Case 1:18-cv-00554-LY Document 39-5 Filed 05/17/19 Page 25 of 53
`AMD EX1010
`U.S. Patent No. 6,895,519


`Case 1:18-cv-00554-LY Document 39-5 Filed 05/17/19 Page 26 of 53
`Case 1:18-cv-00554-LY Document 39-5 Filed 05/17/19 Page 26 of 53
`Compiled and edited by
`New York San Francisco Washington, D.C. Auckland Bogoté
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`Case 1:18-cv-00554-LY Document 39-5 Filed 05/17/19 Page 27 of 53
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`application load list (ALL)
`application program output limits
`(ALL) 1n SPPS II, a list of
`application load list
`application definition records [ADRs) that are grouped
`for a particular application load.
`application management Functions in the application
`iayer related to the management of Open System Intel'-
`connection application processes. (T)
`(AMH) In ACF/
`application message
`TCAM, a user-defined routine that processes messages
`received by the message corrlrol program (MCI’) from
`an application program or sent by the MCP to an
`application program.
`See device message handler.
`inlernodal message handler. message handler.
`the privilege mode that
`application mode In DPPX.
`s'ttpervisor—privileged or
`See also lit) mode. master mode. supervisor mode.
`application object In SAA Advanced Common User
`Access architecture, a form that an application pro-
`vides for a user;
`for example, a spreadsheet form.
`Contrast with user object.
`IBM 'lrnnchltts
`application object name In
`system. the name by which the application host knows
`the object. The name provided by the application host
`when an object is stored. See also object name.
`application option In SAA Common User Access
`architecture, a choice programmers may implcu'tent in
`their applications. See also user option.
`application-oriented language (I) A programming
`language that has Facilities or notations useful
`solving problems in one or more specific classes of
`applications. such as numerical
`scientific. business
`data processing, civil engineering. simulation;
`Synouynrous with problem-oriented language. (Ti
`(2-) A problem-oriented language whose
`contain or resemble the terminology of the occupation
`or profession of the user.
`plan The
`during the hind process and used by the D132 program
`to process SQL statements during application exe-
`application problem A problem submitted by an end
`user and requiring information processing for its sol—
`application profile In VSE, a control block in which
`the system stores the characteristics of one or more
`application programs.
`application program (1) A program that is specific
`to the solution of an application problem.
`(2) A program
`motrs with application software.
`written for or by a user that applies to the user's work.
`such as a program that. does inventory control or
`(3) A program used to connect and commu—
`nicate with stations in a network, enabling users to
`perform application-oriented
`(4) In
`SDF/CICS. the program using the physical maps and
`symbolic description maps generated from a source
`map set.
`routine in VTAM pro
`application program exit
`grams. a user-written exi-I routine that performs func-
`tions for a particular application program and is run as
`part of the application program:
`for example. the RPL
`exit routine. the EXLS’I‘ exit routine. and the TES'I‘CB
`exit routine. Contrast with installation exit routine.
`application program identification The symbolic
`atone by which an application program is identified to
`VTAM programs.
`is specified in the APPLID
`parameter of the ACE macroinstruction.
`IBM 3601
`application program image In
`Finance Communication
`program that has been processed by the finance image
`processor and ready to be inserted into :1 load image
`transmitted to the 360] Finance Coauuttnicalion
`application program interface (AP!) (1) A func—
`tional interface supplied by the operating system or by
`it separately or‘demblc licensed program that allows an
`applicalit'ni program written in a high—level language to
`use specific data or functions of the operaling system
`or the licensed program.
`(2) The interface through
`which an application program interacts with an access
`[n VTAM programs. it is the language struc-
`ture used in control blocks so that application pro—
`grams can reference them and be identified to VTAM.
`application program major node In VTAM pro-
`grams. a group of appiication program minor nodes.
`in the VTAM definition library. it is a member. hook.
`or file that contains one or more APPL statements,
`which represent application programs.
`In MVS, it is a
`member of the library;
`in VSE, it is a book;
`and in
`VM, it is a CMS file of filetype VTAMLIST.
`application programmer A programmer who designs
`programming systems and other applications for a user
`that applies to the user‘s work.
`Application Programming Interface In Syslenrr'38,
`the Control Program Facility (CPF) graphics routines
`that perform basic graphics tasks when called by high—
`level language application programs.
`application program output
`limits In lMSi’VS. an
`option that allows users to limit are? size and number
`segments producedA
`of output


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`clipping plane
`closed strep
`clipping plane In AIX graphics. primitive space that
`is; manned In normalized viewing coordinates in homo—
`geneous coordinates.
`The clipping plant-:5 x=+w.
`y=+w. or z=+w correspond to the lel’l.
`linllom, near, and far planes bounding the viewing
`clipping region In AIX Enhanced X—Windows, a type
`of graphics output.
`In a graphics context,
`the image
`defined by the bitmap or rectangles used to restrict
`output to a particular region of a window.
`CLK Clock.
`clock (CLK) (l) A device that generates periodic,
`accurately spaced signals used for purposes such as
`timing, regulation of the operations of a processor or
`generation of interrupts.
`(2) In data com-
`munication, equipment that provides a time base used
`in a transmission system to control
`the timing of
`certain functions such as sampling, and to control the
`(3) See
`master clock.
`(4) See also time-of—day clock.
`clock/calendar In personal computers, a function pro-
`vided by several software applications and multifunc-
`tion boards that keeps track of the time and date
`regardless of whether the computer is on or off;
`replaces a desktop clock and calendar and allows
`recording of appointments such as meeting dates and
`travel arrangements.
`clock comparator A System/370 hardware feature
`that causes an interruption when the time-of—day clock
`has equaled or exceeded the value specified by a
`program or virtual machine.
`clocking (1) In binary synchronous communication,
`the use of clock pulses to control synchronization of
`data and control characters.
`(2) A method of control—
`ling the number of data bits sent on a telecommuni—
`cation line in a given time.
`(3) See bit clocking,
`external clocking, internal clocking.
`clocking bits Magnetically encoded signals, usually
`that precede the data and that are used for
`establishing timing intervals
`clock pointer In the 08/2 operating system, a visual
`cue in the shape of a clock that indicates that the com—
`puter is performing operations.
`The mouse pointer
`changes to this shape while the computer
`is proc—
`clock pulse (1) A synchronization signal provided by
`a clock. (A)
`(2) Synonym for clock signal.
`clock register Synonym for timer.
`clock signal (1) A periodic signal used for synchroni-
`zation and for measuring intervals of
`time. (T)
`(2) Synonymous with clock pulse.
`clock track A track on which a pattern of signals is
`recorded to provide a timing reference.
`close (1) The
`between a file and a program, and ends the processing.
`Contrast with open.
`(2) A data manipulation function
`that ends the connection between a file and a program.
`Contrast with open.
`(3) To end the processing of a
`(4) In the AIX operating system,
`to end an
`activity and remove that window from the display.
`Close In SAA Advanced Common User Access archi-
`tecture, a choice that removes a window and all
`associated windows from the screen.
`closed circuit In multimedia applications, a system of
`transmitting television signals from a point of origin to
`one or many restricted destination points specially
`equipped to receive the signals.
`closed fix package In the IBM 8100 Information
`the last fix package that applies to a given
`service level. A closed fix package is always num—
`bered 99.
`closed loop (1) A loop whose execution can be inter—
`rupted only by intervention from outside the program
`in which the loop is included. (A)
`(2) Synonym for
`infinite loop.
`close dot In some graphical user interfaces, the small
`rectangle in the upper left corner of dialog boxes,
`and selection boxes used to Close
`message or box.
`closedown (1) The deactivation of a device, program,
`or system.
`(2) In ACF/TCAM,
`the orderly deacti-
`vation of
`the message
`control program (MCP).
`(3) See
`also cancel
`flush closedown,
`orderly closedown, quick closedown.
`closed security environment In computer security, an
`environment in which authentications, clearances, and
`configuration controls provide a sufficient presumption
`that malicious
`logic has not been introduced and
`provide sufficient assurance that malicious logic will
`not be introduced prior to or during the operation of
`the system. Contrast with open security environment.
`closed shop Pertaining to the operation of a computer
`facility in which most productive problem program-
`ming is performed by a group of programming spe-
`cialists rather than by the problem originators. The
`use of the computer itself may also be described as
`closed shop if full-time trained thfibomowflflg


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`control language variable
`control logical unit (CLU)
`variable A program variable
`declared in a control language program and available
`only to the program.
`the system action
`controlled cancel In System/36,
`that ends a job step being run and saves any new data
`that has been created. The job that
`is running can
`continue with the next job entry.
`controlled maintenance A method
`desired quality of service by the systematic application
`of analysis techniques using centralized supervisory
`sampling to minimize preventive
`controlled slip A slip in which a fixed number of
`digits are lost or gained.
`controller A device that coordinates and controls the
`operation of one or more input/output devices, such as
`workstations, and synchronizes the operation of such
`devices with the operation of the system as a whole.
`See communication controller, store controller, sub-
`system controller. See also input/output control unit.
`controller card In the AS/400 system, any of the I/O
`logic cards,
`such as a magnetic storage
`device controller, workstation controller, or communi-
`cations controller.
`(CCF) Set
`macrostatements to be coded by a user and modules in
`Programmable Store System Host Support, used to
`define and create a 3651 or 7480 Store Controller
`operational environment.
`controller creation parameter table (CCPT) In PSS,
`a table containing pointers to all tables and data areas
`used by the controller configuration facility in defining
`the 3651 or 7480 Store Controller operational environ-
`controller data IBM—provided modules,
`and control blocks that are used at a host system to
`create an operational environment for a controller.
`the AS/400
`(CTLD) In
`system, an object
`that contains a description of the
`characteristics of a controller that
`is either directly
`attached to the system or attached to a communication
`controller disk In the 3650 Retail Store System, an
`integral part of the retail store controller that is used
`for auxiliary storage of controller data, user files, and
`application programs.
`controller function An action or series of actions
`built into a controller and taken by the controller in
`response to a request from a terminal, another con-
`troller function, or a host system.
`controller information fields In the 3790 Communi—
`cation System, a set of fields, assigned to each 3790
`program and to which the program has access,
`contain information the program may need while being
`such as
`terminal operator
`ID, date, and
`record numbers of print data set and transaction data
`set records being used by the program.
`controller storage In the 3650 Retail Store System,
`the generic name for auxiliary (disk)
`storage and
`active (monolithic) storage in a 3651 store controller.
`controller storage save In the 3650 Retail Store
`System, automatic writing of the critical areas of store
`controller active storage onto the integrated disk when
`turned off or when a power
`failure is
`control-level indicator In RPG, an indicator used to
`specify certain fields as control fields and to control
`the operations that are to be performed at
`total and
`detail time in the RPG program cycle.
`control lever Synonym for joy stick.
`controlling application program In VTAM pro-
`grams, an application program with which a logical
`unit other than a secondary application program is
`automatically put in session whenever the logical unit
`is available. See also automatic logon.
`controlling logical unit In VTAM programs, a logical
`unit with which a secondary logical unit, other than an
`application program,
`is automatically put
`in session
`whenever the secondary logical unit is available. A
`controlling logical unit can be either an application
`program or a device—type logical unit. See also auto—
`matic logon, controlling application program.
`controlling subsystem An interactive subsystem that
`is started automatically when the system is started and
`through which the
`system operator
`control logic In the IBM 8100 Information System,
`I/O hardware that can decode and perform commands
`addressed to it by 1/0 instructions.
`control logical unit (CLU) A logical unit that resides
`in a Transaction Processing Facility (TPF)
`type 2.1
`node and that is used to pass private protocol request
`units between this TPF type 2.] node and the logon
`manager (a VTAM application program). The com-
`munication flow between the control logical unit and
`the logon manager enables a logical unit controlled by
`VTAM to establish a session with TIESUILAOOOOOOOOOZQ


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`control mode
`control record
`control mode (1) The state In: “and: mi
`a line must be in order for line tantrum. L.‘ r (ontrol,
`"t F‘u'ur‘.‘ In which a
`or terminal selection to occur
`tributary station can be potted a: addressed by a
`control station.
`control objectives Criteria that must be met to obtain
`an acceptable level of integrity required for a data
`processing system. (T)
`operation An
`recording, processing, transmission, or interpretation of
`for example, starting or stopping a process, car-
`riage return, font change, rewind and end of trans-
`See also control functions.
`control operator (1) The person who generally per-
`forms special administrative, control, and testing func-
`(2) For
`logical unit
`(LU) 6.2,
`transaction program that describes and controls the
`availability of certain resources;
`for example,
`describes network resources accessed by the local LU
`and it controls session limits between the LU and its
`partners. See also contention.
`control operator’s terminal The terminal at which
`the control operator has logged on.
`IBM 8100
`control overrun In
`System, an attempted entry into an SDLC receive
`control block that is already full.
`control panel (1) A part of a computer console that
`contains manual controls.
`(2) A panel that con-
`tains lights and keys used to observe and operate the
`status of the operations within a system.
`(3) In the
`AS/400 system, a panel, located on the processing unit
`on the front of the rack,
`that contains lights and
`(4) Synonym for plugboard.
`(5) See operator control
`control point (CP) (1) A component of an APPN or
`LEN node that manages the resources of that node.
`an APPN node,
`the CP is capable of engaging in
`CP-CP sessions with other APPN nodes.
`In an APPN
`network node,
`the CP also provides services to adja—
`cent end nodes in the APPN network.
`(2) A compo-
`nent of a node that manages resources of that node
`and optionally provides services to other nodes in the
`Examples are a system services control
`point (SSCP) in a type 5 subarea node, a physical unit
`control point
`in a type 4 subarea node, a
`network node control point
`in an APPN
`network node, and an end node control point (ENCP)
`in an APPN or LEN end node. An SSCP and an
`NNCP can provide services to other nodes.
`(3) In
`computer graphics, one of a number of points in real
`space that control
`spline curve.
`the shape of an approximation
`Control Point Profile Name In the AIX operating
`the name of the control point profile that
`defines the node ID of the physical unit associated
`with the attachment.
`control program (1) A computer program designed
`to schedule and to supervise the execution of programs
`of a computer system.
`(2) The part of the
`AIX Base Operating System that determines the order
`in which basic
`(3) See VM/370 control program,
`resident control
`program, IMS/VS control program, VM/XA Migration
`Aid control program.
`Control Program Facility (CPF) The system support
`licensed program for System/38.
`It provides many
`functions fully integrated in the system such as work
`management, database data management, job control,
`message handling,
`security, programming aids, and
`control program generation language The set of
`macroinstructions and associated operands with which
`a user defines the network configuration for a commu-
`nication controller.
`control program generation procedure A two-stage
`procedure that creates a control program load module
`for a communication controller based on parameters
`specified by a user through the control program gener-
`ation language.
`control program keys In OS/VSZ, protection keys
`(0—7) that are reserved for control program use.
`control punch Synonym for designation hole.
`control range In VM, a subdivision of a component;
`each control range consists of an integral number of
`control areas exclusively occupying the area of one
`extent not suballocated to another component.
`read-only memory (CROM) A read—only
`storage in the control block of some microprocessors
`that has been microprogrammed to decode the control
`record containing
`record (1) A checkpoint
`data used to initiate, modify, or stop a control opera-
`tion or determine the manner in which data are proc—
`(2) In ACF/I‘CAM, a record included in a
`checkpoint data set to keep track of correct environ-
`ment records, incident records, and checkpoint request
`records for use in restructuring the message control
`program environment during restart. See also check—
`record, environment


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`customized image
`_c_ycles per second (cps)
`information contained in other object
`image A combination
`customization data with selected modules of controller
`data which, when loaded into a 3614 Consumer Trans—
`action Facility, determines the operation of the ter-
`A customized image is produced by the
`Finance Image Processor.
`custom palette In multimedia applications, a set of
`colors that is unique to one image or one application.
`See also color palette, standard palette.
`the process of
`cut (1) In multimedia applications,
`instantly replacing a picture from one source with a
`picture from another. This is the most common form
`of editing scene to scene.
`(2) The act of copying a
`page, object, or picture to a separate file for later use.
`(3) In word processing, to identify a block that is to
`be deleted or moved to another place in the same or a
`different document.
`CUT Control unit terminal mode.
`cutover The transfer of functions of a system to its
`successor at a given moment. (T)
`See also change—
`over system.
`:1 page that
`cut page In the IBM LinkWay product,
`has been copied to a file with the Page Cut l‘unclion.
`cut picture In the IBM LinkWay product, a picture
`that has been copied to a file with the
`LinkWay Picture Cut function.
`cut-to-tie ratio The ratio of the length of the cut and
`the length of the tie in the perforations between con—
`tinuous forms. See also perforation, tie.
`cw Clockwise.
`CWALL An NCP threshold of buffer availability,
`below which the NCP will accept only high—priority
`path information units (PIUs).
`cyan (l) The color obtained by mixing equal intensi-
`ties of green and blue light.
`(2) The correct name for
`the subtractive primary color usually called “blue.”
`Cut In SAA Common User Access architecture, a
`choice that removes a selected object, or a part of an
`object, to the clipboard, usually compressing the space
`it occupied in a window.
`cyan/magenta/yellow (CMY) A color model used by
`the printing industry based on mixing cyan, magenta,
`and yellow.
`also cyan/magenta/yellow/black
`cut and paste (1) To move or copy artwork or text
`from a document to a clipboard so that it can be used
`in other documents.
`(2) In word processing, to
`assemble a document by adding, deleting, and relo-
`cating artwork or text, or by inserting blocks from
`other documents.
`cut form A single form not connected to other forms.
`The form may have an original and one or more
`copies. Contrast with continuous forms.
`Note: Cut forms are fed separately into a printer.
`cut-forms mode A mode in which a printer produces
`one form at a time.
`cut object In the IBM LinkWay product, an object
`that has been copied to a file with the Object Cut
`cutoff The point of degradation, due to attenuation or
`distortion, at which a signal becomes unusable.
`cut-off Synonym for pruning. (T)
`cutout A part of a form that has been eliminated or
`perforated for subsequent removal.
`cyan/magenta/yellow/black (CMYK) A color model
`used by the printing industry based on mixing cyan,
`magenta, yellow, and black. CMYK is an enhance-
`ment of
`cyan/magenta/yellow (CMY) model,
`created after printers discovered they could obtain a
`darker black using special black colorants rather than
`by combining cyan, magenta, and yellow alone.
`cybernetics The
`together theories and studies on communication and
`in machines.
`cycle (1) An interval of space or time in which one
`set of events or phenomena is completed. (A)
`(2) Any set of operations repeated regularly in the
`same sequence. The operations may be subject to var-
`iations on each repetition.
`(3) A complete
`vibration, electric oscillation, or alternation of current.
`(4) See display cycle, machine cycle, search cycle.
`cycle sharing (1) The process by which a device uses
`machine cycles of another device or processing unit.
`(2) The process by which a channel adapter acquires
`machine cycles from the network control program for
`data transfer. Synonymous with cycle stealing.
`cycles per second (cps) Synonym for hertz.


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`InputOutput window
`input mode
`input mode (1) A mode in which records can he rctttl
`from a tile.
`(2) In the CMS Editor.
`the mode that
`allows the user to key in new lines of data. Contrast
`with edit mode.
`(3) In COBOL,
`the state of a tile
`after execution of an OPEN statement, with the
`lNPUT phrase specified for that file and before the
`execution of a CLOSE statement without the REE]. or
`UNIT phrase for that file. Contrast with output mode.
`(4) 1n TSO. an entry mode that accepts successive
`lines of input under the EDIT command for a line data
`set. The lines are not checked for the presence of
`(5) In IMS/VS,
`the way in which
`input fields from certain devices are defined by the
`to be scanned by the message format service
`(6) In DPPX. the state of a terminal session
`in which data may be entered into a data set.
`InputOnly window In an AIX graphics environment,
`an invisible window that can be used to control such
`things as cursors,
`input event generation, and grab-
`This window cannot be used for graphics
`inptlu'output (U0) (I) Pertaining to input. output. or
`(2) Pertaining to a device. process. or
`channel involved in data input, data output, or hotlt.
`inputfoutput adapter (10A) (I) A functional unit or
`a part of an [ID controller that connects devices to an
`MD processor.
`{2) The electrical circuits on a logic
`cart] that connect one device to another.
`channel (I) In
`system. a functional unit that handles transfer of data
`In a computing system. a functional
`unit. controlled by n processor. that handles transfer of
`data between processor storage and local peripheral
`In data processing terminology. a channel.
`is, an I/O channel or data channel, provides
`or moves.
`processor storage and peripheral devices.
`In data
`communication terminology. a channel [that is, a data
`communication channel), provides one-way (simplex)
`and logical
`provide two—way (duplex) transmission.
`(3) Synony-
`mous with data channel.
`I/O channel.
`(4) Contrast
`with data communication channel.
`input/output controller (IOC) (1) A functional unit
`that controls one or more input/output channels.
`(2) In the AS/400 system, a functional unit that com—
`bines an I/O processor and one or more 1/0 adapters,
`and directly connects and controls one or more input
`or output devices.
`inputt’otltput control
`group of
`routines provided by IBM for handling
`transfer of data between main storage and auxiliary
`storage devices.
`See also logical
`IOCS, physical
`input/output device Synonym for input/output unit.
`input-output file In COBOL, a file that is opened in
`the I-0 mode.
`input/output interruption See I/O interruption.
`lnputt'output (110) (I) Pertaining to a device whose
`parts can perform an input process and an output
`process at
`the same time.
`(2) Pertaining to a
`functional unit or channel
`involved itt
`process, output process, or both, concurrently or not,
`and to the data involved in such a process.
`Note: The phrase inputtoutput may be used in place
`inputloutput process when such a usage is clear in
`{3) Pertaining to input. output. or both.
`(4) See also radial transfer.
`inptlttlntttpnt list In DPPX FOR'I‘RAN. a list of vari-
`ables in an inpquutput statement
`that specifies the
`storage locations into which data are to be written or
`from which data are to be read.
`input/output processor (IOP) A functional unit or
`the part of an I/O controller
`that processes pro-
`grammed instructions
`and controls one or more
`input/output devices or adapters.
`Input-Output section In COBOL. the section of the
`Environment Division that names the files and the
`ettemal media required by an object program and that
`information required for
`transmission and
`handling of data during execution of
`the object
`inpntluutput statement (1) Any statement that trans-
`fers data between main storage
`and input/output
`(2) In COBOL, a statement that causes files
`to be processed by performing operations upon indi-
`vidual records or upon the file as a unit.
`The input-output statements are: ACCEPT
`phrase), CLOSE, DELETE,
`TO ON or T0 OFF phrase), START and WRITE.
`input/output unit A device in a data processing
`system by means of which data can be entered into the
`system, received from the system, or both.
`Synonymous with input/output device.
`InputOutput window In an AIX graphics environ-
`ment, a kind of opaque window used for input and
`with“ assumes”
`InputOutput and InputOnly windows as


`Case 1:18-cv-00554-LY Document 39-5 Filed 05/17/19 Page 34 of 53
`Case 1:18-cv-00554-LY Document 39-5 Filed 05/17/19 Page 34 of 53
`landscape right
`laser print_head
`landscape right A page orientation such that the right
`side of the printed image is at the trailing edge of the
`paper as it emerges from the printer.
`LAN gateway (l) A functional unit that interconnects
`a local area network with another network using dif—
`ferent protocols. The network may be another local
`area network,
`a public data network, or another
`(2) See also bridge, gateway, relay,
`SNA network interconnect.
`(3) See figure at back—
`LAN global address Synonym for LAN broadcast
`identifies a
`LAN group address An addr

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