The Official Dictionary of Telecommunications
`The Internet, Computer Telephony, Voice Processing
`Windows 95 and NT Networking
`Data Communications, Carrier Telephony
`The Intelligent Network
`LAN, WAN and Wireless Communications
`Guest Tek v. Nomadix, IPR2019-01191


`Printed at Command Web, New Jersey
`Cover design by Mara Seinfeld
`Twelfth Edition
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`February, 1997
`ISBN 1-57820-008-3
`212-691-8215 Fax 212-691-1191
`New York, NY 10010
`12 West 21 Street
`States by Flatiron Publishing, Inc., New York.
`right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. Published in the United
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions, including the
`published by Flatiron Publishing, Inc.
`copyright© 1997 Harry Newton
`A Flatiron Publishing, Inc. Book


`systems so that twice a day, all call forwarding shall cease and all calls shall return to their original phone.
`or messages on their screens which indicate all calls are being forwarded. Also, some telecom managers program their total
`noon waiting for that special call, which got call forwarded elsewhere. There are two ways to overcome this. Some phones have
`this feature is that often people forget their phone is on "forwarding" and when they return to their office, they sit around all
`can send your calls to a person close to the meeting and ask them to interrupt you if that "special" call comes in. The problem
`in a different part of the country. This feature is great. You're going to a meeting but don't want to miss that one special call .
`other phone. That phone might be another extension in the same phone system or it might be another phone number alto(cid:173)
`grammable Call Forwarding This feature of a telephone system allows a user to instruct his phone to send all his calls
`out rew1r1ng.
`gramnaable In telephony, the ability to change a feature or a function or the extension assigned to a telephone
`gram Logic The particular sequence of instructions in a program.
`enhanced mode. See PIF.
`. PIFs contain such items as the name of the file, a start-up directory, and multitasking options for applications running in
`· ram Information File PIF. A file that provides information about how Windows should run a non-Windows NT appli(cid:173)
`AKA executable.

`:t ogram file A file that starts an application or program. A program file has an .EXE, .PIF, .COM, or .BAT filename exten-
`ones, schedules and discrepancies between tasks.
`0gram Evaluation Review Technique PERT. A management tool for graphically displaying projected tasks and mile(cid:173)
`all this, we sit in meetings. We call these meetings "Program Evaluation Reviews."
`,ogrammable Memory Memory that can be both read from and be written into by the processor. Synonym for RANDOM
`system board.
`grammable Configuration Select Refers to the EEPROM setup routine which allows jumperless configuration of
`e language by language software called assemblers, compilers and interpreters. Each programming language has its own
`amming language A language used by a programmer to develop instructions for the computer. It is translated into
`rammable Terminal A user terminal that has some limited processing power. Also, intelligent terminal.
`mming Overlay Typically a piece of cutout cardboard, which you place over certain of the keys on a phone or con(cid:173)
`and syntax.
`all the packets flying around your network. You can set some (but not all) Ethernet cards to promiscuous mode.
`other application for promiscuous mode is if you want to attach software or hardware to your computer, monitor and
`e" because it means that the Ethernet card has to have a relationship with all the packets traveling on the local area net(cid:173)
`so it can pass them over to the remote callers. I assume it's called "promiscu(cid:173)
`and grab those that are meant for it -
`the Ethernet LAN card has to get access to all the
`scuous Mode Most Ethernet cards ignore all the packets on the network that aren't destined for them. But in a Remote
`ark board, the workstation can boot up from the network server. This is particularly useful for diskless workstations.
`to be altered during normal operation. PROM acts like nonvolatile memory. When you install an autoboot PROM on a
`rogrammable Read Only Memory. A PROM is a programmable semiconductor device in which the contents ar.e not
`a guess at the project's critical path (longest task to complete) and of project milestone completion dates. See PERT.
`t Evaluation Review Technique PERT. A technique for managing a project-say the installation of a PBX -which
`It is today's most common way of painting a picture or an image on a computer screen.
`ssive Tuning A method of painting pictures on computer monitors or TV screens in which the picture is painted line
`Is Played ("append" mode).
`. that may be toggled on/off by the computer telephony system that will play out a tone sequence before or after each
`either by inserting tones into actual user prompts ("insert" mode), or by having a special programmatic switchable
`pt tagging is relatively inexpensive to perform, and inexpensive to automate. Prompt tagging can be accomplished
`computer telephony system play-out an audio tone that can be heard by the test system with each prompt that is
`uter telephony system. This is often accomplished by prompt tagging, also known as prompt encoding. Prompt tag-
`vailable from 212-691-8215) many test applications require the test system "know" which prompt is being played
`agging And Encoding According to Steve Gladstone, author of the book, "Testing Computer Telephony
`a need for further input and/or location of needed input. See also PROMPTS.
`audible or visible signal to the system user that some process is complete or some user action is required. Also
`one serving multiple remote users all calling in over modems -
`data is not displayed until the number is dialed, giving the agent less time to review it and a shorter time between calls.
`sive Dialing A form of predictive dialing, progressive dialing is slightly more automated than preview dialing. The
`g conversation will simply get more and more difficult to hear on.
`ou get sold this feature is "does the conferencing have amplification and balancing?" Without these features, the con(cid:173)
`ded, in this same fashion, to the maximum capability of the phone system offering this feature. A good question to ask
`the desired internal or external number and effects an add-on conference. The conference may then be progressive-
`ation hold and add-on conference features. To create a conference, an extension user typically uses the consultation
`ssive Conference A PBX feature. Allows the extension user to create conferences of more than three people using
`, parameters and translations.
`m Store Permanent memory in a stored program control central of/ice that contains the machine's generic software
`m Sharing The ability of several users or computers to use a program simultaneously.
`you punch in a certain code, the buttons become what's written on the programming overlay.
`before the competition does them and gets the public kudos. The word has no real meaning, but serves a purpose as a er ns
`rently in vogue among those people who believe the telephone companies should do all the positive, forward-looking acti/
`Proactive Taking the initiative. Doing it before someone (most likely your competition) forces you to do it. The word is cu
`and software.
`Pro750 An imaging term. A DVI product family introduced in 1989 consisting of Application Development Platform, boar~e.
`AT&T PRO WATS II and Ill are designed for companies with higher calling volumes. Charges and discounts increase with plan ~ce.
`PRO WATS PRO WATS I is AT& T's discount long distance service for companies which spend over $120 a month on long dista
`PRMD PRivate Management Domain. An X.400 Message Handling System private organization mail system.
`action. The word actually is grammatically incorrect. The real word is "active." It is the opposite of "reactive." The person !~0
`became telling younger people what to do and checking that they do what we told them, or doing something better (h
`of our careers, we used to do things -
`actually do tasks hands-on. Then many of us, sadly, got "successful." Our.
`Program !Evaluation Reviews An activity many of us are consigned to spend our aging years doing. In the
`Program Counter A device inside a computer which keeps track of which instruction in the program is next, etc.
`equalized to handle a wider range of frequencies than are required for ordinary speech signals.
`Program Circuit A voice circuit used for the transmission of radio program materials. It is a telephone circuit which
`(update) their software programs continuously. It's a good idea to ask what the deal is with getting updates.
`Program Instructions given to a computer or automated phone system to perform certain tasks. Most vendors
`and document handling.
`to g·1ve a user an edge in productivity in three areas: business communications (including electronic ma'il), time man
`Producf1vity System and runs under the VM/CMS mainframe system. PROFS is frequently used for electronic mail a
`PROFS PRofessional OFfice System. Interactive productivity software developed by IBM that is part of the Virtual Machi
`when you turn on the machine.
`Often called a login file. Profiles and login files usually work like batch files, automatically executing a number of co
`lions to determine the connections they will have with other devices and those devices they will offer for use by other
`Profile A set of parameters defining the way a device acts. In the LAN world, a profile is often used by one or more
`to pass the information onto product support, etc. Everything necessary to make it a product that can be sold. See als
`it, to finish the customer documentation, to finish the packaging design, to assign a name, model number and stocking
`Productize This is a stupid word. But it means to make an idea ·into a product. What this means is to complete the
`children get a kick out of Prodigy.
`for one monthly price. The fees are kept low by allowing companies to run commercials on the bottom of subscriber
`ly 800. These services are offered for a largely flat monthly fee -
`probably the only on-line service offering unlimited
`Prodigy A joint venture of IBM and Sears Roebuck & Company, Prodigy offers on-line computer services, at last count, n
`surements and trouble-shooting.
`test equipment, such as a VOM (volt-ohm-millimeter). the metal tip is touched to var'1ous points in an electrical circuit for
`Prod A device that resembles a pencil, but containing a metal tip in an insulated handle with a wire to connect ii to a pi
`Procr Processor.
`production lead time and administrative lead time.
`system of the production model (excludes prototypes) purchased as the result of such actions, and is composed of two ele
`Procurement Lead Time The interval in months between the inif1ation of procurement action and receipt into the
`you're trying to figure out how many calls your telephone system processor will handle before it dies.
`processor in a telephone system, moving calls around and running self-diagnostics. Be sure you factor in the second
`Processor Occupancy The time the telephone system processor is in use. There are two typical demands on the
`Communications Protocol (DCP).
`Processor Data Module AT& T's PDM performs conversion between the EIA s·1gnal protocol and the System 85
`Processing Unit (CPU).
`Processor The intelligent central element of a computer or other information handling system. Also called the
`for processing. Compare with ON-LINE or INTERACTIVE PROCESSING.
`Processing, Batch A method of computer operation in which a number of similar input items are accumulated ands
`2400-2483 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz frequency bands. See also CDMA.
`The FCC requires a minimum of 10 dB processing gain for non-licensed equipment operating in the Part 15 902-928
`spread spectrum signal is against interference and interception. A measure of this robustness is referred to as processing
`dom correlating, or spreading code. The more random and the greater the length of the code, the more robust the res
`Processing Gain In a spread spectrum transm·1ss·1on system, the original information signal is combined with a pseudo r
`like oil -
`Process Mcmufaduring The making of things. This contrasts with flow manufacturing which is working on something
`puter function that consists of, or involves, procedure code, data storage and an interface for communicating w'ith other proces
`Process A software application. Any activity or systematic sequence of operations that produces a specified result. Typically a coi
`Probe Envelope In X.400, the envelope that encloses a probe in the MTS (Message transfer System). See PROBE.
`2. An empty message that is sent to reach a particular address to determine if an address can be reached.
`being monitored.
`such as temperature, humidity, current flow, speed. Usually connected to a meter or oscilloscope which displays the condi
`Probe 1. A sensing device, typically about the size and shape of a pencil, that is used to sense various physical condit
`told us this is Norm Brust, a wonderful man and one of the more active (not proactive) people in our industry.
`that flows through a production process.


`Based on Merriam-Webster's
`Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition


`An Overview of the Internet
`Signs and Symbols
`Documentation of Sources
`Handbook of Style
`Basic English Grammar
`Irregular English Verbs
`Guide to Common Verb Collocations
`Confused and Misused Words
`English Word Roots
`Brief History of English
`Geographical Names
`Biographical Names
`Foreign Words & Phrases
`A Dictionary of the English Language
`Pronunciation Symbols
`Abbreviations in This Work
`Explanatory Notes
`14th printing Quad Graphics Fairfield, PA March 2017
`Made in the United States of America
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`All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`I. English language-Dictionaries.
`PE1628.M353 2005
`ISBN 978-0-87779-636-7 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
`The Merriam-Webster dictionary.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Copyright© 2005 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`1831 and is your assurance of quality and authority.
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`se,c.;.Jy \•sa-le\ adv -
`sex,oJ,o.gist \·iist\ n
`sexagenarian adj
`sexed \'sekst\ adj -
`2sew-er \'sli-"r\ n : an artificial pipe or channel to carry off
`'sew-er \'so-ar\ n : one that sews
`sew-age \ 'sil-ij\ n : waste materials earned off by sewers
`set • shad
`2shackle vb shack,led; shack.Jing : to bind or fasten with
`thing fast or secure
`tion made as if by fetters 3 : a device for making some•
`ter) that confines the legs or arms 2 : a check on free ac(cid:173)
`1shack,le \'sha-kal\ n 1 : something (as a manacle or fet(cid:173)
`shack \'shak\ n : HUT, SHANTY
`shab,bi,ly l'sha-ba-le\ adv -
`shab,bi,ness \-be-nas\ n
`: DESP!CAilLE, MEAN; also ; UNFAIR <~ treatment) -
`worn clotl1es 2 : threadbare and faded from wear 3
`shab,by \'sha-be\ adj shab,bi,er; -est 1 : dressed in
`sh abbr share
`Sgt Maj abbr sergeant major
`Sgt abbr sergeant
`sgd abbr signed
`SG abbr 1 sergeant 2 solicitor general 3 surgeon gen(cid:173)
`Sg symbol seaborgium
`SFC abbr sergeant first class
`SF abbr 1 sacrifice fly 2 science fiction 3 square feet
`ness 1-se•n:,s\"
`stimulating : EROTIC -
`sexy \'sek-se\ at/i sex,i,er; -est : sexually suggestive or
`sexual relations n pl ; SEXUAL INTERCOURsE
`transmitted by direct sexual contact
`that is caused by a microorganism or virus usu. or often
`gonorrhea, AIDS, or the genital form of herpes simplex)
`sexually transmitted disease n ; a disease (as syphilis,
`tact other than insertion of the penis into the vagina
`: intercourse between individuals involving genital con(cid:173)
`a female in which the penis is inserted into the vagina 2
`sexual intercourse n 1 : intercourse between a male and
`\,sek-sha-•wa-fa•te\ n -
`sex.u-af,ly l'sek-sh:>-wa-le\ adv
`or the sexes <a~ spore> <~ relations) -
`sex.u-al \'sek-sha-w;il\ adj: of, relating to, or involving sex
`sex-ton \'sek-st"n\ n : one who takes care of church prop(cid:173)
`sition 2 : a group or set of six
`es or instruments; also : the perfonners of such a compo(cid:173)
` \sek-'stet\ n 1 : a musical composition for six voic(cid:173)
`strument for determining latitude
`circle, fr. L, sixth part, fr. sextus sixth] : a navigational in(cid:173)
`sex-tan! \'sek-stant\ n [NL sextant-, sextans sixth part of a
`noted and admired for conspicuous attractiveness
`sex symbol n : a usu. renowned person (as an entertainer)
`sex•pot \'seks-,piit\ n ; a conSpicuou.sly sexy woman
`teractions of the sexes -
`sex-oJ, \sek-'sil.-la-je\ n , the study of sex or of the in(cid:173)
`ist \'sek-slst\ adj or n
`based on sex; esp : discrimination against women -
`sex-Ism \'sek-,si-zam\ n : prejudice or discrimination
`productive organs
`cortex an chiefly affects the growth or ftmction of the re(cid:173)
`terone) that is produced esp, by the gonads or adrenal
`sex hormone n : a steroid hormone (as estrogen or testos(cid:173)
`sex and are concerned with the inheritance of sex
`that are usu. similar in one sex but different in the other
`sex chromosome n : one of usu. a pair of chromosomes
`sex cell n : an egg cell or sperm.cell
`esp. for members of the opposite sex
`sex appeal : personal appeal or physical attractiveness
`age is in the sixties -
`sex,,an \,sek-s"•i:>-1ner•e-an\ n : a person whose
`sex.Jess adj
`two parents 2 : sexual activity or behavior; also : SElm(cid:173)
`rectly or indirectly function in reproduction involving
`ties by which these sexes are differentiated and which di(cid:173)
`according to their role in reproduction; also : the quali(cid:173)
`in many living things and are designated male or female
`sex \'seks\ n 1 : either of the two major forms that occur
`that has been or is to be sewed
` n 1 : the activity\of one who sews 2 : material
`,age \'sil•a-rij\ n, 1 : a system of sewers 2
`waste matter
`some important food fishes
`to the herrings that swim up rivers to spawn and include
`shad \'shad\ n, pl shad : any of several sea fishes related
`·Van-'ten\ n : one more than 16 -
`ev,enth \-v"nth\ adj or adv or n
`: something having seven units -
`n 1 : one more than six 2 : the 7th in a
`sev.en-teenth \·'tenth\ adj or n
`is spent underground as a nymph and only a
`,rth a life of 17 years and in the South of 13 years of
`·en-year locust n : a cicada of the U.S. that has in
`separ separate, fr. separare to separate! 1 : IN·
`\'sev-ral, 'se-va-\ adj [ME, fr. AF, fr. ML separ(cid:173)
`, DISTINCT (federal union of the ~ states> 2
`: el<tra pay given an employee on termi(cid:173)
`an indefinite number but yet not very
` \1sev-r~ns,
`,r\ vb sev,ered; sev, : DfV!DE; esp : to
`by or as if by cutting -
`seventy adj or pron
`' adj or n
`•te\ n, pl •ties : seven times IO -
`So\ vb sewed; sewn \'son\ or sewed; sew,lng 1
`se.ver,i,ty \·'ver-a-te\ n
`: ~ depression> • Synonyms STERN, ASCETIC,
`a~wound) 4:hardtoendure(~trials) 5
`ress and esp. physical discomfort or pain < ~
`.ness : AUSTERE 2 : strict in discipline 3
`~-ver-er; •est 1 : marked by strict•
`c'AAJte or fasten by stitches 2 : to engage in sewing
`'ENT-se,vere,ly adv -
`as a winged adult
`1 : to place in POSition; also : ASSEMBLE 2
`o \'set•,tii\ 11, pl set-tos : FIG!iT
`to large city populations 7 : adjustment of doubts
`an institution providing various community services
`:count 4 : COLONY 5 : a small village
`'AL (a marriage~> 3: payment or ad(cid:173)
`"l•m:,nt\ n 1 : the act or process of set(cid:173)
`that has been constructed or contrived; also
`ns who supply their own liquor 3 : something (as
`ice, and nonalcoholic beverage for mixing served
`'set-,:.p\ n 1 : the manner or act of arranging 2
`t-set-lier n
`lower level 15 : to become clear by depositing
`: to reach an agreement on 14 : to sink gradu(cid:173)
`isposltion of<~ an account) 12 : to come to
`Gil 10: DECIDE, DETllRMINE 11: to make
`fix by agreement 8 : to give legally 9 : AD(cid:173)
`or secure permanently 6: to direct one's ef(cid:173)
`3 : to make compact 4 : QUlllT, CALM 5
`e so as to stay 2 : to establish in residence; also
`rest, come to rest, fr. OE set/an, fr. setl seat] 1
`•se-131\ vb set.tied; set-tllng [ME sett/en to seat,
`"•Jui electronic apparatus <a television~>
`,llSP· of mathematical elements (as numbers or points) 9
`itl, usu. classed together 8 : a collection of things and
`:1bif1gs of the same kind or having a common cbaracteris-
`":'\ilnicb one side wins at least six 7 : a group of persons or
`a;.j,lay or motion picture 6 : a group of tennis games in
`ilJling (as a coat) 5 : an artificial setting for the scene of
`/a/so : TENDENCY 3 : FORM, BUILD 4 : the fit of some(cid:173)
`-.n 1 : a setting or a being set 2 : DIRECTION, COURSE;
`.. 1 : DELIBERATE, INTENT 2 : fixed by autho!ity or
`'/o have an imposing effect
`· , a scene, depletion, speech, or event obviously designed
`ited in fixed or ideal form often with brilliant effect 2
`piece 1 : a composition (as in literature or music) ex(cid:173)
`back vb 1 : HINDER, DELAY; also : REVERSE 2 : COST
`,back \'set-,bak\ n : a temporary defeat : REVERSE
`upon or into another part to prevent relative
`· 'set-,skrii\ n : a screw screwed through one
`a poem) 4 : the eggs that a fowl sits on for
`velops; also : SCENERY 3 : music written for
`place, and circumstances in which something
`\'se•tbJ\" 1 : the frame in which a gem is set 2
`1se-far\ n : a large long-coated hunting dog
`\se•"te\ 11 : a bench or sofa with a back and arms

`at one time
`Serbian • set
`· .. ·. ,
`son employed for domestic or personal work
`ser-vant \'sar-v;mt\ n : one that serves others; esp : a
`serv abbr service
`bodies and used to prevent or cure disease
`: a preparation of animaJ serum containing specific 'antto
`tluid that can be separated from blood when it clots· al,
`1serve \'sarv\ vb served; serv-ing 1 : to work as a
`files) to other computers in the network
`a network that is used to provide services (as access
`ser,ver \'sar-var\ n 1 : one that serves 2 : a computer
`•serve n : the act of serving a ball (as in tennis)
`way 13 : to put the ball in play (as in tennls)
`<~ a customer) 12: to treat or act toward in aspe
`power company serving the whole stale) 11 : to w,
`drinks) 10 : to furnish or supply with something
`~s eight people) 9 : to make ready and pass out < •t
`FIT 8 : to prove adequate or satisfactory for (a pie th E:
`use : ANSWER (pine boughs served for a bed) 7 : BEN°
`_army) 5 : PUT IN (served five years in jail) 6 : to be!ht
`work through or perform a term of service (as in · 0
`: to comply with the commands qr demands of 4 • t
`vant 2 : to render obedience and worship to (God)se~
`'Ser.vice \'sar-vos\ n 1 : the occupation of a servant
`: to attack usu, with violence
`trip 2 : to cause to explode -set out : to
`set off 1 : to start out on
`begin a trip -
`tion 15 : to pass below the ho1izon 16
`suitable : FIT 13 : BROOD 14: to have
`music) 11 : to become fixed or firm
`or rigid 10 : to adapt (as words
`amount 8 : WAGER, STAKE 9 : to make or
`DECREE 6 : to frx in a frame 7 : to fix at
`: ARRANGE, ADJUST 4 : to cause to be or do 5
`1set \'set\ vb set; set,tlng 1 : to cause to sit 2:
`set sail : to begin a voyage -
`set about : to begin to do
`sesquicentennial adj
`ser,vil,i,ty \,sar-'vi-lo-te\ n
`: a man employed to
`n 1 : a man who
`business 2 : a meeting or period devoted to a
`of a body (as a court or legislature) for the tra
`ses,slon \'se-shan\ n 1 : a meeting or series
`not free to move about
`ses,sile \'se-sr(-a)l, -s"l\ adj : permanently attached
`many syllables : LONG 2 : using long words
`ses,qui-pe,da,lian \,ses-kwa-pa-'diil-y"n\ adj 1 : ba•
`one and a half, half again] : a 150th annlversary or its
`ses,qui-cen.ten,ni-al \,ses-kwi-sen-1te-ne-al\ n [L
`(sesame oil) and are used in flavoring
`warm regions; also : its seeds that yield an
`ses,a,me \'se-sa-me\ n : a widely cultivated a
`ments a primary control
`ser,vo-mo,tor \-,mo-tar\ n ; a mechanism that
`for automatically correcting the performance of a
`ser-vo,mech-a-nism \'sar-vo-,me•k•·.ni-wm\ n : a
`ser,vo \'sar-vo\ n, pl servos 1 : SERVOMOTOR 2 :
`ser-vi,tude \'8"r-va-,tiid, -,tyiid\ n : SLAVERY, BO"
`ser,vi-tor \'s"r•va-t"r\ n : a male servant
`serv-lng \'sar-viu\ n : HELPING
`adv -
`vant 2 : behaving like a slave : SUBMISSIVE -
`ser-vile \'s:>r•val, •,vi(•a)I\ adj 1 : befitting a slave
`member of the armed forces
`ser-vice-wom-an \'s~r~vas~,wil-mfln\ n : a woman
`service station n : GAS STA110N
`ice (as transportation or insurance) offered to c
`service mark n : a mark or device used to identify as
`pair or maintain equipment
`member of the armed forces
`ser-vice-man \'sQr-v~s-,man,
`Ser.vice-able \'sar-va-sa-bal\ adj : prepared for se·
`repair work on or for
`>service vb ser-viced; ser.vic,lng : to do mainten:
`persons in it (civil~> 9: military or naval duty
`verware 8 : a branch of public employment; als,
`or professional duties 6 : SERVE 7 : a set of dishes
`act, fact, or means of serving 5 : performance of
`followed in worship or in a ceremony (burial~>
`: HELP, BENEFIT 3 : a meeting for worship; also :
`rine corps ranking above a first sergeant
`headquarters 2 : a noncommissioned officer in the ma(cid:173)
`rine corps serving as chief administrative assistant in a
`jors 1 : a noncommissioned officer in the army or ma(cid:173)
`sergeant major n, pl sergeants major or sergeant ma(cid:173)
`army ranking next below a master sergeant
`sergeant first class n : a noncommissioned officer in the
`serves order and executes commands
`sergeant at arms : an officer of an organization who pre•
`in a police force
`army) ranking next below a staff sergeant 2 : an officer
`servire to serve] 1 : a noncommissioned officer (as in the
`fr. AF sergant, serjant, fr. L servient-, serviens, prp. of
`ser-geant \ •sar•jont\ n [ME, servant, attendant, sergeant,
`serge \'sorj\ n : a twilled woolen cloth
`\•<fam\ n
`land and subject to the will of the landowner -
`serf \'s"ri\ n : a member of a servile class bound to the
`se,rene,ly adv -
`se,rene \s:>-'ren\ adj 1 : CLEAR <~ skies) 2 : QUIET,
`dip,i-tous,ly adv
`not sought for
`Serendip] : the gift offinding valuable or agreeable things
`the heroes of the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of
`ser,en,dip,i-ty \,ser-"n·'di-po-te\ n [fr. its possession by
`form a serenade
`se-ren-i,ty \so-'re•n"•te\ n
`ser,en,dip-1,tous \·t"s\ adj
`woman being courted
`played as a compliment esp. outdoors at night for a
`clear, calm (of weather) fr. L serenusJ : music sung or
`1ser-e,nade \.ser-o-'nad\ n [F, fr. It serenala, fr. sereno
`sere \'sir\ adj : DRY, WITHERED
`language with regional variants
`Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Montenegro taken as a single
`and Croatian languages together with the Slavic speech of
`Ser•bo-Cro-a.tian \,s;,r-(,)bo-kro-'a-sh,,n\ n : the Serbian
`guage spoken by the Serbian people -Serbian adj
`Ser-bi-an \'sar-be-gn\ n 1 : SERB 2 : a south Slavic lan(cid:173)
`•serenade vb -nad.ed; -nad,ing : to entertain with or per(cid:173)
`wheylike fluid) : the clear yellowish antibody-containing
`se-rum \'sir-am\ n, pl serums or se-ra \·a\ [L, whey,
`ser.ried \'ser-ed\ adj: crowded together
`ser,rate \1ser-,at\ adj : having a saw-toothed edge (a ~
`tled appearance
`•ser•pen,tlne \•,ten\ n : a dull-green mineral having a mot-
`se-ri-ous-ness n
`se-ri-ous,ly adv -
`1ser-pen-tine \'sar•pan-,ten, •,fin\ adj 1 : SLY, CRAFTY 2
`ser•ptmt \'s;ir-p;,nt\ n : SNAKE
`ducing serum; esp : of thin watery constitution
`se,rous \'sir-as\ adj : of, relating to, resembling, or pro•
`that is a powerful vasoconstrictor
`se•ro-to .. nin \,sjr-:;;i-1tO-nan1 ,ser-\ n ! a neurotransmitter
` \•ji-k(,,..)le\ adv
`\,sir-a-'lii•ji-kal\ ot se-ro,log,ic \·iik\ adj
`and esp. their reactions and properties -
`se, \sa-'rii-la-je\ n : a science dealing with serums
`pose or .deliver a sermon 2 : to preach to or on at length
`ser,mon-ize \'sar-ma-,nrz\ vb -lzed; -lz-ing 1 : to com(cid:173)
`service 2 : a lecture on conduct or duty
`gether] 1 : a religious discourse esp. as part of a worship
`senno, fr. L, speech, conversation, fr. serere to link to•
`ser,mon \'sar-m.:,n\ n [ME, fr. AF sennun, fr. ML sermon,
`gree (making~ money> • Synonyms GRAVE, SEDATE,
`HARMFUL 5 : excessive or impressive in quantity or de(cid:173)
`pearance or manner : SOBER 2 : requiring much thought
`se-ri.ous \'sir-e-"s\ adj 1 : thoughtful or subdued in ap(cid:173)
`se,rig,ra,phy \•fe\ n
`se,rig-ra-pher \s:>-'ri·m•for\ 11
`seri,graph \'ser·a-,graf\ n : an original silk-screen print -
`arranged in order and connected by being alike in some
`se,ries \'sir-cz\ 11, pl series : a number of things or events
`\-:,.list\ n
`•serial n : a serial story or other writing
`se,ri,al-ly adv
`such a series
`acts over a period of time (a~ killer); also : occurring in
`regularly <a ~ story) 2 : perfom1ing a series of similar
`1se,rl,al \'sir-e-~l\ adj 1 : appearing in parts that follow

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