
`(12) United States Patent
`US 7,136,999 B1
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Nov. 14, 2006
`Jonathan C. Grifliths, Fremont, CA
`Assignee: Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.,
`Eindhoven (NL)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 917 days.
`Appl. No.: 09/597,198
`Jun. 20, 2000
`................. 713/151
`8/2004 Hind et al.
`6,772,331 B1*
`0883318 A1
`“Specification of Bluetooth SystemiCore” V. 1. CA, Jul. 26, 1999,
`pp. 18-19, 95, 149-154, 169-170, 194-200, 226, 319, 537, 1029 and
`* cited by examiner
`Primary ExamineriKambiZ Zand
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiLarry Liberchuk
`Electronic devices are authenticated to each other initially
`over a short-range wireless link. In particular, a user first
`enters a given authentication information in each device.
`Later, when the devices are out-of-range of the wireless link,
`they may be authenticated to each other without subsequent
`user input when one of the devices invites the other to
`exchange authentication information over an alternative
`communications link. If the authentication is successful, the
`devices may then communicate over the alternative com-
`munications link as if they were within range of the original
`wireless link.
`17 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 9/00
`H04K 1/00
`US. Cl.
`....................... 713/168; 713/169; 380/270
`Field of Classification Search ................ 713/ 168,
`713/169; 380/270
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5,367,558 A *
`11/1994 Gillig et a1.
`6,600,902 B1*
`7/2003 Bell
`............. 455/4261
`........ 455/412
`Page 1 of 5
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`US. Patent
`Nov. 14, 2006
`US 7,136,999 B1
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`US 7,136,999 B1
`It is an object of the invention to authenticate a device first
`authenticated on a physically restrained network through
`another network.
`It is a further object of the invention to simplify authen-
`tication of a device in a network by re-using a given
`authentication process in another network.
`In accordance with the invention, a method of authenti-
`cating first and second electronic devices is provided, the
`method comprising:
`upon link set-up over a short-range wireless link, execut-
`ing an authentication protocol by exchanging authentication
`information between the first and second electronic devices
`to initially authenticate communication between the first and
`second devices;
`later, when the first and second electronic devices are
`beyond the short-range wireless link, executing the authen-
`tication protocol by exchanging the authentication informa-
`tion between the first and second electronic devices over an
`alternate communications link, then only allowing commu-
`nication between the first and second devices if the first and
`second devices had initially been successfully authenticated.
`The invention is based upon the insight that once devices
`are authenticated on a restricted network, it is very simple to
`re-connect the devices through another, unrestricted net-
`work. In this respect, restriction can be determined by the
`way a system works, such as authentication in accordance
`with said Bluetooth Specification, or can be restricted physi-
`cal access to premises such as an office.
`In a preferred embodiment, the first and second electronic
`devices each have the capability of communicating with
`each other over at least a primary and a secondary commu-
`nications link. The primary communications link is a given
`short-range wireless link. Preferably, the short-range wire-
`less link conforms to a given protocol, namely, Bluetooth.
`The secondary communications link may be any alternative
`link such as a wide area network (WAN), a local area
`network (LAN), or the like. The devices are first authenti-
`cated over the primary link, with the user entering the same,
`given PIN code in both devices. After the devices verify that
`they share the same PIN code, they exchange key informa-
`tion. Later, when the devices are no longer within range to
`authenticate over the primary communications link using
`Bluetooth, one of the devices invites the exchange of key
`information automatically using the secondary communica-
`tions link. If the other device can provide the key informa-
`tion requested, the devices are then authenticated to each
`other over the secondary communications link. In addition
`thereto a user may be requested to enter login data, such as
`a user name or a password. The foregoing has outlined some
`of the more pertinent objects and features of the present
`invention. These objects and features should be construed to
`be merely illustrative of some of the more prominent fea-
`tures and applications of the invention. Many other benefi-
`cial results can be attained by applying the disclosed inven-
`tion in a different manner or by modifying the invention as
`will be described. Accordingly, a fuller understanding of the
`invention may be had by referring to the following Detailed
`Description of the Preferred Embodiment.
`For a more complete understanding of the present inven-
`tion and the advantages thereof, reference should be made to
`the following Detailed Description taken in connection with
`the accompanying drawings in which:
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present
`invention relates generally to electronic
`device authentication.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`In the Bluetooth Specification, “Specification of the Blue-
`tooth SystemiCore”, v.1.0A, Jul. 26th 1999, pp. 18719, 95,
`1497154, 1697170, 1947200, 226, 319, 537, 1029, and
`1031, the so-called Bluetooth short range radio link between
`Bluetooth enabled devices is described, particularly,
`Bluetooth frequency bands, the concept of master and slave
`devices, and security using authentication of devices. Blue-
`tooth (BT) is a specification for small form factor, low-cost,
`short-range radio links between mobile PCs, mobile phones,
`and other such devices. Bluetooth radio arose out of an
`initiative among leaders in the telecommunication and com-
`puter industries to make a global standard for wireless
`connectivity. The standard relies on a low power radio link
`operating at 2.4 Gigahertz. Bluetooth-provisioned devices
`normally must be physically close to each other (i.e., within
`100 meters) to communicate. Bluetooth includes a robust
`authentication mechanism that ensures that a Bluetooth
`device only communicates with other devices for which it is
`authenticated, and not with any random device that comes
`into its range. Bluetooth radio uses a fast acknowledgement
`and frequency hopping scheme to make the link robust.
`Devices avoid interference from other signals by hopping to
`a new frequency after transmitting or receiving a packet.
`Compared with other systems operating in the same fre-
`quency band, the Bluetooth radio typically hops faster and
`uses shorter packets. This makes Bluetooth radio more
`robust than other systems.
`The Bluetooth authentication scheme works generally as
`follows. A user enters a numerical code (a personal identi-
`fication number or PIN) in the two devices to establish a
`Bluetooth link for the first time. The PIN can be any number,
`but it must be the same on both devices. Once this is done,
`the devices communicate with each other using Bluetooth
`transceivers to verify that the PIN numbers match. If so, one
`device generates unique key information based on a device
`address, which is unique for each device. This unique key
`(generated by one of the devices) is stored in both devices
`and used to authenticate the two devices for any subsequent
`Bluetooth link between them.
`In particular,
`the key
`exchanged upon link initialization identifies a unique link
`and can be used reliably for subsequent authentication when
`the link is re-established.
`The feature that ensures security in a Bluetooth system is
`the need for physical proximity to establish a link, i.e., the
`user must enter the numerical code on both devices when the
`devices are in close proximity. If the devices are more than
`100 meters apart, the initial Bluetooth link cannot be estab-
`Wide area networks also use basic authentication to
`enable electronic devices to communicate with each other.
`The most common and popular wide area network is the
`Internet. Internet service providers typically restrict access
`on their servers to given users. Normally, this is achieved by
`requiring a prospective user (e.g., a user of a client machine
`running a web browser) to enter a userid and password
`Page 3 of 5
`Page 3 of 5


`US 7,136,999 B1
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an embodiment of
`the invention; and
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of an electronic device accord-
`ing to the present invention.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an embodiment of
`the invention. As used herein, an “electronic device” should
`be broadly construed to mean a computer (or a set of
`computers) of any type including, without
`limitation, a
`desktop computer, a workstation or server platform, a note-
`book computer, a diskless computer, a handheld computing
`device (e.g., personal digital assistant, business organizer, or
`the like), a communications device (e.g., cellular phone,
`smartphone, or the like) provisioned to include computing
`power, in-vehicle computing devices, or the like. Thus, as is
`well known, a given electronic device 102, as shown in more
`in FIG. 2,
`typically includes a processor 104, a
`memory 106 (e.g., RAM and ROM) for storing programs
`110 executable by the processor 104, at least one input
`device 112 such as a keyboard or mouse, at least one output
`device 114 such as a monitor or display. Typically, each of
`the electronic devices includes hardware and software
`resources (not shown) to enable the devices to communicate
`with each other over a network 120 such as the Internet, an
`intranet, a local area network, a mobile radio network, or the
`like. The electronic device 102 can be a mobile phone, a
`personal digital assistent (PDA), a laptop computer, or any
`other suitable device. In FIG. 1, another electronic device
`111 is shown. The electronic device 111 can be a web-server,
`an e-mail server, or some other database-like device.
`When the device 102, e.g., a laptop, connects to the
`network 120, e.g. the Internet, its intemet protocol address
`is determined and services such as a printer service and a
`calendar service are set up automatically. But before such
`services are set up the device 102 needs to be authenticated.
`Upon device authentication, the user may login to a service
`by providing a user name and password, for instance. The
`invention is mainly concerned with device authentication
`whereby authentication information is exchanged between
`According to the invention, each of the devices also
`includes a transceiver 105 to enable the devices to commu-
`nicate over a communications link 107. Preferably,
`communications link 107 is a short-range wireless link that
`conforms to a given radio protocol, e.g., Bluetooth. This is
`not a limitation of the present invention, however, as the
`alternative communications link 107 may be an infrared
`link, an acoustic link, or the like. In the preferred embodi-
`ment, the alternative communications link 107 is a “pri-
`mary” link in the sense that the devices initially authenticate
`to each other over the link 107 link and then, later, authen-
`ticate to each other over a secondary link 109 such as the
`Internet, an intranet, or some other link. Thus, according to
`the preferred embodiment of the invention,
`the pair of
`electronic devices first authenticate using Bluetooth over a
`first link, the link 107 and then later authenticate (e. g., when
`the devices are out-of-range of the original wireless con-
`nection) over some alternative link, the link 109. In FIG. 1,
`such a successive device authentication at different locations
`is indicated by the electronic device 102 having been moved
`from a network 113 to which the device 102 has restrained
`access, to the unconstrained network 120. The network 113
`is a so-called Bluetooth network, for instance, to which a
`user 115 has constrained access. When accessing the net-
`Page 4 of 5
`work 113, with the device 102' within network boundary
`115, the user 115 needs to initially set-up the link 107 while
`the devices 102' and 111 are authenticated. Later, the device
`102' moves to another location outside the constrained
`network, indicated with the device 102 and a dashed arrow
`117. The device 102 may have an aerial 116 when the link
`107 is a radio link. Instead of an aerial, an infrared trans-
`mitter/receiver may be used, when the link 107 is an infrared
`In terms of Bluetooth, the devices 102'/102 and 111 may
`be so-called Bluetooth enabled devices, the device 102'/102
`being a slave device and the device 111 being a master
`device. The concept of master and slave is defined on page
`95 of said Bluetooth Specification. Authentication of Blue-
`tooth enabled devices is described on pages 1497154 of said
`Bluetooth Specification. When the master and slave are
`out-of-range of the wireless or “primary” data link 107,
`however, they may still communicate with each other fol-
`lowing authentication according to the present invention. In
`particular, slave device 102 first establishes a link to the
`master device 111 over the alternate or “secondary” link 109,
`which, as noted above, may be any convenient communi-
`cations link such as the Intemet, an intranet, a local area
`network, or the like. To establish this connection, as noted
`above, each of the devices 102 and 111 must
`appropriate hardware and software resources
`modem, a TCP/IP stack, and the like) that are used for this
`purpose, as is well known. Once this connection is estab-
`lished, the master device 111 offers to use the authentication
`protocol of the primary data link 107 to facilitate device
`authentication. The primary data link authentication proto-
`col may be one of several protocols offered during the
`attempt to establish a connection between the two devices
`102'/102 and 111. The offer issued from the master device
`111 invites the exchange of key information according to the
`authentication protocol of the primary data link,
`in the
`example given a Bluetooth protocol. If upon exchange the
`keys match, the devices 102'/102 are authenticated to com-
`municate with each other.
`In summary, an initial Bluetooth link setup and authen-
`tication procedure is carried out between a pair of electronic
`devices. Thus, for example, the BT—devices can be a home/
`office Internet server and a mobile phone, or any other
`suitable pair of devices. When the user of the mobile phone,
`for example, later wants to make a remote connection to the
`other device of the BT—enabled link, e.g., through another
`network such as the Internet, the same BT authentication
`protocol is used as with the initial BT—link setup so that
`communication by unauthenticated devices may be pre-
`vented. Thus, once the remote connection is secured by the
`initial BT—link setup procedure,
`i.e., devices other than
`legitimate authenticated devices can never use the mobile
`phone network to connect to the home server or network for
`remote re-connection of the BT—link if the user of the device
`had not first initiated the BT—link locally.
`Security is enhanced with the invention by exchanging
`link key information because the link key information is
`established in a secure system. In the described example,
`security is assured by the requirement that the two devices
`be in physical proximity when establishing the link key.
`Userids or passwords need not be exchanged on subsequent
`logins, depending on the level of additional
`required. An additional PIN may be used to access some
`services, possibly in a corporate environment.
`Although specific embodiments of the present invention
`are described herein, they are not to be construed as limiting
`the scope of the invention. Many embodiments of the
`Page 4 of 5


`US 7,136,999 B1
`invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art in
`light of the teachings of this specification. For example,
`although the described embodiments use a wireless link to
`establish the link key, other similarly secure connection
`means such as infrared links or closed networks may be
`advantageously used. Also, although the described embodi-
`ments show authentication between two devices on two
`networks, authentication can be achieved on any number of
`networks between the two devices. The scope of the inven-
`tion is only limited by the claims appended hereto.
`The word “comprising” does not exclude the presence of
`other elements or steps than those listed in a claim.
`Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new
`and desire to secure by Letters Patent is set forth in the
`following claims.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method of authenticating first and second electronic
`devices, comprising:
`upon link set-up over a short-range wireless link, execut-
`ing an authentication protocol by exchanging authen-
`tication information between the first and second elec-
`tronic devices to initially authenticate communication
`between the first and second devices;
`later, when the first and second electronic devices are
`beyond the short-range wireless link, executing the
`authentication protocol by exchanging the authentica-
`tion information between the first and second electronic
`devices over an alternate communications link, then
`only allowing communication between the first and
`second devices if the first and second devices had
`initially been successfully authenticated.
`2. The method of claim 1, wherein the authentication
`information is an authentication key.
`3. The method of claim 1, wherein the authentication
`information a password.
`4. The method of claim 1, wherein the first device is a
`master device and the second device is a slave device.
`5. The method of claim 1, wherein the short-range wire-
`less link is a radio link.
`6. The method of claim 1, wherein the short-range wire-
`less link is an infra-red link.
`7. The method of claim 1, wherein the link set-up occurs
`when the first and second devices are in physical proximity.
`8. The method of claim 1, wherein the short-range wire-
`less link conforms to a given RF protocol.
`9. The method of claim 8, wherein the given RF protocol
`is Bluetooth.
`10. The method of claim 1 wherein the link set-up step
`includes entry of a given personal identification number into
`each of the first and second electronic devices.
`11. The method of claim 1, wherein the alternate com-
`munications link is a computer network.
`12. The method of claim 1, wherein the first electronic
`device is a client and the second electronic device is a server.
`13. A method of authenticating first and second electronic
`devices, comprising:
`upon link set-up over a first link, executing an authenti-
`cation protocol by exchanging authentication informa-
`tion between the first and second electronic devices to
`initially authenticate communication between the first
`and second devices;
`later, when the first and second electronic devices are
`connected using a second link, exchanging the authen-
`tication information between the first and second elec-
`tronic devices over the second link, then only allowing
`communication between the first and second devices if
`the first and second devices had initially been success-
`fully authenticated.
`14. An electronic device, comprising:
`a processor;
`a memory loaded with a software routine executed by the
`processor (a) for generating authentication information
`useful in initially authenticating the electronic device to
`a another electronic device over a short-range wireless
`link, and (b) for later supplying the authentication
`information for later authentication of the electronic
`device to the other electronic device over an alternate
`communications link when the devices are beyond the
`short-range wireless link, then only allowing commu-
`nication between the devices if the devices had initially
`been successfully authenticated.
`15. The electronic device of claim 14, wherein the link
`set-up step includes entry of a given personal identification
`number into each of the first and second electronic devices.
`16. The electronic device of claim 14, wherein the elec-
`tronic device is a client and the second electronic device is
`a server.
`17. A communications system, comprising:
`a first electronic device;
`a second electronic device;
`a first communications link over which the first and
`second electronic devices authenticate each other using
`a given protocol that includes a link set-up and the
`exchange of authentication information following the
`link set-up, the authentication information being used
`to initially authenticate communication between the
`first and second electronic devices; and
`a second communications link over which the first and
`second electronic devices later authenticate each other
`using the exchange of the authentication information,
`then only allowing communication between the first
`and second devices if the first and second devices had
`initially been successfully authenticated, wherein said
`first communications link and said second communi-
`cations link are different types of links.
`Page 5 of 5
`Page 5 of 5

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