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`Definition - What does Graphical User Interface (GUI) mean?
`A graphical user interface (GUI) is an interface through which a user interacts with
`electronic devices such as computers, hand-held devices and other appliances. This
`nterface uses icons, menus and other visual indicator (graphics) representations to display
`nformation and related user controls, unlike text-based interfaces, where data and
`commands are in text. GUIl representations are manipulated by a pointing device such as a
`mouse, trackball, stylus, or a finger on a touch screen.
`The need for GUI became apparent because the first human/computer text interface was
`through keyboard text creation by what is called a prompt (or DOS prompt). Commands
`were typed on a keyboard at the DOS prompt to initiate responses from a computer. The
`use of these commands and the need for exact spelling created a cumbersome and
`nefficient interface.
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`Techopedia explains Graphical User Interface (GUI)
`In the late 1970s, the Xerox Palo Alto research laboratory created GUIs, which are now
`common in Windows, Mac OS, and many software applications. By using specially
`designed and labeled images, pictures, shapes and color combinations, objects were
`depicted on the computer screen that either resembled the operation to be performed or
`were intuitively recognized by the user. Today, each OS has its own GUI. Software
`applications use these and add additional GUIs of their own.
`How we interface with a computer is constantly being revised and reinvented. Human
`ngenuity has brought users from the keyboard to the mouse and trackball, touch screens
`and voice commands.
`A visual language has evolved as GUI has become commonplace in both operating
`systems (OS) and software applications. Even those with few computer skills can now,
`through the use of GUI, learn how to use computer applications for word processing,
`finances, inventory, design, artwork or hobbies.
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`What is a Graphical User Interface (GUI)? - Definition from Techopedia
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