Modern Information Retrieval
`Ricardo Baeza- Yates
`Berthier Ribeiro-Neto
`@ A
`CM Prass
`New York
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`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page1
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`ISBN 0-201-39829-X
`British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
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`ŽzZg‘$’j“•”;–g—?˜™šœ›$›$›g‘`—I–RžŸ Žz¡"g’bž£¢j¢£¤RŸx¥¦“•§$“•¢I“•;¨ Z©v—I–Rž Ÿ ¢j¢j ˜ “•ªU—I“•Z¨C©€Z’5Žz$«¬R—I“†¨S”¡ˆª ˜ –g“†¨Sª;’b‘$¤Y­®¨ ˜$¯_° Ÿ±ŽO¡C² ¯Ÿ ³g³>“•¢jZ¨t´ž£¢Iµ•žœ‘0¶8;¨S”U«AªZ¨C¶]“•«·“•—jž£³¸v³e“†¨>g¬’b”;– ¹ ªU—jžº ª;’jµ•;»¸v¢j¢jžh¼CŽz¡C½Z¾|½¿g¸¸¨S”;µ•ªZ¨R³ªZ¨R³ˆŸ ¢j¢j ˜ “•ª$—jž£³CŽz$«Sª;¨“•ž£¢ —I–g’bZ¬R”Z–RZ¬R— —I–Rž ´CZ’jµ•³ ¯Àz–Sž_’j“•”Z–g—j¢±Z©—I–Rž ªZ¬R—I–RZ’b¢_Z©Á—I–“•¢±´;’jÂ`–Rª;§$ž ]žœžh¨ˆªU¢j¢jžh’b—jž£³`g‘k—I–Rž£«Ã“†¨ˆª ˜£˜ ;’b³ª;¨ ˜ ž»z“•—I–—I–RžŽO;g‘$’j“•”Z–g—£¤]¥±ž£¢I“•”Z¨R¢ ªZ¨R³ˆÄª$—jžh¨g—j¢_Ÿ ˜ — š£›$ÅUÅ ¯Ÿ¦µ†µY’j“•”Z–g—j¢_’bž£¢jžh’b§$žœ³ ¯3Æ  Sª;’b— Z©Á—I–“•¢_¬ggµ†“ ˜ ª$—I“ǏZ¨ «:ªZ‘A]ž ’bžb’b>³>¬ ˜ ž£³n¤Y¢j—jZ’bžœ³`“†¨Cª’bž£—I’j“•ž£§;ª;µv¢j‘>¢j—jž£«0¤S;’±—I’bªZ¨R¢j«·“•—j—jž£³0“†¨CªZ¨g‘A©€;’b«Z’_g‘kªZ¨g‘&«Až£ªZ¨R¢£¤Sžbµ•ž ˜ —I’bZ¨g“ ˜ ¤Y«Až ˜ –Sª;¨“ ˜ ªZµ€¤g–SU—j ˜ Zg‘$“†¨R”¤8’bž ˜ Z’b³>“†¨S”k;’ U—I–Sžb’b»O“•¢jžU¤]»O“•—I–RZ¬R— žb“•—I–Sžh’5—I–Sž g’j“•Z’5»z’j“•—j—jžh¨0]žb’b«·“•¢j¢I“•Z¨ ;©—I–Rž ¬gµ†“•¢I–Ržh’:Z’±ª·µ†“ ˜ žb¨ ˜ ž]žh’b«·“•—j—I“†¨R”`’bž£¢j—I’j“ ˜ —jž£³ ˜ Zg‘$“†¨R”A“†¨C—I–Sž È_¨“•—jžœ³ˆÉ “†¨S”U³U«"“•¢j¢I¬Sžœ³g‘ —I–Rž_ŽzZg‘$’j“•”Z–g—v¶n“ ˜ žh¨S¢I“†¨R”Ÿ ”$žb¨ ˜ ‘¶8—j³]¤U›$¾ ÀU—j—jžh¨g–SªU«ÊŽzZ¬g’b—˦Uª$³]¤$¶YZ¨R³;¨k´ÌšœÄ›$º±¸ ¯´Í–g“†µ•žA—I–Rž ¬ggµ†“•¢I–Sžh’–Rª$¢_«Aª$³gžž£§$žh’b‘kªU—j—jž£«·R—¦—j:—I’bª ˜ ž ª;µ†µ ˜ Zg‘$’j“•”;–g— ;»z¨Sžh’b¢±ªZ¨R³0;S—jª;“†¨]žh’b«“•¢j¢I“•Z¨t—j·’bžhg’b>³e¬ ˜ žA«AªU—jžh’j“•ªZµ€¤S“†¨Cª©€ž£» ˜ ªU¢jž£¢_—I–“•¢_–SªU¢¦g’bZ§Už£³0“•«·]U¢j¢I“†µ•ž ¯ŽzZg‘$’j“•”;–g—¦–RZµ•³gžh’b¢ Z©v«AªU—jžh’j“•ªZµÁ»z–“ ˜ –ˆ–SªU¢¦¨R$—z]ž£žb¨ˆª ˜ Â>¨RZ»zµ•ž£³g”$žœ³ªZ’bž žh¨ ˜ ;¬’bªU”$ž£³ˆ—j˜ ;¨g—jª ˜ —_—I–RžMg¬gµ†“•¢I–Ržh’ ¯¡ˆªZ¨g‘&Z©Á—I–Sž³žœ¢I“•”Z¨Rª$—I“•Z¨R¢ ¬S¢jž£³kg‘0«Aª;¨>¬©®ª ˜ —I¬g’bžh’b¢ ª;¨S³&¢jžhµ†µ•žh’b¢ —jA³>“•¢j—I“†¨R”Z¬g“•¢I– —I–Sžb“†’g’b>³e¬ ˜ —j¢ ª;’bž ˜ µ•ªZ“•«:ž£³ªU¢_—I’bª$³gž£«AªZ’jÂg¢ ¯ Ÿ ³g³e“•¢j;¨´Cž£¢Iµ•ž£‘&¶8;¨S”U«AªZ¨C¶]“•«·“•—jž£³ˆ–SªU¢¦«:ª$³gžž£§Užh’b‘kª$—j—jž£«·R— —j:¢I¬gµ•‘&—I’bª$³gž·«:ªZ’jÂk“†¨©®Z’b«AªU—I“•Z¨tªZ];¬S—±«AªZ¨>¬g©€ª ˜ —I¬’bžh’b¢±ªZ¨R³ˆ—I–Sžb“†’g’b>³e¬ ˜ —j¢ «:žh¨g—I“•Z¨Rž£³ˆ“†¨C—I–“•¢_]>Z ¯ ŸÌµ†“•¢j—±Z©v—I–Rž —I’bª$³gž£«AªZ’jŠ³žœ¢I“•”Z¨Rª$—I“•Z¨R¢ªZ¨R³ˆ—I–Sžh“†’;»z¨Sžh’b¢_ª;]žœªZ’b¢ ;¨ˆSªU”$ž §$“†“†“ ¯Àz‘$]žœ¢jž£—z“†¨tŽOU«·g¬S—jžh’5¡ˆ>³žb’j¨ˆg‘0Î;ÏÄ’j“†¨g—jž£³ˆªZ¨R³0]Z¬g¨R³0“†¨C—I–Sž È_¨“•—jž£³CÐ>—jª$—jžœ¢ Z©ÁŸ «Ažb’j“ ˜ ªÑ8“†’b¢j—¦g’j“†¨g—jž£³šœ›$›$›­IÐ>Ò Æ ¾;ÓÔ½Z¾šbÓsÕ$›$ÅG½Z›;ÓIÖ× ØZÙÇÚ£ÙÜÛ£ÝßÞ)ÙÜàØ;ágØZâmã·ágÚ£áäÇåSæSçÙÜèæébÙÇè8éœê çàäÜÙÜë>ágÚ£ÙÜåSèíìkáÚ£áŸ ˜ ªU—jªZµ•U”Z¬RžM’bž ˜ Z’b³0©€;’ —I–g“•¢z]>ZÂ&“•¢ ª;§;ªZ“†µ•ª;µ•žA©Ü’bU«—I–Sž Ò)’j“•—I“•¢I–C¶]“†’bª;’b‘Þ)ÙÜàØ;ágØ;âÍågîã·åSèæRØZï>ۜÛ0ãáÚ£ágäÜåSæRçÙÜèæébÙÜè8éœê çàäÜÙÇë>áÚ£ÙÇåSèíì`ágÚ£áÒzªUž£ð£ªZӀñ3ª$—jž£¢£¤RË ¯ò° Ëz“ ˜ ª;’b³G²¡ˆ>³gžh’j¨ˆ“†¨g©€Z’b«:ª$—I“•Z¨C’bž£—I’j“•ž£§;ª;µ3ó·Ëz“ ˜ ªZ’b³gkÒzª$ž£ðœªZӀñzªU—jž£¢£¤SÒ3žh’b—I–“•žb’ Ëz“†]žh“†’b;Ó Æ ž£—j ¯ ¯-˜ « ¯­Ü¨ ˜ µ†¬S³gž£¢ g“†µ†“•U”Z’bªZg–S“ ˜ ª$µv’bžh©€žb’bžh¨ ˜ ž£¢_ªZ¨R³0“†¨S³gžh¼ ¯­sÐeÒ Æ ¾ZÓÔ½Z¾gšhÓsÕ$›UÅ>½;›ZÓs֚ ¯ ­Ü¨©€;’b«Aª$—I“•;¨C¢j—jZ’bªU”$žªZ¨R³`’bž£—I“•ž£§;ª;µv¢j‘>¢j—jž£«A¢ ¯ ­ ¯ ËO“†ôžh“†’b¤]Òzžb’b—I–“•žh’5³žŸ¦’bªvõ¬;öbÆ ž£—j¤Yš£›UÏ$¾ZÓ ¯ ­j­ ¯Àz“•—Iµ•ž ¯÷SÏ$ÏGø ¯ÒzÕ$ù š£›$›U›¾>½UÎ ¯¾$ù;ú>³ ˜ ½eš ›U›ZÓbš£¾U¾$Õ$Վ¦­€Ä
`Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
`Baeza-Yates, R.(Ricardo)
`Modern information retrieval / Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-201-39829-X
`1. Information storage and retieval systems. I. Ribeiro, Berthier de Aratjo
`Neto, 1960- . II.Title.
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 2
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 2


`t-dimensional vectorial space aud standard linear algebra operations on vectors.
`For the classic probabilistic model, (he framework ts composed of sets. stardard
`probability operations, and the Bayes’ theoretn.
`In the remainder of this chapter, we discuss the various TR models shown
`in Bigure 2.1. Throughout the discussion, we do not explicithy instantiate {he
`components D, Q, F, and Afg;,dj) of cach model. Such components should be
`quite clear fromthe discussion and can be easily inferred,
`2.5 Classic Information Retrieval
`In this section we briefly present the three classic models in information retrieval
`namely. the Boolean, the vector, and the probabilistic models,
`2.5.1 Basic Cancepts
`is ce-
`The classic mudels in information retrieval consider thar each deectutmert
`serihed by a set of cepreseutative keywords called index tertus. Au fuder terre
`is sitaply a (document) word whose setuautics helps in renombering the docu-
`tment's main themes. Uhus, iudex verma are used to iidex and summarize the
`document coutents. Ta general,
`index terins are mainly nouns becatise nous
`have meaning by themselves aucl thus, their semantics is easier to ideutify and
`to grasp, Adjectives, adverbs, aud comuectives arc less usefas iudex terms
`because they work mainly as canplements. Towever.
`it might be interesting
`Lo consider all the distinet wards in a docuinent collection as index terms. For
`instauce, this approach is adopted hy some Web search engines as discussed in
`Chapter 13 (in which case, the document logical view is full tert}, We postpone
`a discussion on the problemof how to generale index terms until Chapter 7.
`where the issue is covered in detail.
`Given a set of index terms for a document, we notice that uot all terms
`are equally usefid fur deseribing the document contents. Tu fact, there are index
`terms which are siinply vaguer than others. Deciding on the importance of a
`term for summarizing the contents of a dactiment is uot a trivial issne. Despite
`this difficulty, there are properties of an index term which are easily measured
`and which are usetul for evaluating the potential of a term as such. For instance,
`consider a collection with a hundred thousand documeuts. A word which appears
`in each of the one humdred thousand documents is completely useless as an index
`tern because it dues not tell us anything about which documents the user might
`be interested in. On the other hand, a word which appears jn just five documents
`is quite useful because it narrows down considerably the space of documents
`which might be of interest to the user. Thus,
`it should be clear that distinct
`index terms have varying relovance when used to describe dociment coutents.
`This effect is captured through the assigninent of numerical weights 1o each index
`term of a document.
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 3
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 3


`Let Ay be an index term, d; be a document. aud wy) = U be a weight
`assovlaned with the pair (4;.d¢,}. This weight quantifies the importance of the
`index teri tor describing the document semantic contents.
`Definition Lett be the number of iudex terms in the system and k, be a generic
`inden term. Kw (ky... hy} ts the set of all index terms. A weight w,j > 0
`is assoriated wilh each wider ferm hy of a document dj. Por an index term
`whivh dues Wok mppear in the docwment
`tert, wij = 0. With the dacnurnent a,
`is axsocteded an tuder tern vector dy represented hy dy =+ (tty. Wg joe. te yd.
`irl y; be a funetion that refurna the weight assariated with the index
`term &om any bdimensional cector fhe, qld) = wey dh
`As we laver discuss. the index term weights are usually assumed to be tmntn-
`ally independent. This means that knowing the weight w,.; associated with the
`pair (A,) tells us nothing ahoul
`the weight wy, )., associated with the pair
`{kya ij}. This is clearly a simplification because oceurreuces of index terms m1
`a document are not nucorrelated. Consider, for tustauce, that the terms com-
`meter ancl network are used tu tidex a given document which covers the areaof
`computer networks. Prequenth, in this document, the appearance of one of these
`two words attracts the appearance of the other. Thus. these nwo words are corre-
`lated and their weights conld reflect this correlation, While umtual mdecpendence
`seems to be a strong siniplification, it does simplify the task of computing index
`rerun weights aud allows for fast ranking compntation. Furthermore, taking acl-
`vantage of index term correlations for improving the final document rauking 1s
`not a simple task.
`bn fact. none of the mamy approaches proposed in the past
`has clearly demonstrated (hat index term correlations
`are advantageous (for
`ranking purposes) with general collections. Therefore, unless clearly stated oth-
`enwise, we assume mutual itvlependence among index terms.
`fn Chapler 4 we
`discuss uiodern retrieval techniques which are based on term correlations and
`which have been tested successfully with particular collections. hese suceesses
`seein to be slowly shifting the current understanding towards a mure favorable
`view of the usefulness of term correlations for informatiou retrieval systems.
`The above definitions provide support for discussing the three classic infor-
`nation retrieval models, namely, the Boolean, the vector. and the probabilistic
`models. us we now do.
`5.2 Boolean Mode!
`The Boolean model is a supple retrieval model bagecl ou set theory and Boolean
`algebra, Since the concept of a set is quite intuitive, the Boolean model pro-
`Vides a framework whichis easy to grasp by a common user of an {Rsystem.
`Furthermore, the queries are specified as Boolean expressions which have precise
`senianties. Given its inherent simplicity and neat formalist. the Boolean mode)
`ceived great attention in past vears aud was adopted by many of the carly
`oromercial bibliographic systems.
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 4
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 4


`Figure 2.3 The three conjunctive compoucuts for the query jg = ka os [ky Re}.
`the Boolean model suffers from wajor drawbacks. First,
`its retrieval strategy is based on a binary decision criteriou {Le., a documentis
`predicted to be either relevant or uon-relevant) without any notion of a grading
`stale. which prevents good retrieval performance. Thus. the Boolean model is
`in reality much more a data {instead of informarion) retrieval model Second,
`while Boolean expressions have precise semantics, frequently it
`is pol simple to
`translate an information need into a Boolean expression. Tu fact, most users fine
`it difficult aud awkward ta express their query requests im terms of Boolean ex-
`pressions. The Boolean expressions actually formulated by users often are quite
`situple (see Chapter 10 for a more thorough discussion on this issue}. Despite
`these drawbacks. the Boolean inoclel is still the dominant model with commercial
`document database systems aud provides a good starting point for those new to
`the field.
`The Boolean model considers Ghat index terms are present or absent in a
`document. As a result, the index terin weights are assumed to be all binary. ice.,
`wi € {0.1}. A query g is composed of index terms linked by three connectives:
`not, and, or-Thus, a queryis essentially a conventional Boolean expression which
`can be represented as a disjunction of conjunctive vectors (.¢., In disqunctine nor-
`mal fernt — DNF). For instance, the query [q = ka A (A, ¥ 1k.) can be written
`in disjunctive normal formas [Gag = Ol.1,1) ¥ (4.1.0) ¥ 01,0,0)). where eachof
`the components is a binary weighted vector associated with the tuple (ha. An, Kel.
`These binary weighted vectors are called the conjunctive components of dap ¢.
`Vigure 2.3 illustrates the three conjunctive components for the queryq.
`the indec term. weight variables are all
`For the Boolean model.
`binary te., wiz C{O.1}. A query g is a conventional Boolean expression. Let
`fang b6 the disjunctive nermal formfor the query q. Further, tet doe be any of the
`conjunctive components of Gang. The similarity of a document dj
`to the query q
`is defined ts
`sim(d;, q) _
`ay ong Le
`1 Gee & dang} AUR. (dj) = di(dee))
`af “Ger:
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 5
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 5


`if sim(d,, gi = 1 then the Boolean model predicts that the document d, is relevant
`to the query q Gt might not bel. Otherwise,
`the prediction is that the document
`ig not redeware,
`is cither referaué or non-
`The Boolean medel predicts that each document
`reecant There is nu notion of a partial reich to the query conditions. Por
`let d, be a document for which d; — (0.1.0). Document d,
`the index teri &y, but is cousidered nen-relevant to the query (gs kg Athy Reds
`The main advantages of the Boolean model are the clean formalisin behind
`the model and its simplicity. The inain disadvantages are that exact matching
`naylead ta retrieval of tow few or toe many documents {see Chapter E01. “Today,
`it is well knownthat index term weighting canlead to a substantial improvement
`in retrieval performance. Index termweighting brings us to ble vector model.
`2.5.3 Vector Model
`the use of binary weights is tua
`i697, 695] recognizes that
`The vector model
`Hutuliug aad proposes a framework in which partial matching is possible, This
`is accomplished by assigning nen-binery weights to index tcrmis iu qiluries and
`in doctunents. These term weights are ultimately used to counpute the degree
`of similarity between cach document stored in the svslem und the user query.
`By sorting the retrieved documonts in decreasing order of this degree af simitlar-
`ivy. the vector model takes into consideration documents which match the query
`terms only partially. The main resultant effect is that the ranked ductunent an-
`ewer set
`is alot more precise fin the sense that it better matelies the user infur-
`mation need) than the doctiment answer set relrieved by the Boolean model.
`the weight wy; assoviuted uth a pud(hy dj]
`Definition For the vector model,
`is positive and nen-binary. Further,
`the mdex terms in the query are also
`weighted. Let in, be the wcight associated with the parr [AiG], where yg 2 UO.
`the query vector 7 is defined as F -
`(uy ge Wags... Ug) where t
`is tee
`tuted number of index terma in the system. As before, the vector fer a document
`is represented by dy = (wyy.wagj...-. wey.
`Therefore, a document @; and a user query gq are represented as 1-ditiensional
`‘vectors as shown in Figure 2.4. The vector morlel proposes to evaluate Cie degree
`of similarity of the documem. dj with regard to the query g as the correlation
`between the vectors dj and @ This correlation can be quantified. for instance.
`by the cosine of the angle between these two vectors. That tis,
`dj eq
`d3| x ig]
`yr wy| X Wig
`faisLByxy ek wy
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 6
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 6


` Q
`Figure 2.4 The cosine of @ is actopted as simledy a.
`where \d;" and |g are the norms of the document and query vectors. The factor
`i) does not affeer the ranking {Le.. the ordering of the documents] because it
`is the same for all doctments. The factor [5 provides a normalization in the
`space of the docninents.
`Since iw,j = Qandiaryy > O, stmt, dj) varies from Ota +i. Phus, instead of
`attempting to predict whether a document is relevaut or uot, the vector model
`ranks the documents according to their degree of similarity to the query. A
`document might be retrieved even if it matches the query ouly partially. For
`instance, one can establish a threshold on sirn(d;,q) and retrieve the documents
`with a degree of similarity above that threshold. But te compute raukings we
`need first to specify how index term weights are obtained.
`Tudex term weights can be calculated in may different ways. The work by
`Salton and McGill (698) reviews various term-weighting techniques, [Tere, we do
`not discuss them iu detail Instead, we concentrate on elucidating the main idea
`behind the most effective term-weighting techniqnes. This idea is related to the
`basic principles which support clustering Lechuiques. as follows.
`Given a collection C of oljects and a vague description of a set 4, the goal of
`a siniple clustering algorithin might be to separate the collection C’ of objects into
`iwo sets: a first one which is composed of objects related to the set A and a second
`one which is composed of objects not related to the set -l. Vaguedescription here
`ineans that we do not have complete information for deciding precisely which
`objects are and which are not in the set 4. Por instance, one might be looking
`for a set 4 of cars which have a price comparable to that of a Lexus 400. Since it
`is not clear what Lhe term comparable ineans exactly, there is uot a precise (and
`unique) description of the set A. More sophisticated clustering algorithms might
`attempt to separate the objects of a collection into various clusters (or classes)
`according to their properties. For instance, patients of a doctor specializing
`in camcer could be classified into five classes:
`terminal. acdvauced, metastasis.
`diagnosed, and healthy. Again, the possible class descriptions might be imprecise
`(and not unique} and the problem is one of deciding to which of these classes
`a uew patient should be assigned.
`In what follows, however, we only discuss
`the simpler version of the clustermg problem {i.e., the one which considers ouly
`two classes) because alf Luat
`is required is a decision on which documents are
`predicted to be relevant amd which ones are predicted to be not relevant (with
`regard to a given user query].
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 7
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 7


`‘La view the TR problem as one of clustering, we refer tu tle early work of
`Salton. We think of the documents as a collection C of objects and think of the
`user query as a (vague) specification of a set A of objects.
`[In this scenario, the
`TR. problem can be reduced tu the problern of determining which documents are
`in the set Aland which ones are uot {ie.,
`the UR problem can be viewed as a
`clustering problem). Ina clustering problem, two niain issues have to he resolved.
`First, one needs to determine what are the features which better describe the
`objects in the set
`-~L Second, one needs to determine what are the features
`which better distinguish the objects in the ser A from the remaining objects in
`the cdilection C. The first set of features provides for quantification of intra-
`cluster stnuilarity. while Che second set of features provides for qnauitification
`of enter-cluster dissimilarity. Phe most successful clistering algorithms try to
`balance Lhese two effects.
`Tn the vectur inodel. intra-clustering similarity is quantified by measuring
`the raw frequency of a term Ay
`insicle a document @;. Such term frequency is
`ustidls referred to as the tf focter and provides one tueasure of how well that
`term describes Che document contents (c., intra-documeut claracterizalion).
`Further:ore, inter-cluster dissimilarity is quantified by measuring the imverse
`of the frequency of a term A, among the documents in the collection. This
`factur is usually referred to as the diwerse document frequency or the af factor.
`The motivation for usage of au idf factor is that
`lerms which appear in ui
`domuuerts are nol very useful for distinguishing a relevant document from a
`non-relevant one, As with voud chistering algorithms. the must cHeetive term-
`weighting schemes for IR. try to balance these two effects.
`the system: and vy be
`fet N be the total number of documents ot
`the monber of documents in which the index term ky appears. Del fregy;
`poufrequency of terin ky in the document dj (ic. the wumber of tines thetern
`Sky is mentioned in the text of the document dj}. Then, the normalized frequency
`Sof term ky in document dy is giuen by
`fej or oe
`meaty fred j
`e the macimune is cumputed over all terms which are mentioned in the treat
`the document d;.
`ff the term ky does not appear in the document d;
`=U. Further, let idf;, inverse document frequency for ky. be given by
`best known term-iccighting schémes use qucightsaivhich are given by
`_ i
`idf, = log —
`ig = Fig x log n
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 8
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 8


`or by a variation of tis formula. Such ferm-weighting strategies arc called thidf
`Several variations of the above expression for the weight uy; are described in an
`Interesting paper by Salton and Buckley which appeared in 1988 [696]. However,
`in general.
`the above expression showld provide a good weighting scheme for
`liany collections.
`For the query term weights, Salton and Buckley suzvest
`ing = (a+ iti. | a
`O.5 fre.
`may Pred y
`where freg,, is the raw frequeney of the term &y in the text of the information
`Tequeat q.
`The main adeautayes of the vector model are: (1) its terni-weizliling scheme
`improves retrieval performance, (2) its partial matching strategy allows retrieval
`of documents that approximate Uae query conditions: and (3) its cosime rank-
`ing fornia sorts the documents according to their degree of similarity to the
`query. Theoretically, the vectur model has the disadvantaye that index terms are
`ested to be umtnally iudepeudent {equatiuu 2.3 does mot accouut for index
`teTm dependencies}. However. in practice. consideration of term dependencies
`might be a disadvantage. Dne to the locality of many term dependencies, their
`indiscriminate application to all the doctuments in the colleetion might in fact
`fagthe overall performance.
`Despite its siipliciey, he vector model is a resthent ranking strategy with
`ecneral collections.
`Lt vields ranked answer sects which are difficult
`tu improve
`npon without query expansion or relevance feedback (see Chapter 5} within the
`framework of the vector model. A large variety of alternative ranking methods
`have been compared to the veetor madel but the consensus seems to be that,
`in veneral, the vector model is either superior or almost ag good as the known
`alternatives. Furthermore. it is stuuple and fast. For Wiese reasons. the vecter
`model is a popular retrieval model nowadays.
`Probabilistic Model
`Tn this section, we describe the classic probabilistie model introduced in 1976
`by Roberston and Sparck Jones 677] which later became known as the binery
`independence retrieval (BIR) model. Our discussion is intentionally brief aud
`focuses mainly on highlighting the key features of the model. With this purpose
`in mud, we do not detain ourselves in subtleties regarding the binary indepen-
`denee assumption for the model. The section on bibliographic discussion points
`to references which cover these details.
`Vhe probabilistic model atternpts to capture the TR. problem within a prob-
`abilistic framework. he fundamental idea is as follows, Given a user query,
`there is a set of documents whieh contains exactly the relevant documents and
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 9
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 9


`no other. Let us refer to this set of documents as the ideal answer set. Given the
`description of this ideal answerset, we would lave no problems in retrieving its
`documents. Thus, we can think of the queryimg process as a process of specify-
`ing the properties of an ideal answer set (which is analogous to interpreting the
`1K problem as a problem of clustering). The problemis that we do uot know
`exactly what these properties are. All we knowis that there are index (erms
`whose semantics should be used to characterize these properlies. Since these
`properties are not known at query time, an cflort has to be made at. initially
`sucssing what they could be. This initial guess allows us to generate a prelim-
`inary probabilistic description of the ideal answer set which is used to retrieve
`a first set of documents. An interaction with the user is then initiated with the
`purpose of improving the prubabilistie description of (he ideal answer set. Such
`interaction could proceed as follows.
`‘The user takes a look at the retrieved documents and decides which ones
`are relevant and which ones are not (in truth, only the first top documents need
`to be examined). The system then uses this information to refine the description
`of the ideal answer set. By repeating this process unamy times, it is expected
`that such a description will evolve aud become closer lo the real description af
`ihe ideal answer set. Thus, one should always have in wind the need to guess at
`the hegiuning the deseription of the ideal answer set. Furthermore. a conscious
`effort is inade to model this deseription in probabilistic terms.
`The probabilistic model is based on the following fundaruental assumption.
`Assumption (Probabilistic Principle) Given a user query q and a document d;
` Ttollection, the probabilistic rnodel tries to estimate the
`istitetl webability that
`the user will find the document d; interesting (Le relevant).
`‘The model as-
`sumiesthatthis probability
`Tthetice depends on the query and the document
`representations ouly. Further.
`the model assumes that there is a subset of all
`documents which the user prefers as the answer ser for the query g.
`Such an
`ideal answer set is Jabeled Fo and should maximize the overall probability of re!
`evance to the user. Doenmients in the set 2 are predicted two be relevant Lo the
`query. Docuraents not in this set are predicted to be non-relevant.
`This assumption is quite troublesome because it does not state explicitly
`how to compute the probabilities of relevance. In fact, not even the sample space
`which is to be used for defining such probabilities ts given.
`Given a query g. the probabilistic model assigns to each document d;, as
`a mcasure of its similarity wo the query. the ratio Pid; relevant-to q)/P(d,; non-
`relevant-to g} which computes the odds of the document d; being relevant to the
`query g. Taking the odds of relevance as the rank minimizes the probability of
`an erroneous judgement [282, 785).
`For the probabilistic model, the index term weight variables are
`all binary ie. uy © {OV}. wig € {0,1}. A query g is a subset of tinder terms.
`Let Robe the set of documents known(or initially guessed) to be relevant. Let R
`be the complement of R ft... the set of non-relevant documents). Let PUR|d;}
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 10
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 10


`is relevant to the query q and P(Rid;)
`be the profability that the document d;
`be the probability that d;
`is non-relenant to q. The similarity simidy,q) of the
`document rl,
`to the query q is defined as the ratte
`Styl ied, . ef) =
`P( Rid;)
`Using Bayes” rule,
`P(LER} x PER)
`simul. g) = s+
`Pid |Ri x PCR)
`Pid, R) stands for the probability of randomly selecting the document d; from
`the set. & of relevant documents. Further, PCA) stands for the probability that a
`ductment randomly selected from the eniire collection is relevant. The mieanings
`attached to P (f/'R) and PCR) are analogous and complementary.
`Since PCA) and PR) are the samefor all the documeuts in the collection,
`we write,
`sentibs. gio
`Pid; Wi
`Assuming independence of index termis,
`Ted. PURIRD% Mycapao PEARY
`Tes, a PAA) x TL. cé 320 Pik, |R))
`Pik,[21 slanes for the probability that the index term &; is present ina document
`randomly selected from the set R. P(AjLA} stands for the probability that the
`iudex term: Ay
`is not present in a deemment randomly selected from the set &.
`‘The probabilities associated with the set # have meanings which are analogous
`ta the ones just described,
`Taking logarithms, recalling that P(A,|R) + P(k:|R) = 1, and ignoring
`factors which are constant for all documents in the context of the sume query,
`we cau finally write
`— L
`o~ da x Uy; x (108 Pa -+ log
`I PikIR
`eal 5)
`which is a key expression for ranking computation in the probabilistic model.
`Since we do not know the set # al the beginning, it is necessary to devise
`a inethodfor initially computing the probabilities P(k;|R) and P(k;|R). There
`are any alternatives for such computation. We discuss a couple of them below.
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 11
`BloomReach, Inc. EX1014 Page 11


`Tn the very beginning (i.c., bnmedtately after the query specification), there
`are no retrieved documents. Thus. one has to make simplifying assumptions such
`as: [aj assume that P(R,|A) is constantfor all index terms &; (typically, equal to
`0.5) and (b) assume that the distribution of tidex terms amoug the non-releyant
`documents can he approxtmated by the distribution of index terns among all
`the documents tn the calection. These two assumptions yield
`P(RIR) =
`ia the number of documents which contain the
`where, as already defined, oj;
`index term Ay and V is the Total nuinber of doeaments in the collection. Given
`thismitintguess, we can then retrieve documents which contain query terms and
`provide ag initial probabilistic ranking for them. After iat. this initial ranking
`is Hnpreved as follows.
`Let Vo be a snbset of the doctuments initially retrieved and ranked by the
`probabilistic model Sneha subset can be defined, for lustance. as the top +
`rankeddocumentswhore:is a previously detined threshold. Further,letVibe—
`the subset of ¥ composed of the documents in Vo which contain the index term
`k,. For simplicity, we also use Fo and Vote refer toa Ue tunber of elaments in
`these sets (it should always be clear when the used variable refers to the sel or ta
`the muanber of elements mit}, For improving the probabilistic ranking, we need
`to improve our guesses for P(A, A} and P(ky A}. This cau be accomplished with
`the following assumptions:
`(a) we can approximate P(&, AR) by the distribution
`of the index term ky among the documents retricved so far, and (b) we can
`approximate P(k SR) by cousidering that all
`the nou-retrieved documents are
`not relevant. With these assutaptions, we can write,
`Pik, RY
`Pik Ry) = wt
`This process can thon he repeated recursively, Ty doiug so, we are able to
`iuprove on our guesses for the probabilities P(A;|H) and Ptk;|R) withont any
`assistance from a hmman subject feontrary to the original ideal. However, we
`cart also use assistance from the user for definition of the subset V as originally
`‘Lhe last formmlas for Pi

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