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`730 lob • lock horns
`arc 3 : to direct (as a question or comment) so as to elicit a response
`—• vi 1 a : to move slowly and heavily b : to move in an arc 2 : to
`hit a tennis ball easily in a high arc
`3lob n (1851) : a soft high-arching shot, throw, or kick
`lob- or lobo- comb form [lobe] : lobe </o6ar> </o6otomy>
`lo-bar Vlo-bar, -,bar\ adj (ca. 1856) : of or relating to a lobe
`lo-bate \'16-,bat\ also lo-bat-ed \-,ba-tad\ adj [NL lobatus, fr. LL lobus]
`(ca. 1760) 1 : lobed 2 : resembling a lobe — lo-ba-tion \lo-'ba-
`1 lob-by \'la-be\ n, pi lobbies [ML lobium gallery, of Gmc origin; akin to
`OHG louba porch] (1593) 1 : a corridor or hall connected with a larg
`er room or series of rooms and used as a passageway or waiting room:
`as a : an anteroom of a legislative chamber; esp : one of two ante
`rooms of a British parliamentary chamber to which members go to
`vote during a division b : a large hall serving as a foyer (as of a hotel
`or theater) 2 : a group of persons engaged in lobbying esp. as repre
`sentatives of a particular interest group
`2lobby vb lob-bied; lob-by-ing vi (1837): to conduct activities aimed at
`influencing public officials and esp. members of a legislative body on
`legislation -—■ vt 1 : to promote (as a project) or secure the passage of
`(as legislation) by influencing public officials 2 : to attempt to influ
`ence or sway (as a public official) toward a desired action — lob-by-er
`it — lob-by-ism \-,i-zam\ n — lob-by-ist \-ist\ n
`lob-by-gow \‘la-be-,gau\ n [origin unknown] (1899) : an errand boy
`lobe \'lob\ n [MF, fr. LL lobus, fr. Gk lobos] (1541): a curved or round
`ed projection or division; specif: a usu. somewhat rounded projection
`or division of a bodily organ or part
`lo-bec-to-my \16-'bek-t3-me\ n, pi -mies [ISV] (ca. 1911) : surgical re
`moval of a lobe of an organ (as a lung) or gland (as the thyroid)
`lobed Vlobd\ adj (1756) : having lobes <palmately ~ leaves)
`lobe-fin \'16b-,fin\ n (1941) : crossopterygian — lobe-finned
`\-'find\ adj
`lo-be-lia Mo-'bel-ya, -'be-le-aX n [NL, fr. Matthias de Lobel fl616 Flem.
`botanist] (1739) 1 : any of a genus (Lobelia of the family Lobeliaceae,
`the lobelia family) of widely cultivated plants having terminal clusters
`of showy lipped flowers 2 : the leaves and tops of Indian tobacco
`lo-be-line \'16-ba-,len\ n [NL Lobelia + E 2-ine] (1852): a crystalline al
`kaloid C22H27NO2 that is obtained from Indian tobacco and is used
`chiefly as a respiratory stimulant and as a smoking deterrent
`lob-lol-ly \'lab-,la-le\ n, pi -lies [prob. fr. E dial, lob to boil + obs. E dial.
`lolly broth] (1597) 1 dial a : a thick gruel b : mire, mudhole 2
`dial: lout 3 : loblolly pine
`loblolly pine n (1760) : a pine (Pinus taeda) of the southeastern U.S.
`with flaky bark, long needles in groups of three, and cones having
`spine-tipped scales; also : its coarse-grained wood
`lo-bo V16-(i)bo\ n, pi lobos [Sp, wolf, fr. L lupus — more at wolf]
`(1839) : GRAY WOLF
`lo-bot-o-mise Brit var of lobotomize
`lo-bot-o-mize \16-'ba-t3-,mlz\ vt -mized; -miz-ing (1943) 1 : to per
`form a lobotomy on 2 : to deprive of sensitivity, intelligence, or vital
`ity <fear of prosecution was causing the press to ~ itself —Tony
`lo-bot-o-my \16-'ba-t3-me\ n, pi -mies [ISV] (1936): surgical severance
`of nerve fibers connecting the frontal lobes to the thalamus performed
`esp. formerly for the relief of some mental disorders
`lob-scouse \Mab-,skaus\ n [origin unknown] (1706) : a sailor’s dish of
`stewed or baked meat with vegetables and hardtack
`lob-ster Vlab-stsrX n, often attrib [ME, fr. OE loppestre, fr. loppe spider]
`(bef. 12c) 1 : any of a family (Nephropidae and esp. Homarus ameri-
`canus) of large edible marine decapod crustaceans that have stalked
`eyes, a pair of large claws, and a long abdomen and that include species
`from coasts on both sides of the No. Atlantic and from the Cape of
`Good Hope 2 : spiny lobster — lob-ster-like \-,lik\ adj
`lob-ster-ing \'lab-st(3-)rii)\ n (1881): the activity or business of catch
`ing lobsters
`lob-ster-man \-msn\ n (1881): one whose business is lobstering
`lobster pot n (1764) : an oblong
`case with slat sides and a funnel= f^
`shaped net used to trap lobsters — v
`called also lobster trap
`rv '-w."j .k
`S- _wwm
`lobster shift n (ca. 1933) : a work
`shift (as on a newspaper) that cov-
`t ilvVYIt rnvr-1
`!///— - WW
`ers the late evening and early mom-
`ing hours — called also lobster trick
`lobster ther-mi-dor V'thar-ms- vW'>~Sc ■
`,dor\ n [thermidor, fr. F, fr. T/iermi-
`dor, drama (1891) by Victorien Sar-
`dou] (1894) : cooked lobster meat
`in a rich wine sauce stuffed into a
`lobster shell and browned
`lob-u-lar Vla-bys-larX adj (1826) : of, relating to, affecting, or resem
`bling a lobule
`lob-u-lat-ed \'la-by3-,la-t3d\ also lob-u-late \-,lat\ adj (1783): made up
`of or having lobules <the pancreas is a ~ organ) — lob-u-la-tion \,la-
`bya-'la-shanV n
`lob-ule \Ma-(,)byiil\ n (1682); a small lobe; also : a subdivision of a lobe
`1lo-cal Vlo-k3l\ adj [ME localle, fr. LL localis, fr. L locus place — more
`at stall] (15c) 1 : characterized by or relating to position in space
`: having a definite spatial form or location 2 a : of, relating to, or
`characteristic of a particular place : not general or widespread b : of,
`relating to, or applicable to part of a whole 3 a : primarily serving the
`needs of a particular limited district b of a public conveyance : making
`all the stops on a route 4 : involving or affecting only a restricted part
`of the organism : topical <a ~ anesthetic) 5 : of or relating to tele
`phone communication within a specified area
`2local n (ca. 1824): a local person or thing: as a : a local public convey
`ance (as a train or an elevator) b : a local or particular branch, lodge,
`or chapter of an organization (as a labor union) c Brit : a nearby or
`neighborhood pub
`local area network n (1977) : a network of personal computers in a
`small area (as an office) for sharing resources (as a printer) or exchang
`ing data
`local color n (1868) : the presentation of the features and peculiarities
`of a particular locality and its inhabitants in writing
`lobster pot
`lo-cale \lo-'kal\ n [modif. of F local, fr. local, adj.] (1772) 1 : a piac
`locality esp. when viewed in relation to a particular event or charact °r
`istic 2 : site, scene <the ~ of a story)
`local government n (1817) : the government of a specific local ar
`constituting a subdivision of a major political unit (as a nati0na
`state); also : the body of persons constituting such a government °r
`lo-cal-ise Brit var of localize
`lo-cal-ism \'16-k3-,li-z3m\ n (1823) 1 a : a local idiom b : a local n
`culiarity of speaking or acting 2 : affection or partiality for a parti?e'
`lar place : sectionalism
`lo-cal-ite V16-k3-,llt\ n (1951) : a native or resident of the locality Und
`consideration : local
`lo-cal-i-ty \16-'ka-l3-te\ n, pi -ties (1628) 1 : the fact or condition
`having a location in space or time 2 : a particular place, situation °f
`lo-cal-ize \'16-k3-,llz\ vib -ized; -iz-ing vt (1792) 1 : to make iOP
`: orient locally 2 : to assign to or keep within a definite locality .
`: to accumulate in or be restricted to a specific or limited area <an iVl
`fection that in the ear) — lo-cal-iz-abil-i-ty yo-ks-di-za-'bi-ul?,'
`n — lo-cal-iz-able V16-k3-,ll-z3-b3l\ adj — lo-cal-i-za-tion Vo-ka'u'
`‘za-shsnX n
`' 3‘
`lo-cal-ly Vlo-k(3-)le\ adv (15c) 1 : with respect to a particular piace n
`situation 2 : nearby 3 : in the region of origin
`local option n (1878): the power granted by a legislature to a political
`subdivision to determine by popular vote the local applicability 0f
`law on a controversial issue (as the sale of liquor)
`local time n (1833) : time based on the meridian through a particula
`place as contrasted with that of a time zone
`lo-cate Vlo-,kat, 16-‘\ vb lo-cat-ed; lo-cat-ing [L locatus, pp. of locarp
`to place, fr. locus] vi (1652): to establish oneself or one’s business: set
`tle '—• vt 1 : to determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of 0
`: to set or establish in a particular spot: station 3 : to seek out and
`determine the location of 4 : to find or fix the place of esp. in a se
`quence : classify — lo-cat-able \-,ka-t3-b3l, -‘ka-\ adj
`lo-ca-tlon Mo-'ka-shanV n (1597) 1 a : a position or site occupied or
`available for occupancy or marked by some distinguishing feature
`: situation b (1) : a tract of land designated for a purpose (2)^1^.
`tral : farm, station c : a place outside a motion-picture studio
`where a picture or part of it is filmed — usu. used in the phrase on lo
`cation 2 : the act or process of locating 3 : the placement of baseball
`pitches in a particular area of the strike zone; also : the ability to con
`trol the placement of pitches — lo-ca-tion-al \-shnal, -sh3-nal\ adj —
`lo-ca-tion-al-ly adv
`1loc-a-tive \'la-k3-tiv\ n [L locus + E -ative (as in vocative)] (1804) : the
`locative case; also : a word in that case
`2locative adj (1841) : of or being a grammatical case that denotes place
`or the place where or wherein
`lo-ca-tor also lo-cat-er V16-,ka-t3r, lo-'\ n (1784) : one that locates
`something (as a mining claim or the course of a road)
`lo-ca-vore V16-k3-,v6r\ n [local + -vore (as in carnivore)] (2005) : one
`who eats foods grown locally whenever possible
`loc cit abbr [L loco citato] in the place cited
`loch Vlak, 'lak\ n [ME (Sc) louch, fr. ScGael loch; akin to L lacus lake
`— more at lake] (14c) 1 Scot: lake 2 Scot: a bay or arm of the sea
`esp. when nearly landlocked
`loch-an \'la-kan\ n [ScGael, dim. of loch] (1670) Scot: a small lake
`loci pi of LOCUS
`'lock \'lak\ n [ME lok, fr. OE locc; akin to OHG loc lock, Gk lygos withe,
`L luxus dislocated] (bef. 12c) 1 a : a tuft, tress, or ringlet of hair b pi
`: the hair of the head 2 : a cohering bunch (as of wool, cotton, or flax)
`: tuft 3 pi: dreadlock 2
`2lock n [ME lok, fr. OE loc; akin to OHG loh enclosure and perh. to OE
`locc lock of hair] (bef. 12c) 1 a : a fastening (as for a door) operated
`by a key or a combination b : the mechanism for exploding the
`charge or cartridge of a firearm 2 a : an enclosure (as in a canal) with
`gates at each end used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from
`level to level b : air lock 3 a : a locking or fastening together b
`: an intricate mass of objects impeding each other (as in a traffic jam)
`c : a hold in wrestling secured on one part of the body; broadly : a con
`trolling hold <his paper . .. had a ~ on a large part of the state —John
`Corry) 4 : one that is assured of success or favorable outcome
`3lock vt (14c) 1 a : to fasten the lock of b : to make fast with or as 11
`with a lock <~ up the house) 2 a : to fasten in or out or to make se
`cure or inaccessible by or as if by means of locks <~ed himself away
`from the curious world) b : to fix in a particular situation or methon
`of operation <a team firmly ~ed in last place) 3 a : to make fast, mo
`tionless, or inflexible esp. by the interlacing or interlocking of pan
`<~ wheels) <~ a knee) b : to hold in a close embrace c : to grap*
`pie in combat; also : to bind closely Administration and students we
`~ed in conflict) 4 : to invest (capital) without assurance of easy co
`vertibility into money 5 : to move or permit to pass (as a ship) by' r
`ing or lowering in a lock -—' vi 1 a : to become locked b : to be c p
`ble of being locked 2 : interlace, interlock 3 : to go or
`means of a lock (as in a canal) — lock»able Vla-ka-bslV adj
`horns : to come into conflict — lock on or lock onto : to acquir
`a target or signal) automatically using a sensor (as radar)
`. ^
`lock-box Vlak-,baks\ n (1872) : a box (as a post-office box) that10 . ejr
`lock-down \-,daun\ n (1977) : the confinement of prisoners to
`cells for all or most of the day as a temporary security measure. gp
`locked-in Vlakt-Mn\ adj (1952) 1 : not subject to adjustment - be„
`<~ interest rates) 2 : unable or unwilling to shift invested tun
`cause of the tax effect of realizing capital gains
`lock-er Vlii-ksrX n (14c) 1 a : a drawer, cupboard, or compa!.se b
`that may be closed with a lock; esp : one for individual storage .jcles
`: a chest or compartment on shipboard for compact stowage or ^ ^0.
`c : a refrigerated compartment or room for the storage of fresn
`zen foods <a meat ~> 2 : one that locks
`lock-er-room Vla-k3(r)-,rum\ adj (1946) : of, relating to, or
`for use in a locker room; esp : of a coarse or sexual nature v"' st0ri^
`locker room n (ca. 1896): a room for changing clothes and t0pjayers
`clothing and equipment in lockers; esp : one for use by sP^.r,^ii (l&l
`lock-et Vla-k3t\ n [MF loquet latch, fr. MD loke; akin to OE loC1^0
`: a small case usu. of precious metal that has space for a mem
`that is worn typically suspended from a chain or necklace
`t may be assembled or reassembled <a bookcase in ~s> 14 : a di-
`• Inn of an orchestra composed of one class of instruments <the string
`v 1SV 15 : signature 3b syn see part
`'~Aj0n vb sectioned; seotion-ing \-sh(a-)nii)\ vt (1819) 1 : to cut
`^separate into sections <~ an orange) 2 : to represent in sections
`°r \>i: to become cut or separated into parts
`. ^ tion-al Vsek-shnal, -sha-n3l\ adj (1806) 1 a : of or relating to ?
`1S®C:JL b : local or regie............... ' ‘
`section b : local or regional rather than general in character <'-*
`♦Tests) 2 : consisting of or divided into sections <~ furniture) —
`cec-tiorvaMy adv
`2 pctional n (1901) : a piece of furniture made up of modular units ca-
`able of use separately or in various combinations
`Jec*tion*aldsm Ysek-shn3-,li-z3m, -sh3-n3-,li-\ n (1847): an exaggerat
`ed devotion to the interests of a region
`cprtion Eight n [Section VIII, Army Regulation 615-360, in effect
`from December 1922 to July 1944] (1943) : a discharge from the U.S.
`Army f°r military inaptitude or undesirable habits or traits of charac
`ter; also : a soldier receiving such a discharge
`section gang n (1889) : a crew of track workers employed to maintain
`a railroad section
`section hand n (1873) : a laborer belonging to a section gang
`igeC.tor Vsek-tar, -,tor\ n [LL, fr. L, cutter, fr. secare to cut — more at
`SAW] (1570) 1 a : a geometric figure bounded by two radii and the in
`cluded arc of a circle b (1) : a subdivision of a defensive military po
`sition (2) : a portion of a military front or area of operation c : an
`area or portion resembling a sector <(bilingual ~ of town —David
`Kleinberg) d : a sociological, economic, or political subdivision of so
`ciety <cooperation between the public and private —Peter Chap
`man) 2 : a mathematical instrument consisting of two rulers connect
`ed at one end by a joint and marked with several scales 3 : a subdivi
`sion of a track on a computer disk — sec*tor*al Vsek-t(3-)ral\ adj
`2sec*tor \-tsr\ vt sec-tored; seotordng \-t(3-)rii]\ (1884) : to divide
`into or furnish with sectors
`sec*to*ri*al Nsek-’tor-e-alX adj (1803) : of, relating to, or having the
`shape of a sector of a circle
`1sec*u*lar Vse-kya-larX adj [ME, fr. AF seculer, fr. LL saecularis, fr.
`saeculum the present world, fr. L, generation, age, century, world; akin
`to W hoedl lifetime] (14c) 1 a : of or relating to the worldly or tempo
`ral <~ concerns) b : not overtly or specif, religious <~ music) c
`: not ecclesiastical or clerical <~ courts) landowners) 2 : not
`bound by monastic vows or rules; specif: of, relating to, or forming
`clergy not belonging to a religious order or congregation <a ~ priest)
`3 a : occurring once in an age or a century b : existing or continuing
`through ages or centuries c : of or relating to a long term of indefinite
`duration <~ inflation) — sec*u*lar«i*ty ^se-kya-Ma-ra-teX n — sec-
`u*lar*ly Vse-kya-br-leX adv
`2secular n, pi seculars or secular (14c) 1 : a secular ecclesiastic (as a
`diocesan priest) 2 : layman
`secular humanism n (1933) : humanism 3; esp : humanistic philoso
`phy viewed as a nontheistic religion antagonistic to traditional religion
`— secular humanist n or adj
`sec*u*lar*ise Brit var of secularize
`sec*U’lar>ism Vse-kys-b^ri-zamX n (1851): indifference to or rejection
`or exclusion of religion and religious considerations — sec»u*lar*ist
`\-rist\ n — secularist also sec*u*lar*is*tic \,se-ky3-l3-'ris-tik\ adj
`sec-u*lar*ize Yse-kya-b-,riz\ vt -ized; -iz*ing (1611) 1 : to make secu
`lar 2 : to transfer from ecclesiastical to civil or lay use, possession, or
`control 3 : to convert to or imbue with secularism — sec»u»lar*i*za-
`1 tion \,se-ky3-b-r3-'za-sh3n\ n — sec*u*lar»iz*er n
`se*cure \si-'kyur\ adj se*cur*er; -est [L securus safe, secure, fr. se
`without + cura care — more at suicide] (ca. 1533) 1 a archaic : un
`wisely free from fear or distrust : overconfident b : easy in mind
`: confident c : assured in opinion or expectation : having no doubt
`2 a : free from danger b : free from risk of loss c : affording safety
`<a ~ hideaway) d : trustworthy, dependable <a ~ foundation)
`2 3 : assured 1 <a ~ victory) — se-cure-ly adv — se-cure*ness n
`secure vb se*cured; se-cur-ing vt (1588) 1 a : to relieve from expo
`sure to danger : act to make safe against adverse contingencies a
`supply line from enemy raids) b : to put beyond hazard of losing or
`of not receiving : guarantee <~ the blessings of liberty —U.S. Con-
`stitutioiiy c : to give pledge of payment to (a creditor) or of (an obliga
`tion) <~ a note by a pledge of collateral) 2 a : to take (a person) into
`custody : hold fast: pinion b : to make fast <~ a door) <~ a bike to
`a tree) 3 a : to get secure usu. lasting possession or control of <~ a
`job) b : bring about, effect 4 : to release (naval personnel) from
`work or duty ^ vi 1 of naval personnel: to stop work : go off duty 2
`of a ship : to tie up : berth syn see ensure — se*cur«er n
`se*cure*ment Xsi-'kyur-msntX n (1622) 1 obs : protection 2 : the
`act or process of securing
`se*cu«ri*tize \si-'kyur-3-,tIz\ vt -tized; -tiz*ing (1981) : to consolidate
`(as mortgage loans) and sell to other investors tor resale to the public in
`the form of securities — se*cu-ri-ti»za*tion V.kyur-a-ta-'za-shsnV n
`se.cu*ri*ty \si-'kyur-3-te\ n, pi -ties (15c) 1 : the quality or state of be
`ing secure: as a : freedom from danger ; safety b : freedom from
`fear or anxiety c : freedom from the prospect of being laid off <job
`'"■') 2 a : something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the
`fulfillment of an obligation b : surety 3 : an instrument of invest
`ment in the form of a document (as a stock certificate or bond) provid
`ing evidence of its ownership 4 a : something that secures : protec
`tion b (1) : measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage,
`crime, attack, or escape (2) : an organization or department whose
`task is security
`security blanket n (1968) 1 : a blanket carried by a child as a protec-
`lion against anxiety 2 : a usu. familiar object whose presence dispels
`Security Council n (1944) : a permanent council of the United Na
`tions with primary responsibility for maintaining peace and security
`Security interest n (1951): the rights that a creditor has in the person
`al property of a debtor that secures an obligation : lien
`Security police n (1920) 1 : police engaged in counterespionage 2
`: air police
`Secy cibbr secretary
`Sed abbr sedimentation
`section • see 1123
`se*dan \si-'dan\ n [origin unknown] (1635) 1 : a portable often cov
`ered chair that is designed to carry one person and that is borne on
`poles by two people 2 a : a 2- or 4-door automobile seating four or
`more persons and usu. having a permanent top — compare coupe b
`: a motorboat having one passenger compartment
`1 se*date \si-‘dat\ adj [L sedatus, fr. pp. of sedare to calm; akin to sedere
`to sit — more at sit] (1663) : keeping a quiet steady attitude or pace
`: unruffled syn see serious — se*date*ly adv — se*date*ness n
`2sedate vt se*dat»ed; se*dat«ing [back-formation fr. sedative] (1945)
`: to dose with sedatives
`se-da*tion \si-'da-sh3n\ n (1543) 1 : the inducing of a relaxed easy
`state esp. by the use of sedatives 2 : a state resulting from or as if from
`1sed*a*tive \'se-d3-tiv\ adj [ME, alleviating pain, fr. MF sedatif fr. ML
`sedativus, fr. L sedatus] (1779) : tending to calm, moderate, or tranquil-
`ize nervousness or excitement
`‘•sedative n (1797) : a sedative agent or drug
`sed*en*tary Vse-d3n-,ter-e\ adj [MF sedentaire, fr. L sedentarius, fr.
`sedent-, sedens, prp. of sedere to sit — more at sit] (1598) 1 : not mi
`gratory : settled <~ birds) <~ civilizations) 2 a : doing or requir
`ing much sitting <a ~ job) b : not physically active <a ~ lifestyle)
`3 : permanently attached <~ barnacles)
`se-der Vsa-dsrX n, pi seders also se»da*rim Xsa-'dar-sm, ,se-da-'rem\
`often cap [Heb sedher order] (1865): a Jewish home or community ser
`vice including a ceremonial dinner held on the first or first and second
`evenings of the Passover in commemoration of the exodus from Egypt
`se«de»runt Xss-'dir-ant, -'der-\ n [L, there (they) sat (fr. sedere to sit),
`word used to introduce list of those attending a session — more at sit]
`(1825) : a prolonged sitting (as for discussion)
`sedge Vsej\ n [ME segge, fr. OE secg; akin to MHG segge sedge, OE
`sagu saw — more at saw] (bef. 12c) : any of a family (Cyperaceae, the
`sedge family) of usu. tufted monocotyledonous marsh plants differing
`from the related grasses in having achenes and solid stems; esp : any of
`a cosmopolitan genus (Carex) — sedgy \'se-je\ adj
`se*di*lia Xss-'del-ys, -*dil-, esp Brit -'di(-3)l-\ n pi [L, pi. of sedile seat, fr.
`sedere] (1793): seats on the south side of the chancel for the celebrant
`and his assistants
`'sed*i«ment Yse-ds-msntX n [L sedimentum settling, fr. sedere to sit, sink
`down] (1547) 1 : the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid 2
`: material deposited by water, wind, or glaciers
`zsed*i*ment \-,ment\ vt (1859) : to deposit as sediment ~ vi 1 : to set
`tle to the bottom in a liquid 2 : to deposit sediment
`sed»i*ment*able \,se-d3-'men-t3-b3l\ adj (1943): capable of being sedi
`mented by centrifugation <~ ribosomal particles)
`sed«i*men*ta*ry \,se-d3-'men-t3-re, -'men-tre\ adj (1830) 1 : of, relat
`ing to, or containing sediment deposits) 2 : formed by or from
`deposits of sediment <~ rock)
`sed-i*men*ta»tion Xjse-ds-man-'ta-shan, -,men-\n (1848): the action or
`process of forming or depositing sediment: settling
`sed»i»men*tol*o«gy \,se-d3-m3n-'ta-l3-je, -,men-\ n (1932): a branch of
`science that deals with sedimentary rocks and their inclusions — sed-
`i-men«to*log*ic Y.men-ts-'la-jikX or sed*i-men-to4og*i*cal \-ji-ksl\
`adj — sed»i*men*to*log*i*caMy \-ji-k(s-)le\ adv — sed*i*men*tol*o-
`gist Vmsn-'ta-ls-jist, -,men-\ n
`se*di*tion \si-'di-sh3n\ n [ME sedicioun, fr. AF sediciun, fr. L sedition-,
`seditio, lit., separation, fr. sed-, se- apart + ition-, itio act of going, fr. ire
`to go — more at secede, issue] (14c) : incitement of resistance to or
`insurrection against lawful authority
`se*di*tious \si-'di-sh3s\ adj (15c) 1 : disposed to arouse or take part in
`or guilty of sedition 2 : of, relating to, or tending toward sedition —
`se*di*tious*ly adv — se*di*tious*ness n
`se-duce Xsi-'diis, -'dyiis\ vt se*duced; se*duc*ing [LL seducere, fr. L,
`to lead away, fr. se- apart + ducere to lead — more at tow] (15c) 1 : to
`persuade to disobedience or disloyalty 2 : to lead astray usu. by per
`suasion or false promises 3 : to carry out the physical seduction of
`: entice to sexual intercourse 4 : attract syn see lure — se-duc-
`er n
`se-duce*ment VmantX n (1586) 1 : seduction 2 : something that
`serves to seduce
`se»duc*tion Nsi-'dak-shsnX n [MF, fr. LL seduction-, seductio, fr. L, act
`of leading aside, fr. seducere] (1526) 1 : the act of seducing; esp : the
`enticement of a person to sexual intercourse 2 : something that se
`duces : temptation 3 : something that attracts or charms
`se*duc*tive V'dak-tivX adj (1651) : tending to seduce : having alluring
`or tempting qualities <a ~, sometimes disingenuous man —Thaicher
`Freund) <a ~ aroma) — se»duc*tive*ly adv — se*duc*tive*ness n
`se-duc-tress V'dsk-trasX n [obs. seductor male seducer, fr. LL, fr. se
`ducere to seduce] (1802) : a woman who seduces
`se*du4i*ty Ysi-'dli-ls-te, -'dyii-\ n (1542): sedulous activity : diligence
`sed*u«lous X'se-js-lssX adj [L sedulus, fr. sedulo sincerely, diligently, fr.
`sed-, se without + dolus guile — more at suicide] (1540) 1 : involving
`or accomplished with careful perseverance <~ craftsmanship) 2
`: diligent in application or pursuit <a ~ student) syn see busy —
`sed-u*lous-ly adv — sed*u*lous*ness n
`se*dum Vse-damX n [NL, fr. L, houseleek] (1760) : any of a genus (Se-
`dum) of widely distributed fleshy herbs of the orpine family — com
`'see Yse\ vb saw \'so\; seen Ysen\; seeding \'se-iij\ [ME seen, fr. OE
`seon; akin to OHG sehan to see and perh. to L sequi to follow — more
`at sue] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a : to perceive by the eye b : to perceive or de
`tect as if by sight 2 a : to have experience of : undergo <~ army
`service) b : to come to know : discover c : to be the setting or
`time of <the last fifty years have seen a sweeping revolution in science
`—Barry Commoner) 3 a : to form a mental picture of : visualize
`<can still ~ her as she was years ago) b ; to perceive the meaning or
`importance of : understand c : to be aware of ; recognize
`only our faults) d : to imagine as a possibility : suppose <couldn’t ~
`\o\ abut \3\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`\au\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bet \e\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit \A ice \j\ job
`\r)\ sing \o\ go \o\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \tli\ the \ii\ loot \u\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision, beige \k, ", oe, re, y\ see Guide to Pronunciation