
`US 6,766,373 B1
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(12) United States Patent
`Beadle et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jul. 20, 2004
`Primary Examiner—Moustafa M. Meky
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Marilyn Smith Dawkins;
`Dillon & Yudell LLP
`Inventors: Bruce A. Beadle, Round Rock, TX
`(US); Michael Wayne Brown,
`Georgetown, TX (US); Randolph
`Michael Forlenza, Austin, TX (US);
`Douglas Scott Rothert, Austin, TX
`(us); Miguel Sang, Austin, TX (us)
`(73) Assignee:
`( * ) Notice:
`International Business Machines
`Corporation, Armonk, NY (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term Of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U~S~C~ 154(b) by 629 days.
`A’system for prov1d1ng. continuous connection between a
`chent and a network dur1ng a sess1on. The system comprlses
`of a connection utility, which monitors a network session for
`an occurrence of a pre-defined event and/or condition. The
`system is particularly advantageous in scenarios where a
`session’s connection is lost and the session has to be
`reconnected to the network. The system also finds applica-
`bility with several other types of events/conditions, includ-
`ing a connection break, a slow or congested connection or a
`change in the type of data being transmitted. When any one
`of the pre-defined events/conditions occur, the session is
`automatically routed from the present connection route to
`another connection route, and is completed on the other
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/584,068
`connection route. In order to complete the re-routing of the
`sessions, session information is cached on the client and the
`May 31’ 2000
`server. The session data is tagged with the original session
`Int. Cl.7 ................................................ G06F 13/00
`(52) us. Cl.
`........................................ 709/227, 709/203 D .On the server, a special Client Key is storedior later
`(58) Field of Search ................................. 709/200, 201,
`retrleVal, and 0n the Chem a SPeclal Sewer Key 15 stored-
`709/203, 217’ 218, 219’ 227’ 228, 229
`During the reconnect, the server uses its previously stored
`sess1on data assoc1ated w1th the chent key and prev1ous
`session ID to regain a new session connection. The client
`uses its previously stored session data to regain its side of the
`connection and to pass the proper request over the wire to
`the 56W“ This SPeCial“handSh‘i‘ke” OC‘WS at 565510“ FCCOH'
`nect t1me and allows the spec1al sess1on re-connectlon to
`occur. The re-routing of the session is completed with no
`noticeable loss in connection or session information. Thus,
`a substantially seamless switching of the session from the
`first connection route to the second connection route is
`References Cited
`................. 375/8
`5,347,539 A *
`9/1994 Sridhar et a1.
`5,835,724 A 4 11/1998 Smith ............... 707/501
`5,859,959 A *
`1/1999 Kimball et a1.
`..... 370/216
`6,145,089 A * 11/2000 Le et a1. ................. 714/4
`6,286,058 B1 *
`9/2001 Hrastar et a1.
`..... 709/239
`6,324,161 El * 11/2001 Kirch .................. 370/217
`6,490,610 B1 * 12/2002 Rizvi et a1. .......... 709/101
`6,519,224 B2 *
`2/2003 Hrastar et a1.
`.............. 370/227
`* cited by examiner
`27 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
`Establish connection
`Complete session
`condition ?
`Yes 809
`Select optimal route
`8 1 1
`Switch connection
`to optimal route
`Page 1 of 19
`Page 1 of 19


`US. Patent
`Jul. 20, 2004
`Sheet 1 0f 10
`US 6,766,373 B1
`z< (n
`Page 2 of 19
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`US. Patent
`Jul. 20, 2004
`SheetZ 0f10
`US 6,766,373 B1
`Page 3 of 19
`Page 3 of 19


`US. Patent
`Jul. 20, 2004
`Sheet 3 0f 10
`US 6,766,373 B1
`3 0 3A
`3 O 7
`2 1 5
`Cable Modem
`3 0 3 D
`fig. 3
`3 0 1
`We'” _l
`Page 4 of 19
`Page 4 of 19


`US. Patent
`Jul. 20, 2004
`Sheet 4 0f 10
`US 6,766,373 B1
`Page 5 of 19
`Page 5 of 19


`US. Patent
`Jul. 20, 2004
`Sheet 5 0f 10
`US 6,766,373 B1
`Select Default
`5 0 5 A
`Server Selections
`5 0 7
`Server 4 : Chicago _______________________
`Cable Modem
`Override Defaults
`S erver 1
`: California
`Server 2 : Texas
`Server 3 : New York
`5 0 5 D
`Automatic Routing
`5 1 3
`51 5
`51 7
`Update Settings
`fly. 5%
`5 5 5
`W 5Q”
`Page 6 of 19
`Page 6 of 19


`US. Patent
`. 20, 2004
`Sheet 6 0f 10
`766,373 B1
`Page 7 of 19
`Page 7 of 19


`US. Patent
`Jul. 20, 2004
`Sheet 7 0f 10
`US 6,766,373 B1
`Is there
`data ?
`user wish to
`utilize historical
`Create metrics on
`current connections
`Retrieve best guess
`results from database
`Weigh user's
`that matches user
`preference against
`preferences for
`reported metrics and
`this domain and
`determine optimal
`historical data
`Switch to optimal
`of server/connection
`or user preferences
`to change
`665 Wait for attributes
`667 Terminator
`Page 8 of 19
`Page 8 of 19


`Jul. 20, 2004
`Sheet 8 0f 10
`US 6,766,373 B1
`7 0 3
`User request
`Internet connection
` Set
`defaults .7
`Connect via defaults
`7 1 3
`Make initial
`connection via
`7 1 5
`Check alternate
`7 1 7
`7 1 1
`suDef::‘clito‘r’1Vs/ 7
`7 21
`Check connections
`table for most
`optimal route
`7 2 3
`Connect via most
`optimal route
`7 2 5
`U date table
`7 0 9
`optimal routes
`found ?
`(Set optimal route
`as default)
`fig. 7
`7 0 9
`Page 9 of 19
`Page 9 of 19


`US. Patent
`Jul. 20, 2004
`Sheet 9 of 10
`US 6,766,373 B1
`Establish connection
`8 0 5
`8 0 7
`condition ?
`Complete session
`fig. 8
`Yes 809
`Select optimal route
`81 1
`Switch connection
`to optimal route
`fly. 9
`Page 10 of 19
`Page 10 of 19


`US. Patent
`Jul. 20, 2004
`Sheet 10 0f 10
`US 6,766,373 B1
` 1007
`Client Browser
` _______________ .l
`Extension to
`TCP/lP stack
`(Client Browser)
`Try. 1]
`Page 11 of19
`Page 11 of 19


`The present invention is related to the subject matter of
`the following commonly assigned, co-pending US. patent
`application Ser. No. 09/584,808 entitled “Dynamically
`Affecting Browser Network Communications
`Performance”, still pending filed concurrently herewith.
`1. Technical Field:
`to computer
`invention relates in general
`The present
`networks and in particular to communications within com-
`puter networks. Still more particularly, the present invention
`relates to a method, system, and program for improving a
`client’s communication performance within a network by
`dynamically switching a session connection from a first
`connection route to another route in response to an occur-
`rence of specific pre-defined events.
`2. Description of the Related Art:
`Computer networks, such as the Internet, are typically
`based on Client/Server software architectures. These archi-
`tectures provide a versatile infrastructure that supports
`shared access to server resources. A client is typically a
`requester of services, and a server is the provider of services.
`Asingle machine can be both a client and a server depending
`on the software configuration. A client machine is loaded
`with client software, while a server machine is loaded with
`server software. Clients can be either stand-alone computer
`systems (like personal computers) or “dumber” systems
`adapted for limited use with a network.
`A generalized client-server computing network has sev-
`eral nodes or servers which are interconnected, either
`directly to each other or indirectly through one of the other
`servers. Based on network configuration, the connection by
`the client to the network may be via an ethernet connection
`or token ring, etc. Other direct and/or indirect connection
`methods (e.g.
`telephone connection via remote access
`protocol) are also possible when a client is connected from
`the user’s home, for example. In traditional networks, only
`a single connecting medium to the network is possible for
`each client.
`The network can be a localized network or geographically
`dispersed network and can be further connected to other
`networks. Each server is essentially a stand-alone data
`processing (computer) system, having one or more
`processors, memory devices, and communications devices,
`that has been adapted (programmed) for providing informa-
`tion and/or services to individual users at another set of
`nodes or client workstations.
`In a Local Area Network (LAN), for example, clients are
`usually configured to communicate via a particular server.
`For geographically dispersed networks, as in an intranet or
`Internet, a client’s network communication may occur via a
`localized server or a server in another geographic location.
`The use of auto-proxy servers in a LAN system helps to
`improve network performance. However, only one connec-
`tion route may be configured within the client at a particular
`time and these servers can become congested during heavy
`usage or traffic. Also, current client browsers (i.e., software
`applications for accessing and communication with the
`Internet) are typically configured to transmit network traffic
`via a specific server and once configured, remain set in that
`US 6,766,373 B1
`configuration until the user manually changes the settings to
`utilize another server. Thus,
`if the server connection is
`congested, the user may either remain on the connection or
`terminate the session and attempt to secure a faster connec-
`tion by re-connecting to the same server. Also,
`if the
`connection is lost during a session, and/or another connec-
`tion is made to complete the session, the session information
`is usually lost
`(or unrecoverable) and the user has to
`re-connect via the same server and start the session over.
`Network input/output (I/O) performance is often a prob-
`lem when using a browser in an intranet to access the World
`Wide Web or Internet. In most intranet cases, the client is
`required to use a sock server or a proxy server before a
`connection can be made to the Internet. In a typical intranet,
`there are several sock or proxy severs that may be geo-
`graphically dispersed within the network. The performance
`of the servers varies throughout the day due to factors such
`as location,
`time of day,
`loading, etc. Thus,
`in most
`networks, auto-proxy servers, which filter the local intranet
`traffic from the external Internet
`traffic, are utilized to
`improve performance of sock servers.
`To address such performance concerns, special tools or
`components have been developed to improve communica-
`tion to servers connected to the Internet. For example,
`various load balancing solutions have been implemented,
`such as Local Director of Cisco Systems. Local Director
`performs load balancing and interfaces with the Internet-
`based client attempting to access the content servers. All
`traffic across the Internet to content servers is thus shielded
`by Local Director. US. Pat. No. 5,774,660 discloses a load
`balancer having a virtual address connected to a multi-node
`server. The load balancer receives all incoming Internet
`requests for server access, and modifies the destination
`address to reflect the correct server node that ultimately
`services the request. These solutions are all server-based and
`implemented on the back end of the network, i.e., the server
`connection to the Internet itself.
`The present invention recognizes that it would therefore
`be desirable to have a method, system, and program product
`for dynamically improving a client-to-network session con-
`nection and performance. A method, system, and program
`product, which allows a client browser to switch from one
`connection route to another route during a network session
`without losing session information would be a welcomed
`improvement. These and other benefits are provided in the
`present invention.
`A system is disclosed for providing continuous connec-
`tion between a client and a network during a session. The
`system comprises of a connection utility, which monitors a
`network session for an occurrence of a pre-defined event
`such as a connection break, a slow or congested connection,
`or a change in the type of data being transmitted. The system
`is particularly advantageous in scenarios where a session’s
`connection is lost and the session has to be reconnected to
`the network. When any one of the pre-defined conditions
`occur, the session is automatically routed from the present
`connection route to another connection route. The session is
`then completed on the other connection route. In order to
`complete the re-routing of the sessions, session information
`is cached on the client and the server. The session data is
`tagged with the original session ID. On the server, a special
`Client Key is stored for later retrieval, and on the client a
`special Server Key is stored. During the reconnect,
`server uses its previously stored session data associated with
`Page 12 of 19
`Page 12 of 19


`the client key and previous session ID to regain a new
`session connection. The client uses its previously stored
`session data to regain its side of the connection and to pass
`the proper request over the wire to the server. This special
`“handshake” occurs at session reconnect time and allows the
`special session re-connection to occur. The re-routing of the
`session is completed with no noticeable loss in connection or
`session information. Thus, a substantially seamless switch-
`ing of the session from the first connection route to the
`second connection route is implemented.
`The above as well as additional objectives, features, and
`advantages of the present invention will become apparent in
`the following detailed written description.
`The novel features believed characteristic of the invention
`are set forth in the appended claims. The invention itself,
`however, as well as a preferred mode of use,
`objectives, and advantages thereof, will best be understood
`by reference to the following detailed description of an
`illustrative embodiment when read in conjunction with the
`accompanying drawings, wherein:
`FIG. 1 depicts a data processing system,
`in which a
`preferred embodiment of the present
`invention may be
`FIG. 2 is a high-level block diagram of a client browser
`within an intranet configuration in accordance with one
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 3 illustrates a browser-network configuration with
`multiple selectable server-connecting media and/or routes in
`accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a modified browser appli-
`cation with a selectable connection button for opening a
`connection settings window in accordance with a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 5A is a block diagram of a server-connections GUI
`utilized in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 5B is a block diagram of an in-session connection
`modification window utilized in accordance with a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 6A is a block diagram of a table of connection
`attributes utilized in accordance with a preferred embodi-
`ment of the present invention;
`FIG. 6B is a flow chart of the process of determining a
`best connection route in accordance with a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 7 is a flow chart of the process of completing a
`network connection in accordance with a preferred embodi-
`ment of the present invention;
`FIG. 8 is a flow chart of the process of switching a session
`from one connection route to another in accordance with
`another preferred embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 9 is a block diagram of the TCP/IP header with an
`encoded call-back component for directing client call-backs
`in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`invention; and
`FIGS. 10 and 11 are block diagrams of specific examples
`of a client connected to a network via two possible routes to
`enable the switching of a session from one connection route
`to another in accordance with another preferred embodiment
`of the present invention.
`The present invention is directed to a method, system, and
`program product implemented within a client system, which
`Page 13 of 19
`US 6,766,373 B1
`allows a browser application to automatically select an
`effective network route from the client system to a network
`during network communication. As utilized within the
`invention, the term “effective” refers to a better performing
`the best performing or optimal) route, based on
`(if not
`known or available criteria and present network conditions.
`The preferred embodiment is described with reference to
`optimal routes, but is done so merely for illustrative pur-
`poses. In particular, a software implemented application of
`the present invention expands the functionality of a tradi-
`tional browser to permit a multiple-route connection setting
`(or configuration), by which the browser is not restricted to
`a connection via a single specific server and connection
`medium, but is permitted to select from among multiple
`servers and multiple connection media. The software imple-
`mented application is referred to herein as a connection
`utility. In a preferred embodiment, the invention reduces the
`need to manually change a network communication con-
`figuration from a particular server to another and enables the
`browser to have flexibility to ensure the best or most efficient
`connection routes possible under current loading conditions.
`The invention is implemented in the data processing
`system and network environment as illustrated in FIGS. 1
`and 2 and 3, respectively. The invention may, however, be
`implemented in other types of data processing systems and
`networks, so, while the present invention may be described
`with references to these figures, these references should not
`be construed in a limiting sense.
`the term client is
`For the purposes of this invention,
`utilized to refer to both the hardware component which is
`connected to a network server and the software applications
`stored in memory and being run on the hardware component.
`the term client is utilized to mean both a directly
`connected network computer system and a stand-alone com-
`puter system, such as a user’s home-based computer system.
`In the preferred embodiment, a client
`is provided with
`browser application and connection utility for accessing the
`Internet via several possible connection routes. User refers
`primarily to an individual who utilizes the client. Further, the
`invention applies to connections to servers of both an
`intranet and Internet via the browser application running on
`the client.
`The servers of the network are typically data processing
`systems having a database, operating system (OS), and
`server software. The server software operates within a
`network server and provides the support for Internet access
`by clients.
`With reference now to the figures and in particular with
`reference to FIG. 1, a computer system that may be utilized
`as a standalone computer system or one of the client or
`servers on a network is presented. Computer system 20
`comprises a Central Processing Unit (CPU) housed in a
`system unit 22. System unit 22 also provides connections for
`various hardware components including disk drives 40 and
`memory devices (not shown). Several Peripheral
`output devices are connected to the CPU. These input/output
`devices include keyboard 82, mouse 84, printer 94, CD
`ROM 78, and display monitor 30.
`Also coupled to CPU are various external devices, includ-
`ing modem 92, and network adapter 90, utilized for con-
`necting data processing system 20 to other systems and/or
`networks, as is illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 3. CD rom 78,
`modem 92, and network adapter 90 are depicted as external
`components; however those skilled in the arts are familiar
`with the various architectures of data processing systems
`and understand that these components may be housed inside
`of system unit 22.
`Page 13 of 19


`Modem 92 is a communication device that enables com-
`puter system 20 to transmit information over standard tele-
`phone lines or wireless connections such as cellular. Modem
`92 converts digital computer signals to interlock signals
`suitable for communications over these telephone media.
`Modem 92 can be utilized to connect data processing system
`20 to a server via remote access protocols. Modem 92 may
`also provide a connection to other sources, such as an
`electronic bulletin board (BBS) or the World Wide Web
`(Internet). Network adapter 90 may be used to connect data
`processing system 20 to a network such as an intranet as
`depicted in FIG. 2.
`Computer system 20 also preferably includes an interface
`such as a graphical user interface (GUI) provided by an
`operating system (OS) 24 that resides within machine read-
`able media to direct the operation of computer system 20.
`Any suitable machine-readable media may retain the OS,
`such as RAM, ROM, SCSI disk drive, and other disk and/or
`tape drive(e.g. magnetic diskette, magnetic tape, CD-ROM,
`optical disk, or other suitable storage media). Also, any
`suitable OS 24 may direct the CPU of the data processing
`system 20.
`Further, computer system 20 preferably includes at least
`one software application (program product) 26 that resides
`within machine readable media. The software application
`may be accessible by OS 24, or may be incorporated into an
`OS control program. Preferably, software application 26
`contains instructions that when executed on the CPU carry
`out the particular operations of the present invention as
`described herein.
`Referring now to FIG. 2, a high-level block diagram of an
`intranet with multiple server connections for a single client
`is illustrated in accordance with a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention. Intranet 200 comprises a plurality of
`servers that are at different geographical locations. These
`servers include Chicago servers 203A, New York servers
`203B, California servers 203C, and Texas servers 203D.
`Client browser 201 connects to each server via a different
`connection medium. Thus, client browser 201 is connected
`via ethernet 205 to Chicago servers 203A, via Token Ring
`209 to New York servers 203B, via an internet Service
`Provider (ISP) to California servers 203C, and via Satellite
`211 to Texas servers 203D. In a preferred embodiment, the
`ability of a client
`to connect
`to different servers using
`different connecting medium is a major consideration uti-
`lized in selecting optimal routes as will be described below.
`The invention, however also finds applicability in a network
`in which each server is connected to the client via the same
`connecting medium. Intranet 200 connects to Internet (not
`shown) via network Internet connectors 215. Client browser
`access to the Internet is routed through the Intranet servers
`203A—203D, which in effect serve as proxy servers.
`The preferred embodiment of the present invention places
`the capability to choose the best performing network route
`in the client (i.e., away from the server) and specifically
`within the browser or other network access application
`running on the client. The invention assists in solving the
`congestion problems within an Intranet and/or the Internet.
`The invention also involves the encoding of software call-
`backs into the protocol stack and executing of a software
`application that utilizes the call-back utility to assist
`choosing a better performing network route. The invention
`has greatest applicability in an intranet and/or Internet
`Page 14 of 19
`US 6,766,373 B1
`environment, but may also apply to basic LANs or other
`types of multiple-server networks.
`For the purposes of the invention, use of the term network
`is understood to refer to both Wide Ar

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