`Zaydoon (Jay) Jawadi - August 27, 2020
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` __________
` __________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` _________
` Case IPR2019-01655
` Patent 9,098,526
` __________
` Deposition of
` Thursday, August 27, 2020
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`Zaydoon (Jay) Jawadi - August 27, 2020
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` Page
` Cross-Examination by Mr. McPherson 4
` Exhibit 1001
` Exhibit 1002
` Exhibit 2007
` P1 Petition
` ---o0o---
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`Zaydoon (Jay) Jawadi - August 27, 2020
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` BE IT REMEMBERED that, pursuant to the laws
`governing the taking and use of depositions, on
`Thursday, August 27, 2020, commencing at 8:57 a.m.,
`before me, JOHN WISSENBACH, CSR 6862, of San Francisco,
`California, appeared through videoconference ZAYDOON
`(JAY) JAWADI, at Los Altos, California, noticed as a
`cross-examination witness by the Petitioner, who, being
`by me first duly sworn, was thereupon examined as a
`witness in said action.
`For the Petitioner:
` BY: PATRICK D. McPHERSON, Attorney at Law
` JOHN M. BAIRD, Attorney at Law
` 505 9th Street, N.W., Suite 1000
` Washington, DC 20004-2166
` (202) 776-5214
` (202) 776-7819
`For the Patent Owner:
` BY: GREGORY J. GONSALVES, Ph.D., Atty. at Law
` 1918 18th Street, Unit 4, NW
` Washington, DC 20009
` (571) 206-4847
` 4000 MacArthur Boulevard
` East Tower, Suite 500
` Newport Beach, California 92660
` (650) 600-1298
` ---o0o---
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`Zaydoon (Jay) Jawadi - August 27, 2020
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` Q. Good morning, Mr. Jawadi. How are you?
` A. Good morning. Fine, thank you. How are you?
` Q. Good. My name is Pat McPherson. I'm with the
`law firm of Duane Morris. And we represent the
`petitioner, Unified Patents, in this case. Have you
`been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Because we're doing a remote deposition over
`Zoom, there's a few changes for how depositions do work.
`During the course of this deposition, I expect to be
`showing you some exhibits. And I will use the chat
`feature on Zoom to electronically send you and your
`counsel those exhibits, and you can open them up.
`During the course of the deposition, I expect us to take
`some breaks, and when we take those breaks, I don't want
`you to terminate your connection to the Zoom call,
`because any documents I've shared, any exhibits I've
`shared, are then gone, and we have to go through the
`process again. So if we do need a break, it would be
`good if we could just then stay on. You can go on mute,
`and you can turn your camera off, but you just keep your
`connection there so we don't have to go through the
`process. Is that good?
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`Zaydoon (Jay) Jawadi - August 27, 2020
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` A. Yes.
` MR. McPHERSON: Okay. It looks like someone
`with the name Deepali is trying to join the Zoom call.
`Do we know who that is?
` MR. GONSALVES: Yes. Deepali is also a counsel
`for SynKloud.
` MR. McPHERSON: Oh, okay. Do you want us to
`wait till he joins, Gregg, before we go on?
` MR. GONSALVES: It's a lady. She's a lady.
` MR. McPHERSON: Do you want us to wait for her
`to join first.
` MR. GONSALVES: Yeah, I think that would be
` (Discussion off the record.)
` (Ms. Brahmbhatt joined the deposition.)
` Q. So Mr. Jawadi, as I was saying, if we need to
`go on break you can turn your phone on mute or turn your
`video off, but just keep your connection there so we
`don't have to reload any exhibits that we've been
`discussing. Okay?
` During the break, I ask you not have any
`discussions with your counsel regarding the substance of
`your deposition during the break.
` Do you understand that the purpose of this
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`deposition is to take your cross-examination testimony
`regarding the declarations you submitted in this case?
`Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you submitted two declarations in this
`case; isn't that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. I'm sending Exhibit 2007 to everyone
`through the chat function. And this is the second
`declaration of Zaydoon Jawadi. Can you please let me
`know when you receive that.
` A. When you say you sent it, how did you send it?
` Q. Through the -- a chat function on Zoom. You
`should have -- a chat feature should pop up on the right
`side of your screen.
` A. There it is.
` Q. If you could open that document. Take a look
`at it.
` A. I'm there now.
` Q. Okay. And is that the complete copy? It
`should be through page 123. Can you let me know if
`that's a complete copy of your declaration?
` A. I'm checking.
` It appears to be.
` Q. Now, in preparation for providing this second
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`declaration, what's shown there as Exhibit 2007, what
`did you do, Mr. Jawadi?
` A. Can you repeat the question, please?
` Q. Sure. In preparation for preparing the
`declaration, the second declaration, what did you do to
`prepare for that?
` A. I read the board's decision. I reviewed the
`petition and petitioner's expert's declaration again,
`reviewed my first declaration, reviewed the prior art
`again. I may have done some research, additional
`research. Is this the kind of information you're
`looking for?
` Q. Yes. What additional research did you do?
`What was the purpose of the additional research?
` A. Okay. So -- I'm considering the question.
` For example, I'm looking right now at page 7 of
`my declaration. That's Exhibit '7, that -- that I just
`received. And I viewed those additional exhibits that
`are listed in paragraph 26 of my declaration.
` Q. Okay. On page 7 you don't identify the
`institution decision; is that correct?
` A. I'm checking.
` I do not explicitly identify the decision in
`this list. However, the decision is cited in my
`declaration, in my second declaration, I believe
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`multiple times; at least once.
` Q. But just to be clear, you did review the
`institution decision for the '526 patent; is that
` A. I did.
` Q. And did you disagree with certain portions of
`the institution decision?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` Q. You can still answer the question.
` THE WITNESS: I -- sir, I didn't hear the full
`objection. I just heard "Objection."
` MR. GONSALVES: That was it.
` THE WITNESS: In my declaration, I go over my
`opinions and contrast them with the board's decision.
` Q. And is it your opinion that any portions of the
`institution decision are incorrect?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: For some reason the video all of
`a sudden disappears. Mr. McPherson, all of a sudden
`you're -- you just kind of -- all I get is a blank
` Q. Can you still hear me okay, though?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I'm just --
` Q. I'll try to maintain the same pose, so when I
`come back I'm in the same spot. But if you can hear me
`okay, let's proceed. And maybe there's a bandwidth
`issue on someone's end.
` So let's go back to my question. Upon
`reviewing the board's institution decision, is there
`anything in the institution decision that you believe is
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I disagreed with the board
`decision -- the board's decision regarding multiple
`items, and they're in my declaration.
` Q. Are there any items you disagree with that you
`did not put in your declaration?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall.
` Q. Is it fair to say if you don't identify a
`disagreement with the board in your declaration, then
`you agreed with the board's decision?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
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` THE WITNESS: I'm not an attorney, and this
`seems like a legal question. But that was not my
` Q. Okay. What was your intention with respect to
`identifying areas where you disagree with the board?
` A. My intention was to clarify my original
`opinions and to expand on them.
` Q. Was it also your intention to identify any
`areas of the institution decision that you disagreed
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: May I hear the question again,
` Q. Yes. Was it also your intention to identify
`any areas of the institution decision that you disagree
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall what my intention
`was at that particular moment regarding that particular
` Q. In your declaration, you use the term or the
`acronym POSITA, which I understand stands "for person of
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`skill in the art." Do you recall that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You didn't offer a definition of "person of
`skill in the art," did you?
` A. I'm going to check, just to make absolutely
` It's my understanding that I cannot use the
`search function to search for something.
` Q. I don't know that. I can direct you to
`paragraph 21 of your declaration. See if that helps
` A. I did not render an opinion about the level of
`skill of a person of ordinary skill in the art in this
` Q. So just to be clear, when you use the term a
`"person of skill in the art," are you using the
`petitioner's definition of a person of skill in the art?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I am considering the question.
` Yes. I assumed the definition of person of
`ordinary skill in the art as proposed by petitioner.
` Q. And you reviewed the "State of the Art" section
`in the petition; isn't that correct?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
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` THE WITNESS: I don't recall the exact name of
`every section of the petition. I read the -- our
` Q. Your second declaration does not identify any
`statements from the "State of the Art" section that you
`disagree with; isn't that correct?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall.
` Q. Read your declaration at page 21. You consider
`yourself a person of ordinary skill in the art in 2003;
`is that correct.
` A. Yes, at least.
` Q. And did you do any research to understand what
`the level of skill was for a person of ordinary skill in
`the art back in 2003?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` MR. McPHERSON: Let me strike that question.
` Q. Let me ask you, in preparing to write your
`second declaration, did you do any research to
`understand what the level of skill was of a person of
`ordinary skill in 2003?
` A. Can you repeat the question, please?
` Q. In preparation for your second declaration, did
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`you do any research to understand what the level of
`skill was for a person of ordinary skill in the art at
`the time frame of 2003?
` A. What do you mean, research?
` Q. What are you basing your testimony on as to
`what a person of ordinary skill in the art knew in 2003?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: Can I hear the question again,
` Q. Sure. What are you basing your testimony on as
`to what a person of ordinary skill in the art knew in
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: Based on all the documents that I
`read in this case; based on the additional research that
`I performed regarding this case; also, based on my
`education, training, experience, and knowledge of the
` Q. Okay. In paragraph 24 of your second
`declaration, you say you reviewed "various prior art and
`technical references from the time of the invention."
`Are those the additional references you just referenced?
` A. No.
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` Q. Okay. So in paragraph 24, what are you
`referring to when you say "various prior art and
`technical references from the time of the invention"?
`What are they? Can you identify them?
` A. Anything that I relied on to form my opinions
`is listed in the declaration. I may have and I did
`research other technical references to refresh my memory
`about certain technical aspects of the state of the art
`of the industry, et cetera, and to expand my knowledge
`of that, certain areas. Those are not listed here. But
`the ones that I relied on to form my opinions are
` Q. Can you identify the technical -- the technical
`aspects you were researching?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall sitting right now.
`But I went through the patent itself, the prior art, and
`the decision, and I expanded on multiple that are there.
`Which ones, I don't recall sitting right here.
` Q. Do you have an understanding of what the
`capability of Web browsers were in 2003?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Where did you gain that understanding?
` A. I started working on the Internet around 1999,
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`1998 extensively. And, of course, I used browsers, and
`so forth, several years before, and I was involved with
`data networking several years before.
` Q. So that's your own personal knowledge you have
`from using Web browsers; is that correct?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: What do you mean, personal
` Q. I think you just described that you personally
`worked with Web browsers during that time frame, in 1998
`and 1999, correct?
` A. I started working with browsers way before
`that, and I became -- my career became Internet focused
`around 1999, although it became data networking focused
`a few years before, as well. I mean, I became much more
`involved in networking before.
` Q. Now, when you got involved in this case, did
`you do any research to look back to see what the
`capability of Web browsers were in 2003, apart from your
`own personal knowledge?
` A. I would -- I don't like to -- I think "personal
`knowledge" mischaracterizes my knowledge. It sounds
`like it's something I only know. That's not the case.
` Q. Okay. In preparation for your second
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`declaration, did you review any patents to determine
`what the Web browser capability was in 2003?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: In 2003 I was deeply involved
`with the Internet, including browsers and such. In
`preparation for this declaration, I did review some
`technical references to refresh my memory about the
`capabilities of browsers at that time.
` Q. Can you identify those technical references
`regarding Web browsers that you reviewed?
` A. As I stated earlier, anything I relied on to
`form my opinions I listed. The references or books, or
`whatever, that I reviewed to refresh my memory and
`expand my knowledge that I did not rely on to form my
`opinions I did not list. My understanding is that's
` Q. Did you do any research regarding the
`capability of cache, C-A-C-H-E, storage in 2003 in
`preparation for your second declaration?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: As I recall, I did.
` Q. Did you identify those technical references?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
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` THE WITNESS: As I stated earlier, any
`reference that I rely on to form opinions, any
`references as such are listed. The references that I
`used to just refresh my memory are not listed.
` Q. Okay. My question is, can you identify those
`that you reviewed but did not list?
` A. Sitting right here, I don't recall.
` Q. Do you recall if any of the references you
`reviewed for Web browsers or cache were inconsistent
`with any opinion you've given in your second
` A. May I hear the question again, please?
` Q. Were any of the references you reviewed that
`you did not list in your second declaration inconsistent
`with a position you took in your second declaration?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` Q. Did you do any research on the technical
`aspects of copying and pasting that were available in
`2003 in preparation for your second declaration?
` A. There's some noise.
` Q. It sounded like someone's cell phone on mute.
`It's not mine.
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` A. Okay. Sorry. Can I hear the question again,
` Q. Yeah. Did you do any research about the
`technical aspects of the capability of copy-and-paste
`functionality in the time frame of 2003 for your second
` A. As I recall, yes.
` Q. And do you recall what documents you reviewed?
` A. Sitting right here, I don't recall.
` Q. How about did you do any research regarding the
`technical aspects of drag-and-drop functionality
`capability in 2003 time frame in preparation for your
`second declaration?
` A. As I recall, the answer is yes.
` Q. Can you identify any documents you reviewed for
`that functionality?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. Say that again.
` A. No, I do not recall.
` Q. Did you own a wireless device in 2003?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What did you own?
` A. I don't recall. I've had boxes and boxes of
`old cell phones in the garage. I think I gave them away
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` Q. So you owned a cell phone in 2003; is that
` A. Yes.
` Q. Were you a BlackBerry guy?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: What do you mean, I was a
`BlackBerry guy?
` Q. I'm looking at your picture now, and it says
`"iPhone 7." So I would call you an iPhone 7 guy now.
`Did you own a BlackBerry back in 2003?
` A. I don't believe I did, although we had at least
`a couple that we used in the company for -- for people
`on an as-needed basis; as I recall, at least one.
` That was -- excuse me. That was maybe --
`probably before. I don't recall. To be honest with
`you, I don't recall. I did not have -- I did not have a
`BlackBerry device.
` Q. Do you recall when you got your first mobile
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't. It's been so many
`years. And definitely before 2003.
` Q. Do you recall the first make of the cell phone
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`you had?
` A. I don't believe I opined about this in my
` Q. You can still answer the question.
` A. It's not something I opined about. I didn't go
`back in preparation for this and examine every make of
`phone and when I owned it. I'm not prepared to answer
`that kind of question.
` Q. I just want to know if you have knowledge. If
`you have knowledge of it, you're required to give that
`to me, without regard to whether you like my question or
`not. Your counsel will object, and you're still
`required to answer.
` A. It's been many years ago. I've had many
`different types of phones, and many different makers. I
`don't recall exactly. I've had Motorolas, I've had
`Samsungs, of course Apple, and others. I don't recall
`every kind of phone type and maker that I've ever used.
`It's been many years.
` Q. So let's take, for example, your Motorola
`phone. Do you recall whether that had a Web browser?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall.
` Q. How about your --
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` A. I don't recall.
` Q. How about your Samsung phone? Do you recall if
`that had a Web browser?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. How about your Apple phone? Do you know
`whether that has a Web browser?
` A. The Apple phones I've had, they all had Web
` Q. Do you recall in 2003 whether you owned a PDA?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall explicitly in 2003
`what I had in terms of devices.
` Q. Okay. What do you understand a PDA to be?
` A. Personal digital assistant, typically something
`like a Palm device.
` Q. Did you own a Palm device?
` A. In my household, we had a large assortment --
`assortment of devices, which some of us shared. And I
`don't recall which ones we had.
` Q. So you don't know whether one of those was a
`Palm device or not?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I was familiar with the Palm
`device, and I had used it before, before 2003.
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` Q. Did that Palm --
` A. And 2004.
` Q. Did that Palm device have a Web browser?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. What was the first wireless device you used
`that had a Web browser?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall.
` Q. In your second declaration, you offer some
`opinions about the availability of Web browsers in 2003.
`I'm trying to find out, what is the basis for that
`knowledge. We see now it wasn't your personal knowledge
`of working with them, because you can't answer any of my
`questions there. Were there other documents that you
`reviewed that informed you as to whether Web browsers
`were used in 2003 on wireless devices?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection; mischaracterizes his
` THE WITNESS: The statement that was made
`misstates and mischaracterizes my experience, my
`personal experience, with wireless devices. I don't
`think that's what I said. Not remembering explicitly
`what I owned in 2003 does not mean I don't have that
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`knowledge, I didn't have that knowledge at the time. So
`I want to clarify that.
` In terms of what was available in 2003,
`documents were available, are available. A person can
`look at the various documents of these devices online
`and understand the capabilities, which is what I did.
` Q. And did you identify any of those documents in
`your second declaration?
` A. As I mentioned earlier, I refreshed -- I did
`not rely on any of these documents to form opinions. I
`refreshed my knowledge and confirmed my knowledge, and I
`did not cite those in the materials reviewed, but I
`cited the materials that I relied on to form opinions or
`to express opinions in this declaration.
` Q. Would it be accurate to say that the use of Web
`browsers was common on wireless devices in 2003?
` A. Generally, yes.
` Q. Do you understand how Web browsers work today?
` A. The question is vague.
` Q. Do you understand how Web browsers work today?
` A. Do you mean I understand them today, or do I
`understand how they work --
` Q. Today.
` A. How are -- browsers are today?
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` Q. Yes.
` A. No, which one?
` Q. Any Web browser. Do you understand how any Web
`browser works today?
` A. Again, the question is vague. Do you mean I
`understand -- my understanding as of today, or --
` Q. Yes.
` A. -- is it my understanding of devices as they
`are today? Which one?
` Q. Devices as they are today. Do you understand
`how a Web browser works?
` A. I understand. Yes, I do. But it depends.
`This is a vague question. I mean, it's a vast field.
`There could be some -- some bit somewhere, some
`technical aspect, that I may not know. But general
`knowledge about how they operate, and so forth, yes.
` Q. Do you think your knowledge about how Web
`browsers operate today is sufficient to be able to
`assist the board in understanding how Web browsers
`operate through your experience and education with Web
` A. I've been in the Internet field for more than
`20 years. I've used browsers for -- for years before
`that, as well. I have looked at source code. I have
`done -- I have built websites. I've done extensive work
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`on the Internet, with the Internet, in many different
`areas related to the -- to the Internet, as well, so
`definitely yes.
` Q. Okay. And how about the same question about
`how Web browsers operated in 2003? Do you feel you have
`sufficient knowledge through your education and training
`to be able to assist the board in understanding how Web
`browsers operated in 2003?
` A. Yes. And I would add that not just my
`education and -- and training but also knowledge and
` Q. Because you used Web browsers in 2003; isn't
`that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You used --
` A. And that -- no, that's not -- that's not the
`only reason.
` Q. But you did use Web browsers in 2003, correct?
` A. Yes. I've answered that.
` Q. And you used Web browsers on wireless devices
`before 2003; isn't that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you familiar with Web browsers in 2003 that
`did not use cache?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
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` THE WITNESS: I have not done an extensive
`research about what browsers included cache or not in
` Q. Okay. Can you identify any Web browsers that
`you're aware of in 2003 that did not include cache?
` A. I have not done research to identify exactly
`which browsers did not have cache or did have cache, the
`full slate of all the wireless devices, to see.
` Q. Can you identify for me any Web browsers in
`2003 that did include cache?
` MR. GONSALVES: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I believe the prior art
`references, at least one of them in the -- in this
`petition, included cache.
` Q. Are you aware of any others?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. What other Web browsers were you aware
`of in 2003 that include cache?
` A. Internet Explorer, for example.
` Q. Any others?
` A. Firefox, which may have had a different name at
`the time.
` Q. Any others?
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE

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