`Power: A First-Class
`Architectural Design
`Power is a design constraint not only for portable computers and mobile
`communication devices but also for high-end systems, and the design
`process should not subordinate it to performance.
`University of
`L imiting power consumption presents a critical
`issue in computing, particularly in portable
`and mobile platforms such as laptop com-
`puters and cell phones. Limiting power in
`other computer settings—such as server
`farms—warehouse-sized buildings filled with Internet
`service providers’ servers—is also important. A recent
`analysis by Deo Singh and Vivek Tawair of Intel
`showed that a 25,000-square-foot server farm with
`approximately 8,000 servers consumes 2 megawatts
`and that power consumption either directly or indi-
`rectly accounts for 25 percent of the cost for manag-
`ing such a facility (see the proceedings of the Cool
`Chips Tutorial at
`Internet use is growing exponentially, requiring
`server farms to match the accompanying demand for
`power. A Financial Times article in Fall 2000 noted
`that information technology (IT) consumes about 8
`percent of power in the US. If this component contin-
`ues to grow exponentially without check, IT will soon
`require more power than all other uses combined.
`Table 1 presents information to better understand
`current processor power consumption trends (see the
`Berkeley CPU information center at http://bwrc.eecs.
` The
`rapid growth in power consumption is obvious.
`Equally alarming is the growth in the chip die’s power
`density, which increases linearly. Alpha model 21364’s
`power density has reached approximately 30 watts
`per square centimeter, which is three times that of a
`typical hot plate. This growth occurred despite process
`and circuit improvements. Trading high power for
`high performance cannot continue, and containing the
`growth in power requires adding architectural im-
`provements to process and circuit improvements. The
`only exceptions will be one-of-a-kind supercomputers
`built for special tasks like weather modeling.
`Three equations provide a model of the power-per-
`formance trade-offs for complementary metal-oxide
`semiconductor logic circuits. The CMOS literature on
`low power frequently uses these equations. They are
`simplifications that capture the essentials for logic
`designers, architects, and systems builders. Here I
`focus on CMOS because it will likely remain the dom-
`inant technology for the next five to seven years.
`Besides applying directly to processor logic and caches,
`the equations have relevance for some aspects of
`DRAM chips. The first equation defines power con-
`P = ACV2 f + τAVIshort f + VIleak
`This equation has three components. The first com-
`ponent measures the dynamic power consumption
`caused by the charging and discharging of the capac-
`itive load on each gate’s output. It is proportional to
`the frequency of the system’s operation, f, the activity
`of the gates in the system, A (some gates do not switch
`every clock), the total capacitance seen by the gate’s
`outputs, C, and the square of the supply voltage, V.
`The second component captures the power expended
`as a result of the short-circuit current, Ishort, which
`momentarily, τ, flows between the supply voltage and
`0018-9162/01/$10.00 © 2001 IEEE
`AMD EX1027
`U.S. Patent No. 6,895,519


`Table 1. Compaq Alpha power trends.
`Alpha model
`Peak power (W)
`Frequency (MHz)
`Die size (mm2)
`Supply voltage
`ground when a CMOS logic gate’s output switches.
`The third component measures the power lost from
`the leakage current regardless of the gate’s state.
`In today’s circuits, the first term dominates, which
`immediately suggests that reducing the supply volt-
`age, V, is the most effective way to reduce power con-
`sumption. The quadratic dependence on V means that
`the savings can be significant: Halving the voltage
`reduces the power consumption to one-fourth its orig-
`inal value. Unfortunately, this savings comes at the
`expense of performance, or, more accurately, maxi-
`mum-operating frequency, as the next equation
`fmax ∝ (V − Vthreshold)2 / V (2)
`The maximum frequency of operation is roughly lin-
`ear in V. Reducing it limits the circuit to a lower fre-
`quency. Reducing the power to one-fourth its original
`value only halves the maximum frequency. Equations
`1 and 2 have an important corollary: Parallel pro-
`cessing, which involves splitting a computation in two
`and running it as two parallel independent tasks, has
`the potential to cut the power in half without slowing
`the computation.
`Reducing the voltage, V, in Equation 2 requires a
`reduction in Vthreshold. This reduction must occur so
`that low-voltage logic circuits can properly operate.
`Unfortunately, reducing Vthreshold increases the leak-
`age current, as Equation 3 shows:
`Ileak ∝ exp ( − qVthreshold / (kT)) (3)
`Thus, this is a limited option for countering the effect
`of reducing V, because it makes the leakage term in
`the first equation appreciable.
`We can summarize the three essential points from
`this model as follows:
`• Reducing voltage has a significant effect on
`power consumption: P ∝ V2.
`• Reducing activity—most simply by turning off
`the computer’s unused parts—also affects power
`• Parallel processing can reduce power consump-
`tion if done efficiently—ideally by applying it to
`independent tasks.
`Although reducing the supply voltage can decrease
`power consumption and result in considerable sav-
`ings with only a modest impact on performance, the
`accompanying increase in leakage current limits how
`far this technique can be taken.
`Other figures of merit related to power
`Equation 1 represents an average value that gives a
`somewhat one-dimensional view. In many cases, at
`least two other power quantities are important:
`• Peak power. Typically, systems have an upper
`limit that, if exceeded, leads to some damage.
`• Dynamic power. Sharp changes in power con-
`sumption can result in ground bounce or di/dt
`noise that upsets logic voltage levels, causing
`erroneous circuit behavior.
`Often, we use the term power to refer to quantities
`that are not really power. For example, in portable
`devices, the amount of energy needed to perform a
`computation may be a more useful measure because
`a battery stores a fixed amount of energy, not power.
`To say that one processor is lower power than another
`may be misleading. If it takes longer to perform a
`given computation, the total energy expended may be
`the same—the battery will run down by the same
`amount in both cases. This comparison leads to the
`idea of an energy/operation ratio. A processor with a
`low energy/operation ratio is sometimes incorrectly
`referred to as a low-power processor. Engineers fre-
`quently use the inverse of this measure, MIPS/W or
`million instructions per second per watt, as a figure
`of merit for processors intended for mobile applica-
`Reducing the power consumption by half decreases
`the frequency of operation by much less because of the
`quadratic term in Equation 1. Ricardo Gonzalez and
`Mark Horowitz1 proposed a third figure of merit:
`energy × delay. This measure takes into account that,
`in systems in which power is modeled by Equation 1,
`we can trade a decrease in speed for higher MIPS/W.
`Most of the literature uses MIPS/W or simply watts, so
`we will continue this convention, recognizing that
`occasionally it can suggest misleading trade-offs where
`“quadratic” devices like CMOS are concerned. Finally,
`if the computation under consideration must finish by
`April 2001


`research has
`pursued two
`themes: exploiting
`parallelism and
`using speculation.
`a deadline, slowing the operation may not be an
`option. In these cases, a measure that combines
`total energy with a deadline is more appropriate.
`Systems designers have developed several
`techniques to save power at the logic, architec-
`ture, and operating systems levels.
`A number of techniques can save power at
`the logic level. The clock tree can consume 30
`percent of a processor’s power; the early Alpha
`model 21064 exceeded even this figure. Therefore, it
`is not surprising that engineers have developed sev-
`eral power-saving techniques at this level.
`Clock gating. This technique is widely used to turn off
`clock tree branches to latches or flip-flops whenever
`they are not used. Until recently, developers consid-
`ered gated clocks to be a poor design practice because
`the clock tree gates can exacerbate clock skew.
`However, more accurate timing analyzers and more
`flexible design tools have made it possible for devel-
`opers to produce reliable designs with gated clocks.
`Half-frequency and half-swing clocks. A half-frequency
`clock uses both edges of the clock to synchronize
`events. The clock then runs at half the frequency of a
`conventional clock. The drawbacks are that the
`latches are more complex and occupy more area, and
`that the clock’s requirements are more stringent.
`The half-swing clock swings only half of V. It
`increases the latch design’s requirements and is diffi-
`cult to use in systems with low V. However, lower-
`ing clock swing usually produces greater gains than
`clocking on both edges.
`Asynchronous logic. Asynchronous logic proponents
`have pointed out that because their systems do not
`have a clock, they save the considerable power that a
`clock tree requires. However, asynchronous logic
`design suffers from the drawback of needing to gen-
`erate completion signals. This requirement means that
`additional logic must be used at each register trans-
`fer—in some cases, a double-rail implementation,
`which can increase the amount of logic and wiring.
`Other drawbacks include testing difficulty and an
`absence of design tools.
`Several projects have attempted to demonstrate the
`power savings possible with asynchronous systems. The
`Amulet, an asynchronous implementation of the ARM
`instruction-set architecture, is one of the most success-
`ful projects (see the Power-Driven Microarchitecture
`Workshop at
`LowPowerWorkshop/agenda.html). Drawing defini-
`tive conclusions from such projects is difficult because
`it requires comparing designs that use the same tech-
`nologies. Further, the asynchronous designer works at
`a disadvantage because today’s design tools are geared
`for synchronous design. Ultimately, asynchronous
`design does not offer sufficient advantages to merit a
`wholesale switch from synchronous designs.
`However, asynchronous techniques can play an
`important role in globally asynchronous, locally syn-
`chronous systems.2 Such systems reduce clock power
`and help with the growing problem of clock skew
`across a large chip, while allowing the use of conven-
`tional design techniques for most of the chip.
`Computer architecture research, typified by the
`work presented at the International Symposia on
`Computer Architecture and the International Sym-
`posia on Microarchitecture, focuses on high perfor-
`mance. This research pursues two important themes:
`exploiting parallelism and using speculation. Paral-
`lelism can reduce power, whereas speculation can per-
`mit computations to proceed beyond dependent
`instructions that may not have completed. If the spec-
`ulation is wrong, executing useless instructions can
`waste energy. But this is not necessarily so. Branch pre-
`diction is perhaps the best-known example of specu-
`lation. If the predictors are accurate, it can increase
`the MIPS/W figure.3
`New architectural ideas can contribute most prof-
`itably to reducing the dynamic power consumption
`term, specifically the activity factor, A, in Equation 1.
`Memory systems. The memory system consumes a
`significant amount of power. In systems with unso-
`phisticated processors, cache memory can dominate
`the chip area. Memory systems have two sources of
`power loss. First, the frequency of memory access
`causes dynamic power loss, as the first term in
`Equation 1 models. Second, leakage current con-
`tributes to power loss, as the third term in Equation
`1 models.
`Organizing memory so that an access activates only
`parts of it can help to limit dynamic memory power
`loss. Placing a small cache in front of the L1 cache cre-
`ates a filter cache that intercepts signals intended for
`the main cache.4 Even if the filter cache is hit only 50
`percent of the time, the power saved is half the differ-
`ence between activating the main cache and the filter
`cache, which can be significant.
`Memory banking, currently used in some low-power
`designs, splits the memory into banks and activates only
`the bank presently in use. Because it relies on the refer-
`ence pattern having a lot of spatial locality, memory bank-
`ing is more suitable for instruction-cache organization.
`The architect or systems designer can do little to limit
`leakage except shut down the memory. This is only
`practical if the memory will remain unused for a long
`time because memory will lose state and, therefore,
`requires disk backup. The operating system usually


`Microarchitecture Uses a Low-Power Core
`Mike Morrow, Intel
`The Intel XScale Core (http://developer.
` uses ad-
`vanced circuit, process, and microarchi-
`tectural techniques to facilitate low-power
`A processor’s active power dissipation
`is proportional to the frequency and
`square of the voltage. In the V2 term of the
`active power equation, voltage to the core
`is scalable from 0.75 V to 1.65 V. The core
`also incorporates back-bias circuitry to
`minimize leakage current during inactiv-
`ity, and the core’s static design—the clock
`can be reduced to dc—contributes linearly
`to active power savings.
`Intel’s 80200 (
`the first processor to incorporate Intel
`XScale microarchitecture—offers addi-
`tional power-saving opportunities by
`enabling rapid frequency and no-stall volt-
`age changes and by providing a memory
`bus that runs asynchronously.
`Reaching a lower-power state may not
`be worthwhile if it requires a long time.
`Because the 80200 uses a PLL with a fast
`resynch time, it can switch frequencies or
`power modes in less than 20 µs. This
`enables system techniques in which the
`processor, while providing good interactive
`response, is usually asleep or operating at
`low frequency. For example, the processor
`can be in “drowsy” mode (core dissipation
`less than 1 mW) until an event awakens it;
`then it processes the event at several hun-
`dred megahertz and drops back into
`drowsy mode. Even the fastest touch-typ-
`ist would not detect any performance
`For voltage scaling to be effective, the
`processor must not spend excessive time
`waiting for the voltage to change. A shorter
`processor idle period translates into accom-
`plishing more work. The 80200’s core can
`run through a voltage change without the
`processor idling during the transition. Also,
`the voltage can follow a natural discharge
`curve rather than being stepped or precip-
`itously dropped for the core, which avoids
`wastefully forcing the voltage to a lower
`level and perhaps enables the use of a sim-
`pler power supply.
`The 80200’s bus interface runs asyn-
`chronously—the core can run at a fre-
`quency unrelated to the bus clock. In fact,
`two clock signals are input to the device,
`allowing system software to change core
`frequency as needed without concern for
`bus operation. If the bus frequency is a
`fixed fraction of the core frequency, as is
`often the case, a change in core frequency
`might necessitate waiting for the bus to
`The asynchronous relationship of the
`bus and core clocks also enables static or
`dynamic optimization of the bus fre-
`quency. A RAM region with a 25-ns access
`time requires three 100-MHz clock cycles
`per access, or one 33-MHz clock cycle. A
`system with predictable accesses to this
`memory might choose to drop the bus fre-
`quency and realize a linear improvement
`in power without incurring any loss in
`Mike Morrow is a processor architect at
`Intel. Contact him at michael.morrow@
`handles this type of shutdown, which we often refer to
`as “sleep mode.”
`Buses. Buses are a significant source of power loss,
`especially interchip buses, which are often very wide.
`The standard PC memory bus includes 64 data lines
`and 32 address lines, and each line requires substan-
`tial drivers. A chip can expend 15 percent to 20 per-
`cent of its power on these interchip drivers.
`One approach to limiting this swing is to encode
`the address lines into a Gray code because address
`changes, particularly from cache refills, are often
`sequential, and counting in Gray code switches the
`least number of signals.5
`Adapting other ideas to this problem is straightfor-
`ward. Transmitting the difference between successive
`address values achieves a result similar to the Gray
`code. Compressing the information in address lines
`further reduces them.6 These techniques are best suited
`to interchip signaling because designers can integrate
`the encoding into the bus controllers.
`Code compression results in significant instruc-
`tion-memory savings if the system stores the pro-
`gram in compressed form and decompresses it on
`the fly, typically on a cache miss.7 Reducing memory
`size translates to power savings. It also reduces code
`overlays—a technique still used in many digital-
`signal processing (DSP) systems—which are another
`source of power loss.
`Parallel processing and pipelining. A corollary of our
`power model is that parallel processing can be an
`important technique for reducing power consump-
`tion in CMOS systems. Pipelining does not share
`this advantage because it achieves concurrency by
`increasing the clock frequency, which limits the
`ability to scale the voltage, as Equation 2 demon-
`strates. This is an interesting reversal because
`pipelining is simpler than parallel processing; there-
`fore, pipelining is traditionally the first choice to
`speed up execution. In practice, the trade-off
`between pipelining and parallelism is not so dis-
`tinct: Replicating function units rather than pipelin-
`ing them has the negative effect of increasing area
`and wiring, which in turn can increase power con-
`The degree to which designers can parallelize com-
`putations varies widely. Although some computations
`are “embarrassingly parallel,” they are usually charac-
`terized by identical operations on array data structures.
`April 2001


`Despite their lower
`clock rates, DSPs
`can achieve high
`MIPS ratings
`because of their
`parallelism and
`direct support for a
`However, for general-purpose computations typ-
`ified by the System Performance Evaluation Co-
`operative benchmark suite, designers have made
`little progress in discovering parallelism. Success-
`ful general-purpose microprocessors rarely issue
`more than three or four instructions at once.
`Increasing instruction-level parallelism is unlikely
`to offset the loss caused by inefficient parallel exe-
`cution. Future desktop architectures, however,
`will likely have shorter pipes.
`In contrast, common signal-processing algo-
`rithms often possess a significant degree of par-
`allelism. DSP chip architecture, which is notably
`different from desktop or workstation architec-
`tures, reflects this difference. DSPs typically run
`at lower frequencies and exploit a higher degree of par-
`allelism. Despite their lower clock rates, DSPs can
`achieve high MIPS ratings because of their parallelism
`and direct support for a multiply-accumulate opera-
`tion, which occurs with considerable frequency in sig-
`nal-processing algorithms. An example is the Analog
`Device 21160 SHARC DSP, which uses only 2 watts to
`achieve 600 Mflops on some DSP kernels.
`Operating system
`The quadratic voltage term in Equation 1 shows
`that reducing voltage offers a significant power-sav-
`ings benefit. It is not necessary for a processor to run
`constantly at maximum frequency to accomplish its
`work. If we know a computation’s deadline, we can
`adjust the processor’s frequency and reduce the sup-
`ply voltage. For example, a simple MPEG decode runs
`at a fixed rate determined by the screen refresh, usu-
`ally once every 1/30th of a second. Therefore, we can
`adjust the processor to run so that it does not finish its
`work ahead of schedule and waste power.
`There are two approaches to scaling voltage using
`the operating system. The first approach provides an
`interface that allows the operating system to directly
`set the voltage—often simply by writing a register. The
`application uses these operating system functions to
`schedule its voltage needs.8 The second approach uses
`a similar interface, but the operating system auto-
`matically detects when to scale back the voltage dur-
`ing the application. An advantage of automatic
`detection is that applications do not require modifi-
`cations to perform voltage scheduling. A disadvan-
`tage is that detecting the best timing for scaling back
`voltage is difficult, but important steps toward solving
`this problem are under way (see Kris Flautner’s thesis
`Both approaches offer effective power-saving meth-
`ods that work directly on the quadratic term in
`Equation 1. Voltage scaling has already received sup-
`port in Intel’s next-generation StrongARM micro-
`processor, the XScale.
`The obvious applications for processors with a high
`MIPS/W lie in mobile computing. Futuristic third-gen-
`eration mobile phones will require remarkable pro-
`cessing capabilities. These 3G phones will communi-
`cate over a packet-switched wireless link at up to 2
`Mbits/sec. The link will support both voice and data
`and will be connected all the time. Vendors plan to
`support MPEG4 video transmission and other data-
`intensive applications.
`In contrast, manufacturers build today’s cell
`phones around two processors: a general-purpose
`computer and a DSP engine. Both processors require
`low power, the lower the better. A common solution
`uses an ARM processor for the general-purpose
`machine and a Texas Instruments DSP chip. For 3G
`systems, both processors will need to be more pow-
`erful without sacrificing battery life. Given the power
`constraints, the processing requirements exceed cur-
`rent technology.
`One of the next major challenges for computer
`architects is designing systems in which power is a first-
`class design constraint. Considering the hundreds of
`millions of cell phones in use today and the projected
`sales of billions more, mobile phones will surpass the
`desktop as the defining application environment for
`computing, further underlining the need to consider
`power early in the design process.
`An inelegant solution
`The cell phone’s two-processor configuration arose
`from the need for a low-power system that performs
`significant amounts of signal processing and possesses
`general-purpose functionality for low-resolution dis-
`play support, simple database functions, and proto-
`cols for cell-to-phone communications. From an
`architectural perspective, this solution lacks elegance.
`A “convergent” architecture that handles both signal-
`processing and general-purpose computing require-
`ments offers a better alternative. However, it may be
`easier to manage the power to separate components so
`that users can easily turn off the power to either one.
`More research on such trade-offs is necessary.
`Applications where power is key
`While the cell phone and its derivatives will become
`the leading users of power-efficient systems, this is by
`no means the only application where power is key. For
`example, a server farm has a workload of indepen-
`dent programs. Thus, it uses parallelism without the
`inefficiencies that intraprogram communication and
`synchronization often introduces—making multi-
`processors an attractive solution.
`A typical front-end server that handles mail, Web
`pages, and news has an Intel-compatible processor, 32
`Mbytes of memory, and an 8-Gbyte disk, and requires


`about 30 watts of power. Assume that the processor
`is an AMD Mobile K6, with a total of 64 Kbytes of
`cache running at 400 MHz, and is rated at 12 watts.
`Compare this processor with the XScale, which has
`the same total cache size but consumes only 450 mil-
`liwatts at 600 MHz. The processor can actually run
`from about 1 GHz to less than 100 MHz; at 150
`MHz, it consumes 40 milliwatts. Replacing the K6
`with 24 XScales does not increase power consump-
`tion. To process as many jobs as the 24-headed mul-
`tiprocessor, the K6 will require an architectural
`efficiency about 24 times that of an XScale.
`Some may disagree with this analysis. For exam-
`ple, it does not account for the more complex proces-
`sor-memory interconnect that the multiprocessor
`requires, and it doesn’t consider the fact that the indi-
`vidual jobs can have an unacceptable response time.
`However, the analysis shows that if power is the chief
`design constraint, a low-power, nontrivial processor
`like the XScale can introduce a new perspective into
`computer architecture. If we replaced the K6 with a
`100-watt Compaq 21364, it would need to be 200
`times as efficient as the XScale.
`It is remarkable how quickly some microprocessor
`manufacturers have already deployed some ideas for
`lowering power consumption: The XScale provides
`but one example.
`However, if power consumption is to continue to
`be reduced, an important problem requires attention
`in the near term, that is, the leakage current. As
`devices shrink to submicron dimensions, the supply
`voltage must be reduced to avoid damaging electric
`fields. This development, in turn, requires a reduced
`threshold voltage. In Equation 3, leakage current
`increased exponentially with a decrease in Vthreshold. In
`fact, a 10 percent to 15 percent reduction can cause
`a two-fold increase in Ileak. In increasingly smaller
`devices, leakage will become the dominant source of
`power consumption. Further, leakage occurs as long
`as power flows through the circuit. This constant cur-
`rent can produce an increase in the chip temperature,
`which in turn causes an increase in the thermal volt-
`age, leading to a further increase in leakage current.
`In some cases, this vicious circle results in uncon-
`strained thermal runaway.
`Because they are keenly aware of this pitfall, circuit
`designers have proposed several techniques to handle it.
`The present popular solution employs two types of
`field-effect transistors: low Vthreshold devices for the high-
`speed paths and high Vthreshold devices for paths that are
`not critical, as addressed in Equation 2. Such voltage
`clustering 9 makes additional demands on computer-
`aided design tools. Future circuits must operate prop-
`erly with several supply-voltage levels and thresholds.
`At the architectural level, some techniques for con-
`trolling dynamic power will also help to reduce leak-
`age effects. In many cases, components that were
`shielded from unnecessary activity, such as static ran-
`dom-access memory, are also candidates for imple-
`mentation with lower-power-threshold devices and
`can tolerate the performance hit.
`A lthough the contributions of process engineers
`and circuit designers to power-aware designs
`are crucial, architects and systems-level design-
`ers also need to contribute a twofold improvement
`in power consumption per design generation.
`Elevating power to a first-class constraint must be
`a priority early in the design stage when designers
`make architectural trade-offs as they perform cycle-
`accurate simulation. This presents a problem because
`designers can make accurate power determination
`only after they perform chip layout. However, design-
`ers can usually accept approximate values early in the
`design flow, provided they accurately reflect trends.
`For example, if the architecture changes, the approx-
`imate power figure should reflect a change in power
`in the correct direction.
`Several research efforts are under way to insert
`power estimators into cycle-level simulators. Event
`counters obtain frequency measures for architectural
`components such as adders, caches, decoders, and
`buses to estimate power. Researchers at Intel,10
`Princeton,11 and Penn State University12 have devel-
`oped power estimators based on the SimpleScalar sim-
`ulator widely used in academe (see http://www.
` A fourth effort, PowerAnalyzer,
`which I am developing with Todd Austin and Dirk
`Grunwald, is expanding on previous work to provide
`estimates for multiple thresholds, di/dt noise, and peak
`power (see http://www.eecs.
`power.html). ✸
`This work was supported, in part, by contract
`F33615-00-C-1678 from the Power Aware Computing
`and Communications program at DARPA.
`1. R. Gonzalez and M. Horowitz, “Energy Dissipation in
`General-Purpose Microprocessors,” IEEE J. Solid-State
`Circuits, IEEE Press, Piscataway, N.J., 1996, pp. 1277-
`April 2001


`2. S. Moore et al., “Self-Calibrating Clocks for Globally
`Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems,” Proc.
`Int’l Conf. Computer Design, IEEE CS Press, Los Alami-
`tos, Calif., 2000, pp. 73-78.
`3. S. Manne, A. Klauser, and D. Grunwald, “Pipeline Gat-
`ing: Speculation Control for Energy Reduction,” Proc.
`25th Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, IEEE Press, Pis-
`cataway, N.J., 1998, pp. 132-141.
`4. M. Johnson, M. Gupta, and W. Mangione-Smith, “Fil-
`tering Memory References to Increase Energy Effi-
`ciency,” IEEE Trans. Computers, IEEE CS Press, Los
`Alamitos, Calif., 2000, pp. 1-15.
`5. L. Benini et al., “Address Bus Encoding Techniques for
`System-Level Power Optimization,” Proc. 1998 Design
`Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 98), IEEE CS
`Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 1998, pp. 861-866.
`6. A. Park, M. Farrens, and G. Tyson, “Modifying VM
`Hardware to Reduce Address Pin Requirements,” Proc.
`25th Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, IEEE Press, Pis-
`cataway, N.J., 1992, pp. 1-4.
`7. C. Lefurgy, E. Piccininni, and T. Mudge, “Reducing
`Code Size with Run-Time Decompression,” Proc. 6th
`Int’l Symp. High-Performance Computer Architecture,
`IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 2000, pp. 218-227.
`8. T. Pering, T. Burd, and R. Brodersen, “Voltage Schedul-
`ing in the lpARM Microprocessor System,” Proc. 2000
`Int’l Symp. Low Power Electronics and Design, IEEE
`CS Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 2000, pp. 96-101.
`9. K. Usami and M. Horowitz, “Clustered Voltage Scaling
`Technique for Low-Power Design,” Int’l Symp. Low-
`Power Design, ACM Press, New York, 1995, pp. 3-8.
`10. G. Cai and C. Lim, “Architectural Level Power/Perfor-
`mance Optimization and Dynamic Power Estimation,”
`Cool Chips Tutorial: An Industrial Perspective on Low-
`Power Processor Design, T. Mudge, S. Manne, and D.
`Grunwald, eds., IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 1999,
`pp. 90-113;
`11. D. Brooks, V. Tiwari, and M. Martonosi, “Wattch: A
`Framework for Architectural-Level Power Analysis and
`Optimizations,” Proc. 27th Int’l Symp. Computer Archi-
`tecture, IEEE Press, Piscataway, N.J., 2000, pp. 83-94.
`12. N. Vijaykrishnan et al., “Energy-Driven Integrated
`Hardware-Software Optimizations Using SimplePower,”
`Proc. 27th Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, IEEE
`Press, Piscataway, N.J., 2000, pp. 95-106.
`Trevor Mudge is a professor in the Department of
`Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the
`University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His research inter-
`ests include computer architecture, very large scale
`integration design, and compilers. Mudge received a
`PhD in computer science from the University of Illi-
`nois at Urbana-Champaign. Contact him at tnm@eecs.
`gigabit Ethernet
`enhanced parallel ports
`token rings
`Computer Society members work together to define standards like
`IEEE 1003, 1394, 802, 1284, and many more.

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