plague
`the standard DLS method.
`One of the keys to AUTO’s power lies in its handling
`of constraints on optical, mechanical, and other non-
`image-quality parameters. Using Lagrange multipliers,
`AUTO achieves precise control of system requirements
`with the least possible impact on the DLS-driven im-
`provement of the pure image-error error function. A
`built-in set of over 100 predefined constraint types
`(EFL, distortion, ray coordinates, edge thickness, etc.)
`can be augmented by user-defined constraints that are en-
`tered in a higher level language resembling FORTRAN.
`Global references allow ray coordinates to be constrained
`at any surface in terms of the coordinate system of any
`other surface; this simplifies the design of folded sys-
`tems with mechanical interference requirements[7].
`These features combine to allow AUTO to optimize
`standard lenses, complex zoom lenses, multi—path sys-
`tems, scanners, head—up displays, and other sophisticated
`optical systems simply and efficiently.
`'lblerancing Options: CODE V’s tolerancing options
`(TOR and two others) have been described elsewhere
`[10,11,12]. The most distinctive feature of TOR is its
`ability to provide tolerance data and statistical perfor-
`Figure 6. Multi-aperture interference PSF
`CODE V has the ability in the LDM to model arrays of
`apertures, using either multiple apertures combined with
`logical “and” and “or” operations, or by direct modeling
`of an array of identical optical elements (this latter
`method was originally developed to model arrays of gra-
`dient index rods). When such multiple apertures are
`present, the wave optics options will take proper ac-
`count of interference between the sub-apertures. Figure
`6 illustrates such a case, in which an array of rectangu-
`lar apertures is simulating a two-dimensional comb
`function of small, coherently-radiating sources. The
`PSF option produces the periodic comb function
`Miscellaneous Evaluation Options: These are options
`that may use raytracing but are not concerned with im-
`age evaluation per se. The transmission option will in-
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`Test Englneer Oparatlons INT FIIOS
`CODE V Operations
`Optics under test
`What tils a.
`to optimize
`Figure 7. ALIgnment option — schematic operation
`manoe predictions in terms of criteria that are directly
`measurable in end-use (polychromatic MTF, RMS
`wavefront error, chief-ray distortion). The basic calcula-
`tions include quadratic changes in performance versus
`tolerance parameter, while the statistical phase includes
`“cross terms” that account for interactions among vari-
`ous parameters. Tolerance compensators simulate fabri-
`cation adjustments (such as focus) and thus prevent un-
`realistically tight tolerance predictions. TOR works for
`all types of systems (including asymmetric ones) and
`provides the most comprehensive as well as the fastest
`calculation available in this field.
`A major step toward true interactive tolerancing has
`been taken recently (CODE V 7.10). The time-
`consuming basic calculations of TOR can now be done
`once for a particular system with a given set of toleranc-
`es, and the resulting coefficients can be saved in a disk
`file. This then allows on-screen “what if“ questions to
`be posed and answered instantly for tolerance trade-off
`studies and the like.
`Fabrication Support Options: These include options for
`drawing cross-sections of the lens (full layout or ele-
`ment drawings) as well as solids modeling (see Figure
`2). You can also calculate the weight of a lens system,
`estimate its cost, and produce detailed lens descriptions
`for use by fabricators. Graphical displays of the used
`portion (“footprint”) of a specified surface are also avail-
`able. Testplate fitting (based on a number of different,
`user-selectable fitting strategies) and cam design are im-
`portant optimization-based fabrication options. A new
`fabrication support feature, the Angnment option, re-
`quires a fuller discussion.
`The interferogram interface in CODE V (version 7.10)
`adds several major new capabilities to the program.
`allows “real world” interferometry data to be brought
`into CODE V, be placed on any specified surfaces, and
`raytraced, allowing any of CODE V’s options to be
`used to analyze, optimize, or tolerance an “as-built" sys-
`tem. A special new option (alignment, or ALI) enables
`such interferogram data to be used to predict changes in
`compensators (such as element tilts or displacements)
`that will minimize the differences between design and
`as-built performance. This can allow a CODE V user
`to assist fabrication engineers in the alignment (or other
`adjustment) of a fabricated system.
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`Using INT Data: To be used in CODE V, interferome-
`try data must be placed in a text file with a specific,
`ORA-defined format (an “INT file” - several commercial
`interferometer companies plan to directly support this
`format with their interferometers). With a digital inter-
`ferometer that supports the CODE V INT format and
`that is connected to the VAX or MicroVAX running
`CODE V, the “import” process can be simple and rap-
`id. Interferograms can be described with Zemike poly-
`nomials (any number of terms), with “FRINGE Zer-
`nikes,” or on a rectangular grid of any size. The INT
`file also contains auxiliary information (title, wave-
`length, scale, etc.). The interferogram is referred to in
`CODE V by its VAX file name, and with the exception
`of the ALI option, it must be placed on a specific sur-
`face (real or dummy) in an optical system definition.
`Once any required interferograms are in place, any
`CODE V option can be performed. The interferogram
`is raytraced as a zero-thickness phase term added to the
`surface profile data (if any) already present on the speci-
`fied surface (the base surface can be aspheric, toroidal,
`etc.). Most options operate unchanged except for the
`enhancement (or addition) of contour plotting features in
`several areas. The FAB option (fabrication data) can
`produce contour plots of any specified INT file,
`including optional tilt and focus terms). The PMA
`option (pupil map) has enhanced contour plotting as
`well as the new ability to fit lens system wavefronts to
`Zemike polynomials (these can be saved in [NT files on
`The ALIgnment Option: The ALI option is totally
`It uses a set of interferograrns from several field
`positions of the actual system along with the nominal
`CODE V design data to predict fabrication changes
`(tilts, decenters, etc.) that will optimize the as-built sys-
`tem (Figure 7). A special command allows data from
`null-test configurations to be used. ALI uses multiple
`user-specified compensators (defined in the LDM as they
`are for TOR) as its alignment parameters, but it pro-
`vides data on the effectiveness of each compensator so
`that ineffective ones can be identified and removed. ALI
`will work with any system that can be modeled in
`CODE V and measured with interferograrns. This in-
`cludes complex asymmetric optics (such as unobscured
`aperture systems proposed for SDI applications) that
`might otherwise be difficult to assemble and align.
`Applications: Applications of the interferogram inter-
`face in fabrication and testing include alignment. evalua-
`tion of null tests, simulations of finished system perfor-
`mance based on measurement of a part in work, calcula-
`tion of MTF for an as-built system for comparison with
`design predictions, and many more. The INT capability
`makes possible a close coupling between the work of
`design/analysis engineers and test engineers.
`Additional uses suggest themselves. Since the [NT file
`is an ASCII (text) file with a simple, well-defined for-
`mat, users can create or modify INT files with text edi-
`tors or (more likely) special-purpose programs. This
`means that arbitrary surfaces or special-purpose wave-
`front data can be created in the [NT format and intro-
`duced into CODE V as if they were “real” interferogram
`data (useful as long as the data need not be modified
`within CODE V“). Data that might otherwise be diffi-
`cult to incorporate into a CODE V model (atmospheric
`simulations, structural deformations from programs like
`NASTRAN, thermal effects predicted by other software,
`etc.) may be introduced by placing such a “pseudo-
`interferogram” on a surface at an appropriate point in
`the CODE V setup.
`CODE V is a powerful tool for the optical designer or
`It has the ability to handle optical systems
`from the smallest to the largest, from the simplest to
`the most complex, from the mundane to the exotic.
`Once a lens is defined, CODE V permits a wide range
`of analyses to be performed, provides a variety of graph-
`ical output, and allows the system to be optimized with
`required system constraints in a very direct manner.
`When a lens system is ready to be built, CODE V
`gives the engineer only useful tolerance and other fabri-
`cation data (and even finished fabrication drawings). It
`allows interferometrically measured data from a fabricat-
`ed system to be used in defining a lens, enhancing the
`interface between designers and fabricators.
`‘ The user-defined surface feature allows a user-written
`FORTRAN subroutine to be linked to CODE V to define a
`new surface type whose coefficients can be changed, var-
`ied, etc. within CODE V (the sample UDS provided by
`ORA happens to be a Zernike polynomial surface). User-
`defined gradient index profiles work similarly. Holo-
`graphic optical elements (a standard CODEV surface
`type) can often be used to simulate unusual surfaces, such
`as acousto-optic modulators.
`292 / SPIE Vol. 766 Recent Trends in Optical Systems Design; Computer Lens Design Workshop (1987/
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`LGE V. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
`LGE Exhibit 1016
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`LGE Exhibit 1016
`LGE v. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
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`Optics and computer systems are rapidly changing tech-
`nologies, and optical design software must react to
`changes in these fields, as well as to users’ specific
`needs. The interferogram interface is the most recent
`example of CODE V’s responsiveness to changing
`technologies and user needs; there will certainly be more
`new features.
`4. Gustafson, D.E., “Applications of Multi-
`configuration Programs in Lens Design,” lntemational
`Lens Design Conference, Haverford, PA (1975).
`5. Hayford, M. 1., “Optical Design Using Holographic
`Optical Elements,” Proc. SPIE 531, p.241 (1985).
`Recent work with the multi-window graphics environ-
`ment of the DEC VAXstation II leads us to believe that
`powerful, graphics-oriented engineering workstations
`will become as important in optics as they have in oth-
`er engineering fields. We see a need to extend our early
`work in solids modeling, and to also make such use of
`advances in interactive graphics as make sense for the
`optical engineer [13]. We seek improvement in starting
`point selection, programmability, user-defined features,
`and the ability to share data with other software. The
`next few years will see progress in all of these areas
`(and more) for CODE V.
`The author would like to thank ORA’s Matthew P.
`Rimmer for his work on the interferogram interface and
`its documentation, on which part of this paper was
`based. Thanks also to Tom Harris for his work on the
`Version 7 documentation and for many useful conversa-
`tions and VAX MAIL messages, and to Darryl Gustaf-
`son, Bob Hilbert, and Mike Hayford for their inputs and
`helpful diSCussions. The contributions of Barry Broome
`(multi-aperture interference example) and Michael
`Strawn (solids modeling example) are also appreciated
`1. Gustafson, D.E., “Current and Future Directions of
`Lens Design Software,” Proc. SPIE 399, p.166 (1983).
`2. Irving, B.R., “The Human Dimension of Optical
`Design Software,” 1985 International Lens Design Con-
`ference, William H. Taylor, Duncan T. Moore, Ed.,
`Proc. SPIE 554, p. 1 (1985).
`3. Kubota, S., “A lens design for optical disk sys-
`tems,” 1985 International Lens Design Conference,
`William H. Taylor, Duncan T. Moore, Ed., Proc. SPIE
`554, p. 282 (1985).
`6. Hayford, M.J., “Optical Design of Holographic Opti-
`cal Element (HOE) Construction Optics,” I985 Interna-
`tional Lens Design Conference. William H. Taylor,
`Duncan T. Moore, Ed., Proc. SPIE 554, p.502 (1985).
`7. Rodgers, J.M., “Control of Packaging Constraints in
`the Optimization of Unobscmed Reflective Systems,”
`SPIE Los Angeles Technical Conference, January 1987.
`8. Rimmer, M.P., & Irving, B.R., “Calculation of Par-
`tially Coherent Imagery,” Proc. SPIE 237, p.150
`9. Harris, T.I., & Hayford, M.J., “New Developments
`in CODE V Optimization,” Proc. SPIE 237 (1980).
`10. Hilbert, R.S., “Semi-automatic Modulation Transfer
`Function (MTF) Tolerancing," Proc. SPIE 193, p.34
`11. Koch, D.G., “A Statistical Approach to Lens Toler-
`ancing,” Proc. SPIE 147, p.83 (1978).
`12. Rimmer, M.P., “A Tolerancing Procedure Based on
`Modulation Transfer Function (MTF),” Proc. SPIE 147,
`p.66 (1978).
`13. Hayford, M.J., “Interactive Computer Graphics Im-
`plementation of the y~ybar diagram,” SPIE Los Angeles
`Technical Conference, January 1987.
`CODE V is a trademar

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