`Patent Owner.
`Case No. IPR2019-01613
`U.S. Patent 8,004,389
`Virtual Deposition of
`Wednesday, September 16, 2020
`8:00 a.m. MST
`Job No.: 320998
`Pages: 1 - 64
`Reported by: Elisabeth A. Miller Lorenz, RMR, CRR
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`Roku EX1032
`Roku v. Universal Electronics


`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` Virtual deposition of MICHAEL D. SPRENGER,
`Ph.D., taken pursuant to notice, before Elisabeth
`A. Miller Lorenz, Registered Merit Reporter, Certified
`Realtime Reporter, and a Notary Public in and for the
`state of Tennessee.
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`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Sterne Kessler
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
` 202.371.2600
` 1201 West Peachtree Street
` Suite 4900
` Atlanta, Georgia 30309
` 404.881.4962
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued)
`Jon Bortolini, Audiovisual Technician
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` C O N T E N T S
` By Mr. Tang 6
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit 5 Declaration of Dr. Sprenger 15
` Exhibit 6 '389 Patent 18
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` THE STENOGRAPHER: Will counsel please
`stipulate that in lieu of formally swearing in the
`witness, the reporter will instead ask the witness
`to acknowledge that their testimony will be true
`under the penalties of perjury, that counsel will
`not object to the admissibility of the transcript
`based on proceeding in this way, and that the
`witness has verified that he is in fact Dr. Michael
`D. Sprenger?
` MR. TANG: We agree.
` MR. TSUI: Agree.
` THE WITNESS: I do. I agree. I'm
`Michael Sprenger. I wasn't sure.
`called as a witness herein, having first
`acknowledged under penalty of perjury, was examined
`and testified as follows:
` Q How are you today, Dr. Sprenger?
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` A Good morning. Very well.
` How about yourself?
` Q Good. Good.
` So today you understand that you're here
`to provide testimony regarding your declaration for
`IPR2019-01613 related to U.S. Patent No. 8,004,389,
` A That's correct, yes.
` Q And as we talked about yesterday, we'll
`also discuss your other declaration related to
`U.S. Patent No. 9,911,325 after completing the '389
`patent, correct?
` A I understand that, yes.
` Q And just so the record is clear, we went
`over a number of guidelines and rules yesterday and
`procedures for these remote depositions, correct?
` A Yes, I remember.
` Q And you understand that those guidelines
`and rules that we set forth yesterday and that we
`agreed to yesterday will equally apply here,
` A Yes, I understand that.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` Q So yesterday we were talking about
`different modulation techniques.
` Do you recall that?
` A I do.
` Q And about how many different modulation
`techniques are you aware of?
` A That's not an easy question to answer
`because it really depends on how you categorize
`different modulation schemes. There are different
`ways to group these together into modulation schemes
`that apply mainly to digital communications, and
`others apply mainly to analog forms of modulation --
`analog -- excuse me, I correct myself, analog forms
`of communication.
` Q So how many, I guess, digital modulation
`schemes are you aware of?
` A Again, it's not an easy question to
`answer because it really depends how we group and
`categorize these together. If you want a very, very
`rough starting point, I can give you a general
`guideline. It will not be a hard-and-fast number.
` Let's think of about half a dozen
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`approximately that could -- would make sense to
`categorize, and we can always refine those if needed
`or we can make a broader range of categorization so
`we would end with fewer groups. But, say, half a
`dozen as a starting point strikes me as a reasonable
` Q So you're saying that there aren't more
`than half a dozen types of modulation schemes for
`digital communication?
` MR. TSUI: Objection, mischaracterizes.
` THE WITNESS: No, I did not say that.
`Let me -- let me phrase the answer a different way.
` I wanted to give you a very, very rough
`range. So it's not hundreds; it's not thousands;
`it's not one or two; it's -- let's call it a
` Q So not more than ten?
` A See, that ten is still within roughly the
`range, I'd say, depending on how we group and
`categorize those. I could see it is entirely
`feasible to come up with different -- 10 different
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`modulation schemes, may be even 12 or more.
` What I'm saying is, it's not hundreds;
`it's not thousands; it's not one or two; so it's --
`it's half a dozen, maybe even a dozen depending on
`how you group those together and how you categorize
` Q Will you -- so I guess -- I -- I
`appreciate that there's different groups.
` Can you describe a few of those groups?
` A Would you like digital modulation or
`modulation schemes for digital communication or for
` Q Let's focus on digital.
` A I'll just give you a few off the top of
`my head. This is not intended to be an exhaustive
`list, and it's entirely possible that I could at the
`moment not think of some -- some of these schemes
`that might be deemed potentially important ones.
` So one would be pulse with modulation.
`It's often abbreviated as PWM, and that's one
`modulation scheme that we discussed in quite some
`detail yesterday.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` Another scheme is called QAM, Q-A-M, all
`capital, quadrature amplitude modulation. This is
`also a scheme we discussed in a bit of detail
` Then there's another modulation scheme
`called QPSK, quadrature phase shift key, and that's
`also used in digital communication.
` There is a scheme called PPM. It's
`called -- that's the acronym, and it stands for
`pulse position modulation.
` There is another one that's quo- --
`related to it. It's called PDM, pulse density
` So I think that's about five or six I can
`come up with off the top of my head. If I pull out
`a textbook out of my shelf, there are probably a few
`more in there.
` Q Sure. I appreciate that.
` So I think I heard you mention a
`phrase -- or the word keying; is that correct?
` A So you had an audio dropout for a moment.
`I only heard part of your question.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` Q Sure.
` I think I heard you mention a phrase
`keying; is that correct?
` A Yes, I mentioned that as one of the
`modulation schemes that I listed.
` Q What does keying mean?
` A Keying can mean -- there's no very well
`or firmly defined term. Keying in this particular
`context can mean to turn something on or off.
` Q All right. And I think yesterday you
`mentioned also the existence of unmodulated
`sequence, right?
` A I did. We referred to those in the
`context of -- I believe if I recall correctly, of
`different choices that an engineer might have when
`it comes to implementing some of these methods that
`we discussed.
` Q And how many of those techniques are you
`aware of?
` A I would have to think about it. The one
`that comes to mind is the simple way of simply
`turning on and off a signal source. That's
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`something we discussed in some detail yesterday.
`That is often referred to as unmodulated and as your
`expert, Dr. Russ, acknowledged multiple times, I
`understand, in his deposition several months ago.
` This is one example I can think of at the
`moment. I cannot think of another one.
` Q Did you review Dr. Russ' transcript from
`his deposition?
` A I did.
` Q And do you remember what he said in its
` A Are you referring to his entire
` Q Yes -- well, I guess, did you review his
`transcript in its entirety?
` A Oh, thank you for clarifying the
` I did review his transcript in its
`entirety. It was -- it was multiple documents. I
`believe it was three days' worth of deposition.
` Q Do you remember what he said about
`unmodulated techniques?
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` A I do. He said -- and this is, of course,
`not verbatim. I'm quoting this from memory from
`when I read his transcript a while ago. I'm trying
`to recall as best as I can. He said -- give me a
`moment. I'm trying to remember. And, again, I
`cannot recall his exact words that I read in the
` He said something along the lines of --
`that unmodulated communication in such system is an
` Q And I think I heard you say that you were
`just aware of one potential unmodulated technique;
`is that right?
` MR. TSUI: Objection, mischaracterizes.
` THE WITNESS: So let me clarify this. I
`can -- at this point, I can recall one. That
`doesn't mean there aren't more, and I'm certainly
`not firm that there are, you know, more or less, but
`this is one that I can think of.
` Q Just no other ones are coming to mind
`right now; is that right?
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` MR. TSUI: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: Not at this point.
` Q Now I'd like to turn to your '389
`declaration if you have that handy. And you can
`also pull out the '389 patent as well.
` A Let me fetch that from the box.
` MR. TANG: For our technician, this
`should be the EX2003 ending in the 613 document.
` I see for the record we've marked this as
`Deposition Exhibit No. 5.
` (Marked Exhibit No. 5.)
` THE WITNESS: Okay. I have these two
`documents here.
` Q So we'll put them on the screen here,
`which is a copy that's titled Declaration of
`Dr. Michael Sprenger in Support of Patent Owner's
`Response to Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,004,389.
` Do you see that, Dr. Sprenger?
` A I can see that, yes.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` Q And is this also a document that you have
`in front of you?
` A Yes, that's my document, and it indicates
`I think -- we don't need to go through the entire
`document here on the screen. It's hard for me to
`read. I think it indicates it's 167 pages, and the
`document I have here --
` Q So, Dr. Sprenger, if you would just like
`to flip through that document and make sure there
`aren't any errors or corrections that need to be
`made and that it is true and accurate.
` A It's just the document on the screen says
`it's 167 pages -- oh, okay. Never mind. They're
`counting the -- I'm just making sure it's all
`complete. We have some Roman numerals at the
` Never mind. Let me just flip through
`this. Let me just flip through this.
` Even though I just flipped through this
`in 30 seconds, I would say this is the document that
`I wrote.
` Q And sitting here today, are you aware of
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`any errors or corrections that need to be made to
`that document?
` A I'm not aware of any.
` MR. TANG: So we can pull this down from
`the screen, and then we'll introduce the '389
`patent. For the technician, that will be EX1001,
`the '389 patent.
` We'll pull up EX1001, the '389 patent.
` Q Dr. Sprenger, do you recognize this
`document in front of you that is on the screen?
` A Yes, I recognize that.
` If Jon, the technician, could maybe
`quickly scroll through that, we can make sure it's
`all complete.
` Thank you, Jon. Excellent. Thank you
`very much.
` Yes, this is the same document that I
`have a printed copy of here on my end.
` MR. TANG: And for the record, we'll mark
`this as Deposition Exhibit 6.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` (Marked Exhibit No. 6.)
` MR. TANG: Feel free to pull that down.
` Q By any chance, Dr. Sprenger, do you still
`have the '642 patent from yesterday?
` A I do. Let me find it. There's a stack
`of documents from yesterday if you give me just a
`moment, please.
` Okay. Yes, I have the '642 patent at
`hand as well.
` Q Great.
` So what we're going to do first is look
`at the Claim 2 of the '389 patent.
` A Let me quickly read Claim 2 to make sure
`I have the correct context.
` Thank you. Go ahead.
` Q And I guess just to start, can we agree
`that Steps (a) through (c) of Claim 2 here are the
`same as the steps of Claim 1 of the '642 patent,
`Steps (a) through (c)?
` MR. TSUI: Objection, outside the scope.
` THE WITNESS: If you'll allow me to
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`quickly compare these to make sure that these are
`indeed the same.
` So did you say Elements (a) through (c)?
` Q That's correct.
` A Okay. Just a moment, please.
` So just a quick question for
`clarification. Perhaps I misunderstood.
` Are you saying I should compare Claim 1,
`Elements (a) through (c) in '389 and compare it with
`Claim 2, Elements (a) through (c) in '642?
` Q The other way.
` A The other way around?
` Q Yeah. Claim 2 of the '389 and Claim 1 of
`the '642.
` A Thank you for clarifying. I was
`momentarily confused.
` So perhaps I missed something, and I
`apologize for having to ask this again.
` When I look at -- sorry, let me have
`another look here. I'm probably mixing up some of
`these things.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` Q No worries.
` A So Claim 2 of '389 and Claim 1 of '642,
` Q Yes.
` A Okay. So looking at Element (b), there
`are some differences. One is a super set of the
` Q Can you describe the difference?
` A So I'm reading from Patent '389, Claim 2,
`Element (b). It says, Generating a key code within
`a key code generator device using the key stroke
`indicator signal wherein said key code is part of a
`codeset that controls an electronic consumer device.
`So that's '389, Claim 2, Element (b).
` '642, Claim 1, Element (b), says,
`Generating a key code within a key code generator
`device using the key stroke indicator signal,
`semicolon. That's it. It's a shorter claim
` Q So is our discussion about Element (b)
`yesterday still relevant to Element (b) in the '389?
` A I'm not sure I'm able to answer this
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`question in terms of whether a discussion is
`relevant or not. This is really outside the scope
`of -- of my work. I can only offer technical
`expertise with respect to specific methods and
`technologies, not necessarily opinions in a matter
`that might be an issue of the law.
` Q Did you interpret Element (b) in the '389
`differently -- I think I'll start my question again.
` Can you hear me?
` A Yes, sorry, I had the microphone covered
`up with the paperwork.
` Q No worries.
` Did you analyze Element (b) from the '389
`differently from Element (b) of the '642?
` MR. TSUI: Object to form, outside the
` THE WITNESS: I analyzed '389 the way
`it's phrased in -- in the patent itself. I did --
`at the time I studied these patents, I did make
`these comparisons, but I don't think I opined in my
`declaration on any of the specific differences
`between these particular claim elements.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` Q Can I ask you about Element (d) of '389?
`Would you take a look at that?
` A In which claim is that, please?
` Q Claim 2 of the '389, Element (d).
` A Claim 2, Element (d), it says,
`Transmitting said key code signal from said key code
`generator device.
` Q So that doesn't indicate where the key
`code signal is sent, right?
` MR. TSUI: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: The words on the page here
`that I have in front of me only say transmitting
`said key code signal from said key code generator
`device, so it's entirely possible that within
`context if we read text passages before or
`afterwards that this may be specified further.
` Q You say text passages.
` Do you mean the rest of the claim?
` A Yes. Thank you. Thank you. The rest of
`the claim may potentially shed some light on that.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` Q Would you like to review the rest of the
` A If you give me a moment, please. Thank
` Mr. Tang, if I could ask you to please
`restate your question.
` Q Sure. The question is whether Step (b)
`of Claim -- I'm sorry, excuse me, whether Step (d)
`of Claim 2 specifies where the key code signal is
` A Thank you for clarifying that.
` Reading Claim 2, I do not see any
`specification with respect to where this signal is
`being sent.
` Q And can I now turn you to Paragraph 173
`of your declaration?
` A Give me just a moment, please. Allow me
`to quickly read that to make sure I understand
` Yes, go ahead, please.
` Q So in this paragraph, you describe two
`embodiments of the '389 patent, right?
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Are those the same two embodiments we
`discussed yesterday.
` A When you said what we discussed
`yesterday, we discussed many things. If you might
`be more specific, it would help me make that
` Q Sure.
` So yesterday we discussed two embodiments
`related to the '642 patent, right?
` A I do remember that, yes.
` Q Are those the same two embodiments that
`you refer to here?
` A To be really sure, I would have to
`quickly check my declaration for the '642 patent.
` Q Sure. If you have that available, you
`can feel free to --
` A Yes. If you give me a moment, I'm -- I
`have it here nearby.
` Q Sure. If it would be helpful, I think
`the paragraphs are 68 and 70 that we discussed
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` A Thank you for your help.
` So -- oh, 68 and 70 that we discussed in
`some detail yesterday, yes.
` Q Correct.
` A So the picture in my '389 declaration in
`Paragraph 173 is different than -- there are two
`pictures here. One is Paragraph 68 -- oh, sorry.
` In '642, there are two pictures; one is
`Paragraph 68, and one is Paragraph 70. They contain
`somewhat more detail than what is shown in my '389
`declaration in Paragraph 173.
` Q And so yesterday we discussed those two
`embodiments of the '642 patent, right?
` A Yes, we did.
` Q Are those the same two embodiments that
`you referred to in your '389 declaration?
` A So the '389 patent and the '642 patent
`have somewhat different claims when it comes to
`detecting certain devices. That's how the '389
`patent differ -- differs. So I'm not sure from a
`legal perspective if we can say that these are the
`same -- the exact same embodiments.
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` And I did not comment on this or any of
`these finer differences in any of my declarations.
`It's really outside the scope of what my function
`is. I cannot offer opinions of the law. I can only
`offer technical expertise when it comes to --
`respect to some of these methods and technologies
`that we discuss.
` Q So you mentioned differences in the
` The specification of the '642 and the
`'389 patent are the same, right?
` MR. TSUI: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: The specifications are the
` Q The two embodiments are in the
`specifications, right?
` A I see what you mean now. Yes, that's
` Q So the two embodiments described in the
`specification of the '642 are the same two
`embodiments you're referring to here in the '389,
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` MR. TSUI: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: Now I understand what you
`mean, so the answer is yes.
` Q So then Claim 2 -- switching to the claim
`now -- as you described in Paragraph 173 relates to
`both embodiments; is that right?
` A I'm sorry, there was a brief audio
`glitch, and I could not hear the second half of your
` Q Sure.
` So I'm looking at Paragraph 173, and it
`says here Claim 2 of the '389 patent relates to both
`embodiments; is that right?
` A That's correct.
` Q So I'd now like to look at the purpose of
`Claim 2 if it's both of these embodiments.
` What would you say is the purpose of
`Claim 2?
` MR. TSUI: Objection, outside the scope.
` THE WITNESS: If you wish, I can reread
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`Claim 2 from the '389 patent.
` Q Sure, that would be helpful.
` A Excuse me, Claim 2. A method comprising:
` (a), receiving a keystroke indicator
`signal from a remote control device wherein the
`keystroke indicator signal indicates a key on said
`remote control device that a user has selected;
` (b), generating a key code within a key
`code generator device using the keystroke indicator
`signal wherein said key code is part of a codeset
`that controls an electronic consumer device;
` (c), modulating said key code onto a
`carrier signal thereby generating a key code signal;
` (d), transmitting said key code signal
`from said key code generator device, and;
` (e), identifying said codeset using input
`from a user of said remote control device wherein
`said codeset is identified when said user stops
`pressing a key on said remote control device.
` Q Can you describe the function of Claim 2
`in lay terms?
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` MR. TSUI: Objection, outside the scope.
` THE WITNESS: Claim 2 describes a method,
`and I'm simplifying here in somewhat sort of broader
`terms. Receiving some form of indicator, which the
`patent calls a keystroke indicator signal, from a
`remote control device and that particular keystroke
`indicator signal specifies a certain key that the
`user has pressed on his or her remote control.
` As a second step, the system then
`generates what we call a key code using device
`called a key code generator device. It uses that
`keystroke indicator signal received from the remote
`control to do that.
` As a third step, it then takes that key
`code it generated and places it onto a certain type
`of signal, which the patent calls a carrier signal,
`and it calls that signal a key code signal.
` As a fourth step, that key code signal is
`then transmitted from the key code generator device.
` And fourth -- I'm sorry, fifth, finally,
`the system identifies what is called a codeset using
`input that the user has made earlier using that same
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`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`remote control device by -- the indication is done
`by pressing a key on that remote control device.
` In the context of the '389 patent, a
`codeset is a group or a set of valid key codes that
`applies to a certain consumer electronics device.
` Q So would you say that the purpose of
`the -- of Claim 2 --
` MR. TSUI: Object to form.
` Q I'll ask it again.
` So would you say that the purpose of
`Claim 2 is to identify a codeset?
` MR. TSUI: Object to form, outside the
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall opining on
`this specific issues in my declaration. The
`identification -- okay. I'm sorry, I'm struggling
`to read the fine print here. Here we go. Let me
`just reread Element (e) from Claim 2.
` So Claim 2, Element (e) says, Identifying
`said codeset using input from a user of said remote
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`control device wherein said codeset is identified
`when said user stops pressing a key on said remote
`control device.
` So identifying a codeset is one of the
`things that the claim describes.
` Q Can you describe a practical application
`of these steps in this method?
` MR. TSUI: Objection, outside the scope.
` THE WITNESS: A practical application of
`these steps would be to identify -- let me say
`identify a codeset. It also means the system is
`able to identify a certain consumer electronics
`device that is associated with this codeset.
` And, of course, there are a number of
`other functions that are described in the claim
`Elements (a) through (d), so I could quickly go
`through all these and describe some form of
`application that would be applicable in this case.
` Q I think that's okay. Maybe we'll come
`back to that.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
` But, okay, I'd like to look at Step (e)
`that we were just talking about.
` So based on how this claim is written,
`would you agree that nothing in Step (e) indicates
`when this step occurs relative to the other steps?
` A Let me reread this again and see if I can
`find out. So I'm reading from Claim 2, Element (e).
`Identifying said codeset using input from a user of
`said remote control device wherein said codeset is
`identified when said user stops pressing a key on
`said remote control device.
` The claim element speaks of identifying
`the codeset. The words on the page, to the best of
`my abilities, do not specify when this particular
`step occurs.
` Q So Step (e) could be performed after
`Step (d), right?
` MR. TSUI: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: Not necessarily. It does
`not specify when exactly this occurs. However, some
`of this information is needed in order for the
`system to be able to function properly. So Step (e)
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM


`Transcript of Michael D. Sprenger, Ph.D.
`Conducted on September 16, 2020
`would have to occur at some point prior to carrying
`out all the lookup information and things like that,
`because without having a clear correlation or
`information of the consumer electronics device that
`is to be addressed, in my opinion, the Elements (a)
`through (d) would not make much sense.
` Q So if I'm hearing you right, Claim 2, you
`can perform Step (e) before Step (a), right?
` MR. TSUI: Object to form,
`mischaracterizes testimony.
` THE WITNESS: I did not opine on that in
`my declaration. And in order to give you a firm
`answer, I would have to carry out some more

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