ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition
`[Adopted by ISO/IEC and redesignated as
`ISOMEC 8802-11:1999(E)]
`IEEE Standard for Information technology—
`Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—
`Local and metropolitan area networks—
`Specific requirements
`Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium
`Access Control (MAC) and Physical
`Layer (PHY) Specifications
`Adopted by the ISO/IEC and redesignated as
`ISO/MEC 8802-11:1999(E)
`LAN/MAN Standards Committee
`of the
`IEEE Computer Society
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`20 August 1999
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`Abstract: The medium access control (MAC) and physical characteristics for wireless local area
`networks (LANs)are specified in this standard, part of a series of standards for local and metropol-
`itan area networks. The medium access control unit in this standard is designed to support physi-
`cal layer units as they may be adopted dependent on the availability of spectrum. This standard
`contains three physical layer units: two radio units, both operating in the 2400-2500 MHz band,
`and one baseband infrared unit. One radio unit employes the frequency-hopping spread spectrum
`technique, and the other employs the direct sequence spread spectrum technique.
`Keywords: ad hoc network, infrared, LAN, local area network, mobility, radio frequency, wireless
`TheInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc.
`3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
`Copyright © 1999 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`All rights reserved. Published 1999. Printed in the United States of America.
`ISBN 0-7381-1658-0
`Nopartof this publication may be reproducedin any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, withoutthe prior
`written permission ofthe publisher.
`Ex. 1017 / Page 3 of 528


`ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition
`TEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IEEE Societies and the
`Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve volun-
`tarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily membersofthe Institute, The standards developed
`within IEEE represent a conscnsusof the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those
`activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an interest in participating in the developmentofthe standard.
`Use of an IEFE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there
`are no other ways to produce,test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods andservices related to
`the scope of the IEEE Standard, Furthermore, the viewpoint expressedatthe time a standard is approved and
`issucd is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments
`received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every five years for
`revisionor reaffirmation. When a document is more thanfive years old and has not been reaffirmed,it is rea-
`sonable to concludethat its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of
`the art. Users are cautioned to check to determinethat they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.
`Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership
`affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of
`text, together with appropriate supporting comments.
`Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they
`relate to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE,the
`Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standardsrepresent a consensus of
`all concerned interests,it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrenceof a
`balanceof interests. For this reason IEEE and the membersofits technical committees are not able to pro-
`vide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the mattcr has previously
`received formal consideration.
`Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addresscdto:
`Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane
`P.O. Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
`Note: Attentionis called to the possibility that implementation ofthis standard may require use of suh-
`ject matter covered bypatent rights. By publication ofthis standard, no position is taken with respectto
`the existenceor validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. Thc IEEEshall not be responsible
`for identifying all patents for which a license may be required by an JEEEstandard or for conducting
`inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are broughttoits attention.
`The patent holder has, however, filed a statement of assurancethat it will grant a license under these
`rights without compensation or under reasonable rates and nondiscriminatory, reasonable terms and
`conditionsto all applicants desiring to oblain such a license. The IEEE makes no representation as to
`the reasonableness of rates and/or terms and conditions ofthe license agreement offered by the patent
`holder, Contact information may be obtained from the JEEE Standards Department.
`Authorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Copyright
`Clearance Center. To arrange for paymentoflicensing fee, please contact Copyright Clearance Center, Cus-
`tomer Service, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; (978) 750-8400. Permission to photocopy
`portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copy-
`right Clearance Center.
`Copyright © 1999 IEEE.All rights reserved.
`x. 1017 / Page 4 of 528
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`e s
`Introduction to ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition
`(This introduction is not a part ofANSIAIEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition or of ISO/IEC 8802-11: 1999, but is included for information
`purpose only.)
`This standard is part of a family of standards for local and metropolitan area networks. The relationship
`between the standard and other membersofthe family is shown below. (The numbersin the figure refer to
`TEEEstandard numbers.)
`* Formerly IEEE Std 802.1A.
`This family of standards deals with the Physical and Data Link layersas defined bythe International Organiza-
`tion for Standardization (ISO) Open SystemsInterconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model (ISO/IEC 7498-
`1: 1994), The access standards define seven types of medium access technologies and associated physical
`media, each appropriate for particular applications or system objectives. Other types are underinvestigation.
`The standards defining the access technologies are as follows:
`IEEEStd 802
`Overview andArchitecture. This standard provides an overvicw to the family
`of IEEE 802 Standards.
`* ANSIJIEEE Std 802.1B LAN/MAN Management. Defines an OSI management-compatible architec-
`and 802.1k
`ture, and services and protocol elements for use ina LAN/MANenvironment
`[ISO/IEC 15802-2]
`for performing remote management.
`+ ANSWIEEEStd 802.1D Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges. Specifies an architecture and protocol
`[ISO/IEC 15802-3]
`for the interconnection of IEEE 802 LANsbelow the MACservice boundary.
`¢ ANSI/IEEE Std 802.1E
`[ISO/IEC 15802-4]
`System Load Protocol. Specifies a set of services andprotocol for those
`aspects of management concerned with the loading of systems on IEEE 802
`Common Definitions and Proceduresfor IEEE 802 Management Information
`IEEE Std 802,1F
`* ANSI/IEEFEStd 802.1G Remote Media Access Control (MAC) Bridging. Specifies extensions for the
`[ISO/IEC 15802-5]
`interconnection, using non-LAN communication technologies, of geographi-
`cally separated [EEE 802 LANsbelow the level ofthe logical link control
`*« ANSIEEEStd 802.2
`[ISO/IEC 8802-2]
`Logical Link Control
`Copyright © 1999 IEEE.All rights reserved.
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`¢« ANSVIEEE Std 802.5
`[ISO/IEC 8802-5]
`* ANSI/IEEE Std 802.6
`[ISO/IEC 8802-6]
`This standard defines the protocol and compatible interconnection of data communication equipmentvia the
`“air”, radio or infrared, in a local area network (LAN) using the carrier sense multiple access protocol with
`collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) medium sharing mechanism. The medium access control (MAC) supports
`operation under control of an access point as well as between independent stations, The protocol includes
`authentication, association, and reassociation serviccs, an optional encryption/decryption procedure, power
`management to reduce power consumption in mobile stations, and a point coordination function for time-
`bounded transfer of data. The standard includes the definition of the management information base (MIB)
`using Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) andspecifies the MACprotocol in a formal way, using the Speci-
`* ANSVIEEE Std 802.3
`[ISO/IEC 8802-3]
`* ANSI/IEEEStd 802.4
`[ISO/LEC 8802-4]
`CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
`Token Passing Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
`Token Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
`Distributed Queue Dual Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifica-
`* ANSIWIEEE Std 802.9
`[ISOTEC 8802-9]
`Integrated Services (IS) LANInterface at the Medium Access Control (MAC)
`and Physical (PHY) Layers
`* ANSIAEEEStd 802.10
`Interoperable LAN/MAN Security
`IEEE Std 802.11
`[ISO/IEC DIS 8802-11]
`Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer Specifi-
`* ANSIAEEEStd 802.12
`[ISO/IEC DIS 8802-12]
`Demand Priority Access Method, Physical Layer and Repeater Specifica-
`In addition to the family of standards, the following is a recommendedpractice for a common Physical
`Layer technology:

`JEEEStd 802.7
`IEEE Recommended Practice for Broadband Local Area Networks
`The following additional working group has authorized standards projects under development:
`IEEE 802.14
`Standard Protocolfor Cable-TV BasedBroadband Communication Network
`Conformance test methodology
`identified by the number 1802, has been established to identify the
`An additional standards series,
`conformance test methodology documents for the 802 family of standards. Thus the conformance test
`documents for 802.3 are numbered 1802.3.
`ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition [ISO/IEC 8802-11: 1999}
`This standard is a revision of IEEE Std 802.11-1997. The Management Information Base according to OSI
`tules has been removed, many redundant management items have been removed, and Annex D has been
`completed with the Management Information Base according to SNMP. Minor changes have been made
`throughout the document.
`Copyright © 1999 IEEE.All rights reserved.
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`fication and Description Language (SDL). Both ASN.1 and SDI. source codc have been added on a floppy
`The infrared implementation of the PHY supports 1 Mbit/s data rate with an optional 2 Mbit/s extension.
`The radio implementations of the PHY specify either a frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)
`supporting 1 Mbit/s and an optional 2 Mbit/s data rate or a direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS)
`supporting both 1 and 2 Mbit/s datarates.
`This standard contains state-of-the-art material. The area covered by this standard is undergoing evolution.
`Revisions are anticipated to this standard within the next few years to clarify existing material, to correct
`possible errors, and to incorporate new related material. Information on the current revisionstate of this and
`other IERE 802 standards may be obtained from
`Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane
`P.O. Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA
`At the time the draft of the 1999 version of this standard was sent to sponsor ballot, the IEEE 802.11
`working group had the following voting members:
`Stuart J. Kerry and Al Petrick, Vice Chairs
`Victor Hayes, Chair
`Bob O’Hara, 802.1 Irev Task Group Chair and Technical Editor
`George Fishel, Secretary
`Dean Kawaguchi, PHY Group and FH Chair
`David Bagby, Mac Group Chair
`Jan Boer, Direct Sequence Chair
`Michael Fischer and Allen Heberling, State Diagram Editors
`John Fakatselis, Zask Group b Chair
`Naftali Chayat, Jask Group a Chair
`Victoria M. Poncini, Zask Group c Chair
`Keith B. Amundsen
`Carl F. Andren
`Kazuhiro Aoyagi
`Phil Belanger
`John Biddick
`Simon Black
`Ronald Brockmann
`Wesley Brodsky
`John H. Cafarella
`Ken Clements
`Wim Diepstraten
`Darrol Draper
`Peter Ecclesine
`Darwin Engwer
`Jeff Fischer
`Matthew Fischer
`Michael Fischer
`John Fisher
`Motohiro Gochi
`Tim Godfrey
`Jan Haagh
`Karl Hannestad
`Robert Heile
`Maarten Hoeben
`Duane Hurne
`Masayuki Ikeda
`Richard Jai
`Donald C. Johnson
`Nobuo Karaki
`Isao Masaki
`Jim McDonald
`Gene Miller
`Akira Miura
`Masaharu Mori
`Masahiro Morikura
`Ravi P. Nalamati
`Colin Nayler
`Richard van Nee
`Tomoki Ohsawa
`Kazuhiro Okanoue
`Richard H. Paine
`Bob Pham
`Stanley A. Reible
`Copyright © 1999 IEEE.All rights reserved.
`William Roberts
`Kent G.Rollins
`Oren Rosenfeld
`Michael Rothenberg
`Clemens C. W. Ruppel
`Chandos Rypinski
`Anil K. Sanwalka
`Roy Sebring
`Mike Shiba
`Thomas Siep
`Donald I. Sloan
`Hitoshi Takanashi
`Satoru Toguchi
`Cherry Tom
`Mike Trompower
`Tom Tsoulogiannis
`Sarosh N. Vesuna
`Nien C. Wei
`Harry Worstell
`Timothy M. Zimmerman
`Jonathan M. Zweig
`Jim Zyren
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`Major contributions to the 1999 edition were received from the following individuals:
`Henri Moelard
`Richard Ozer
`Arnoud Zwemmer
`The following members of the balloting committee voted on the 1999 version ofthis standard:
`A. Kamerman
`Kit Athul
`Ronald C. Petersen
`John R. Pickens
`Thomas W.Bailey
`Dean M. Kawaguchi
`Alberto Profumo
`Edward R. Kelly
`Peter K. Campbell
`James T. Carlo
`Gary C. Kessler
`Vikram Punj
`David E. Carlson
`James A. Renfro
`Yongbum Kim
`Gary S. Robinson
`Brian J. Casey
`Stephen Barton Kruger
`Edouard ¥. Rocher
`Naftali Chayat
`Joseph Kubler
`Robert S. Crowder
`Lanse M. Leach
`James W. Romlein
`Wim Diepstraten
`Jai Yong Lee
`Floyd E. Ross
`Thomas J. Dineen
`Michael Rothenberg
`Ronald Mahany
`Christoph Ruland
`Peter Martini
`Paul 8. Eastman
`Anil K. Sanwalka
`Richard McBride
`James E. Schuessler
`Philip H. Enslow
`Rich Seifert
`Changxin Fan
`Bennett Meyer
`John W. Fendrich
`Leo Sintonen
`Gene E. Milligan
`David S. Millman
`Patricia Thaler
`Michael A. Fischer
`George R. Tishel
`Hiroshi Miyano
`Mike Trompower
`Warren Monroe
`Mark-Rene Uchida
`Harvey A. Freeman
`Emmanuel Van Lil
`Robert J. Gagliano
`John E. Montague
`Patrick S. Gonia
`Sarosh N. Vesuna
`Wayne D. Moyers
`Julio Gonzalez-Sanz
`Shimon Muller
`James Vorhies
`Chris G. Guy
`Ken Naganuma
`Barry M. Vornbrock
`Paul Nikolich
`Victor Hayes
`Qian-li Yang
`Donald N. Heirman
`Robert O’Hara
`Oren Yuen
`Henry Hoyt
`Donal O’Mahony
`Chris Zegelin
`Roger Pandanda
`Jonathan M. Zweig
`Raj Jain
`At the time the draft of the 1997 version of this standard was sent to sponsor ballot, the IEEE 802.11 work-
`ing group had the following voting members:
`Stuart J. Kerry and Chris Zegelin, Vice Chairs
`Victor Hayes, Chair
`Bob O’Hara and Greg Ennis, ChiefTechnical Editors
`George Fishel and Carolyn L. Heide, Secretaries
`David Bagby, MAC Group Chair C.Thomas Baumgartner, Infrared Chair and Editor
`Jan Boer, Direct Sequence Chair
`Michael Fischer, State Diagram Editor
`Dean M. Kawaguchi, PHY Group and FH Chair Mike Trompower, Direct Sequence Editor
`Keith B. Amundsen
`Phil Belanger
`ManuelJ. Betancor*
`John Biddick
`Simon Black
`Alessandro M. Bolea
`Pablo Brenner
`Peter E. Chadwick
`Naftali Chayat
`Jonathon Y. Cheah
`Hae WookChoi
`Wim Diepstraten
`Robert J. Egan
`Darwin Engwer
`John Fakatselis
`Matthew Fischer
`Keith S. Furuya
`Rich Gardner
`lan Gifford
`Howard J. Hall
`Bill Iluhn
`Donald C. Johnson
`Mikio Kiyono
`Joseph J. Kubler
`Arthur Lashbrook
`F. J. Lopez-Hernandez
`Ronald Mahany
`Bob Marshall
`Jim McDonald
`Akira Miura
`Wayne D. Moyers
`Ravi P. Nalamati
`Mitsuji Okada
`Al Petrick
`Miri Ratner
`James A. Renfro
`William Roberts
`Jon Walter Rosdahl
`Copyright © 1999 IEEE.All rights reserved.
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`Michael Rothenberg
`Chandos A. Rypinski
`Anil K. Sanwalka
`Roy Sebring
`Glen Sherwood
`Thomas Siep
`Nathan Silberman
`Don Sloan
`Greg Smith
`Marvin L. Sojka
`Dave Strohschein
`Bert Sullam
`Tom Tsoulogiannis
`Jeanine Valadez
`Sarosh Vesuna
`Richard E. White
`Donna A. Woznicki
`Timothy M. Zimmerman
`Johnny Zweig
`Major contributions to the 1997 version were received from the following individuals:
`Robert Achatz
`Ken Biba
`Paul Eastman
`Ed Geiger
`Larry van der Jagt
`Richard Lee
`Kerry Lynn.
`Michael Masleid
`John McKown
`K.S. Natarajan
`Jim Neally
`Richard Ozer
`Thomas Phinney
`LeonS. Scaldeferri*
`Jim Schuessler
`Francois Y. Simon
`The following persons were on the balloting committee for the 1997 version of this standard:
`Bernhard Albert
`Jon M. Allingham
`Jack S. Andresen
`Kit Athul
`Anthony L. Barnes
`Robert T. Bell
`Manuel J. Betancor
`Simon Black
`Alan L. Bridges
`Graham Campbell
`James T. Carlo
`David E. Carlson
`Peter E. Chadwick
`Naftali Chayat
`Alan J. Chwick
`Ken Clements
`Robert S. Crowder
`Rifaat Dayem
`Wim Diepstraten
`Edward A. Dunlop
`Sourav K. Dutta
`Paul S$. Eastman
`Peter Ecclesine
`Gregory Elkmann
`John E. Emrich
`Philip H. Enslow
`Changxin Fan
`Michael A. Fischer
`Harvey A. Freeman
`Robert J. Gagliano
`Patrick S. Gonia
`N. Douglas Grant
`Govert M. Griffioen
`Joseph L. Hammond
`Victor Hayes
`Kenneth C. Heck
`Jan Hoogendoorn
`Russell D. Housley
`Walter K. Hurwitz
`Richard J. Iliff
`Tomoaki Ishifuji
`Raj Jain
`A. Kamerman
`Peter M. Kelly
`Yongbum Kim
`Mikio Kiyono
`Thaddeus Kobylarz
`Stephen B. Kruger
`Joseph J. Kubler
`David J. Law
`Jai Yong Lee
`Jungtae Lee
`Daniel E. Lewis
`Randolph 8S.Little
`MingT. Liu
`Joseph C. J. Loo
`Donald C, Loughry
`Robert D. Love
`Ronald Mahany
`Jim L. Mangin
`Peter Martini
`P. Takis Mathiopoulos
`Steve Messenger
`Bennett Meyer
`Ann Miller
`David S, Millman
`Hiroshi Miyano
`Stig Frode Mjolsnes
`W. Melody Moh
`Jobn E. Montague
`Wayne D. Moyers
`Paul Nikolich
`Ellis S. Nolley
`Robert O’Hara
`Donal O’Mahony
`Roger Pandanda
`Lalit Mohan Patnaik
`Lucy W.Person
`Copyright © 1999 IEEE.All rights reserved.
`Thomas L. Phinney
`Vikram Prabhu
`Alberto Profumo
`David L. Propp
`Vikram Punj
`Andris Putnins
`Fernando Ramos
`James W. Romlein
`Floyd E. Ross
`Michael Rothenberg
`Christoph Ruland
`Chandos A. Rypinski
`Anil K. Sanwalka
`Gregory D. Schumacher
`Rich Seifert
`Lee A. Sendelbach
`Michael Serrone
`AdarshpalS. Sethi
`Donald A. Sheppard.
`Nathan Silberman
`Joseph S. Skorupa
`Michael A. Smith
`Marvin L. Sojka
`Efstathios D. Sykas
`Geoffrey O. Thompson
`Robert C. Tripi
`Mike Trompower
`David B. Turner
`Mark-Rene Uchida
`James Vorhies
`Yun-Che Wang
`RaymondP. Wenig
`Earl J. Whitaker
`David W. Wilson
`Jerry A. Wyatt
`Qian-Li Yang
`Twen Yao
`Oren Yuen
`Jonathan M. Zweig
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`Richard J. Holleman, Chair
`Donald N. [leirman,Vice Chair
`Judith Gorman, Secretary
`Satish K. Aggarwal
`Dennis Bodson
`Mark D. Bowman
`JamesT. Carlo
`Gary R, Engmunn
`Harold E. Epstein
`Jay Forster*
`Ruben D. Garzon
`*Memiber Emeritus
`James H. Gurney
`Lowell G. Johnson
`Robert J. Kennelly
`E. G. “Al” Kiener
`Joseph L. Koepfinger*
`L. Bruce McClung
`Daleep C. Mohla
`Robert F. Munzner
`Louis-Fran¢ois Pau
`Ronald C. Petersen
`Gerald H. Peterson
`John B, Posey
`Gary 8. Robinson
`Akio Tojo
`Hans E. Weinrich
`Donald W. Zipse
`When the JEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 18 March 1999, it had the following
`Also includedis the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaison:
`Robert E. Hebner
`Valerie E, Zelenty
`IEEE Standards Project Editor
`Copyright © 1999 IEEE.All rights reserved.
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`OVOTVICW eee eeeceeeeeeseesesesenenesesaseneecsaceacoessceasacsenessnssensseressueaesesenesesesenesesessvesesessssoaseiasecenesrsensetseees 1
`LL SCOPC..csecsesssccsssssressevsssvseacscatsnevsecesssecnenscesatststevenesssaeccauseeeasessesesersansssesssssesuasanessesearerasesseeeaeases 1
`1.2 PULPOSC.... eee eects cene rene seeeteeetaneneeeececeeseestetsnsteeerenesets
`Normative references cscs eceessscesnscseescnssevavsvevessvesssseasevesevssesessssecenssussssssevssessseessansesesessanesseases 2
`Defimitions...... ee esessesssecseccseeeseeeseseaescsesessecseeesnsesesssescscscacsnacscsesenesesesesesesssenessseseessesensseseneseneseseseeeneenses 3
`4.—Abbreviations and acronyms..........csesscsesccsesssssseerssesesessessauscsuceecssessesesenessesssssseseseasecsaseessneseseeseasanentes 6
`Gemeral description wo. sccssscsecssessseesseesessseeesssseeverscssenecaescarevasnassnssesaesvsssessseseseaeeeasseerseassesseeenatssees 9
`5.1 General description of the architecture oo...
`ccccsesescceeseseceeseceeeeseeeecesucassescaeensetsacesneeseneenas 9
`5.1.1 How wireless LAN systems are different
`.............ccccsccsssssessesesecssessesesesessescnesseenecseseseseestes 9
`5.2 Components of the IEEE 802.11 architecture... sssccssessssseecssssersesssetsssnerssesssseecesseeeseseseeers 10
`5.2.1 The independentBSS as an ad hoc network ........ccsesssesseeesesserssssessssessseeseseseseeseseseessssersns 10
`5.2.2 Distribution system Concepts ...............esccceseccecsseeseceseeeeerseseeessesesesneaesecsseseeeeseaeataeeneesatices 11
`5.2.3 AT@a CONCEDES vis scscrssscscserseessscrreetseesssesevorspseessenenseneeenssesseansersssesssssaseduusesseacesseesesenseatseseses 12
`5.2.4 Integration with wired LANs..
`5.3 Logical service interfaces oes cs ceececeesesscecsesseccesnessseseeseseneseseseseseaeeueaeasceseeseseseeneseneeees 14
`5.3.1 Station service (SS).....essssssscsssessverssessessseessecseseseseeeneseuseeessseeesesesesessassnsseasusssessesessnsesnsseess 15
`5.3.2 Distribution system service (DSS)........ccccssscsssesecseecssesseesssecssssesecsssessescesseseenenesseusntessase 15
`5.3.3 Multiple logical address spaces ..........cccccccsssssesessessseseseeseacsseccseseseeseseaeseeseatacenecenseseaeeeenens 16
`we LT
`5.4 Overview of the services........cccsseeecee
`5.4.1 Distribution of messages within a DS...
`we l7
`5.4.2 Services that supportthe distribution service .
`5.4.3 Access and confidentiality control Services... eee tsseeeseseeseteseeceecseeesseeceteestensestees 19
`5.5 Relationships between Services... eseesssesssseceessseeesesenesenesssesssevesessessessessensseerenseeeseeseasscasanss 21
`5.6 Differences between ESS and IBSS LANS........cssssssee
`wee 23
`5.7. Message information contents that support the services.
`1 24
`BVT. Data scscsssstcecsenscessscesscenssesssessscsessseseesensseeneesseses
`wn 25
`5.7.2 ASSOCIATION. cccesssssensecesstsnseapsenersssesessciesaverseneneusseensrecsenesssissesscasuuseseeetaesesateesueaesesassenesaes 25
`§.7.3 ReassOciation .........ccscececcesseeseseseeesesessesesensenesenensveeeesesessssevssseeesscasseaesseeeaesecaeeennsienesssaenenees 25
`5.7.4 DisaSSOCiation .......cceesecsssceceessectsnccssecstsessceasaesneessnesaeesssesesessucsesessaeseeeusasasaseeseaseeteessseseseees 26
`5.7.5 PLIVACY v.sssecssscssecesseceancesessescessssesseecssaeessavsusesavsesavesececsessssesessssenssassuneeseneasseseseasaseesesssssessess 26
`5.7.6 Authentication.....
`ve 26
`5.7.7 Deauthentication 2... cecececeseceseecescseeseseseseecesesensenescsessesesenenseetsasseaesenensessceseaenessessseseneea 27
`5.8 Reference model... csscesssseessessevecessssseesssecseesecerssseccesseesssssaesesgnesenssenesenesseessaceuseseeenerssesssesee 27
`6. MAC service definition... eee seeseecssseseceaeseerscscecoesssecconsesssenssensoeverasessessesenssessaesaeecstsesescsesees 29
`6.1 Overview of MAC Services oc esssessessesscsssescscccessnssrsceesscesessessscoesesstsesaasesenssesacsesesneonssssesseacsaees 29
`wee 29
`6.1.1 Asynchronousdata service..
`6.1.2 Security SCrvices oe eeeseeesscsceseseeesesessecsceeseaesenesccesnsessssessssnssssetessessesesensestenseseseseseseseseses 29
`6.1.3 MSDU ordering 0... eeessssssecvsenstecseeseensesesenscsceseensesecsssesssesscesateegeseaeseveeseassessrsesssaenteges 29
`6.2 Detailed service specification
`6.2.1 MAC data Services... cess sessecnssceneseceseessesesceesncessstsssssesssssesesesesseesesesesesesesesecsescassestaeass 30
`Frame formats ......cccssssssssseseesenesessssssesenstsasesseesensenssecessenssecassvsceesssesanenenesessaeesseesausesesssessssesesess 34
`7.1 MAC frame formats .0.... ee seessseeessesesecsseresseeececsseceeacsteseacessesasansseneaeaesssneassnenseeseseaeetenessseeeees 34
`Copyright © 1999 IEEE.All rights reserved.
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`7.1.1 COMVeEntions .....ceecssesscsssssesecesesscceceesaessesssssseessssescesseseeseseesusceseessssessussesacusauceustanenenesas 34
`7.1.2 General frame format....
`wer 34
`7.1.3 Frame fields ...0.0.
`7.2 Format of individual frame types.......ccccsssssessesssssesessseseceerseccesesseccesssessessnecesesessussessesseseeeseens 4l
`7.2.1 Comtrol frames wc scssccssesecceeeesesceenetserscsesesesapsceessesenenenseseevsvnesavsevevssaeeseaensensessessecseeneens 41
`7.2.2 Datta frames oes
`eessececcccecsesessceeeeceececseceseuscsesavecaesaeccsesesareesevavsesevesienevavaeserarseeneesesers 43
`7.2.3 Management frames ..........ececseesssesssseeeesesescseeeeseeesecsnsceneecceeseenesesaesescvsesenseseaaaecessenessseneaees 45
`7.3. Management frame body components.
`wn 30
`TBM Fixed fields... ces ecceseccsecesececseseneseessssesseeceessseavsseeseoesseeseoeseetaasssenssanesssenseceneeensoeeeneanans 50
`7.3.2 Information elements 0.0... ceesesecesseesesssesccessseseeceeseaeesseseorscetsestsensssseessevsesarensnereseeeanaes 55
`Authentication and privacy... cccssssseeessessevsvsssesssessscissassseessenessescsessensnessecseetsesverstaseeseetensneoenees 39
`8.1 Authentication Services... cccsesssessessccesssvsnsseseeesseseceacsesassesenenseaesereseseseensneessesaeeteassesteasanseeaes 59
`we 3D
`8.1.1 Open System authentication
`8.1.2 Shared Key authentication 0... seesececeesseceeeseceseeescececsccecsceesereseeessiesessnesensetieseavseeeas 60
`8.2 The Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) algorithm ............--ececcecccecesecececesesesesesesesesecenensenseseaenes 61
`8.2.1 Introductions
`we 61
`8.2.2 Properties of the WEP algorithm...
`wn 62
`wn 62
`8.2.3 WEP theory of operation............
`8.2.4 WEP algorithm specification sess secetetsseeessssseeeserenseesetssstssscessessssaessensseseseeeeesere 64
`8.2.5 WEP Frame Body expansion ..........cssesscesssssesssessccssssonsesceseesavsevsesesessesecssaanesenessesseceeesenss 64
`8.3. Sccurity-Related MIB attributes .................
`8.3.1 Authentication-Related MIBattributes.
`1 65
`8.3.2 Privacy-Related MIB attributes osc essessesssessnsesesstsncnevessssvsverssauseseseaeseaeseessnessenies 65
`9. MAC sublayer functional description... cece essssesesesesceeeesecscneatssseeseseseneseeveneneeveneesseeavens 70
`9.1 MAC architecture... is eeesseesseceseetssecsvecssseeseersessecoesecenvensesensvesssesevensseseasavatassecessaseaeevavenes 70
`9.1.1 Distributed coordination function (DCF)..
`9.1.2 Point coordination function (PCF)...
`9.1.3 Coexistence of DCF and PCF oo. eeeeseens
`we FL
`9.1.4 Fragmentation/defragmentation OVELrVICW ..........sccscesecesssseseessesseseeesusceeeseeeeneeeneseeseecneesees 71
`9.1.5 MAC data SCrvice ..ocssccccusecssersesetsseessensectateeseatstecstseasesoesssessssssseseaesseaeeasnessnarsecaetetenes 72
`vee 72
`9.2 DCB .esssesssesssessseesseeseersvecseaee
`9.2.1 Carrier-sense mechanism ..
`wee AB
`9.2.2 MAC-Level acknowledgments...
`vee 13
`9.2.3 Interframe space (TES) oo...ce ecesessecsseeseeesrecceesseeesaneeseresscnesssnssseciaaaesaeenesesessesaeentessase 74
`9.2.4 Random backoff time... esses sssssecesetesseneveseseseeessscescessseasseseretotedanaveneeecertaensatensenss 75
`9.2.5 DCF access procedure...
`1 16
`9.2.6 Directed MPDUtransfer procedure... eee
`we 82
`9.2.7 Broadcast and multicast MPDUtransfer procedure..
`1 83
`9.2.8 ACK procedure oo... .ceccecescsescscsessesecesesesvstseneesesesassesecseseseaessseensssesssassesaeeesseceeeaesenecaeeesnees 83
`9.2.9 Duplicate detection and reCOVery........ccccecccceessssessesssescsessesssesecsesssssssassessesesecesenseteaeeneees 83
`9.2.10 DCF timing relations... cece ecseessessecesseesssesseseeneesesesssssssesssssusseseeseceseeseecneseeasesseeeaes 84
`DB PCE cece cece cecseenssaceeeeseeeecesenerssereesecasscacsssenesansusuesasescnevesasasseseaeseneseagaesensqeenseenrnsseassessseeses 86
`9.3.1 CFP structure and timing..
`9.3.2 PCF access procedure «oo. ccsssssscsssssecaetevesssesstesersenrseeverseceesseseecsseeseaeeeneenses
`9.3.3 PCF transfer procedure oo...ssssscsssecessactssesssessessssecssesevenssessserseeesseeseensetensseneee
`1 9
`9.3.4 Contention-Frec polling list 20.0... esesseessesseseecceeenenstscsescsseesessatseecseaeteecessanatscressensess 92
`9.4 Fragmentation 00... cssssscsssccesesseessevssesevessvesseesevevesseesessecesssssesesssessseseseusessansesseeesarseessssessseses 93
`vee 94
`9.5 Defragmentation...
`9.6 Multirate support...eee
`1 DS
`9.7 Frame exchange Sequences..........ccccccscsssssssssesesssesssesssanseanesessessscssesssssscasseeneneseeacseseaneaesecssisssssess 95
`Copyright © 1999 JEEE. All rights reserved.
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`9.8 MSDUtransmission restrictions ...........cccccccecscccesssssscesceceseesesecceetssssscssceesseseesecseseessaceesteseseeeesnses 97
`Layer management... ese esctecsseseseseecesseersesseeseseececeneaseceneaeesesesssssevessassaeeesaasenseseceserentaeeeeetsass 98
`11. MAC sublayer management eMtity occ ssscsesssssssssseseseerscsseesssessoesssssssesesssessssseesesscssssansnseeseraticas 123
`T1.1 Syinchromization ....0... ccc eceeeesseseseseceeseeeeessseseesesaecoecensceeesseseconseeacescseaeseesssseeessoeeseceeseeaeeeeseees 123
`LL.1.1 Basic approach ......ceeessecesecsessseeseeessseseseeeecsececeeeaneesceeseecstscsnscsnecseecasseaesessaesensteneseeeeecse 123
`11.1.2 Maintaining synchronization .........cccccccssssssseeseccessecsesenseseecsssessseesesresnseeensseeeseseaseeeasss 123
`11.1.3 Acquiring synchronization, scanning..
`11.1.4 Adjusting STA timers oo.ce ees eeeeeeeeeeesteneneneres
`11.1.5 Timing synchronization for frequency-hopping (FH) PHYs
`11.2 Power management ...ccccccsssceseeeseessseserscsessesessesseosseesesatanatsssenscsssenesinasvarsesenasseneeasnseesarasaes 128
`11.2.1 Power management in an infrastructure metWorkoe ee ceec tc eeeeeeeseetetsenenenteeeeneres 128
`.. 133
`11.2.2 Power managementin an IBSS....... cs eeseeeeseseees
`. 136
`11.3 Association and reassociation.......
`11.3.1 STA association procedures...
`.. 136
`11.3.2 AP association procedures «00.0.0... c.ccccsceecseseseceseceeeeeseecsescsesesescsescasseseseaceenesesetsneeseeestenees 136
`11.3.3 STA reassociation Procedures,......ssesccssssessessseccsssssneestssesesssesssseaeneeessessneensensesseensaranees 136
`11.3.4 AP reassociation procedures ........ ci ssssessssssensescssscsecanrerevevsssenssaavevecsenssseeeseenesssenanneress 137
`11.4 Managementinformation base (MIB) definitions 20.0.0... eeesesscesesesssseseeeeseeenesseseeneeeseseeesatees 137
`12,—Physical layer (PHY) service specification... cssscesesssssssccnssccnssessvarseesssesenseeseenersenseneneseneransevaee 138
`10.1 Overview of management Model..........cecccsssssssseesseseceeseseseseeesseessessesseesseaeaesanaeesaeaesenanenansenass 98
`10.2 Generic management primitives oo. eee eee tetecesceeseesseneeneceeesssesensneacceoenenanesasaeerseneneenenses 98
`10.3 MLME SAP interface oo... .eceeseesesesececeeeesessesceeessacevevecenseeee

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