Academic Press
`of Science and
`EX. 2012, Page 1


`Academic Press
`of Science and
`Edited by
`Christopher Morris
`Academic Press
`Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers
`San Diego New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto
`EX. 2012, Page 2


`cryoturbatlon Gt'o/011> d1s1urb:1.111.:c of 1he ~oil ,urfn,c by 1hc icuun ol
`frec1:ing or ol ahcmaic lrcczing and 1ha,,1ng
`Cryphacaceae Boran> a 1rop1cal nnd ~ub1rop1cal lumil} ot rno\ll) dull
`mo~se~ of lhc order lsohry 1lc lhal fom1 loose 11ms on 1ree-; n11d rod.s,
`charac1cn7cd b, cn.-cpmg Mcrn, ,, 11h numerous •hon I ucml hn111c-he!;
`ih:u somcumcs fonn pcndulou\ ~hccts. b, lulcnl sporuphv1e • and by n
`single co,u, endmg belo" 1hc :ipc,
`crypsis l:.colo~1· the nbiim of an orgamsm 10 camouflllgc and conceal
`ihelfthrough ns na1uml nppcnrollt"C
`crypt Ana1om1 a bhnd pit or 1ubc 1hai opens onto a free ~urfacc
`crypt- a combmmg fonn me nmg "~cret" or• hidden,'' as m cr;pra,:al(cid:173)
`cryptanalysis [krip 1:, mu·:, sis] Linxmmcs an analy.m of coded or SC·
`cret tC:\1, mcludmg the s1cps, opcrnuons, and procedures required to
`COn\'cn an enCf)plcd mcss:ig.: mto pl:im 1e111 w11hou1 prior knov. ledge of
`lhc KC) employed in lhe cncryp11on proccs~
`cryptand Organic- Clit'mlsrri • .i b1cychc or cychc compound of higher
`onicr Ihm surrounds and shields an 1011 m 1hc cenier of a molecule.
`cryptate Organic Clre1111srry a complex molecule consisu11g of o ccniral
`ton surrounded and shielded by a cychc compound
`Crypteroniaceae 801any. a munogcncnc family of crop1cal d1col)lc(cid:173)
`donou, 1recs in the order Mynales, o{u:n accumulaung aluminum and
`choracterizcd b) opposite, simple leave, and numerous uny
`borne III uxrllary racemes. spikes. or pan1clcs.
`Crypthecodlnlaceae Boran> a family of manne nagellale) of 1hc
`order Peridm1alc!>, nonphotosynihcuc saproph) 1es 1ha1 live on rotting
`large brov. n :ilgae; only one species is curremly known, but evidence
`poinis 10 as ye1 undescnbed specie~.
`cryptic [krip uk) Zoolog). relating 10 or dcscnbmg lhc ob1li1y of an or(cid:173)
`ganL\m 10 concc:il tbelf by means of colorauon and markings that re(cid:173)
`semble lhc surrounding env1ronmcn1
`cryptic coloration Zooloxy. pro1ec1ive colora1ion th:i1 allows an organ(cid:173)
`ism 10 blend m \\llh i1s environmen1 and 1hu:. remain concealed from
`predators or prey; of1en occurring in insect~. including such unusual
`adap1alions as lhe ability or Mack msccis to ma1ch their color too clung·
`ing background b) moving p1gmen1 granules in their CJ>ldcnnal cells.
`cryptic mutant Cell 810/o10 , a cell possessing o muu111on 1hat cannot
`be decccted pheno1yp1call)·,
`cryptic plasmid Molecular Biology a pla.-.m1d having no apparem ef(cid:173)
`fect on the phenotype of the cell \\here ii occurs.
`cryptic satellite Genet,cs a sa1cl111c DNA sequence n01 idenulicd as
`such by a scpara1e peak on !I densuy gradient: thal is, it remain~ prcsem
`in main-band D:-:A.
`cryptic species Systemur1cJ, a ~pcc1e~ so similar 10 another thu1 the
`, ... o are difficult 10 dblinguish lrom each other, Also. S1Bu1-.a SPF.ems.
`cryptic virus Virolog). any inappnrcnl virus, especiall) one of the
`Cryp1ov1rus group, which cause 110 symp1oms in plants.
`crypto· a combining form meaning "~ecn:1" or "hidden," :is m cryprog(cid:173)
`Cryptoblldae l,11·errebrate Zoology. a frumly of colorle~ pro1ozoans
`with two flagella, in lhe order Kine1opla.,1ida.
`cryptoblosls Physiology a condi1ion m \\h1ch _all e111emal signs of
`me111bolic acuviry are absent from a dormant organism.
`cryptoblotlc Zoology. describing an organism tha1 typically hides or
`conceals 11self.
`Cryptobranchldae Vmtbrate Z-oology. the giant salamanders, a fam(cid:173)
`ily in 1hc suborder Cryp1obranchoidea in ~ order _Caudata; generally
`aquauc and having a flattened body, loose skin, and lidless eyes.
`Cryptobrancholdea Vtntb;a~e. Zoo!o~y. a suborder m lbe ~ Cau·
`data containing 1he most pnm1live livmg sal1m1octca, incladiog lbe
`Asia1ic and gianl salamanders; disliDguisbcd by extemll fenilizalioo
`and aquatic larva.
`Cryptocerata Jnverttbr!JU
`of hemipteran insccll
`tococcales H>rology an order of 1mperfcct fungi '41lost
`unccnam 11 as wmeumes classified as belono,n
`cauon 1
`°""'g 10 ~
`las fi d
`de Bi
`H . homycctcs, ... as former y c
`st 1c
`... n
`c~!ocicnsuc dul hnk 11 to 1he subd1v1s1on Bas1d.omycoun:i;
`or sexual stage ,s no1 known
`tococcal meningitis lr/ed,ctnt' an mnammanon or lhc
`~!ughl on hy the yc.isthkc organL~m. cryp1ococcus
`tococcosls Mrd1C1nr n crypcococcus mfcctton thai f!l2y lff
`kin ,nd usually lhe brain, nervou~ sys1em, anti their.,._ CCl
`ryl p
`ungs, ~
`• "''
`l I
`Cryptococcus M\colog\ " genus ~ yea~ ung1
`longing to
`Hyphomycetcs which includes ,pccie\ pa1ho~cmc lo hurna111
`ammah, such as C 11eo/orma11s, its reproducuon L\ chzractenl(d
`muhila1eral budding of cells
`cryptocrystalllne Grolo10 descnbtng the tex1urc of III aggit
`charactcnzed by crystalltne cons111uen1s 100 small 10 be di
`under an ordinary nucro~opc Alro. M CROCRYSTALLC,'f..
`Cryptodira Vtrtt'brote Zoology 1hc modem tunles, an tnfllOcdcror
`repuha.n order Te.,tudmc con1aimng most hvmg terrcstnal and
`iurtlcs, ionoises. and 1errap1ns: characien,.cd by lhc nb1hl) 10 wi
`the neck direC"tly into the shell und n pch ,s th:11 as no1 fused lo the 1he!
`Cryptodonta /mtrtebrau Zoology. :i subc~ass (order :-;uculo•(b
`pnmmvc clams m 1he family S01t:my1dae. ha, mg al~1 no lunge
`cryptoexploslon structure Geology a more or le~, c1rtular ll.'bcti;
`fonned by a ~uddcn, often citplo,1ve, release of energy and shoi..r.g
`1en!>C rock defonnauon unrela1ed 10 volcanic or 1cc1on1c acu,ll)
`erypt~xploshe struc1ure.
`cryptogram (krip ,~ gram1 Lingwsucs. n message lhat ha; bctn
`cl)pted; 1.e., ,1 message \\hose content ts not evident from ordi:ui}
`tcrpretauon \'1rolog; n descnpuvc code lhai 1s used 10 record ca-;z
`basic propcrue~ of a vuu,, mcludmg 1Ls shape, 1ype nnd v.e,gb of 1111-
`cle1c acid, hos1 ronge, nnd , cc:tor
`cryptographic (krip 1~ graiik) Lingmsrus. I. of or n:lnung 10 C'l)-ptq
`raph). 2. man encryp1cd fonn; u,.mg a code or cipher
`cryptographic algorithm Tt'/ecomn111111ca1101u n se1 of mJlhanau.
`cally expressed rule for cnc1phenng and deciph.:nng bycffcctln!1
`series of convcr;ions c;onlrOlled by the use ofo c ryp1ogr:iph1c kc)
`cryptographic bltstream Telecom,mmicar1011s a ,1~olbitsdut
`connected wnh a piam,1c111 m.:ssage tn order 10 fonn a cryJ)IO!J11!1 IXI
`stream 10 decode plain 1.:111 from n cryp1ogram.
`cryptographic key TC'lrco111m11mca1101,s. :i c,phcr or code tJw u
`10 set or adjus1 Cl)J>lograph1c cqu1prncn1 01 a transmission or m:tn
`s1auon so 1ha1 messages can ouromuucnlly be ctlClphcred Ill the
`mission siation or deciphered a1 lhe recc,vmg sumon.
`cryptography (knp llig'r:> fc] Lmguu11cr n branch of commumcan
`dcvo1ed 10 lhc dcstgn and use of ciphers, including principles :ind mtth(cid:173)
`ods for comemng pl111n 1cx1 into urnn1elhg1ble fonn and con~Cftlllg ~
`parcntly ummelhg,blc ciphered ICM into m1elitg1ble form, umll) bJ
`me:tns other than cryptanalysis.
`Cryptograptus Palt'oncology. u genus of sc,mdem b1~ria.l gnptolosdl
`m the suborder Glossograptina and famil) Cryp1ograptidae: OrdoltCt&r.
`cryptohallte Mine~alagy. <.NH~)2SiF6• s white or gray tran~pmtlt culjc
`mineral occurnng tn massive or arborcsccnt fonm, ha\'tng a spe,
`gravuy of 2 10 2.0 I and a hardness of 2.5 on the ~1ohs scale, d!m«
`phous with barari1e; found as a sublima1c m colll basuis and oo M
`cryptolo_gy [krip tJil':, jc] Unguwics the brunch of cryptogrtlii) Ill.ti
`deals. wuh the ~ddcn. disguised, or encrypted meanmg_, m ine5-'3gcs;
`used an commurucat1oos security and mtclltgence.
`cryptomeduaa ln~rttbratt Zoology. the 1~1 stage m lhe ttdu,(11)11 of
`a bydroid medusa 10 a rudiment having sex cells m the gonophorc
`cryptomelane Mineralogy. K(Mn~.Mn•2) Ow a gra> or bla~
`opaque. mecallic monoclinic (pscudote1ragonal' mineral occumni 1
`~~po rou s aggregates, having a spcdfic gra\ll)
`•Jlaldaeu of l 10 6.5 on the Mohs scale; found ~ a ~
`.. ,..,,1, .. -ce and Olbcr manganese oxides.
`Mtdici11t the occurrence of symptoms o f~
`~ t thc flow of blood. as in ,mperforatc hy!ll(II,,~
`~bra,e Zoology. cell division occumng Ill as.<Cl!l'
`a modified spindle forms and chro1113110
`cbromosomc differentiation.
`llotany, a family of frcshwn1er and mannc cquJ 1
`Ollldales, characterized b) nlm051 std «U
`IO a SUbapical funow, a la1cmlly ,'Olllprt ,l<•J••sl
`of pigmcntahons based on spec1fk r11>'1
`EX. 2012, Page 3

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