`PTOISB/05 {07--07)
`Approved for use through 06/30/2010. 0MB 0651--0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paoerwork Reduction Act of 1995 no oarsons are =•in>tl tor" cnnnd to a collection of information unless it dk""'"" a valid 0MB control number.
`(Only for new nonprovisional applications under 37 CFR 1.53(b)}
`Attorney Docket No.
`First Inventor
`Gurvinder Singh
`Onlne Publishing Of Multimedia Cont£l'\ t
`Express Mail Label No.
`ED 300883278 US
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
`1.E} Fee Transmittal Form (e.g., PTO/SB/17)
`(Submit an original and a duplicate for fee processing)
`Applicant claims small entity status.
`See 37 CFR 1.27.
`J.(Z] Specification
`[Total Pages
`Both the claims and abstract must start on a new page
`(For lnfmmation on the preterred am,ngement, see MPEP 608.01 (a))
`4.[Z) Drawing(s) (35 U.S.C. 113)
`(Total Sheets
`5. Oath or Declaration
`[Totaf Sheets
`a. e3 Newly executed (original orcopy)
`A copy from a prior application (37 CFR 1.63(d))
`C]or continuation/divisional with Box 18 completed}
`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s)
`name in the prior application, see 37 CFR
`1.6J{d)(2) and 1.33(b).
`6.0 Application Data Sheet See 37 CFR 1.76
`7.0 CD-ROM or CD-R in duplicate, large table or
`caputer Program (Appendix}
`Landscape Table on CD
`8. Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`(if applicable, items a. - c. are required)
`a. 0
`Computer Readable Form (CRF)
`Specification Sequence Listing on:
`CD-ROM or CD-R (2 copies); or
`ii.O Paper
`9. 0
`Assignment Papers (cover sheet & document(s))
`Name of Assignee
`10. 0
`37 CFR 3.73(b) Statement
`(when there is an assignee)
`English Translation Document (if applicable}
`11. 0
`12. 0 lnfo~on Disclosure Statement (PTO/SB/08 or PT0-1449)
`Copies of citations attached
`13. 0
`Preliminary Amendment
`14. 12] Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`( Should be specifically itemized)
`15. D Certified Copy of Priority Document(s)
`(if foreign priority is claimed)
`16. O Nonpublication Request under 35 U.S.C. 122(b)(2XB)(i).
`Applicant must attach form PTO/SB/35 or equivalent.
`17. D Other: Form PT0-2038 for payment of filing fee
`Statements verifying identity of above copies
`C. 0
`18. If a CONTINUING APPLICATION, check appropriate box, and supply the requisite information below and in the first sentence of the
`specification following the title, or in an Application Data Sheet under 37 CFR 1. 76:
`Continuation-in-part (CIP)
`of prior application No.: .................................
`Prior application infonnation:
`D The address associated with Customer Number: I
`Ashok Tankha
`Of Counsel, Lipton, Weinberger & Husick
`36 Greenleigh Drive
`I State
`I Telephone 856-266-5145
`A, rlU\_k.. "'-"-
`Ashok Tankha
`I OR [ { ] Correspondence address below
`Zip Code 08080
`I Date Sep. 19, 2007
`Registration No. I
`<Attomev/Aaentl 33•802
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.53(b). The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the
`USPTO to process) an applicatiOn. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 12 minutes to
`complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any
`commenls on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, shoufd be sent to the Chief Information Officer,
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED
`FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-14&0.
`If )IOU need assistance in completing the fonn, ca/11-800-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`EX. 2021, Page 1
`PTO/SB/17 {07--07)
`Approved for use through 06/3012010. OMS 0651.0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`the Paoerwork Reduction Act of 1995 no oersons are required to resPOnd to a collection of information unfess it disPlavs a valid 0MB control number
`Complete If Known
`JEEe rRANs ' iv i i fTA [
`For FY 2007
`121 Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27
`METHOD OF PAYMENT (check all that apply)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`Seo. 19 2007
`First Named Inventor Gurvinder Sinah
`Examiner Name
`Art Unit
`Attorney Docket No.
`Ce11Spin 01
`0 Deposit Account Deposit Account Number: 503291
`Dcheck @credit Card DMoneyOrder 0None Dother (please identify):
`Deposit Account Name: Ashok Tankha
`For the above-identified deposit account, the Director is hereby authorized to: {check all that apply)
`D Charge fee(s} indicated below, except for the filing fee
`D Credit any overpayments
`Fees Paid ($}
`Ocharge fee(s) indicated below
`[lJ Charge any additional fee(s) or underpayments of fee(s)
`under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17
`WARNING: Information on this form may become public. Credit card information should not be included on this form. Provide credit card
`information and authorization on PT0-2038.
`Small Entify
`Small Entify
`Small Entify
`mm ~ ~ Fee($)
`Fee {$l mm
`Small Entify
`Multigle Degendent Claims
`Fee Paid($)
`~glication TS
`Fee Descrietion
`Each claim over 20 (including Reissues)
`Each independent claim over 3 (including Reissues)
`Multiple dependent claims
`Total Claims
`Extra Claims
`HP = highest number of total claims paid for, if greater than 20.
`ExtmClaims mm
`ln!l!J!. £1mms
`-3orHP =
`HP = highest number of independent claims paid for, if greater than 3.
`If the specification and drawings exceed l 00 sheets of paper ( excluding electronically filed sequence or computer
`listings under 37 CFR l.52(e)), the application size fee due is $250 ($ I 25 for small entity) for each additional 50
`sheets or fraction thereof See 35 U.S.C. 41!:)(l)(G) and 37 CFR l.16~).
`Num er of each additional 50 or action thereof mm
`Extra Sheets
`Total Sheets
`(round up to a whole number) X
`Non-English Specification, $130 fee (no small entity discount)
`Other (e.g., late filing surcharge):
`Fee Paid(!}
`Fee Paid($)
`Fee Paid($}
`Em Paid(!}
`. BY
`A Jti:JtJLA...
`Name (Print/Type, Ashok Tankha
`I Registration No.
`IAttomev/Aaen!\ 33,802
`Telephone 856-266-5145
`Date Sep. 19, 2007
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.136. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the
`USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 30 minutes to complete,
`including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time Will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments
`on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this' burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1460, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need assistance in completing the form, ca/11-800-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`EX. 2021, Page 2
`Express Mail Label No.: ED 300883278 US
`In re. application of:
`Applicant: Gurvinder Singh
`Application No: Not assigned
`Title: Online Publishing Of Multimedia Content
`Filing Date: Sep. 19, 2007
`Examiner: Not assigned
`Attorney Docket No.: Cel1Spin_Ol
`To: Mail Stop Patent Application
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Certificate O(Express Mailing Under 37 CFR §I.JO
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid.
`"Express. Mail Post Office To Addressee", Express Mail Label No. ED 300883278 US, in an envelope addressed to:
`Mail Stop Patent Application, Commissioner for Patents, P .0. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 on sep. 19,
`p. . ~ ....... 1.llg_
`~ t.-~ • 1 ~ , c, 1
`Ashok Tankha
`Transmitted herewith is a new patent application, including the papers and fees listed
`l. Utility Patent Application Transmittal, (PTO/SB/05);
`2. Declaration for Utility Patent Application, (PTO/SB/01)(2 pgs.);
`3. Fee Transmittal Form, {PTO/SB/I 7);
`4. Payment of filing, search and examination fee by credit card, {PT0-2038);
`5. Power of Attorney and Correspondence Address Indication Form, (PTO/SB/81);
`6. Specification and Abstract (32 pgs.);
`7. Drawings ( 5 pgs. );
`8. Return postcard for USPTO to acknowledge receipt of the above 7 documents.
`Date: Sep. 19, 2007
`Correspondence Address
`Ashok Tankha, Esq.
`Of Counsel, Lipton, Weinberger & Husick
`36 Greenleigh Drive
`Ashok Tanlma, Esq.
`Attorney For Applicant
`Reg. No. 33802
`Phone: 856-266-5145
`EX. 2021, Page 3
`Express Mail Label No.: ED 300883278 US
`Sewell, NJ 08080
`Fax: (856) 374-0246
`E-mail: ash@ipprocurement.com
`EX. 2021, Page 4
`PTOJSB/01 {07-07)
`Approved for use lhrough 06130/2010. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under lhe Panerwork Reduction Act of 1995 no ........,,,,,, are reauired to resnnnd to a collection of infoonation unless it contains a valid
`be r.
`contr num
`Attorney Docket
`First Named Inventor
`(37 CFR 1.63)
`0 Declaration
`Wdh Initial
`D Declaration
`Submitted after Initial
`Filing (surcharge
`(37 CFR 1.16 (e))
`I hereby declare that:
`Gurvinder Singh
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`l}. l "7. 07
`Each inventor's residence, mailing address, and citizenship are as stated below nexl to their name.
`I believe the inventor(s) named below to be the original and first inventor(s) of the subject matter_which is claimed and for
`which a patent is sought on the invention entitled:
`Online Publishing Of Multimedia Content
`the specification of which
`(Title of the Invention)
`is attached hereto
`D was filed on (MM/DD/YYYY) I
`Application Number I
`I as United States Application Number or PCT International
`I and was amended on (MM/DD/YYYY) I
`I (if applicable).
`I hereby state that I have reviewed and understand the contents of the above identified specification, including the claims, as
`amended by any amendment specifically referred to above.
`I acknowledge the duty to disclose information which is material to patentability as defined in 37 CFR 1.56, including for
`continuation-in-part applications, material information which became available between the filing date of the prior application
`and the national or PCT international filing date of the continuation-in-part application.
`I hereby claim foreign priority benefits under 35 U.S.C. 119(a)-(d) or (f), or 365(b) of any foreign application(s) for patent,
`inventor's or plant breeder's rights certificate(s), or 365(a) of any PCT international application which designated at least one
`country other than the United States of America, listed below and have also identified below, by checking the box, any foreign
`application for patent, inventor's or plant breeder's rights certificate(s), or any PCT international application having a filing date
`before that of the application on which priority is claimed.
`Prior Foreign Application
`Foreign Filing Date
`Not Claimed
`Certified Copy Attached?
`Additional foreign application numbers are listed on a supplemental priority data sheet PTO/SB/02B attached hereto.
`[Page 1 of 2]
`This collection of information is required by 35 U.S.C. 115 and 37 CFR 1.63. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the put>tic which is to fite
`(and by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 21
`minutes to complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual
`case. Any comments on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information
`Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. 00 NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED
`FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO; Commissioner for Patents, P .0. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need assistance completing the form, call 1-800-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`EX. 2021, Page 5
`PTOISM)1 (07-01}
`AppRMdb'ueee-igh Da'30l2010.0MB0851.0032
`U.S. P..wand lhldamllflOlllcec WI. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`conupo11dence to:
`CuelDmer Number. I
`D Theaddf89$
`WIOCialed wllh
`OR 121 Correspondence
`address below
`Aa11ok Tanllha
`Of Counlel, l.iplun. Weinberger & HU9lck
`I Telephone
`Petitio11erlapplicant ts cautioned to avoid 8UIJmilling personal lnbmation in documents filed in a patent application lhat may
`contribule to Identity !heft. Pef80n81 lnfonnatiol, such as 80Clal security rwmbenl, bank acoount numbers, or CNldit c:anl
`numbef& (olhllr 1han a check or cradit cad authorization form PT0-2038 submlltec:I for payment purposes) ia never naqui18d by
`the UBPT'O to suppart a pelillar\ or an appliealian_ If this type of personal inbmatlon is included in documents submitted to
`lhe USPTO, petilio11enifapplicam$ should consider redading such personal inbmation from the doc:umenls before submllting
`lhem to the USPTO. Petitionerlapplicant 15 acMsed ltl8I the record of a palBnt application is available to the public after
`publication of the application (untesa a non-publication request in 4:0mpllance will 37 CFR 1213(a) is made In the apptication)
`or iNUanCe of a palent. FUl'lhemlclre, the RICClnl fn,m an abandoned applic:alion may also be available to the public if the
`appltcalion is nlfarenced In a published appllcalion or an l&sued patent (see 'ST CFR 1.14). Checks and Q'lldit c:afd
`authoriZallon fDrma PT0-2038 submilted for payment purposes are not n,tatr,ed In 1he application file and lherefore are not
`publicly available.
`I hereby decl8n:t that all atements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that al 8latemenls made on informallon
`and belfeJ are believed to be true; and fudher that b98e slatlllnenls were made will the knowladga that willful false
`statementB and the lb so made ar& punillhable by fine or Imprisonment. or boll, under 18 u.s.c_ 1001 and lhat such willful
`false alalllmants may jeopaRlize the validlty of the appllcation or any patent Issued thereon.
`I n A - -
`been fifed ror this
`Family Name or Surname
`Sep. 17, 2007
`Given Name (first and middle (If any))
`Inventor's Signature -~ \~ ~~
`~ ~ ' -
`Resldance: C"lly
`San Frmclllco
`Mailing Address
`201 Hmllan S1nlel, Apt #IIIZ7
`San Francllco
`D Addllianlll ""8nlalaar . -
`I Zip
`. . ,..._namadanthe
`PTCllSMl2A or Q2lR a1laalled harelo.
`EX. 2021, Page 6
`Art Unit
`PTQIS8/81 ('01-46)
`AppRMd ro, use 1hRlugh 12131/21ll8. 0MB 0651.()036
`U.S. Pelelltand T~ Olllce; U.S. OEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Sep. 18, 2007
`Onllne Pub!
`Of Mulllmedia Con
`1 hereby revoke all previou$ powers of attomey given In the &-- ·-
`I hemby appoint:
`D PractillcllNn 8IIC Cllled With Ille Ctllalffler NurnNr.
`121 PntctiliOHffl(&) named below:
`, ,.;.,ed application.
`Regi8lration NurntJer
`• my/Our attorney(•) or agent(&) to prosecute lhe app11ca1ion lden1ifled above, and to nnMd all businea in lhe United Sta1ea Patent end
`Tnidefflark Office CCHiectad lherewWI.
`Pfeaee recx,gn1a or change the ccrrnpondlJnc8 acldreaa for 1tNI abovlMdenlified llpl)lication to:
`D The addraDassoclaled with the above-n.entioned Cu8lomet' Number:
`The acldre&1laMOCiated wllh Customer Number.
`Of Counael, Lipton, Weinberger & Husick
`38 Greenlef;h Drive
`I State .......
`I z,p 108080
`I Email r IIBh@iPprocur8m
`'r2tte: Applicant/Inventor.
`0 Assignee of record of the en1n interest. See 37 CFR 3. 71.
`SIBtBm8nt undf1r :17 CFR 3.73(b} Is encload. (Farm PTOISBl9BJ
`SIGNf'TURE,or Applk:ant or A&&ignee Of Record
`,. ~~A ....
`I 0ate
`T Telephone I 408-410-8590
`Titleand~ CEO,CellSpln,lnc.
`NOTE: SipudlRa af all lhe lrM!n1llr& ar -v-ot raDd d Ille entire lnleraat orl!leir ~a ) 11111 ,equired. Submit mulliple forms if more tlllll1 one
`- · · ,...,..;.,,,s, see beloW'.
`D *Totatot
`forms -
`lhiiu:olledian d informslion ia ,aquired by 'ST CFR 1.31, 1.32 and 1.33. 1118 inbmallDn is required ID oblain Of rettm a benefit by the put,llc which ia ID file (and by
`!he USPr0 to p,ocess) en llfll)ltcallon. Conldentlallly Is gclllemed by 35 u.s.c. 122 -
`:r, cFR 1.11 end 1.14. This collec:lion ia 88limaled to take 3 minutes
`ID aomplete, lnciludlrl9 galherinlJ, prepa,lng, 191d SIIDnlllllng Ille oompll!led applii:allDn fQrm ID Iha USPTO. rme will Y8J)' depending upon the lndMdual case. Any
`Clllllllanla on 1119 amount af lime ,oi, raqun ID CDll'*"9 lllil farm andlDI' sue:;
`ti •• far l'IIClumlg 11*1 llunlen, 1111111*1 be Wit ID Iha Chief lnfonnallan Offic:er,
`U.S. Parent 111d Tl8dllrllalll Olllce, U.S. Depanrnent al Commen=e, P.O. Bar 1450, Alaaldrla, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEE& OR COMPt.ETEO
`FORM8 TOTHISADORE8S. HND 10: Commissioner for Patants, P.O. lox 1411, AlexMdTla, YA 22313,,1'90.
`If YDU nwd enlltance In~ the form, eel 1-BOf>.PT0-9199 and a1ect option 2.
`EX. 2021, Page 7
`This application claims the benefit of provisional patent application no. US
`60/863090 titled "One Click Mobile Media Casting Without Dialing A Phone
`Number" filed on October 26, 2006 in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
`This invention, in general, relates to distribution of multimedia content. More
`particularly, this invention relates to publishing user created multimedia content on
`one or more publication virtual spaces simultaneously with minimal input actions on a
`mobile device required of a user.
`A user may need to create multimedia files and publish the multimedia files on
`the internet in real time. The user typically uses a plurality of devices to create the
`multimedia contents and an additional device with internet capability to publish the
`multimedia content. Consider a situation where a user needs to create and publish
`20 multimedia content comprising a plurality of images and voice content. The user may
`need to use a camera for capturing the images and a voice recorder for recording the
`voice content. Furthermore, the user may use a computer with internet capabilities to
`combine the separate media contents and publish the multimedia content online. It
`may be inconvenient for the user to operate a plurality of devices in order to create
`and publish the multimedia content on a website on the wireless internet or intranet.
`There is an unmet need for a method and system to create and publish multimedia
`contents online using a single device and with minimal user input actions required of
`a user.
`Moreover, a user may need to publish multimedia content on a plurality of
`websites. The websites may be controlled by different administrative domains and
`these websites may have different web properties. Therefore, there is a need for a
`method and system that enables a user to publish a user created multimedia content on
`multiple internet or intranet websites.
`EX. 2021, Page 8
`The method and system disclosed herein addresses the above stated needs for
`publishing user created multimedia content using a mobile device on one or more
`publication virtual spaces simultaneously. The method and system disclosed herein
`targets advertisements on the mobile device and the publication virtual spaces using
`the published multimedia content.
`The method and system disclosed herein provides a client application on the
`IO mobile device of the user. The client application enables the user to create multimedia
`content on the mobile device. The user may register on a website of a publishing
`service prior to using the client application. The user creates a user profile on the
`website of the publishing service. The method disclosed herein further provides a
`protocol for synchronizing user publishing information between the client application
`and the publishing service, wherein the user publishing information includes user
`preferences of the publication virtual spaces. The client application provides a
`graphical user interface for the user to record and transfer the multimedia content with
`minimal user input actions on the graphical user interface. Depending on the
`processing and memory capabilities of the mobile device, the client application may
`transfer the user created multimedia content to a back end service via a front end
`service of the publishing service, as a single multimedia file or as multiple data
`segments. The user created multimedia content may also be transferred to the
`publishing service as electronic mail attachments. In the case of a mobile device with
`limited memory and processing capabilities, the client application partitions the user
`created multimedia content stored on the mobile device into data segments. These
`data segments are tagged with segment identifiers using the client application. The
`tagged data segments are transferred from the client application of the mobile device
`to the publishing service via a network. The network may also be, but not limited to,
`one of a cellular network, wireless network, and the internet.
`The publishing service comprises the front end service and the back end
`service. The tagged data segments are received by the front end service, and
`transferred to the back end service. The back end service reassembles the data
`segments in a predetermined sequence using the segment identifiers to create a
`EX. 2021, Page 9
`multimedia object. The multimedia object may, therefore, be obtained from the data
`segments, a single multimedia file, or from electronic mail attachments of the user
`created multimedia content. Targeted advertisements may be spliced with the
`multimedia object using the back end service. Also, targeted advertisements may be
`displayed to the user on the client application of the mobile device. Furthennore, the
`targeted advertisements may be selected using at least one of a user profile, time, day,
`and date metrics, advertisement campaigns, and preferences of viewers of the
`published multimedia content. The multimedia object is then transferred from the
`back end service to the front end service. The front end service then publishes this
`10 multimedia object on one or more publication virtual spaces according to user
`The disclosed method and system also enables a user to publish user created
`multimedia content on internet or intranet with minimal user input actions on the
`15 mobile device. The disclosed method and system, therefore allows for instantaneous
`user demographic dependent advertising with the user created multimedia content.
`Furthermore, the disclosed method and system enables a user to publish multimedia
`content on a plurality of chosen websites. The method and system disclosed herein
`may not require dialing of a phone number for the publication of multimedia content,
`thereby providing a publishing service free of charge to the user by using advertising
`as a business monetization method.
`Moreover, the method disclosed herein collects viewing information of the
`published multimedia content. The publishing service receives the viewing
`information each time the multimedia object spliced with targeted advertisements is
`viewed on the publication virtual spaces. The publishing service utilizes the viewing
`information to generate advertising statistics. The advertising statistics gives the
`advertisers the option to pay for each viewing of the advertisement instead of a fixed
`rate of payment.
`Furthermore, the method and system disclosed herein enables users to create
`multimedia files and then publish the files on the internet in real time. The user
`created multimedia files may also be shared with others with minimal input actions
`required by the user handling the mobile device. The method and system disclosed
`EX. 2021, Page 10
`herein also enables video blogging, text blogging, picture blogging, and voice
`blogging in a publisher independent manner to one or multiple sites on the internet or
`The foregoing summary, as well as the following detailed description of the
`embodiments, is better understood when read in conjunction with the appended
`drawings. For the purpose of il1ustrating the invention, exemplary constructions of the
`invention are shown in the drawings. However, the invention is not limited to the
`specific methods and instrumentalities disclosed herein.
`FIGURE 1 illustrates a method of publishing user created multimedia content on one
`or more publication virtual spaces.
`FIGURE 2 illustrates a system for publishing user created multimedia content on one
`or more publication virtual spaces.
`FIGURE 3 exemplarily illustrates the publishing of multimedia content on one or
`20 more publication virtual spaces using the client application on the mobile device.
`FIGURE 4 illustrates an exemplary flowchart of the process of publishing the user
`created multimedia content on one or more publication virtual spaces.
`FIGURE 5 illustrates an exemplary flowchart of the transfer of multimedia content to
`the publishing service in the form of electronic mail attachments.
`FIGURE 1 illustrates a method of publishing user created multimedia content
`on one or more publication virtual spaces 205. The method disclosed herein provides
`101 a client application 202 on a mobile device of a user 201. The user 201 may
`register on a website of a publishing service 204 prior to using the client application
`202. The user 201 may also register on the publication virtual spaces 205 by creating
`EX. 2021, Page 11
`a user profile at the publication virtual spaces 20S. The user 201 creates 102
`multimedia content by using the client application 202. The client application 202
`provides a graphical user interface 202a to the user 201 to record and transfer the user
`created multimedia content to the publishing service 204. The user created multimedia
`content may be an audio file, a video file, an image file, a text file, or any
`combination thereof.
`The method disclosed herein further provides 103 the publishing service 204
`comprising a front end service 204b and a back end service 204c. The client
`application 202 interacts with the publishing service 204 to determine the preferred
`websites or publication virtual spaces 20S of the user 201 for publishing the user
`created multimedia content. The user 201 may select one or more publication virtual
`spaces 20S using the client application 202, as a preferred destination for publishing
`the user created multimedia content. The client application 202 communicates the
`user publishing information including the user preferences of the publication virtual
`spaces 20S to the front end service 204b. In one embodiment, the publication virtual
`spaces 20S may be selected on the website of the publishing service 204. The method
`disclosed herein provides a protocol for synchronizing 104 user publishing
`information between the client application 202 and the publishing service 204. The
`user publishing information includes user preferences of the publication virtual spaces
`20S. The user created multimedia content is received by the front end service 204b of
`the publishing service 204 from the client application 202 and then transferred 105 to
`the back end service 204c of the publishing service 204.
`The user created multimedia content is transferred using the internet or
`intranet capabilities of the mobile device over a network. Exemplarily, the network is
`a wireless network. Depending on the hardware processing and memory capabilities
`of the mobile device, the client application 202 may transfer the user created
`multimedia content to the publishing service 204 as a single multimedia file or as
`30 multiple data segments. The user created multimedia content may also be transferred
`as electronic mail attachments. The user created multimedia content may be reviewed
`prior to transferring the multimedia content to the publishing service 204. Moreover,
`in remote locations where there is limited or absence of network connectivity, the
`EX. 2021, Page 12
`multimedia content may be prerecorded and stored on the mobile device, and later
`transferred to the publishing service 204 when the network connectivity is established.
`The network 203 may be a wireless network, a cellular network, a telephony
`network, the internet or intranet. In one implementation of the invention, the client
`application 202 uses the telephony network to access the internet and transfers the
`user created multimedia content to the front end service 204b. In another
`implementation of the invention, the front end service 204b may be accessible via a
`toll free number. The user 201 calls the toll free number and records voice messages
`at the front end service 204b. These voice messages serve as the multimedia content
`that needs to be published.
`The back end service 204c creates 106 a multimedia object from the
`transferred multimedia content. The back end service 204c may splice the multimedia
`object with targeted advertisements based on a user profile stored in the database
`204a of the publishing service 204. Also, when the user 201 is using the client
`application 202 targeted advertisements may be displayed to the user 201 on the client
`application 202. Targeted advertisements are selected from the database 204a
`provided in the publishing service 204. Targeted advertisements are selected using
`information from at least one of a user profile, time, day, and date metrics,
`advertisement campaigns, p