`LG 1013
`LG 1013




`Third Edition 1944
`_ Reprinted with revised Etymologies and Enlarg
`Oxford University Press, Great‘Clarendon Strket, Oxford 0x2 6DP
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`tinea %.t, Also (earlier)
`Barth A special... inquiry
`— surrounding his death.
`inquiet /in'kwarat/ v.t. Now rare. ree oe.
`BAT ©") Enclose (sgEitan
`ing of
`a question,
`tinrapture >, an ar
`inguiéterf. L inguietare, f. as prec.]1Dis fal
`113 The pura
`d fi
`ma ale |
`. demand
`ior a co
`we fe ‘Tel, m ‘rizhaus
`TUR, ny1
`peace or repose of (a person); harass;
`interrogation; on query. M16.
`LME,2 Make uneasy, disquiet. pis
`LME.4 A question,
`othinge therof by
`Lagie. exyealypy
`We coulde learne n
`inquie'tation x.
`action of aee
`iyoe‘e ind (Melbourne) Inquiry poregS
`molesting; the condition of being disturbed:
`universal: existing only . Mig, 9 ae th!
`from northern rs a nae
`inquietude /m'kwartju:d/ 7. LME. ee:
`rain. 4
`instantiate it, Cf
`the Patriot
`mean! hisinealtits about who owned the
`inquiétude or late L inguietudo, f. as INOUE
`CeeAr, Un the (egal) cong TOapy
`see -TUDE.] +1 Disturbance of one’s ae 4
`Cf. RE prep. Lig,
`3 With 5 Ug (
`repose; molestation.
`=o court of inquiry:
`see COURT 7.
`tinregister v. See F
`(or with
`Restlessness of
`the body caused by oat.
`enquiries: see DIRECTORY 1. help meoe oe JURY E
`in rem /in 'tem/
`discomfort, etc. Now rare. L16. 3 Uneasiness 0:
`thing] Law, Made?M18. Le
`heir enquiries: see HELP v. 5C. jury Of
`‘ bli z wiry, see sense 2 above. tribunal of inquiry: se
`mind, disquietude; in p/., disquieting thoughts.
`affecting athing, ang es g ae,
`imposing a
`pe Tefore othe: .
`Comb: inquiry agent a private detective; inquiry
`[L inguilinus
`inquiline /‘mkwiam/ n. M17.
`Postpositive. Cf. IN PERSOwae labilny Noy,
`office an office answering questionsfrom c SOEin
`sojourner, f.
`incolere inhabit, f. as IN-* + colere
`ere natura in ream
`qn Britain now freq. spelt #n- in branch
`dwell: see -tNE!.]
`1 A person who sojourns Or
`lv. phr. 116.
`branchII: cf. INQUIRE v.
`IL} In nature, in th
`lodges in a place. rare. M17. 2 An animal which
`v.t. MI7-M18.
`[f. L inquisit-
`lives in the abode of another which tolerates its
`eeebackform f INQUISITION 7.] 1 Proceed
`finrich ».var. of ENRICH.
`in Entomol., an insect which
`the methods of the
`lodges in a gall produced by another species.
`inro /'mrou/ n. PI, -
`(a person)
`Set Te
`in seal + ra basket]Aen E17. [Jap, im
`Inquisition. M17-M18. 2 Make inquiry
`jaduiititena /mkwilmiz(e)m/
`the habit or
`gealg.Atal boy =
`investigate. MI7-M18.
`condition of being an inquiline 120. inqui'linous a.
`{ formerly worn by Japanese en adicing, a
`living in the nestorgall of another animal L19.
`isition /1kwr'z1{(2)n/ n. In sense 3 usu.
`ORsEL. inquisitio(n-), £.
`inguisie- Sg
`inroad /'mreud/ n. m6, [f. Te F
`inquinate /‘inkwmeit/ v.r. Now rare. M16. [L
`in sense ‘riding’.] 1 A hostile in, ado, + py
`ppl stem of inguirere INQUIRE: see -ION.] 1 (
`inquinat- pa. ppl stem of inguinare pollute: see
`foray. MI6. 2 trans &
`instance of) the action or process of inquiring
`-ATE*.] Pollute, taint, corrupt.
`deeply into a matter inorder to discover the
`significant encroachment(972») ti
`inqui'nation 7. (a) the action ofpolluting; polluted
`(into). Now pi. ae “BOMor innin
`facts; (a) searching examination or investigation.
`condition; (6) a defilement, a polluting agent: LME.
`LME. 2 A judicial inquiry, an inquest. Also, a
`2 J. R. GREEN They Protested
`inquirable /m'kwaterab(2)1/ a. Now rare or obs.
`inroads on the liberties of
`the cpt Feu
`recording the results ofsuch an
`Also en- /m-, en-/. L15. [f. INQUIRE + -ABLE.]
`Eat] lurch, B.
`inquiry. LME. 3 Hist. The judicial institution set
`Chiefly Law. That admits orcalls for inquiry.
`considerable inroads
`into their
`+ Bad ng
`up by the papacy in 1232 for the persecution of
`Aulantic Monthly Democrats have ae Wealth
`inquiration /mkwar'ei{(a)n/ n. dial. & collog.
`heresy by special ecclesiastical courts. Also (in
`inroads amongaffluent upper-midale-class aise
`Also en- /m-, en-/. L18.
`f. next +
`full Spanish Inquisition),
`the organization with
`inroad/'mroud/ v. £17. [fthe n.] Hery
`-ATION.] Enquiry; an enquiry.
`similar functions established under the Spanish
`an inroad into,
`invade. 5
`+t Mie
`inquire /m'kwaio/ v. Also en- /m-, sn-/ (see
`crown in 1479, which became notoriousforits

`MI7. 2 oi Male
`inroads. rare. MI9.
`severity. E16. 4 A relentless questioning of a
`note below). ME.
`[OFr. enquerre (mod. new
`formation enguérir) f. Proto-Romance var. of L
`finrol z.var. of ENRoL.
`person. MI9.
`4 K. WitwiamsAn interview which she described as
`inrolled /‘mnrauld, m'rould/ a. L19, [f n+
`inguirere, f. as IN-? + guaerere ask.] lta v.t.
`‘a 1% hour inquisition’.
`investigate. ME-118. b v.i. Make
`ROLL v. + -ED'.] Bor. Havingthe margins rolled
`inquisitional a. pertaining to the Inquisition or to
`inwards; involute.
`investigation (ito). ME. 2 v.t. Seek knowledge
`(esp. harsh orrelentless) inquiry M17.
`of (a thing) by asking a question; ask to be told.
`inrolling /‘mrevlin/ ppl a. Lig.
`[£ m4 +
`(Foll. by subord. cl. (& direct speech) or (now
`inquisition /inkwr'zi{(e)n/ v.t. M17. [f. the n.]
`ROLLINGa.] Of a waveetc.: thatrolls in,
`Hist. Proceed against by the Inquisition.
`less usu.) simple obj., of or (Sc.) at the person
`inrootv. var. of ENROOT.
`asked.) ME. 3 v.i. Put a question or questions;
`a. UME.
`inrun /'mran/ n. Lrg. [f. IN-! + RUN 2, Insenx
`ask. (Foll. by about or after a matter, of or (Sc.)
`inquisitif, -tive f. late L inguisitivus, f. L inguisit-:
`2 tr. G Anlauf.]
`1 An act of running in; a
`at the person asked.) ME. b Foll. by for, (arch.)
`see INQUISITION n., -IVE.] Given to or desirous of
`inrush. Lrg. 2 In ski-jumping: an approach m.
`after. make request for (a thing); ask to see (a
`inquiring; of an inquiring turn of mind;
`person). E16. {4 v.t, Question, interrogate, (a
`intellectually curious; spec. unduly curious about
`inrunning /‘nranm/ ppl a. mig. [f 0+
`person). ME-L17. +5 w.2. Search for, try to find;
`the affairs of others, prying.
`RUNNING ppl a.] Of a bay etc.: extending it
`search out. ME-118. $6 v.2. Call
`Conan Doyte The garbage papers which cater for
`inland. Ofa stream:flowinginto a larger steam,
`require. rare. EI6-M17. {7 v.t. Name, call. rare
`an inquisitive public. A. F, Doucias-HomME Man is
`(Spenser). Only in 116.
`incurably inquisitive, and always trying to discover the
`la J. WoopaLt Theuse of a Probe .
`. sometimes to
`inruption /m'rap{(@)n/_ 1. 419. ee
`origin of things.
`J. MorTIMER A pale man with
`enquire the depth of a wound. b B. BETTELHEIM He
`IRRUPTION, emphasizing in-.] A violent
`inquisitive, almost colourless eyes. A. BROOKNER They
`felt no need to inquire into my motives, 2 R. BURNS
`Were notinquisitive about my habits or relationships.
`fr A
`The wily mother.. inquires his name. S. Lewis Club
`inrush /‘inraf/ n. E19. [f wt + pst]
`inquisitively adv. 116. inquisitiveness 7, L16.
`members . . stopped him to inquire, ‘How’s your good
`lady getting on?’ W. Trevor She enquired of me if I
`inquisitor /m'kwuits/ n.
`In sense 2 also I-.
`rushing in, an influx.
`LME.[Fr. inquisiteur (AN -tour) f. L inquisitor, £
`knew . . Lady Lord-Blood. 3 H. James She enquired
`inrush /in'ra{/ v.i, Now rare. BY. fo
`scrupulously about her husband’s health. M. Cox He
`RUSH v.*] Enterwith forceor ie se +
`inguisu-; S€€
`1 A person
`had been encouragedto inquire freely of his parents
`whoseofficial duty is to inquire or examine (in
`inrushing/‘mrafin/ ppl a. MI9. ES or fort
`on religious matters.
`inquire after
`spec. make
`tering with spec
`Matters of crime, taxation, etc.); gen. a curious
`v2 + -ING?.] Entering
`inquiries about the health etc. of. b AV Acts O:11
`mquirer, an investigator. LME. +b An informer,
`Inquire in the house of Judas, for one called Saul of
`a, insae
`a spy. L16-L18. 2 Hist, An officer of the
`finsabbatistn, rare, mx7-t19. (EFT)
`Tarsus. Harper’s Magazine I enquired at house after
`house for board.
`Inquisition, esp. the Spanish Inquisition. M16.
`or med.L insabbatus, a }
`recenarhe dethe co of
`Recent UK usage tends to distinguish enguire =
`member ofthe sect ofthe Walden mn ssi?
`ask, inquire = make investigation;the distinctionis not
`the head ofthe Spanish eri enulettanatieneasl
`made in North America.
`in saecula
`saeculorum 7) _ ot
`een n. M19.
`inquisitress. n, a female
`saikju'lorem/ adv. phir. LI oer,
`inquirer n. L16.
`inquiring pp/ a.
`seeking ordisposed to seek information, answers, etc.:
`ages ofages.] To all eternity, wag. (EO
`L16. inquiringly adv. M17.
`aneruisitonal /mkwur'torral/ a, org,
`[£ as
`insalivate /m'salivert/, OFsenate (0)
`inquirendo /inkwar'rendeu/ n. Pl. -os. E17. [L
`next + -aL'.] 1 Of, relatingto, or functioning as
`1 Mix or ImPIT1g
`saliva. M19. 2 Moisten with s
`= by inquiring),
`abl. gerund of inquirere
`M18. b Offensively or
`INQuIRE.] 1 Law (now Hist.). An authorization
`insali'vation 7. M19.
`gq WT ot
`insalubrious /imsaigpuibras que ws
`to an official to make investigation on behalf of
`the Crown or government. EI7. 2 gen. An
`insalubris, £. as IN- + S00 ict
`investigation. M19.
`~ous.]. Esp.
`inquiry /m'kwarri/ n. Also en- /n-, en-/ (see
`salubrious, unhealthy. pati
`tt Monee
`insalubrity _/10s210)9pt) pl!
`note below). LME.
`INQUIRE + -y%,] T1
`2 An
`insalubrité or f.
`climate of
`(esp. a a
`ff yt
`investigation, an examination, esp. an official
`ie utit
`(in full public inquiry)
`insalutary,/sn'saliv'@l i pelt
`investigation, held under
`the auspices of a
`Government department, into a matter of public
`SALUTARY a.] 1 Harmhy me?
`concern. E16.
`L17. 2 Not having 4
`influence. rare. MI9-
`accusatorial. Mrg.
`inquisitorially adv. M19, inquisitorialness n. MIQ.
`inquisitory /mn‘kwrzit(o)ri
`/ a. Nowrare or obs.
`M17. [med.L inquisitorius,
`f. L inquisiror: see
`inquorate /in'kwo:r5t, -ert/ a. L20,
`a clin
`mecting: not quorate, not having
`wth. INS, +
`tinrage ».var. of ENRAGE,
`Forother words beginning with in- see the entry for in-!

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