`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,606,880 B2
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Inventor: Sheng (Ted) Tai Tsao, San Jose, CA
`Assignee: Sheng Tai (Ted) Tsao, Fremont, CA
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 2766 days.
`Appl. No.: 10/726,897
`6,714,968 B1* 3/2004 Prust ............................. TO9,219
`6,735,623 B1* 5/2004 Prust ...
`6,839,743 B2 *
`1/2005 Shim ..............
`6,985,927 B2* 1/2006 O'Brien et al.
`7,506,034 B2 * 3/2009 Coates et al. ......
`7,650,621 B2 *
`1/2010 Thomas et al. ................. 725/87
`7,894,803 B2 * 2/2011 Kamada .........
`... 455,414.3
`2002/005.9621 A1* 5/2002 Thomas et al. ................. 725/87
`2002/O12333.6 A1* 9, 2002 Kamada .........
`... 455,420
`2002.0128036 A1* 9, 2002 Yach et al. .....
`2002/0133597 A1* 9/2002 Jhingan et al. .
`2003/0191716 A1* 10, 2003 Woods et al. ................... 705/50
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — El Hadji Sall
`Dec. 4, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`US 201O/OOO5153 A1
`Jan. 7, 2010
`Int. C.
`G06F 15/16
`U.S. C.
`USPC ........ 709/219; 709/203; 709/226:455/412.1;
`Field of Classification Search
`USPC ................. 709/200, 203, 217, 219, 226, 245;
`455/412.1, 899
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`Adapting web-based external storage, wireless device can
`posses huge amount of storage that current any wireless
`device's internal storage cannot provide. To effectively let the
`storage server providing external storage (file system) for
`wireless device, the storage of a storage server need to be
`partitioned into multiple Small storage Volume and need to be
`exported to each specific wireless device. The console Sup
`port software coupled with web-server software of a server
`provides both users of wireless device and console through
`web-browser to perform tasks of creating and utilizing exter
`nal storage (file system). To Support larger number of wireless
`devices with external storage, a central controlled distributed
`scalable virtual machine infrastructure can be deployed. The
`larger number of storage server controlled by a central control
`system can satisfy unlimited wireless devices external storage
`6,351,776 B1*
`6,356,941 B1*
`2, 2002 O'Brien et al. ............... 709/245
`3/2002 Cohen ........................... TO9,219
`17 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets
`Wireless out-band download
`ISP, ASP ----Down Load Site
`Weh server software
`Console support software
`Web server interface
`Other service modules
`Wireless devices
`Other software modules
`Storage System.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 1 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`Wireless devices supports in a simple environment
`Web Server Software
`Consolc Support Softwarc
`Web Server interface
`Other service modules
`Fig. 1


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`Wireless devices access external storage through web browser
`Wireless devices (1)
`Other Software
`Wireless devices (2)
`Other Software
`Wireless devices (3)
`Other Software
`Wireless devices (n)
`Other Software
`Web-console host
`Weh-console (browser
`Other Software Module
`Fig. 2


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`Wireless Out-band download
`ISP/ASP----Down Load Site
`Web server software
`Console Support Software
`Web server interface
`Other service modules
`Storage System
`Fig. 3


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 4 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`The CCDSVM Support External Device for Huge Number of Wireless Device
`Storage server
`Storage server
`Storage server
`Control Management
`Storage server
`Storage server
`Storage server
`Wireless device
`Wireless device
`Wireless device
`Wireless device
`WirclcSS dcVicc
`Wireless device
`Wireless device
`Fig. 4
`Wireless device


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 5 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`System unit spare
`Service modules 8
`System unit
`Service modules 8
`System unit
`Web console?browser
`Console Support
`Control management
`- 7
`Web browser
`Service modules 8
`Console system
`Web-console /browser
`Console System
`Web-console / browser
`Other Software module
`Other software module
`other software module-N
`Fig. 5


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 6 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`A typical Computer system connected into network
`Cursor Control
`1 16
`Input Device
`Storage Devices
`1 10
`Interface devices 1 18
`Browser 8
`Server unit
`Server unit
`Server unit
`3 Spare
`Fig. 6


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 7 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`Mrs. 2D 7.2 telligera i ZDistributed Yarzai Server
`set Server
`Resource fo
`Server ailist
`63 &8& free
`SX:S-S-S---------------X --- X
`sef Anthetication
`Sisten help
`Display Server Unit Resource info
`The Syster afternation of the Selected ServerUnit
`Release: Thu Apr 1807:37:53EDT2002
`Wendor: Genuinelniel Model:Enter Celeron(TM)
`CPUSpeed: 1102MH2
`CPU Usage; useoDOS) systemO.0%) idle(100.00%)
`Load Averag:OOOOOOOOO
`RA: 256
`feed RA 9448KB
`Total Swap:393.584KB
`AvailableSwap: 393534KB
`Total Processes;s
`Total networkinterfac:2
`Enterface intralo
`sac Areas
`Interface broadcast 27.255.2ssassaetanasic2.s000
`interface M1636
`interface asne to
`Mac Address


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 8 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`y &ompute
`intetipent Distributed virtual server . Microsoft internet texplorer
`y Intelligent Distribated Virtue at Server
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`Fig. 7C
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 9 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
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`Systern Help
`Sever Unit is iro


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 10 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`first statuetWr
`it is
`Fig. 8A
`Data Replication
`Data Pool info
`Source tata Naras;
`Frea Server
`a Severe
`& Sto
`Fig. 8B


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 11 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`. . . s. 33 8:.88:88: 8:8
`data Replication
`to Seyes
`Data Replication
`Frea Server
`to Serve
`Fig. 8D


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 12 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`fe Edit View favorites Tools. He
`Get Server File System info
`(STD) Intelligent Distributed Virt
`Display Server UnitFile System info
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`Host info
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 13 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`5. Explorer
`Display Server Unit File System info
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`3.244.8ss 3.13:38
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`Data Replication
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`Fig. 9D


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 14 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`fe Edit WW Favortes Tools
`e) A seed, it reories erode efe
`change Serversage
`Virtual Storage Partition
`Select storage Uait:
`Storage Devices info
`SAN unit name: P: 148,168.0.92 has 2 disksfraid, total 59167395 KB capacity
`32 Explore
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`Fig. 10B


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 15 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`Intelligerat Distributed B-irtual Sarbar
`WSAN: A Partition
`ext: 8X: SAN aittsaoa, atticos diskraid, nea devade aire 19618 Ma, sector size:S12, totalvolusias 6
`Unt Resources info
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`Striji listi
`partition devihtsbi), size 402MB, start be 4209030, end bal2611024
`partition devihiba, size 10244 MB, startiba 12611025, end bass 914
`partition devhdb), size 1027 ME, startbaa359.978, endibasass429
`partition devhdb4, size 1027 ME, start ba33696493, end bagso(44
`partition devhits, size 1153 MB, start ba378108, end ba 401624.99
`he lock of idewhdha been used there are Mavstable
`Select Oeratia.
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`partitiontsev?hetto, size 205s ME, startiba63, end bag.9029
`partition(taevihdel), size 4102MB, start ba-209030, end bal2611024
`pertitionoidavithdb2, sire 1244 MB, star ibn 1251125, and be 3359914
`partition dev?hchs, sire 107MB, start ba33591.978, and ba33696.429
`partition devithrib, size 102 ME, start ba3696-93, and bass44
`partition divihitos), size 1153ME, start basaolos, end ba401624.99
`The 10.0% of idewhdb has been used there area available


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 16 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
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`a diskirtsicO), name idewhda, size3O2S485KB, sector size:S12, total partitions
`o partition), size 2104452, start ba63, end pha2104314
`o partition
`size 4209030, start ba210451s, end ba6313-44
`opertition, size 210451s, start ba63334s, end ba&48059
`o partition3, size 840932, start ba848.123, end be 16820s4
`o partition4, sae 16787862, startiba 1682.0118, end ba3360979
`o petitions, size 8401932, start ba33603043, end ba4O9974
`opertitions), site 8401932, start be 42010O38, end baso411969
`o diedritic name fatvihda care 39078.12KB sector size: 512, total partitions
`o partition), size 333585, start bas3, and bas38S929
`partition, size 838S930, start baa38593, end be 1671359
`partition, size 78718s, start ba ió771860, endiba 17559044
`partition3, size 37752687, startiba 175591.08, and bas5311794
`pertition, site 201757, start bass3 1853, end ba7s489.434
`petition(s), size 2104452, start toes-489.498, end bass49
`partitions, size2s6977, start batt594013, end bats;50989
`: 148.s092hes 2 diskaraid total
`539 Baci
`A rarelligerze ADistribated Barzeal Server
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`o partitions, size 37752687, start be 1755908, and bass31794
`o partitionica, size 2017757, start bass311858, and base39.434
`o partitions, size 2104452, start bas489.498, end bass3949
`o partitions sire 2s6977, start bass403, end bats.50989
`SAN unit();
`name: IP: 148.168.092 has 2 disksfraid, totals16395 KB capacity
`8 disk-fraidic, aethe devihdh, size 20089282KB, sector size:S12, total partitions 7
`o partition), size 4896, start ba63, endba 420929
`g partition) site 84019.9s, startiba 429
`end be 261124
`partition, size 2.980890, startiba 12611025, and ba3359914
`partitions sire 2104452, start ba23s998, end bass96429
`partition4, eite 21044S2, partiba 25696.493, and ba380.944
`partitions, size 2104432, start ba27801.008, end ba3990s.459
`o partition(6), size2s6977, start bassoss23, endiba 4062499
`o diskfraidic), name idewhda, size 39G7812KB, pector site:S12, total partitions 8
`o partition), size 21044s.2, start ba63, endsba2104514
`pertition), size 296.432s, start ba210451s, end ba23069339
`partition(), size 16736D, start ba23069340, and ba398.411.99
`size 1677797, start be 3984.1263, end basé613059
`partitions, size 8385867, start base613123, endo 64,998989
`partitions, size 41929.02, start ba64990s3. end ba69191934
`partitions, its 658602, sturba69192018, and ba698,50619
`partition, size 8.30542, start bass850683, end bar316224
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`Fig. 10F


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 17 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`Select operation:
`Esrepuits serNassae:
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`Fig. 11A
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`Set Authentication for Target Server
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 10, 2013
`Sheet 18 of 18
`US 8,606,880 B2
`intclient Distributed witual server - Microsoft laternet plorer
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`US 8,606,880 B2
`This invention relates to the previous invention, application
`No. 60/401.238 of “Concurrent Web Based Multi-task Sup
`port for Control Management System'. This invention also
`relates to previous invention, application No. 60/402.626 of
`“IP Based Distributed Virtual SAN’.
`This invention focuses on how a wireless device can actu
`ally use external storage provided by a storage server. This
`invention also includes how a wireless device can download 15
`data to its external storage.
`The terminologies described in next few sections reflect the
`Scope and are part of present invention.
`The Internal Storage of a System:
`The storage media Such as hard disk drives, memory Sticks,
`memory etc. is connected to a system directly through bus or
`a few inches of cable. Therefore, the storage media actually is
`a component of the system in an enclosure.
`The External Storage of a System:
`The external storage media is not a component of the
`system in the same enclosure. Therefore, they have to be
`connected through a connecting medium (e.g. a cable) Such as
`Ethernet cable for IP based storage, Fiber channel cable for
`fiber channel storage, or Such as wireless medium and etc.
`The storage media of an external storage could be magnetic
`hard disk drives, Solid state disk, optical storage drives,
`memory card, etc. and could be in any form Such as Raid
`which usually consists of a group of hard disk drives.
`The Storage Partition, its Volumes, and the Corresponding
`File System:
`To effectively use storage system, each storage device usu
`ally needs to be partitioned into small volumes. After the
`partition, each of the volumes can be used to establish a file
`system on it. To simplify the discussion herein, the term of the
`storage Volume, its corresponding file system, and the term of
`the partition of the storage device are often used without 45
`It is an abbreviation for a central controlled distributed
`scalable virtual machine system. The CCDSVM allows a
`control management station to control agroup of systems and 50
`provide distributed services to a client system on the Internet,
`the Intranet, and an LAN environment.
`The ISP refers to Internet service provider and the ASP
`refers to application service provider.
`FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of the instant application,
`the FIG. 1 is the same as FIG. 1 of the previous application of 60
`the “Concurrent Web Based Multi-task Support for Control
`Management System’ with an exception of replacing a con
`sole host with a wireless device.
`FIG. 2 is the same as FIG. 1 of the above except that it
`shows a more detailed storage system controlled by a server.
`In addition, multiple wireless devices are presented to access
`the storage system.
`FIG. 3 shows a scheme of a wireless device downloading
`contents from an ISP/ASP or other web sites to an external
`storage allocated for the wireless device.
`FIG. 4 is similar to the FIG. 1 of the previous application of
`the “IP Based Distributed Virtual SAN” with exception that
`each IP storage server provides a file system as external
`storage for each of the wireless devices instead of providing
`IP based virtual SAN service. Also, each host of mentioned
`FIG. 1 actually is replaced by a wireless device of present
`Unless specified, the programming languages and the pro
`tocols used by each software modules of instant application,
`and the computing systems used in this invention areassumed
`to be the same as described in the previous patent applica
`In addition, in the drawing, like elements are designated by
`like reference numbers. Further, when a list of identical ele
`ments is present, only one element will be given the reference
`Today the wireless users commonly face a problem of lack
`of storage capacity on their wireless devices such as cell
`phone or PDA, which are usually limited to 256MB for PDA
`and much less for cell phone. To effectively solve this prob
`lem and let users own multiple gigabytes (GB) of storage for
`their wireless devices as well as allowing the users to use the
`GB storage for their multimedia applications, the storage of a
`server can be used as the external storage for the wireless
`devices. This technology has been briefly introduced in the
`previous parent patent applications.
`Now let us examine how the external storage can actually
`be used by the wireless devices. First, let each server unit (e.g.
`the server 3 of the FIG. 2) partitions its storage system into
`volume and each of the volumes will have multiple GB in
`size. Therefore, each user of the wireless devices can be
`exclusively assigned and access a specific storage Volume.
`For example, if we need to provide each user a 4 GB storage
`space, then a 160 GB disk drive can support 40 users. There
`fore, a 4096 GB storage system on the server unit can support
`a total of 1024 wireless devices for users. Further, any data on
`the wireless device can be transmitted to an assigned storage
`Volume. In addition, the user of the wireless device also can
`download the multimedia data from an ISP or ASP to the
`assigned storage Volume of a designated server unit through
`out-band approach shown in FIG. 3. Finally, the user can use
`a web-browser, which has a functionality of invoking embed
`ded video or music, to enjoy his/her stored multimedia con
`These and other futures, aspects and advantages of the
`present invention will become understood with reference to
`the following description, appended claims, and accompany
`ing figures:
`Referring now to FIG. 1, it demonstrates a configuration
`comprising a network connecting a wireless device and a
`server. In the FIG.1. Net (2) represents a communication link,
`which may be combined with wireless and wired connection
`media and guarantee that the communication packets can be
`sent/received between the wireless device and the server. It is
`also assumed that the net (2) representing an communication
`infrastructure is built up in such way that a user of a wireless
`device can access and browse any web-site on the Internet, the
`Intranet, or a local area network (LAN).


`US 8,606,880 B2
`In FIG. 1, the console support software (5) on the server (3)
`can be configured to support web-based multi-tasks for the
`user of the wireless device (1) via a web browser 8. Further,
`the user of the wireless device is able to perform creating
`structured layered files, directories, or folders, and perform
`data management operations, such as delete, move, copy,
`rename for data files or folders, directories and etc. on an
`assigned storage Volume associated with the server (3).
`In addition, the other software modules (9) of the wireless
`device (1) is configured to send data to or receive data from
`the other service modules (7) running on the server (3) via
`communication link (2) through a suitable IP or non-IP based
`protocol. The data being sent cold be a digital photo picture,
`a message and etc.
`Also, the console supporting software (5) of the server (3)
`and the other software modules (9) of the wireless device (1)
`can be implemented with any Suitable languages such as C.
`C++, Java, etc. depending on the implementation.
`Besides, the web-browser (8) of the wireless device (1) can
`be implemented any suitable software. The web browser is
`configured to communication with web server Software (4) on
`the server (3) with any other web server through the HTTP
`On the other hand, FIG.2 has demonstrated that the storage
`system 10 of a server 3 can be allocated to multiple wireless
`devices. First, the storage system (10) of the server (3) can be
`partitioned into multiple storage Volumes (11) by administra
`tion staff through a web-console (13) of a console host (12).
`Second, the storage system (10) of the server (3) can be
`partitioned in Such way that each of the wireless devices can
`be allocated with a storage Volume having a desired size,
`therefore, the server 3 can support maximum numbers of the
`wireless devices.
`In addition, the storage connection media could be any
`kind of cables, such as SCSI cable, IP cable, Fiber cable etc.
`or could be wireless communication media. The storage sys
`tem itself could be various types.
`Finally, the storage system 10 can be accessed by each of
`the wireless devices through IP or non-IP based network and
`FIG.3 has demonstrated that a user from a web-browser (8)
`on a wireless device (1) can download data from a known
`web-site (12) to his/her allocated external storage (10) on the
`server (3). The dash-lined path (a) represents a communica
`tion channel between the wireless device (1) and a remote
`downloading web-site (12) that provides downloading con
`tents. The dash-lined path (b) represents a communication
`channel between the wireless devices (1) and the storage
`server (3). The dash-lined path (c) represents a communica
`tion channel between the server 3 and the remote web-server
`The Use of the External Storage by the Wireless Device:
`The FIG. 2 shows a simplified diagram of the wireless
`devices (1 of FIG. 2) using the external storage system (10 of
`FIG. 2) of the server (3 of FIG.2) for effectively resolving the
`storage limitation problem for the wireless devices (1 of FIG.
`Partition Storage Volumes (FIG. 2)
`With this invention, the entire storage (10 of FIG. 2) on the
`server (3 of FIG. 2) needs to be partitioned into suitable size
`of volumes (11 of FIG. 2) such as 4 GB for each volume. This
`will allow the server 3 to serve maximum number of the
`wireless devices (1 of FIG. 2). With the web console support
`software (5 of FIG. 2) of the server (3 of FIG. 2), tasks of
`partitioning the storage system 10 can be done through a
`web-console (13 of FIG. 2) on a console host (12 of FIG. 2) by
`an administrative staff.
`In order to Support storage partitioning, first the console
`support software (5 of FIG. 2) of the server (3 of FIG.2) must
`send storage information of the server (3 of FIG. 2) to the
`web-console (13 of FIG. 2) of the console host(12 of FIG. 2).
`The storage information includes each storage device's name
`and total size etc. Second, based on the received storage
`information the administration staff on the console host (12 of
`FIG. 2) can use a web-console (13 of FIG. 2) to fill out and
`send the storage partition information to the console Support
`software (5 of FIG. 2) of the server (3 of FIG. 2). The storage
`partition information includes the number of the partitions
`(volumes) and the size of each partition (volume). Third,
`upon receiving Storage partition information from the web
`console (13 of FIG. 2) of the console host (12 of FIG. 2), the
`console support software (5 of FIG. 2) of the server (3 of FIG.
`2) performs the actual storage partition to divide the entire
`storage into multiple Small Volumes. Finally, for each Small
`storage Volume, a corresponding file system could be built up.
`Assign Storage Volumes (FIG. 2):
`Each of the storage Volumes together with its correspond
`ing file system (11 of FIG. 2) on the storage system (10 of
`FIG. 2) of the server (3 of FIG. 2) needs to be exclusively
`allocated and exported to a specific wireless device (1 of FIG.
`2) by the console support software (5 of FIG. 2) of the server
`(3 of FIG. 2).
`Data and Storage Volume Management (FIG. 2)
`With the support of the console support software modules
`(5 of FIG.2) of the server (3 of FIG.2), the user of the wireless
`device (1 of FIG.2) can via the web-browser 8 of FIG. 2 setup
`folder/directory structure on the file system of his/her
`assigned external storage Volume (11 of FIG. 2). In addition,
`the user of the wireless device (1 of FIG. 2) can via the
`web-browser 8 of FIG.2 performall data management opera
`tions such as delete, copy, move, rename etc. for file system.
`In order to Support such data management on the external
`storage (10 of FIG. 2) allocated to the wireless device (1 of
`FIG. 2) via the web-browser 8 of FIG. 2, first the console
`support software modules (5 of FIG. 2) of the server 3 of FIG.
`2 must communicate with the web-browser (8 of FIG. 2) of
`the wireless device (1 of FIG. 2). Therefore, the user from the
`web-browser (8 of FIG. 2) of the wireless device (1 of FIG.2)
`can choose desired data management operations and send
`operation information to the console Support Software mod
`ules (5 of FIG. 2) of the server 3 of FIG. 2. The mentioned
`operations include establishing folder/directory, copying,
`moving, or reaming data file etc. Second, upon receiving the
`data management operation, the console Support Software
`modules (5 of FIG. 2) of the server 3 of FIG. 2 actually
`process/executes these requested operations for the assigned
`file system of an allocated storage volume (11 of FIG. 2) on
`the server 3 of FIG. 2.
`Store Data from Wireless Device into External Storage
`(FIG. 2)
`To store the data Such as digital photo pictures or messages
`into the file system on the allocated storage (10 of FIG. 2) of
`the server (3 of FIG. 2), the other software modules (9 of FIG.
`2) of the wireless device (1 of FIG. 2) need to send these data
`to the other service modules (7 of FIG. 2) of the server (3 of
`FIG. 2) via communication link between them. Upon receiv
`ing the data, the other service modules (7 of FIG. 2) of the
`server (3 of FIG. 2) write these data to the file system of the
`allocated storage volume (11 of FIG. 2) for the wireless


`US 8,606,880 B2
`device. The protocol used between these two communication
`entities could be either IP or non-IP based protocol.
`Download Data from a Remote Web Server Site into Allo
`cated Storage Volume (FIG. 3)
`If a user of the wireless device (1 of FIG. 3) wants to
`download a data from a remote web server (12 of FIG. 3) into
`the allocated file system (11 of FIG.3) of the allocated storage
`(10 of FIG. 3) on the server (3 of FIG.3), the following steps
`are required:
`1) The user of the wireless device (1 of FIG. 3) via a
`web-browser (8 of FIG. 3) accesses a remote downloading
`web server site (12 of FIG. 3) to obtain information for the
`downloading via path (a) of FIG. 3. For example, the user
`accesses a web-page which contains the data name for the
`2) The other software modules (9 of FIG. 3) of the wireless
`device (1 of FIG. 3) obtain the downloading information,
`which becomes available in the cached web-pages on the
`wireless device (1 of FIG. 3) after the web-browser (8 of FIG.
`3) accessing the web site (12 of FIG. 3).
`3) The other software modules (9 of FIG. 3) of the wireless
`device (1 of FIG. 3) send the obtained downloading informa
`tion to other service modules (7 of FIG. 3) of the storage
`server (3 of FIG. 3) via path (b) of FIG. 3.
`4) Upon receiving the downloading information from the
`wireless device (1), the other service module (7 of FIG. 3) of
`the storage server (3 of FIG. 3) sends a web download request
`to the web-site (12 of FIG. 3) via path (c) of FIG. 3 and
`receives the downloading data streams from the web server of
`the web-site (12 of FIG. 3).
`5) Upon receiving downloading data streams, the other
`service modules (7 of FIG. 3) of the storage server (3 of FIG.
`3) write the data streams into the allocated file system (11 of
`FIG. 3) on the server (3 of FIG. 3) for the wireless device (1
`of FIG. 3).
`Retrieve Data from Allocated Storage for the Wireless
`1) If a web-browser (8 of FIG. 2) on a wireless device 1 of
`FIG. 2 has embedded video or music functionality, a user of
`the wireless device (1 of FIG. 2) can use the browser to
`retrieve and play multimedia data file Such as Video or music
`stored in the allocated storage volume (10 of FIG. 2) located
`on the server (3 of FIG. 2).
`2) If there is a need, the other software module (9 of FIG. 2)
`of the wireless device (1 of FIG. 2) also can retrieve data file
`from the allocated file system of the allocated storage volume
`(11 of FIG. 2) on the server (3 of FIG. 2).
`Support External Storage for a Large Number of the Wire
`less Devices
`If there is a need to provide each user a 2 GB of storage
`space, then a 160 GB disk drive can support 80 users. A 4096
`GB (4 Tera Bytes) storage system on the server unit can
`support 2024 user. Each of the server units only can efficiently
`Support a limited size of the storage system. In order to
`Support a large number of the wireless devices, such as for
`500,000 wireless devices, a larger number of the servers is
`required, in this case 250 servers is required. In order to let a
`larger number of the servers to effectively support the larger
`number of the wireless devices, an infrastructure like
`CCDSVM is desirable, which has been described in previous
`patent applications. With the CCDSVM the control manage
`ment station can control larger number of storage servers to
`provide external storage for a huge number of the wireless
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method for expanding storage capacity of a wireless
`device, the method comprising:
`allocating via a server a storage space of a predefined
`capacity for the wireless device, the storage space being
`remotely located with respect to the wireless device:
`creating a file system for the storage space allocated for the
`wireless device;
`establishing a link for the wireless device access to the
`storage space; and
`updating the file system whenever a user of the wireless
`device performs an operation to the storage

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