`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`25 April 2002 (25.04.2002)
`1111111111111111 IIIIII 111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIII IIII 11111111
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/33669 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification 7:
`H04M 1/215
`G07F 7/10,
`Naprav d.o.o., Cesta Otona Zupancica 23a, 1410 Zagorje
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 18 October 2000 (18.10.2000)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): ULTRA
`[SI/SI]; Cesta Otona Zupancica 23a, 1410 Zagorje (SI).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): PAVLIC, Bogdan
`[SI/SI]; Ultra Proizvodnja elektronskih naprav d.o.o.,
`Cesta Otona Zupancica 23a, 1410 Zagorje (SI). POLUT(cid:173)
`NIK, Aleksander [SI/SI]; Ultra Proizvodnja Elektronskih
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ,
`DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR,
`HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG,
`CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report
`[Continued on next page}
`= ---------------------------------------------
`iiiiiiii -iiiiiiii -iiiiiiii -----
`To other flnanclal entitles
`(57) Abstract: Disclosed is a system for payment
`data exchange comprising a payment terminal de(cid:173)
`vice 10 for coupling to a point of sale device and
`to a mobile phone 14, an authorisation centre 1 for
`coupling to a mobile voice network (5) and to a fi(cid:173)
`nancial information system, the mobile phone (14)
`for coupling to the mobile voice network (5) and
`to the payment terminal device (10). The payment
`data exchange is performed from the payment ter(cid:173)
`minal device (10) via the mobile phone (14) and
`the mobile voice network (5) to the authorisation
`centre (1) and, vice versa, from the authorisation
`centre via the mobile voice network and the mobile
`phone to the payment terminal device, wherein the
`payment data are transferred between the payment
`terminal device (10) and the mobile phone (14) on
`voice information.
`'l""""I <
`~ ---M
`Square Exhibit 1017
`Square, Inc. v. 4361423 Canada Inc.
`Page 00001


`WO 02/33669 Al
`1111111111111111 IIIIII 111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIII IIII 11111111
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00002


`WO 02/33669
`The present invention relates to a system for financial
`transaction data (authentication, authorisation and payment
`data) exchange between a point of sale device, e.g. vending
`machine etc. and an authorisation centre (an entity
`responsible for authentication, authorisation and
`corresponding payment and settlement procedures of the
`transaction), and to a payment terminal device to be used in
`this system.
`Mobile telephony is booming throughout the world and provides
`many recently developed applications in data communication.
`One of the hottest new services is payment through mobile
`phone which is generally called "m-commerce". There are
`available m-commerce solutions, most of them are based on WAP
`(Wireless Application Protocol) technology which promises to
`bring all the benefits of internet to a mobile phone. Other
`solutions use calls to a special payment terminal, those calls
`being activated either from an authorisation centre or a
`subscriber or user. But there are severe obstacles preventing
`faster acceptance of m-commerce, especially in a non-internet
`domain, which are the costs of the known payment terminals
`with regard to their acquisition as we~l- ·as operating costs.
`Inter alia, this is due to the fact that each payment terminal
`has to include a fairly sophisticated communication interface
`which has to cover all the different, possible new and
`currently established standards of data communication in
`mobile telephone networks and phones.
`Therefore it is an object of the invention to provide a system
`and a payment terminal to be used in this system which is able
`to prevent the problems and costs arising from the different
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00003


`WO 02/33669
`mobile phone standards with regard to coupling a mobile phone
`to a payment terminal device.
`This object is solved by the system of claim 1 and by the
`payment terminal device of claim 8.
`Accordingly, the system of the invention for payment data
`exchange or communication has a payment terminal device for
`coupling to a point of sale device and to a mobile phone, an
`authorisation centre for coupling to a mobile voice network
`and to a financial information system, a mobile phone for
`coupling to the mobile voice network and to the payment
`terminal device, wherein payment data exchange is performed
`from the payment terminal device via the mobile phone, and the
`mobile voice network to the authorisation centre and, vice
`versa, from the authorisation centre via the mobile voice
`network and the mobile phone to the payment terminal device,
`wherein the payment data are transferred between the payment
`terminal device and the mobile phone using voice data
`The great advantage of the present invention is the transfer
`of payment data between the mobile phone and the payment
`terminal device using voice data information which is the only
`standard to be take into account by all phone makers and
`which, therefore, helps to reduce stro~gly the complexity of
`the communication interface in the payment terminal device and
`the costs connected thereto. Voice data information or voice
`information is the specific form of useful or wanted
`information which is known to be transferred and exchanged in
`the voice channel of the mobile voice network.
`The payment terminal device of the invention for coupling to a
`point of sale device, vending machine etc. and to a mobile
`phone comprises interface means for releasable coupling the
`payment terminal device to the mobile phone.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00004


`WO 02/33669
`The telephone connection is established by the user from the
`phone of the user, so the costs of the payment procedure or
`the telephone call are directed to the account of the user.
`Depending on the agreed relationship between the user, owner
`of the payment terminal device and the owner of the point of
`sale device, vending machine etc. the cost can be directed
`also to the account of another participating party. In any
`case the additional costs for establishing a telephone
`connection on the side of the operator are avoided.
`The interface means of the payment terminal device comprises
`preferably coupling means for coupling to the mobile phone and
`a modem being coupled to the coupling means and to the
`processing means for converting voice data received from the
`authorisation centre by the mobile phone via the coupling
`means into data being sent to the processing means, and for
`converting data from the processing means into voice data
`prepared for coupling to the mobile phone via the coupling
`means. The data, encrypted or not, are thus transmitted
`through the mobile phone voice channel. The data modulation
`can either be DTMF or any other data modulation which can be
`transmitted through such a voice channel.
`Preferably, the coupling means has an ac;:m.rstic coupler for
`transferring voice data information in the form of acoustic
`signals to the mobile phone and vice versa, i.e. the voice
`data information is transferred as voice itself or voice as a
`carrier of information in the frequency band of human voice.
`Further, a distance between a microphone and a speaker of the
`acoustic coupler may be adjustable in order to adapt the
`acoustic coupler to different types of mobile phones. The
`acoustic coupler allows coupling of the payment terminal
`device to any type of mobile telephone which is currently used
`and which might be used in the future without any adaptation
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00005


`WO 02/33669
`of the different mobile phones themselves. Generally, the
`shape of the acoustic coupler should enable the mobile phone
`microphone to fit with the speaker and vice versa in a way
`that allows operability even in a noisy condition or
`In preferred embodiments of the invention, there are several
`additional options for coupling of the payment terminal to the
`mobile phone.
`In the first option being called the wired option, the
`coupling means has electrical plug connector means for
`electrical coupling to a plug connector of the mobile phone in
`order to exchange information or voice data information in the
`form of electrical signals between the mobile phone and the
`coupling means. The plug connector means can have a plurality
`of different plug connectors for coupling to plug connectors
`of different types of correspondingly different types of
`mobile phones.
`The second option is IR communication (IR= infrared radiation
`or light) wherein the coupling means or interface means of the
`payment terminal comprises an IR interface for communication
`with a corresponding IR interface of the mobile phone in order
`to exchange information or voice data ir:if·ormation in the form
`of infrared signals between the payment terminal and the
`mobile phone. This is applicable on all newest mobile phone
`models which have, for instance, an IrDA interface. This
`option enables higher data rates and shorter transaction time.
`The third option is RF communication (RF= radio frequency)
`wherein the coupling means or interface means of the payment
`terminal comprises a RF interface for communication with a
`corresponding RF interface of the mobile phone in order to
`exchange information or voice data information in the form of
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00006


`WO 02/33669
`RF signals between the payment terminal and the mobile phone.
`BlueTooth, for instance, is a standard in this area, however
`other RF communication protocols are possible. The RF
`communication interface enables non contact transaction for
`highest user comfort.
`In a preferred embodiment, the payment terminal device has
`data processing means which comprises at least a communication
`processor having cryptographic capability in order to generate
`data or to establish a data communication with high security
`due to secure coding of the data. The cryptographic capability
`may be of different types, such as DES, RSA, etc.
`The payment terminal device of the invention can comprise data
`input means, such as at least one keyboard. The keyboard
`allows the user to select predefined services or to specify
`the amount for POS terminals.
`The payment terminal device can comprise a printer or built-in
`printer in order, for instance, to print a confirmation of the
`actual payment procedure if the users want any.
`The payment terminal device can have a display for showing the
`user, for instance, the different steps of the payment
`procedure or for giving him instruction~ ·on how to operate the
`payment terminal device.
`Further, the payment terminal device can comprise additional
`communication means, for instance a PSTN modem, an ISDN modem,
`cable modem or a GSM modem for coupling to the related
`networks in order to provide maintenance services etc.
`The payment terminal device can be equipped with an additional
`connection to another computer system, such as a POS computer
`system or a BOS computer system.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00007


`WO 02/33669
`There are a lot of applications which can be realised by means
`of the system or of the payment terminal device of the
`invention. The invention can be used, for instance, in vending
`machines for various products, such as beverages, food,
`cigarettes, magazines, condoms, etc. Further, public self(cid:173)
`service stations as POS stations, such as gas stations,
`photocopiers, Internet access, car washes, laundries,
`jukeboxes, carpools, etc., can use the payment terminal device
`of the invention. Also, various ticket purchasing stations for
`bus, train, cinema etc. can use the invention. Payment
`authorisation and execution for various shops (EFTPOS),
`Internet shopping, TV sales and other business, which use
`conventional billing methods for purchases, such as credit
`cards, bank cheques, cash, etc, can use the system or the
`payment terminal device of the invention.
`Further advantageous embodiments of the invention are
`mentioned in the dependent claims.
`Further advantages, advantageous embodiments and additional
`applications of the invention are provided in the following
`description of a preferred embodiment of the invention in
`connection with the only figure being enclosed which shows:
`Fig. 1 a schematic view of a system using a payment terminal
`device in accordance to a preferred embodiment of the
`Fig. 1 shows an embodiment of the inventive system that
`comprises an authorisation centre 1 that is similar to those
`used for credit card authorisation and that may be connected
`by means of the data communication connection 6 to an other
`financial information system, such as a bank, a mobile voice
`network 5 or mobile telephone network, such as the GSM
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00008


`WO 02/33669
`network, a mobile telephone 14 and a and a payment terminal
`device 10 to be coupled to the mobile telephone 14 of a user
`and to be connected via a data communication connection 13 to
`a point of sale station or means.
`The authorisation centre 1 comprises communication interface 4
`for coupling the authorisation centre 1 to the mobile voice
`network 5, a subscribers database 2 that stores data relating
`to each of the users, e.g. at least the telephone number, a
`corresponding PIN code and the agreed method of payment, e.g.
`from credit card, from bank account etc., assigned to each of
`the users, and optionally a comprehensive CRM, i.e. the
`complete information on customer's purchases and thus the
`possibility of personalised services, advertising, etc., and
`again optionally the user's secret code, and a transaction
`interface 3 that is connected by means of the data
`communication connection 6 to an other financial information
`system. The transaction interface 3 is connected to the
`communication interface 4 by means of a bi-directional data
`connection 21. Further, the subscribers database 2 is
`connected to the transaction interface 3 and to the
`communication interface 4 by means of a data communication
`line 22.
`The payment terminal device 10 comprise$ tlata processing means
`11, interface means 19 being connected to the data processing
`means 11 by means of a bi-directional data communication line
`23 or bus, e.g. a serial or a parallel data connection, and
`being coupled to the mobile telephone 14 using voice as a
`carrier of information 24. The data processing means is based
`on a microcomputer system or a communication processor and is
`additionally connected to POS means or a request/release
`mechanism or unit of a POS means or vending machine or similar
`apparatus by means of the data communication line or signal
`line 13.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00009


`WO 02/33669
`The interface means 19 of the payment terminal device 10
`comprises a modem 12 and coupling means 20 for coupling the
`modem 12 to the mobile phone 14. The coupling means 20 may use
`an acoustic coupling or an acoustic coupler using the loud
`speaker 18 and the microphone 17 in order to transfer or
`couple information using a voice as a carrier to a microphone
`16 and a loudspeaker 15, respectively, of the mobile telephone
`14 that is attached or mounted to the acoustic coupler of the
`coupling means 20.
`To be able to use the system of the invention the user has to
`own a mobile telephone 14 and the user has to set up a special
`account that belongs only to him in the authorisation centre
`1. The account set up is basically an agreement between the
`user and the authorisation centre 1, wherein both parties
`define the parameters of their co-operation. The parameters
`comprise one or more mobile phone numbers, e.g. SIM card
`numbers, the method of payment, e.g. money transfer, credit
`card, etc., optionally additional services which increase the
`security of both parties, e.g. transaction limits,
`security/authentication codes, etc., and optionally additional
`services which increase the flexibility of the user, e.g.
`multiple accounts, etc. The user could change the parameters
`of the agreement which are stored in th~ ·subscribers database
`2 of the authorisation centre 1 through user support services
`of the authorisation centre 1, through Internet services, WAP
`and similar services. The authorisation centre can on request
`of the user or within the framework of its business policy
`assign to each user special identification code which is used
`not to reveal the mobile telephone number of the user to other
`involved parties and to grant the protection of the privacy of
`the user when participating in the system of invention.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00010


`WO 02/33669
`Next, a typical payment procedure is described if the
`inventive system of Fig. 1 is used.
`In a first step, the user decides to make a purchase at a
`cashier or device using the payment terminal device 10. The
`user uses his mobile phone 14 to call the authorisation centre
`1 via the mobile voice network 5.
`In a second step the authorisation centre 1 uses the caller
`identity to establish and decide whether the caller is a
`registered user of the system. If the verification is not
`successful the authorisation centre 1 terminates the
`connection to the user or mobile phone calling.
`After the successful verification described in previous
`paragraph, the user is asked to input his
`security/authentication code, if the account parameters in the
`subscribers data base 2 require authentication of the user.
`The user inputs the code by means of a keypad of the mobile
`telephone 14. In the next step, the authorisation centre 1
`checks and compares the security/authentication code received
`from the mobile telephone 14 via the mobile voice network 5 to
`a security/authentication code stored in the subscribers data
`base 2. If the authentication is not successful (i.e. the
`entered code does not correspond to the _.c6de in the database)
`the authorisation centre 1 terminates the connection. If the
`authentication is successful the authorisation centre 1
`instructs the user to put his mobile telephone onto the
`acoustic coupler of the coupling means 20 of the payment
`terminal device 10. The payment terminal device shows the user
`information, for instance, on a display, on how to put the
`mobile telephone onto the acoustic coupler.
`In the next step, the payment terminal device 10 and the
`authorisation centre 1 exchange the required transaction data
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00011


`WO 02/33669
`or payment data via the voice channel established by the
`mobile telephone 14. The transaction data can be coded by
`means of cryptographic capability implemented in the
`processing means 11 on the side of the payment terminal device
`10 and in the communications interface 4 in the authorisation
`centre 1. The processing means 11 controls the transaction
`data exchange on the side of the payment terminal device 10.
`In the next step, the authorisation centre 1 verifies if the
`transaction data correspond to the specifications on the
`user's account (transaction limits ... ) and approves or rejects
`the transaction. If the transaction was approved by the
`authorisation centre 1, the payment terminal device 10 sends a
`signal or data generated by the processing means 11 via the
`connection 13 to the release mechanism or POS terminal,
`vending machine, etc. in order to release the paid goods or to
`approve a service being provided by these units or to display
`a visual approval if the sale is performed by a salesperson.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00012


`WO 02/33669
`1. System for payment data exchange comprising
`a payment terminal device (10) for coupling to a point of sale
`device and to a mobile phone (14),
`an authorisation centre (1) for coupling to a mobile voice
`network (5) and to a financial information system,
`the mobile phone (14) for coupling to the mobile voice network
`(5) and to the payment terminal device (10),
`wherein payment data exchange is performed from the payment
`terminal device (10) via the mobile phone (14) and the mobile
`voice network (5) to the authorisation centre (1) and, vice
`versa, from the authorisation centre via the mobile voice
`network and the mobile phone to the payment terminal device,
`wherein the payment data are transferred between the payment
`terminal device (10) and the mobile phone (14) on voice
`2. System of claim 1, wherein the payment data exchange is
`initiated if the authorisation centre (1) receives a
`predefined caller identification of the user calling the
`authorisation centre via the user's mobile phone.
`3. System of claim 1 or claim 2, wherein the payment data
`exchange is proceeded if the authorisatjon centre (1) receives
`a predefined security/authentication c~de of the user calling
`the authorisation centre via the user's mobile phone (14).
`4. System of one of the claims 1 to 3, wherein the
`authorisation centre (1) sends information to the mobile phone
`which asks the user to couple the mobile phone to the payment
`terminal device (10).
`5. System of one of the claims 1 to 4, wherein the payment
`data exchange comprises transaction information.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00013


`WO 02/33669
`6. System of claims 5, wherein the payment data exchange
`comprises data approving or rejecting a transaction.
`7. System of one of the claims 1 to 6, wherein the payment
`data are coded for security of the payment data exchange.
`8. Payment terminal device (10) for coupling to a point of
`sale device and to a mobile phone (14), wherein the payment
`terminal device (10) comprises interface means (19) for
`releasable coupling the payment terminal device (10) to the
`mobile phone (14) to transfer voice information.
`9. Payment terminal device of claim 8, wherein the payment
`terminal device (10) comprises data processing means (11)
`being coupled to the interface means (19) and for processing
`data received from the interface means (19) and for generating
`and preparing data to be sent to the interface means (19).
`10. Payment terminal device of claim 9, wherein the interface
`means (19) of the payment terminal device (10) comprises
`coupling means (20) for coupling to the mobile phone (14) and
`a modem (12) being coupled to the coupling means (20) and to
`the processing means (11) for converting the voice information
`received from the mobile phone via the ~oupling means into
`converted data being sent to the processing means, and for
`converting data from the processing means into voice
`information data prepared for coupling to the mobile phone via
`the coupling means.
`11. Payment terminal device of claim 10, wherein the coupling
`means (20) has an acoustic coupler for transferring voice
`information data in the form of acoustical signals using voice
`as a carrier to the mobile phone (14) and vice versa.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00014


`WO 02/33669
`12. Payment terminal device of claim 11, wherein the acoustic
`coupler has a microphone (17) for coupling to a speaker (15)
`of the mobile phone (14) and a speaker (18) for coupling to a
`microphone (16) of the mobile phone (14).
`13. Payment terminal device of claim 12, wherein a distance
`between the microphone and the speaker of the acoustic coupler
`is adjustable in order to adapt the acoustic coupler to
`different types of mobile phones.
`14. Payment terminal device of claim 10, wherein the coupling
`means has plug connector means for coupling to a plug
`connector of the mobile phone in order to exchange voice
`information in the form of electrical signals between the
`mobile phone and the coupling means, or
`wherein the coupling means has an IR interface for coupling to
`a corresponding IR interface of the mobile phone in order to
`exchange voice information in the form of infrared signals
`between the coupling means and the mobile phone, or
`wherein the coupling means has a RF interface for coupling to
`a corresponding RF interface of the mobile phone in order to
`exchange voice information in the form of a radio frequency
`signals between the coupling means and the mobile telephone.
`15. Payment terminal device of claim 14,. wherein the plug
`connector means has a plurality of different plug connectors
`for coupling to plug connectors of different types of
`correspondingly different types of mobile phones.
`16. Payment terminal device of one of the claims 8 to 15,
`wherein the data processing means (11) comprises at least a
`communication processor having cryptographic capability.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00015


`WO 02/33669
`17. Payment terminal device of one of the claims 8 to 16,
`wherein the payment terminal device (10) comprises data input
`18. Payment terminal device of claim 17, wherein the data
`input means comprises at least one keyboard.
`19. Payment terminal device of one of the claims 8 to 18,
`wherein the payment terminal device comprises a printer.
`20. Payment terminal device of one of the claims 8 to 19,
`wherein the payment terminal device comprises a display.
`21. Payment terminal device of one of the claims 8 to 20,
`wherein the payment terminal device (10) is used in a system
`of one of the claims 1 to 7.
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00016


`WO 02/33669
`1 / 1
`To other f lnanclal entitles
`Ff G. l
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00017


`,nal Application No
`PCT /IB 00/01495
`IPC 7 G07F7/10
`According lo l11ternatI011al Pah,111 GlassI!Ic:al1011 (IPG) or lo boil, 1ml1011al r.l;,ss1l10al1011 and IPG
`Ml1111n111n docu1nenlallo11 S!!archetl (tlas~1ll~at1011 svs1e111 lollowecl l.>y class1llci1l1011 symbols)
`!PC 7
`G07F H04M
`1Joc11me11ta11011 soarched other lhr1 11 mm11n11rn clocurne11lnl1011 lo lhe exlcml lltal such docume11ls are Included In th e hukJs searched
`l:lectrontc dala !Jase consulled during lhe 111ternal1onal search (name ol dala l>ase and, where pracltcal. search terms used)
`WPI Data, PAJ, EPO-Internal
`Category• Ctlallon or doctJmenl. Wtlh indicalton, where appropriale, ol lhe relevanl passages
`Relevanl lo claim No
`us 5 577 100 A (MCGREGOR ET AL.)
`19 November 1996 (1996-11-19)
`column 2, 1 i ne 8 -column 3' line 20
`column 3' line 31 -column 18 , line 60;
`figures 1,2
`us 5 157 717 A (HITCHCOCK)
`20 October 1992 (1992-10-20)
`column 2, line 26 -column 3, line 68
`column 4 , line 33 -column 9 , 1 i ne 61 ;
`figures 1-28
`us 5 714 741 A (PIETERSE ET AL.)
`3 February 1998 (1998-02-03)
`column 2, 1 i ne 37 -column 3, line 51
`column 4' line 3 -column 10, line 12 ;
`figures 1-7
`11 ·-15
`14, 15
`[Kl Further documents are I Isled In the conlinual1on of box C
`0 Special calegones of cited documents.
`• A' document definin g the general slate or the art which Is not
`considered lo be ol parltcular relevance
`'E' earlier document bul published on or atter the inlernalt onal
`filing dale
`'L' docu ment which may throw doubts on priority clatm(s) or
`which ls cited lo establish 11,e pubhcal1011 dale ol another
`citation or other special reason (as spec1r1edl
`·o· documenl referring lo an oral dtsclosu re. use, exhlbllion or
`other means
`•p• document published pnor lo lhe lnlernalional tiling dale but
`later than the prlorlly dale claimed
`IBJ Patent family members are listed in annex.
`'T' laler document published atter the lnlernallonal filing date
`or pnorily dale and not tn conlltcl with the appllcalion but
`ciled lo Understand the principle or th eory underlying lhe
`·x· documenl ol pa rti cu lar relevance, th e claimed 1nve nl1on
`cannol be con sidered novel or cannot be considered lo
`involve an lnVenltve step when the documenl Is laken alone
`•y· document of particular relevance; lhe claimed Inventron
`ca1111ol be con sidered lo Involve an 1nve11live step when the
`document ts combi ned with on e or more other such docu-
`menls. such combinalion being obvious lo a person skilled
`in lhe art.
`'&' document member of the same palenl family
`Date ol lh e actu~I completion of th e tnlern allonal search
`Dale of mailing of the 1nlernalio11al search report
`14 June 2001
`Name and malling address or the ISA
`European Patent Otticc. P.B 5818 Patenllaan 2
`NL - 2280 HV Rl1sw11k
`Tel (.f31-70) 340- 2040, Tx 31 65 t epo nl,
`Fax (+37 - 70) 340-307 G
`Form PCTnsA/210 (seoond sheet) (July >99Z)
`Authorized oHlcer
`Rivero, C
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00018


`al Application No
`PCT /IB 00/01495
`Category" Citation of document. with 1ndicallon.where appropriate, of Ille relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No
`WO 94 11849 A (VATANEN)
`26 May 1994 (1994-05-26)
`page 2, line 11 - line 18
`page 3, line 10 -page 5, line 5
`page 5, line 21 -page 11, line 22; figures
`17 June 1998 (1998-06-17)
`column 1, line 34 -column 3, line 29
`column 3, line 40 -column 6, line 51;
`figures 1-4
`EP O 745 961 A (AT&T IPM CORP.)
`4 December 1996 (1996-12-04)
`column 8, line 7 -column 19, line 58;
`figures 1-14
`19 August 1993 (1993-08-19)
`page 10, line 6 -page 12, line 2
`page 13, line 2 -page 24, line 6; figures
`8 September 1999 (1999-09-08)
`column 4, l i ne 4 -col umn 7, l i ne 31 ;
`figures 1-8
`1 , 8
`Form PCTnSA/210 (conllnuol1on ol second sheet) (July 19921
`IPR2019-01630 Page 00019


`Patent document
`cited in search report
`us 5577100
`19-11-1 996
`Paten\ family
`,al Application No
`PCT /IB 00/01495
`199620 T
`695509 B
`4901096 A
`9606875 A
`2211892 A
`1176039 A
`69611989 D
`1067752 A
`0808547 A
`2155598 T
`10513618 T
`9624229 A
`US 2001000777 A

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