
`Don Turnbull, Ph.D.
`Highly effective software developer, designer and researcher with over 25 years experience. Contributor
`to multiple commercially successful consumer and enterprise applications
`including Content
`Management Systems, CASE tools, desktop utilities, search tools and ecommerce Web sites.
`Accomplished researcher and creator of innovative, patented and trade-secreted technologies related to
`information retrieval, behavioral modeling, content organization and analytics. Author of numerous
`academic publications including: a book on Web-based information seeking and knowledge work,
`articles on human-computer
`interaction design, personalization for
`information retrieval and
`recommender systems, as well as numerous definitive works on information architecture methodologies,
`designs and implementations.
`Principal – InfoTheory/Don Turnbull, ULC
`Advising software companies, design agencies and information services corporations on the research and
`development of systems architectures, data science activities and human-computer interaction. Directing
`the design of multi-platform applications (desktop and mobile) for consumer-oriented information
`systems including Web, smartphone and tablet interfaces, information architectures and ecommerce
`recommendation systems as well as advising on future development based on data-centric architectures
`and for re-designing existing systems in use.
`Analyzing intellectual property, patent portfolios and innovative technologies to author reports, research
`software architecture and software development methods, create new IP, advise intellectual asset
`development, as well as serve as an expert in patent-related cases with prior art, infringement or
`validation issues.
`Designed and prototyped information retrieval systems and application programming interfaces for
`consumer and enterprise search systems involving indexing, tagging and faceted-metadata methods.
`Created techniques and organization schemes to instrument systems for collection and analysis of
`empirical behavioral data logs from Web site usage and user-generated content. Developed data models
`and interaction strategies for consumer and vertical channel mobile devices for information retrieval,
`storage and management.
`Advised and coordinated a very large, multiple partner contract systems development effort as the
`technical architect for a back-office ecommerce enterprise portal that included vendor tool selection,
`managing and negotiating among partners for project management and high-level goal definition.
`Devised and configured analytics tools as well as acting upon analysis findings to provide guidelines for
`site information architecture and user experience designs.
`Designed and directed creation of a knowledge management system to provide efficient development
`workflow, search functionality and knowledge discovery from intranet information sources including the
`design and deployment of enterprise wikis, blogs, social networking and workgroup collaboration tools,
`source code version control and office documents including (OLAP) reporting and financial applications.
`Lead efforts to build upon open source applications and protocols including novel interface designs,
`autonomous agents and collaborative filtering to improve information access and use in the organization.
`2016 - present
`Advisor – ThinkCX
`Directing research efforts for large-scale machine learning platform for collecting, measuring and
`predicting user behavior across mobile device and geo-locational activity traces. Advised on strategic use
`and extension for a social media analysis framework for user behavior prediction. Advising on the startup
`process, general technology and inventing as well as authoring patents.
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`Don Turnbull Ph.D.
` 2009-2011 & 2013 - 2018
`Advisor – University of Texas at Austin Technology Incubator
`Mentor and Advisor with the University of Texas at Austin, Austin Technology Incubator and IC2
`(Innovation, Creativity and Capital) Institute to engage local and international technology companies
`(primarily software startups) in advancing research, providing strategic expertise, intellectual property
`evaluation, market assessment and assisting in designing products for market.
` 2013
`Research Computer Scientist – Tapstream
`Researched and invented novel systems and designs in desktop and mobile computing, data science, user
`modeling and analytics domains to produce intellectual property for existing and future technologies.
`Investigated the state of the art and the competitive landscape for software services and advising
`directions for future product development.
`Principal Data Scientist & Architect – Wyley Interactive
`Researched and developed algorithms, data sets and software architectures for a mobile games discovery,
`recommendation and rewards system. Created intellectual property including system designs, algorithms
`and computational methods for patent-pending systems. Wrote and coordinated research grants and other
`funding programs.
`Architected an empirical business intelligence analytics platform for understanding and predicting user
`acquisition, monetization strategy, app distribution, gameplay telemetry, operation costs and social
`interaction in the mobile gaming space.
`Assistant Professor – University of Texas at Austin
`Created and taught graduate-level courses and development labs in Information Architecture, Interaction
`Design & Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Web Analytics, Web Information Retrieval Evaluation &
`Design (search), the Semantic Web and Knowledge Management systems. Investigated very large-scale
`data mining systems and algorithms (including Web use data for personalization), interface designs for
`multimedia access and Web search engines. Co-Principal Investigator for Web content classification and
`collaborative filtering system (the OpenChoice Project) including system architecture, algorithm
`evaluation, interface design and user coordination. Conducted and collaborated on Information Retrieval
`system development for blog analysis and topic distillation tasks including spam detection and initial
`sentiment analysis.
`Explored search engine technologies (multimedia, indexing, interaction), search engine optimization
`(natural organic search, personalized search, sponsored advertising search) as well as creation and
`empirical analysis of behavioral model of search user experience towards improving the search process.
`Advised graduate students and managed research team efforts for information technology research and
`development including Semantic Web applications, mobile device interfaces, Content Management
`Systems, Web browser software analysis, Web accessibility evaluation, Web link mining and analytics,
`information architecture design methodologies, and Web advertising plans and tools.
`Director of Advanced Development − Outride, Inc. (acquired by Google, Inc.)
`Created and Coordinated intellectual property assets including patent applications and licensed patents
`from Xerox PARC as well as original work developed at Outride. Authored multiple patents relating to
`personal relevance models for information retrieval, information privacy and e-commerce systems in
`networked and mobile environments. Worked with attorneys to manage, track, develop and revise patent
`portfolio. Authored several trade-secreted technologies, patent applications and at least one patent
`(7,089,237) for interfaces and systems that display content for commerce activities in mobile and/or
`networked environments which could include desktop, smartphone, tablet or set-top devices.
`Initiated and managed Competitive Intelligence efforts to scan for emerging technologies including
`research reviews, attending conferences and analyzing competitor technologies. Organized intelligence
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`Don Turnbull Ph.D.
`resources for engineering and legal purposes to protect and augment existing intellectual property.
`Maintained the Competitive Intelligence database as a knowledge management activity and served as a
`technical strategic advisor for business partners.
`Acted as research advisor for all corporate data mining, interface designs and usability studies activities.
`Worked closely with User Interface design team to design product specifications for an application to
`search the Web; manage bookmarks; view and search Web use history; and interact with a directory of
`Web-based resources. Designed high-level technical architecture and interface for a Web browsing
`privacy application to enable users to control and edit data collected about their Web use activities.
`Managed Metrics project with vendors to provide a value proposition for Outride technology for business
`development. Selected an external testing agency; designed the initial tests; determined evaluation
`criteria; selected competing technologies; designed data collection methods; analyzed test data; and
`edited the final report. This extremely successful project served as a key asset in demonstrating Outride
`technology to investors, business partners and industry analysts and additionally used extensively in press
`releases and corporate product literature.
`Research Scientist & WebTracker Development Lead − University of Toronto
`Planned and implemented a 16-month study to develop a comprehensive understanding of corporate
`Internet use utilizing a synthesis of data collection and analysis methods including an initial survey
`questionnaire; software to collect use data gathered with a custom-developed Web tracking application;
`and interviews with study participants.
`Analyzed data using qualitative and quantitative methods to test hypotheses of new models of
`Information Seeking and Information Retrieval behavior. Used study results to make recommendations
`on improving organizational Knowledge Management and individual Web use techniques, as well as to
`design new software tools to coordinate and leverage organizations’ intranet and Internet use.
`Designed and prototyped WebTracker: a client-side data collection instrument for transparently logging
`Web browser use. Researched data collection methods, instruments for Internet protocols and network-
`enabled client applications. Automated the data mining of WebTracker logs with customized analysis
`tools to build both individual and aggregate models of Web use. Initiated consortium with other research
`institutes to expand WebTracker use.
`Lead Technical Architect: Internet Applications − IBM Interactive Media Group
`Designed and authored specifications for hybrid (CD-ROM and Internet) World Book-IBM Interactive
`Multimedia Encyclopedia involving data formats, user interface, indexing structures and versioning
`controls. Researched and co-developed patented the TRUE/IP protocol for registering, updating and
`exchanging client-server information via the Internet. Prototyped large-scale collection and analysis of
`client application and Internet use data.
`Managed technical staff in product manager role with multiple vendors and locations including
`interviewing, hiring, training and planning state-of-the-art development labs. Developed technical
`architecture for e-Business services using database technology for user profiling to enable content
`personalization. Directed
`in-house usability efforts and commercial opportunities for existing
`technologies. Prototyped Web site building service included with all IBM Small Business System sales.
`Knowledge Management Researcher − AT&T
`Designed and constructed ISO 9000-compliant Web-based Knowledge Management system for corporate
`technical information. Researched and developed an iterative methodology to develop, organize and
`publish interactive documents using object-oriented content classification and user-centered design
`principles. Trained technical staff in this new methodology including coursework and system templates.
`Sr. Information Developer − MicroHelp, Inc.
`Programmed Microsoft Windows utility software application including file metadata analysis and
`duplication detection algorithms. Designed and prototyped user interface for UnInstaller for Windows
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`Don Turnbull Ph.D.
`(the best-selling utility in 1994, over 4 million sold). Conducted usability studies including designing test
`scenarios; user modeling; monitoring and recording test data; and analyzing resulting data. Developed
`scripts to automatically generate hypertext documentation from print documentation. Designed and
`programmed interactive multimedia applications to demonstrate software products.
`Technical Editor − Macmillan/SAMS Publishing
`Edited object-based visual programming and software development books for technical accuracy, initially
`for ObjectView, a product I designed for KnowledgeWare. Wrote and tested programming examples and
`database overview chapters used in various publications.
`Methodologist − KnowledgeWare, Inc.
`Managed project team through development cycle of Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
`tools including finalizing requirements, organizing development team, running status meetings,
`reviewing documentation, testing, prioritizing development issues and designing future enhancements.
`Used industry standard software engineering methodologies and frameworks (including Information
`Engineering and Rapid Application Development) for large-scale software projects.
`Researched software engineering methodologies to design methods and technologies for next generation
`CASE tools. Implemented designs included an object-based interface builder and large-scale hypertext
`information authoring and content management applications using graphical objects, with SGML (GML)
`formatting and semantics, WYSIWYG editing as well as link management. Designed and reviewed all
`graphical user interfaces for compliance. Created all corporate usability and interface design standards
`including task analysis methods to improve products.
`Ph.D. Information Studies - University of Toronto, 2002
`Dissertation: "Knowledge Discovery in Databases of Web Use: A Search for Informetric and Behavioral
`Models of Web Information Seeking"
`M.S. Information, Design & Technology - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995
`Thesis: "Object-Oriented Information Development: A Methodology and System for Large-Scale
`Hypertext Documents" (Web server design and Semantic Web content organization and deployment)
`B.A. General Studies - University of Texas at Arlington, 1988
`Knowledge Engineering (Computer Science & Cognitive Science)
`Choo, Chun Wei, Brian Detlor, and Don Turnbull. (2000) Web Work: Information Seeking and
`Knowledge Work on the World Wide Web. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
`Book Chapters
`Dillon, A., & Turnbull, D. (2010) Information Architecture. Encyclopedia of Library and Information
`Science, 2010, (3rd Ed.). Taylor & Francis.
`Dillon, A., & Turnbull, D. (2006) Information Architecture. Encyclopedia of Library and Information
`Science, 2006. Taylor & Francis.
`Turnbull, D. (2005). World Wide Web Information Seeking. In K. E. Fisher, S. Erdelez (Eds.), Theories
`of Information Behavior. Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, Inc.
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`Don Turnbull Ph.D.
`Selected Journal Articles
`Turnbull, D., & Bright, L. F. (2008). Advertising Academia with Sponsored Search: An Exploratory
`Study Examining the Effectiveness of Google AdWords at the Local and Global Level. International
`Journal of Electronic Business, 6(2), 149-171.
`Pitkow, J., Schutze, H., Cass, T., Cooley, R., Turnbull, D., Edmonds, A., et al. (2002). Personalized
`Search: A Contextual Computing Approach May Prove a Breakthrough in Personalized Search
`Efficiency. Communications of the ACM, 45(9), 50-55.
`Edmonds, K. A. A., Bluestein, J. J., & Turnbull, D. (2006). A Personal Information and Knowledge
`Infrastructure Integrator. Journal of Digital Information, 5(1).
`Choo, C. W., Detlor, B., & Turnbull, D. (2000). Information Seeking on the Web: An Integrated Model
`of Browsing and Searching. First Monday, 5(2).
`Selected Conference Papers (refereed)
`Turnbull, D. (2007). Rating, Voting & Ranking: Designing for Collaboration & Consensus. Paper
`presented at the Association of Computing Machinery Computer Human Interface Conference
`(SIGCHI), San Jose, CA.
`Turnbull, D. (2006, May 23, 2006). Methodologies for Understanding Web Use with Logging in Context.
`Paper presented at the The 15th International World Wide Web Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.
`Dillon, A., Kleinman, L., Bias, R., Choi, G. O., & Turnbull, D. (2004). Reading and Searching Digital
`Documents: An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Image Quality on User Performance and
`Perceived Effort. Paper presented at the American Society of Information Science and Technology
`Annual Meeting, 2004. Information Today, 267-273.
`Choo, C. W., Detlor, B., & Turnbull, D. (2000). Working the Web: An Empirical Model of Web Use.
`Paper presented at the 33rd Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Science (HICSS), Maui, HI.
`Turnbull, D. (1999). Interacting with Recommender Systems. Paper presented at the ACM SIGCHI
`(Computer-Human Interface) Workshop on Recommender Systems, Pittsburgh, PA.
`Choo, C. W., Detlor, B., & Turnbull, D. (1999). Information Seeking on the Web - An Integrated Model
`of Browsing and Searching. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the
`American Society of Information Science, Washington, D.C.
`Choo, C. W., Detlor, B., & Turnbull, D. (1998). A Behavioral Model of Information Seeking on the Web
`- Preliminary Results of a Study of How Managers and IT Specialists Use the Web. Paper presented
`at the Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Information Science,
`Pittsburgh, PA.
`Selected Conference Presentations, Panels & Posters (refereed)
`Turnbull, D. (2010). Quantitative Information Architecture. Presented at the American Society of
`Information Science & Technology Information Architecture Summit, Phoenix, AZ.
`Turnbull, D. & Tolva, J. (2010). Metropolitan Information Architecture. Presented at the American
`Society of Information Science & Technology Information Architecture Summit, Phoenix, AZ.
`Turnbull, D. (2009) Information Technology Diversity: Disruptive Technologies, Innovation &
`Management. Presented at the American Society of Information Science and Technology Annual
`Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
`Turnbull, D. (2009) Behavioral Checklist for Information Architecture. at the American Society of
`Information Science & Technology Information Architecture Summit, Memphis, TN.
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`Don Turnbull Ph.D.
`Turnbull, D. & Bright, L.F. (2008) Advertising & Awareness with Sponsored Search: an exploratory
`study examining the effectiveness of Google AdWords at the local and global level. Presented at the
`American Society of Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH.
`Turnbull, D., Mackenzie, M., & Edmonds, A. (2007). eManagement in the Dynamic Digital
`Environment. Paper presented at the World Congress on Management of eBusiness, Toronto,
`Turnbull, D. (2007). Hide and Seek: The Information Architecture & Design for working with filtered
`content in the OpenChoice filtering project. Presented at the American Society of Information
`Science & Technology Information Architecture Summit, Las Vegas, NV.
`Turnbull, D., Campbell, D. G., & Fast, K. V. (2007). The Grand Challenges in Information Architecture.
`Presented at the American Society of Information Science & Technology Information Architecture
`Summit, Las Vegas, NV.
`Turnbull, D. (2006). Setting the Agenda for IA Research. Presented at the Information Architecture
`Summit, Vancouver, BC Canada.
`Turnbull, D., & Efron, M. (2006). OpenChoice: A Platform for Web Content Classification & Filtering.
`Paper presented at the 15th International World Wide Web Conference Open Source Workshop,
`Edinburgh, Scotland.
`Turnbull, D., Dillon, A., Morville, P., Kaplan, N., Froehlich, T. J., & Robins, D. (2005). The Process of
`Curriculum Development for Information Architecture. Presented at the American Society of
`Information Science & Technology Information Architecture Summit, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
`Turnbull, D., Detlor, B., Mackenzie, M., & Edgar, B. (2005). How technology can move in concert with
`organizational change. Presented at the American Society of Information Science and Technology
`Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
`Turnbull, D. (2004). XIA: Xtreme Information Architecture. Paper presented at the American Society of
`Information Science & Technology Information Architecture Summit, Austin, TX.
`Jobst, J., & Turnbull, D. (2004). Joint Evolution of Web Browsers and Online Information Architecture.
`Presented at the American Society of Information Science & Technology Information Architecture
`Summit, Austin, TX.
`Burkart, J., Turnbull, D., Vigil, A., Switzky, A., Miranda, D., & Liaw, L. (2004). XIA@UT: An Extreme
`Makeover. American Society of Information Science & Technology Information Architecture
`Summit. Feb. 28, 2004. Paper presented at the American Society of Information Science &
`Technology Information Architecture Summit, Austin, TX.
`Turnbull, D. (1998). Data Mining Web Use: Discovering Patterns and Models of Web Information
`Seeking Behavior using WebTracker Software Application. Paper presented at the IBM Center for
`Advanced Studies Conference ‘98 (CASCON 98), Toronto, ON.
`Selected Conference Workshops (refereed)
`Turnbull, D. (2006, November 4) The Effects of Information Overload on Information Seeking & Use.
`Workshop paper for the American Society of Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting,
`SIG USE workshop. Austin, TX.
`Turnbull, D. (2006, May 23) OpenChoice: A Platform for Web Content Classification & Filtering. Open
`Source Workshop at the 15th International World Wide Web Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.
`Turnbull, D. (2003, Oct 18) New Approaches for Studying and Building Information Seeking Models: A
`Possible Hybrid Approach. SIGUSE Workshop on Information Seeking theory for the American
`Society of Information Science and Technology (ASIST) 2003 Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.
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`Don Turnbull Ph.D.
`Selected Invited Talks & Panels
`Turnbull, D. (2011, October 31). New Directions in Taxonomy (Conference Keynote). Presented at
`Taxonomy Boot Camp/KMWorld Enterprise Search Summit, Washington D.C.
`Turnbull, D. (2011, March 12). Left Brain Search = Google, Right Brain Search = X? Presented at the
`South by SouthWest Interactive, Austin, TX.
`Turnbull, D. (2010, July 13). Quantitative UX. Presented at the Toronto UX Irregulars. Toronto, ON.
`Turnbull, D. (2010, June 28). Semantic Discovery: Making Search Better. Presented at Semantic Web
`Vancouver. Vancouver, BC.
`Turnbull, D. (2010, June 22). Quantitative Information Architecture. Presented at the Vancouver User
`Experience Group. Vancouver, BC.
`Turnbull, D. (2009). Agile UX. Presented at IxDA Austin, Austin, TX.
`Turnbull, D. (2008, February 21). Making Search Better in Interactive Media. Presented at the New
`University of Lisbon (FCSH/UNL). Lisbon, Portugal.
`Turnbull, D. (2008, February 26). Making Search Better with Personalization and Informetrics. Presented
`at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP). Porto, Portugal.
`Turnbull, D. (2006, March 12). Tagging 2.0. Presented at the South by SouthWest Interactive, Austin,
`Turnbull, D. (2005, March 13). Leveraging and Augmenting Solipsism. Presented at South by SouthWest
`Interactive, Austin, TX.
`Turnbull, D. (2004, March 14). Revolutionary Search Technologies. Presented at South by SouthWest
`Interactive, Austin, TX.
`Turnbull, D. (2004, March 11). Designing for Pervasive Computing. Austin Mobility Roundtable, the
`Third Annual Meeting of the Global Mobility Roundtable, Austin, TX.
`Turnbull, D. (1998). Leveraging Web Use for Business Intelligence: Discovering Patterns and Classes of
`WWW Users. IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Research Forum, Toronto, ON.
`Other Publications
`Bagheri, E. & Cheung J. (Eds) & Turnbull, D. (Industry Track). (2018) 31st Canadian Conference on
`Artificial Intelligence. Springer Intl Publishing Subseries on Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
`Turnbull, D., Jansen, B. J., Hawkey, K., Kellar, M., & Edmonds, K. A. A. (2007). Introduction to
`Logging Traces of Web Activity special issue. IEEE Journal of Web Engineering, 6(3), 193-195.
`Turnbull, D. (1998). Data Mining Web Use: Discovering Patterns and Models of Web Information
`Seeking Behavior using WebTracker Software Application. Paper presented at the IBM Center for
`Advanced Studies Conference ‘98 (CASCON 98), Toronto, ON.
`Professional Associations
`• Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
`• Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
`• Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association
`• Python Software Foundation
`• Association Society of Information Science & Technology (ASIST)
`• World Wide Web Conference - Browsers and UI Program Committee
`Information Architecture Institute Advisory Board Member
`• World Wide Web Consortium - Web Characterization Activity
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`Don Turnbull Ph.D.
`Fellowships, Scholarships and Grants
`• University of Texas Dean’s Fellowships 2003, 2006, 2007 & 2008
`• Co-Principal Investigator - OpenChoice classifier & social filtering engine - IMLS 2005-2007
`• Temple Foundation Fellowship 2004 & 2005
`• University of Texas at Austin Teaching Fellowship 2004
`• Google Search Appliance Grant 2003
`• University of Texas at Austin John P. Common Teaching Fellowship 2003
`• Microsoft ClearType Research Grant 2003
`• University of Toronto Open Fellowship 1997, 1998 & 1999.
`• Mary H. Beatty Fellowship 1996
`Patents and Patent Applications
`Turnbull, Don & Muxworthy, Derek & Nielsen Aaron David (applied 2018). System and Method For
`Measuring And Predicting User Behavior Indicating Satisfaction And Churn Probability. US Patent
`Application 16/288,014. Assignee: ThinkCX
`Turnbull, Don & LaPierre, Larry (applied 2012). Method to Deconstruct Computer Games into
`Alternative Slices and System to Enable Event Definitions, Achievements and Rewards via a Central
`Application or Interface Platform. US Provisional Patent # 61/679,605. Assignee: Wyley Interactive.
`Turnbull, Don & Schuetze, Hinrich (applied 2001, granted 2006). Interface and system for providing
`persistent contextual relevance for commerce activities in a networked environment. US Patent #
`7,089,237. Assignee: Google, Inc.
`Cases involving In-Court Appearance, Testimony or Deposition (retaining party in bold)
`1. Speedtrack, Inc. v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Endeca Technologies, Inc., et al. U.S. District Court
`for the Northern District of California, Case No. 4:06-cv-07336-PJH.
`2. Bid for Position, LLC v. AOL, LLC, et al., U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia,
`Case No. 2:07-cv-00582-JBF-TEM.
`3. SFA Systems, LLC v., Inc., et al. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
`Tyler Division, Case 6:11-cv-00052-LED.
`4. Softview LLC v. Motorola Mobility Inc., et al. U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, Case
`No. 1:10-cv-00389-LPS.
`5. Rotatable v. Rackspace, US, Inc., et al. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Marshall
`Division and Inter Partes Review, USPTO PTAB. Docket: 47015.115.
`6. Global Sessions LP and Global Sessions Holdings SRL v. Comerica, TD, et al. U.S. District Court
`for the Western District of Texas, Case Nos.: 1:13-CV-688-SS; 1:13-CV-692-SS, 1:13-CV-691-SS.
`7. Enterprise Systems Technologies, S.A.R.L. v. Apple Inc., to the USPTO PTAB. Civil Action Nos.:
`8. Enterprise Systems Technologies, S.a.r.l. v. Microsoft (HTC & Google as interveners). International
`Trade Comission Case No. 337-TA-925.
`9. Queen’s University at Kingston v. Samsung Electronics Co, LTD. Inter Partes Review, USPTO
`PTAB Case No IPR2015-00583.
`10. Express Mobile, Inc. v. BigCommerce, U.S District Court for the Easter District of Texas Marshall
`Division, Case No. 2:17-cv-00130.
`11. Express Mobile, Inc. v. eGrove Systems Corporation, U.S. District Court of Delaware, Case No.
`12. Seven Networks, LLC. v. Google, LLC, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
`Marshall Division, Case No. 2:17-CV-442-JRG.
`13. Fintiv v. Apple, Inc., Western District of Texas, Austin Division, Case No. 6:18-CV-372-ADA.
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