`Richard Skibo
`Richard 8. Murrny
`Secure Network Access
`Using Multiple Applications
`of AT&T’s Smart Card
`Fraud amounting annually to billions of dollars occurs due to the failure of
`conventional network access security systems, including data, voice, and
`credit card authorization networks. At the same time, consumers demand
`greater convenience in their daily lives, where a multitude of passwords and
`personal identification numbers, badges, keys, and other devices have
`become unmanageable. In response to the obviously conflicting needs,
`AT&T has developed a credit card sized device, the contactless AT&T
`Smart Card. By means of an internal microprocessor, the card provides the
`secure partitioning of authentication codes and data files, as well as encryp
`tion capabilities, using the data encryption standard. This paper provides a
`basic description of the card technology, and the overall architecture of
`securing access to multiple networks with the AT&T Smart Card.
`The design of network security sys-
`tems requires a balance between how secure
`the system can be and how easy it is for a
`legitimate network user to access it. This bal-
`ance is increasingly difficult to maintain as
`costs from fraud and theft escalate, while
`users demand even simpler and more conve-
`nient access. The AT&T Smart Card uses an
`embedded processor that gives both the sys-
`tem designer and the system user a powerful
`authentication tool, yet it looks and feels like
`an ordinary credit card.
`This card provides secure access to
`multiple applications using a combination of
`security systems for access. A single card
`could provide:
`- Physical access, such as opening doors to
`a building or vehicle, or turning on a com-
`puter or other restricted equipment;
`- Financial access. such as withdrawing cash
`from a bank;
`- Credit access. such as validating its use
`as a credit card;
`- Health care information access, such as
`providing information on health care
`records and insurance eligibility; and
`- General data access, such as getting per-
`mission from a security server to access a
`variety of databases.
`With the ATSL'I‘ Smart Card, the user
`no longer has to maintain a personal library
`of personal identification numbers (PINS) and
`passwords. At the same time, security sys-
`tem designers and administrators are assured
`that their individual network authentication
`schemes are kept private and secure. Security
`system design now can focus on a user hav-
`ing only a single card (also called a “token”}
`or two for a variety of purposes. Such a card
`could be:
`- A student identification (ID) card that pro-
`vides indentification, as well as access to a
`student’s dormitory, library, dining hall,
`and gymnasium;
`- An employee ID card that provides not only
`access to company buildings, but also com-
`pany equipment, such as computers, copy—
`ing machines, the company library. and
`other services and facilities;
`- A multifunction smart credit card that pro-
`vides not only identification, but also
`secure credit or debit transactions, such as
`the student ID mentioned above that can
`also be used as a charge card at the school
`bookstore, library copying machines, and
`snack bars: and
`- Stored-value cards, for example. cards that
`can be pro-paid for specific functions, such
`as telephone calls—a particularly popular
`Square v. 4361423 Canada Inc. IPR2019—01650
`Square Exhibit 1027
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`Square Exhibit 1027
`Square v. 4361423 Canada Inc. IPR2019-01650
`Page 1 of 12
`Panel 1. Acronyms Used In This Paper
`integrated circuit
`to reset, the information returned by a
`Smart Card when power is applied.
`CBC-Cipher block chaining. One of various modes of
`DES encryption.
`D S D a t a encryption standard
`ECB-Electronic code book. One of various modes of
`DES encryption.
`EF-Elementary files
`EEPROM-Erasable electronic programmable read-only
`rc-Integrated circuit
`ISO-International Organization for Standardization
`MAC-Message authentication code
`feedback mode. One of various modes of
`DES encryption.
`identification number
`type select
`RAM--Random access memory
`ROM-Read-only memory
`w-Security application module
`T=O, T=l-Asynchronous, half-duplex transmission pro-
`tocol defined in ISO Standard 78163
`use in Europe, or highway tolls. Such a card has the
`capacity to store “electronic money” that can be deb-
`ited as the card user spends it.
`Growth of Smart Cards
`Smart cards are a subset of the rapidly growing
`integrated circuit (IC) card industry. More than 200 mil-
`lion IC cards have been deployed, mainly for providing a
`convenient method of storing monetary value. About 10
`percent of these IC cards are “smart” cards, that is, their
`processing capabilities extend beyond just debit/credit
`functions. But the number of smart cards is increasing,
`stimulated by four conditions:
`- A continuing decline in the cost of microprocessors;
`- An increase in fraud as conventional security
`techniques-based on passwords, PINS, and magnetic
`stripe credit cards-fail;
`= A dramatic trend away from centralized security
`schemes and toward distributed security access sys-
`tems, in which a portable security token, such as the
`AT&T Smart Card, is invaluable; and
`= The confusion and resistance of network users and
`consumers who are overwhelmed by a proliferation of
`various cards, passwords, PINS, and physical keys for
`individual systems.
`By combining the functionality of the various
`authentication tokens, the AT&T Smart Card greatly
`simplifies the daily life of the network user-while pro-
`viding enhanced security.
`Overview of Smart Card Technology
`Essentially an &bit computer inside a credit card,
`the contactless AT&T Smart Card contains a proprietary
`operating system and either 3 kilobytes or 8 kilobytes of
`user-accessible, non-volatile memory. The card merges
`innovative concepts in electrical and physical design, as
`well as in materials engineering. A functional diagram of
`the AT&T Smart Card is shown in Figure 1. The main
`components of the card are:
`- An %bit microprocessor with on-board read-only mem-
`ory (ROM), erasable electronic programmable read-
`only memory (EEPROM), a small amount of random
`access memory (RAM) available from the operating sys-
`tem, and enhanced security functions;
`= Power-conditioning circuitry;
`= Custom application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC),
`for data translation and power conditioning; and
`- Patented contactless reader/writer capacitive plates
`and inductive power transfer coil.
`why it’s Smart. The AT&T Smart Card’s EEPROM
`supports a minimum of 100,000 read/write cycles. In
`addition to containing a complete computer system, the
`card meets all relevant international and domestic stan-
`dards for magnetic stripe credit cards, including thick-
`ness, life-cycle bending, and the ability to be handled by
`automated credit card machinery.
`The AT&T Smart Card can communicate at up to
`19,200 bits per second with a reader/writer machine, the
`device that reads data from, or writes data into, the card.
`The card supports the International Organization for
`Page 2 of 12
`Front label (1)
`Structural polyvlnyl chlorlde (2)
`(stlffener for strength)
`Fiexlble prlnted clrcult layer (3)
`Back label (4)
`Transmit and
`capacitor plates
`Analog interface chip
`Power conditioning
`Clock recovery
`Signal conditioning
`6 Kbytes read only memory (ROM)
`3 Kbytes electronically erasable
`programmable ROM (EEPROM)
`Figure 1. The AT&T
`Smart Card includes an
`&bit microprocessor
`with on-board read-only
`memory (RoM), eras-
`able electronic pro-
`grammable read-only
`memory (EEPROM), ran-
`dom access memory
`(RAM) available from
`the operating system,
`and enhanced security
`functions. It also has
`circuitry, custom
`integrated circuit
`(ASIC) for data trans-
`lation and power
`conditloning, and
`patented contact-
`less reader/writer
`capacitive plates and
`inductive power
`transfer coil.
`Standardization @SO) specification for answer to reset
`(ATR) (the information returned by a Smart Card when
`power is applied), and protocol type select (ITS), for T=O
`protocols (used to transmit data to and from the
`and ~ = i
`Smart Card in character or block mode, respectively).
`The card’s operating system resides within the single-
`chip microprocessor. All access to it’s memory must be
`through the card’s microprocessor, which arbitrates the
`request based on the permissions that were installed dur-
`ing the creation of the card’s protected file or directory.
`In describing the features of the contactless
`AT&T Smart Card, it is important to distinguish it from
`the contact-type IC cards in use today, most of which:
`= Primarily support a single application,
`= Require physical contact with a reading machine, and
`= Contain only an EEPROM memory device, with limited
`or no security functions.
`In contrast, the AT&T Smart Card:
`= Supports multiple applications of either single or
`multiple vendors,
`= Doesn’t require physical contacts in order to be
`- Has a processor-supported operating system with a
`read by a machine, and
`variety of security techniques and levels of security.
`why It’s Contactless. In addition to the micropro-
`cessor, the most obvious difference between the AT&T
`contactless smart card and a contact IC card is in the
`physical and electrical interface.
`Typical Contact Card. The contact-type interface
`uses an eight-position contact located at one corner of the
`card. The exposed, external interface provides an easy
`point of access for damage from static discharge, and this
`external interface can be physically damaged by abrasion,
`corrosion from perspiration, and various environmental
`chemicals. An inexpensive contact card reader also uses
`delicate contacts, which may be damaged by extensive
`use, abuse, vandalism, or other misuse-all of which can
`result in the user being denied service. To make the
`contact-type reader robust, a motorized transport is
`required, at the insertion slot of the reader machine, to
`take the card away from the user for reading. While
`desirable in certain applications, such as automatic teller
`Page 3 of 12
`Functional Dlagram of AT&T Smart Card
`Figure 2. The AT&T
`Smart Card has an
`operating system
`that implements a
`hierarchical flle sys-
`tem. The physical
`separation of files Is
`possible using dif-
`ferent branches of the
`hierarchy. Access per-
`missions, such as
`read, write, and exe-
`cute, can be assigned
`on a per-flie or per-
`directory basis. The
`hierarchical structure
`permits a card pro-
`vider to offer various
`levels of access and
`functionality, as well
`as permitting multiple
`applications providers
`to offer a variety of
`services-all on a
`single card.
`machines and vending machines, this mechanical com-
`plexity can add significant cost and bulk to a reader
`machine. This motorized transport also is annoying to
`card users when the machine erroneously “eats” the
`card, due to either incorrect data or a mechanical glitch.
`AT&T’S Contactless Interface. In contrast, AT&T’s
`contactless interface uses an inductive coil for power
`transfer and capacitive plates for information transfer.
`These components transfer data to a matching set of
`components in the reader/writer machine interface.
`Inductive power transfer and capacitive data transfer pro-
`vide a highly reliable and inexpensive circuitry.
`All card-related components are laminated
`beneath the surface of the card; the corresponding
`Page 4 of 12
`reader components may be encapsulated beneath a plas-
`tic housing, as required. No external contacts are visible
`to the user or to a potential vandal or hacker.
`The components required by a reader machine
`to interface with the contactless AT&T Smart Card
`include a coil, a custom ASIC, several passive compo-
`nents, and approximately four square inches of circuit
`board space to accommodate the capacitive transfer
`plates and the associated circuitry. When produced in
`quantity, the cost of these additional components is quite
`minimal. The actual cost to the end user depends on a
`variety of parameters, including the method by which the
`reader manufacturer incorporates the contactless inter-
`face and the overall system parameters. In general, the
`incorporation of the contactless interface into an existing
`magnetic stripe reader design is significantly less expen-
`sive than a conversion for a contact interface.
`Operating System Security
`The AT&T Smart Card was designed with the
`fundamental requirement that information be securely
`accessed and stored on the card. This is possible
`through the card operating system, which implements a
`hierarchical file system as shown in Figure 2. The physi-
`cal separation of files is possible using different branches
`of the hierarchy. Access permissions, such as read,
`write, and execute, can be assigned on a per-file or per-
`directory basis. The hierarchical structure permits a card
`provider, such as a corporation issuing employee ID
`cards, to provide various levels of access and functional-
`ity. In addition, the structure permits multiple application
`providers (vendors) to offer a variety of services-all on
`a single card.
`For historical reasons, directories within the
`smart card are called either dedicated files (DF) or sub-
`dedicated files (SF). Data files are called elementary files
`(EF). The root directory is called the master file (MU.
`Secure Multiple Applications. Each provider or
`application that an AT&T Smart Card supports must be
`guaranteed to have its own high degree of security.
`Therefore, the card features multiple directories, and
`every application is contained in its own dedicated file
`and has its own set of security attributes, thus completely
`isolating it from all other applications. An application may
`use one dedicated file, with multiple subdedicated files
`and elementary files, to protect data from other applica-
`tions. All information is fully partitioned and secured,
`therefore, through the hierarchical file system. This
`allows the card to support added services and expanded
`functionality, even after it has been issued, while still
`maintaining complete data integrity and security for all
`applications, whether provided by one or more vendors.
`Restricted ~atabases. As the smart card is essen-
`tially a highly secure, but portable and robust file system,
`there is no intrinsic concept of user ownership. Rather,
`through the use of PINS and keys (binary numbers used to
`encrypt and decrypt information), it is possible for each
`user to access different subsets of files and directories in
`the card’s database. A file present on all cards issued by a
`provider, for example, can become readable only through
`the valid presentation of a PIN or key known to one group
`of users, but not available to another group. This allows
`information to be available on all cards, yet hidden to vari-
`ous users, based upon the card provider’s judicious disclo-
`sure of the appropriate PINS or keys.
`The AT&T Smart Card is generally configured to
`allow access to all applications by use of a single PIN
`known by the cardholder, plus various keys known by
`each application owner. To segment applications, unique
`directories normally are assigned to each application,
`with each application assigned unique security keys.
`Such a card could be the employee ID issued to
`workers in, for example, a munitions plant. An employee
`ID card could grant general access to the plant grounds,
`but restrict access not only to a certain building, but to
`specific areas within that building. In addition, the card
`might restrict access not only to certain computers or
`other facilities within that building, but even to certain
`files and directories within the computer’s database. The
`card also could contain the employee’s medical informa-
`tion, job history, signature, encoded photo, and other
`pertinent data. It even could be used to withdraw sup
`plies from the company stockroom and to charge meals
`at the company cafeteria.
`Once the security required for an application is
`determined, the access conditions of the card associated
`with any created files or directories can never be
`changed for that card. While certainly requiring more
`upfront analysis and design for an application, this mech-
`anism ensures that no security limitations can ever be
`introduced by some later modification of the card. Addi-
`tionally, even though the properties of the data encryp
`tion standard (DES) used by the card make exhaustive
`key searches by a hacker or vandal quite unlikely, and
`Page 5 of 12
`certainly very expensive, if an access key is discovered
`by an unauthorized user, the access key could be
`changed in the reader machine. Such a change would be
`accomplished by the use of another access key. Four
`such keys can be created in each application directory.
`Of course, these additional access keys would have to be
`reserved only for this function and not be used in other
`operations, where they could be inadvertently disclosed.
`Levels of Security. The AT&T Smart Card pro-
`vides built-in functionality to perform varying levels of
`security. The following describes the basic security func-
`tionality contained on the card:
`- Files protected by a personal identification number
`are only accessible after the user presents a valid PIN.
`The card compares the user-entered PIN with a previ-
`ously shared value. To protect against “PIN guess-
`ing,” an internal counter tracks the number of suc-
`cessive, unsuccessful attempts. Once the codig-
`urable threshold is reached, no further PIN attempts
`are accepted by the card, and the card is essentially
`disabled. The card can be configured so that it could
`be either permanently disabled or temporarily dis-
`abled until some administrative security procedure
`is performed on it.
`- Data transferred to and from files also can be pro-
`tected against tampering by appending a message
`authentication code (MAC). This code prevents the
`undetected modification of any data transferred to or
`from the card. The MAC is calculated using the DES
`cipher block chaining (CBC) mode on the data.
`- Authentication requires the presentation of a valid DES
`encrypted value. To protect against “key guessing,” an
`internal counter tracks the number of successive,
`unsuccessful attempts. Once a fixed threshold is
`reached, no more authentication attempts are possi-
`ble, and the card can be either permanently or tem-
`porarily disabled. The value is calculated using the DES
`electronic code book mode. The key is never directly
`disclosed in un-encrypted form, in order to prevent
`theft. Rather, a value determined either by the card or
`by the network is encrypted with the key and passed
`back to the other for validation.
`- Finally, all communications with the card can be per-
`formed in encrypted mode. This mode eliminates any
`unauthorized access to information when reading
`from or writing to the card. Further, a MAC, calculated
`using CBC mode, also is appended to the encrypted
`message. All information is encrypted using the DES
`output feedback mode.
`Table I summarizes the access conditions, from
`least restrictive to most restrictive, which can be
`assigned to the access of every file or directory on the
`AT&T Smart Card. Additionally, several of the access
`conditions can be combined.
`Validation Mechanisms
`The AT&T Smart Card provides for two types of
`- External validation, in which the users authenticate
`- Internal validation, in which the card authenticates
`themselves to the card, and the card then validates the
`user, and
`itself to the network, and the network then validates
`the card.
`In this paper, we regard authentication to be
`the process of a user claiming to be authentic, i.e., being
`whomever he or she claims to be. Signing a check would
`be such a process. Validation is then similar to the teller
`validating the signature and, thus, the signer’s claim of
`authentication. Another example is an employee claiming
`he or she is an authentic employee by showing a com-
`pany pass to a security guard, who validates the pass
`after inspecting it. In the field of encryption, however,
`the two terms often are used interchangeably.
`External Validation. With external validation,
`users must prove their knowledge of the keys contained
`on the Smart Card without, of course, disclosing the key
`to unauthorized users. As such, keys can never be com-
`municated un-encrypted. Once the external validation
`operation is successfully completed by the user, access
`to those operations requiring external validation is possi-
`ble. The basic process of external validation is as follows:
`1. When the card is inserted in the reader machine, the
`machine’s processor asks the card to generate a ran-
`dom number. The reader machine then informs the
`user what the number is.
`2. Via appropriate buttons or keyboard commands on
`the reader machine, the user DES encrypts the random
`number, using electronic code book (ECB) mode, with
`what should be the appropriate key. The user then
`stores the encrypted random number in the reader
`3. The user then instructs the reader machine to send
`the encrypted random number to the card.
`Page 6 of 12
`Table I. Access permissions available on the AT&T Smart Card
`Access code
`Access conditions. Applied to read, update, create,
`delete, and other operations
`Always possible
`Valid presentation of PIN, once per session
`Valid presentation of PIN, once per access
`A message authentication code (MAC) is appended to all
`data communications and validated
`External authentication
`All data communications are encrypted, with a MAC also
`appended to message
`Combination of previous items
`Combination of previous items
`Combination of previous items
`Combination of previous items
`Combination of previous items
`Combination of previous items
`Never possible except through operating system primitives
`4. The card performs DES encryption on the random
`number, also using ECB mode, with the appropriate
`key stored in its memory, and compares its results
`with the encrypted random number passed to the card
`by the user.
`5. Based upon the comparison, the external validation
`operation will succeed if the user and card used the
`same key. Otherwise, the operation will fail.
`It is important to note that an un-encrypted key
`is never transmitted between the card and user. Further,
`since the random number is generated by the card, it is
`not possible to use a previously successful random num-
`ber to authenticate access. This eliminates the potential
`of a “replay attack.” In order to deter the persistent
`attacker waiting for the same random number, the card
`will not generate a new random number if an external
`validation command has not been issued in the interim.
`In any event, the random number is 64 bits long, so the
`attacker would wait quite some time before the same ran-
`dom number was again presented.
`Internal Validation. The basic process used for
`secure network access follows a similar procedure for
`internal validation. In this case, however, the network
`must determine if the user possesses the appropriate
`key, which is stored in the user’s card. The basic process
`of internal validation is as follows:
`1. When the card is inserted in a reader machine to
`access a network, the network generates a random
`number and sends it to the card, via the reader
`2. The card DES encrypts the random number, using ECB
`mode, with the appropriate key.
`3. The card sends the encrypted random number to the
`network, via the reader machine.
`4. The network performs DES encryption, also using ECB
`mode, with the same random number and, presum-
`ably, the same key, and compares the card’s encrypted
`random number with its encrypted random number.
`5. Based upon the comparison of the two encrypted ran-
`dom numbers, the network allows or disallows access.
`It should be noted that although these proce-
`dures seem to place a great deal of burden on the reader
`machine, the machine itself does not have to be a compli-
`cated device. It could be attached to a serial port of a pro-
`cessor, which could perform all the above internal and
`external validation tests in software.
`Again, note that the un-encrypted key is never
`transmitted between the network and user. In actual
`operation, all access to the card would also be PIN pro-
`tected to prevent the use of a lost card.
`WLine security. Validation also supports a dis-
`tributed “off-line” security environment. For example,
`Page 7 of 12
`Initial master key
`Sub-master identification
`User identification
`Figure 3. Through the use of innovative key management
`techniques, a key hierarchy can be created for the AT&T
`Smart Card. A master key can be created, and by using a
`word or words, whether it be a user identification, phrase,
`name, etc., as a ‘seed,” a set of lower-level keys can be
`created, resulting in a unique user key.
`typical building security systems protected by card
`access require a large network of cables connecting door
`readers, door controllers, and host computers. When a
`card is presented to a door reader, the ID number is
`transmitted via the network to a host computer. After the
`ID number is verified, the host computer sends a signal
`to the door controller to open the door.
`By allowing the card to perform the comparison
`against a stored or internally calculated number, the card
`can essentially decide if it is allowed permission. In this
`simple example, a door reader would issue a door ID
`number to the card, the card would search an internal
`database of accessible door IDS, and then decide locally,
`that is, by itself, whether to open the door. This removes
`the need for a significant network infrastructure within
`the building. PIN verification, or some other more sophis-
`ticated method, also could be implemented to protect
`against lost or stolen cards. Encrypted versions of this
`example can be created for even higher security.
`Concerns of Databaseless Key Management
`As stated earlier, the AT&T Smart Card is a natu-
`ral adjunct to a system of off-line authentication. By stor-
`ing the key within the Smart Card, the user does not
`need to know the key, or keys, so no user can in any
`way compromise the security of the system.
`In the simplest realization of this system, a
`common key is stored both in the user’s AT&T Smart
`Card and in a host security application module (SAM),
`which can also be a host smart card. Using the common
`key, the user’s Smart Card and the host SAM can perform
`the processes of internal and external authentication
`described earlier.
`Unfortunately, this process has serious draw-
`backs. If the common key is compromised in any fash-
`ion, the entire distribution system must be revamped,
`since every user’s AT&T Smart Card, as well as every
`host SAM within the system, uses the common key. In
`addition, this process would preclude the revocation of
`security rights to a particular user, since his or her key
`would be identical to every other user’s key.
`An improvement to this method is to assign each
`user a separate and unique key. The security application
`would require a database of every key, mapped to some
`unique user ID number. In this manner, the SAM would
`be able to perform an authentication on a specific user,
`using the user ID as an index into the table of keys. Once
`the key is retrieved, the same bilateral authentication
`process is performed to validate the user.
`While this system is a significant improvement
`over the common key system, the storage of all the keys
`in the authentication device creates some extreme
`difficulties. For example, assuming 300,000 employee ID
`holders of a large corporation, each of them requiring an
`Sbyte key, each SAM would require a minimum of 2.4
`Mbytes of storage. The expense and complexity of the
`SAM, therefore, becomes very significant.
`In a distributed enterprise, the administration of
`such a key system would be extremely difficult, espe-
`cially when one considers the thousands of SAM devices
`that would be required to accept a particular Smart Card.
`AT&T Databaseless Security System. The patented
`AT&T Databaseless Security System removes these limi-
`tations. This particular system, through the use of inno-
`vative key management techniques, permits the creation
`of a key hierarchy to allow not only the simple and effec-
`tive distribution of keys, but the creation of a manage-
`ment hierarchy. This hierarchy is shown in Figure 3.
`In this innovation, a master key card is created
`in a secure environment. Using any word or words,
`whether it be a user ID, phrase, name, etc., as a “seed,” a
`Page 8 of 12
`Table II. Space requirements for various biometric data storage.
`Biometric method
`Feature extraction
`Ultimate data size for
`realistic authentication
`Photo image
`Voice template
`Data compression
`Stroke analysis
`Digital signal processing
`Synactic and other processes
`1000.1500 bytes
`50@1000 bytes
`1000-2000 bytes
`500.1000 bytes
`set of lower-level keys can be created, ultimately result-
`ing in a unique user card. By associating a secret DES key
`physically with a card, it is possible to distribute keys
`throughout the security system as physical cards. This
`could mean that a user or system administrator actually
`has no knowledge of what the key is, but only has posses-
`sion of the appropriate level key card. Keys can then be
`tracked as physical entities that can not be duplicated, sim-
`plifying greatly the security auditing and controls process.
`For example, to validate a user, a security appli-
`cation module would only need to know the “seed,” per-
`haps some user ID. From this, the administrator’s card
`would internally synthesize the user key, and then exe-
`cute the authentication process as required. The synthe-
`sis process, performed by the AT&T Smart Card, basi-
`cally is the conversion of very long keys, generally 10
`times longer than the user key, to a unique user key via
`mathematical operations.
`With the concept of a databaseless key manage-
`ment system, the development of a key management
`hierarchy using the AT&T Smart Card becomes a deter-
`ministic process. This, coupled with the features within
`the card’s operating system, allows remote administra-
`tion of multiple applications on the card over the entire
`useful life of the card.
`Biometric Authentication
`A common method of providing additional secu-
`rity when using a Smart Card is the implementation of a
`PIN. This number is stored in a secure fashion on the
`Smart Card. Although this mechanism is a potent secu-
`rity feature, it still can be circumvented by clever espi-
`onage. The most obvious breach of security involves
`users who write their PINS in less than secure locations,
`offering easy opportunities for compromise.
`A higher level of security can be achieved using
`biometric authentication. In this process, some basic
`physical characteristic of the user is required to validate
`the user’s authenticity. A simple example of biometric
`authentication is a person’s signature. Upon request, a
`user would be required to sign a document, such as a
`check. The biometric data, in this case the signature, is
`then viewed by a validation mechanism, a bank teller,
`and used to validate the user’s authenticity to allow an
`application to be performed, such as dispensing money.
`More sophisticated methods of biometric
`authentication in use today include retinal scans, finger-
`prints, hand geometry, voice prints, facial scans, signa-
`ture comparison, etc. The AT&T Smart Card provides a