`· · Offi
`For receiVtng
`1ceuscon y
`International Application No.
`10 February 2010 (10.02.2010)
`lntemational Filiru!. Date
`The undersigned requests that the present
`international application be processed
`according to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
`Nameofreceivi112 Office and "PCT lntemational APDlication"
`~licant's or ~t's file reference
`(i <ksired) ( 12 c
`·actm 1114Ximwff)
`'•~1.( - 0 ( ~~
`Bo1t No. I
`D This pesson is also inventor
`Name and address: (Fa,r,J/yN11t11tfoliqwedt,ygr,m,_,.; fara/,gal enJIJy,fa/loJflcld duignal/Oll Telt:phone No.
`TM addrw """'bldtldeprutlll ,~ tlltd '"'1ne of rowrr,y. 711ecmmtryoftlwaddrus indicated in tlu4
`8U1t istlwapplicaJII'• St~ (that is. COllnlry} qruidtn« ifnoSlaJ,ofruidtnc, isindialttdMlow.)
`227 W . Monroe,
`Suite 2200
`Chicago, IL 60606
`D E-mail authorization: Marking this check-box authorizes the receiving Office, the E-mail address
`I State (that is, country) of residence:
`the United Stales or America 0 die United Swes or America only 0 the Siau:s indicated in
`[8J all dcs~led Stales cxCCf1(
`International Searching Aulhorily, the International Bureau and the lntemational
`Preliminary Examining Authority to use the e-mail address indicated in this Bo" to
`send, iflhe Office or Authority so wishes, advance copies ofnotificalioos in respect
`ofth1s international application. (S•e also tire Notes lo Boxes Nos. II and Ill.)
`State (that is. CQUll/ry) of natronality:
`This person is applicant
`for die purposes of: D all designated
`Facsimile No.
`Applicant's registration No. with the Office
`the SUDplementaJ Box
`reprcsenl4!J ve
`~ Further applicants and/or (further) inventors are indicated on a continuation sheeL
`The person identified below is hereby/has been appointed to act on behalf
`of the applicanl(s) before lhe competent lntemalional Authorities as: ·~ agent
`~ oddrt.u MIUI lndlllk ~cod, ~-wr~
`Name and addn,ss: (Fami/y-Jo/lr,wedt,yglv,n11t1-;fo,a /,gal •nlity,fa/1 officia/d,,,ignat/Oll Telephone No.
`, Ga tan;
`Ronald S.; SOFIA, Michel; LUPIEN, Marc
`1100 Rene-Levesque Blvd. West, 25th Floor
`Montreal (Quebec) H3B 5C9
`Facsimile No.
`Agent'sregistration No. with the Office
`• RO
`~ E-mail authorization: Markin~ this check-box authorizes the receivin~ Office, the E-mail address
`lnternalional Searching Authonty, the International Bureau and lhe nrunational
`tvouloumanos@bcf .ca
`Preliminary Examining Authority to use the e-mail addn:ss indicated in this Box to
`send, if the Office or Authority so wishes, advance copies of notifications in respect
`of this international application. (See also the Notes lo Boxes Nos. fl and lll.)
`~ Address for correspondence: Mark this check-box where no ient or oommon representative is,'has been appointed and the
`space above is used instead to indicate a special addn:ss to whi oomspondence should be sent..
`Form PCT/RO/IOI (first sheet) (July 2009)
`See Notes lo the reqU4Sl/orm
`Square Exhibit 1026
`Square, Inc. v. 4361423 Canada Inc.
`Page 00001
`If none of the following sub-boxes is wed, this sheet should not be included in the request.
`Sheet No . . . .2 ...
`Name and addn:ss: (Family1t1Z1Mfol/DWtdbygn,mname; foralegr,/mily,follo/Tteialdesignalion. This person is:
`7ht addre,,....., inc/Jilk postal cak and,.,,,,,. of COUMy. 7ht COl/lflryof the addnu indical•d In tlw
`Bax;, tlw app/lconl •• State (that u, covntry) of re3kUntt if noS,att of ruidtN:e u indicated b,J,,.,.)
`TANG, Tai Kwan Jimmy
`M1606, Komhill, Quarry Bay
`Hong Kong, China
`(cid:143) applicant only
`~ applicant and inventor
`D invcnwr only (If rhis check-box
`i.s manced. dlJ not fill in below.)
`Applicant's registration No. with the Office
`Slate (that is, COUlllry) of nuionality:
`This pe=n is applicant
`for the purposes of:
`1be Unned S1a1es or Ametica
`~ the Uniu:d Stales
`of America only
`(cid:143) the Slatt:s indicaltd in
`the Supplemental Box
`I Slalc (that is, cuuntry) of residen(C:
`(cid:143) all dcsiJlllaud Slates elCCeJll
`(cid:143) all desig,,ated
`Name and llddrcss: (Family name fol/wed byg/Wn nonw; fora ltgaJ tlllily,fu// officiol dlJignation. This person is:
`7ht oddn.ss nrwt indt,,;k pouaJ code and nantt of cmmey. The country of,,., addrtu indie4Jed In tJru
`Bax IJ tht applicant's Stau (that IJ, COlinl1)') of rudmce if noSlattof resldmce i• lndicattd belw.) D applicant only
`LO, Chi Wah
`~ applicant ~ inventor
`D inventor only (If this check-box
`Flat G, 46/F, Tower South
`Chelsea Court
`100 Yeung UK Road
`Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong, China
`State (1hat is, COlllllry) of nationality:
`This person is applicant
`for the purposes of:
`(cid:143) all designated
`I Stale (that is, COll/llry) of ~sidencc:
`(cid:143) all desi~ Swes excepl
`the Uruied Staies of America
`~ the Un.iled S~s
`of America only
`0 die Swes indicated in
`the Supplemental Box
`is marked, do nol fill in be/aw.)
`Applicanl'sregis!Illtion No. with the Office
`Name and address: (Famllynamefoll°"tdbygMnNJJM; foraltga/tnlity,fulloffecialduignatJon. ThispcTSOnis:
`Baz u tJwapplicanJ'J Sta1t (thal Is. COlll!try} qfre,/tknco if no$l/JJtof re,#knct Is indicattdbtl0111.} D applicant only
`Tire addru3 mid/ iw:/r,de postal codl and"""'' of COlinl1)'. Tht country of the addrus indicated in tJus
`MAGES, Kenneth G.
`~ applicant and inventor
`730 S. Clark Street
`0 invcnwronly (If this check-box
`Apt. 2709
`Chicago, IL 60605
`is marud, do not fd/ in ·be/uw.)
`Applicant'sregis!Illtion No. with the Office
`State (thot is, co11111ry) of nationality:
`This person is applicant
`for the purposes of:
`the Uniicd States of America
`~ dlc Uniu:d Swes
`lhe Supplcmen!al Box
`l ts.£:hot is, COllnl,Y) of residence:
`(cid:143) all desi,81llted StaleS c,ccq,t
`(cid:143) all designated
`of America only D the Swes indicated in
`Name and address: (FamilyntlllltfollC1t11tdbygiven""""'; foraltga/tlllily,follofflciddufgnatJon. This person is:
`7ht addrtu mwt inc/wk po,ta/ codt and name of country. 71lt coumyof 1M addnu indk:altd in tlus
`Bax ls1Mapplicmt1"s Slale (tho/ is. cqwiuy} of ruid•m:• ifno SuneofruitbN:t u indicattdbclowJ D applicanl only
`0 applicant and inventor
`D inventor only (lflhis checlc-bax
`is marked. do not/ill in below.)
`Applicant's registration No. with the Office
`State (that is, country) of nationality:
`This person is applicant
`for the pwposes of:
`the Un, cd States or America
`of Amtrica only
`I Slate (that is, country) of residence:
`(cid:143) the United Saites
`(cid:143) all desi~ SlllltS except
`(cid:143) all designaied
`(cid:143) Funher applicants and/or {further) inventors are indicated on another continuation sheet.
`Form PCT/RO/IOI (continuation sheet) (July 2009)
`(cid:143) the States indicated in
`the Supplemenlal Box
`See Notes to the request form
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00002
`BHNo. V
`Sheet No . • . . ~ ...
`The filing of this requcrt constillltes aader Ruic 4.9(a) tbc deslgaali1N1 of all Contracting Sla!CS bound by the PCT on the inlmlalional
`filing date, for lhe grant of every kind of protection available and, where applicable, for the grant of both regional and national palents.
`DE Gmnany is not designated for any kind of national protection
`JP Japan is not designated for any kind of national proteetion
`D KR Republic of Korea is not desipakcl for any kind of national protection
`D RU Russian Federation is not designated for any kind of national proteaion
`(11,e check-boxes above May only be used to uclude (irrevocably} the designationsconctrned if. al tire t~o/jilmgor n,bsequently undlr
`Rule 26bis. I. rite illfernationa/ application contains in Box No. VI a priority claim to an earlier national application filed in tire partiCl/lar
`StaJe concerned, in order to avoid tire ceasing of tire effect, under the national law, of tlru earlier national application.)
`The priority of the following earli.er application(s) is hereby claimed:
`Filing date
`of eariier application
`of earlier application
`Where earlier applical.ion is:
`national application:
`country or Mcm.ber
`regional application: international application.
`l"C(lCiving Office
`regional Office
`ilml (1)
`10 February 2009
`item (2)
`item (3)
`item (4)
`0 Further priority claims are indicalcd in the Supplemental Box.
`Transmit certifitd copy: the receiving Office is requested to prepare and transmit to the lntemational Bweau a certified copy oftbe
`earlier application(s) (only if tire earlier application was filed with tire Office wl,ichfor tire purposes of tlris international application
`I• tire receiving Office) identified above as:
`0 all items
`(cid:143) item(l) D item (2)
`(cid:143) item (4) D other, sec Supplemental Box
`Restore Ille right of priority: the receiving Office is requested lo n:store the right of priority for the earlier application(s) identified
`above or in the Supplemental Box as itcm(s) I
`\. (See also tire Notes to Box No. VI; farther
`information fflMSI be provided to support a requut lo restore the rig/rt of priority.)
`lncorponlioo by reference: where an clement of the international application refcm,d to in Article 11( l)(iii)(d} or (e) or a part of
`the description, claims or drawings referred to in Rule 20.S(a) is not otherwise contained in this international application but is
`completely contained in an earlier application whose priority is claimed on the date on which one or more elements referred to in
`Article I l(IXiii) were first received by lhe receiving Office, that element or pan is, subject to confinnation Ullder Rule 20.6,
`incorporated by reference in this international application for the purposes of Ruic 20.6.
`Bo,cNo. VII
`Choice or lakrutio111l Searching Authority (ISA) (if more than one International Searching A11tlrori1y is competent 10 carry 0111 the
`inwnotional semdr, indic:aJe tlre Authority chosen: the twi>-letter code may be used):
`JSN lc1it .. £ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••u••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••u••u ••••••••••H••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••
`Fonn PCT/RO/IOI (second sheet} (July 2009)
`See Notu to tlu, request form
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00003
`Bo,: No. IX CHECK LIST for PAPER flllngs-_lhis sheet is only 10 be used when filing an intemadonal application on PAPER
`Sheet No .
`.. ~- .. .
`This international applicalion
`contains the following;
`(a) request form
`(including any
`declanllioos and
`sheets) ................ .. .. .
`{b) desaiption
`( excluding any
`sequence listing
`see (0, below) .. . .... . ...... .
`(c) claims .................... .
`(d) abstract .... . . ... . ... .. ... . .
`(e) drawings (if any) . . ......... .
`(f) sequence listing
`part oflbe
`dcsaiplion (if any) . .... . .... .
`Total numbtr of sbetes
`of items
`of sheets
`This iotemational application is accompnied by the
`following itcm(s) (IIIQl'k lht applicable check-boxes below
`and indicate it, right colwnn the number of each ilem):
`I. 0 fee calculation sheet .. . . . ............... . ...... .
`2. 0 original separate power of attorney ........ . ... . • ..
`3. 0 original general power of attorney .. . ........ . .... .
`4 4. 0 copyofgeneralpowerofattomey;reference
`number: . . .•.... .. . .. .•..•••..•.•. . •.... .. . .
`S. 0 slatement explaining lack of signature . . . . . . . .. . . .. .
`6. 0 priority documen~s) iden1ified in Box No. V1
`as itcm(s) .... . ... . . . . .. ... ... . ..... ... .... . • ..
`19 7. 0 Translation of international application into
`(language): . . • . .•.. • ...•••...•..•.• . ••.••••••.
`8. 0 separate indications i:onceming deposited
`microorganism or other biological material .... . • ... .
`9. 0 oopy in electronic fonn (Annex C/ST .25 text file)on
`physical data carrier(s) of the sequence listing, not fanning
`part of the international application, which is furnished only
`for tbe purposes of interaationalsurch under Rule 13ter
`((~pe and m,mber of phy:ical dala carriers) . ... .. . . . .
`1 10. D a statement confirming that "the information
`recorded in clcaronic fonn submitted under
`Ruic l Jter is identical IO the seque11ce listing
`as contained in the intematioual applicatiou"
`as filed on paper . . . . . .... •. . • .. ... . .....•..... . .
`I 1. D copyofresultsofcarliersearch(es)(Rule l2bis. l(a)) . .
`12. D other (specify): .....•...... . ..................•.
`Figure oCtllc drawiop which
`Laaguage offiling of the
`should accompaDy the abstract:
`inll:malional application:
`Bo:r No. X
`NOi lo taeh lignahln, intlr:at, 1k n:1111, of the pmm,,g,,ing and IN a,pacity ill whidi Int Pffl"" Ilg,,, {if s,d,a,pacity II r,ot <>IMolajro,,, r-tal/ng Int ...,...n) .
`I. Date of actual rewipt of the purported
`international application:
`For receiving Office use only
`10 February 2010 (10.02.2010)
`2. Drawiog:,:
`0 received:
`0 not received:
`3. ColT'CC!ed date of actual l'C<:Cipt due to later but
`timely reccivcd papers or drawing.<; completing
`the pu.rporud international application:
`4. Date of timely recci~ofthe ~uired
`oom:dioos uncle.-
`Article I (2):
`5. International Searching Authority
`(if two or more arc compelent):
`l 6.(cid:143) Transmittal of search copy delayed
`until search fee is paid
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For lntemational Bureau use only _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`I Date ofrt<:cipt oflhe record copy
`by the International Bu=:
`Fonn PCT/RO/IOI (last sheet-paper) {July 2009)
`See Note.s ID the request form
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00004
`The present invention relates to an apparatus and a method for
`commercial transactions using a communication device. More particularly, but not
`exclusively, the present invention relates to an apparatus and a method of transactions
`via a wireless or a landline communication device using a transaction card.
`Electronic fund transfer over mobile phones is growing popular. Many
`systems include combining a point of sale (POS) device with a wireless communication
`device such as a cell phone.
`These POS devices include a processor as well as an input device to
`receive and process information from a transaction card such as a debit card, a credit
`card, a cash card, a stored value card, an ATM card or combinations thereof and the
`like. The input device may include a bar code reader, a magnetic stripe reader, an
`integrated circuit reader, a smartcard reader, a fingerprint scanner, an optical scanner, a
`signature pad, an alphanumeric keypad (including a PIN pad), a proximity detector, an
`audio recording device, a camera or combinations thereof and the like. The processor
`of the POS device receives information from the transaction card and sends it to a
`remote computer via a communication network. This information can be transmitted by
`the processor via the wireless communication device. The wireless communication
`device includes a transceiver, a communication port or any other type of similar
`communication device capable of transmitt.ing information received by the portable
`transaction device processor from the transaction card to the remote computer. The
`communication link between the remote computer and the wireless communication
`device can be provided by the processor of the wireless communication device. The
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00005
`portable transaction device can also include a Global Positioning System (GPS) locator
`chipset so the location of the POS can be tracked by the remote computer. The remote
`computer sends the information it has received to the processor of the institution that
`has issued the transaction card that is being used. The processor of this institution
`validates the requested transaction and sends this infonnation to the processor of the
`portable transaction device via the remote computer and the wireless communication
`device which are linked to each other by way of the aforementioned communication
`Known systems which combine POS devices with wireless
`communication devices present certain drawbacks such as the inconvenient length of
`time to receive information regarding whether or not a given transaction has been
`accepted or refused. Other systems currently available include PayPal mobile, Obopay,
`Swipepay mobile. These solutions use either SMS or FPRS as the means of
`communication. However,
`these communication methods often suffer from an
`unbounded delay or become unavailable in locations where these services are not
`provided. Another drawback of existing systems is that they require registration and
`installation of software which are usually inconvenient for users to install. More
`importantly, these systems do not work for all mobile phones given the many different
`combinations of hardware and software platforms. Moreover, these solutions are not
`secure. They are prone to spyware or keylogger. Hence they are not compliant with
`payment card industry standards such as PC1 PED.
`An object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for
`commercial transactions using a transaction card via a communication device in audio
`communication with a remote processor assembly.
`An object of the present invention is to provide a system for
`commercial transactions using a transaction card via a communication device method
`for commercial transactions using a communication device.
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00006
`An object of the present invention is to provide a method for
`commercial transactions using a transaction card via a communication device
`An object of the present invention is to provide an apparatus for
`wireless transactions.
`An object of the present invention is to provide a method for wireless
`In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, there is
`provided an apparatus for commercial transactions using a transaction card via a
`communication device in audio communication with a remote processor assembly, the
`apparatus comprising:
`an input device for capturing information from the transaction card;
`signal; and
`a controller for converting the captured card information into an audio
`a communication link for being connected to the communication
`device for the transmission of audio signals therebetween;
`wherein when the input device captures the card information, the
`controller converts the card information into an audio signal that is transmitted via the
`communication link to the communication device for transmission thereof to the remote
`processor assembly for conversion of the audio signal into a digital signal and for
`validation of the card information.
`In an embodiment, the input device is further adapted to receive
`additional transactional information directly from a user; the controller is adapted to
`convert said additional information into an audio signal.
`In an embodiment, the remote processor assembly converts and
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00007
`transmits the card·validation information as an audio signal to the communication device
`which transmits this audio signal to the controller via the communication link. the
`controller being further adapted to convert this audio signal into a digital signal.
`for communicating the digital signal regarding the card validation information to the user.
`In an embodiment, the apparatus further comprises an output device
`In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, there is
`a system for commercial transactions using a transaction card via a
`communication device, the system comprising:
`transaction card and to convert the captured card information into an audio signal, the
`a transaction apparatus adapted to capture information from the
`transaction apparatus being linked to the communication device for the transmission of
`audio signals therebetween; and
`signal, the transaction server being linked to the communication device for the
`a transaction server adapted to convert an audio signal into a digital
`transmission of audio signals therebetween and to a remote processor/issuer adapted to
`validate the transaction card information for the transmission of digital signals
`wherein when the transaction apparatus captures the card information
`it is converted into an audio signal and transmitted to the communication device for
`transmission to the transaction server to be converted to a digital signal and transmitted
`to the remote processor/issuer for validation.
`In an embodiment, the transaction server is further adapted to convert
`a digital signal into an audio signal, wherein when the transaction server receives the
`digital signal of the validation information from the remote processor/issuer it is
`converted to an audio signal and sent to the communication device which transmits this
`audio signal to said transaction apparatus.
`convert an audio signal into a digital signal, wherein when the transaction apparatus
`In an embodiment, the transaction apparatus is further adapted to
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00008
`receives the audio signal of the validation information form the communication device it
`is converted to digital signal.
`In an embodiment, the transaction apparatus comprises an output
`device for communicating the digital signal regarding the card validation information to a
`additional transactional information directly from a user and to convert this additional
`In an embodiment, the transaction apparatus is adapted to receive
`information into an audio signal.
`In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, there is
`provided a method for commercial transactions using a transaction card via a
`communication device, the method comprising:
`capturing information from a transaction card;
`converting the captured information to an audio signal;
`transmitting the audio signal to a communication device ;
`transmitting the audio signal from the communication device to a
`server adapted to convert audio signals;
`converting the audio signal to a digital signal;
`information; and
`transmitting the audio signal to a processor for validating card
`validating the digital signal of the card information.
`In an embodiment, the method further comprises:
`adapted to convert digital signals;
`transmitting the digital signal of the validation information to a server
`converting the digital signal of the validation infonnation to an audio
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00009
`communication device.
`transmitting the audio signal of the validation information to the
`In an embodiment, the method further comprises:
`transmitting the audio signal of the validation information from the
`communication device to a controller adapted to convert audio signals;
`converting the audio signal to a digital signal; and
`communicating the validation information via a user interface.
`provided an apparatus for commercial transactions using a transaction card via audio
`In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, there is
`communication with a remote processor assembly, the apparatus comprising:
`an input device for capturing information from the transaction card;
`a controller linked to said input device for converting the captured
`card information into an audio signal; and
`a communication device
`communication with the remote processor assembly for the transmission of audio signals
`the controller
`in audio
`controller converts the card information into an audio signal that is transmitted via the
`wherein when the input device captures the card information, the
`communication device to the remote processor assembly for conversion of the audio
`signal into a digital signal and for validation of the card information.
`in a single unit that is selectively linked to the communication device. In an embodiment,
`In an embodiment, the input device and controller device are provided
`the controller and the communication device are provided in a single unit that is
`selectively linked to the input device.
`In an embodiment, the controller is adapted to
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00010
`convert an audio signal into a digital signal.
`In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, there is
`provided a system for commercial transactions using a transaction card comprising:
`a transaction and communication assembly comprising an input
`device for capturing information from the· transaction card, a controller linked to the input
`device for converting the captured card information into an audio signal, and a
`communication device linked to the controller;
`a transaction server adapted to convert an audio signal into a digital
`signal, the transaction server being linked to the communication device for the
`transmission of audio signals therebetween and to a remote processorfissuer, adapted
`to validate the transaction card information, for the transmission of digital signals
`wherein when the input device captures the card information it is
`converted by the controller into an audio signal and transmitted via the communication
`device for transmission to the transaction server to be converted to a digital signal and
`transmitted to the remote processor/issuer for validation.
`In an embodiment, the controller is adapted to convert an audio signal
`into a digital signal. In an embodiment, the transaction server is adapted to convert a
`digital signal into an audio signal for transmission to said communication device.
`provided a system for commercial transactions using a transaction card comprising:
`In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, there is
`an input device for capturing information from the transaction card;
`a controller linked to the input device for converting the captured card
`information into an audio signal;
`an interface display linked to the controller;
`a communication device linked to the controller;
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00011
`a transaction server adapted to convert an audio signal into a digital
`signal, the transaction server being linked to the communication device for the
`transmission of audio signals therebetween and to a remote processor/issuer, adapted
`to validate the transaction card infonnation, for the transmission of digital signals
`a merchant server linked to the transaction server and providing a
`remote merchant interface to be accessed by a user for making a transaction,
`wherein when a transaction is requested via the merchant interface,
`the merchant server receives this requests and sends it to the transaction server which
`converts it to an audio signal for transmission to the controller via the communication
`device, the controller converts the audio signal into an appropriate format for being
`displayed to the user via said interface display, wherein when the input device captures
`the card infonnation it is converted by said controller into an audio signal and transmitted
`via the communication device for transmission to the transaction server to be converted
`to a digital signal and transmitted to the remote processor/issuer for validation of the
`transaction request.
`Other objects, advantages and features of the present invention will
`become more apparent upon reading of the following non-restrictive description of non(cid:173)
`limiting illustrative embodiments thereof, given by way of example only with reference to
`the accompanying drawings.
`In the appended drawings, where like reference numerals denote like
`elements throughout and in where:
`accordance with an non-restrictive illustrative embodiment of the present invention
`Figure 1 is a flow diagram showing a transaction network in
`including a transaction/communication assembly and a remote processor assembly;
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00012
`Figure 2 is a front view of a transaction/communication assembly in
`accordance with an non-restrictive illustrative embodiment of the present invention;
`the transaction/communication assembly of Figure 2;
`Figure 3 is a bottom perspective view of the transaction apparatus of
`is a front view of the transaction apparatus of the
`transaction/communication assembly of Figure 2, shown here capturing infonnation from
`Figure 4
`a transaction card;
`Figure 5 is a flow diagram of the control system of a transaction
`apparatus in accordance with an non-restrictive illustrative embodiment of the present
`Figure 6 is a flow diagram showing a transaction network in
`accordance with another non-restrictive illustrative embodiment of the present invention
`including a transaction/communication assembly, a remote processor assembly a
`merchant server and an associated remote interface;
`accordance with another non-restrictive illustrative embodiment of the present invention;
`Figure 7 is a front view of a transaction/communication assembly in
`device of the transaction/communication assembly of Figure 7.
`Figure 8 is flow diagram of the control system of the communication
`Generally stated and in accordance with an embodiment of the
`invention, there is provided an apparatus, a system and a method for transactions via
`transaction cards using a communication device. The communication device includes a
`wireless communication device, a mobile phone, a cellular phone, a landline phone, a
`personal digital assistant (PDA), a pager computer, a Smart Phone™, a Blackberry™,
`an iPhone™, a netbook and the like. The transaction card includes a payment card
`IPR2019-01628 Page 00013
`debit card, credit card, cash card, stored value card, ATM card and other electronic
`methods of payment as will be understood within the art.
`In an embodiment, the
`apparatus, system and method disclosed herein are related to e-commerce or m(cid:173)
`In an
`commerce such as mobile payment and person-to-person money transfer.
`embodiment, the apparatus, system and method integrate mobile and internet payment.
`A variety of online transactions can be used within the context of the present invention.
`In an embodiment, a transaction apparatus such as a portable point of
`sale (POS) device for example is linked to the communication device thereby providing a
`transaction device assembly. The transaction apparatus includes an input device to
`capture information from the transaction card, a controller to process this information. In
`an embodiment, the transaction appa