`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
`Page 1
` ________________________________________
` ________________________________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` __________________________________________
` Case IPR2020-00040
` Patent No. 7,326,708 B2
` __________________________________________
` C O N F I D E N T I A L
` October 22, 2020
` 8:05 a.m.
`Reported by
`Rebecca J. Callow, RMR, CRR, RPR, CSR
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1022 p. 001


`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
`Page 2
` Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
` 550 South Tryon Street
` Suite 2900
` Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
` 704-344-3185
` By: Jitendra Malik, Ph.D.,
` Goodwin Proctor LLP
` 620 Eighth Avenue
` The New York Times Building
` New York, New York 10018
` 212-813-8800
` By: Keith A. Zullow
`2 3
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1022 p. 002


`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
`Page 3
` Williams & Connolly LLP
` 725 Twelfth Street, Northwest
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` 202-434-5000
` By: Alexander S. Zolan
` Shaun Mahaffy
` Tony Sheh
` Lerner David Littenberg Krumholz & Mentlik
` 20 Commerce Drive
` Cranford, New Jersey 07016
` (908) 654-5000
` By: Russell W. Faegenburg
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`2 3
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1022 p. 003


`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
`Page 4
` 2000 Galloping Hill Road
` Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033
` (908) 740-4000
` By: Raynard Yuro
`2 3
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`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1022 p. 004


`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` I N D E X
`Examination by Mr. Malik ..........................7
` * * * * *
`2 3
`6 7 8
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1019 6/14/2011 Affidavit of Robert 112
` M. Wenslow (with exhibits)
` * * * * *
`2 3
`6 7 8
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` Thursday, October 22, 2020, 8:05 a.m.
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` - - - - -
` called as a witness herein, having
` been first duly sworn by a Notary Public,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Wenslow.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Just for the record, would you mind stating
`your name?
` A. Yes. Dr. Robert Michael Wenslow, Jr.
` Q. Okay. And you understand that you are
`under oath today. Correct?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. And you understand the testimony that you
`give today is under penalty of perjury?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Just going over some rules. If you need a
`break let me know, and I will do my best to
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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`accommodate you. Fair enough?
` A. Fair.
` Q. The only rule I have is if there's a
`question pending, let's go ahead and deal with that.
` You understand today you are obligated
`to answer my questions?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Any reason today you cannot tell the truth?
` A. No.
` Q. If I ask a question and you don't
`understand, let me know and I'll try to rephrase.
`Fair enough?
` A. That is fair.
` Q. And if you don't ask me to rephrase, I will
`assume you understood the question. Fair enough?
` A. Fair.
` Q. Okay. Let me go ahead and upload in the
`chat room the two declarations that you submitted.
`Bear with me one second. I'm uploading EX2003 and
`I'm uploading EX2116.
` Dr. Wenslow, why don't you go ahead and
`download those two documents and let me know when
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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`you're ready to proceed.
` A. The documents are downloaded and open.
` Q. Thank you. I appreciate that.
` Now, I understand that you submitted
`two declarations in connection with this matter.
` A. I have submitted two declarations.
` Q. Okay. Let me ask you, do you have any
`documents in front of you or within your access?
`Hard copies?
` A. Yes. I do have the hard copies of the
`declarations in front of me.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any other documents in
`front of you?
` A. Just what relates to the declarations.
` Q. Okay. Fair enough.
` So, yeah. If you could -- obviously, I
`understand you may be in a room with other documents.
`Just if you could simply refrain from looking at
`anything else other than what is the two declarations
`and the documents referenced in the declarations.
`Fair enough?
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. Fair.
` Q. And the hard copy documents that you have
`access to, are they marked in any way?
` A. They are not.
` Q. Okay. Good.
` Now, let's start with your first
`declaration, which is EX2003. Can you, please,
`confirm that EX2003 is your declaration and it bears
`your signature on the last page?
` A. It is my declaration and it is my signature
`on the last page.
` Q. And so the record is clear, the last page
`is, basically, page 7 at the bottom, just so the
`record is clear.
` Any corrections or amendments to the
`first declaration?
` A. There are no amendments.
` Q. Any corrections?
` A. And no corrections.
` Q. Okay. And you understood that the first
`declaration, at least up until -- well, let me
`strike that.
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` Let's go to your second declaration,
`2116. Please confirm for me that it bears your
`signature on the last page, which is page 27.
` A. That is my signature on page 27.
` Q. Okay. And any corrections or amendments or
`changes to EX2116?
` A. No corrections or amendments.
` Q. And I assume you stand by the statements in
`connection with both declarations. Correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And I just want to confirm that you
`understood that the two declarations that you
`submitted, EX2003 and EX2116, are -- were meant to
`be complete statements for issues you're offering
`testimony to. Correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And in connection with this IPR deposition,
`you understand that during any break, during this
`cross, you're not supposed to discuss -- well, it's
`your understanding that you're not supposed to
`discuss your testimony or any anticipated testimony
`in connection with this deposition?
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. That is my understanding.
` Q. Okay. Are you being compensated to be here
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. How much are you being compensated per
` A. I believe it is $400 per hour.
` Q. Okay. And how much money have you -- and
`in connection with drafting the two declarations,
`EX2002 and EX2116, were you also compensated at a
`rate of $400 per hour?
` A. Yes, I was.
` Q. How much have you made to date in
`connection with this IPR matter?
` A. I do not know the exact amount.
` Q. Okay. And in connection with this
`deposition, I assume you met with your attorneys?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. When did you meet with your attorneys?
` A. We had meetings this week.
` Q. Okay. Approximately, how many hours did
`you meet with your attorney this week?
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. Approximately 20 hours.
` Q. Okay. And, just the name, which attorneys
`did you meet with?
` A. Alex, Shaun, Tony, and Ray.
` Q. Okay. Fair enough.
` When did Merck or anyone on behalf of
`Merck first contact you in connection with this IPR
`matter? And I'm only interested in the time, I'm not
`interested in the nature of the communication.
` A. I cannot remember the exact time.
` Q. Okay. Have you been deposed before?
` A. I have not.
` Q. And did you write EX2003, the first
` A. I wrote EX2003.
` Q. Okay. Would it be easier if we say "first
`declaration" or "second declaration"? Or would you
`prefer EX2003 and 2116? I completely leave it to
`your discretion.
` A. First declaration will be easier for me.
` Q. Fair enough. For me too.
` So let's look at the second
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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`declaration. I assume you also wrote that in
`collaboration with your attorneys?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. In your first declaration there are
`some documents attached to the back of it. Did you
`select those documents or were they just given to
` A. I was involved with the selection of those
` Q. Were there any documents that you elected
`in connection with your first declaration not to
` A. No.
` Q. And then in connection with the second
`declaration, I realize there are no documents
`attached, but there are documents referenced within
`the text of the second declaration. Did you select
`those documents or were they given to you?
` A. I was involved in the selection of the
` Q. Were there any documents that you elected
`not to include that you looked at in connection with
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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`your second declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. In connection with this -- strike that.
` Now, according to your paragraph 9 in
`your first declaration, you left Merck around 2011.
` A. Correct.
` Q. And I presume the last time you saw the
`various documents cited in either the first or
`second declaration was before 2011. Correct? Other
`than in connection with this matter.
` A. To the best of my understanding, yes.
` Q. And since 2011, until the time when someone
`first contacted you in connection with this IPR
`matter, how much time have you spent thinking about
` A. Can you expand on that?
` Q. Sure. Let me ask it this way:
` From the time you left Merck, until
`someone contacted you in connection with this IPR,
`how much time have you spent thinking about the
`issues that are discussed in your first declaration?
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. I can't estimate the number of hours I have
`thought about it.
` Q. Okay. And then if I were to ask the same
`question in connection with the content of your
`second declaration, I assume you'd answer the same
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. Other than the documents discussed
`in this declaration, did you review any other
`documents in connection with this matter?
` MR. ZOLAN: Objection to form.
` Jitty, just for his -- for the sake of
`the witness, when you say "this matter."
` MR. MALIK: IPR matter. Yeah.
` MR. ZOLAN: All right. And, you know,
`I'm going to -- I'm going to instruct the witness
`not to answer that question.
` MR. MALIK: Okay.
` Q. Let me ask it this way:
` Other than the documents that are cited
`in your declarations, are there any other documents
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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`you're going to rely on in connection with this
`inter partes review matter? Yes or no, Dr. Wenslow?
` A. What do you mean, "rely on"?
` Q. Let me ask it this way:
` As far as the inter partes review goes
`-- well, let me back up.
` You understand that there are two
`matters, an inter partes review and a litigation.
` A. Well, I am aware of the inter partes review
`and the documents associated in front of me.
` Q. Okay. And for the purposes of the
`inter partes review, the only thing that you're
`going to rely on in connection with your
`declarations are the documents that are cited
`therein. Correct? Not anything else you may have
`seen. Is that fair?
` A. That is -- besides, that is fair.
` Q. Okay. Fair enough.
` Now, in connection with this matter,
`have you seen anybody else's declaration other than
`your own?
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. I do not believe I've seen anyone else's
` Q. Have you seen the declaration of
`Dr. Chorghade?
` A. I don't know who that is.
` Q. Dr. Matzger?
` A. No.
` Q. Dr. Myerson?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you read anyone's deposition
`transcript in connection with this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you seen -- let me back up.
` Other than conversations with your
`attorneys -- I'm not interested in anything that --
`of what you said with your attorneys -- have you
`spoken about this matter with anyone else?
` A. No.
` Q. Let me hand you -- well, let me upload.
`It's a new world.
` Let me upload Exhibit 1001, which is
`the '708 patent. Let me know when you're ready to
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. I've opened it and it is in front of me
` Q. Okay. When was the last time you talked
`to -- well, let me strike that.
` On the first page, do you see a number
`of named inventors that also includes your name.
` A. Yes.
` Q. When was the last time you spoke to any of
`the individuals listed as named inventors on the
`'708 patent?
` A. Are you referring to every single person or
`one person?
` Q. Well, I guess -- well, let me ask this.
` When was the last time you spoke to
`Mr. Cypes?
` A. Approximately 2017.
` Q. Okay. And it was not -- your conversations
`with Mr. Cypes, I assume, were not in connection
`with anything to do with this IPR matter. Correct?
` A. Correct.
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` Q. And -- well, did your conversation with
`Mr. Cypes have anything to do with sitagliptin?
` A. No.
` Q. Let me ask you this.
` In context with other the inventors --
`Mr. Chen, Mr. Ferlita, Dr. Hansen, Mr. Lee,
`Ms. Vydra -- well, let me strike that.
` When was the last time you spoke to
`Mr. Chen? Let's take it slowly so we can get the
`record clear.
` A. Verbally spoke?
` Q. Yes. Or emailed.
` A. Emailed, I would say within last week.
` Q. Was it in connection with sitagliptin?
` A. No. It was not.
` Q. Do you and Mr. Chen stay in contact? Are
`you casual friends?
` A. We are in contact very frequently.
` Q. Okay. When was the last time you
`communicated with Mr. Ferlita?
` A. Russell Ferlita, the last time, I think,
`was approximately a year or year and a half ago.
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` Q. Were your communications in connection with
` A. No.
` Q. And then when was the last time you talked
`to Dr. Hansen?
` A. Karl, approximately a week ago.
` Q. Okay. Was it -- did it involve -- did your
`conversation or communications involve sitagliptin?
` A. No.
` Q. I assume you and Dr. Hansen have stayed in
`touch over the years?
` A. Yes. We have.
` Q. When was the last time you spoke to
`Mr. Lee?
` A. I believe that was around 2011.
` Q. And I assume your conversation with Mr. Lee
`did not involve sitagliptin. Correct?
` A. Not that I recall.
` Q. And when was the last time you interacted
`with or communicated with Ms. Vydra?
` A. I believe I emailed her in 2015.
` Q. Did your communications with Ms. Vydra
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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`involve -- discuss sitagliptin?
` A. No.
` Q. Let's go to paragraph 10 of your second
` A. I am there.
` Q. Now, in connection with the second
`declaration, just so I understand, and just more for
`foundation purposes, the data that you are
`presenting are -- is in connection with -- and,
`obviously, this is a list. Let's go through each
` What you call Forms I, II, and III, and
`that's my understanding that they are crystalline
`anhydrites of the DH -- of the 1:1 DHP salt,
` MR. ZOLAN: Object to form.
` A. Are you referring specifically in
`paragraph 10?
` Q. Yes. Well, let me ask it this way:
` There I see crystalline anhydrates
`Forms I, II, and III. Do you see that reference?
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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`It's about four lines down.
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. What are the crystalline anhydrates
`Forms I, II, and III? What's your understanding of
` A. The data for the crystalline anhydrates are
`provided on pages -- starting on page 6 to page 10.
` Q. Well, let me ask it this way:
` Those are -- Form I, Form II, and
`Form III are crystalline substances. Correct?
` A. They are crystalline.
` Q. And they're all the anhydrate structure of
`the 1:1 sitagliptin DHP salt. Correct?
` A. They are all anhydrates.
` Q. Okay. I guess, my question, just to be
`clear, is they're all anhydrates, but they're all
`anhydrates of the 1:1 sitagliptin DHP salt.
` A. Correct.
` Q. And by reference to Forms I, II, and III,
`those effectively are different polymorphs of the
`1:1 sitagliptin DHP salt. Correct?
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. They are polymorphs.
` Q. What is your understanding of what a
`polymorph is?
` A. A polymorph has the same molecular
`structure but different crystal packing or crystal
` Q. So another way of saying it: Within the
`molecule, the orientation of the individual 1:1
`sitagliptin DHP salt could be different and, hence,
`you have different polymorphs. Is that fair?
` A. So the unit cell would be different. That
`could include different orientations of the
`sitagliptin, different hydrogen bonding.
` Q. Okay. I like your answer better with
`reference to the unit cell.
` So let's continue. So we have one set
`of data in the second declaration directed to the
`three polymorphic Forms I, II, and III of the
` You also, within the declaration,
`provide information about the crystalline
`monohydrate -- correct? -- of the 1:1 sitagliptin DHP
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. Correct.
` Q. And then you also provide information in
`the declaration about the crystalline L-tartic salt
`hemihydrate of the -- well.
` You also provide information about the
`crystalline L-tartic acid salt hemihydrate. Correct?
` A. Or a tartaric acid salt hemihydrate of
`sitagliptin. Correct.
` Q. And the -- this has a -- when you have the
`tartaric acid, that is not the same thing -- that's
`a different salt from the phosphoric acid salt of
`sitagliptin. Correct?
` A. There is a different counterion and a
`different salt.
` Q. In this case, the tartaric acid is made
`from -- what? -- tartic acid? Tartaric acid?
` A. Can you repeat your question?
` Q. Sure. How is the -- strike that.
` And then after -- with respect to that
`particular salt, there's also the hemihydrate.
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. The crystalline L-tartaric acid salt is
`listed as a hemihydrate.
` Q. What is a hemihydrate?
` A. A hemihydrate has a half a mole of water
`per mole of sitagliptin.
` Q. Okay. And then the next entry is a
`crystalline benzine sulphonic acid salt anhydrate.
` A. Yes.
` Q. The counterion on this one is benzine
`sulphonic acid and not phosphoric acid. Correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And this is also an anhydrate. Correct?
` A. This is an anhydrate.
` Q. When you make reference to "anhydrate,"
`just so we get terminology correct throughout this
`deposition, what are you referring to?
` A. When I say "anhydrate," I mean there is no
`known water or solvent in the unit cell.
` Q. Okay. The last one is -- on there is the
`crystalline hydrochloric acid salt monohydrate.
`Correct? Listed in paragraph 10.
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` A. Crystalline hydrochloric acid salt
` Q. And, again, just for foundation,
`hydrochloric acid is not the same as phosphoric
` A. It is not.
` Q. And by reference to the monohydrate, you're
`saying that there's one -- well, why don't you
` What do you mean by "monohydrate"?
`What's your understanding of "monohydrate"?
` A. So the understanding of the word
`"monohydrate" is one mole of water per mole of
` Q. Okay. Now, other than the compounds
`referenced in paragraph 10, are you relying on --
`are you presenting data in connection with any other
`sitagliptin salt?
` A. So are you asking that, besides the
`phosphoric tartaric benzine sulphonic and
`hydrochloric, that I have no other salts -- data for
`no other salts in here?
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
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` Q. In the declaration -- correct? -- other
`than what's in paragraph 10.
` A. I'm not ...
` Q. Feel free to look. It's not a memory test.
` A. Yeah. I know. I'm looking.
` No.
` Q. Fair enough. So we have the universe of
`salts down. Okay.
` And, also, just to confirm, everything
`in paragraph 10, all the sitagliptin-related
`molecules that you mention there are salts. Correct?
`The freebase isn't there.
` A. The freebase is not there.
` Q. Okay. Everything is a salt -- correct? --
`in paragraph 10.
` A. Paragraph 10, everything is a salt.
` Q. Okay. I'm not trying to frustrate you, I'm
`just trying to get some foundation down.
` A. No. Understood.
` Q. Thank you for bearing with me.
` Let's turn to paragraph 28 of your
`second declaration.
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`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
`Page 29
` A. I'm there.
` Q. Okay. Now, there you say, about ten lines
`down, "Form II, which is metastable, slowly converts
`to mixtures of Forms I and III with faster
`conversion to elevated temperatures."
` Do you see that sentence? And by all
`means, look at -- review the whole paragraph. I'm
`not trying to rush you.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, what do you mean by Form II is
` A. The Form II always converted to other
`crystal forms, whether on storage, with temperature,
`or applied force.
` Q. I guess what I'm asking is if -- when you
`use the word "metastable," what does that
`communicate? What were you trying to say?
` A. "Metastable" means that it is not the
`thermodynamically stable polymorph.
` Q. And so as a result of being -- as a result
`of Form II being metastable, it converts to Forms I
`and Forms III, which are both anhydrous forms of the
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` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1022 p. 029


`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
`Page 30
`1:1 DHP sitagliptin salt. Correct?
` A. It depends on the temperature. But it can
`convert to Form I or mixtures of Form I and
`Form III.
` Q. And that -- as you, I guess, kind of
`alluded to, that conversion is a function of
`temperature. Correct?
` A. It can be a function of temperature. It --
`it can be a function of temperature.
` Q. Can it also be a function of something
` A. So if you look, it says "Upon further
`drying or storage ..."
` So it's not just temperature.
` Q. Okay. So Form II could convert to Form I
`and Form III upon further drying or storage.
` A. Yes.
` Q. What do you mean "upon storage" in your
`last answer?
` A. So when you actually -- if you had Form II
`and you had it, say, at 25 degrees, or 40/75, or any
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1022 p. 030


`Robert M. Wenslow, Ph.D. - October 22, 2020
`Page 31
`temperature for any extended periods of time, that's
`what I mean by "storage."
` Q. The fact that Form II does this would mean
`that it would likely fail accelerated aging tests --
`correct? -- of the -- just the API.
` MR. ZOLAN: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. Was there a
`comment, Alex?
` MR. MALIK: Yeah --
` MR. ZOLAN: Oh, go ahead.
` MR. MALIK: I'm sorry. I don't mean
`to interfere with your conversation. Go ahead.
` MR. ZOLAN: All I was saying is, when
`I object, you still need to answer the question.
` MR. ZOLAN: Go ahead and answer the
` A. Can you repeat the question, please?
` Q. Absolutely. Maybe I'll rephrase it a
`little bit. So let me -- let me make it clear.
` I'm going to ask questions. If your
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-000

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