
`AMD EX1031
`AMD EX1031
`U.S. Patent No. 6,239,614
`US. Patent No. 6,239,614


`New International
`a: WW~W
`REG. U. 5. PAT. OFF.
`Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than
`one hundred years of Merrz'am- Webster® dictionaries
`M ER RIAM-WEBSTER INC . , Publishers


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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster‘s third new international dictionary or the English language,
`unabridged: a Men'iam-Websterfedimr in chief, Philip Babcock
`Gave and the Madam-Webster editorial staff.
`l. English language—Dictionaries.
`1!. Merriam-Webster. Inc.
`PEl625.W36 I993
`42 3—chD
`I. Gave. Philip Babcock.
`93— [0630
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`£18495pr 9796


`I M'
`.a tropical American
`\w-‘ltsdh'u r\ II.filmmaker also anemones [so arro-
`wool-WI herb
`(Horacio mentor
`1|. ucalulal
`the: is relaxed to
`e corral and Is cuitlysted'In the uplands of
`northern and western 5o. America [or its edible root — called
`r. Wm : I
`slag-ago.Peruvian “His; \
`{NLI' Sp
`mus of
`“mo herbI
`"1; {anu‘ly Umbellil’srsol 1mm
`compound leaves. whlie flowersin_unrbs1s without III
`collared”and a distinct :tylo
`Incantation.“ or It.
`\‘ardk. s.rsll\ I -s [Ar ‘eroo
`East or NearEIst'.
`uor ol' high alcoholic content re-
`sweet juice. IiEounrl:an alcoholic homes from the Far
`{armoured juice a! the coconut palm or from a lamented mesh
`tentbllns rod; to tastemined tilled in the Fir East from the
`or We
`or arm
`I orro
`I: man Is
`£31.“: $333:
`ion-ml. t
`PUNCH :sweolsn IUHSCH
`amckcl'r. E urn-oak] + punulr punch. tr. E pmh— more at
`ar-rah 'ato\ Inter} III-Gael m] mu: - used to express
`surprise or excitement
`.I‘ . MP
`Ins-min \I'ri elm I'~\ rt -w-del-s
`materiel to
`F..Iiro- tit allied-l {-
`retailer to speskJr [mum )IrVLomdnrlorr.
`is. L Pltiofla
`ratio reason. reasoninp— more st Insert] 1 :
`to call (I
`“Mascot secure. mums 3.‘ to locus: of Ilmlll. InIcIe-
`fnfimncrl ID the hat of s court to answer to the chars: of In
`etnr bamianl. ~r tlle monks {or teaching grammar rs
`guscy or Impedocrion ; rind [suit with : DINOU'NC‘E lift.
`fl arr-mm; {AF arm er. altar. at dreamer.
`then thin spiritual “1-1.0 Taylor}
`see accuse
`I all about for s yen he traveled ~ front state toinalieé‘hgm
`om soon
`Hell? : to a particular place either
`{in red hint to come -- [or supple-2 o.' loin I
`“limits; errenrire to
`amide to perform s
`Icai. art. to lmlfil, fr 1. olf- +
`«Insulin. 0! Glue
`origin; akin to OE hunt-Inn In hinder. ON ltrermrm to clutch.
`elongdmwor: cool-do roldinclhe book} (Ire'l_I sin--
`situation perminjogdnln; or filming" used with to {it on
`Goth Ilrunrian to crucify; skin to Russ irony t‘pi) loom}:
`ilHnrotstlml ormccsslon
`appeal to: DEMAND
`to his
`mbegionhu to and : mounts
`e ar-rainor \«notrn II 4:.- one that amino
`: In turn (soother wintermhas come ~) (he paged the cam!
`rslgnplant \vnmsnl.\ I —s [ME arreimmenl‘. tr. MF oral"!!-
`refion as Ionorild donate the year ~) 0.‘ in order
`urn! -)d I to I mammary condition (es or he
`or con-
`IIvIeIII action of speaking to. it. UP. l'r umisnlrr + deem]. the
`sciousness : to an improved Itsta (medicines that will bran;
`act DI arroigrlino or the stale of being arraigned. ACCUSATION.
`rev} 5 : sonnet-thud close
`.In the vicinity or
`DEWNCM‘RON (l_he wholmle ~ ol’ osislirln educational slend-
`atds —F.N.Ro blrlson)
`neighborhood.' mow (all he couldInst) I; s. In the reverse or ooposiw oireetIoo.' to the rearo up stand as and
`ar-rams \a'rsrn\ l‘l‘ cbl-mar-s [ML arm-um to Irraacn (as In
`arramlre ossl‘som to hold all mil-9} ‘- more It “MGM Pall
`(suddenly he turned. ~} ll: Erato our opinion. ballet. or point
`:cmm <~Ihe mum
`of he! to another. Io so :llostther dllterem posllioll or
`9'.- in the rte:
`‘borhood of: WDWATELY “our (the boo
`\a rinj also a'--\ vb -ED/-ING.I’-5 {ME arousal. dream.
`attitude (the public‘5 reaction soon brought the lcdslnmn on?
`runs to --
`comes sI~ In: same time every day)
`II. M «sustenarcnflehfr. OF fr.ill-(Ir. Lad-3 + rengl'rrto
`varied mm:
`set in a row— more at annual rt
`: to
`I In correct. con-
`veuierll. or desired ctder‘. adjust propel: y'. DISPOSE. once
`more lror
`”3min (wltet m 0! than need
`{the girl csrcl'u'lly arranged her half) (miner-Ills arm ac-
`fifuslttzzllirleadvice iron: somebody who‘s been around-4.1..
`:mke preparations for.' PLAN (would. be protein! to
`cording to Ihe Dana classification) 2.t to putIn order
`orhouodary 0!‘. on all sidosof {a heat “It!
`Li: a [once
`isrolmd \"\ prep [ME It.] 1 s. Ilon the outer
`rilIo-Wert) 3:10 afloat use. by eonsu uns‘ some to In spree-
`them [or smash: her [w terminia fall’s —V'Icrom Suck-
`nlenr or understanding about.' :I'rru((eddacicledss a matter 0!
`wisdom to ~ e truce —CI! Hitchcock) (the due ol‘ the mar-
`his.mantra-m1 Boppin scaled-u the table) ll: so as t9 make
`rhpemflmlll arranged) iazroadspl (I moldcalmnl
`the circuit 0! {~t world In “I dart?) or partial circuit of {I
`lion) by
`as Is voices or Instruments other than lose
`"”3”" Cape Ecol-It) so u to in ow the cut-vine commof
`I—uthaberld oi theriller) o: soulolvoidoruetp
`{or urluch olir. wrirtsn II: ”WAT! {r- I roll: elem”)
`poveriel'lcessslddod llI'VbfllJlders) In:marinate
`~ vi 1. to some to an 8MB“, understsndins. or set.
`gnu-11h (the country-w the source ol' I )1} :close to
`bot-hood oi: seen (the width» the Iri‘llsgisigtn.IIIcIII sIIIIc
`rncrll {ll'rrlonoea‘ with the travel asctlt for Is Juno DIES-HOE)
`setter or cancer mien
`(only the men n- the president knew of his illness) 3 l: in all.
`S. to
`preguadooséwarun (the baud «mused for I.
`-jnlant\ I vs EF.
`fr. MF myriad. fr.
`outwerd l'roro {stood looking ~ him)
`I: no as»
`gave a «met or bssis in (primitive societies which“:
`at moon
`or three
`out : “cu-r. om (constantly
`In correct. convenient. or liedrell order (there was n'me
`main—mi tics—WuwnlaBsrre} is: here“Ind
`quasi“ -i- «cut 1 I.' the act or lotion of 3|?!nt or out-
`' Sm INF.
`n 4 [F diol
`cm or mill
`disl. {Switserlalldl ones
`Iravelin 1» the. counln')
`from one part to another of
`{or the quickest w or mind —ane {mun} b: the
`cannon. wines-lull lows
`prolificclI non—IEorIlifluk
`quality or state of brill: Irrsngsd or put in order 2 : Ihe
`earlier armchair ME. fr. 0?.
`r. 1. march. III-MB. 1's. Gk
`style. manner. or w
`in which things are srran
`lilo-ma \s'ra’nls\ ll -5 [alter-F Iilerlycod II! I. Bro-ml of
`«under«\II“ “111tu «4 themes)
`m (In: shock
`at the holler-shelter ~ 0 tho palm
`or l_uovin; about Slu'l'll
`ed} {lmuud'l 1.'
`ordmh. aroma] labs: SPlCl— can used in p13 al‘l
`S: in “silence: ALIVE.
`(he has been up and n— {or m
`odor: menu (the “- of fresh c
`w“Juan Suflnrd} 3.' a preliminary step crr measure: nurses-
`11‘)". PLAR— lml used In pl. (when the emanation to America
`Lrvttlo. reset-rt (one of the most stenJytnran“ nI'IJIe
`the .. 0!: lo
`the) (2).' the fragrance of s vine derived
`was decided upon. It: was one 0! [our Io complete the ho
`Inists - rodsIr —lt.MEoste-s} {the trouble:I ma Iout of
`mlbe partlcursrvafletyoiprspeused: mom-r ll:lnl'
`—-R.G. Usher) 1 a: I structure or combination at thirtp |.r\-
`luck atmonefi bevelledu or for I Ioocllm
`smell or odor{the
`Innlely moor-oi Ille old do;
`k \.:...'\ 24:: held. In el'l'oct.mtlnullns, or
`er Motley)
`.‘e dislinctit'e pervasive auction character-
`e-c-Iroc operation)
`. nr armor
` ancient c
`around which
`tlox {this does not. Pflwnt his paintings IroIII
`msned ina psniculer way or lot I specific all
`so.' Warble-
`lastinrxk24 hours a day'. UNceISINfl. consum- {oo around
`on arm or arura \e‘rI'Ir-s\ ll plasma or alums \-.rE\ [Gk
`hens II'I -- Ill mystery ~—1.|u
`ulsoo) (I
`raced I'r:
`of new mail: were
`aroma. lil. tilled or arableland, fr. amurr to plow -— more at
`aesthetic w! —Enratnrm) (the church was decorated with -.r
`of rose: and mooreagns
`: com-music's. III-rem III-mo
`(the mchtne Ives ml::3 Immortal pumped I h
`cle nu)
`to O.6? 1' acres {214qu
`mil“ plot-II] : an Incl-ant Etrptian Illdl ol' land measure
`e huiIIcIIe
`Item-It plant groom ir. L.
`venues or Instruments Iorwhich it was not orig. tram o: I
`{filo}"Riorhlrp-‘mn‘ii)m“ It «s [hirIorSm fr. Sp morn
`5 a: adaptation
`to! a musical com
`lion to
`areas-:1 \fl'l‘lfifli.\ e 4: the ect of arousing.' the slate at
`spice}: any ol'semslspinirs
`Indlreen‘esthe huislclln}
`being aroused
`Piece so adnoIed (an arctlestrsl ~01 I sons) 6 a.- a Scull:-
`dell-dram \asfio‘o‘deoa‘lrfln It «s
`ISV 'rrrm +
`arouse \a‘raoz\ lb dent-NPI-s la- inclusive prefix} 4- ram
`— more It anus) rt 1. II‘. to awake irolll or Is it front Ilene
`client or adiustlllelltI“ limlls_ disnule or claim (Im in I very
`: train: up (ran to the Heath; house and aroused the old. man
`alajor constituent of oils [rota several once you}:
`Gilbm) h (ll : I IIIqu
`Ilroernollt or coder-
`J. ll mullerpcnoid hydrocsl
`II Cuflf. or:-
`Hill with
`~Thcspis my Pro-
`In to rouse to action or readiness for action from I state
`eslslenceofr onIl-wrors
`:fllndinsfli between person: or nationll (nothint . . .more-
`indctiu-Ily {the our force stirred and. mused Ills people —-
`a'rd'ms“ ad} 'oromo + -oI]'. generic
`4k. -ol.ik. -flt also .w-\
`{ME one»
`Dun) E1}.' In asteensenr
`ween s dehmflgdfihis—mcreditors
`ens-M. it. M arr-rumour. in U. aromatic“.
`Gk ari-
`glint-wood Anderson} 5!.‘ to five rise to. arm-II. urn-tour::stlrInto letivit!‘ (the book and the pier. . dreamt debsIa
`mediating his collection: to then 'r: mmamn 3
`within the rally —l-lWBaldwin) «- II.' to Intake [tom or u
`Ir-dials-Ir Heft-n ll
`.5 1: one that mm a: one dust
`camber mum: I'or voices or Instruments for which‘Itwas not
`notifies. Ir. a'rdhlat- aroma + Jim: 4:] 1: of. inkling to. or
`I! from l_leep.' m soldier would. - Ind Intro Isis bad! to s
`Orig. written or adapts it to a style suitable to s particular
`—5top so Crane) syn see 5m
`:halrlIrina adluiolclilrepleasirlsodouswoot-
`m“ ”([l\ l ‘3: one that trouser
`Cm (an-u-
`ol domestic and import
`Imnwéthc:~ breath or spruce Ind
`arm!\‘mntelro'er-\ud;[s1ler.ofencnr1 1 :underlngor
`trout!tat Morn-tori! — "Hod Ilto adopter
`sovine shoul'. rrrNEllstrr. vacant-r (so ~ thief} II I.t otrr-
`ll: lat-In; a won: smell or odor (decree: Iceomroodltioos
`s rel-oo-
`\Jrls'vo )rlfi «hem also I! rmo VIII-v)
`Is I directiooin moli
`hallat Imitation hr reversion or b!
`A'H'D-OU'I'. ritoopuoltoomo. courier-Ira III-rum <.....
`. . were at bell congested Ind routinely w -Roblrt Riot}
`mill. upsideindown.
`std-I]. III contrary motlno—
`:hlvin I diuirlctivo portrait! oualit! or IIIII
`crow s'm adv (crud!) [Milan-em. crow. Ir 'II- + rem. row
`pei'llous sir-61' ~ olon
`-C E.Montana)
`ll.' norm-l-
`mm~m —John Woodhuro)
`Uidusllsts_pursuing le
`rate courses —CM.Sln3lil) {his own
`ne-—- more at ROW}. in a row. lists. or rank
`ouslyorootstusdloel bad: mm is an ~cowml and
`Ilce oi; It lust octahedron: rios —
`used of stare:macguo monogrclic hi.cycl.ic and polycyclic
`hydrocarbons and their derivelives {as bencetle.
`shows III: while recur
`II the slightest a
`lay at pluck In his
`naphthalene. phenol. anlllrlo. salicylic acid): distinslri
`\ n -s [aroma
`+ 1v?! : an aromatic
`antagonist —Johsl Burroughs} — "cram-1r ald-
`srozy\i'ph-liksaIzéiamsu. it. or 1+ axy-l: umr
`fromellcycllr. m:k.keflm1¢il¢. mmumwclm
`flirt!“ 1 (Ism'Ilerletllrl‘l
`re armwotn
`In chemical
`roporties to Illa
`Iuom \‘sres
`'Irr- muttqu- rss or Mialfl 1' rim
`(ME. Ir. Amer. city in northern atom
`sis fill-“:3
`bar air rIld. precautions
`Ispntry of 14th Int! ISIll century ‘i-‘lcmrhlorigin.hevlng
`relation to some unsaturated heHm compounds
`rend rials or to compounds eonlllim'o —used esp. In
`at-m-h-m-do \(‘I.lofoeti‘loifiuldfi. IflrorIfi-\ ad's LII. pistons
`thiopbells and mll'ldloe} -- lr-o-mI-l-ufl-1" \-this).
`“verbs“emission to play an anemia. pier on
`lctoriai. designs Ind hingdllsed locale-II Inn “send coral11:
`in: screen or ropes
`hind t «4'Ileonvey mysci —-Shek.
`Early “mastoid-nil“ designs :IIII hanginforhIn
`\“\II¢ 1:
`loot. drama:
`alt-ij-ll adr—srmduaI-lo-ms: \Elma
`,-!k~\ Irons
`fisz-sd\ ed} It or
`III (past purl.
`o Israel-glare) 4-E3311 ofIr rho
`Is In :rpeulo
`.fr..l.l.erm.rr.1. plol'mearoest
`2 of a more.' conch pill or played II I
`— more It WRIST
`parish luv : I silt made by s husband
`fls in:
`t men.Henri um. hia turn pungent taste (as
`Io Iris wife upon.out-riser
`i oli-l-Ilfl'n \(.]Ilr.pea!'lsholt\ rt -5'. I
`playing or
`sr-rs-Ieos 5r stu.5...\ n -s Ferrel + m (as in damas-
`on;anon. ted allow}
`an uremic compound at
`.”I I ll!
`aromatlosl [Yammnric + «I'll urchin wsr of AROMA'I'IC
`ar-m- 'a-N \[.lIIr.pei!‘ld-i.RI.
`lirpeiillfl old} (It!
`crnrll : I st
`or wool orn
`cry cord resembling chenille
`ararssuuo \s'rltnra
`or Irons-m \-.srr‘nor arse-Ir:
`armada hitters n : hitters that con tain aromatic talk but little
`peg-[lo \Hr'o: E. -ei.)i5\
`ll. Di males \3:\ or
`\s’rIIs_rr:l\ I! -s [nl
`ii. of MuSp anon". l'r 5p. llau'lspe.
`dragging. Fr. armrror Io drIp. fr a- (fr. L Ird'v + rartmr to
`ylent to P
`one. fr. mm rake hIrtow. Ir. 1. rostrum re e — more at
`“may-31 -cI.(le\ ft. Irdrplf-
`am].' a rude ting-stone mill
`I'or pulverizin; arcs is:
`am hen:
`those cen'rsirlirl; free polId)
`toOHO Mallard—mores!
`tones of a chord in succession
`1M:ll'protluclilllt of
`sr-rsealre \e’rlalrn It -s Sp.haulage, drowns
`the opcmiart o
`ring. comer-in
`In I
`loading or unloading "Wind-ll!“on piers or
`ml! 30:] sirandullatlenuslx 3 : e
`arum-3:10“ \fidm:ARPBG-
`gulls? lit- drawat] tho act or process otannin: I dud
`roln lhertll’nomahulifinhl
`Shun \'I.I1lll.: rII'L a'rlil\ II a [Antel‘Sp 8. Pp. ir. Maipure
`534 ll -I.IG In It
`arro‘u]' a large turtle iPodacIIMtis ex
`l 91'
`Pleurodira found in the Amazon river and valued for its
`ll!!- 1' I oeIioIikrlno-r
`lillsfitnent of the early Nth
`edible cells and as I source ol‘ all
`having frets and drone strips:
`menus sou call. m- a} mews):
`rtt\also ell-pen v-Jloll..pii'\rI-s[Ml‘-'
`alter oi I. nrepclsoh.
`eipeItnrJr Comm 1V1. on fillfll pro
`1-. Ir. {assumed} V1. orrea‘orr to smash?
`fr. Gaullsh: skin to 142k aiflfillfll a measure at land srea: both
`tar-ray um. :‘-\ rt cor-won: [ME crime. Warner
`latstrmed VL rrdarr to prnl‘id
`Gm: orifin: slim to Both
`Slime-cit: respoctlvel are a in to Gnulish arr by. in Iron: cl
`[smiths arranged - more It tune] I I: to m or place in
`if a mhlsrori: Celtit: compound whose first Ind second cart-
`{skirt to 01-10 furl or. in front on and to or: reels heed end.
`order.' drawI up : "mortar. (little Io .. his men It I‘Ilc town-
`or m— more It ronl1:arly of various old French units oi
`land eras: esp : s III-tit sill} used In main Franc-h section: of
`Irud wella—.ACWhitehall} {wood only to ~ public Mll-
`III-rm .
`Inst the owners —w..l.Ghent} ll t It: not or set
`Canada and the U. S. equal to abou10.35 acre 3 :a unit of
`tonh In an [as l luryI for III: trial or : cause'. call u I
`length equal to am: side oi a square constituting one aspenr
`um men by man SawI to clothe or dream. It: .plend
`Manchu-s WZI'D use. Linus
`mpreull'e attire. dress up: dock oul'. smelt {did she not ~
`in who!
`anbelievably beautiful clothes
`ar-que-rilo :lr knit
`II-slII-‘umurn‘Ie. I‘r Arqurms, Chile, in.
`—5herwood Andemon)
`locality + —ir¢]'. a mineral comisting ol' 3 soft malleable
`variety of amalgam
`arr \‘cr. '§r\ II -s [ME an. arm. of Sand origin; akin to ON
`r noel-new.
`Ir. areer.arorcr] l. e: Irepllor Ind iro-
`lsrray \"\ Ir 41MB my. arm fr. OF anal: anal. andorder.
`err. 16" rear. 05w er. or, Ball or. III-r: akin to MLG ore scar.
`por Ilg grouping or arranpenlunt.' ORDER {Icndlo Io Isce the
`Ci dial. nrbr. Skt aru wound anddpcrh. to 0K r533 1cm hair.
`In hostilo -- —
`order (tellh horse and chsriols ranked Earl louse -
`-IohoM tan) c {:1 tall order
`listing ofjumrslel Ineled
`arr abbr 1arsmued:arrsllsemont 2strivs1:arri\re
`Iona wool — more at. also] now is:28!!! HIGH
`ARR obbr [L we Mltli reels or urine] in the year of the
`t2} : MY ‘3 I map of ltldilri uIIs or'kinds of Ind lidusis
`kins’s or dueerl‘s reign
`that has s defilllle modal point forming a center Ill variation
`l_I-moments \.sra'Itacha.
`.Iirs‘ka-. ‘s:.s-\ also ar-rs-eseh
`{In Intermix *- ot hnlophlles}:cco11slm. e‘mu
`amnest- ammo we! Irma-rm
`h. fr.” kstrha (is. alien.) Albums fr. Alon-tin (fr.
`arousal \‘lr kill. r'u
`It 4 Inn: to [Turk orns'rul
`In; mounts
`“pious. asp . In Mind“
`£3.11- Ohm-ire]: seldommotelbmdss'udmifiumfi
`mums\"s'iytnabes. Jl'tlo’his\a. noJgumtr. A:manual
`ampere} havingsilernsts leer-rs and yellow or lrlclet flowers
`IIIsI chum color may: —- see mower scam
`Isl-MI \‘lrfflf«s [Hllndi null. Idol. of w— roan at me!
`lomsle urn:
`it!” 65‘.
`nu ms
`orl t
`o o
`ll 'Ir rut-'1v. ld'h-\ Is, on; )1 [liter Joseph drank
`'ohm: Educ};I???
`uni-Idle nucleus. inpmdnz hbululon who regarded as a
`criterion oi'Increasing age — compare scam-cu molar. sturr
`tm'flu -
`Islam I m
`10mm: erFr‘ruohTfll‘ervlrr
`.1 m N h
`‘flnndlle so) or [gin Arnhem.
`uhfi’lanfis.ol’ theh’ud or style
`ano”:a large
`”onlafllke‘lrrgl'ilfr. -Il‘e-. dial flak“, IrriNL]
`In othe
`flower holds that“In!
`yellowrs Ifilele'Aln'hsmz a: ovum
`or Illo mllcsjnrl'rls
`-sl.:ll'letlr1ed flower held of an herb
`or stimulator and local irritant etiect up. nLhe fora: or tlte
`[AArII-I‘ea mrml and qlhtr plant: ol the ma Jrlrloo used
`IiIIrI-Im as In embtocalloo tor hmifl. trains. and "china:
`1:.' the tincture made from amiss
`antlta bird I: turnips. tr. Illa appearance of its Iesvesl.' HILL
`shalmdts \llma
`the German!I
`or I mine nesr Hsoils. Gerinsoy. its
`locality + G 4t In!“II -s to min-III. It. van Arum. ease: _ot
`tin o Ihsslc cooper cIIr
`i'ol-: I winwelbouCn.(so.l.tom..zu.omn-
`'Irn’lda‘n It -s esp Arnold ell Bleed: (Ammo
`I155 ltal. political“: orroor + E-Isr].' one of the
`renews oi Arnold
`who preached against chiral
`riches and corruption and Insfiplod tho Roma! to rebel
`spinaltho tern
`rsl\gnwer ofthe posts
`”.mld'8 {Infill\
`'It‘dlz-\ Ir. amt cop A tailor Friedrich
`also on
`m nulls
`Ara-gig}; Bo 6«\-.rlr:1.['§lm\1 me enough!"
`slrnrlld' "DIS got. [admin 1:: net-Elisa
`for flic-
`ll'olral instillation st 2I1‘
`by the {roe clmlstloo of steam
`at atmorphede pressure
`mom or mode var of ANNA‘H'D
`eroaoo cup. or 0! MRI—TACK)
`In“ Ultra! Alan
`m\a‘-\udj-i'm+ mr,vl:noenmo
`”ulna.nvlrle'wire\a-IEP&‘: not ofeeversISo. American
`ode family. Anewnil-Irene
`timber trees of
`scours Schiller sud Asmhun
`[oi-old!r NL Arum + E aid: dmldcaur I'r laroid' + m:
`Ins-oi: \‘elal.roid\ or Moi-dam wad-sea. s‘mid--\
`I Belonging to the {easily Arsccse: MACEDU!
`Iaroid\\“\ II ~s.' a
`la_nt of the l'anliLy Annette
`with reflexive thee
`.theefilch —ShIll} - rl 4.9!-mof-I
`amint \o'roirlt\mvb {onrl'zinunknown] v imp-er: BEGDNE— used
`church duly n-
`:Iodriueswu' wornifhymmlsmolionoreumflhe...
`emit-loo \e'Fallon:
`Ir. pi sro-lls \«h\ it“, tr HI... roll of
`cloth]'. a padli‘xo 1o mim helm the tarsal clam ol'
`ar~o----mt§cltr\mmo'tiwd-e. ”Undo-u 1 :Iromstic
`srotnstlc el'eo o clIeInicsl compounds
`quality s:m1usurv oi heirls or membllo: II Iltcln‘ner at the
`mull 899110! slumooia' s solu lion of ammonia sod Inl-
`mooiulll cuboslatc'In alcohol and distilled water perlumsd
`With sh: oil} a! lemon. Iaverldfi'. and. Burns; and used as I
`stimulant. conductive. and antacid
`l_old Ir amiltmre oi sulfuric acid. tincture
`at singer. oil or spirit or cinnamon. and docket fmhrly used
`Is a tonic Ind eminent
`B: I solution ol acetic acid. hi
`i; flavored
`wtt‘n fragrant whctances and used as smelling ss Ls
`narcotic Vista”. I wound aqueous solution or a volatile
`oil or other volatile substance prepared either bydistilistioa or
`by dllwll'illi the substance
`arounstic mmmmn ' WIN‘I'EI'IGREEN 23
`Iro-llls-u-us \IJEmottd-l‘z\ Ir. Pi dramatists \-'r.rl\ [L
`[I'- Glt orarI-Iurirll. it. ordmtlré'sIarolnalic. ir. Moreno. aroma
`+-I’t£r -IIc - more :1. mousl'. a precious stone ol ancient
`\sr‘onlod-s'urban. illidaq. m.r§'r-\ It -s
`Milhil loci ERR“
`1: the so! or process oi! makinfl Iron-mic or the quality or
`state of bewaarornatic 2 a‘. chemical conversion inlcl one or
`more aromauc compounds
`ll ht petroleum refilling: conver-
`Iion ol' aliphatic or alicl'clic hydrocarbons Into aromatic
`cyclinu'on or dohrgltogenutnon or both (as
`heptaoe into to Ilene or cyciohesene Into benzene) -— sec tw-
`sro-llla-due \a'Isl-Itour“ rr cox-mom IMF ammutrer. [r
`LL amortzare. Ir 6k oral-termite. I'r armo. arouse +
`4er -i'r.e] l.' Io mails aromatic {as with hw'hs'l'. title .1 [rs-
`Ersnlscentlo: rut-no.2: to rubiecttocllcmicalaronlalizatlon
`aroma var o! “IONA
`aha-mar. Inn-sis \.era'mortosils sometimes ~.Indt‘f§—\ Ir, pl
`III\Iflaflth‘h Ir arov (fr. Gkoro. prlhere sod
`the and doomed“ partial-l
`then. :Ifliahmy:
`Ill 9 said. also. aF. interrolulille plo
`skill to
`pee ol‘ orasniraliao without shat-pspocrsliufioa —colupsrle
`cle:][biologicalevolution alarkdd by general"Increase in de-
`ore-ale \o‘rind“ ll. ca: [N Ir. 6!: ordain Iaedlsr o'e-III'.
`small genus of shrubs El's
`Iy Hosanna) comprisinl.
`chalce'berriu :ssd having white or pink flowers to terminal
`compound e
`aroma \o'riin ll -5 [Xrfiael a rite oh dIrIIrl
`. (r. a all + rain dar—
`Iinu. IiL. secret. ir OIr-— more at RUN! high.‘ mums
`erl-ras a
`ll!!! E
`l'ltllvc new 1'
`on of the
`\Wioi-uslu :i:
`lo I die
`radian subcontinent
`mercantile cure of
`us of the Punjab reci
`arose past oi mus
`laroantl \a'ralilmd\ udr (ME. prob. fr.
`IIs- + rowed DJ
`1 I_‘. in I
`or in circumference.' ROUND (the wheelkept
`Insure-Htis'elnlckIII miio~3 lulu :eaum mollidl actr-
`as pone —- to the souIlI> o.'
`circuitous rouIe.- In I
`cle or psrt of a circle (wait: your”partneror stein) {tho wind
`roundsbolstmus {the rosd mush); the lake} 2 a.‘ on
`romafrxvdpolnlflheeulrylidefin I usuriouswater of this well'Is {amour {or mi16") 'll'. In close from all
`sides so as to surround. confine. or envelop: close shoot {the
`old house I: hemmed ~ by new apartment!) (people crowded
`~ to look at the wreck) c.‘ in or near oste'5 present situation
`{you ballotime lostayeuswlll'le) 31:!lore Ind. there at
`ran-lore.' s
`or to vsriousplsces. from one plnoetosnoth
`[Isl-II._—: “
` :rpceeio 2

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