Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete ifKnown
`! 14/134,926
`Application Number
`! December 19, 2013
`Filing Date
`! James J. FALLON
`First Named Inventor
`! 2634
`Art Unit
`·· ! BOCURE, Tesfaldet
`(l)se as mat1y sheetsa ._.1· _ne_.c_es_s_ary_._) _ ___ _ .. ..fx ... :.a. miner Na!!.'.~'........
`............ [ 24·-----fof/ ·- 29
`..... ! ~\ttomey Docket Number
`j 2855.0050008
`Equivalent o: form PTO/SBI08a ,'07-09)
`N~rne of Patentee or
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Rekvant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`Geiger et .. aL
`...... 1
`+---~-!-:-~-~:-~-~~-l~-~-+--lps_ .. lli1_1r:1~·~_el·~-t~;a-l!;.1-T~e~t-,-a=J __ ~~~--.. _-,:-~---------~·_ ... _ ... _ .. _···_·',
`Document f·~umber
`·-------ii Puhlicar~on Dare
`Cit~Nc l
`Nwnber.•Kind Code 2 (if
`'------i-----,i-........................ _.-···-···-·--~
`I 6,885,319
`: - - - - - i - - - - ·
`'-----l,,.----l· --~----
`i - - - - - i -~ •
`1 .............. --+--L-1S467
`! US468
`j ................. ; US_4_6_9--(cid:144)--
`09-13-2005 Abali et -al-.----
`--+--1-o--.o-4_<_'_0_0_2 __ Jo-1It'i.
`l 0-25-2005
`Suzuki et al.
`11-08-2005 Wu
`,-9-9-0-,2-. 4-7-- -~---+i -0-1--2-4-2-0~0-6-.....-S-c:_h_w_·a-rt_z __ - - -
`1 01-31~2006
`• Nakagawa et aL
`l~J]'S470 6,993,597
`Donati et al.
`--; 02-28-2006
`·--r .. 04-04-2006
`l US·4·7-3...-.-,.,-, ,-0-5_4_,4_9~3------+'-o-5 ___ 3_0_-2_. (-)0-IJ-.. -~-t[ Sdnvartz
`______ ......... -
`,----~t n~~~~~-~----------
`t US474 i 7,069,342
`......... !
`---+-l -L-TS475 .. ! 7,089,391
`Geiger et al.
`'----·+\ lJ~-.4-7_6 .. i"7,102,544
`,..._. __ ,,.,.,,.,,.t _t_JS4 77 -+-7_,_1_2_7,_5_1_8 ____ ·---+-10_-_2_4_-2_.o_.l_-16_) __ \_1_a_n_g_e_e_t a __ L _____ _,,,-..-~----------·-------------··
`Alvar~ 7 H
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`! P"·r.-.s C·,"umns r irv·s w~;er,•
`Foreign Patent Document
`N,jJD.t': vf Patentee or
`·'- 1
`j Country Code3-N,,inber4-K .. i_-n .. d.........
`Reievant Passages o:r Rek:vant
`Apphcant of Citt.xl De\~Wn~nt
`J'vilvl:~DD~ YYYY
`Figures Appe:1r
`,___ __ _...., _ __ _,__c_od_e~. (if known)
`• · , -·
`Cik~ 1'-fo.;
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`,----------.------- -----------------·----"~-------,---------...
`___ ___,,, _____ __. _______ .
`! Date
`/Tesfaldet Bocurei
`j Considered
`1 1
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
`not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant. 1 Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 1 See Kind,;
`Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard
`ST.3). "For JapaneS'iP.atfnt l}Qc,IJ-m~ the,.indic!ll!on ofth~ear of the~~ of the Em11eror mus,1.Precede the serial number ofth~atent document 5 Kind
`f.tmi!nt~bS:hU~ ~l:!ffet:~ ~~~ ~.!!"§ !i1~sW~ &~~t ~ ~N,~D cf¥1 R!@Jl9GH .
`of document by thefti\lhc(ijlrilntisY
`English language Translation is attached.


`Substitute for form !449/PTO
`Equivalent of Form PTOISBI08a (07-09
`___________________ ____,
`! Application Number Com~~~:::;.-;::;;;~--
`~}i!ing Date
`December l 9, _ 20 t 3 ----------------- _ _. ____ _
`i First Named Inventor
`James J. FALLON
`i Art unit ------
`------- -ji54-··----······-··············--···--·---------
`Cire No.
`Pubilcai~on Daic
`Name of Patentee or
`Apphcant of Cited Docum~.nt
`Pages. Columns. Lines, \.Vhere
`Relc;vant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`--5i~~t····--·····--·--··--r2s--..... r~f
`(Use as many_._~h_ee~_t._? a_s_n_e_ce_s_sa_i:J_·~ ______ .,.,: _E_' x_·a_m_._•n_e_r=1'f!~.1.!J.~------------------------ BOCURE, Tesfaldet
`i Attorney Docket Number
`----------,.----------------- ------------
`Document Number
`Number-Kind c-:.,,de 2 (If
`l----·············h=·s481 ...... ;n-,,~-~"'11
`i-,6-(-)8-----...;.....-02--.--7-J-1--2-0_0_7---i----F-al-lo_n_e_t _a_L _____ ,..,..;-!---------------------------~--~
`, .... ,
`! US482
`·_---_---_------i"'---U_S_4_8_3--+_7_,":_~ _l 9_. ,_6o_':7 _____ .......... 0_1_-_1s_-_2_o_0_8..........;1---B_ie_d_e_r_m_a_n _____ .. J __ ~------------'
`03-13-2007 Dyeetal.
`_____ u_-1_-_2_2-_2_o_o_s __ F_a_1_1o_n ________ +! ____ ...................... -----------;!
`.................... .,.._l_rs_4_8_4_..,._7_,3_7_, l_,9_3_~_1
`02-05-2008 Martinian et al.
`......................................... -l--,------------i---------i------------+------.. ,-.................. ,---~
`___ .,__..,_lJS.4i7 ...... RE4·0-,u~-,5~>2------+--0-2--l-9--2-0-0-8-.--K-an-g--------+--------------...... i
`Fox et al.
`; ......................................................
`------+--~---+---------------1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ____________________ ......,
`Fallon et aL
`, ........................................ ,,. ............ , ......
`Fallon et aL
`+---------------------1------------...... __ , __ .
`Fallon et al.
`~ 7,417,568
`Romanik et al.
`05-04-20 JO Wise et al.
`[ US499
`05-1 i-2010
`1 ................................................................... , .... __ .. , __ .. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
`- - - - - -+ - - - , - -+ - - - - - - - - - - ,~~~~~~ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . .,....... ________________________ _
`! Examiner
`h:,re1gn Patent Document
`. 1
`4 -
`Cit· "'' 1 : .,
`"' dl..
`: country Code-- ~Nurnber ,Kind
`! Code5 (if known)
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, \\/here
`Rdevant Passages or Relevant
`Figmes Appear
`~~~~~~~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .... ,
`--f-l _____ ........., _______________________ ....,....._
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`iTesfaldet Bocure/
`l Date
`! Considered
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
`not considered_. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant. 1 Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional)_ ' See Kinds
`Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at www.uspto_gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard
`ST.3). • For Japanese patent documenµ,. the indication ofth~ear of the rei~,ll..O,f!he Emperor must,.Precede the serial number ofthe,J2.atent document. 5 Kind
`of document by the Adr.cki-i~ nifitl!.!l>F.rlfuiNGbi&u@N®J~t.Yffl:'t:i]!lnltir)(~M_ ft,lpfssWH,ti~t ktNim;O c i f e~R~ H.
`English language Translation is attached_


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`--Sheet········ ............ T 26
`({Jse as many sheets as necessa.iy)
`i of i
`29 ........... "" ___ _
`,, ......... , .. ,, ... , .... ---------------••••••••••"'"'"'n"''''"'"'
`Equivalent of Forni PTO/SB/08a (07~09)
`Complete if Known
`! 14/134,926
`•• Application Number
`................... ~-~--•
`T December 19, 2013
`......................... ..
`__ Filing_Date.......
`! James J. FALLON
`First Named Inventor
`i 2634
`Art Unit
`.... .
`! BOCURE, Tesfoldet
`Examiner Name

`....... Art;~,ey Docket Numb~~:· .. ·r2is5.0050008 ···············-------<
`.............. '-'-'-'-""""""•••.•.••---
`.-;.....------------....... J
`Fallon et al.
`Fallon et al.
`Fallon et al.
`U S505
`' ··········· ........ ------+----------...,.,;-
`Fallon et al.
`:----+-l-JS-' 5_0_s_l~(·5~-02--,-7-0_7 ______ 0_8 ___ 0_6_-2_0_]_3 ---F_a_ll_o_n ____ ~
`US509 [ 8,504,710
`US5l0 I 8.553,759
`Fallon et al.
`'--------+----;\., .. ,',,,,. ______________ _
`04-07-1992 Weiman
`US5l l
`:------+-----+ · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - -
`....................................................... ,_,_ ____ +------- ·----1-------1--.....;_--------I-------------..............;'
`USS 14
`... _,...03-06-2001
`U S5 i 8
`6, I 98,842
`·-----+-------------1-----------.................... l
`US5 l 9
`200 t/00 l 96:30
`·----------·---+---------------.... •.--<
`'-------~·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-'-U-r_s_S_20_' _, .. 20?1!~?_3 __ 1_?~?_,~ __ l _____________ __1_~-~-1-~-~!~.0_l __ ...... ~.e.~~-~~-'.:;:,..,. ..... ____ ............. __ ...................... -_____________________________________________ !
`Foreign Patent Document
`Pages, Coh;.1nns~ Lines~ \Vhere
`Name of Patentee c,r
`Relevant Passagt~s er Re!t~vant
`Cit~No l
`'(~'~'t'tnH)' Code3~Nttmber4 .. Kind
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Figures Appear
`Code5 (ff known)
`......................... --.....-,1-------'---------"'-----------+------------ --+----------+-~
`....................... ---..-.-----------------
`,t,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,--+-----11-------------+------+-.. · • - - - - - - - - - - -
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`;T esfaldet Bocu re/
`l Date
`l Considered
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
`not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant I Applicant's umque citation designation number (optional). 2 See Kinds
`Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard
`ST.3). "For Japanese p~t~nt <io.,c!Jll1FDt.s. tb,.e,.ilJl}i<r~0.!1.q(th~~ of~e rei~o.f.J:he Emperor musµ,recede the serial number ofthe,.11atent document. 5 Kind
`of document by the ~Jh.dwi~ wtmi1.!l>hti lin<ll\l~bhU~Wb!:iJiWtt.::Yl'ift!ttlnftir)(~ In ~~ssWPUm~t k lN~O cife~ R~ H .
`English language Translation is attach,~d.


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`(llse as many sheets as necessar;U
`! of
`E;g~ivaler.t of Forni PTO/S8/08a (07 09)
`Application Number
`.. FiJing Date .................
`First Named Inventor
`Art Unit
`..... " .. --·.·······----·········· .. :.~~~~!ete if Known
`/ 14/134,926
`i December 19,.2013.....
`! James J. FALLON
`................ .
`! BOCURE, Tesfaldet __ _
`....... .
`/ 2855.0050008
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`.................. ,,,,.,.,.,, ...... -_-------- -
`:_...._ ____ ....................................... ~·----~--
`Cite No.1 ~umb~;~~;;;~ Code 2 (if
`Publication Date
`;....,~---+-----+---'------· ............. ,<-,-.-. ____ ............
`2001/0032[28 A1
`200 l/0047473 Al
`Document Number
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Coiunms, Lin-:.s, \Vhere
`Re1r..--:vant Passages nr Rdevant Figures r\ppear
`·------~-....... ,
`·-----------.....------·-........ ______ _
`Fallon et al.
`_u~s_s_2~_, _2_.0_0_1._,,o_o_s2_0_3_8_A_t __ + 12-13-2001
`200l/005413l Al
`US525 I 2002/0037035 Al
`03-28-2002 . "singh
`........... ---4f US526 j 2002/0069354 Al
`Fallon et al.
`US527 ! 2002/0080871 Al
`Fallon et al.
`· - - - - - - - - - - - -
`: - - - - - -+ . -
`US528 ( 2002/0097172 A 1
`US ')29 ! 2002/0 JO 1367 A [
`08-0 l -2002 ..... Geiger et aL
`-~------+--" _· .... 1-........ ,
`US530 j 2002/0104891 Al
`US532 I 20021ff·1~ o-··9_9_5~0-A~l-.......,,...........l l---l4---2-0-02-+--E-,s-fa-h-an_i_e_t_a_l. _______ _
`c..-.--+-l-JS-,5-_3-l-j 2002/0126755 Al
`Li et al.
`·------+-----------+-------------............ , .. _
`US533 ... j 2002/0191692 Al
`Fallon et aL
`;.,.,.,.,.. __ 4-l-JS-5-34-il-2003/0034905 Al
`Anton et aL
`j 2003/0084238 Al ... _--+-_o_s-_0_1_-2_0_0_3~ Okada et aL
`2003/0030575 A I
`Frnchtenberg et al.
`US537 ! 2003/0090397 Al
`·1------+-----·~------+-------------......... ;
`US538 I 2003/0142874 A I
`~ - -~ ...................... , ................... ·.·.·.·.·····.·.•······················'································ ···················································• ....... , .... _____ ........................................ •.•.•······.···'
`Fallon et al.
`2004/0042506 At
`>···················· .............. -~--------.....,--------.-----------------1
`r Foreign Patent Document
`l Pages, Columns) Lines) \1/here
`C1teN0. 1
`!, Rdevant Passages or Relevant
`~ Cmmtt',' CodeJ•Nmnber -KJrid
`Figures Appear
`I Ccda5 .(if known)
`>·············· ............... --;,.....--'---'---------------
`_ .................... ,..,
`c...., __ ____.,___
`," • - - - - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •n •nnn , ,n • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' • • ' ' • • · ' ' • • • •••••••••• ,,• .. ~ ----••••••••••••••••••••••n•••••Hn••••••••••••n•----
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`..................... ,i.-.~---------------------------~-~~-·--..+~-----------;
`i .......... ..
`ll ..................................... ,
`................... f - - - - - - - - .~-------f······· ........... ~-------<
`1 ............................................................. ~···--1 ...................... ..
`···----------------------------------------------------------------············· .................................... ~-~-...... J
`.__ ______ __,_ _________________________ , ______________ ___, ______ ___, ________ _
`/T esfaidet Bocu rei
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
`not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant. 1 Appllcant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2 See Kinds
`Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard
`ST.3). " For Japanese patent documfN~ ~e indication ofth~ear of the i;£,[&!!,. <?l}l!! Emper0r mus,!_precede the serial number ofthe,_Eatent document. 5 Kind
`of document by the Ak<kri~ ~~ fu iNGb 9hU@NS t~ ~~~(tt§ ~ifi'sW~~ti1~t h tN~D cfe~ ~G H.
`English language Translation is attached.


`Substitute for form J,1,19/PTO
`.. ..__...... . Exar.~J.~.~r. . .t:l.~£::3 ·······
`I Sheet .................. (t~;s. "T~trs as ~;~essary)
`__ Ajplication Number
`.. Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Art Unit
`Attorney Docket Number
`Equivolent of Form PTO/SBi08a i07 •09)
`Complete ff'J{nown
`I 14/134,926 ····
`· -
`·rri~-;~mber L~jo.f~.·.·.·.·.·~~~---············ ~
`! James J. Ff\I.J,.Q}";! ________ ,
`! 2634
`f BQ~f~_y~_!<~ .. ~~~~,~T-e-·s_fa_ld-e-·t-.-................ _
`j 2855.0050008
`Publication Date
`Narne of Pat~ntce or
`Applicant of Cited Docuni0nt
`Pages, Columns, Lines. VvT1ere
`Relevant Passages or Relevant Figures Appear
`..... ~
`...._----~~ ...... _____ .. ,_l_J_.s_._P_A_T_E_N,...,,,T_D_O_C_'_U_l\_rn_:N_._T_S_.,........., ..... ~ - - - - - - - · - -.... -........ . i
`Document Nurnb1;"":r
`Ci'k~ No. 1
`Number-Kimic~:~: 2 (if
`: ..................... ·--~--------·--·-~-------f-----------1-...... _____ .... ..
`2004/0056783 Al
`..... _____ ... +~------------!-------....
`........................ ·---------!-
`2004/0073710 Al
`; .... -----,----+ · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - -.... · · - - - - - - - - - - - - · - -.... · -~ - - -......... - -
`.. ..... ,..... ____ ........ ____________ ......... _____ _
`2004/0073746 AI
`- - - - - - -......... - - - - - - - - - - - · --+---.. ··------------·--·------··.........
`".!006/0015650 A I
`0 l -19-2006
`2006/0181441 Al
`........................................ -~~--f···········--------+------.. ........................... i-----·········------------·--~~--·
`:.~· 0_0_6_I0_l_&_1_4_4_2_.c_"-_l _.......,_0_8_-_1_7_-2_0_0_6_· _.._F_a_ll_on __ .... _______________ .... _ -___ ......... -.J
`08- i 7-2006
`2006/0184687 Al
`~ -~ - - - f •n • • • •
`.Fallon ...... ------+--------...... -~---.... ~
`[,. __ .......;-,-._U_S_5,_18
`".!006i0184696 Al
`08-24-2006 .J .. _F_1:_1l_lo_n ___ ....... __ ........,..______
`..... J,,i
`i US549
`2006/0190644 Al
`l l.fS55() I 2006io 19560 l Al
`08-3 l -2006
`,......_ ...... , ... · ...... ,.---+-----....... __________ .,,... _______ _
`US55 l ! 2007/0043939 Al
`US552 ... ! 2007i0050514 :~~1---o_-1--0-1--2-00-~,-, --+-f-,a-.ll-on
`Fallon et aL
`2007/0050515 Al
`US554 i 2007 /0067483 A 1
`2007 /0083746 Al
`Fallon et al.
`2007i0 l 09154 Al
`, .......... ·--+-----+--------·
`2007/0109155 Al
`2007 /0 l 09 l 56 Al
`I Fallon
`2007/0174209 Al
`1 US559
`,....., ... -... -.... -... -.. -.... r~~~5-.6.Q ..... ~.~~-~~~~~?,757 0[ ......... .. ~-51~?~~?~~.8 ... f"'i~·;·-ll-o-n-.e=t=a=L====--... -... -... -... -... -........... -... -... -... -... -..... · .................................................... -.·
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`......... !,
`•HT ... -F-or~ci-g1-, P-a-te-nt_D __ ~-cu_m_e-nt-.,...--P-ub_H_ca-tion
`--------.......,--Pa-g-es-, ,..,-,.o-!umns, Lines, Where
`Name of Patientec or
`A. r
`I, Clte NrJ. I
`f .... t d D
`i, Countrv Code3•Nmnber4-Kir!d
`Re!ev?.nt Passages or Relevant
`· PP rcant O u e
`Figures Appc'lr
`I Ccde5 (if known)
`----:~•••n••••••••••••-+--......;'-----'------- ---~+----- -----------•- ------••• ••-:
`,-........ __ _
`·-···············••n•f-----+---------f---~------r-· _____________ ,,, ............. ! I - - - - - - -
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`.... • .. ••• ....... •----.,------------ ,~.-... ~.-... ,,,; .;. ..... • - · ---------..,,---,-----,--
`: Examiner
`i Date
`I Signature
`IT esfaldet Bocu re/
`i Considered
`~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,l~
`,...._._., __ ---·-· __ ___, _________ _.
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
`not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant. 1 Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2 See Kinds
`Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at or MPEP 901.04. ' Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard
`ST.3). • For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind
`~r"~~h d~IBSt!OON@ ~E~IDa~9(€j}Bifilifos¥114-i ~~t~!~ cfitH ~\1J(JH. /T. B j
`oEf do
`chument by thTe~
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`language rans atton 1s attac e .


`I Appii«1tiOO, Numbe, Comple::~,:;~•
`:···Filing Dai~···········
`December l 9, 20 l 3
`fust Named Inventor········••nH nJarr1es J. Fl\l~.LON
`.••••••••••••••••• .... n•••••••
`..,..,..,..,.,,,, •. ,,, ............. __ •••,,
`.......................... ------------------··
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SBll.l8a (07•09)
`~ ~: =
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`... ..
`Art Unit
`.~ - -+ - • • • • • • • • • • ............ n•••~•-~---~
`-~--+_B_C_)_C_LJ_ll_lli_·:, Tesfaldet ----------················· ...
`Examiner Name
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`] of /
`2~9 ______ ..... _._. .. _. .... Attorney Do~k~t.Number
`/ 29
`Docum~-:nt Number
`Nmnber-Kind Code 2 (if
`) US561 ... 2009/0125698 Al
`j US562
`2009/0154545 Al
`Fallon et al.
`I US563
`2009/(;·i-2_8_7_8_3_9_A_l __________ f
`l l-19-2009
`Fallon et aL
`, ................. i
`I US564
`Fallon et al.
`/ lJS565
`[2-30-20 l 0
`2010/0332700 Al
`i ............. US568
`02-17-201 l
`2011/0037626 Al
`j 201111_0_19_9_2_4_3_1_\l _____ __ ....,. _____ _
`Fallon et al.
`08-l8-20l l
`/ ..................... !::12~.~~2_J 20lii0208833 "'~·-l --+-----+------·---~---+-~-----------(cid:173)
`09-22--201 l
`Fallon et al.
`2011/0231642 Al
`Fallon et aL
`2011i0235697 Al
`2011/0285559 Al
`2012i0194362 Al
`Fallon et aL
`..... ----!----+--------·
`20[2/0239921 Al
`.·•············ .... ··-~--+---------1-··-----,-,,,-i--------------------·
`2014/0022098 Al
`i US576
`,......._ __ I US57-7--,-2--0-14_/_0_0_2_2_l_O_O_A_l _______ -.... _____________________ . ----!
`Fallon et al.
`2014/0022099 Al
`Fallon et al.
`.······················· ............ -r--------------------------------------·
`2014/0023135 Al
`Fallon et al.
`01-30-20 l4
`Fallon et al.
`2014/0028480 Al
`CiteNo. 1
`Pubiication Date
`Name of Patrntee or
`Applicant ofCMd Document
`Pagos, Columns, Lines, Where
`.... 1,,_·.
`Rdevant Passagt~r:, er Relevan1 Figures- Appear
`2010/0316114 Al
`2010/03186.-84_A_l ________ . -
`------------- ___ ,
`... ................................................ -.:;
`................ !
`Forefgn Patent Document
`Cfte No. 1 C~untry Cod~~-f-Nwnber,4~-Kind
`-----+---nu ~_£ode5 (if known)
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cik:d Docuis1tnt
`Pages, Columns, I.Jnes, \:\'h('..rf:
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`---i.········ .......... .
`................... : ...... ·--+------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·--------!
`.... -...... -....... -t=t-..... -.... ~ ....... -...... -........... 4. .......... _ •• __ -_ -_+-;_-_._._.-_. .... -....... -... • ... -...... -...... -...... -............................ = ...... =:=-.-.. -.-...... -.~==~§
`/T esfaidet Bocure/
`>.......,. __ __ __ _,_ ____ ________ __ , .......... , .... , _~ _____ _,_ _____ _,_ ___ ___ __ _
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in conformance and
`not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant. 1 Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2 See Kinds
`Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard
`ST.3). • For Japanes5.r.atfnt docum~ the indication ofthJt.,.)'.ear of the ~~~t~ Emgeror mus,1..Precede the serial number ofth~atent document. 5 Kind
`fitftt.NGh&hU@NS ~~ ~~~@.I!§ lififsW!-'i fii>f,'.ii&tl/1 ~N,~D cf¥1 ~'WGH.
`of document by thefe\>br~riQ~
`English language Translation is attached.


`Substitute for forrn 1449/PTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`--~-~--.·-----"'-- , .... --------.. --........ -------····--· ..........
`' 1
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08b (7-09/
`Complete if Known
`, ··Appi'i~~tion_ Number .. _· ....... f · · i 4/ 135,926
`........ , .. --............... _ ..
`i Filing Date
`! December 19, 2013
`L First Named_lnventor..
`f FALLON e! .. ~!.: .... -............... :::::::::: ..... ::~
`! Art Unit
`i 2634
`f- ........................ _____ ... + ............. -................................ - - - - ·
`i Examiner Name
`l BOCURE, Tesfaldet
`\ Attorney Docket Number 2855.0050008
`~ ._._._._._._ .............. . . , ' - ' . ' , ' - . ·~ • • • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - -. . . . . . . . . . . . •nnnn ,n _____ ........................ .._.,_.,_ ____________ •• - - - - - - - - - • • • • . . • . . nnn • - - - - -............ ._,_._,_ ... ._._._._._ ____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • •nnnn~ ~
`.. ........................................ .
`.. .......... " ................ -···-·······--.........
`........................ , .................... 1············.........
`! ci·te
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`I •r 1 *
`xammer '
`. I
`f h
`. 1
`i No.1
`appropnate , ht e o t e item
`oo_ , magazme, Journa, sena, symposmm, cata og, etc. ,
`! date, page(s), volume-issue number(s), publisher, city and/or country where published
`m ta s
`i Realtime's Response in Opposition to the Defendants' Joint Objections to Report and
`j Recommendation of Magistrate Regarding Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of
`j Invalidity for Indefiniteness, in Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et al.,
`: Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144-LED; U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
`...... ___ <-! - - - · - - ( Texas,_dated_Ju~ 27,.2009, 15 pages .................................................... ·---~·--·--·--.... -.............. ,___
`l Reply to Realtime's Response to Blue Coat Defendants' Objections to Report and
`' Recommendation of United States Magistrate Judge Regarding Motion for Partial
`Summary Judgment of Invalidity for Indefiniteness Entered June 23, 2009, in Realtime
`Data, LLC dfb/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et al., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144-LED;
`............ ._,_ ... ._._._._._.,•.•.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••nn
`.............. , ... •-•••••••••••••••••••• . . . . , _
`.. ................................................ _____ ............. ---------............................... ----i--
`.......... -........
`................ ,
`IT esfaldet Bocure/
`[ ES1x.ganmatiun.~re~r ____ _.__ _______ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - · Date"""
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.
`...... ----!
`: U.S. District c.~~~__f~~-~~~ .. §~-~-~~9-?:.!?t~!!"}ct ofTexas,J~!r.I_l_,_2009, 3 p_g_~ ............. - - - - - - - i - " " " ' " ' i
`! Realtime Data's Sur-Reply in Opposition to the Defendants' Joint Objections to Report
`/ and Recommendation of Magistrate Regarding Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
`j oflnvalidity for Indefiniteness, in Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et
`j al., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144-LED; U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
` .................. ~ _Texas,_dated.August 3, 2009, 3 pages ................................... - - - - - -..... __ ......

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