(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0108310 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`May 8, 2008
`Tong et al.
`US 20080108310A1
`Related US. Application Data
`Inventors: Wen Tong, Ottawa (CA); Ming Jia,
`Ottawa (CA); Jianglei Ma, Kanata (CA);
`Peiying Zhu, Kanata (CA); Hua Xu,
`Nepean (CA); Dong-Sheng Yu, Ottawa
`(CA); Hang Zhang, Nepean (CA);
`Mo-Han Fong, L’Original (CA)
`Correspondence Address:
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) PCT Filed:
`Jun. 22, 2005
`(86) PCT No.:
`§ 371(c)(1):
`(2), (4) Date:
`Dec. 22, 2006
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/581,356, filed on Jun.
`22, 2004. Provisional application No. 60/582,298,
`filed on Jun. 24, 2004. Provisional application No.
`60/601,178, filed onAug. 13, 2004. Provisional appli-
`cation No. 60/614,621, filed on Sep. 30, 2004. Provi-
`sional application No. 60/619,461, filed on Oct. 15,
`2004. Provisional application No. 60/642,697, filed on
`Jan. 10, 2005.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`H04B 1/00
`(52) U.S.Cl.
`................................................................ 455/69
`Systems and methods for closed loop MIMO (multiple input
`and multiple output) wireless communication are provided.
`Various transmit formats including spatial multiplexing and
`STTD are defined in which vector or matrix weighting is
`employed using information fed back from receivers. The
`feedback information may include channel matrix or SVD-
`based feedback.
`1 Measure MIMI]
`Measure MINID
`MIME) Feedback
`Reconstruct H
`Ell! Feedback
`HUAWEI 1005
`HUAWEI 1005


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 1 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`’ FIG. 1


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 2 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Transmit Circuitry
`Receive Circuitry
` Control System
`FIG. 2
`Receive Circuitry
`Transmit Circuitry
`Cnniroi Sysiem
`Interface Circuitry
`FIG. 3


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 3 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1


`Patent Application Publication
`May 8, 2008 Sheet 4 of 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
` :1flHanaSena:


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 5 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`User #1
`FIG. 7


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 6 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Antenna Grouping in DFDM Symbol.
`,, —— D—STTD with AG
`- o,
`Suh~Darrinr Index
`' enn


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 7 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`2x2 8%
`o ,
`: o .v t q.
`“'3?!” 59$


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 8 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Antenna Grouping
`Antenna Salectinn
`—m:- iner


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 9 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Antenna Grouping
`FIG. 13


`Patent Application
`Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 10 of 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1


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`Patent Application
`May 8
`2008 Sheet 12 of 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
` 882mm883


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 13 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`:, 0000000 :a3300010
`Time 0000...“9.00000wi
`3 ém.
`402% Pilot tur Ant-2
`408% Puncture Pilot for Ant—3


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 14 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`rvv v
`Ugtinn 1
` ,0,0,0,0.0:0,0,0,0,0£00:
` ,0,01.9-1%!¢,0O+
`00 r; 00
` :0:00*5: +0:C:0+0NC:
`,0,0,00§9,0,0+: §,0,,,01100::,0:,\,0,,,0,,0::§+
` +.+*3:2::C0§
` 0_00 ’49! 00
`.§.+9 0
`FIG. 18


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 15 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Ugtinn 2
`@Pilot fur Ant—U
`® PM for Ant—1
`@ Pilnt fur Ant—2
`(11D Pilot for Ant—3
`FIG. 19


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 16 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`991., .;.;.}x3:39,“...W“
`gag-!«coco-our 4.x
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`,.,., ,t..,.,.,.:.,._.,., “.....
`"'9 9999999413,?0000000,:m/
`0:009:0+ ,00,000
`a PimtrurAnt—o Q mm for Ant-1 @ PilntfnrAnt—Z (11D PilutfnrAnt~3
`é Pilot for Ant-4 ® Pilot for Ant-5 @ PilnttorAnt-B 0 ,PilutforAnH
`FIG. 20


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 17 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`nation 2
`4“ gfih—ooooooo
`90 gvoxooo:90. oooqp
`gpmaoto”oo oomzooqgg
`gpmoooxoo o
`o w
`Vicar; 9 + +
`y .; ‘15:!
`® Pilot for Ant—D ® File! for Ant-1 @ Pilot fur Ant—2
`om; Pilot fur Ant—3
`@ Pilot for Ant—4 @ Film for Ant~5 @ Pilot for Ant-6 0 Pilot fur Ant—7


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 18 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`012mm 1
`@ Pilot for Ant-0 ® PilatfurAnt-1 @ FilntfurAnt—Z 01D PilntfnrAnt—3
`5 Pilot for Ant-4 @ PilotforAnt-E @ Pilot fur~ Ant-B . PilutfarAnt—7
`@ Pilot far Ant—8 ® PilotfnrAnt—Q @ Pilot for Ant—10
`FIG. 22


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 19 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
` Y
`4” V“0000000\:00000
`o u-oooooioo ;
`.. '9'“
`Time 0,0000090,0,
`I» +
`® Pilot for Ant-U ® Pilflt for Ant—1 @ Pilot 101' Ant-2 - {fl} PHI]! for Ant-3
`3 Pilot fur Ant—4 @ PilutfurAnt—S © Pilatfur‘Ant-B 0 PilotinrAnt-‘l
`Q PiiotforAnt-B ® Pilotfur Ant—9 @ PilotmrAnt—m
`Pilot mr Ant-11
`FIG. 23


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 20 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Nnn Pre-nnded Channel H for:
`1. Current H Analysis and Future
`2. Other Users (Including Nun—MIMOl
`to Assist Channel Interpolation
` Odflfl Data
`Fla—Encode the Non Pre~Cuded
`Channel H for:
`1. Coherent Demndulatinn ul currnnl User
`FIG. 24


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 21 of 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`FIG. 25


`PatentA lication Publication Ma 8,2008 Sheet 22 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`ooooooounmin, -,
`00000000*‘32:=*1:::,€::?~*42*3,., :3.
`Time 0'III000000 313:5**’*‘,:,;§*§:,€*:$$v
`JL___.‘ w J
`for M582
`for M551
`0 ”Data carrier for M331
`@ Data carrier for M332
`504% Pilot Carrier‘rar M331 (Ant 0) 503% PilutCarrierfnrMSSZ(Auto)
`505% PilntCarrierfnrMSS1(Ant1) 510% Pilot Carrier for M332 {Ant1)
`FIG. 26 ‘


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 23 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`.— N
`E E
`E E
`m‘g =./LD
`on D‘
`3 r:


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 24 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`000300;;01111’1" Wage?'5‘?»8'13F};
`*1. v~
`for M531
`for M882
`0 Data carrier for M381
`@ Data carrier for M332
`«1]» Pilot Carrier for M331 (Ant n)‘ ® Pilot Carrier for M832 (Ant 0)
`% Punctured Pilnt Baffler fur
`@ Punctured Pilot Carrier for
`M531 (Ant 1)
`M332 (Ant 1)
`@ Pilot Carrier for M331 (Ant 2) @ Pilot Carrier for M332 (Ant 2)
`FIG. 28


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 25 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`'m 'o'o‘».
`zyzgzzegygnzfitefi51% fl @5539:
`V§§++++*v§ VaUVV-fV fl§v\‘\
`> g» + + + + + o «v
`..* +v$~+v+r MW»
`Time lll’‘
`(4&9; gqgg%®;,,,”
`v- v'w ‘9 v‘\
`9 +
`gowns, 3,0,0:stzgtzzrgtafigaéégzzzgsgzfi:zzy
`“0". t, 5‘-
`@s000041i3‘6tiawé ‘ ‘“ " *'
`~ ,. ‘5. )
`§\\~t.:« army
`for M331
`for M382
`0 Data carrier for M881
`® Data carrier for M352
`(III) Pilot Carrier for M351 (Ant 0)
`Pilot Carrier for M332 (Ant 0)
`% Punctured Pilot Carrier for
`M581 (Ant 1)
`@ Puncturetl Pilot Carrier for
`MSSZ (Ant 1)
`@ Pilot Carrier for M331 (Ant 2) @ PilatCarrierfurMSSZiAntZ)
`® Pilot Carrier for M831 (Ant 3) ® Pilot Carrier for M332 (Ant 3)
`FIG. 29


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 26 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`......... Sub-channel “If M551
`"9 N“ '\
`‘3‘' .Q5‘og$"¢g;¢§gr‘o’ov¢'gflz’q‘
`\O'o‘t' {+91 '§¢+frv'tgzca * /
`542 {/33.$.31’t%:":33+’3+“”3.19%“
`to NM :f 0!:fiafi‘éfi’t”:-
`1 V,‘ -‘f*:§?/§m
`Sub~channel for M882 "o,,,{ofvfi-{o‘to‘«(9
`0 Data carrier for M381
`@ Data carrier for M382
`544m Pilot Carrier for M381 {Ant 0) 545% Pilotcarrierrormssz(Ante)
`545% Pilot Carrier for M331 (Ant1) 547E PilntflarrierfnrMSSZ{AnH}
`FIG. 30


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 27 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`.V \
`‘25!"5‘”. +515?5.3-
`«'3’:{oiotfig’1:6:2:Y 33339333433.
`‘ ’3’ 0.§
`0'MM; v’’0’'fi:9* ¢
`[01.6.0‘5 ’g...r...
`55-mfi 23°o“~'.$'w"$'.'.'.’¢9‘"vfit:§ 533$
`Sub-channel for M331
`Sub-channel for M832
`Data carrier for M331
`Data carrier for M332
`Pllflt Gamer for M331 (Ant U) m
`Pilot Carrier for M332 (Ant 1])
`Pilot Carrier for M331 (Ant 11 555‘. Pilot Barrier 1m M332 (Ant1)
`Punctured Pilot Carriar for
`M331 (Ant 2)
`558 1
`Punctured Pilot carrier to:
`' @ M332 (Ant 2)
`Punctured Pilot Carrier for
`M331 (Ant 3)
`559$ Punctured Pilot Carrier for
`M332 (Ant 3)
`FIG. 31


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 28 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`MIMUISTC I Beam—Farvmer
` 602
`FIG. 32


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 29 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`SVD with
`Use Power to
`Transmit on Strong
`Eigen Modes
`Discard Weak
`Eigen Modes
`Serent Best Group
`Antenna with
`Power Boosting
`Turn Off a Group
`FIG. 34


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 30 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`+ AS—1
`— svn 53-1
`v 3V0 Performance
`Sub—Carrier Index
`FIG. 35~


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 31 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`+ AS-1
`— SVD SB—1
`SVD Performance
`5* 2E213
`E"; 6.,"
`Sub~flarrier Index
`FIG. 36


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 32 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Measure MIMD
`5"- Measure MIMI]
`Channel H
`Channel H
` can Feedback
`22 .EE
`MIMD Feedback
`FIG. 37


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 33 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Measure MIMD
`Channel H
`Encoding of H
`«Reconstruct H
`MIMU Feedback
`FIG. 38


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 34 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`‘ Channm
` +1 -1
`Dimer Signal
` 1-bit (+1 4’


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 35 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Measure MIMI]
`Channel H
`- Encoding at H
`Per Stream AME
`Beam Former V
`J 2 Meggum MIMI]
`Hanging ofH


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 36 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Feedback Requirement (NxN MIMU)


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 37 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Measure MIMU
`Channel H
`{9, 0}
`{6, c}
`CD1 Feedback
`FIG. 43


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 38 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Input x


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 39 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Measure MIME)
`Channex H
` Hypothesis
`Test Set {6, c}
`cm Feedback
`FIG. 45


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 40 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`-_ 2
`PI], P1,P2, P3, PU, P1,P2, P3
`- P0, P3, P2, P1, P0, P3, F2, P1
`P0, P0, P1,P1,P2, P2, P3, P3
`PD, PU, P3, F3, P2, P2, P1,P1
`.- FD, P0, P0. P0, P0, P0, P0, PD
`“ P0, P2, P0, P2, P0, P2, P0, P2
`n— p3=exp[~Jx§]
`P1: $1,922“
`, 4)
`P0, P2, P2, P0, P2, P0 PU P2
`FIG. 46


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 41 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Antenna 1
`Antenna 0
`to 0.00
`’3 364%"
`9"“"fi‘ 8
` ouuo‘u
`r o... 0,0 3%
`v 0.. 9,. o n
` \Rflfifivvfi 3%flfififififi
`m U .—
`382 '
`Pattern 1 /
`) 9 o O Q 9
`, + t ¢¢ 0 ¢ 0 ‘
`fiflfikflfififi. o o +0 ¢ 0 4
`O Q ++§§
`4'4-‘4 ~
`10 o o9 s
`‘ ‘6 0 ¢ O § ¢
`V 4%flhfifi
`N .,.
`Pattern I]
`’v on
`‘9 9/


`Patent Application Publication May 8, 2008 Sheet 42 0f 42
`US 2008/0108310 A1
`Space Time Ending Matrix Set
`Space Time Ending Matrix Set
`Unitary _
`Stream Beam-Forming


`US 2008/0108310 A1
`May 8, 2008
`[0001] This application claims the benefit of US. Provi—
`sional Patent Application No. 60/581,356 filed on Jun. 22,
`2004, US. Provisional patent Application No. 60/582,298
`filed on Jun. 24, 2004, US. Provisional Patent Application
`No. 60/601,178 filed on Aug. 13, 2004, Provisional Patent
`Application No. 60/514,621 filed on Sep. 30, 2004, Provi—
`sional Patent Application No. 60/619,461 filed on Oct. 15,
`2004 and Provisional PatentApplication N o. 60/642,697 filed
`on Jan. 10, 2005, all of which are hereby incorporated by
`reference in their entirety.
`[0002] The invention relates to MIMO (multiple input,
`multiple output) systems and methods.
`In MIMO (multiple input multiple output) OFDM
`(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) systems, there
`are multiple transmit antennas and multiple receive antelmas
`and a plurality of sub-carriers that are available for transmis-
`sion between the transmit antennas and the receive antennas
`for either one or multiple users. New advances in MIMO
`OFDM systems are taught in Applicant’s co-pending appli-
`cation <attomey docket 71493—1320> entitled “Pilot Design
`For OFDM Systems With Four transmitAntennas” filed Mar.
`15, 2005, and in Applicant’s co-pending application <attor-
`ney docket 714934330) entitled “Wireless Communication
`Methods, Systems, And Signal Structures” filedApr. 4, 2005,
`both hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. With
`open loop implementations, the transmitter transmits on the
`multiple transmitter antennas and sub-carriers without the
`benefit of channel information fed back from the receivers.
`[0004] Efforts have been made to facilitate wireless closed-
`loop MIMO communications including broadband closed-
`loop MIMO, which might for example be based on OFDM
`modulation schemes, and narrowband closed-loop MIMO.
`Broadband closed—loop MIMO includes many sub—bands.
`Each of these sub-bands requires MTMO channel feedback
`for a closed-loop implementation. As a result the feedback
`resources required for broadband closed-loop MIMO can
`become quite large. Narrowband closed—loop MIMO, by
`comparison, includes one or a few sub—bands and requires a
`relatively smaller amount of feedback resources. Broadband
`and narrowband MIMO, therefore, have different applica-
`[0005] According to one broad aspect, the invention pro—
`vides a MIMO system comprising: a transmitter having mul-
`tiple transmit antennas; at least one receiver, each receiver
`having at least one receive antenna; each receiver being
`adapted to transmit at least one type of feedback information
`selected from a group consisting of: information for use in
`performing beam-forming; antenna selection/gro uping infor-
`In some embodiments, a transmission format to
`each receiver is selected from a group oftransmission formats
`consisting of: spatial multiplexing; vector weighted spatial
`multiplexing; matrix weighted
`spatial multiplexing;
`K-stream spatial multiplexing employing more than K trans-
`mit antennas; single stream STTD; single stream STTD with
`proportional weightng and antenna selection; multi-stream
`STTD; multi-stream STUD with layer weighting; multi-
`stream STTD with a combination of layer weighting and
`proportional weighting; and hybrid beam—forming and spatial
`In some embodiments, a defined sub-set ofavailable
`formats is made available for a given receiver, and wherein
`the given receiver feeds back a selection of one ofthe defined
`sub-set of available formats.
`In some embodiments, each receiver performs
`respective channel measurements and feeds back information
`for use in performing beam—forrning based on the respective
`channel measurements.
`In some embodiments, the information for use in
`performingbeam-forming is selected from a group consisting
`of: a) elements of a measured channel matrix; b) elements of
`a V matrix of a SVD decomposed channel matrix; c) param-
`eters of a Givens decomposition of a V matrix of a SVD
`decomposed channel matrix; d) parameters of a truncated
`Givens decomposition of a V matrix of a SVD decomposed
`channel matrix, where one or more eigen—vectors are dis—
`carded; e) differentially encoded elements of a measured
`channel matrix; f) differentially encoded elements of a V
`matrix of a SVD decomposed channel matrix; g) differen-
`tially encoded parameters of a Givens decomposition or trun—
`cated Givens decomposition of aV matrix of a SVD decom-
`posed channel matrix; 11) Householder decomposition; i) full
`scalar quantization of any of the information types of a)
`through h); j) partial scalar quantization of any of the infor-
`mation types a) through g); k) scalar quantization of any one
`of the information types a) through h) where varying resolu-
`tion is used to quantize parameters; 1) vector quantization of
`any ofthe information types ofa) through h); m) a combina-
`tion of scalar quantization and differential quantization for
`any of the information types a) through 11); n) using a Delta
`Sigma quantizer for any of the information types a) through
`11); 0) binary beam-forming weights; p) a differential index
`into a set of vector quantizations; and q) pre-defined code-
`In some embodiments beam-forming feedback is
`performed by each receiver as a f1u1ction of receiver specific
`In some embodiments, the receiver specific criteria
`is selected from a group consisting of: Max SNR; b) Max
`Shannon capacity; and c) True receiver operational process.
`In some embodiments, antenna selection/grouping
`information is at least one information type selected from a
`group consisting of: a) selection between SM (spatial multi—
`plexing) and STTD (space time transmit diversity) transmis-
`sion format; b) selection of particular antennas for SM trans-
`mission; 0) selection and grouping of particular antennas for
`STTD transmission; and d) eigen—mode selection inforrna—
`In some embodiments, the system further comprises
`the receiver determining the antenna selection/grouping
`information by performing a step selected from a group of
`steps consisting of: performing SVD decomposition and dis—
`carding weak eigen-modes; selecting antennas using deter-
`minants of sub-MIMO channel matrices.


`US 2008/0108310 A1
`May 8, 2008
`In some embodiments, feed back andbcam-forming
`and/or antenna selection/grouping is performed for sub—car—
`riers of a multi-carrier system to a resolution selected from a
`group consisting of: a) for every sub-carrier individually; b)
`for groups of consecutive sub-carriers; c) for an entire set of
`sub—carriers; d) for sets of groups of sub—carriers.
`n some embodiments, transmission matrices and
`feedback are in accordance with one of FIGS. 11 to 14.
`the transmitter transmits
`11 some embodiments,
`pilots on each transmit antenna for use in performing channel
`n some embodiments, at least some ofthe pilots are
`puncturec pilots.
`n some embodiments, at least some of the pilots
`comprise un-coded pilots for use by multiple receivers.
`n some embodiments, the pilots comprise user spe-
`cific pre—coded pilots for use by particular receivers receivers.
`n some embodiments, the pilots comprise user spe—
`cific pre-coded pilots for use by particular receivers receivers
`and un-coded pilots for use by multiple receivers.
`the pilot patterns are as
`n some embodiments,
`shown in any one of FIGS. 17—23 with generalizations as
`the pilot patterns are as
`n some embodiments,
`shown in one of FIGS. 26-31 with generalizations as
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram representation ofa base
`station according to one embodiment ofthe present invention;
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram representation of a mobile
`terminal according to one embodiment of the present inven-
`FIG. 4 is a logical breakdown of an OFDM trans-
`mitter architecture according to one embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 5 is a logical breakdown ofan OFDM receiver
`architecture according to one embodiment of the present
`FIG. 6 is a first example schematic diagram for
`beam-forming spatial multiplexing (SM) transmission using
`matrix or vector weighting according to an embodiment ofthe
`FIG. 7 is a second example schematic diagram for
`beam—forming SM transmission with matrix weighting
`accorc ing to an embodiment of the invention:
`FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram for use in describing
`antenna/sub-channel selection criteria;
`FIG. 9 is a graphical comparison of fixed D-STTD
`(double—space—time time division) and antenna grouping
`FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of sub-channel allo-
`cation for a 4-antenna transmitter and two 2-antenna receivers
`accorcing to an embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 11 is a closed loop STC/VIIMO 3—transmit
`antenna grouping arrangement
`in accordance with an
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 12 is a closed loop STC/VIIMO 3-transmit
`antenna selection arrangement
`in accordance with an
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 13 is a closed loop STC/VIIMO 4—transmit
`antenna arrangement in accordance with an embodiment of
`the invention;
`FIG. 14 is a closed loop STC/VIIMO 4-transmit
`antenna arrangement in accordance with an embodiment of
`the invention;
`FIGS. 15 and 16 show binary uni ary beam—forming
`matrices in accordance with embodiments of the invention;
`n some embodiments, feedback information is
`transmitted using a feedback chalmel having the structure of
`one of FIGS. 46 to 48 with generalizations as described.
`11 some embodiments, at least one receiver has a
`plurality of receive antennas.
`n some embodiments, the at least one receiver com-
`prises a plurality of receivers.
`n some embodiments, sub-channels are defined
`using at least one of; AMC sub-channels, where respective
`adaptive modulation and coding is defined for each AMC
`sub-channel; PUSC sub-channels.
`In another embodiment, a receiver is provided that is
`adapted to implement receiver functionality as summarized
`In another embodiment, a transmitter is provided
`that is adapted to implement transmitter functionality as sum-
`marized above.
`[0029] Other aspects and features of the present invention
`will become apparent to those ordinarily skilled in the art
`upon review of the following description of specific embodi-
`ments ofthe invention in conjunction with the accompanying
`[0030] Preferred embodiments ofthe invention will now be
`described with reference to the attached drawings in which:
`FIG. 17 is pilot mapping for a pilot allocation for
`4-antenna BS (base station) for the optional FUSC (full uti-
`lization sub-channel) and Optional AMC (adaptive modula-
`tion and coding) zones in 802.16d in accordance with an
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIGS. 18 and 19 are pilot mappings for a pilot allo—
`cation for four transmit antennas in which there is no punc-
`turing required in accordance with an embodiment of the
`FIGS. 20 and 21 are pilot mappings for a pilot allo-
`cation for eight transmit antennas in accordance with an
`embodiments of the invention;
`[0031] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram representation of a
`cellular connnunication system according to one embodi-
`ment of the present invention;
`FIGS. 22 and 23 are pilot mappings for a pilot allo—
`cation for twelve transmit antennas in accordance-with an
`embodiments of the invention;


`US 2008/0108310 A1
`May 8, 2008
`:0050] FIG. 24 is a schematic diagram showing an example
`ofpre—coding ofMIMO pilots in accordance with an embodi—
`ment of the invention;
`:0051] FIG. 25 is a schematic diagram showing an example
`ofpre—coding ofMIMO pilots in accordance with an embodi—
`ment of the invention suitable for larger antenna arrays;
`:0052] FIG. 26 is a pilot mapping showing a pre-codcd pilot
`design for a 2—antenna basestation (BS) for optional AMC in
`accordance with an embodiment of the invention;
`:0053] FIG. 27 is a second pre-eoded pilot design for a
`2—antenna basestation (BS) for optional AMC in accordance
`with an embodiment of the invention;
`:0054] FIG. 28 is a pilot mapping showing apre-eoded pilot
`design for a 3—antenna basestation (BS) for optional AMC in
`accordance with an embodiment of the invention;
`:0055] FIG. 29 is a pilot mapping showing a pilot design for
`a 4—antenna basestation (BS) for optional AMC in accordance
`with an embodiment of the invention;
`:0056] FIG. 30 is a pilot mapping showing a pre-coded pilot
`design for a 2-ante1ma BS for PUSC (partial utilization sub-
`chamiel) zone in accordance with an embodiment of the
`[0057] FIG. 31 is a pi ot mapping showing apre-codcd pilot
`design for a 4—antenna 3S for PUSC zone in accordance with
`an embodiment of the invention;
`[0058] FIG. 32 is a schematic diagram of a set of closed
`loop STC/MIMO arrangements with beam—fonner structures
`in accordance with an embodiment of the invention;
`[0059] FIGS. 33, 34, 35 and 36 present a comparison of
`SVD (singular value decomposition) to antenna grouping;
`[0060] FIG. 37 is a block diagram ofa system employing a
`direct differential encoding in accordance with an embodi-
`ment of the invention in which MIMO channel and CQI
`(channel quality indication) are separately fed back;
`[0061] FIG. 38 is a block diagram ofa system employing a
`direct differential encoding in accordance with another
`embodiment of the invention in which MIMO chamiel and
`CQI are 'ointly fed back;
`:0062] FIG. 39 is a block diagram of a system employing a
`direct di erential encoding in accordance with an embodi—
`ment of the invention featuring 1 bit DPCM;
`:0063] FIG. 40 is a block diagram of a system employing a
`direct di erential encoding in accordance with an embodi—
`ment of the invention and using a 1 bit AZ modulator;
`:0064] FIG. 41 is a block diagram ofa system employing a
`direct di erential encoding in accordance with an embodi—
`ment of the invention for multiple users;
`:0065] FIG. 42 contains a table ofvarious direct differential
`encoding feedback in accordance with embodiments of the
`:0066] FIG. 43 is a block diagram ofa system employing an
`SVD based Givens transfonn feedback in accordance with an
`embodiment of the invention;
`:0067] FIG. 44 is another example of an SVD based Givens
`transfomi in accordance with an embodiment ofthe invention
`in which a further spherical code based quantization is per-
`FIG. 45 is a block diagram of a system employing a
`receiver based Givens transform in accordance with an
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 46 is an example of space-time coding for use
`on a GQICH (channel quality indication channel) in accor-
`dance with an embodiment of the invention suitable for a
`s1n r e input single output ap

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