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`Ana hey Prove
`Wetey2ucz2 +Vana
`we Search
`Fist abnchoy Frame 1s cNosen Urhich vs WE WA LL
`Ae BAO mag €
`Ey aw ek O, we use block
`baseR Motsn EsRwmation Methed to nd corres pe nis:
`prxelsr interpolated pixels jy tte reference Frames.
`| The elneven werahtug matrix al
`tend the
`Can be ised to COCOA rote |
`Coves pondig pixels.
`The weighh_< watrix aswell as
`Me blocle 53a Cah be
`4X3, cr 4X L, or SKS, anal
`Key pixels Cv!
`hed with Potton Estwmecth'x,
`hbenod: The Wwmeotm vetters which Can ke lA - Ne ot
`one pel olistance is obtamed,
`ay After hue cones ees + pxels are found, tig pixel
`bey interpolaty can be
`€ither 5 spatiaty or
`tevepovatly generated,
`_ unknown prrek (to ve obtained )
`; K
`7 @
`Practher te,
`SS cal cubaticd pated6 etal., IPR2019-01258
`IT; Ane
`Sol :
`Apple Inc. v. Yu et al., IPR2019-01258
`Yu Exhibit 2005 p. 1
`Yu Exhibit 2005 p. 1
`|cay Lk vu
`AlGorthin, Deserydron,
`to Joe Zhong
`_Temperah fp lterua operation the 4vraction Of dhe
`a wotion Veetor will pe used 4p decide whet
`a Turneyc post —{s\fering operation \s used oy net,
`tf Abe
`is closer +e hal pek iston co
`_ +ke2 post- Ae Tesiap operation isufed , otherwise
`Wo post-{s\Ferivy operation Sused,
`_ Ca)
`SsnieRoheen C2 yews buick Ie [hyseoLl,
`locrTeh closer the anchey Tfrome are used|
`i the corler image Mnfermation is wed te
`— accuvyetels
`recovered the pwrknoun
`Coloy vfermaction
`temporal \ vitor
`oe Knowneh pred veTien.
`wm-lLineay © peration
`Mornm Vector C fraction )
`. —
`; CRawa ¢ 4 thar WNUe ahem 3
`\t) Use M OTM Estin atim Method 4d Coke wt
`pixers (rnad mote veetors 4 cpl cular
`Corres pondi
`pxeks Dd), even thegh there is no mot
`and pictuwes are taken 0X the S
`, Hye.
`— © (se wey htiwe matex And bloek based Motion
`Estimation? traet+hol +e fiud Wottm vectoy for fach
`rel rather than a block.
`(2 Ulée
`& MV amd Coley mitermatron te
`col cak ade}
`the bin Ky ows prxek,
`AppleInc.v. Yu et al., IPR2019-01258
`Apple Inc. v. Yu et al., IPR2019-01258
`Yu Exhibit 2005 p. 2
`Yu Exhibit 2005 p. 2