`International application number: PCT /I B2010/001367
`International filing date: 10 February 2010 (10.02.2010)
`Document type:
`Certified copy of priority document
`Document details: Country/Office:
`Filing date: 10 February 2009 (10.02.2009)
`Date of receipt at the International Bureau: 13 April 2011 (13.04.2011)
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`34, chemin des Colombettes
`1 211 Geneva 20, Switze1·1and
`Square Exhibit 1022
`Square, Inc. v. 4361423 Canada Inc.
`Page 00001
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`October 13, 2010
`FILING DATE: February 10, 2009
`CONVENTION, IS US611151,459
`By Authority of the
`Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property
`and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Certifying Officer
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00002
`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`Apparatus For & Method of Secure ATM Debit Card & Credit Card Payment
`Transactions via Mobile Phone
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Kenneth G Mages
`Customer Number:
`Probst Dan
`Filer Authorized By:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`1 O-FEB-2009
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
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`IPR2019-01630 Page 00003
`Drawings-only black and white line
`8dc 74886025a4197 cl a454 79a260580e213
`KennethMages_SPEC1 .pdf
`50f29715cbef 68f c6f 1212bfaf0d6f622d0d8
`Oath or Declaration filed
`KennethMages_Oathl .pdf
`Fee Worksheet (PT0-06)
`966Be5c4ca26a62c1 bd6d7311b2a6aade6
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`IPR2019-01630 Page 00004
`Job No.:P1752
`Title of Invention
`"Apparatus For & Method of Secure ATM Debit Card & Credit
`Card Payment Transactions via Mobile Phone"
`Drawing Description
`FIG. 1: is a perspective view of invention 100
`FIG. 2: is a perspective view of invention 100 magnetic strip card reader/ smart card reader 7
`FIG. 3: is a perspective view of invention 100 magnetic strip card reader/ smart card reader 7 with credit card/
`debit card 8 being processed
`FIG. 4: is a perspective view of invention 100 backside of device 9
`FIG. 5: is a plan view of invention 100 connection portal 10 and connection cable 11
`FIG. 6: is a perspective view of invention 100 with the phone jack 10 and phone jack cable 11 in the device
`connected status 12
`FIG. 7: is a perspective view of a cell phone 13 with the phone jack cable 11 in the device connected status 12
`Description List
`100. Overview:
`Invention 100 allows taxi drivers, limo drivers or any other person to collect monies via debit card or credit card &
`store them in the device until the end of the day & then transfer all monies into a designated bank account. The
`invention is a novel method of carrying out electronic payment and transactions using mobile phones.
`This invention adds a new dimension to the e-commerce today by integration mobile and internet
`payment in a seamless manner. The invention applies to various types of online transactions including
`debit/ credit card 8, stored value card and many other electronic payment methods.
`200. Components:
`Invention 100: 1 LCD display screen; 2 on/off function button; 3 send money function; 4 other function button; 5
`receive money button; 6 device pin pad; 7 magnetic strip card reader/ smart card reader; 8 credit card/debit card;
`9 backside of device; 10 device phone jack; 11 phone jack cable; 12 device connection status; 13 cell phone; 14
`clear content button; 15 device back button; 16 device enter/return button.
`300. USE:
`The invention is a device with pin pad 6, magnetic stripe reader 7, smart card reader 7 and LCD display
`screen l. The device communicates with mobile phone 13 via phone jack 10 using analog tone. It
`allows secure electronic fund transfer, debit/credit card 8 transactions over mobile phone. Currently
`the device communicates with mobile phone via phone jack 10 using audio signal. It can communicate
`with mobile phone using Bluetooth or other communication link such as USB or serial port. But the
`method is still data over voice channel.
`Electronic fund transfer over mobile phones is growing popular. There are currently some solutions
`available in the market such as PayPal mobile, Obopay, Swipepay mobile.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00005
`These solutions use either SMS or FPRS as the means of communication. However, these
`communications methods could suffer from an unbounded belay or become unavailable in locations
`where these services are not provided. Therefore, a more relievable method is required for the
`payment space. Another problem of existing solutions is that they require registration and installation
`of software. It is very inconvenient and users may be reluctant or simply do not know how to install.
`More importantly it doesn't work on all mobile phones with some many different combinations of
`hardware and software platforms. Moreover, these solutions are not secure. They are prone to
`spyware or keylogger. Hence they will never be compliant with payment card industry standards such
`as PCI PED. A secure, reliable, convenient and easy to use, universal-to-all- mobile- phone mobile
`payment solution is required.
`The payment system consists of a secure device and a secure payment server.
`A) Secure device for a card data and PIN capture.
`Invention 100 con'sists of a secure microprocessor, memory, LCD display screen l, magnetic strip
`card reader or smart card reader 7 and a pin pad 6. The secure microprocessor controls the
`operation flow of the device. It does the encryption required for transaction and other channel
`encryptions. Operation of the device is displayed on the LCD display screen l. Card data is
`captured by the magnetic strip reader or smart card reader 7. PIN is entered via the pin pad 6.
`B) Secure payment servers for transaction processing.
`The payment servers are used to decrypt the data sent by the phone devices where the data is
`translated and forwarded to payment network for further processing.
`The device can be used for online purchase or money transfer.
`A) Online purchase.
`User goes to the merchant website to purchase. During checkout, he selects this new method
`as payment method and enters his phone number in the merchant website. Merchant sends
`the user phone number along with the purchase details the payment server. When the
`payment server receives the request from the merchant, it will call the phone number provided
`by the user. User connects the device to his phone 12 and finishes transactions according to the
`instructions displayed on the LCD display screen l. On a successful transaction, the payment
`server sends the transaction result back to the merchant for further processing.
`B) Person to person money transfer.
`To send money-
`User plugs the device into his mobile phone 12 and selects the send money function 3. He
`enters the recipient phone number or email address and transaction amount. He swipes his
`card and enters PIN (if required) for authentication. After collecting all the information from the
`user, the device will encrypt the data into a cryptogram which is sent to the payment server for
`processing. After processing, the transaction result will be returned and displayed on the
`device. Details to receive money will be sent to the recipient.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00006
`To receive money-
`User plugs the device into his mobile phone 12 and selects the receive money function 5. He
`enters a password to retrieve the payment details. Based on the password and the caller ID, the
`payment server can retrieve the payment details. To collect money, the user has to swipe his
`card and enter PIN (if required) for authentication. After collection all the authentication
`information from the user, the device will encrypt the data into a cryptogram which is sent to
`the payment server for processing. After processing, the transaction result will be returned and
`displayed on the LCD display screen.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00007
`PTO/SB/01 (10-08)
`Approved for use through 06130/2010. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Un"•• the P11nerwork Red11ctlon Act of 1995 nn nersons are ,....,uir"d to resnnnd to a collectfon of lnformatJnn unle•• It con••ins a valid 0MB control number.
`Attorney Docket
`First Named Inventor
`Doc Code: OATH
`Docwrient Description: Oath or declaration filed
`(37 CFR 1.63)
`0 Declaration
`With Initial
`(cid:143) Declaration
`Submitted after Initial
`Filing (surcharge
`(37 CFR 1.16 (f))
`Kenneth G. Mages
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`I hereby declare that: (1) Each inventor's residence, mailing address, and citizenship are as stated below next to their name;
`and (2) I believe the inventor(s) named below to be the original and first inventor(s) of the subject matter which Is claimed and
`for which a patent is souaht on the invention entiUed:
`"Apparatus For & Method of Secure ATM Debit Card & Credit Card Payment Transactions via Mobile Phone"
`{Title of the Invention)
`the application of which
`is attached hereto
`was filed on (MM/DDNYYY)
`as United States Application Number or PCT International
`Application Number
`I.__ _____ __.
`and was amended on (MM/DDNYYY)
`... I _____ ___,I
`(if applicable).
`I hereby state that I have reviewed and understand the contents of the above identified application, including the claims, as
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`Under the Paperwork Reduc~on Act of 1995, no pen;ons are required to respond to a coll~n of Information unless It contains e valid 0MB control number.
`DECLARATION - Utility or Design Patent Application
`Claim of Foreign Priority Benefits
`I hereby -claim foreign priority benefits under 35 U.S.C. 119(a)-(d) or (f), or 365(b) of any foreign application(s) for patent,
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`Prior Foreign Application
`' .. ,
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`Nnt Cl11t-a.i
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`Additional foreign application numbers are listed on a supplemental priority data sheet PTO/SB/02B attached hereto.
`Certified Copy Attached?
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00009
`nde the Pa erwork Reduc
`PTO/SB/01 (10-08)
`Approved for use through 06/30/2010. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`res ond t a collection of informal' n unless It contains a valid MB control num
`DECLARATION - Utility or Design Patent Application
`Direct all
`correspondence to:
`(cid:143) The address
`associated with
`Customer Number:
`Kenneth G. Mages
`730 South Clark Street Apt. #2709
`I OR 0. Correspondence
`address below
`Petitioner/applicant Is cautioned to avoid submitting personal Information in documents filed in a patent application that may contribute to
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`false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any patent issued thereon.
`Given Name (first and middle [if any])
`Kenneth G.
`Inventor's Signature
`I D A oetition has been filed for this unsianed inventor
`Family Name or Surname
`I Zip
`I Country
`" '
`sugolemental sheet{sl PTO/SB/02A or 02LR attached hereto.
`Residence: City
`Mailing Address
`730 South Clark Street Apt. #2709
`Additional inventors or a leQal regresentatlve ere beln!l named on the
`[Page 3 of3)
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00010
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00011
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00011
`PHCte NO,
`: 184 73282303
`Feb, 10 2009 05:35AM P3
`PTOISBID1 (1D-08)
`, AppnMCltar 11M 111V1G111 CIM0/2010. 0MB 0861-GOU
`U.S. Pmnt 11111 Tlademark 0fflOe: U.S. DEPARTMENT' 0,, COUMl!RCE
`(cid:143) The adCSre8s
`asaoclaTed with
`, Customer Number:
`' - - - - - - - - - ] ca 0
`730 soua, Clar1c Stntet Apt. #2709
`and middle pr 811'/D
`Given Name (
`Kennelh G.
`has been tiled tor
`Family Name or Sumame
`. Mdllanal
`• 8M
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00012
`~ Fig.1
`/ /
`/ /
`IT] [I] [[I
`~ rn [[]
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`(cid:143) [[] fQQ]
`Fig. 3
`Fig. 2
`Fig. 4
`[I] [I] [[I
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`OOliiID J
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00013
`Fig. 5
`10 ~ 1 1
`Fig. 6
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`(cid:143) I]] [QID
`Fig. 7
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00014