Conference Call - March 4, 2020
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` __________________________
` INC., )
` Petitioner, )
` ) U.S. Patent No.
` vs. ) 7,326,708
` Patent Owner. )
` REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS via teleconference of
` the above-entitled cause before the Honorable
` Timothy G. Majors, Robert A. Pollock and Sheridan K.
` Snedden, Judges of said Panel, on the 4th day of
` March 2020 at the hour of 2:00 p.m.
` Reporter by: Sandra Rocca
` Certification No. 084-003435
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` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1017, p. 001


`Conference Call - March 4, 2020
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` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 550 South Tryon Street, Suite 2900
` Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
` appeared on behalf of the
` Petitioner;
` 725 12th Street, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20005-5901
` appeared on behalf of the
` Patent Owner.
` (All parties appeared via teleconference.)
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` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1017, p. 002


`Conference Call - March 4, 2020
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` JUDGE MAJORS: Why don't we kick things off.
` Again this is Judge Majors talking. We're here
` today for a request for a conference in IPR2020 0040
` based on Petitioner's request for additional
` pre-institution briefing.
` We've reviewed the email correspondence.
` The way we'll quick things off today is we'll open
` the floor up to Petitioner. Petitioner, you can
` state the reasons for the request. To the extent
` they go beyond the email, that's fine. Patent
` Owner, then we'll open up the floor to you to
` respond, and we can then table whether or not there
` will be any opportunity for further reply if
` necessary. But we may also jump if in if we have
` questions along the way.
` Before we get going, just a couple of
` preliminary things. Is there a court reporter
` online?
` here.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Thank you. All right. And
` why don't we go ahead and take a quick role call,
` and whoever is going to be doing the talking for the
` particular party, just let me know that. That would
` be helpful. Why don't we start with Petitioner.
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` Counsel, who do we have online?
` MR. MALIK: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
` This is Jitendra Malik, lead counsel for Mylan. And
` with me is Alissa Pacchioli, backup counsel for
` Mylan.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Okay, thank you. Did you
` say, Mr. Malik? Is that how it's pronounced?
` MR. MALIK: Yes, sir.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Thank you. For Patent Owner?
` MR. GENDERSON: Good afternoon, this is Tony
` Sheh from Williams & Connelly on behalf of Patent
` Owner. I'm joined by Bruce Genderson, also Williams
` Connelly on behalf of Patent Owner.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Okay. And thank you,
` Mr. Sheh and Genderson. All right, so with that,
` why don't we kick things off. Again, we'll open the
` floor up to Petitioner, Mr. Malik, I assume you'll
` be doing the talking. And with that, you can go
` ahead and begin when you're ready.
` MR. MALIK: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
` Jitendra Malik, counsel for Mylan. I guess the
` easiest way is to kind of break this up into smaller
` pieces. I think the first part is the five-page
` reply dealing just with the antedating evidence. I
` don't think there seems to be much of a dispute
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Conference Call - March 4, 2020
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` between the parties as to whether or not that
` information in the POPR was foreseeable. So unless
` the panel has specific questions, I can move on to I
` guess the crux of the dispute which would be the
` 314, 325(d) related issues and whether that's
` permitted and then also, I'll address the
` Petitioner's opposition to the surreply.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Sure, that's fine. If you
` wouldn't mind, could just say for us what -- at
` least from Petitioner's perspective, what the
` antedation -- is this just a sort of prototypical,
` we've reduced to practice the invention before such
` and such prior art.
` MR. MALIK: Yes. The prior art is WO 0 --
` forgive me, I don't have the number off the top of
` my head. But yes, they believe that they reduced --
` the actual reduction to practice prior to the date
` of -- one or two a date of the WO reference that we
` use in several of our grounds.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Okay. And they have several
` declarations I think you said in the email in
` support of that.
` MR. MALIK: Yes. Several declarations and I
` think they attached some lab notes and various other
` I guess experimental data or production that they
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` had. So that's the nature of their evidence and
` that's what we've asked that at least five pages to
` respond and there doesn't seem to be much of a
` dispute between the parties on that issue.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Why don't you then go ahead
` and move on to the discretionary issues.
` MR. MALIK: Sure. So I think the biggest
` part that we really wanted to focus on is the 314(a)
` and 325(d). We provided two cases, IPR2019 400, and
` IRP2019 207 where the those panels granted ten pages
` to respond where a Patent Owner put up 314 and
` 325(d) arguments. And then if you go through and
` continue, you'll see that the panels allowed for a
` five-page surreply in response to Petitioner's 314
` and 325(d) issues.
` So you know, this is something that is not
` an unusual request. Frankly, you know, from our
` perspective, the request should have been
` foreseeable when they put in significant 314 and
` 325(d) arguments. I think that what they're
` essentially saying -- and obviously they will
` correct me if I'm wrong -- that in essence, the 314
` and 325(d) arguments were foreseeable and everything
` that we put in our opening petition should have
` safely addressed it.
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` And they cite two cases which I do briefly
` want to discuss with the Panel. I think the first
` one is the Instrumentation Lab, which is IPR2018
` 264. And I've taken a look at that case and what
` the case -- basically my reading of it essentially
` says that, look, the PTAB designates certain things
` precedential and informative. It's on the website.
` We petitioners, are obligated to address those
` things, precedential and the informative case.
` Obviously in the context of the case that they
` attached, it was just in the general practice
` factors, you know, which basically we have done.
` And so what -- how I read that case is if
` something is designated precedential and you don't
` talk about it in your opening petition, well, you've
` kind of lost your opportunity. I'll point out that
` in our petition, we addressed all of the
` precedential authority. I mean, Becton Dickinson is
` there on page 66. Then we talk about the Valve
` Corporation case, that's on page 67; NHK Spring Co.
` is addressed.
` So to the extent that particular order
` focuses on, yes, we're on notice of precedential
` authority, we're obligated to deal with it in our
` petition, well, we've done that. That's a narrow
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` proposition, at least as we read it.
` The other case, the Mylan case -- and just
` for the record, even though it's the same Mylan
` entity, I was not counsel of record in the IPR they
` cite. A couple points. First, that case was pre
` SAP. SAP was decided April of 2018. The Order that
` they cite is from 2017. Whether that decision would
` be the same post SAP -- and as Your Honors are aware
` SAP removed certain discretions from Panels -- 314
` and 325 took on a whole new emphasis after SAP. So
` whether that Mylan case in 2015 would have gone the
` same way, that's an open question.
` But I also took a look at that case and what
` was going on. Basically the Petitioner in that case
` wanted to essentially elaborate or expand on things
` that were already addressed in the petition. And so
` what the Panel said -- I'm reading from the Order --
` "The Board may authorize a reply to afford a
` Petitioner an opportunity to address evidence or
` argument that could not have been foreseeable. A
` reply, however, is not an opportunity to revisit or
` elaborate on previously raised arguments."
` I don't intend to revisit or elaborate the
` previously discussed arguments. I intend to
` respond, you know, consistent with what happened in
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` the two IPR cases that I cited. Frankly, I'm very
` tight on space. I have 15 pages. I don't have the
` luxury of wasting space restating what I've already
` stated. I mean in some cases, these are exact
` quotes from the PTAB about the fact that you
` consistently decline 325(d), that the only thing you
` can do is cite to the fact that this is previously
` cited to the examiner.
` I'm not really going to revisit or
` elaborate. I'm actually going to respond directly.
` With 15 pages, I really can't waste space, so I
` can't really go -- you know, say too many things.
` The other point to make out there is, look,
` you're judges. To the extent that I go beyond the
` scope of any Order, you're well within your right
` just to ignore it. So the concern of us rehashing
` isn't quite as I think a concern because you will
` just simply ignore it.
` So then I guess with the five-page surreply,
` what I'm struggling with is that if they're saying
` that everything on 325 and 314 were foreseeable,
` then that same argument would apply to their request
` for a surreply because then everything with respect
` to any evidence for five pages -- for the five-page
` surreply would have also been foreseeable.
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` I'm struggling to see how they can reconcile
` opposing our request for a 314, 325(d) briefing
` while at the same time making the request for the
` five-page surreply.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Okay. Mr. Sheh, would you
` like to respond?
` MR. SHEH: Yes, thank you, Your Honor. This
` is again Tony Sheh on behalf of Patent Owner Merck.
` As Mr. Malik noted, there's not a lot of dispute
` between the parties on the issue of a five-page
` reply to the antedation evidence. But as I heard
` Mr. Malik go forth, it also doesn't appear that
` Petitioner's requesting sort of a free-wheeling 15
` pages on all issues including the merits of
` patentability. And I don't hear him requesting a
` reply -- any space in the reply to address, for
` instance, whether or not Mylan sufficiently
` addressed a key claim limitation, which is the 1:1
` stoichiometry of the claim itself.
` So I'm going to presume that the -- that
` that is not part of their request, but we can
` revisit that I suppose in further questioning with
` the Board. Obviously we would oppose that request.
` So I think counsel also examined the cases
` that had been cited in the email to the Board. And
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` I just want to note that, you know, the notion that
` the fact that Mylan has enough space to address the
` fact of these precedential decisions in its
` petition, there's been sort of cited as the reason
` as what Mylan was supposed to do. I mean, those
` decisions elucidates the factors, and indeed,
` addressing all those factors is exactly what Merck
` did and that's exactly what Mylan could have also
` done. Those factors are not, you know, a secret.
` And instead, it didn't. It sort of gave sort of a
` little bit of case law as Mr. Malik alluded to, but
` at the end of the day it did not address all factors
` and it has space to do so in its petition.
` So it's a bit odd to me for Mr. Malik to
` acknowledge that they had the space but didn't use
` it to address factors that were known to them.
` Again, like and I think counsel conceded that all
` the facts are being raised in Merck's POPR on issue
` of discretion, they're equally available to both
` parties. And so I don't understand how it is that
` Mylan should be given a reply on those issues which
` could have and should have been addressed in the
` petition.
` That and the cases that have been cited, the
` HemoSonics case and the Mylan versus Sanofi case,
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` stand for the proposition that where these arguments
` can be and should be raised in a petition, they
` should be raised in a petition in the first
` instance.
` And I'll also note that the two cases they
` have cited, which are the Amneal versus Almirall
` case and the -- I'm sorry -- the Apotex v UCB case,
` I mean, in those cases the Board still addressed
` whether or not there was good cause for reply. And
` in the Almirall case, basically said that well,
` these arguments weren't reasonably foreseeable. We
` accept that and we accept that as good cause.
` And in the Apotex case, I mean, the Board
` observed that those discretionary arguments turned
` on facts arising after the filing of the petition.
` So good cause is there obviously because the
` Petitioner could not have sort of much anticipated
` developments after the fact. So I don't see those
` cases as justifying sort of, you know, a reply just
` cause a Petitioner wants to say a bit more about
` discretion.
` And the last thing I'll touch on is on the
` surreply. You know, so the issue with the surreply
` is again, it's a little bit of a practical issue for
` the Board because it's taken about two weeks for the
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` parties to join issue now and the parties are
` basically asking for two weeks and two weeks. So an
` institution is -- on the usual timetable is in May.
` So we're just taking away from sort of this
` expedited timetable.
` But the other issue is he said that you
` can't reconcile -- I think counsel said that he
` can't reconcile why it is that the same logic of
` good cause doesn't apply to a surreply. First, I'll
` just note that the cases that we cited, the --
` apologies -- Mylan has cited the Board has granted
` five pages and five pages on the issue of
` antedation, like five pages of reply, five pages of
` surreply, found good cause in the same moment in
` time. And you know, like in terms of why it is that
` we get a surreply, I think the statute is clear.
` The decision of institution is based on information
` in the petition and then any reply -- any response
` by the Patent Owner, not whatever the parties can
` spin up in after-the-fact briefing. Those are the
` two main documents on which the institution is
` based.
` And indeed, the Board's own rule, this is
` 42.108 Subsection C, says it is good cause for this
` precise reason. If the Board is going to allow
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` reply briefing, that's the standard that has to be
` met, not just because it would be helpful. It would
` always be helpful to have more briefing, I
` understand that, but we could go around and around
` in circles until the parties are both blue in the
` face. So with that said, I think I'll rest my case
` there for now. Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Okay. Thank you, Mr. Sheh.
` MR. MALIK: Your Honor, may I respond just
` briefly?
` JUDGE MAJORS: Sure, briefly.
` MR. MALIK: So regarding the anticipation
` discussion, obviously with respect to the page
` limits that I was explaining where we got the 5 and
` the 15, what I would suggest is the same thing that
` if the court is so inclined to do what the Apotex
` Panel did, where at the very end they pointed out --
` they said you're free to address the issues again
` for 15 pages. There's not that much I can say. But
` if there's a specific thing that they want to deal
` with, obviously that's fine, you can point out, as
` that Panel did. They were particularly interested
` in 325(d) as opposed to the 314(a) issue. Now --
` JUDGE MAJORS: Let me just jump in for a
` second on that just to be abundantly clear. What I
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` understood Mr. Sheh to be saying is that whatever
` the response, assuming the Board may allow one --
` I'm not saying yet whether we will -- but it's not
` going to be open-ended from the standpoint of you
` get 15 pages and you get to address whatever you
` choose that was brought up in the POPR. It would be
` limited to the antedation issue, the 325(d) issue,
` as well as the 314 discretionary issue. It's not an
` opportunity to come in and say, well, here's --
` here's what we think are the flaws in the POPR's
` rebuttal as to, you know, the merits of the 102.
` MR. MALIK: I guess with respect to that,
` that's really up to the Panel as far as their
` discretion. We will address any and all issues that
` you so authorize.
` What our original request was to be able to
` use the 15 pages as we saw fit and I was more
` explaining in the email how we got to the 15 pages,
` but obviously, the scope of any surreply is
` completely up to you. And we will of course, you
` know, limit our scope to whatever the Panel decides.
` So with respect to the Apotex case, I think
` counselor Sheh said certain things about things that
` occurred after trial. Just in the interest of full
` disclosure, I am lead counsel on the Apotex case.
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` What happened there was they raised 325(d)
` issues in connection with whether or not the
` arguments raised in the petition were duplicative of
` file history. And the 314(a) issue that he was
` referring to was the fact that there were certain --
` I believe there was a stay that was occurring after
` the fact. If you take a look at Orders, the Panel
` was not interested in 314(a) issues because the
` District Court stayed the matter and they wanted a
` discussion on 325(d). And so if you look at the
` subsequent reply, 325(d), which had to do with
` events that occurred in the file history as opposed
` to -- which was basically how similar the -- what
` Apotex's petition was to the arguments that were
` raised. So it didn't have anything to do with
` subsequent events, though I will acknowledge that
` there's half a paragraph at the very end of a
` ten-page reply on 314(a). The other case we were
` not involved with or I was not.
` JUDGE MAJORS: I guess -- Mr. Malik, I'm
` sorry to interrupt you, but I have a question. I'm
` just trying to get a sense of -- it seems like
` there's agreement or at least no disagreement on the
` antedating piece.
` On the 325(d) and 314, now, I hear you. You
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` say that Petitioner wants an opportunity to respond.
` But in just looking through the papers -- and I will
` confess, I haven't studied them in great depth just
` yet -- but I'm sort of looking at the 325(d) issue
` and as I gather it, the issue is the extent to which
` the WO '498 reference was already presented to or at
` least before the Office previously, and I guess
` perhaps another patent was as well. And it seemed
` like that in the petition itself, there's a
` discussion around this reference having been, you
` know, before the examiner and I guess it's also
` cited in the specification, and that's addressed
` perhaps not in excruciating detail, but it's
` addressed in the petition where it says the Board
` routinely does not exercise discretion under 325(d)
` when it's just something that was presented to the
` examiner but wasn't substantively argued about it.
` I'm characterizing the argument.
` The Patent Owner says, well, this is a
` little bit different because it wasn't just part of
` an IDS. It was part of a very short list, if you
` will, of references that were cited, and by the way,
` to the extent that it wasn't just mentioned in
` passing in the specification, it was also described
` in some detail about I guess what the active agent
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` is for these claims and the salt of the active. So
` kind of they would say whatever, you know, the
` examiner needed was sort of put right there in front
` of them.
` So anyway, that's a long-winded way of kind
` of circling back to, doesn't that already join the
` issue? What more do we need to hear from the
` parties on this point?
` MR. MALIK: I guess, you know, there is a
` CFR provision with respect to -- I notice if you
` look at their response -- and obviously I would
` confess though I have not written my response, so
` I'm just kind of responding to my preliminary
` thoughts. There is a -- they spent a fair amount of
` time talking about Patent Office procedure, the
` examiner's presumed to have reviewed -- or you know,
` there is -- obviously everyone on this call is a
` lawyer. We're all legal experts. There is a CFR
` provision directed to experts which basically says
` -- and I grant you it's in the form of experts --
` that expert testimony in the form of Patent Office
` procedure is not admissible.
` So certainly I think, you know, we want to
` make some points that to the extent they're saying
` the examiners could have considered or did consider
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` or do that, that really does go into Patent Office
` procedure which a large part, according to the CFR
` provision, is not admissible. Now, I grant you it
` is in the terms of experts, but I would argue that
` where a lawyer is talking about Patent Office
` procedures, it kind of reminds me of old inequitable
` conduct experts that we saw pre (inaudible) where
` they got on the stand and basically said, this is
` how the Patent Office does things.
` So I guess if that's your concern, Your
` Honor, you know, one solution would be simply to
` reduce the allocated page length for the -- for
` those issues and that -- I mean again, it will force
` me to be even more concise. And as I said, to the
` extent it is rehashing arguments over, you can
` simply ignore it. So that would be some of the
` points that I would raise.
` In connection with 314, obviously we've
` addressed the fact that it's not a follow-on
` petition. I'm not going to say that again. We've
` addressed the fact that trial -- the District Court
` is in the infancy, but they do cite the E1 case.
` The E1 case focused on institution if I recall
` versus the actual trial date, just point out the
` difference.
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` And then I am not aware of any precedential
` or informative decision besides just being a member
` of joint defense group in a litigation and that in
` and of itself prevents an IPR from being instituted
` under 314, and so certainly given the opportunity to
` cite some cases for the Board, assuming they exist
` or at least respond with respect to that issue.
` And as I said with respect to anticipation,
` that is more up to the Board as to whether or not
` they want to allow us to discuss it. If the Board
` wants us to focus on one issues or a set of issues,
` if they don't want to hear anything more on 325(d)
` but only 314 antedations, we are willing to respond
` however the Board would like us to respond, if the
` Board is so inclined to do so.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Mr. Sheh, is that you?
` MR. SHEH: I apologize for interrupting
` counsel. I just wanted to sort of see if the Panel
` would be willing to hear our response to that.
` JUDGE MAJORS: For maybe a minute and then
` what we're going to do is I'll put everyone on hold,
` confer with my co-panelists behind the scenes and
` then we'll jump back on. With that Mr. Sheh, you
` can respond briefly.
` MR. SHEH: Understood. I will keep it very
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` short, Your Honor. There's a case Xactware versus
` Spectrometry [phonetic], the sort of buttressing of
` arguments, identification of missing or misstated
` law or facts. Those are all within the Board's
` purview to assess in the first instance. And you
` know, it's not good cause under 42.108(c).
` I think Mr. Malik mentioned the notion of
` expert testimony on Patent Office procedures. We
` didn't file an expert dec on this issue. I don't
` know that -- I think counsel may have given away the
` house on that, but you know, that's just not in
` play. And I think counsel also alluded to the fact
` that the Board can ignore or reduce the page
` estimates.
` I think the other relevant consideration is
` that the Patent Owner is going to have to respond to
` all the arguments and we will be not ignoring and we
` will be not be sort of reducing the amount of work
` that is incurred on our end pre-institution. So
` I'll leave it there. Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MAJORS: Okay. Thank you. As I said,
` I'm going to put everyone on hold. We'll try to be
` brief. But just be patient, if you would, and we'll
` jump back on as soon as we can.
` MR. SHEH: Thank you, Your Honor.
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` (Conference call place on hold.)
` JUDGE MAJORS: Okay, thank you for your
` patience. Your Panel's back. We've discussed
` amongst ourselves and our decision is as follows:
` Each side will be permitted eight pages. They will
` be permitted to -- starting with Petitioner, to
` address the three issues, the three is the
` antedation issue, 314(a) discretion, and 325(d)
` discretion.
` You can apportion among those pages as you
` see fit. However, I would note that, as you're
` probably aware, it's often the case -- I won't say
` it's universally so -- but it's often the case that
` with antedation evidence, it's very difficult for
` the Board to deny on that basis at institution
` because at that point, it's usually evidence that
` has not been tested and for which Petitioner has not
` had an opportunity to test it.
` So that being said, you may decide you want
` to focus your eight pages somewhat more on the other
` issues, if you want. However, as I said earlier,
` they're yours to use as you see fit.
` A few other provisos. No other issues
` beyond those three are going to be permitted. And
` in addition, no new evidence is going to be
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan (IPR2020-00040) Ex. 1017, p. 022


`Conference Call - March 4, 2020
`Page 23
` submitted in either of the papers. As far as timing
` is concerned, as someone pointed out -- and I don't
` recall which of you it was -- but if we let this go
` a month from now, that that puts us into April and
` starts to get close to the institution date.
` Therefore, Petitioner's paper is going to be
` due next week -- and I'll allow you to respond to
` this in a second if there's some reason you can't do
` it -- but next week on the 11th of March, and Patent
` Owner's response to that would be due on the 18th of
` March. With all that being said, any questions from
` either Petitioner's counsel or Patent Owner's
` counsel?
` MR. MALIK: So Your Honor, just a couple
` points. On March 11th, I have a hearing in the
` District of Vermont in another matter so that -- if
` we could -- if I could get to the 13th, I would --
` if the Panel is so inclined, I would appreciate a
` two-day extension in light of the Vermont hearing on
` the 11th.
` And then one other request, and

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