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`--+-, -----''----
`Christopher Butler
`Guest Tek v. Nomadix, IPR2019-01191
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`NDSS Conference Proceedings: 2004
`f ~
`lnterpe -~~LJ
`Organizing Committee
`General Chair's Message
`Program Chairs' Message
`l~ --~ I
`Network and Distributed System Security Symposium
`Conference Proceedings: 2005
`Cryptography in Network Security
`Space-Efficient Block Storage Integrity - Alina Oprea, Carnegie Mellon University ; Mike Reiter, Carnegie Mellon University ;  Ke Yang, Google
`Improved Proxy Re-Encryption Schemes with Applications to Secure Distributed Storage - Giuseppe Ateniese, Johns Hopkins University ; Kevin Fu, MIT ;
`Matthew Green, Johns Hopkins University ;   Susan Hohenberger, MIT
`Rekeying and Storage Cost for Multiple User Revocation - Sandeep S. Kulkarni, Michigan State University ; Bezawada Bruhadeshwar, Michigan State
`Denial of Service Attacks
`On a New Class of Pulsing Denial-of-Service Attacks and the Defense - Xiapu Luo, Hong Kong Polytechnic University ; Rocky K. C. Chang, Hong Kong
`Polytechnic University
`MOVE:  An End-to-End Solution to Network Denial of Service - Angelos Stavrou, Columbia University ; Angelos D. Keromytis, Columbia University ;
`Jason Nieh, Columbia University ; Vishal Misra, Columbia University ;   Dan Rubenstein, Columbia University
`Security Analysis and Improvements for IEEE 802.11i - Changhua He, Stanford University ; John C. Mitchell, Stanford University
`Peer-to-Peer Approaches
`Privacy-Preserving Friends Troubleshooting Network - Qiang Huang, Princeton University; Helen J. Wang, Microsoft Research ;   Nikita Borisov, University
`of California, Berkeley
`Pretty Secure BGP, psBGP - Tao Wan, Carleton University ; Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University ; P.C. van Oorschot, Carleton University
`Internet Defense
`New Streaming Algorithms for Fast Detection of Superspreaders - Shobha Venkataraman, Carnegie Mellon University ; Dawn Song, Carnegie Mellon
`University ; Phillip B. Gibbons, Intel Research ; Avrim Blum, Carnegie Mellon University
`The Internet Motion Sensor - A Distributed Blackhole Monitoring System - Michael Bailey, University of Michigan ; Evan Cooke, University of Michigan ;
`Farnam Jahanian, University of Michigan ; Jose Nazario, Arbor Networks ; David Watson, University of Michigan
`DNS-based Detection of Scanning Worms in an Enterprise Network - David Whyte, Carleton University ; Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University ; P.C. van
`Oorschot, Carleton University
`Intrusion Detection
`DIRA: Automatic Detection, Identification and Repair of Control-Hijacking Attacks - Alexey Smirnov, Stony Brook University ; Tzi-cker Chiueh, Stony
`Brook University
`Dynamic Taint Analysis for Automatic Detection, Analysis, and SignatureGeneration of Exploits on Commodity Software - James Newsome, Carnegie
`Mellon University ; Dawn Song, Carnegie Mellon University
`Page 4 of 32


`NDSS Conference Proceedings: 2004
`Enriching Intrusion Alerts Through Multi-Host Causality - Samuel T. King,, University of Michigan ; Z. Morley Mao, University of Michigan ; Dominic G.
`Lucchetti, University of Michigan ; Peter M. Chen, University of Michigan
`Platform Security
`A Black-Box Tracing Technique to Identify Causes of Least-Privilege Incompatibilities - Shuo Chen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign ; John
`Dunagan, Microsoft Research ; Chad Verbowski, Microsoft Research ; Yi-Min Wang, Microsoft Research
`One-Way Isolation:  An Effective Approach for Realizing Safe Execution Environments - Weiqing Sun, Stony Brook University ; Zhenkai Liang, Stony Brook
`University ; V.N. Venkatakrishnan, Stony Brook University ; R. Sekar, Stony Brook University
`Copyright and Reprint Permissions: The Internet Society owns the copyrights for this publication and all of the papers contained herein.  You may freely
`reproduce all or part of any paper for noncommercial purposes if you credit the author(s), provide notice to the Internet Society, and cite the Internet Society as the
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`The papers in this CD-Rom comprise the proceedings of the meeting mentioned above.  They reflect the authors' opinions and, in the interest of timely
`dissemination, are published as presented and without change.  Their inclusion in this publication does not necessarily constitute endorsement by the editors or
`the Internet Society.
`ISBN Number 1-891562-20-7 (Paper)
`ISBN Number 1-891562-19-3 (CD-Rom)
`Page 5 of 32


`Page 6 of 32


`DNS-based Detection of Scanning Worms in an Enterprise Network
`David Whyte
`P.C. van Oorschot
`Evangelos Kranakis
`School of Computer Science
`Carleton University
`Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
`dlwhyte, kranakis, paulv
`Worms are arguably the most serious security threat
`facing the Internet. Seeking a detection technique that is
`both sufficiently efficient and accurate to enable automatic
`containment of worm propagation at the network egress
`points, we propose a new technique for the rapid detec-
`tion of worm propagation from an enterprise network. It
`relies on the correlation of Domain Name System (DNS)
`queries with outgoing connections from an enterprise net-
`work. Improvements over existing scanning worm detec-
`tion techniques include: (1) the possibility to detect worm
`propagation after only a single infection attempt; (2) the
`capacity to detect zero-day worms; and (3) a low false
`positive rate. The precision of this first-mile detection
`technique supports the use of automated containment and
`suppression strategies to stop fast scanning worms before
`they leave the network boundary. We believe that this tech-
`nique can be applied with the same precision to identify
`other forms of malicious behavior within an enterprise
`network including: mass-mailing worms, network recon-
`naissance activity, and covert communications. Currently,
`it is unclear if our DNS-based detector will work for all
`network protocols.
`In some network environments, the
`DNS detection technique may need to be used as a sec-
`ondary input to a more sophisticated anomaly detector.
`1 Introduction
`Recently, a multitude of high profile worm epidemics
`has affected millions of networked computing devices.
`The Slammer Worm that emerged in January of 2003 ex-
`posed how quickly worm propagation could occur. It in-
`fected systems by exploiting a buffer overflow vulnerabil-
`ity in Microsoft SQL Server. Slammer’s infected popula-
`tion doubled in size every 8.5 seconds [14] with 90% of
`vulnerable hosts infected in just 10 minutes. This worm
`achieved its full scanning rate (i.e. over 55 million scans
`per second) only 3 minutes after it was released. In Au-
`gust 2003 the SoBig worm caused an estimated $5 billion
`in damage and at the height of its infection was respon-
`sible for approximately 73% of all Internet email traffic
`[6]. Unfortunately, worm outbreaks of this scale are be-
`coming commonplace. In March 2004, the Witty Worm
`began to spread by exploiting a buffer overflow in Internet
`Security Systems (ISS) products that include firewalls and
`intrusion detection systems. Although the vulnerable pop-
`ulation of Internet systems was a magnitude smaller than
`previous worms, it spread very rapidly [19]. To achieve
`the rate of propagation observed, it is believed that this
`worm used a preprogrammed hitlist or a timed release of
`the worm on previously compromised systems. Witty was
`the first widely propagated worm to contain a malicious
`payload and signifies a disturbing new trend for worm
`writers, combining skill and malice [23].
`Staniford et al. [21] hypothesized that a properly con-
`structed worm could infect vulnerable systems on the In-
`ternet at an even greater speed. Worms are evolving and
`they can employ a number of anti-detection techniques
`such as: anti-forensics, dynamic behavior, and modular-
`ity of attack tools [16]. Furthermore, worms spread so
`quickly that traditional intrusion detection methods (i.e.
`generation and deployment of attack signatures) are not
`feasible [15]. In order to make automatic containment of
`fast scanning worms feasible, a rapid and accurate detec-
`tion method is required.
`Currently, most countermeasures used to mitigate these
`attacks include some form of human intervention. Routers
`can be configured to block network traffic and vulnera-
`ble software can be patched. However, worms that prop-
`agate and infect the Internet in just minutes make these
`human-in-the-loop countermeasures impractical. The de-
`velopment of wide scale automated countermeasures is re-
`quired. Current worm propagation detection methods are
`limited in: (1) their speed of detection, (2) their inability
`to accurately detect zero-day worms, (3) their inability to
`detect slow scanning worms, and (4) their high false posi-
`Page 7 of 32


`tive rate.
`Typically, scanning worms use a pseudo random num-
`ber generator (PRNG) to generate 32 bit random numbers
`that correspond to an IPv4 address. The attacking system
`uses this numeric address as the target for its infection
`attempt. The use of a numeric IP address by the worm,
`instead of the qualified domain name of the system, ob-
`viates the need for a DNS query.
`In contrast, the vast
`majority of legitimate publicly available services are ac-
`cessed through the use the DNS protocol which provides
`the mapping between numeric IP addresses and the corre-
`sponding alphanumeric names. The translation of a host
`name to a registered IP address is called resolving. While
`there exists valid exceptions (e.g. client to client applica-
`tions, remote administration tools, etc.) typical user be-
`havior should include some form of DNS activity before a
`new connection can be initiated.
`Our Contributions. We use DNS anomalies to detect
`scanning worm propagation, relying on the observation of
`DNS responses. If we do not observe DNS activity be-
`fore a new connection is initiated, we consider this con-
`nection anomalous. This premise is based on our obser-
`vation that whereas users tend to remember alphanumeric
`strings and use the network services provided (i.e. DNS),
`almost all scanning worms directly use numeric IP ad-
`dresses. Behavioral signatures [9] are used to describe
`common aspects of worm behavior particular to a given
`worm that span infected systems in a temporal order. Our
`DNS-based detection technique can be used as a behavo-
`rial signature to detect scanning worms.
`Those legitimate applications and services that gener-
`ally do not rely on DNS are addressed through the use of
`whitelists (see Section 3.2). In an enterprise network with
`an open security policy (i.e. few or no user and service
`restrictions) the number of such applications and services
`may be so large as to make our detection technique prone
`to significant amounts of false positives and negatives (see
`Section 5.2). Even in this scenario, DNS-based detection
`may be a useful input to a more sophsticated anomaly de-
`tector. However, we believe the use of our DNS anomaly-
`based detection approach in an enterprise network that im-
`plements a conservative or restrictive security policy (i.e.
`more common in large financial organizations or govern-
`ment) is appealing for a number of reasons including:
`1. Speed: the possibility to detect an infected system
`after only a single infection attempt to the Internet.
`2. Detection of zero-day worms: possible because our
`approach does not rely on the matching of existing
`worm signatures to identify suspicious traffic.
`3. Scanning rate independence: our approach can detect
`both fast and slow (i.e. stealth) scanning worms.
`4. Reduced training period: our approach includes the
`concept of a whitelist that can be quickly generated
`to reduce false positives.
`5. Low-false positive rate: our approach does not rely
`on modeling normal network and user behavior pro-
`files that are prone to false positives.
`6. Ease of implementation: our approach is network-
`based, runs on commodity hardware, and relies on
`the observation of a protocol found in every network
`(i.e. DNS).
`We believe this new technique can both rapidly and ac-
`curately detect worm propagation within enterprise net-
`works. The precision of this first-mile detection enables
`the use of automated containment and suppression strate-
`gies to stop scanning worms before they leave the network
`Our detection technique can be used to detect scanning
`worm propagation both within an enterprise network and
`from the enterprise network to the Internet (i.e. local to
`remote). It does not detect worm propagation from the
`Internet to the enterprise network. It differs from exist-
`ing scanning worm detection techniques in that it does not
`rely on having to observe and correlate multiple events to
`determine that a scan is occuring. There is no concept of a
`threshold; we only maintain in state a list of IP addresses
`of valid connection destinations and each individual con-
`nection attempt from the enterprise network as it occurs.
`Our approach enables the detection of an infected system
`after a single scan has been initiated, regardless of the time
`between scans, and thus compares very favorably to pre-
`vious work (e.g. Weaver et al. [25]). Weaver et al. pro-
`pose an algorithm based on the Threshold Random Walk
`(TRW) scan detector [11] to detect a scanning host within
`an enterprise environment after only 10 scans, and it can
`detect scans as slow as 1 scan per minute.
`The sequel is structured as follows. Section 2 presents
`the description of the DNS-based scanning worm propa-
`gation detection technique. Section 3 discusses our ex-
`perimental platform. Section 4 discusses the analysis of
`our prototype. Section 5 presents detection circumvention
`and limitations. Section 6 discusses ideas for extended ap-
`plications of our detection technique. Section 7 discusses
`related work. We conclude in Section 8 with a brief sum-
`mary. Appendix A contains background information.
`2 Basic Methodolgy and Approach
`For an overview of worm propagation strategies and
`DNS please refer to Appendix A. In this section we give
`a high-level overview of our DNS-based anomaly scan-
`ning worm detection approach. In larger enterprise net-
`works, it is not unusual for network segments to be either
`logically or physically separated.
`In fact, an enterprise
`network may be comprised of several distinct subnets for
`a variety of reasons including security, ease of adminis-
`Page 8 of 32


`tration, and geographical location. We can leverage this
`natural separation of networks to contain worm propaga-
`tion within distinct network segments. As in Silicone De-
`fense’s CounterMalice solution [7], we purposely divide
`the enterprise network into segments called cells. Each
`cell contains a worm containment device to confine and
`contain worm infection. Our definition of a cell refers to
`all systems within the same subnet serviced by a distinct
`authoritative DNS server. Figure 1 illustrates how an en-
`terprise network can be divided into cells.
`The propagation of fast-scanning worms can be char-
`acterized as: local to local (L2L), local to remote (L2R),
`or remote to local (R2L). In L2L propagation, a scanning
`worm targets systems within the boundaries of the enter-
`prise network it resides. Topological scanning worms em-
`ploy this strategy. L2R propagation refers to a scanning
`worm within an enterprise network targeting systems out-
`side of its network boundary. Finally, R2L propagation
`refers to worm scanning from the Internet into an enter-
`prise network. In this paper, our worm propagation de-
`tection method detects L2R worm propagation and worm
`propagation between local cells, but not R2L or worm
`propagation that occurs within an individual cell.
`Systems that reside within the same cell typically do
`not use DNS to communicate. The Address Resolution
`Protocol (ARP) [17] is used when a system tries to com-
`municate with another system in the same cell. ARP is
`used by the data link layer to provide a mapping between
`the physical hardware of a system and its assigned IP ad-
`dress. L2L worm propagation can occur within a particu-
`lar cell or span multiple cells depending on the scanning
`strategy of the worm. As noted above, in the present pa-
`technique to an ARP-based implementation which detects
`L2L worm propagation within local cells. Figure 2 pro-
`vides an example of how our prototype could be opera-
`tionally deployed. Prototype A in Cell 1 monitors activ-
`ity between Cell 1 and Cell 2. Cell 2 contains the sole
`ingress/egress point for the enterprise network. Prototype
`B, from its vantage point in Cell 2, monitors activity from
`all cells within the enterprise network to external systems.
`Finally prototype C monitors activity between Cell 3 and
`Cell 2. A system in Cell 1 is infected with a scanning
`worm. The infected system begins scanning to locate sus-
`ceptible systems both within Cell 2 and the Internet. The
`prototype device in Cell 1 will detect the scanning activ-
`ity to Cell 2 and generate an alert. The prototype device
`in Cell 2, at the enterprise gateway, will detect scanning
`activity from Cell 1 to the Internet and generate an alert.
`Remote Server(cid:0)
`Prototype B(cid:0)
`DNS Server(cid:0)
`Prototype A(cid:0)
`DNS Server(cid:0)
`Cell 2(cid:0)
`Prototype C(cid:0)
`DNS Server(cid:0)
`Cell 1(cid:0)
`Cell 3(cid:0)
`Enterprise Network(cid:0)
`Figure 2. DNS Anomaly-based Detection De-
`DNS Server(cid:0)
`DNS Server(cid:0)
`Cell 2(cid:0)
`DNS Server(cid:0)
`Cell 1(cid:0)
`Cell 3(cid:0)
`Enterprise Network(cid:0)
`Figure 1. Network Cells
`per, we handle L2L worm propagation only in the case
`that the propagation occurs between cells. In a related pa-
`per [26], we detail how we have adopted the DNS-based
`DNS Anomaly Detection Approach. In random scan-
`ning, the use of a numeric IP address by the worm, instead
`of the qualified domain name of the system, obviates the
`need for a DNS query. New connections from the net-
`work that cannot be associated with any DNS activity are
`considered anomalous. If we can observe and correlate
`all locally generated DNS activity and new connection at-
`tempts within an enterprise network, we have the means
`to detect L2L inter-cell or L2R worm propagation. The
`technique does not detect R2L or intra-cell (i.e. within the
`boundaries of a cell) worm propagation.
`However, this approach must take into account valid in-
`stances where no DNS query is required to access a par-
`ticular system or resource. Our analysis of DNS activ-
`ity within a network reveals two instances where this oc-
`curs. The first results from accessing distributed appli-
`cation and content delivery services. The HTTP protocol
`Page 9 of 32


`allows URLs consisting of numeric IP addresses to be em-
`bedded within the data payload of an HTTP packet. It is
`common practice for busy websites to maintain or out-
`source their content to larger centralized image servers to
`allow for better web page retrieval performance. When a
`user accesses a website to retrieve a webpage, they may be
`retrieving the requested material from several geographi-
`cally separated servers. It is not uncommon for the web
`page content to include an IP address of a centralized im-
`age server that the browser uses to retrieve an image or
`media file. In this instance, the browser uses this numeric
`IP address to retrieve the image and does not require a
`DNS resource record. Instead of having to perform a DNS
`request for the object, the numeric IP address is provided
`to the browser in the content of the web page. We consider
`this a valid connection attempt incidentally obtained by a
`previous DNS query.
`The second instance includes those servers and services
`that are simply not accessed with DNS. An application
`may have the numeric IP addresses of systems it needs
`to access embedded in its configuration file. A user may
`specify connections to a server by entering an IP address
`from memory at a command line. In these instances, the
`application or user has a priori knowledge of the IP ad-
`dress of the server they wish to access. This can include
`but is not limited to network server communications, re-
`mote administration tools, and certain peer to peer (P2P)
`applications. DNS, applications, and users are all legiti-
`mate sources of numeric IP addresses that can enable ac-
`cess to services and systems. Legitimate use of numeric IP
`addresses by applications and users can be identified and
`added to a whitelist for exclusion from the detection al-
`gorithm. Taking these exceptions into consideration (see
`Whitelists in Section 3.2), we consider any system that
`tries to access another system without receiving a valid
`DNS response as a possible worm infected system.
`3 High-Level System Design
`Our software system design uses the libpcap [5] library
`and is comprised of two logical components: the PPE and
`DCE. The Packet Processing Engine (PPE) is responsible
`for extracting the relevant features from the live network
`activity or saved network trace files (see Section 3.1). The
`DNS correlation engine (DCE) maintains in state all rel-
`evant DNS information, a whitelist, and numeric IP ad-
`dresses embedded in HTTP packets extracted by the PPE
`(see Section 3.2). This information is used to verify both
`outgoing TCP connections and UDP datagrams. In this
`context, verifying means ensuring that the destination IP
`address of an outgoing TCP connection or UDP datagram
`can be attributed to either a DNS query, an HTTP packet,
`or an entry in the whitelist. The software can process
`either live network traffic or saved network traces in the
`pcap [5] file format. To detect L2R worm propagation,
`the software system must be deployed at all external net-
`work egress/ingress points. To detect worm propagation
`between network cells, a system would need to be de-
`ployed in each cell at the internal ingress/egress points
`(see Figure 2).
`c:::::::::Jc:::::::::J c:::::::::J
`Packet Processing Engine(cid:0)
`5-tuple DNS(cid:0)
`5-tuple TCP(cid:0)
`5-tuple HTTP(cid:0)
`5-tuple DNS(cid:0)
`5-tuple DNS(cid:0)
`c:::::::::J c:::::::::J
`DNS Correlation Engine(cid:0)
`5-tuple DNS(cid:0)
`Connection Candidate Data Structure(cid:0)
`~ =
`5-tuple Connection Candidate(cid:0)
`5-tuple Connection Candidate(cid:0)
`5-tuple Connection Candidate(cid:0)
`5-tuple Connection Candidate(cid:0)
`5-tuple TCP(cid:0)
`Figure 3. High-level System Design
`Figure 3 reveals the high-level design of the prototype.
`In this example, the PPE extracts the relevant features
`from live network activity and bundles these into data to-
`kens. The data tokens are comprised of the appropriate
`5-tuple of features (see Section 3.1) based on the protocol
`extracted. These tokens are consumed by the DCE. The
`DCE uses the tokens to maintain a list of destination IP
`addresses it deems valid and checks any new connection
`attempts from within the enterprise network against this
`list. The DCE will generate an alert if it determines the
`new connection is being initated to a destination IP that is
`not contained in its list.
`3.1 Packet Processing Engine
`The PPE is responsible for processing packets of inter-
`est from pcap files or live off the network and extracts
`a variety of information from several protocols. Specif-
`ically, the software must extract relevant features from
`new connection attempts, embedded IP addresses within
`HTTP packets, and all DNS activity occurring within the
`network cell.
`In order to discover new TCP connection attempts, all
`TCP packets with the SYN flag set are examined. TCP
`packets with the SYN only flag set indicate the start of
`the three-way handshake that signifies a new connection
`attempt. UDP is connectionless and does not have the
`concept of a session. Each UDP packet is treated as a dis-
`crete event and thus a potential new connection. Feature
`Page 10 of 32


`extraction for either new TCP connections or non-DNS
`UDP datagrams includes the 5-tuple of source IP, source
`port, destination IP, destination port, and timestamp.
`Packets that contain a source port of 80 or 8080 are cap-
`tured and categorized as HTTP packets. All HTTP pack-
`ets are decoded and the payload inspected for any em-
`bedded IP addresses. Any IP addresses discovered in the
`payload are extracted along with the previously defined
`DNS A records are generated when systems within the
`network wish to contact systems in other cells or external
`to the network. Any DNS requests originating from the
`network cells and any DNS replies coming into the net-
`work cells are extracted and decoded. Feature extraction
`for DNS datagrams includes the 5-tuple of DNS source IP,
`DNS source port, TTL, domain name, and resolved IPv4
`3.2 DNS Correlation Engine
`The DNS correlation engine (DCE) is responsible for
`processing information passed by the PPE. The two ma-
`jor functions of the DCE are: (1) to create and maintain a
`data structure of IP addresses and associated features that
`are considered valid connection candidates; and (2) to val-
`idate all new TCP and UDP connection attempts between
`cells or to remote systems against the connection candi-
`date data structure. A valid connection candidate data
`structure is produced by processing DNS A records, em-
`bedded IP addresses in HTTP packets, and the whitelist.
`Connection Candidate Data Structure. All DNS A
`resource record 5-tuples are parsed and added to the con-
`nection candidate data structure. The TTL from each 5-
`tuple is used just as it is in the cache of a DNS server.
`Once the TTL expires, the resource record is purged from
`the DCE’s connection candidate list. Although DNS ac-
`tivity provides the majority of IP addresses to the connec-
`tion candidate data structure, numeric IP addresses within
`HTTP packets must also be considered.
`As previously discussed, numeric IP addresses are reg-
`ularly embedded within HTTP packets. Al

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