`November 2020
`Date and Place of Birth: 29 November 1948, Panama Canal Zone; U.S. Citizen
` Education
`B.S. (Honors), 1970. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California; Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, 1974.
`Professor William S. Johnson, Advisor, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
`Professional Experience
`Cornell University, NIH postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Chemistry
`1974, 1977
`ICIPE, P.O. Box 30772, Nairobi, Kenya; Research Scientist in Chemistry Unit
`1974 – 1976
`Assistant, Associate, Full Professor of Chemistry, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York
`1977 – 1996
`Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Harvard University
`1991 – 1992
`Professor of Biochemistry and Cellular Biology, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York
`1992 – 1996
`Director, Center for Biotechnology, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York
`1992 – 1996
`Chair, Medicinal Chemistry, The University of Utah
`1996 – 2002
`Research Professor of Biochemistry; Adjunct Professor of Chemistry and of Bioengineering,
`1996 – 2018
`The University of Utah; Adjunct Professor of Biology (Utah State University, Logan, UT)
`Presidential Professor, Medicinal Chemistry, The University of Utah (Emeritus 2018)
`1996 – 2018
`Chief Scientific Officer, Echelon Biosciences Incorporated, Salt Lake City, UT
`2001 – 2005
`Chief Scientific Officer, Sentrx Surgical, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT
`2004 – 2005
`Senior Scientific Advisor, Carbylan BioSurgery, Inc., Palo Alto, CA
`2005 – 2007
`Chief Scientific Officer, Glycosan BioSystems, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT
`2006 – 2011
`Scientific Advisor, Sentrx Animal Care, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT
`2006 – current
`Scientific Advisor, Echelon Biosciences-Frontier Scientific, Salt Lake City, UT
`2008 – current
`Chief Scientific Officer, GlycoMira, LLC and GlycoMira Therapeutics, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT
`2008 – current
`Scientific Advisor, BioTime, Inc., Alameda, CA
`2011 – 2014
`Chief Executive Officer, Metallosensors, Salt Lake City, UT
`2012 – 2014
`Chancellor’s Distinguished Visiting Professor, Washington State University, WA
` 2015 - 2018
`Manager, Deuteria Agrochemicals LLC, Reno, NV
`2014 - 2018
`Manager, Deuteria Biomaterials LLC, Reno, NV
`2014 – current
`Emeritus Adjunct Professor of Surgery, Division of Otolaryngology, University of Utah, UT
`2014 – current
`Chief Scientific Officer and Executive VP, Chemistry, Symic Bio, Inc.
`2017 – 2019
`President’s Distinguished Professor, Washington State University
`2018 – current
`President, Matrix Diagnostics Biosystems, Inc, Spokane, WA
`2020 – current
`Professional Affiliations and Interests
`Clear Solutions Biotech, Inc.; Echelon Biosciences Inc.; Sentrx Surgical, Inc.; Carbylan BioSurgery, Inc.;
`Glycosan BioSystems, Inc.; Sentrx Animal Care, Inc.; Clear Solutions Biomedical LLC; GlycoMira, LLC;
`GlycoMira Therapeutics, Inc.; Metallosensors, Inc.; Deuteria Agrochemicals LLC; Deuteria Biomaterials
`Other Administrative and Advisory Roles
`Director, Center for Cell Signaling (1997-2004) and Center for Therapeutic Biomaterials (2004-08); SAB,
`Tissue Engineering Center, CCF (2004-10); VP, International Society for Hyaluronan Science (2004-08);
`SAB, Novozymes Biopolymers (2006-11); SAB, Sorenson Discovery & Innovation Center (2007-11); SAB,
`Organovo, Inc. (2007-16); SAB, Inst. Systems Biol. & Ecol., Czech Academy of Sciences (2007-11); Chair,
`Advisory Board, National Center for Voice and Speech (2010-13); SAB, BOD, Brickell Biotech (2010-13); AB,
`Modern Meadow, Inc. (2012-17) AB, Jade Therapeutics, Inc./Eyegate, Inc. (2012-16); AB, American Med
`Chem (2013-18 ); AB, Asha Therapeutics (2013 - ); SAB, Symic Bio (2014-17); SAB, Amasa Therapeutics,
`(2016 - ); Advisor, Shasqi, Inc. (2017- ); Advisor, C-DOCTOR (2019 -); Science & Innovation Advisor, HTL
`Biotechnology (2020 - ); Director, sp3nw, Spokane, WA (2020 - )
`Research Interests
`Phosphoinositide and lysolipid signaling, therapeutic biomaterials; anti-inflammatory GAGs
`Courses Taught
`Bioorganic Chemistry; Structural Organic Chemistry; Introductory, Honors and Intermediate
`Organic Chemistry, Chemical Ecology; Medicinal Chemistry; Site-Targeted Drug Delivery
`Awards and Honors
`National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow, 1976-1977; National Institutes of Health Senior Fellowship, 1992
`Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellow, 1981-1985; Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, 1981-1986
`Distinguished Research Fellow, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, 1989
`H.C. Brown Lecturer, Purdue University, March 1990
`Paul Dawson Biotechnology Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 1998
`Silverstein-Simeone Award of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, 2001
`Stoel Rives Utah Innovation Awards (Echelon Biosciences, 2003; Sentrx Surgical, 2005)
`Exhibit 1106
`Prollenium v. Allergan
`IPR2019-01505 et al.
`Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, 2005 - current
`Governor’s Medal for Science & Technology, 2006
`VSpring Capital Top 100 Entrepreneurs, 2005, 2006
`TIAA-CREF ‘Greater Good Award’ for 2006-2007
`Utah Business Magazine’s “Health Care Heroes,” 2006
`Volwiler Research Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 2008
`Rooster Prize for Therapeutic uses of Hyaluronan, International Society for Hyaluronan Science, 2010
`University of Utah Distinguished Scholarly and Creative Research Award, 2010
`Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, 2013 -- current
`University of Utah Distinguished Innovation and Impact Award, 2014
`Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science, 2018 – current
`Invited Lectures: Dr. Prestwich has presented over 670 invited talks. Selections from last 9 years are listed below.
` 2010 Stem Cell Summit, New York City, 16 February
`Orthopedic Research Society, Faculty Entrepreneur Program, New Orleans, 7-8 March
`Society of Toxicology, Salt Lake City, 10-12 March
`University of Utah, Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 5 April
`Society for Biomaterials, co-organizer, Glycosaminoglycan Biomaterials in Medicine, Seattle, 21-24 April
`HA 2010, Rooster Prize Award Lecture, Kyoto, Japan, 6-11 June
`Case Western Reserve University, 3rd Annual Business Education Course, Cleveland, 12-15 July
`American Chemical Society Division of Polymer Science, Entrepreneur Program, 22-23 August
`Life Sciences Summit, Hauppauge, NY, 22-23 September
`University of Memphis, Biomedical Engineering, Memphis, September 24
`Institute for Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery, Going to FDA, Plenary, University at Stony Brook, 14 October
`New Jersey Symposium on Biomaterials Science, Rutgers U, 24-26 October
`Pre-symposium Workshop Organizer, TERMIS, Orlando, 5-8 December
` 2011 Rice University, Workshop on 3D Cell Culture, 10 February
`15th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Systems, Salt Lake, 13-16 February
`University of Georgia, College of Pharmacy, Athens, 1 March
`Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, Athens, 2 March
`Symposium Co-organizer and Plenary Speaker, Society for Biomaterials, Orlando, 13-16 April
`Australasian Society for Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering, Queenstown, New Zealand, 27-29 April
`Johnson-Sokatch Lecturer, University of Oklahoma, 11-12 May
`OKBio Lecture, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center, 12 May
`Changchun Institute for Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 27 May
`International Symposium on Biomaterials, Giulin City, China, 29 May – 1 June
`Case Western Reserve University, 4th Annual Business of Regenerative Medicine Course, Cleveland, 11-13 July
`European Society for Biomaterials, Dresden, Germany, 1-2 September
`Pharmacy Alumni Advisory Committee, University of Utah, 6 October 2011
`University of Nebraska, Department of Biochemistry and Redox Biology Center, Lincoln, 11 October
`Plenary Keynote Lecturer, GTC Modern Drug Design and Development, San Diego, 19 October
`Panelist, Modern Devices, Drugs and Delivery Summit, Salt Lake City, 26 October
`Children’s Hospital of Oakland Research Institute, Distinguished Lecture, Oakland, 6 December
`Nano Today, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 11-15 December
` 2012 University of Texas, Austin, Department of Bioengineering, Austin, 2 February
`Translational Medicine Symposium, U of Utah, Salt Lake City, Co-organizer, speaker, 7 February
`Material Research Society Symposium, San Francisco, 12-15 April
`GTC 8th Stem Cell Summit, Boston, 19,20 April
`US-Canada Workshop on Commercialization, Universities of Calgary, Waterloo, and Montreal, 10-15 June
`Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine, Vico Equense, Italy, 2-6 July
`Case Western Reserve University, 5th Annual Business of Regenerative Medicine Course, Cleveland, 14-16 July
`Washington State University, College of Arts & Sciences, Bench to Business, 5 October
`Commercialization Interchange, U of Utah, 17-19 October
`GTC Modern Drug Discovery & Development Summit, Keynote, Philadelphia, 24,25 October
`New Jersey Symposium on Biomaterials Science at Rutgers U, New Brunswick, 13-15 October
`BioTime, Inc., videotaped seminar series on Clinical Biomaterials, Alameda, CA 19 November
` 2013 University of California San Francisco, 14-15 January
`Translational Medicine Symposium, U of Utah, Salt Lake City, Co-organizer, speaker, 19 February
`Executive Summit, Lassonde Center, Salt Lake City, UT 21-23 February
`University of Georgia, College of Pharmacy, Athens, 5 March
`Carnegie Mellon University-McGowan Institute Annual Retreat, 8 March
`Washington State University, NIH Protein Technology Training Grant Keynote Talk, 13 April
`HA 2013, co-organizer and speaker, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, 5-9 June
`Case Western Reserve University, 6th Annual Business of Regenerative Medicine Course, Cleveland, 15-18 July
`University of Utah, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, 8 August
`McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, 9 October
`Commercialization Interchange, U of Utah, 14-15 October
`Penn State University Medical Center, Keynote for Awards Dinner, 22 October
` 3
`2014 University of California, Riverside, Bioengineering, 22 January
`Translational Medicine Symposium, U of Utah, Salt Lake City, Co-organizer, speaker, 11 February
`University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, 20 March
`Biomaterials for Biomolecule Delivery, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, 21-25 April
`Penn State University Medical Center, Hershey, Keynote for Faculty Entrepreneur launch, 29 April 16, 2014
`Intellectual Ventures, Seattle, 7 May
`Gordon Research Conference on Proteoglycans, Andover, New Hampshire, 8-11 July
`Case Western Reserve University, 7th Annual Business of Regenerative Medicine Course, Toronto, 14-17 July
`Skaggs Symposium, Missoula, MT, 14 August
`Commercialization of Micro and Nanotechnologies Symposium (COMS), Salt Lake City, 13 October
`Commercialization Interchange, Midway and U of Utah, 14-16 October
`Rotary Club of Salt Lake, 2 December
` 2015 National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, 22 January
`University of Texas San Antonio Health Sciences Center, 13 April
`Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Keynote, 20-23 April
`HA 2015, co-organizer and speaker, Firenze, Italy 7-11 June
`Rutgers University, Faculty Ambassadors, 22-24 June
`Commercialization Interchange, Salt Lake City, New Brunswick, NJ 13-15 October
`Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Entrepreneurship Talk, 8 October
`Alliance for Arts in Research Universities, Workshop, Va6-8 November
` 2016 Washington State University, Pullman, WA Launch of Entrepreneurial Faculty Ambassadors, 19 January
`University of Montana, Biomedical Engineering & Entrepreneurship, Missoula, MT 24-25 March
`Assoc for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology, Intellectual Property Symposium, Seattle, 30 April
`Translate! 2016, speaker/moderator, Berlin, Germany, 23-27 May
`Gordon Research Conference on Proteoglycans, 10-15 July
`UC Irvine Innovation Center, Entrepreneurship and Translational Medicine, 29 July
`Moving Forward with Stem Cell Therapy, EuroCon web seminar, 6 September
`Commissioned Sounds of Science’s “Reaction Yield” by Third Coast Percussion, 8 October premiere, Chicago
`Led External Review of Innovation and Entrepreneurship team, WSU Pullman and Spokane, 7-9 Nov
` 2017 Leadership Retreat invitee, Mayo Clinic Executive Dean for Research, Tucson, AZ 12-13 February
`Translational Medicine Symposium, U of Utah, Salt Lake City, Co-organizer, speaker, 27 February
`Cornell University, BEST Program, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY 22 May
`HA 2017, Session organizer and speaker, Cleveland Clinic, OH 11-15 June
`90th Birthday Celebration for Jerrold Meinwald, ISCE, Kyoto, Japan, 22 August
` 2018 Health Sciences Entrepreneur Lecturer, University of Utah, 31 January
`ACS Symposium on Frontiers in Glycoscience, 18 March
`Proteoglycans Gordon Conference, Entrepreneurship Power Hour, 8-13 July
`2019 University of Nottingham, Biomaterials Discovery Workshop, 16 January
`Manchester University, Wellcome Center for Cell Matrix Research, 18 January
`Induction Ceremony, AAAS Fellows, 16 February
`Brigham Young University, Bioengineering, 22 February
`University of North Carolina, Dentistry, Biology 9-10 April
`Michigan State University, Chemistry, 12 April
`Stanford University, SPARK, Bioengineering, Medicine, 22-23 April
`HA 2019, Cardiff, Wales, 9-13 June
`University of Virginia, Bioengineering, 29 October
`2020 Inland NW Students (AWIS/GRSA), WSU Spokane, 13 February
` Biomaterials WBC 2020, Keynote, HA Symposium, 12-17 December
`2021 Translate! Berlin, Invited Panelist, 25-26 January
` Biologic Scaffolds Regenerative Medicine, April 28-May 4
` Third Annual Drug Delivery West, 7-8 May
`2022 Proteoglycans Gordon Conference, Program Advisor and Discussion Leader, 13-17 July
` 2.
` 3.
` 4.
` 5.
`Publications of Original Research
`G.D. Prestwich, “I. Solvolysis of trans-9-Methyl-5,9-undecadienyl and trans-Undec-5-
`en-9-ynyl para-Nitrobenzene Sulfonates. II. The Total Synthesis of dl-Serratenediol via a
`Cationic Polyolefinic Cyclization,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, 1974.
`G.D. Prestwich and J.N. Labovitz, “Application of Nonenzymic Biogenetic-like Olefinic
`Cyclizations to the Total Synthesis of dl-Serratenediol,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96,
`7103-7105 (1974).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Chemical Analysis of Soldier Defensive Secretions Species of East
`African Termites,” Proc. IUSSI Symp. (Dijon), pp 149-152 (1975).
`G.D. Prestwich, M. Kaib, W.F. Wood, and J. Meinwald, “1,13-Tetradecadien-3-one and
`Homologs: New Natural Products Isolated from Schedorhinotermes Soldiers,”
`Tetrahedron Lett., 4701-4704 (1975).
`W.F. Wood, M.G. Leahy, R. Galun, G.D. Prestwich, J. Meinwald, R.E. Purnell,
`and R.C. Payne. “Phenols as Sex Pheromones of Ixodid Ticks: A General
`Phenomenon?,” J. Chem. Ecol., 1, 501-509 (1975).
`G.D. Prestwich, F.B. Whitfield, and G. Stanley, “Synthesis and Structures of
`Dihydroedulan I and II: Trace Components from the Juice of Passiflora edulis Sims,”
`Tetrahedron, 32, 2945-2948 (1976).
`G.D. Prestwich, "Composition of the Scents of Eight East African Hemipterans.
`Nymph-Adult Chemical Polymorphism in Coreids,” Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 69,
`812-814 (1976).
`G.D. Prestwich, S.P. Tanis, J.P. Springer, and J. Clardy, “Nasute Termite Soldier Frontal
`Gland Secretions. I. Structure of Trinervi-2b,3a,9a-triol 9-O-Acetate, a Novel Diterpene
`from Trinervitermes Soldiers,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 6061-6062 (1976).
`G.D. Prestwich, S.P. Tanis, F. Pilkiewicz, I. Miura, and K. Nakanishi, “Nasute Termite
`Soldier Frontal Gland Secretions. II. Structures of Trinervitene Congeners from
`Trinervitermes Soldiers,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 6062-6064 (1976).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Chemical Composition of the Soldier Secretions of the Termites
`Trinervitermes gratiosus, Insect Biochem. 7, 91-94 (1977).
`G.D. Prestwich, B.A. Bierl, E.D. DeVilbiss, and M.F.B. Chaudhury, “Soldier Frontal
`Glands of the Termite Macrotermes subhyalinus: Morphology, Chemical Composition,
`and Use in Defense,” J. Chem. Ecol., 3, 579-590 (1977).
`G.D. Prestwich, B.A. Solheim, J. Clardy, F.G. Pilkiewicz, I. Miura, S.P. Tanis, and
`K. Nakanishi, “Kempene-1 and -2, Unusual Tetracyclic Diterpenes from Nasutitermes
`Termite Soldiers,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 8082-8083 (1977).
` 6.
` 7.
` 9.
`G.D. Prestwich, D.F. Wiemer, J. Meinwald, and J. Clardy, “Cubitene: An Irregular
`Twelve-Membered-Ring Diterpene from a Termite Soldier” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100,
`2560-2561 (1978).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Isotrinervi-2b-ol. Structural Isomers in the Defense Secretions of
`Allopatric Populations of the Termite Trinervitermes gratiosus,” Experientia, 34,
`682-683 (1978).
`J. Meinwald, G.D. Prestwich, K. Nakanishi, and I. Kubo, “Chemical Ecology: Studies from
`East Africa,” Science, 199, 1167-1173 (1978).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Termites: Dweller in the Dark,” National Geographic, 153, 532-547
`(April 1978).
`D.F. Wiemer, J. Meinwald, G.D. Prestwich, and I. Miura, “Cembrene A and
`(3Z)-Cembrene A: Diterpenes from a Termite Soldier (Isoptera:Termitidae: Termitinae),”
`J. Org. Chem., 44, 3950-3952 (1979).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Interspecific Variation in the Defence Secretions of Nasutitermes
`Soldiers,” Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 7, 211-221 (1979).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Defence Secretion of the Black Termite, Grallatotermes africanus
`(Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae),” Insect Biochem., 9, 563-567 (1979).
`G.D. Prestwich, J.W. Lauher, and M.S. Collins, “Two New Tetracyclic Diterpenes from
`the Defense Secretion of the Neotropical Termites Nasutitermes octopilis,
`Tetrahedron Lett., 3827-3830 (1979).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Las Termitas: El Increible Mundo de Milliones de Seres Ciegos,
`Sordos y Mudos,” GeoMundo, 2, 704-720 (January 1979).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Chemical Defense by Termite Soldiers,” J. Chem. Ecol., 5,
`459-480 (1979).
`G.D. Prestwich, “Termite Chemical Defense: New Natural Products and
`Chemosystematics,” Sociobiology, 4, 127-138 (1979).
`G.D. Prestwich and J. Vrkoc, “Standard Nomenclature for Termite Diterpenes,”
`Sociobiology, 4, 139-140 (1979).
`D.F. Wiemer, J. Meinwald, G.D. Prestwich, B.A. Solheim, and J. Clardy,
`“Biflora-4,10(19),15-triene: A New Diterpene from a Termite Soldier (Isoptera:
`Termitidae: Termitinae),” J. Org. Chem., 45, 191-192 (1980).
`G.D. Prestwich, S.G. Spanton, J.W. Lauher, and J. Vrkoc, "Structure of
`3a-Hydroxy-15-rippertene. Evidence for a 1,2-Methyl Migration During Biogenesis of
`a Tetracyclic Diterpene in Termites,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 102, 6825-6828 (1980).
`G.D. Prestwich, K.A. Plavcan, and M. Melcer, "Synthesis of Fluorolipids: 1-O-Alkyl-2,3-O-
`Diacylglycerides as Targeted Insecticides," J. Agric. Food Chem., 29, 1018-1022 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich, M.E. Melcer, K.A. Plavcan, "Fluorolipids as Targeted Termiticides and
`Biochemical Probes," J. Agric. Food Chem., 29, 1023-1027 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich, B.L. Bentley, and E.J. Carpenter, "Nitrogen Sources of Neotropical
`Nasute Termites: Fixation and Selective Foraging," Oecologia, 46, 397-401 (1980).
`G.D. Prestwich and D. Chen, "Soldier Defense Secretions of Trinervitermes bettonianus
`(Isoptera, Nasutitermitinae): Chemical Variation in Allopatric Populations,"
`J. Chem. Ecol., 7, 147-157 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich, S.H. Goh, and Y.P. Tho, "Termite Soldier Chemotaxonomy. A New
`Diterpene from Malaysian Nasute Termite Bulbitermes singaporensis," Experientia,
`37, 11-12 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich and M.S. Collins, "Chemotaxonomy of Subulitermes and Nasutitermes Termite
`Soldier Defense Secretions. Evidence Against the Hypothesis of Diphyletic Evolution of the
`Nasutitermitinae," Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 9, 83-88 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich, S.G. Spanton, S.H. Goh, and Y.P. Tho, "New Tricyclic Diterpene
`Propionate Esters from a Termite Soldier Defense Secretion," Tetrahedron Lett.
`22, 1563-1566 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich, R.W. Jones, and M.S. Collins, "Terpene Biosynthesis by Nasute Termite
`Soldiers (Isoptera: Nasutitermitinae)," Insect Biochem., 11, 331-336 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich and M.S. Collins, "A Novel Enolic b-Ketoaldehyde in the Defense
`Secretion of the Termite Rhinotermes hispidus," Tetrahedron Lett., 21, 5001-5002 (1980).
`G.D. Prestwich and B.L. Bentley, "Nitrogen Fixation by Intact Colonies of the Termite
`Nasutitermes corniger," Oecologia, 49, 249-251 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich and M.S. Collins, "3-Oxo-(Z)-9-Hexadecenal: An Unusual Enolic
`b-Keto Aldehyde from a Termite Soldier Defense Secretion," J. Org. Chem., 46, 2383-2385
`H.-M. Shieh and G.D. Prestwich, "Stereoselective Alkylation and Aldol Reactions of
`(S)-(-)-b-Hydroxy-g-butyrolactone Dianion," J. Org. Chem., 46, 4319-4321 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich and M.S. Collins, "Macrocyclic Lactones as the Defense Substances of
`the Termite Genus Armitermes," Tetrahedron Lett., 22, 4587-4590 (1981).
`S.G. Spanton and G.D. Prestwich, "Chemical Self-Defense by Termite Workers:
`Prevention of Autotoxication in Two Rhinotermitids," Science, 214, 1363-1365 (1981).
`G.D. Prestwich and M.S. Collins, "Chemical Defense Secretions of the Termite Soldiers
`of Acorhinotermes and Rhinotermes (Isoptera, Rhinotermitinae): Ketones, Vinyl Ketones,
`and b-Ketoaldehydes Derived from Fatty Acids," J. Chem. Ecol., 8, 147-161 (1982).
`G.D. Prestwich, "From Tetracycles to Macrocycles: Chemical Diversity in the Defense
`Secretions of Nasute Termites," Tetrahedron, Symposium-in-Print, 38, 1911-1919 (1982).
`S.G. Spanton and G.D. Prestwich, "Chemical Defense and Self-Defense: Biochemical
`Transformations of Contact Insecticides Produced by Soldier Termites," Tetrahedron,
`Symposium-in-Print, 38, 1921-1930 (1982).
`J.F. Carvalho and G.D. Prestwich, "Evidence for Stereoselective Lipolysis in a Termite.
`Toxicity of Enantiomeric w-Fluorinated Alkyldiacylglycerols to Reticulitermes flavipes,"
`Insect Biochem., 12, 343-348 (1982).
`G.D. Prestwich, G.E. Kovalick, and J.K. Koeppe, "Photoaffinity Labelling of Juvenile Hormone
`Binding Proteins in the Cockroach Leucophaea maderae," Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,
`107, 966-973 (1982).
`G.D. Prestwich, "Termite Soldiers: Warriors with Chemical Weapons," The Science Teacher,
`49, 50-53 (1982).
`G.D. Prestwich, "The Total Termite," The Science Teacher, 49, 29-33 (1982).
`T.B. Kline and G.D. Prestwich, "Side Chain Modified Sterols as Probes into Insect Molting
`Hormone Metabolism. I. Synthesis of Monofluorophytosterols," Tetrahedron Lett.,
`23, 3043-3046 (1982).
`G.D. Prestwich and B.L. Bentley, "Ethylene Production by the Fungus Comb of
`Macrotermitines (Isoptera, Termitidae): A Caveat for the Use of the Acetylene Reduction
`Assay for Nitrogenase Activity," Sociobiology, 7, 145-152 (1982).
`Y. Naya, G.D. Prestwich, and S.G. Spanton, "Sesquiterpenes from Termite Soldiers.
`Structure of Amiteol, A New 5b, 7b, 10b Eudesmane from Amitermes excellens,"
`Tetrahedron Lett., 23, 3047-3050 (1982).
`H.-M. Shieh and G.D. Prestwich, "Chiral, Biomimetic Total Synthesis of (-)-Aplysistatin,"
`Tetrahedron Lett., 23, 4643-4646 (1982).
`M.S. Collins and G.D. Prestwich, "Defense in Nasutitermes octopilis Banks (Isoptera,
`Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae): Comparative Effectiveness of Soldier Secretion,"
`Insectes Sociaux, 30, 70-81 (1983).
`G.D. Prestwich, J.K. Mauldin, J.B. Engstrom, J.F. Carvalho, and D.Y. Cupo, "Comparative
`Toxicity of Fluorinated Lipids and Their Evaluation as Bait-Block Toxicants for the Control of
`Reticulitermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)," J. Econ. Entomol., 76, 690-695 (1983).
`G.D. Prestwich, H.-M. Shieh, and A.K. Gayen, "Side Chain Modified Sterols as Probes
`into Insect Molting Hormone Metabolism. II. Synthesis of Monofluorocholesterols,"
`Steroids, 41, 79-94 (1983).
`G.D. Prestwich, "The Chemical Defenses of Termites," Scientific American, pp. 78-87
`(August 1983).
`G.D. Prestwich and S. Phirwa, "Synthesis of 29-Fluorophytosterols: A Novel Class of
`Insect-Activated Selective Poisons," Tetrahedron Lett., 24, 2461-2464 (1983).
`G.D. Prestwich, A.K. Singh, J.F. Carvalho, J.K. Koeppe, and G.E. Kovalick, "Photoaffinity
`Labels for Insect Juvenile Hormone Binding Proteins: Synthesis and Evaluation In Vitro"
`Tetrahedron, Symposium-in-Print, 40, 529-537 (1984).
`C.H. Chuah, S.H. Goh, G.D. Prestwich, and Y.P. Tho, "Soldier Defense Secretions of the
`Malaysian Termite Hospitalitermes umbrinus (Isoptera, Nasutitermitinae),"
`J. Chem. Ecol., 9, 347-356 (1983).
`S.H. Goh, C.H. Chuah, Y.P. Tho, and G.D. Prestwich, "Extreme Intraspecific Chemical
`Variability in Soldier Defense Secretions of Allopatric and Sympatric Colonies of
`Longipeditermes longipes," J. Chem. Ecol., 10, 929-944 (1984).
`J.K. Koeppe, G.E. Kovalick, and G.D. Prestwich, "A Specific Photoaffinity Label for
`Hemolymph and Ovarian Juvenile Hormone-binding Proteins in Leucophaea maderae,"
`J. Biol. Chem., 259, 3219-3223 (1984).
`G.D. Prestwich, A.K. Gayen, S. Phirwa, and T.B. Kline, "29-Fluorophytosterols: Novel
`Pro-insecticides Which Cause Death by Dealkylation," Bio/Technology, 1, 62-65 (1983).
`J.F.A. Traniello, B.L. Thorne, and G.D. Prestwich, "Chemical Composition and Efficacy of
`the Cephalic Gland Secretion of Armitermes chagresi (Isoptera: Termitidae),"
`J. Chem. Ecol., 10, 531-543 (1984).
`J.F. Carvalho and G.D. Prestwich, "Synthesis of w-Tritiated and w-Fluorinated Analogues
`of the Trail Pheromone of Subterranean Termites," J. Org. Chem., 49, 1251-1258 (1984).
`G.D. Prestwich, W.-s. Eng, R.M. Roe, and B.D. Hammock, "Synthesis and Bioassay of
`Isoprenoid 3-Alkylthio-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanones: Potent, Selective Inhibitors of
`Juvenile Hormone Esterase," Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 228, 639-645 (1984).
`G.D. Prestwich, "Interspecific Variation of Diterpene Composition of Cubitermes Soldier
`Defense Secretions," J. Chem. Ecol., 10, 1219-1231 (1984).
`G.D. Prestwich, R. Yamaoka, S. Phirwa, and A. De Palma, "Isolation of 2-Fluorocitrate
`Produced by In Vivo Dealkylation of 29-Fluorostigmasterol in an Insect," J. Biol. Chem.,
`259, 11022-11026 (1984).
`M.S. Tempesta, J.K. Pawlak, T. Iwashita, Y. Naya, K. Nakanishi, and G.D. Prestwich,
`"Cubugene: A Diterpenoid with a Novel Carbon Skeleton from a Termite Soldier
`(Isoptera, Termitidae, Termitinae)" J. Org. Chem., 49, 2077-2079 (1984).
`G.D. Prestwich, W.-s. Eng, E. Deaton, and D. Wichern, "Structure-Activity Relationships
`Among Aromatic Analogs of the Trail-following Pheromone of Subterranean Termites,"
`J. Chem. Ecol., 10, 1201-1217 (1984).
`G.D. Prestwich, M.S. Tempesta, and C. Turner, "Longipenol, a Novel Tetracylcic
`Diterpene from the Termite Soldier Longipeditermes longipes," Tetrahedron Lett.,
`25, 1531-1532 (1984).
`G.D. Prestwich, F.A. Golec, and N.H. Andersen, "Synthesis of a Highly Tritiated
`Photoaffinity Labeled Pheromone Analog for the Moth Antheraea polyphemus,"
`J. Labelled Cmpnd. Radiopharm., 21, 593-601 (1984).
`J.K. Koeppe, G.D. Prestwich, J.J. Brown, W.G. Goodman, G.E. Kovalick, T. Briers,
`M.D. Pak, and L.I. Gilbert, "Photoaffinity Labeling of the Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone
`Binding Protein of Manduca sexta," Biochemistry, 23, 6674-6679 (1984).
`E.S. Chang, M.A. Bruce, and G.D. Prestwich, "Further Characterization of the Juvenile
`Hormone Binding Protein from the Cytosol of a Drosophila Cell Line: Use of a
`Photoaffinity Label," Insect Biochem., 15, 197-204 (1985).
`G.D. Prestwich, I. Lucarelli, S.-K. Park, D.N. Loury, D.E. Moody, and B.D. Hammock,
`"Cyclopropyl Oxiranes: Reversible Inhibitors of Cytosolic and Microsomal Epoxide
`Hydrolases," Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 237, 361-372 (1985).
`G.D. Prestwich, R. Yamaoka, and J.F. Carvalho, "Metabolism of Tritiated w-Fluorofatty
`Acids and Alcohols in the Termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (Isoptera,
`Rhinotermitidae)," Insect Biochem., 15, 205-209 (1985).
`T.J. Gush, B.L. Bentley, G.D. Prestwich, and B.L. Thorne, "Chemical Variation in
`Defensive Secretions of Four Species of Nasutitermes ," Biochem. Syst. Ecol.,
`13, 329-336 (1985).
`G.D. Prestwich and B.D. Hammock, "Rapid Purification of Cytosolic Epoxide Hydrolase
`from Normal and Clofibrate-treated Mice by Affinity Chromatography," Proc. Natl. Acad.
`Sci. USA, 82, 1663-1667 (1985).
`G.D. Prestwich, R.G. Vogt, and L.M. Riddiford, "Binding and Hydrolysis of Radiolabeled
`Pheromone and Several Analogs by Male-specific Antennal Proteins of the Moth
`Antheraea polyphemus," J. Chem. Ecol., 12, 323-333 (1986).
`R.G. Vogt, L.M. Riddiford, and G.D. Prestwich, "The Kinetic Properties of a Pheromone
`Degrading Enzyme: The Sensillar Esterase of Antheraea polyphemus," Proc. Natl. Acad.
`Sci. USA, 82, 8827-8831 (1985).
`G.D. Prestwich, J.-w. Kuo, S.-K. Park, D.N. Loury, and B.D. Hammock, "Inhibition
`of Epoxide Metabolism by a,b-Epoxyketones and Isosteric Analogs," Arch. Biochem.
`Biophys., 242, 11-15 (1985).
`G.D. Prestwich, M. Angelastro, A. De Palma, and M.A. Perino, "Fucosterol Epoxide
`Lyase of Insects: Synthesis of Labeled Substrates and Development of a Partition
`Assay," Analyt. Biochem. 151, 315-326 (1985).
`G.D. Prestwich and C. Wawrzenczyk, "High Specific Activity Enantiomerically Enriched
`Juvenile Hormones: Synthesis and Binding Assay," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82,
`5290-5294 (1985).
`B.D. Hammock, G.D. Prestwich, D.N. Loury, P.K. Cheung, W.-s. Eng, S.-K. Park,
`D.E. Moody, and M.H. Silva, "Comparison of Crude and Affinity-Purified Cytosolic
`Epoxide Hydrolase from Hepatic Tissue of Control and Clofibrate-Fed Mice,"
`Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 244, 292-309 (1986).
`Y.-S. Ding and G.D. Prestwich, "Metabolic Transformations of Tritium-Labeled
`Pheromone by Tissues of Heliothis virescens Moths," J. Chem. Ecol., 12, 411-429 (1986).
`G.D. Prestwich, "Molecular Communication of Insects," Quart. Rev. Biol., 60,
`437-456 (1985).
`A.K. Singh and G.D. Prestwich, "Synthesis of Tritium-Labeled Cembrene-A,"
`J. Labelled Cmpnd. Radiopharm., 23, 377-382 (1986).
`G.D. Prestwich, "Fluorinated Sterols, Hormones, and Pheromones: Enzyme-Targeted
`Disruptants in Insects," Pestic. Sci., 37, 430-440 (1986).
`G.D. Prestwich, S. Robles, C. Wawrzenczyk, and A. Bühler, "Hemolymph JH-Binding
`Proteins of Lepidopterous Larvae: Enantiomeric Selectivity and Photoaffinity Labeling,"
`Insect Biochem., 17, 551-560 (1987).
`G.D. Prestwich, J.F. Carvalho, Y.-S. Ding, and D.E. Hendricks, "Acyl Fluorides as
`Reactive Mimics of Aldehyde Pheromones: Hyperactivation and Aphrodisia in
`Heliothis virescens ," Experientia, 42, 964-966 (1986).
`W.-s. Eng and G.D. Prestwich, "Synthesis of Radiolabeled Juvenile Hormone Analogs
`and Chiral Homologs," Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 95, 895-914 (1986).
`M.F. Boehm and G.D. Prestwich, "Synthesis of Radioiodinated Juvenile Hormone
`Analogs," J. Org. Chem., 51, 5447-5450 (1986).
`G.D. Prestwich, W.-s. Eng, M.F. Boehm, and C. Wawrzenczyk, "High Specific Activity
`Tritium- and Iodine-Labeled JH Homologs and Analogs for Receptor Binding Studies,"
`Insect Biochem., 17, 1033-1037 (1987).
`J.R. Wisniewski, C. Wawrzenczyk, G.D. Prestwich, and M. Kochman, "Juvenile Hormone
`Binding Protein from the Epidermis of Galleria mellonella," Insect Biochem., 18,
`29-36 (1988).
`R.G. Vogt and G.D. Prestwich, "Variation in Olfactory Proteins: Evolvable
`Elements Encoding Insect Behavior," Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 510, 689-691 (1987).
`M.F. Boehm and G.D. Prestwich, "Synthesis of High Specific Activity Hydroprene: Use of
`an Iron Carbonyl Adduct to Protect an (E,E)-dienoate During Homogeneous Tritiation,"
`J. Org. Chem., 52, 1349-1351 (1987).
`G.D. Prestwich, "Chemistry of Pheromone and Hormone Metabolism in Insects,"
`Science, 237, 999-1006 (1987).
`F.X. Webster a