TAPI: Transactions for Accessing Public Infrastructure
`Matt Blaze1, John Ioannidis2, Sotiris Ioannidis3, Angelos D. Keromytis4,
`Pekka Nikander5, and Vassilis Prevelakis6
`1 AT&T Labs – Research,
`2 AT&T Labs – Research,
`3 CIS Department, University of Pennsylvania,
`4 CS Department, Columbia University,
`5 Nomadic Lab,
`6 CS Department, Drexel University,
`Abstract. This paper describes TAPI, an offline scheme intended for general
`Internet-based micropayments. TAPI, which extends and combines concepts from
`the KeyNote Microchecks and OTPCoins architectures, encodes risk management
`rules in bank-issued users’ credentials which are in turn used to acquire small-
`valued payment tokens. The scheme has very low transaction overhead and can
`be tuned to use different risk strategies for different environments and clients.
`1 Introduction
`Traditional electronic payment systems impose a low bound on the value of each
`transaction due to the associated processing and clearing overhead. For small-value
`transactions, this overhead dominates the value of the transaction itself, making the use
`of such a system uneconomical. Various schemes have been proposed, aiming to reduce
`overheads so as to handle payments of fractions of a cent. These systems must cope with
`problems of scale, risk, and trust. It is important to have mechanisms that can scale to
`millions of transactions while maintaining acceptable levels of risk.
`However, cryptographic and other computational operations have non-negligible
`cost. Thus, we need to minimize the crypto operations by aggregating them in larger
`transactions. Our observation is that we can take advantage of any locality of reference
`exhibited by micropayments, i.e., a user paying for a service from a web site is more
`likely to purchase additional services from the same site. For applications where this
`holds, we can amortize the cost of many micropayments over a larger payment.
`We present a mechanism that allows multiple partial charges against a payment
`authorization. By splitting a micropayment transaction into a number of partial transac-
`tions (minipayments) for smaller amounts, up to the amount of the original micropay-
`ment, we can accommodate multiple purchases within the original (single) transaction.
`Thus, we spread the cost of the transaction over a number of distinct purchases. A simi-
`lar approach is being used by some vendors: multiple small credit card transactions are
`aggregated and presented as a single transaction to the credit card company. Typically,
`special agreements that cover liability and specify dispute handling policies need to be
`in place before this can be used. We built a system where dispute handling can eas-
`Guest Tek v. Nomadix, IPR2019-01191
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`ily be managed, i.e., the merchant or the user can prove (or disprove) that a particular
`minipayment occurred, and thus limit the exposure to fraud.
`We discuss a case study involving per-packet charging in a wireless network. In Sec-
`tion 2, we describe the background for our case study and arrive at the requirements for
`the charging scheme. We then describe the key features of our partial micropayment ar-
`chitecture by presenting a detailed example, namely a microcheck payment framework
`that is based on the KeyNote [1] trust-management system and a mechanism for making
`partial payments from a single microcheck. We briefly discuss our implementation in
`Section 3, and give an overview of related work in Section 4.
`1.1 Motivation
`The massive reduction in cost of wireless LAN (WiFi) base-stations has resulted in
`the gradual deployment of wireless LANs in public places by commercial operators,
`who want to charge for access. In most existing installations, the user must establish
`credit with the site operator (usually through a Web portal) before being allowed access
`to the network. As the density of WiFi coverage increases, the requirement for separate
`authentication with each provider becomes more onerous. Ideally, the user should be
`able to move between WiFi networks and access the Internet with authentication and
`payment done automatically. The rigidity of current payment methods (including the
`inability of the payment infrastructure to handle small payments) forces the network
`operators to charge for access in large time slots (e.g., on a daily or weekly basis). The
`use of micropayments would allow the operator to be much more flexible. For example,
`the operator may wish to charge for each packet sent or received by the user.
`Even if operators do not charge real money for the services offered, it is sometimes
`desirable to have some type of accountability, to detect infrastructure abusers (to avoid
`the “tragedy of the commons”). Such schemes still depend on some type of user reg-
`istration and accounting; the missing part is the translation to the real-world concepts
`(i.e., money). A micropayment scheme with “play” money can be used to provide this
`accountability. In order to be able to perform this type of charging, we need a system
`that satisfies the following requirements: First, it must be able to handle very small pay-
`ments. Second, it should not require a user-initiated login procedure; instead, be able to
`receive payment dynamically. Third, it should not require on-line authentication with
`the user’s credit institution in order to minimize connection overhead and accommodate
`situations where the user’s credit institution is temporarily inaccessible.
`To satisfy these requirements, we employ two different techniques: (a) The KeyNote
`trust-management System that establishes trust between the user, the service provider
`and the user’s credit institution, using the architecture we originally described in [2],
`and (b) we introduce the concept of OTP Coins that allow single microchecks to be
`broken into smaller payment increments. We present these two techniques in detail.
`1.2 KeyNote Microchecks
`The micropayments system introduced in [2] forms the basis of our approach. The
`general architecture of this microbilling system is shown in Figure 1. We consider an
`environment where Merchants and Payers sign up for service with a Provisioning Agent
`Page 2 of 10


`(PA). Merchants interact with Payers through the Merchant Payment Processor (MPP).
`The Clearing and Settlement Center (CSC) for reconciling transactions may be a sepa-
`rate entity, or may be part of the PA.
`(Check Guarantor)
`Payer’s Bank
`Vendor’s Bank
`Fig. 1. Microbilling architecture diagram. We give the generic terms for each component,
`and in parentheses the corresponding players. Arrows represent communication between
`two parties: Provisioning issues credentials to Payers and Merchants; these communicate to
`complete transactions; Merchants send transaction information to Clearing, which verifies
`the transaction and posts the necessary credits/charges or arranges money transfers. Pro-
`visioning and Clearing exchange status information about Payer and Merchant accounts.
`The PA issues KeyNote [1] credentials to Payers and Merchants, that describe the
`conditions under which a Payer is allowed to perform a transaction, and the fact that a
`Merchant is authorized to participate in a transaction. When a Payer wants to buy some-
`thing from a Merchant, the Merchant encodes the details of the proposed transaction
`into an offer, which is sent to the Payer. To proceed, the Payer issues to the Merchant a
`microcheck for this offer. The microchecks are encoded as KeyNote credentials that au-
`thorize payment for a specific transaction. This credential is effectively a check signed
`by the Payer and payable to the Merchant. The conditions under which this check is
`valid match the Merchant’s offer. Part of the offer is a nonce, which maps payments to
`specific transactions and prevents double-depositing of microchecks by the Merchant.
`To determine whether he will be paid, the Merchant passes the offer description and
`the Payer’s key along with the Merchant’s policy (that identifies the PA key), the Payer
`credential (signed by the PA) and the microchecks credential (signed by the Payer) to
`his local KeyNote compliance checker. If the compliance checker authorizes the trans-
`action, the Merchant is guaranteed that Provisioning will allow payment.
`If the transaction is approved, the Merchant stores a copy of the microcheck along
`with the payer credential and associated offer details for later settlement. Otherwise,
`depending on their network connectivity, either the Payer or the Merchant can request
`a transaction-specific credential that can be used to authorize the transaction. This ap-
`proach, if implemented transparently and automatically, provides a continuum between
`online and offline transactions tuned to the specific risk and operational conditions.
`Periodically, the Merchant will ‘deposit’ the microchecks and associated transaction
`details to the CSC, which may or may not be run by the same entity as the PA, but
`Page 3 of 10


`must have the proper authorization to transmit billing and payment records to the PA
`for the customers. The CSC receives payment records from the various Merchants;
`these records consist of the Offer, the KeyNote microcheck, and the credential from
`the payer sent in response. In order to verify a microcheck, the CSC goes through the
`same procedure as the Merchant did when accepting the microcheck. If the KeyNote
`compliance checker approves, the check is accepted and the account balances adjusted.
`The main advantage of this architecture is the ability to encode risk management
`rules for micropayments in user credentials. Other electronic systems have focused on
`preventing fraud and failure, rather than on managing it. As prevention mechanisms are
`often too expensive for micropayments, risk management seems particularly attractive.
`1.3 OTP Coins
`Electronic coins based on One Time Passwords (OTP) are another fundamental as-
`pect of our approach. While the microchecks manage the risks of single transactions,
`OTP coins allow the cost of a microcheck to be distributed even more thinly, effectively
`making it possible to divide a microcheck transaction into hundreds of smaller, partial
`transactions. This approach is especially suitable for paying for access time, e-content,
`or other kinds of “continuous” goods, i.e., goods that can be sold by some measure.
`The basic approach, without microchecks, was outlined in [3]: an OPIE [4] OTP
`account was sent to the Client, who used the passwords to pay for wireless Internet
`access. The system was based on the IEEE 802.1x protocol, running OPIE over TLS.
`When combined with microchecks, the Merchant spells out the OTP terms in the of-
`fer, e.g., it might state he provides wireless Internet access time at $0.001 per 5 seconds
`when bought in lots of 100 5 second units. That is, he offers 100 pieces of 5 second
`access time units for the price of $0.1. If the Client accepts the offer, she generates a
`random number H100, calculates a hash function over it 100 times, forming a reverse
`hash chain H100; H99; :::; H1; H0, where Hi = hash(Hi+1), and embeds the result H0
`into the microcheck she sends to the Merchant. The Merchant stores the hash value H0
`(called Hcheck) along with the number of remaining valid tokens, 100. At this point, the
`Merchant has sold to the Client 100 OTP coins, only valid with that Merchant. However,
`the construction allows the Client to be charged only for the actual amount spent.
`When the Client wants to use the coins, she sends the next hash value to the Mer-
`chant. That is, she first sends H1, then H2, etc. The Merchant checks that the received
`hash value gives the previously stored value, i.e., that Hstored = hash(Hreceived). If
`so, she decrements the number of remaining valid tokens, and stores the new received
`value. Thus, we have established a convention where a single OTP password repre-
`sents the value for a certain commodity, e.g., for 5 seconds of access time. Once the
`commodity has been used up, the Merchant asks for the next token, to continue service.
`Once the Client has used all coins or stops using more coins, the Merchant pos-
`sesses a hash value HN where N is the number of coins used. When he deposits the
`microcheck to the CSC, he also sends these numbers. The CSC computes Hcheck =
`hashN (HN ) and compares this to the number stored in the microcheck. If they match,
`it can be certain that the Client has indeed bought N units of the good.
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`2 Architecture
`We describe the TAPI architecture through an example use in pay-per-use 802.11
`access. We then give a brief security analysis of our architecture.
`2.1 Example Usage Scenario
`As an example, we show how the system can be adapted to a public wireless In-
`ternet access using Wireless LANs. We begin with a client that has signed up with an
`acceptable Provisioning agent. Here, access points subsume the role of the Merchant
`and users play the role of the Payer. As a result of this registration process (which hap-
`pens offline), the user is issued with a clearing check, signed with the PA’s public key:
`Authorizer: PA KEY
`Licensees: PAYER KEY
`Conditions: app domain == "Internet Access" &&
`currency == "USD" &&
`&amount < 2.51 && date < "20031231" -> "true";
`Signature: ...
`Wireless LAN Authentication
`The IEEE 802.1x standard [5] defines a means to
`authenticate clients in an Ethernet-like network, e.g., it allows authenticating devices
`starting to use WLAN or a corporate LAN for Internet access. In practice, the standard
`defines how to run the IETF standard Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) [6]
`over raw Ethernet frames. The encapsulation is called EAP over LAN (EAPoL) [5].
`Since we use the standard EAP protocol, it is possible to use any or all of its sub-
`protocols. However, since neither EAP or EAPoL provide any cryptographic protection
`themselves, the security of the system depends on the security of the underlying net-
`work and on the properties of the EAP subprotocol. Thus, the risks and the protections
`must be matched to provide the desired level of security.
`When 802.1x is used, there are two kinds of client hosts: authenticated and unau-
`thenticated. In a wired LAN, the clients are usually distinguished based on the port: a
`physical port is either authenticated or not. In a shared medium, e.g., Wireless LAN
`(WLAN), the distinction is usually based on the Layer 2 addresses. It may be possible
`to falsify or “steal” a MAC address, depending on the actual implementation. In the
`case of public WLAN, where no encryption is used, the only protection is the relative
`difficulty of using a MAC address at the same time another client is using it.
`Buying OTP coins Whenever a new client host wants to join a LAN that uses IEEE
`802.1x, the access-point attempts to run EAPoL. The status of the client is kept unau-
`thenticated as long as the client fails to authenticate through EAPoL. In our case, we
`provide unauthenticated clients limited access so that they can buy OTP coins, used for
`the actual EAPoL level authentication (see below). That is, any unauthenticated client
`is served (via DHCP) a private IP address. This address can be used only locally.
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`The client uses the MPP protocol to purchase a pile of OTP coins. In the simplest
`case (and lacking any special-purpose protocol for purchasing coins), a simple web
`interface can be used with the user. When the user contacts the captive portal, he sees a
`web page that encodes the details of the Merchant offer, e.g.:
`merchant = "ADK’S WIRELESS"
`currency = "USD"
`product = "Internet Access"
`date = "20020916"
`packets per coin = "100"
`coins per dollar = "10000"
`amount = "2"
`nonce = "eb2c3dfc860dde9a"
`The user examines the details of the request and, if acceptable, authorizes a payment
`to the merchant by issuing the appropriate KeyNote microcheck:
`Authorizer: PAYER KEY
`Licensees: "ADK’s Internet"
`Conditions: app domain == "Internet Access" &&
`currency == "USD" && amount == "2" &&
`packets per coin == "100" &&
`coins per dollar == "10000" &&
`first coin == "c637bf92f9f371dfa09n
`59bc467d04b91c2ea1b29" &&
`nonce == "eb2c3dfc860dde9a" &&
`date == "20001227" -> "true";
`Signature: ...
`The microcheck also contains the value for the first OTP Coin. This coin is not actu-
`ally used, but serves as the beginning of the OTP chain. The next time the client needs to
`authorize a payment, she will use the next coin in the chain, i.e., “310b86e0b62b82856-
`2fc91c7be5380a992b2786a”. The user sends this microcheck and its guaranteeing check,
`issued by the PA, to the access point. The latter verifies the integrity of the credentials
`and determines (by invoking KeyNote) whether the CSC will honor the payment terms.
`Using OTP coins
`Once the Client has acquired a set of OTP coins, she runs the
`standard 802.1x EAPoL protocol with the local access point. The access point requests
`a user identifier from the client, who answers with a string identifying the microcheck
`used for buying the OTP coins, and the merchant the coins where bought from. The
`access point then contacts the back-end authenticator (the Merchant). The microcheck
`fingerprint indicates the correct unused OTP coin pile.
`Once the back-end authenticator receives the identity response, it checks the OTP
`coin pile and sends an OPIE request, requesting for the next unused OPIE password,
`i.e., OTP coin. The Client responds with the next unused coin, Hi+1. The back-end
`authenticator checks the coin, records it as used, and replies with an EAP SUCCESS
`Page 6 of 10


`message. As the access point receives the EAP SUCCESS message from the back-
`end authenticator, it changes the status of the client into authenticated, and passes the
`message to the client. When the client receives the SUCCESS message, she releases her
`current IP address and requests a new one with DHCP. Since she is now authenticated,
`she gets a new IP address that she can use to communicate with the outside world.
`Alternatively, the client could have received a valid IP address which was appropriately
`filtered by the access point; on success, the relevant filters are simply removed.
`Before the OTP coin is used up, the back-end authenticator sends a new OPIE re-
`quest to the client. If the client wants to continue, she replies with the next OTP coin.
`On the other hand, if the client does not want to continue access for any reason, she
`simply does not respond to the request. Thus, if the client goes off-line, the access point
`changes the status of the client’s MAC address into unauthenticated.
`Periodically, the access point provides all these microchecks along with
`the related transaction records to the CSC, which uses this information to verify the
`transaction and charge/credit the relevant accounts. The user’s device (laptop, PDA,
`etc.) may also keep a record of all transactions, which can be used in case of a charge
`dispute. CSCs communicate with PAs to indicate the status of Payers’ and Merchants’
`accounts. Part of the transaction records include the last OTP coin received from a
`user, and its serial number. The CSC can verify its validity, by repeatedly hashing it the
`appropriate number of times and comparing the result with the initial OTP coin included
`in the microcheck. Thus, the CSC can respectively debit the Merchant’s account and
`credit the Payer’s account for the appropriate amount. In case of dispute, the exact usage
`can be determined by verifying the credentials and the OTP coin chain. Assuming the
`underlying cryptography is not broken, the results are non-repudiable.
`2.2 Security Analysis
`The security of the system can be broken into two parts: one that relates to the secu-
`rity at the network level, and one that refers to the security of the payment mechanisms.
`WLAN security Wireless LANs are known to be notoriously insecure. However,
`their insecurity depends heavily in the way they are used. In our example case, where
`WLAN is used for providing public Internet access, the operator is mainly interested
`in collecting the access fees, while the clients are interested in getting the service they
`pay for. Other security concerns that the users may have (e.g. privacy) can be taken care
`of at an upper layer, and fall beyond the scope of this paper. Consequently, the main
`threats we are interested in are: (a) someone gaining access without paying, and (b)
`someone paying but not gaining access. Naturally, these threats may occur at the same
`time, through an attacker “stealing” access that another user has paid for.
`Thus, it is certainly possible for an attacker to cause an authenticated client to dis-
`connect from the network, and start using its MAC address. However, the access point
`is likely to detect the event and may require immediate re-authentication as the MAC
`address re-connects to the network. If the value of the OTP coins is low enough, e.g.,
`just a few seconds of access time, the gain for the potential attacker is small. Finally, it
`should be straightforward to detect an attacker that repeatedly steals MAC addresses.
`A more powerful attacker can set up a phony access point. If he lures other clients
`to send OTP coins to it, he can then use these coins to pay towards the real access point,
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`effectively riding free. The victim clients are unlikely to notice anything, since they
`still get the service they expect. The real access point may not notice anything either,
`depending on its sophistication. While this attack can be made harder, e.g., by including
`the Client’s MAC address in the microchecks, the simple nature of the OTP coins makes
`it impossible to block the attack altogether. However, given the current status of WLAN
`deployment, the cost of the attack compared to the benefits gained seems to be high
`enough to render the attack academic. For proper security, either the OTP coins must
`be replaced with something more sophisticated (and costly), or the underlying network
`must be secured. The additional cost should be evaluated against the expected risk and
`cost of fraud, and implemented only if economically viable.
`Payment Framework Security When dealing with electronic payments we must
`ensure that fraudulent transactions cannot take place, e.g., the merchant should not be
`able to forge an OTP coin, nor should the user be able to deny that she has spent one.
`The scheme requires that we select a non-reversible hash function. Thus, the mer-
`chant can verify that Hn(cid:0)1 was derived from Hn, but is unable to produce Hn(cid:0)1 given
`Hn. Similarly, if the client sends a number other than Hn(cid:0)1, the merchant will detect
`that and revoke the service. Similarly, if the merchant produces Hn(cid:0)1, the client cannot
`claim that she has not sent it. An extensive discussion of the security of the KeyNote
`microcheck architecture may be found in [7]. A key observation is that the low value of
`the checks and the need for light-weight verification mechanisms favor the use of cre-
`dential expiration (with short lifetimes) over the use of a more heavyweight revocation
`mechanism such as credential revocation lists.
`3 Implementation
`We have implemented the IEEE 802.1x protocol and the OTP coins in the FreeBSD
`operating system [3]. Our initial performance measurements indicate that the effect on
`payload performance is negligible: a typical EAPoL transaction is performed in less
`than two seconds, making it possible to support re-authentication every 5-10 seconds.
`Our 802.1x implementation consists of kernel code that implements the basic fram-
`ing functions for the authentication protocol, plus a number of user level programs. The
`user-level programs implement the individual EAP subprotocols, and in particular the
`EAP OTP authenticator and supporting modules. These rely on a small new library,
`libeap. They also utilize the libskey library present in FreeBSD. To make it easy to buy
`OTP coins, we use a captive portal to allow users to download the 802.1x and EAP OTP
`implementations. Our MAC filter module forward to a web server packets arriving from
`unauthenticated users. Thus, it is possible to create a situation where the only services
`provided to an unauthenticated client are DHCP and the captive web server.
`We are currently working on implementing the full-fledged MPP protocol on top
`of EAP, without the need for a captive portal. Users can specify their payment poli-
`cies using KeyNote (or some other front-end mechanism, which is then translated to
`KeyNote). On receipt of an offer from an access point, KeyNote is called to determine
`whether the terms are acceptable. If so, a microcheck is automatically issued, and the
`necessary OTP coins are generated and used without user interaction. If the offer is not
`acceptable, the user is notified and presented with the offer.
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`4 Related Work
`IEEE 802.1x Security
`IEEE 802.1x [5] is a forthcoming standard for authenticating
`and authorizing users in Ethernet like local area network (LAN) environments. It is
`primarily meant to secure switched Ethernet wireline networks and IEEE 802.11 based
`WLANs. In the typical usage scenarios, the network requires user authentication before
`any other traffic is allowed, i.e., even before the client is assigned an IP address. This
`allows corporations to strictly control access to their networks. It is important to note
`that 802.1x implements only authentication and MAC address based access control.
`Since MAC spoofing is fairly easy, the resulting system may not be secure enough.
`[8] argues that 802.1x security is flawed since it does not provide per-packet in-
`tegrity and authenticity. Depending on the settings, this may allow session hijacking,
`enabling an attacker to take over a MAC address that belongs to a legitimate, authen-
`ticated user. In a shared medium such as 802.11, authentication should be tightly inte-
`grated with a link-level integrity system using different session keys for different clients.
`Electronic Cash and Micropayments NetBill [9] is a transactional payment proto-
`col with many advanced features (atomicity, group membership, pseudonyms, etc.) that
`requires communication with the NetBill server for each transaction, thus exhibiting the
`same drawback with respect to micropayments as the simpler online protocols already
`mentioned. Other general payment protocols [10–12] suffer the same problem.
`Digital cash-based systems (e.g., [13]) do not directly address the issue of double-
`spending (fraud). Some e-cash systems use online checking, thus negating the off-line
`operation capability. Others rely on detection after the fact. This drawback is manifest
`in several micropayment protocols [14–17]. While double-spending is a problem in all
`off-line systems, none of these protocols address the issue of risk management.
`NetCents [18] and Millicent [19] are scrip-based off-line-friendly micropayment
`protocols. As the monetary unit used in these protocols is vendor-specific, double-
`spending is made difficult. A hidden assumption is that merchants have “total informa-
`tion”. If there are many points of sale, continuous communication and synchronization
`is required between the different points, negating the benefits of off-line operation.
`MiniPay [20] was developed primarily for use with a web browser, with a lot of ef-
`fort gone into the user interface aspect. Risk management is implemented as a decision
`to perform an online check with the billing server based on the total spending by the
`customer that day, and some parameter set by the merchant. The billing provider cannot
`customize the risk-management parameters per-customer or per-merchant. Fileteller [7]
`uses a scheme similar to ours for buying and selling network-based storage.
`5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
`We presented TAPI, a simple offline electronic payment scheme intended for gen-
`eral Internet-based micropayments. TAPIallows multiple partial charges on a single
`payment authorization by splitting a micropayment transaction into a number of mini-
`payments for smaller amounts (totaling the amount of the original micropayment), thus
`accommodating multiple purchases within the original transaction.
`Page 9 of 10


`To demonstrate our design in practice, we implemented the IEEE 802.1x protocol
`along with the OTP coins in the FreeBSD operating system. Our case study involved
`per-packet charging in a wireless network. Initial performance measurements indicated
`that the effect on payload performance was negligible and that the typical EAPoL trans-
`action takes less than 2 seconds on average. We are in the process of implementing the
`full-fledged MPP protocol on top of EAP, without the need for a captive portal.
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`18. Poutanen, T., Hinton, H., Stumm, M.: NetCents: A Lightweight Protocol for Secure Mi-
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`19. Manasse, M.S.: The Millicent protocols for electronic commerce. In: Proceedings of the
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