
`Robert Bosch LLC
` Petitioner
`Monument Peak Ventures LLC
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2019- 01473
`U. S. Patent No. 6,654,507


`Case IPR2019-01473
`Patent No. 6,654,507
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 317(a), Petitioner Robert Bosch LLC and Patent Owner
`Monument Peak Ventures LLC jointly request that this inter partes review
`proceeding involving U.S. Patent No. 6,654,507 (“the ’507 patent”) be terminated
`based on a settlement between Petitioner and Patent Owner (“the Parties”).
`Generally, the Board expects that a proceeding will terminate after the filing
`of a settlement agreement. See, e.g., Office Patent Trial Practice Guide, 77 Fed. Reg.
`48,756, 48,768 (Aug. 14, 2012). The Board authorized filing of the instant motion
`on August 25, 2020. Guidance as to the content of a motion to terminate is provided
`in IPR2013-00428, Paper No. 56. There, the Board indicated that a joint motion,
`such as this one, should (a) include a brief explanation as to why termination is
`appropriate; (b) identify all parties in any related litigation involving the patent at
`issue; (c) identify any related proceedings currently before the Office; and (d)
`discuss specifically the current status of each such related litigation or proceeding
`with respect to each party to the litigation or proceeding. Id. at 2. This motion
`satisfies each of the above requirements and is accompanied by the Parties’
`settlement agreement, as required by 35 U.S.C. § 317(b) and 35 C.F.R. § 42.74 (b).
`a. Brief Explanation of Why Termination is Appropriate
`Termination is appropriate because briefing by the Parties is not yet complete,


`Case IPR2019-01473
`Patent No. 6,654,507
`oral argument has not been held, the Board has not decided the merits of the
`proceeding, and a final written decision has not been issued. The Parties have
`resolved their disputes and executed a settlement agreement to request termination
`of this proceeding and dismissal of the Parties’ related proceeding regarding the ’507
`patent in Monument Peak Ventures, LLC v. Bosch Security Systems, LLC et al.
`Pursuant to the Parties’ settlement agreement, the Parties have jointly moved to
`dismiss the litigation.
`b. All Parties in Any Pending Related Litigation Involving the Patent at
`The following litigations are related to the ’507 patent:
`Monument Peak Ventures, LLC v. Bosch Security Systems, LLC et al., Case
`No. 1:20-cv-00611-MN (D. Del.) (joint motion to dismiss filed August 19,
`c. Related Proceedings Currently Before the Office
`This proceeding is related to the following proceedings, in each of which the
`Parties have filed or are filing concurrent joint motions to terminate:
`1. IPR2019-01472, involving U.S. Patent No. 6,282,317, instituted on
`March 09, 2020;
`2. IPR2019-01474, involving U.S. Patent No. 6,654,506, instituted on
`March 09, 2020;
`3. IPR2019-01475, involving U.S. Patent No. 7,035,461, instituted on


`March 23, 2020; and
`4. IPR2019-01476, involving U.S. Patent No. 7,148,908, instituted on
`Case IPR2019-01473
`Patent No. 6,654,507
`March 23, 2020.
`d. Current Status of Each Such Related Litigation of Proceeding With
`Respect to Each Party in the Litigation or Proceeding
`Sections II.b and II.c above indicate the status of each related litigation or
`proceeding with respect to each party to the litigation or proceeding.
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 317(b) and 37 C.F.R. § 42.74(b), the Parties’
`settlement agreement is in writing, and a true and correct copy is being filed
`concurrently herewith as Exhibit 1012.1 There are no other agreements, oral or
`written, between the parties made in connection with, or in contemplation of, the
`termination of these proceedings. The parties are also filing concurrently herewith a
`joint request under 35 U.S.C. § 317(b) and 37 C.F.R. § 42.74(c) to treat the
`settlement agreement as business confidential information and keep it separate from
`the files of the ’507 patent.
`For all these reasons, the Parties respectfully request termination of this
`1 The settlement agreement is being filed via PTAB E2E with access to the “Parties
`and Board only.”


`Case IPR2019-01473
`Patent No. 6,654,507
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Tarek N. Fahmi/
` Tarek N. Fahmi
`Reg. No. 41,402
`Ascenda Law Group, PC
`2150 N First Street, Suite 420
`San Jose, CA 95131
`Tel: 866-877-4883
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Dated: August 26, 2020
`/Lionel M. Lavenue/
`Lionel M. Lavenue
`Reg. No. 46,859
`Two Freedom Square
`1955 Freedom Drive
`Reston, VA 20190
`Tel: 571-203-2750
`Counsel for Petitioner


`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing JOINT
`MOTION TO TERMINATE PROCEEDINGS was served on August 26, 2020,
`via email directed to counsel of record for the Patent Owner at the following:
`Tarek N. Fahmi (Reg. No. 41,402)
`Jonathan Tsao (Reg. No. 61,241)
`Ascenda Law Group, PC
`2150 N First St., Suite 420
`San Jose, CA 95131
` By:/Daniel E. Doku/
`Daniel E. Doku
`Litigation Clerk
`Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,
`Garret & Dunner, LLP
`Dated: August 26, 2020

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