Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` ________________________________________
` ________________________________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` __________________________________________
` Case IPR2020-00040
` Patent No. 7,326,708 B2
` __________________________________________
` October 30, 2020
` 9:01 a.m.
`Reported by
`Rebecca J. Callow, RMR, CRR, RPR, CSR
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`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1025 p. 001


`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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`produced as a witness at the instance of the
`Petitioner and duly sworn, was taken in the
`above-styled and numbered cause on the 30th day of
`October 2020, from 9:01 a.m. EDT, to 3:37 p.m.,
`before Rebecca J. Callow, Registered Merit
`Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter, Registered
`Professional Reporter and Notary Public for the
`State of Texas, reported by computerized stenotype
`machine remotely from Austin, Texas, pursuant to
`the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`1 2 3 4 5
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` Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
` 550 South Tryon Street
` Suite 2900
` Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
` 704-344-3185
` By: Jitendra Malik, Ph.D.
` Williams & Connolly LLP
` 725 Twelfth Street, Northwest
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` 202-434-5000
` By: Stanly Fisher
` Alexander S. Zolan
` Jingyuan Luo
`2 3
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`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1025 p. 003


`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` Goodwin Proctor LLP
` 620 Eighth Avenue
` The New York Times Building
` New York, New York 10018
` 212-813-8800
` By: Keith A. Zullow
` Lerner David Littenberg Krumholz & Mentlik
` 20 Commerce Drive
` Cranford, New Jersey 07016
` 908-654-5000
` By: Russell W. Faegenburg
`2 3
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`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1025 p. 004


`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` MERCK & CO., INC.:
` 2000 Galloping Hill Road
` Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033
` 908-740-4000
` By: Raynard Yuro
`2 3
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`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1025 p. 005


`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` I N D E X
`Examination by Mr. Malik ..........................8
`Examination by Mr. Fisher .......................218
`Court Reporter's Certificate ....................234
`Signature page ..................................237
`Errata ..........................................239
` * * * * *
`2 3
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`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1020 United States Patent No. 126
` 8,425,659
`Exhibit 2273 Sitagliptin Sulphate Pilot 223
` Concise Report (Bates Nos.
` TEVASITAIPR000088 through
`Exhibit 2274 10/2/2011 email string: 227
` Undisclosed recipients, Re:
` Sitagliptin Sulfate, (Bates Nos.
` TEVASITAIPR000128 through
` * * * * *
`2 3
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`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` Friday, October 30, 2020, 9:01 a.m.
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` - - - - -
` called as a witness herein, having
` been first duly sworn by a Notary Public,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Matzger.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Just for the record, do you mind stating
`your name?
` A. Adam J. Matzger.
` Q. And you understand today you are under
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. And just to go over some basic rules. So
`in connection with the fact that you understand you
`are under oath, you understand today that your
`testimony is under penalty of perjury. Correct?
` A. Yes, I do.
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` Q. And you also understand that you are
`obligated to answer my questions. Is that fair
` A. Yes.
` Q. And is there any reason today you cannot
`tell the truth?
` A. No.
` Q. Everyone has said "no" to that question,
`just so you know.
` So no medications, nothing like that,
`that you're on today?
` A. No.
` Q. Fair enough.
` I'm going to ask a series of questions.
`If you don't understand one of my questions, let me
`know and I'll try to rephrase. Fair enough?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And if you don't ask me to rephrase,
`I will make the assumption that you understood the
`question. Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, what documents do you have physically
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`in front of you?
` A. In front of me, I have my two declarations.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any of the documents
`that were attached to either one of the
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Fine.
` Are the -- your two declarations marked
`in any way?
` A. No.
` Q. So I'm going to upload, just so you know,
`electronic copies of your declarations. It doesn't
`matter to me whether you want to use the electronic
`or the hard-copy version in connection with this
` So I'm uploading it for the record,
`just to confirm that it is, indeed, your declaration.
`But if you want to spend the entire time looking at
`the paper copy, that's fine by me. Fair enough?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in connection with this deposition, do
`you understand that at no time during the break,
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`while this cross is going on, you may -- you may not
`talk to your attorney about the substance of any
`testimony or the substance of any anticipated
`testimony. Do you understand that rule?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. And do you have access to what is
`known as the realtime feed?
` A. I don't know what that is.
` Q. Okay. Fair enough.
` Let me put a couple of documents in the
`chat room. First, let me put your declaration.
` MR. MALIK: I'm uploading, for the
`record, Exhibit 2103, the corrected Matzger
` Q. Go ahead and download that document.
` MR. MALIK: And then I am also going
`to download, which I don't think will give any state
`secrets away, the '708 patent and WO '498.
` A. Okay.
` (Pause in proceedings.)
` MR. MALIK: And I am uploading
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`Exhibit 1001, which is the '708 patent, and I am
`also uploading Exhibit 1004, which is known as
`WO '498.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Let me know when you have all the documents
`and you're ready to proceed.
` A. Okay. I have them.
` Q. Okay. Let's -- I assume you've seen all
`three documents before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let's start with the declaration,
`Exhibit EX2103. Can you, please, confirm the
`declaration has your signature on the last page and
`you signed it around -- in or around August 21st,
` A. Yes. I can confirm that.
` Q. And so this is your declaration that you
`submitted in connection with this matter.
` A. It is a declaration I submitted in
`connection with this matter.
` Q. Now, in connection with EX2103, do you have
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`any corrections to it?
` A. I do not.
` Q. Okay. And just to get some routine
`questions out of the way, that I ask all my experts
`in my IPRs, you understand that your declaration,
`EX2103, was meant to be a complete statement of the
`issues, as you understood them, as of the time that
`you signed the document. Correct?
` A. That is my understanding.
` Q. Okay. So sitting here today, EX2103
`represents your complete opinions to the issues in
`this case -- correct? -- as of right now.
` MR. FISHER: Object to the form.
` A. Well, I've continued to consider some of
`these issues.
` Q. Okay.
` A. And so in our questioning, other things may
`come up.
` Q. Okay.
` A. But at least at the time, this was my
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` Q. Is there anything new that you want to tell
`me about right now that is not in the declaration?
` A. I think the issues are all touched on in
`the declaration.
` Q. So there's no amendments or changes that
`you'd make to your declaration, sitting here today,
`right now.
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. Now, in connection with your
`declaration, I'm -- just to get some foundation.
` I know you submitted two declarations
`in this matter. One was the corrected declaration
`and I think something else that was supplemental
`evidence. Just so we get our question and answer
`correct, when I say "declaration," unless stated
`otherwise, I'm referring to EX2103. That's the main
`declaration. Is that fair enough?
` A. Yes. That's clear.
` Q. Okay. Fair enough.
` So in connection with your declaration,
`are you satisfied with your thoroughness of review
`and investigation into the matters discussed therein?
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`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` A. Yes. I'm generally satisfied with the
` Q. Okay. So any discussion or distinction you
`wanted to make in connection with the matters as you
`saw them is included in your declaration. Correct?
` A. Yes. All the substance in here reflects my
`opinions about the matter.
` Q. And other than what's reflected in your
`declaration, you don't wish to advance any other
`opinions at this time. Correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. So -- another way of putting it. So if
`it's not expressed in this declaration, you're not
`advancing that opinion as of right now. Correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Now, let's -- do you mind turning to
`paragraph 4 of your report -- your declaration. I'm
` If I say "your report," you understand
`that, interchangeably, that may mean your
` A. That's fine.
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` Q. It's the litigation part in me. Sorry.
` So turn to paragraph 4 and let me know
`when you're there.
` A. I'm there.
` Q. Okay. So in paragraph 4, you talk about a
`number of documents that you have reviewed.
`Obviously paragraph 4 talks about everything that is
`within your declaration. And then it says, '708
`patent, the prosecution history, the materials cited
`in Mylan's inter partes review, the deposition of
`Dr. Chorghade, and all the materials cited therein,
`and in the transcript. I see that.
` Other than these documents, is there
`anything else that you looked at that is not
`encompassed within paragraph 4?
` MR. FISHER: Object to the form.
` A. Is the question with regard to this
` Q. Yes.
` A. This is what I believe to be the complete
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` Q. Let me ask it this way:
` Have you read -- other than
`Dr. Chorghade's deposition transcript, have you read
`any other deposition transcripts in connection with
`this matter?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Okay. Have you read Dr. Myerson's expert
`declaration in connection with this matter?
` A. Subsequent to submitting this document, I
`did read Dr. Myerson's declaration.
` Q. Okay. So after you submitted -- so,
`basically, it must have been sometime after
`August 21st, 2020, the day you signed this
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And why were you given Dr. Myerson's
`declaration? What is your understanding of why you
`were given it?
` I'm not asking for the substance of the
`communication, I'm just asking what is your
`understanding of why you wanted to look at it.
` A. It's relevant to the '708 patent -- to
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`aspects of the '708 patent, and so it provided a
`fuller context.
` Q. But you didn't look at it before you signed
`and submitted your declaration in this matter.
` A. That's correct.
` Q. So any statement in Dr. Myerson's
`declaration couldn't have impacted your thoughts as
`it relates to your declaration because you were not
`aware of it. Correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And are you supplementing any part of your
`declaration with the statements of Dr. Myerson?
` A. No, I am not.
` Q. Okay. And to the extent Dr. Myerson makes
`some statements, I should take it up with him rather
`than you. Is that fair?
` A. I hope you will. Yes.
` Q. Fair enough. Fair enough.
` And then just to round this out, you
`are not offering any opinions in Dr. Myerson's
`report. You are not here to amend or offer any
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`opinions that amend or supplement his report. We can
`talk about your report; his report stands on itself.
`Is that fair?
` A. Yes. That's fair.
` Q. Okay. And I'm going to ask you a series of
`questions. And the questions that I ask you are
`from the perspective of a POSA, as you've defined
`it. So rather than saying, would you agree a POSA
`does this. And I ask that you -- when you respond
`to my questions, the answer is from the perspective
`of a POSA as you define it. Fair enough?
` A. I'll try to keep that in mind.
` Q. Yes. It will save us saying the word
`"POSA" a thousand times. So that's the reason. So,
`let's try it. If you have any problems, let me
`know. So unless I say otherwise, all of my
`questions are from the perspective of a POSA. Okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in the interest of moving things along,
`you agree that the WO '498 and the '871 have the
`same specification in all material respects, other
`than the claims.
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`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` A. That's my basic understanding.
` Q. Okay. And so to truncate this deposition,
`I'm going to ask you a series of questions, mostly
`focused on WO '498. Is it fair to say that if I
`would have asked the same questions, but with
`respect to the '871, your answer would be the same?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Now, I note -- if you'd look at
`paragraph 1 of your report, there's no reference to
`Claim 4. Is that correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And in paragraph 44 you reproduce certain
`claims, but you don't reproduce Claim 4. Is that
` A. I'm sorry. In which paragraph?
` Q. 44.
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. And just -- I don't think you'll
`find this surprising. Just to be clear, you are not
`offering any opinions in connection with Claim 4.
`Is that correct?
` A. That is correct.
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`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` Q. Claim 4, of course, is the subject of
`Mr. Myerson's report. So to the extent I have
`questions on Claim 4, they're probably best directed
`to him. Is that fair?
` A. Yes. I agree with that.
` Q. Okay. Let's see. And then just so we,
`again, have some understanding, we're going to be
`talking about sitagliptin throughout the today. I
`don't think you find that surprising.
` On Footnote 11, on page 20, you state
`that it's your understanding that sitagliptin is in
`the (R)-configuration. Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So when I say "sitagliptin" in connection
`with my questions, I'm referring to the
`(R)-configuration, and I will assume that when you
`respond using the word "sitagliptin," it's the
`(R)-configuration. Is that fair enough?
` A. I think we better look at -- so which
`footnote? So I discussed this issue in my
`footnote -- okay. The (R)-configuration.
` (Document review.)
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` A. Yes. So if you -- if we adopt that
`convention, it's okay with me. But keep in mind, my
`report doesn't use the same convention.
` Q. Okay. What convention would you prefer to
`use? The 1:1 DHP, I know we have (R) and (S). I'm
`willing to ask my questions however is convenient to
` A. So the compound -- the way I use it is the
`compound without any indication of stereochemistry.
` Q. Okay.
` A. So, basically, it's a compound of
`Formula I.
` Q. Okay. Let me ask you, the compound of
`Formula I only has one chiral center. Correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And you could easily identify that chiral
`center. Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And there are only -- given that there's
`only one chiral center, there's only an (S) isomer
`and an (R) isomer. Correct? Or enantiomer. (R)
`and (S) enantiomer.
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`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` A. For sitagliptin, that's correct.
` Q. Okay. And a person of ordinary skill in
`the art would easily know there is (R) and (S)
`enantiomer only, given that it only has one chiral
`center. Correct?
` MR. FISHER: Objection to form.
` A. Yes. A POSA would understand that (R) and
`(S) enantiomers are possible in a compound with one
`chiral center.
` Q. Okay. Let's let me ask some more questions
`in connection with your investigation -- strike
` In connection with your declaration --
`any part of your declaration, did you speak to anyone
`other than your lawyers? I'm not interested in
`communications with your lawyers.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who did you speak to?
` A. So there was analytic testing that was
`conducted as part of this declaration.
` Q. Okay.
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` A. And so I did not conduct all of that
`testing myself. And so that sometimes involved
`speaking to other parties about things that have --
`you know, data that have ended up -- may or may not
`have ended up in the report.
` Q. Okay.
` A. But --
` Q. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you.
`It's a little harder when we're on Zoom, so I
`apologize, to the extent I interrupted you.
` Let me ask it this way: Did you speak
`to any of the named inventors on the '708 patent?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you speak to anyone who submitted a
`declaration from Merck in connection with this
` A. Just to be clear, and I think I understand
`your meaning, but -- I mean, I've spoken to
`Allan Myerson many times, but not in a long time and
`not in connection with this matter.
` Q. Fair enough. Let me see if I can ask it
`this way:
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`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` Have you had any communications with
`Ms. Vicky Vydra in connection with this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Dr. Wenslow: Any communication with
`Dr. Wenslow in connection with this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Any connect -- any communication with
`Mr. Ferlita in connection with this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Just to confirm. Dr. Myerson, you have, of
`course, communicated with him but never in
`connection with this matter. Is that fair?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Let's see. Dr. Eader, E-a-d-e-r: Any
`communications with him in connection with this
` A. No.
` Q. Dr. Herman: Any communications with him in
`connection with this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Mr. Cypes: Any communication with him in
`connection with this matter?
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` A. No.
` Q. Dr. Hansen: Any communications with
`Dr. Hansen in connection with this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. And then Dr. Schultz, S-c-h-u-l-t-z: Any
`connection with her in connection with this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Communications -- any communications with
`her in connection with this matter. I'm sorry.
` Your answer, sir?
` A. No.
` Q. Fair enough.
` What about Dr. Atwood? Have you spoken
`to him in connection with this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. And one last question, and I promise not to
`belittle this point.
` Have you spoken to anyone at Merck,
`other than an attorney from Merck, in connection with
`this matter?
` A. In connection with this matter, no.
` Q. Okay. Fair enough. Let's see.
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`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
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` Let's go to paragraph 47 of your
` A. I'm there.
` Q. There you describe Ms. Vydra's -- your
`understanding of Ms. Vydra's procedure. Correct?
` A. I describe one of the procedures that she
`conducted, yes.
` Q. Okay. So it's your understanding that she
`contacted sitagliptin free base of phosphoric acid
`in ethanol. Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then she heated it to 70 degrees for
`one hour, and then so on and so forth. Correct?
` MR. FISHER: Object to the form.
` A. Yes. She conducted a procedure with it
`involving changing temperature.
` Q. Okay. Let me upload Ms. Vydra's procedure.
` And you cite in your declaration
`EX2002. Correct? Paragraph 47, about four lines
` A. Yes.
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` Q. Okay. I have uploaded Exhibit 2002 into
`the chat room. Why don't you go ahead and download
`that. I'm going to step away and get some water.
`I'll be back in, like, literally 10 seconds. Why
`don't you go ahead and do that.
` (Pause in proceedings.)
` Q. Let me know when you're ready to proceed.
` A. Okay. I'm there.
` Q. Now, I assume you're not aware that what
`you have listed in paragraph 47 is actually not
`Ms. Vydra's procedure. That's probably news to you?
` MR. FISHER: Object to the form.
` A. I don't know whose procedure it is. But my
`understanding was that she had conducted it.
` Q. Okay. Well, why don't we turn to her
`declaration. This was the declaration that you were
`reading in connection with your report. Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Why don't you turn to her lab
`notebook, which is on page, I believe, 14.
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` A. Yes. I'm there.
` Q. Let me ask you this:
` In connection with this declaration,
`you did get a chance to review the various exhibits
`mentioned in your declaration. Correct?
` A. I reviewed them all to some extent, and
`some in more detail than others.
` Q. Were you satisfied with the level of your
`degree -- I'm sorry.
` Were you satisfied in connection with
`your review, or the thoroughness of your review, for
`each exhibit?
` A. I believed it to be sufficient to
`demonstrate what I was saying in my report.
` Q. Did you review each exhibit carefully?
` A. Again, I reviewed them to different
`extents, for -- you know, I didn't look at all of
`them to the same degree --
` Q. Let me put it --
` A. I did not look at all parts to the same
`degree. In a lot of cases, I'm relying on a smaller
`part of the document.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1025 p. 029


`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
`Page 30
` Q. Let me put it to you this way:
` Any distinction or any point that you
`wanted to make for each exhibit, I assume, is in your
`report. Is that fair?
` A. I have endeavored to do so.
` Q. Okay. So are you on page -- what is marked
`page 14 of Ms. Vydra's -- of EX2002?
` A. Yes.
` Q. First, let me just say I'm very glad that
`Ms. Vydra has such neat handwriting so it lets me
`read this.
` Let's just go over her procedure. So
`she actually dissolved sitagliptin and phosphoric
`acid in dichloroethane. Correct?
` A. Yes. She dissolved the substrate in
` Q. Okay. Let me -- you're correct. Let me
`back up.
` So what she did was, she started by
`dissolving sitagliptin in 25 mL of dichloroethane.
` A. Yes.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1025 p. 030


`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
`Page 31
` Q. Dichloroethane is not ethanol. Correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. She then made a sub-solution of the various
`acids. Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then she added the sub-solution to the
`dichloroethane sitagliptin solution in one of the
`96 wells. Correct?
` A. That's my understanding.
` Q. So when she contacted the sitagliptin with
`the phosphoric acid, it was done in dichloroethane
`with whatever was with the acid.
` MR. FISHER: Object to the form.
` A. That's my understanding.
` Q. Okay. And there's no indication here that
`when she contacted the two any heat was applied.
` A. Well, when she does the evaporation it says
`that's done at elevated temperature.
` Q. Okay. But not when the two are first
`contacted with each other. Correct?
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1025 p. 031


`Adam Matzger, Ph.D. - October 30, 2020
`Page 32
` MR. FISHER: Object to the form.
` A. That's my understanding.
` Q. And when she did have a heating step
`throughout her one-page protocol, she indicated

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