`Page 1
` Petitioner,
` ) Case No.
` ) IPR2020-00007
` )
` ) U.S. Patent
` vs. ) No. 9,849,061
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
`_____________________________ )
` Remote Deposition of
` Friday, February 19, 2021
` Reported by:
` Lisa Moskowitz, CA-CSR 10816, RPR, CRR
` Job No.: 1481
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
`EIS Exhibit 1062
`EIS GmbH v. Novoluto GmbH IPR2019-01302
`Page 2
` reported stenographically by Lisa Moskowitz,
` California Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 10816,
` Washington State Certified Shorthand Reporter No.
` 21001437, RPR, CRR, Realtime Systems Administrator,
` commencing at 9:10 a.m., Friday, February 19, 2021.
` For the Petitioner:
` Attorneys at Law
` 2020 K Street, NW
` Suite 400
` Washington, DC 20006
`(202) 808-3550
` For the Patent Owner:
` Attorneys at Law
` 909 Fannin
` Suite 3500
` Houston, Texas 77010
`(713) 228-8600
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
`7 8
`Examination By:
` 1001
` United States Patent Number
` 9,849,061
`Page 3
` Page
` 5
` Page
` 19
` 1004
` United States Patent Number
` 82
` 5,725,473
` 2003
` Webster's Ninth New Collegiate
` 98
` Dictionary Excerpt
` 2004
` Declaration of Debra Herbenick,
` 13
` Ph.D. in Support of Patent Owner
` Preliminary Response, dated
` 1/8/2020
` 2035
` Declaration of Debra Herbenick,
` 14
` Ph.D., in Support of Patent Owner
` Response, dated 12/18/2020
`4 5 6
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
` 9:10 A.M.
`Page 4
` morning. My name is Lisa Moskowitz. I am
` a certified stenographic reporter
` appearing in association with TransPerfect
` Legal Solutions. I will be reporting this
` deposition and swearing in the witness
` remotely.
` Today's date is Friday,
` February 19, 2021, and the time is
` approximately 9:10 a.m.
` Will counsel please identify
` yourselves and state whom you represent.
` May we start with the noticing attorney.
` MR. SUTTON: AJ Sutton here on
` behalf of the Petitioner from Bookoff
` McAndrews. Here with me is Dinesh Melwani
` and Ankit Aggarwal also from Bookoff.
` MS. TERRY: Hi, I'm Tammy Terry,
` counsel for patent owner Novoluto GmbH.
` I'm a partner at Osha Bergman Watanabe &
` Burton. And with me are my colleagues
` Lisa Margonis and Califf Cooper.
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`3 4
`Page 5
` you.
` Since we are doing this remotely, I
` ask that you all speak slowly and one at a
` time so that I am able to understand
` everyone and that we avoid any audio
` glitches or dropped testimony from talking
` at the same time.
` I will now swear in the witness.
` called as a witness,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Herbenick. My
` name is AJ Sutton, and I represent the
` petitioner EIS GmbH in this matter. I'm going
` to be asking you a series of questions today.
` The court reporter is taking down every word
` each of us says. Therefore, it is important
` that we both speak loudly, slowly and clearly
` so that the court reporter is able to hear and
` understand what you and I are saying, and so
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`Page 6
` it will result in a complete and accurate
` record of today's proceedings.
` A You're breaking up quite a bit --
` your audio is just not -- I don't know if the
` mic can get a little closer. I don't know.
` Q Is this still fuzzy, or is it
` better now?
` A Let's just keep going. This is a
` good time to figure it out; right?
` MR. SUTTON: Let's keep going.
` Then if it doesn't work, I'll take it off.
` Q Please allow me to complete my
` question in full before you begin your answer,
` and by the same token, I'll allow you to
` complete your answer before I ask my next
` question.
` If you and I interrupt each other,
` the record becomes filled with dashes, which
` may cause confusion later. The reporter can
` only write one person speaking at a time.
` Therefore, it is important for all of us to
` avoid talking over one another so that the
` reporter is able to get a complete and
` accurate record of the entire proceedings and
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`Page 7
` so that the questions and answers appear in
` the transcript without dashes and
` interruptions.
` When responding to my questions,
` please give verbal responses because the court
` reporter can only write verbal responses on
` the record. The court reporter is not
` permitted to interpret the nod or shake of
` your head.
` Similarly, it is often difficult to
` understand the meaning of "uh-huh" and "uh-uh"
` in the transcript.
` Finally, if you do not understand
` any of my questions, please feel free to ask
` me to repeat or rephrase it, and I will be
` happy to do so.
` Please state and spell your full
` legal name.
` A My legal name is Debra Herbenick,
` D-e-b-r-a. Herbenick is H-e-r-b-e-n-i-c-k.
` Q Thank you.
` Please state your address for the
` record.
` A My address is 1500 East Maxwell
` Lane, Bloomington, Indiana, 40401.
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`Page 8
` Q Are you over the age of 18?
` A I am.
` Q Do you understand that you are
` testifying under oath today?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you take any medications or
` substances that would impact your ability to
` testify truthfully and completely today?
` A No.
` Q Is there anything preventing you
` from answering questions truthfully and
` completely today?
` A No.
` Q Are you currently at home?
` A I am.
` Q Are there other people at home with
` you?
` A No.
` Q Do you have a reliable internet
` connection?
` A Yes, I hope so. We also have snow
` and ice, but I should.
` Q Good.
` Are you currently communicating
` with anyone besides me?
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`Page 9
` A I am not.
` Q Do you have any electronic devices
` with you other than your laptop?
` A I do not.
` Q Do you have any applications,
` programs, or browsers open right now on your
` computer?
` A I do not.
` Q Besides Zoom?
` A That's the one we're using to
` communicate, yeah.
` Q Do you have any other documents
` open right now?
` A No. I have the folder that you
` sent, but it's not -- the documents aren't
` open yet.
` Q Okay. Do you have any other
` documents open -- do you have any other
` documents with you physical otherwise?
` A I don't.
` Q Okay. And can you affirm that you
` will not communicate with anyone
` electronically or otherwise while you are
` providing testimony on the record?
` A Yes.
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`Page 10
` Q Are you able to receive messages
` from anyone outside of these proceedings?
` A No.
` Q Thank you.
` Dr. Herbenick, whenever you need to
` take a break, do let us know. I don't think
` we'll take the whole time today. It depends
` on how the questioning goes, but feel free
` just to ask when you're ready, and we'll try
` to accommodate when we reach a good breaking
` point.
` Occasionally, your counsel may
` object to a question. The PTAB rules require the
` objection to be stated concisely in a
` non-argumentative and non-suggestive manner
` and should be limited to a single word or
` term. The PTAB rules prohibit unnecessary
` objections, speaking objections, and coaching.
` Do you understand?
` A Yes.
` Q Unless your counsel is asserting a
` privilege, you are required to answer my
` questions despite your counsel's objections.
` Do you understand?
` A Yes.
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
` Q Once this cross-examination begins,
` you are not permitted to confer or communicate
` with your counsel regarding substance of the
`Page 11
` testimony until we conclude the
` cross-examination.
` Do you understand?
` A Yes.
` Q Thank you.
` Did you prepare for this
` cross-examination?
` A Yes.
` Q How did you prepare?
` A I met with counsel a few times, and
` I read over, you know, literature related to
` the proceedings.
` Q Okay. What documents did you
` review?
` A I read the patents that are
` relevant to these proceedings so, for example,
` the '061 patent, the Taylor patent, the Zipper
` patent, and Hovland patent, and I read over my
` declaration and Dr. Jensen's declaration, and
` the patent owner response, and I can't even
` remember what it's called. Like the
` petitioner's request for whatever it is, the
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`Page 12
` hearing or whatever the legal terms are.
` Those would be generally the things.
` It's possible I looked at other
` things. If you have another question about
` something else, let me know, but those are the
` main things I reviewed. The board decisions.
` Q Did you review any of the prior
` deposition transcripts?
` A I did not, no.
` Q Okay.
` A I looked at them, you know, a while
` ago for corrections, but I didn't read them
` recently for this case.
` Q Okay. And which counsel did you
` meet with in preparation for this
` cross-examination?
` A I met with Tammy and Lisa and
` Califf.
` Q Okay. How much time in total did
` you spend preparing for this deposition?
` A I probably spent, like, 15 to
` 20 hours preparing for it.
` MR. SUTTON: Okay. I'm going to
` pull up the first exhibit. I think this
` is in the link that I sent over to you.
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`Page 13
` Exhibit 2004. I'll put that up on the
` screen as well.
` (Exhibit Number 2004 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q Do you recognize this document?
` A I do recognize it.
` Q Is this a copy of your declaration
` submitted with the patent owner's response,
` Exhibit 2004?
` A It is.
` Q Is this your signature on the
` second page of your declaration?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you discover anything in your
` preliminary response declaration here that you
` believe may need to be corrected or clarified?
` A I haven't looked at this older one
` in some time. I looked at the more recent
` one.
` Q Sitting here today, do you still
` believe that the preliminary response
` declaration you submitted with -- submitted
` here as Exhibit 2004 is complete and accurate?
` A I do.
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`Page 14
` Q Thank you.
` I'm going to bring up the next
` exhibit which is 2035.
` (Exhibit Number 2035 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q Do you recognize this document?
` A I do.
` Q Is this a copy of your declaration
` attached to the patent owner's response filed
` as Exhibit 2035 in this proceeding?
` A Yes.
` Q Is this your signature on the
` second page of your declaration here?
` A Yes.
` Q While preparing for this
` deposition, did you discover anything in your
` declaration that you believe may need to be
` corrected or clarified?
` A I did not.
` Q All right. So from now on when I
` refer to your declaration, I am referring to
` Exhibit 2035 here with the patent owner's
` response. If I refer to your preliminary
` response declaration, I will refer to that as
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`Page 15
` your preliminary response declaration.
` Do you understand?
` A I do.
` Q Let's turn to paragraph 22 of your
` declaration.
` Can you read the second sentence
` here into the record?
` A Paragraph 22. "These include but
` are not limited to the IPR petition related to
` the '061 patent, prior art, and the
` prosecution history related to the patent and
` all exhibits of record."
` Q Thank you.
` So you reviewed all exhibits of
` record in preparing your declaration; is that
` correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q Did you write your entire
` declaration?
` A I wrote the vast majority of it.
` Q What percentage approximately?
` A I didn't do a word count analysis
` but the vast majority of it. You know,
` 90 percent or greater.
` Q Who wrote the rest of your
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`Page 16
` declaration?
` A So legal language, for example, was
` provided by counsel as were some images but
` not all images for the claim chart.
` Q Okay. Let's go down to
` paragraph 27 of your declaration here.
` Can you read the last sentence of
` paragraph 27.
` A Starting with "I also"?
` Q Yeah.
` A "I also understand that a patent
` owner is entitled to a presumption of a nexus
` if it shows that the asserted objective
` evidence is tied to a specific product and
` that product is the invention disclosed and
` claimed in the patent."
` Do you want me to read the WBIP,
` LLC, versus Kohler too?
` Q I think you read that already.
` Did you read WBIP versus Kohler?
` A No, I did not. So this is an
` example of legal language that is offered by
` counsel that, as you know yourself, comment to
` these types of reports.
` Q So normally I don't think we have
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`Page 17
` our experts include case citations without
` having actually read the case.
` So why did you decide to cite this
` portion of the case here?
` A So, again, this would be legal
` language that's provided by counsel to address
` legal issues that, you know, I'm not a lawyer.
` I'm not an attorney.
` MS. TERRY: I'm going to object to
` the sidebar commentary by counsel, by the
` way. Let's just get that on the record.
` Q Can you read the first sentence
` here?
` A "I understand that for evidence of
` non-obviousness to be relevant, there must be
` a nexus between the merits of the claimed
` invention and the evidence of secondary
` considerations."
` Q What is a nexus?
` A My understanding of a nexus is that
` it's showing how, you know, the claims that
` are described in the patent are practiced by
` the patent, and so they're essentially
` consistent between the two.
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`Page 18
` Q Can you read the next sentence
` here?
` A "I also understand that a nexus is
` presumed if a marketed product embodies the
` claimed features and is co-extensive with
` them."
` Q What does it mean for a nexus to be
` presumed?
` A That it's there.
` Q Here when you talk about marketed
` product, again, here where it mentions a
` specific product, does that mean just one
` product, or can it be more than one product?
` A Well, I believe, in this case, we
` have two products that -- you know, that we've
` addressed that have, in this case, the
` appendage and the other features of the claims
` in the '061 patent.
` Q And those are the Womanizer
` InsideOut and the Womanizer Duo?
` A That's correct.
` Q Are the Womanizer InsideOut and the
` Womanizer Duo the same product, or are they
` different products?
` A They are largely the same, but
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`Page 19
` there are some minor differences between the
` two of them.
` Q How are they different?
` A So the appendage is slightly bigger
` in the Duo, slightly more bulbous, if you
` will.
` Q Is that the only difference between
` them?
` A That's the main difference that
` I've noted. It's possible that there are
` other ones, but when I think about the
` differences, that's what I think about. I
` think from a user perspective, that would be
` the most relevant feature.
` Q All right. Up here when you cite
` the Fox Factory case in paragraph 26, did you
` read that decision?
` A I did not read the legal decision
` of Fox Factory.
` MR. SUTTON: Okay. Let's turn to
` Exhibit 1001.
` (Exhibit Number 1001 was marked
` for identification.)
` Q Do you have this document with you,
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`Page 20
` Exhibit 1001?
` A I'm going to pull it up here
` because the screen is so tiny. Okay.
` Q Do you recognize this document?
` A I do.
` Q Is this Exhibit 1001 filed in this
` proceeding, which is U.S. Patent Number
` 9,849,061?
` Dr. Herbenick, did you hear my
` question?
` A No, I've been waiting for you to
` speak.
` Q Is this Exhibit 1001 filed in this
` proceeding as U.S. Patent Number 9,849,061?
` A It's labeled as such in the name of
` the document.
` Q Okay. Did you review this document
` in preparation for this deposition?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Let's go to column 10, line 9.
` A 9 or 10?
` Q Column 10, lines 9 through 17.
` Can you read this paragraph into
` the record?
` A "The body part 11 to be stimulated
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`Page 21
` is an area of skin on the body wherein here,
` for example, a particularly sensitive
` erogenous zone the clitoris 12 is shown.
` Thus, use of the present invention is not
` limited to the female clitoris 11, however,
` rather the stimulation device 1 can be applied
` to all body parts or erogenous zones (such as
` the inside of the thighs, lumbar region, nape
` of the neck, nipples, et cetera) which can be
` stimulated by means of medium- or air
` pressure-massage and/or negative massage."
` Q Do you agree with what the '061
` patent states here that the stimulation device
` 1 can be applied to all body parts or
` erogenous zones?
` A So I do believe that they're
` providing accurate information here within the
` patent. I would also extend that response to
` be complete to note that the entirety of the
` patent, you know, describes predominantly
` stimulation of the clitoris and vagina.
` Q Do you agree that the thighs,
` lumbar region, nape of the neck, and nipples
` to be erogenous zones?
` A I do agree that, for some people,
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`Page 22
` some of these parts of the body will be
` included among their erogenous zones.
` Q Let's go up to you column 3, lines
` 5 through 10.
` Can you read this paragraph into
` the record.
` A Yes. This section reads,
` "According to the invention, a pressure field
` generating arrangement of the stimulation
` device has at least one first chamber and at
` least one second chamber having at least one
` opening for placing on a body part or on the
` erogenous zone and at least one connection
` element that connects the first chamber to the
` second chamber."
` Q Do you see the words "according to
` the invention"?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q What does "according to the
` invention" mean?
` A I think they're just referencing
` the invention of this patent here. They refer
` to the invention multiple times, even in the
` prior paragraph that says the object of the
` invention.
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`Page 23
` Q What are you referring to as the
` invention here?
` A The subject of the '061 patent.
` Q Where is the invention described in
` the '061 patent?
` A There is certainly claim language,
` and there's also the entire patent that helps
` us understand more about what they're
` claiming.
` Q Does the invention include concepts
` that are not in the claims?
` A Can you be more specific than that?
` Q Are there any concepts discussed in
` the columns 1 through 13 that are not listed
` in the claims?
` A That question doesn't make a lot of
` sense to me. That's a very broad question.
` Like, are there things listed in all of these
` pages that aren't in a small number of claims?
` Is that what you're asking? Like, are there
` words, phrases, and ideas, like, concepts to
` me as ideas? I mean, is that what you're
` asking? In these 13 columns, is there at
` least one idea that is not in the claim?
` Q Yeah. Are there any ideas that are
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`Page 24
` not in the claims?
` A Of course, yes. They describe a
` number of prior art and ideas about sexuality
` and incontinence; so, yes, of course, there
` are ideas that are not in the claims.
` Q Are those also part of the
` invention?
` A So I think just for the plain and
` ordinary meanings of following along the
` language about what it is that they are
` describing, that I understand what it is they
` are describing in terms of their invention,
` and they lay it out in the claims and give
` more context to it in the larger document.
` I mean, just, to me, that's sort of
` all the patents we keep reading. Like,
` there's a small number of claims and a lot of
` context and background and rationale and
` discussion of overcoming prior art and all of
` that and problems of prior art in every patent
` I've ever read that has any breadth to it, I
` should say, since some of them have very
` little information.
` Q Do you agree the invention includes
` a pressure field generating arrangement -- let
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`Page 25
` me strike that and start over.
` Do you agree that the invention has
` at least one first chamber, at least one
` second chamber, and at least one opening for
` placing on a body part or on the erogenous
` zone, and at least one connection element that
` connects the first chamber to the second
` chamber?
` MS. TERRY: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, it sounds like
` you're getting to the claim language
` itself, in which case, we should probably
` just go to the claim language. You're
` reading almost exactly from that.
` Q I'm not asking about the claims.
` I'm asking about what this says here in
` column 3 of the '061 patent.
` MS. TERRY: Object to --
` Q Do you agree with what the '061
` patent states here that the invention has at
` least one first chamber and at least one
` second chamber, having at least one opening
` for placing on a body part or on the erogenous
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`Page 26
` zone, and at least one connection element that
` connects the first chamber to the second
` chamber?
` MS. TERRY: Objection. Asked and
` answered.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, again, you're
` also reading -- you may be reading from
` that part but most of that language is in
` claim 1.
` Q You haven't answered the question
` that I've asked yet.
` A I mean, I have answered it twice.
` Like, you're just -- I think unless you want
` something -- you want me to say something
` different than I'm answering, but I am indeed
` answering you. Like, this patent does
` disclose much of that in claim 1. It says, "A
` stimulation device for erogenous zones." That
` part was referenced in what you read.
` "Comprising at least one pressure field
` generating arrangement with at least one first
` chamber, at least one second chamber having at
` least one opening for placing on a body part,
` and at least one connection element that
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`Page 27
` connects the at least one first chamber to the
` at least one second chamber. A drive unit
` that varies the volume of the at least one
` first chamber such that a stimulating pressure
` field is generated via the at least one
` connection element in the at least one second
` chamber; a control device that activates the
` drive unit and an appendage."
` And we could go on, but the bulk of
` what you read is that first half of claim 1.
` So yes, absolutely, much of that
` language is in claim 1. I don't know the
` legal language described, disclosed, but is
` part of claim 1.
` Q Is the invention only in the
` claims, or is it also in the specification?
` A So I'm not sure how the legal
` language plays out for all of you and if
` there's something you're trying to get at, but
` my understanding of the invention of any
` patent that I read is in the claims, but also
` informed by what I read and understand in
` terms of understanding how an inventor came up
` with something, the problems they were
` overcoming, you know, what it is they're doing
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` with it.
` So my understanding -- any time in
` this case or another I've been asked to read a
` patent, nobody has ever said, "Only read this
` section," or "Only read that section." They
` say, "Read the whole thing and try to
` understand it," and that's what I see every
` expert do in yours, ours, and in other cases.
` We try to understand the whole thing. And so
` that's what I've done here in good faith.
` Q So I'm asking you about this
` section of the specification. Is it your
` testimony that this part of the specification
` is informed by the claims?
` A I don't really understand what
` you're asking anymore.
` Q Do you need to read claim 1 in
` order to understand this paragraph of the
` specification?
` A No, I --
` MS. TERRY: Objection. Form.
` Sorry, I need time to be able to
` make an objection, Dr. Herbenick. I
` apologize for speaking over you.
` And sorry to the stenographer.
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`Page 29
` Q Do you understand the question,
` Dr. Herbenick?
` A No, I do not understand your
` question. Please repeat it or rephrase it.
` Q Do you need to read claim 1 in
` order to understand what column 3, 5, 1
` through 10 means?
` A No, I do not.
` Q So do you agree with what the '061
` patent states here in columns 3, 5 through 10,
` that the invention has at least one first
` chamber and at least one second chamber having
` at least one opening for placing on a body
` p