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`UMTS Mobile Communications for the Future. Edited by Flavio Muratore
`Copyright q 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
`Print ISBN 0-471-49829-7 Online ISBN 0-470-84165-6


`Mobile Communications for the Future
`Edited by
`Flavio Muratore
`CSELT, Telecom Italia Group, Italy
`Chichester X New York X Weinheim X Brisbane X Singapore X Toronto


`First published under the title
`LE COMUNICAZIONI MOBILI DEL FUTURO ± UMTS: il nuovo sistema del 2001
`q 2000 - CSELT - Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., via G. Reiss Romoli, 274 ± 10148
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Comunicazioni mobili del futuro±UMTS. English
`UMTS : mobile communications for the future / edited by Flavio Muratore.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-471-49829-7
`1. Mobile communication system EMI. Muratore, Flavio II. Title.
`TK6570.M6 C65413 2000
`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
`A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
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`UMTS Mobile Communications for the Future. Edited by Flavio Muratore
`Copyright q 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
`Print ISBN 0-471-49829-7 Online ISBN 0-470-84165-6
`List of Contributors
`1 Introduction
`2 The New Service Requirements and the Factors behind
`2.1 The reasons for innovation
`2.2 The requirements for the UMTS system
`2.3 Major system innovations
`2.3.1 The evolution of radio technology and the access network
`2.3.2 The evolution of mobility control
`2.3.3 Architecture and core network evolution
`3 UMTS System Radio Access
`3.1 The W-CDMA access technique
`3.1.1 Capacity of CDMA systems
`3.1.2 Up-link capacity
`3.1.3 Down-link capacity
`3.2 The TD-CDMA access technique
`3.3 The radio interface
`3.3.1 Correspondence between transport channels and physical channels
`3.3.2 Physical channels
`3.3.3 Transmission of multimedia services with different quality
`3.3.4 The modulator
`3.3.5 The receiver
`3.3.6 Power control


`4 The UMTS Access Network
`4.1 Introduction
`4.2 UTRAN access network architecture
`4.3 UTRAN protocol architecture
`4.4 The radio protocols
`4.4.1 Radio protocol architecture
`4.4.2 Interactions between the radio protocol layers
`4.4.3 Radio resource management (RRM)
`4.4.4 Radio protocols and support for data and multimedia services
`5 UMTS Network Infrastructure
`5.1 UMTS network architecture
`5.2 Circuit switched backbone
`5.2.1 Overview of the GSM network
`5.2.2 UMTS CS network architecture
`5.2.3 Innovative features with respect to GSM
`5.3 Packet switched backbone
`5.3.1 Overview of the GPRS network
`5.3.2 UMTS packet switched network architecture
`5.3.3 Innovative features with respect to GPRS
`5.4 Future developments
`5.4.1 Network architecture
`5.4.2 Quality of service in packet switched networks
`6 Opportunities for Satellites in Mobile Communications 141
`6.1 Satellite systems for mobile telephony
`6.1.1 Inmarsat
`6.1.2 The GMPCS systems
`6.2 The super-GEO systems
`6.3 Third-generation mobile telephony: the distinctive features of
`satellite-based solutions
`6.4 Standardisation groups: the current situation
`6.4.1 ETSI TC-SES (satellite earth stations and systems)
`6.5 Stratospheric platforms: an alternative?
`7 Terminals and Applications
`7.1 The evolution of mobility services
`7.2 Mobile terminal evolution and market prospects
`7.2.1 Second-generation terminals
`7.2.2 Advanced third-generation terminals
`7.3 UMTS services


`7.3.1 Virtual home environment
`7.3.2 Multimedia services
`7.3.3 Access to internet±intranet services
`7.3.4 Voice services
`7.3.5 User identi®cation and security
`7.3.6 Location-based services
`8 Equipment and Service Testing
`8.1 The experimental system
`8.2 Planned tests
`8.3 Innovative services
`8.4 Laboratory testing
`8.5 Field trials
`9 Research Topics
`9.1 Introduction
`9.2 The SDMA access technique and smart antennas
`9.2.1 Applications of the SDMA technique
`9.3 Software radio
`9.3.1 Software radio and its objectives
`9.3.2 Possible ways of implementing software radio
`9.3.3 Software loading
`9.3.4 Bene®ts of software radio
`Acronyms and Abbreviations


`UMTS Mobile Communications for the Future. Edited by Flavio Muratore
`Copyright q 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
`Print ISBN 0-471-49829-7 Online ISBN 0-470-84165-6
`Commercial start-up of the third-generation mobile system is sched-
`uled for the year 2002. The name given to this system, at least in the
`European context, is the universal mobile telecommunication system
`(UMTS). Of the original idea conceived in the early 1980s, what
`remains today are the ambitious service features that the system
`must provide to the user: the ability to communicate in movement,
`anytime and anywhere, through an enormous variety of applications
`and universally usable terminals. These expectations are attracting
`increasing attention from the mass media, and are seen by the public
`at large as the natural evolution of a process which in a few short
`years has enabled the cellular telephone to enjoy a success that few
`would have thought possible.
`The mobile systems that we have now come to take for granted
`have done much to change how we live and communicate. Together
`with the potential offered by the Internet, they have even changed
`some of our ways of thinking, at levels that are far deeper than might
`seem at ®rst sight. How we work, use information, represent concepts
`and exchange messages have all changed. To an ever-increasing
`extent, the new media bring together voice, images and data, or


`even make these different communication modes interchangeable.
`This is possible because of the common digital representation shared
`by information content, and the synthesis and coding techniques
`associated with it.
`Thus, the UMTS system springs from convergence between the
`worlds of telecommunications and information technology. The
`new mobile system could well prove to be an ambitious synthesis of
`the evolution of these two worlds, especially at the level of services.
`Aside from the shared expectations, however, preparing the way
`for the UMTS system has been a far from straightforward process,
`and many of the system's basic aspects are still open to different
`interpretations and solutions. At the moment, for example, speci®ca-
`tions are addressing at least three different radio interface modes, two
`of which have been adopted at the European level.
`These different ways of responding to a shared vision of UMTS
`re¯ect the variety of interests at stake, and the unequal rates and
`stages of evolution in the countries involved. The different stances
`that have been taken up regarding the system's implementation are
`con®rmed, however involuntarily, by the ®rst letter in its acronym,
`which stands, not for unique, but for universal. And this latter char-
`acteristic is most likely to be achieved by making different techniques
`compatible at the service level, rather than by developing a single
`solution for all continental regions.
`Be this as it may, the system's complexity and the enormous
`economic interests hinging on it have led to the consolidation of
`certain technological and systems-related aspects, where a common
`vision now prevails. The major innovations that have been achieved
`range from the service creation approach to the associated features'
`independence of the network layers, and to the ¯exibility of the trans-
`port functions, which can cover a broad range of application require-
`ments. In addition, the UMTS system's evolution is seen as a
`continuation of existing systems and services. The new system, in
`fact, grows from a mobile market that is now ®rmly consolidated,
`at least with regard to voice services. GSM operators, who have
`deployed (and continue to invest) massive ®nancial resources and
`know-how in the complexities of specifying the system, are aiming
`at a relatively graceful transition (a sort of soft handover, as it were)
`from today's system to UMTS. Indeed, the UMTS speci®cations


`acknowledge this need for gradual migration by calling for multi-
`mode terminals and the adoption of network architectures that are
`largely derived from GSM solutions.
`Today, the standards-writing groups in Europe, Japan and to some
`extent in the United States are collaborating in de®ning a system
`which, if not unique, can truly be termed universal. This degree of
`convergence is by no means accidental, and has largely been achieved
`through the determination shown by TIM in its strategic contribu-
`tions at the international level.
`This book deals chie¯y with the technical and service solutions that
`have been adopted in this context. Though the topics covered are
`highly specialised by nature, every effort has been made to ensure
`that the basic concepts are accessible to a wide readership, as the
`book is addressed to decision makers in related industries in addition
`to those working in the speci®c technical sectors concerned.
`There can be no doubt that the book is one of the ®rst to be
`published on the topic. With speci®cations still in a state of ¯ux,
`any such effort to organise the many issues involved and put them
`in context is of enormous value, as it provides a consistent view of the
`entire system and the services it is expected to support.
`The preview of the UMTS system's content, technical scenarios and
`services that the book offers has been made possible by TIM's early
`commitment to drawing up speci®cations for UMTS, and the impor-
`tance which the operator has from the outset assigned to meeting this
`new challenge. A signi®cant part of this commitment was channelled
`through CSELT, which was directly involved in developing speci®ca-
`tions and in assessing and testing candidate solutions. CSELT was
`thus able to consolidate its mastery of the mobile systems of the near
`future, building up a broad-based understanding of these systems and
`operative skills of great value. This is no mean achievement, if we
`think of the vital impact that this know-how can have on our coun-
`try's growth prospects.
`Cesare Mossotto
`January 18, 2000


`About the authors
`The authors are CSELT researchers who have been active for a
`number of years in specifying terrestrial and satellite mobile radio
`systems and optimising their performance. The editor, Flavio Mura-
`tore, received his degree in electronic engineering from the Politecnico
`di Torino, and has over ten years experience at CSELT in the ®eld of
`mobile radio systems, occupying positions of responsibility in stan-
`dards-writing organisations and in international


`UMTS Mobile Communications for the Future. Edited by Flavio Muratore
`Copyright q 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
`Print ISBN 0-471-49829-7 Online ISBN 0-470-84165-6
`List of Contributors
`The following CSELT authors contributed to this publication:
`Flavio Muratore (editor)
`Sergio Barberis
`Valerio Bernasconi
`Ermanno Berruto
`Loris Bollea
`Enrico Buracchini
`Andrea Calvi
`Giorgio Castelli
`Antonio Cavallaro
`Giovanni Colombo
`Daniele Franceschini
`Andrea Magliano
`Nicola Pio Magnani
`Bruno Melis
`Antonella Napolitano
`Giovanni Romano
`Enrico Scarrone


`UMTS Mobile Communications for the Future. Edited by Flavio Muratore
`Copyright q 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
`Print ISBN 0-471-49829-7 Online ISBN 0-470-84165-6
`Page numbers in italic, e.g. 207, signify references to ®gures, while page numbers in bold, e.g.
`163, denote references to tables.
`active set (AS) of stations 29, 81±2, 100
`active set update (ASU) 71
`advanced mobile phone service (AMPS)
`American National Standards Institute
`(ANSI) 6
`antennas 52
`null steering 207, 207, 209, 214
`SDMA 206±8
`application speci®c integrated circuits
`(ASICs) 218±19
`Association of Radio Industries and
`Business (ARIB) 6
`asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) 23,
`24, 32±3, 79, 80, 81, 110±11
`background class traf®c 131
`band assignment 7±8, 18, 19, 21
`base station controller (BSC) 36, 37,
`111±12, 112
`base transceiver station (BTS) 27, 28, 36,
`binary phase shift keying (BPSK) 66
`block exchange 33
`carrier±to±interferer ratio (C/I) 51±2,
`53, 71, 209±10
`cellular radio
`cell capacity 52±3
`concept 28
`users served per cell 52
`channel identi®er (CID) 33
`chip rate 44, 45, 61
`chips 45
`code division multiple access (CDMA)
`23, 24, 29, 36±7, 44±5, 46, 68, 69±
`70, 73, 80±2
`radio resource management (RRM)
`SDMA technique 214
`conversational class traf®c 130
`core network 23±4, 25, 25, 28, 39
`equipment testing 188
`speci®cation development vii±viii, 6
`despreading 45, 47±9
`digital European cordless telephone
`(DECT) 8, 19, 43, 46
`digital signal processors (DSPs) 190±1
`European Telecommunications
`Standard Institute (ETSI) 6, 15, 25,
`26, 42


`satellite communication
`standardisation 162±3, 163
`®eld programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)
`190±1, 217
`frequency division duplexing (FDD) 8,
`42±3, 61, 62
`modulation 65±7, 66
`frequency division multiple access
`(FDMA) 28, 44, 46
`future public land mobile
`telecommunications systems
`gateway GPRS support node (GGSN)
`36, 37, 116, 116, 119, 122, 123
`general packet radio service (GPRS) 4,
`36, 37, 39, 115
`attach procedure 119, 120
`control procedures 119±23
`co±ordination 124±5
`GPRS support node (GSN) 115±16
`GPRS tunnelling protocol (GTP) 123
`Internet communication 170
`location areas (LAs) 117, 125
`mobile terminal speci®cation 117
`mobility management 123±5
`network architecture 115±17, 116
`routing 117±18
`routing area update (RAU) 124
`routing areas (RAs) 117, 125
`serving GPRS support node (SGSN)
`116, 116, 119, 122, 123
`signalling 117±18
`tunnelling mechanism 119
`generic radio access network 25, 26, 26
`global system for mobile
`communications (GSM)
`band assignment 16
`base station subsystem (BSS) 106
`cellular operation 28±9
`compatibility with UMTS 7
`future use 20
`geographical coverage 2, 15
`location updating 108
`mobile switching centre (MSC) 106,
`network architecture 106±9, 106
`paging 108±9
`radio access techniques 44, 46
`recently±introduced services 168±9,
`short message service (SMS) 4
`signalling 107±8
`transition to UTMS vi±vii, 7, 12, 36±
`9, 38, 39, 105, 111±12
`upgrading 4
`high speed circuit switched data
`(HSCSD) 4
`home location register (HLR) 30, 30, 37,
`107, 108, 114, 116, 119, 120, 122,
`124, 149, 152
`see also visitor location register (VLR)
`image processing 3
`interactive class traf®c 131
`interference 67, 69
`interference rejection 47, 49
`international mobile subscriber identity
`(IMSI) 118
`International Mobile
`Telecommunications±2000 (IMT±
`2000) 5±6
`band assignment 7±8, 18, 19
`International Telecommunication Union
`(ITU) 5, 6, 15
`applications 3
`GPRS communication 170
`interface with mobile communications
`2, 4, 12
`usage 2, 34
`Internet protocol (IP)
`addresses 34
`foreign agent 35, 35
`home agent 35, 35
`mobile (MIP) 34±5, 35, 126±8, 129


`packets 111, 117±18, 119
`packet±switching 34
`roaming mobile host 35
`tunnelling 35
`version 6 updates 35±6
`intranets 3
`ISDN networks 107±8
`Java programming language 168, 226±7,
`location areas 30±1, 30, 31
`macrodiversity 78±9, 80±2
`manufacturers of equipment 13
`mobile radio systems
`cellular 28±9
`international usage 2, 14
`multimedia applications 5, 63±5
`rate of growth 14±15, 14, 16, 33
`scope of services 3, 4
`signal transmission 41
`switching modes 4
`mobile services
`evolution 167±71
`market prospects
`European market sector breakdown
`growth 171, 171
`terminals 171
`locating 29±30, 30
`second generation 172
`speci®cations 173
`third generation 172±8, 174, 175,
`UMTS services 178±85
`mobile station (MS) 24, 25
`mobile switching centres (MSC) 37, 37,
`111±12, 112
`multipath propagation 68
`near±far effect 50±1
`network operators 12±13
`null steering 207, 207, 209, 214
`open system interconnection (OSI) 41
`opportunity driven multiple access
`(ODMA) 56
`orthogonal frequency division multiple
`access (OFDMA) 42
`packet data protocol (PDP) 120±1, 122
`packet±switched network 33±4
`paging message 30±2, 31, 89
`partnership projects (PPs) 6
`personal digital cellular (PDC) 44
`processing gain 47
`pulse code modulation (PCM) 107±8,
`quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) 66
`radio access network (RAN) 24, 25, 25,
`radio network controllers (RNCs) 27, 28
`radio network subsystems (RNSs) 27, 28
`rake receiver 68±70, 69
`regulatory bodies 13
`satellite communication systems 141±3
`competition 160±2, 161
`costs 159
`deployment nodes 159
`global mobile personal
`communications via satellite
`(GMPCS) 146
`Globalstar 150±3, 151, 153
`ICO 153±6, 154
`Iridium 147±50, 148, 149
`Inmarsat 143±5, 144, 145
`markets 159±60
`standardisation 160±2, 162±3, 163
`stratospheric platforms 164±5
`Super±GEO 156±7
`Asia cellular satellite (ACeS) 157
`Thuraya 158
`third generation mobile telephony
`service access points (SAPs) 24, 25


`service providers 12
`serving GPRS support node (SGSN) 36,
`short message service (SMS) 4
`short message service centres (SMSCs)
`soft degradation 50
`soft hand±over 29, 80±2, 100
`software (SW) radio 216
`advantages 232±3
`application programming interfaces
`(APIs) 227±9, 229
`digital signal processing (DSP) 217±
`19, 221±2
`implementation 225±30
`objectives 216±24
`programmable down converter 220
`software downloads 230±2
`synergies 225FIG
`transceiver 219±24, 224
`virtual radio platform (virtual
`machine) 228, 229
`space division multiple access (SDMA)
`access technique 206±8
`antennas 206±8
`applications 208±16
`co±channel interference reduction
`208±10, 212±13, 212
`spatial ®ltering for interference
`reduction (SFIR) 209±10, 210,
`spatial orthogonality 211±14, 211
`switched beams 214±16, 215
`spreading 44±5, 47±9, 48
`spreading factor 47
`streaming class traf®c 130±1
`subscriber identity module (SIM) 168,
`Telecommunications Technology
`Association (TTA) 6
`testing 187±9
`equipment speci®cations 197
`experimental system 189±95, 191,
`193, 194
`®eld trials 202±3
`laboratory tests 199±201, 200
`measurement instrumentation 201
`planned tests 195±6
`services 197±9
`third generation mobile systems
`features 15, 17
`provision 20
`requirements 11±12
`satellite communications 158±60
`start±up v, 1, 5, 6, 7
`TIM international collaboration vii
`time division duplexing (TDD) 8, 42±3,
`54, 61, 63, 73±4
`time division multiple access (TDMA)
`23, 28, 29, 44, 46, 73±4
`time division±code division multiple
`access (hybrid) (TD±CDMA) 24, 42
`total access communication system
`(TACS) 15, 44, 46
`transmission control protocol (TCP) 34
`UMTS Forum 19±20
`UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access
`Network (UTRAN) 7, 26±8, 27, 42
`access link control application
`protocol (ALCAP) 84
`architecture 75±6, 76, 77±82, 78
`ATM adaptation layer 2 (AAL2) 79,
`80, 81, 111
`ATM adaptation layer 5 (AAL5) 79,
`83, 111
`base transceiver stations (BTSs) 27, 28
`node B application protocol (NBAP)
`parameters 55, 60
`protocol architecture 83±4, 83
`radio access network application part
`(RANAP) 84
`radio network controllers (RNCs) 27,
`28, 77±9, 78, 112±13, 112
`radio network layer 83


`radio network subsystems (RNSs) 27,
`28, 77, 78, 79
`radio network system application part
`(RNSAP) 84
`radio protocols 84±5
`acknowledged data transmission 90
`admission control 97, 98±9
`architecture 85±7, 85
`best choice station 96±7
`broadcast/multicast control (BMC)
`85, 86
`cell selection/re±selection 98
`concatenation 90
`data transmission 90, 91
`direct retry 96
`error correction 90
`interactions between layers 87±94
`measurements 88±9
`media access (MAC) layer 86, 87,
`multimedia services 101
`packet data convergence protocol
`(PDCP) 85, 86
`padding 90
`quality of service (QoS) 88, 91
`radio link control (RLC) 85, 86, 87,
`radio resource control (RRC) 85,
`87, 87, 88±9
`radio resource management (RRM)
`segmentation 90
`soft hand±over 100
`transport format combination 92
`unacknowledged data transmission
`user equipment (UE) management
`speci®cations 54±5
`transport network layer 83
`Universal Mobile Telecommunications
`System (UMTS)
`applications 21
`background v±viii, 6, 41±2
`band assignment 18, 19, 21
`circuit switched domain 105±15
`compatibility with GSM 7
`core network (CN) 23±4, 25, 25, 28,
`39, 76, 77±9, 78
`development 38±9, 39
`H.323 standard 131±2
`Internet protocol (IP) network 23, 24,
`34±6, 111, 135
`network architecture 103±5, 104,
`109±10, 134±6, 135
`packet switched domain 115±32
`packet switched network 125, 136±8
`platforms 21±2
`radio access 41±2
`access stratum 76±7
`acquisition indication channel
`(AICH) 59, 60, 62
`automatic repeat request (ARQ) 64
`broadcast channel (BCH) 57, 60, 94
`broadcast control channel (BBCH)
`93, 94
`common channels 57±9
`common control channel (CCCH)
`93, 94
`common packet channel (CPCH)
`57±9, 60, 94
`common pilot channel (CPICH) 59,
`60, 62
`dedicated channel (DCH) 56, 60, 94
`dedicated control channel (DCCH)
`93±4, 94
`dedicated physical control channel
`(DPCCH) 58, 59, 60, 62, 66±7,
`71, 73
`dedicated physical data channel
`(DPDCH) 60, 63, 65, 66±7
`dedicated pilot symbols signals 62
`dedicated traf®c channel (DCH) 74
`dedicated traf®c channel (DTCH)
`94, 94
`downlink shared channel (DSCH)
`58, 59, 60, 94
`duplexing 42±3


`end±to±end delay 64
`error rate 64
`feedback information (FBI) 62
`forward access channel (FACH) 57,
`58, 60, 94
`interface 54±5
`modulator 65±7, 66
`multimedia transmissions 63±5, 65
`non±access stratum 76
`ODMA dedicated channels
`(ODCH) 56, 60
`ODMA random access channel
`(ORACH) 57, 60
`orthogonal frequency division
`multiple access (OFDMA) 42
`packet service transmission 58
`paging channel (PCH) 57, 58, 60, 94
`paging control channel (PCCH) 93,
`paging indication channel (PICH)
`59, 60, 62
`physical channels 59±63
`physical common packet channel
`(PCPCH) 60
`physical downlink shared channel
`(PDSCH) 60
`physical layer signalling 62±3
`physical random access channel
`(PRACH) 60, 70
`physical synchronisation channel
`(PSCH) 60
`physical uplink shared channel
`(PUSCH) 60
`power control 70±4
`power control 72
`primary common control physical
`channel (Primary CCPCH) 60
`radio frame 59, 61, 61
`random access channel (RACH) 57,
`58, 60, 94
`receivers 67±70, 70
`secondary common control physical
`channel (Secondary CCPCH)
`spreading sequence assignment 63,
`symbol 60
`synchronisation channel (SCH) 57,
`time division±code division multiple
`access (TD±CDMA) 42, 54
`time slot 60, 61, 61
`transmit power control (TPC) 62,
`63, 73
`transport channels 56
`transport format combination
`indicator (TFCI) 62, 63
`uplink shared channel (USCH) 59,
`60, 94
`wideband±code division multiple
`access (W±CDMA) 42, 43±
`wideband±time division multiple
`access (W±TDMA) 42
`radio access network (RAN) 24, 25,
`25, 26
`requirements 14±22
`satellite UMTS (S±UMTS) 142±3
`services 178±9
`Internet services 181±2
`location±based services 184±5
`multimedia services 180±1
`security 183
`user identi®cation 183
`virtual home environment (VHE)
`voice services 182±3
`speci®cation 1, 7, 25
`system innovations 22±4, 126
`architecture 110
`architecture evolution 32±9
`ATM 110±11, 113±14
`call control 114±15
`future developments 133±8
`IP mobility 126±8, 129
`mobility control evolution 28±32
`multimedia services 114±15, 131±2,


`quality of service (QoS) 129±31,
`radio technology evolution 24±8
`streamlining 111±13
`transcoder location 113±14, 114
`user datagram protocol (UDP) 34
`visitor location register (VLR) 30, 30, 37,
`107, 108±9, 114, 149, 152
`see also home location register (HLR)
`wideband±code division multiple access
`(W±CDMA) 42
`down±link capacity 53
`principle 43±9, 46
`system capacity 50±1
`up±link capacity 51±3
`wideband±time division multiple access
`(W±TDMA) 42
`wireless application protocol (WAP) 4,
`168, 169±70, 181
`World Administrative Radio Conference
`(WARC) 19
`world radio conferences (WRCs) 7
`Index compiled by John Holmes


`UMTS Mobile Communications for the Future. Edited by Flavio Muratore
`Copyright q 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
`Print ISBN 0-471-49829-7 Online ISBN 0-470-84165-6
`Flavio Muratore
`There can be no doubt that mobile telephony and data transmission
`on the Internet were the two outstanding successes in telecommuni-
`cations during the closing years of the century, and there is every sign
`that these successes will be no more than the starting point for those
`of the new millennium.
`For a number of years, in fact, development work has focused on
`new `third generation' systems, or in other words, systems with the
`enhanced capabilities needed to make user mobility compatible with
`the growing demand for multimedia communication.
`Given the success of mobile telephony, the world's major players in
`telecommunications and the information society are working to
`specify these new third-generation mobile systems. In Europe, speci-
`®cations have been drawn up for UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecom-
`munications System), which will be a signi®cant innovation over
`today's systems because of its high operating ¯exibility, its ability
`to provide a wide range of applications and, more generally, to extend
`the services now provided to ®xed network users to mobile custo-
`mers. What, however, are the driving forces behind this move to
`develop new mobile communication systems? What exactly are


`these systems, and how are they organised? What kind of services can
`they give us? How will today's terminals change?
`This book will attempt to provide an answer to these and other
`Mobile radio systems have now reached levels of usage which few
`people would even have dared imagine just a few years ago.
`Around the world, some 400 million people use these systems, with
`penetration levels that already exceed 50 percent of the population in
`certain countries.
`At the same time, these systems' geographical radio coverage has
`far outstripped the most optimistic expectations, and some of the
`systems are present in a large number of countries. GSM, for instance,
`now extends well beyond the borders of Western Europe, the area for
`which it was originally conceived.
`The most recent forecasts indicate that, by the end of the year 2003,
`there will be over one billion mobile terminals in operation around
`the world, which also means that they will exceed the number of ®xed
`telephone lines foreseen for that date (as indeed is already the case in
`certain areas such as Italy).
`On the Internet front, around 18 million new users log on every
`month, while data traf®c doubles every six months or so. At this
`rate, it is clear that the Internet is becoming the most important
`channel for collecting and distributing information throughout the
`A new era of multimedia communication, whereby voice, text and
`video can be combined in the same call, is rapidly becoming a reality
`in the world of mobile communications, where growth prospects are
`nothing if not excellent.
`The new sector of multimedia mobile communications will make it
`possible to combine ongoing work on mobile telephony and the Inter-
`net in a single, concerted effort which will give the growth potential of
`the two areas ± already brilliant when taken separately ± a further
`The revolution that has taken place in the world of telecommuni-
`cations over the last few years has not only changed our habits and
`lifestyles, but has also changed the outlook for developing countries,
`who quite rightly see access to telecommunications as one of the keys
`to economic and social success.


`The time is now ripe for a further move forward, both because
`this is what people want and expect, and because the state of the art
`now makes such a move possible. Increasing numbers of people
`want access to information on the move, and want this information
`to cover a wider and more variegated range than can currently be
`For example, market surveys indicate that the demand for visual
`information continues to grow. At the moment,
`images can be
`acquired and transferred, stored in memory and processed, using
`commercial devices such as video camcorders, personal computers
`and cameras. These new tools brought to us by digital technology
`can be used to send `electronic postcards' in real time, view potential
`purchases located anywhere in the world, share moments in our lives
`with distant friends and relatives, or to help people who are hurt, lost
`or are otherwise in distress. We will also be able to look up ¯ight
`schedules and timetables for other forms of transportation, check our
`bank accounts and make remote payments with procedures that are
`simpler and more straightforward than those that are beginning to be
`available to us today.
`If we look at what is happening around us now, it is clear that the
`new age of multimedia mobile communications has already begun.
`On the Internet, a large number of multimedia applications are
`already available today. For instance, we have tele-working appli-
`cations that make it possible to manage voice and text simulta-
`neously, or to share documents and video clips that can be
`updated or edited by several users at the same time. There are
`applications that permit simultaneous communication between
`multiple users, e-commerce or stock trading. The latter kinds of
`transaction, in fact, are gradually ousting more traditional ways
`of doing business. Other examples of interactive services include
`latest-generation video games, where several players in different
`places can interact in a three-dimensional virtual environment, or
`applications that make it possible to choose ®lms, radio channels or
`TV programs in real time.
`Alongside these developments on the Internet, many companies
`have set up their own internal networks ± or intranets ± to manage
`the information and documents they produce using the same methods
`and applications as are used on the Internet.


`In the area of mobile radio systems, new services based on limited-
`capacity Internet access are gradually

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