`New International
`CL Wl£^vuam-CCc6sWl
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`Quest Ex. 1022
`PopSockets v. Quest


`for a mining claim) (2) Austral : farm, station (3) Africa
`: a segregated area of a town or city in which natives are re­
`quired to live C : the center line and grade line of a railway
`established preparatory to its construction d : a place out­
`side of a motion-picture studio where a picture or part of it is
`filmed — used chiefly in the phrase on location 3 : a letting
`for hire : a contract for the use of something (as a house, a
`vehicle, the service of a person) for hire — lo-ca-tion-al
`Vshsn’l, -shnal\ adj — locationally \-sl|e, -sl|e, |i\ adv
`locatio rei \-'ra\ n [L, letting of a thing] law Z a bailment of a
`chattel for use and for hire
`'loc-a-tive YlHksd-iv, -stiv\ n -s [L locus place + E -afive (as
`in vocative)] : the locative case or a word in that case
`21ocative \“\ adj [F locatij, fr. MF, fr. L locatus + MF -if -ive]
`1 : serving or tending to locate <a ~ impulse) 2 V locative}
`: belonging to or being a grammatical case that denotes
`place or the place where or wherein
`lo-ca-tor \'lo,kad.3(r), -ats- also *>'*A n -s [L, fr. locatus (past
`part, of locare to locate, lease) + -or — more at locate] : one
`that locates: as a civil & Scots law : one that lets for hire
`— compare conductor 4
`1) : one that locates land or a
`mining claim C : a device used to designate location (as a
`card or file used to show location of records) d : jig 4b
`loc Cit X'lok'sit, 'liIk-\ abbr [L loco citato] in the place cited
`lo-cel-late \lo'se(,)lat, -_ldt\ adj [NL locellus + .E -ate}
`: divided into locelli — often used in combination <a bxlocellate
`lo-cel-lUS \-ebs\ n, pi locel-li \-e,H\ [NL, fr. LL, compart­
`ment, dim. of L locus place — more at stall] 1 Z a secondary
`compartment of a unilocular ovary of various legumes
`formed by a false partition 2 : either of the two cavities of a
`pollen sac
`'loch Ylak, ’iak\ n -s [ME (Sc) touch, locht, fr. ScGael loch;
`akin to OIr loch lake, pond — more at lake] 1 Scot : lake
`2 Scot : a bay or arm of the sea esp. when nearly landlocked
`21och \*lak\ n -s [origin unknown] Brit Z a fissure or void
`cavity in a mineral vein esp. of a lead mine
`loch-aber ax \lak’jab3(r)-, la'kl, |abs(r)-\ n, usu cap L [fr.
`Lochaber, district in Scotland] : a weapon formerly
`used by Scottish Highlanders consisting of a pole
`with a long ax head often provided with a hook at its
`loch-age \'lakij\ or loch-a-gus Va'kagssX n, pi
`lochages \-j5z\ or locha-gi \-a,jI\ [Gk lochagos,
`fr. lochos + -agos (fr. agein to lead, drive) — more at
`agent] : the commander of a lochus
`loch-an YlaksnX n -s [ScGael, dim. of loch} Scot : a
`small lake : pond
`loche \'loch\ n -s [F] 1 archaic Z loach 2 [CanF,
`fr. F, loach] : the New World burbot
`lo-Chet-ic \lo'ked-ik\ adj [LGk lochetikos, it. lochan
`to lie in wait (fr. lochos ambush, lochus) + -ikos -ic
`— more at lochus] : lying in wait for prey — used esp.
`of insects
`lo-chia Ylokea, 'iHkeA n, pi lochia [NL, fr. Gk, fr.
`neut. pi. of lochios of childbirth, fr. lochos childbirth,
`ambush, lochus — more at lochus] : a discharge
`from the uterus and vagina following delivery — lo-
`Chi-al \-esl\ adj
`T h
`loch le-ven trout Y'levsnA n, usu cap both Ls [fr. .
`Loch Leven, Scotland] : a trout native to Loch Leven
`and other lakes of southern Scotland and northern
`England that is a variety (Salmo trutta levenensis) of the
`European brown trout; broadly : any brown trout introduced
`into and established in No. American waters
`loch-us \TJkos\ n, pi lochi \-a,ki\ [NL, fr. Gk lochos am­
`bush, childbirth, lochus; akin to Gk lechos bed — more at lie]
`1 a small division of an ancient Greek army comprising about
`100 to 200 men — see lochage
`lochy \'laki\ adj I'loch + -y] Scot Z having many lakes
`loci pi oj LOCUS_
`lo-ci-a-tion NJose'ashsnX n -s [local + faciation} Z a subunit
`of an ecological faciation, one such subunit in each faciation
`being distinguishable from others in relative abundance of
`the dominant species
`'lock \MUk\ n -s [ME lok, lokk, fr. OE locc; akin to OFris &
`OS lok lock of hair, OHG loc, ON lokkr lock, L luctari,
`luctare to struggle, wrestle, luxus dislocated, Gk lygos withe,
`lygizein to bend, twist, Lith lugnas flexible; basic meaning:
`to bend] 1 a : a tuft, tress, or ringlet of hair as it grows
`b locks pi : the hair of the head C obs : a tress of false or
`artificial hair 2 : a cohering bunch of wool, cotton, flax, or
`other natural fiber : tuft, flock: as a locks pi : short in­
`ferior wool obtained in small bunches (as from the legs) and
`not part of the coherent fleece b : the cotton lint contained in
`a single cell of a cotton boll; also Z a cell of a cotton boll
`3 : a usu. small quantity esp. of hay or straw : bundle, heap
`21ock \“\ n -s [ME lok, fr. OE loc; akin to OE lucan to lock,
`close, OHG loh enclosure, prison, cave, opening, OHG
`luhhan to close, ON lok, loka lock of a door, luka to close,
`Goth galukan to enclose, usluk opening, OE locc lock of hair
`— more at ’lock] 1 a : a fastening (as for a door, box,
`trunk lid, drawer) in which a bolt is secured by any of various
`mechanisms and can be released by inserting and turning a
`key or by operating a special device (as a combination, time
`clock, automatic release button, magnetic solenoid) b obs
`: hobble, shackle C : the mechanism by which the charge
`or cartridge of a firearm is exploded — often used in combina­
`tion; see gunlock, matchlock 2 a obs : a movable barrier
`across a stream b archaic Z the space of water between the
`piers of a bridge C (1) : an enclosure (as in a canal, river, or
`dock) with gates at each end used in raising or lowering
`boats as they pass from level to level (2) : air lock 1 3 a : a
`locking or fastening together : a closing of one thing upon
`another b : a group of objects (as vehicles) intricately massed
`together so as to impede the freedom or mobility of individual
`objects : a block or jam esp. of traffic C (1) : a hold in
`wrestling secured on one part of the body <an arm lock} <a
`leg lock> (2) obs z stratagem, trick (3) obs : difficulty,
`dilemma d : plaster forced through laths to form a key
`e archaic : a receiver or place for receipt of stolen goods
`f or lock seam : a joint made by folding over two or more
`lapped edges of sheet metal g : the contact of a tooth of the
`escape wheel of a timepiece with the locking surface of the
`pallet; specij Z the amount by which the escape tooth overlaps
`the pallet at the instant it leaves the impulse face h (1) Z the
`joint at which two panels of a rail fence are locked together
`(2) : the triangular area in a field formed by the corner panels
`of a rail fence 4 [by shortening] : oarlock, rowlock
`5 : lock forward
`31ock \“\ vb -ed/-ing/-S [ME lokken, fr. lok, n.] vt 1 : to
`fasten the lock of (~ the door) : make fast with or as if with
`a lock (closed and ~ed the box) — often used with up (don’t
`forget to ~ up all the doors and windows) (~ up the house)
`2 a : to fasten in or out or to make secure or inaccessible by
`means of or as if by means of locks : confine or shut in or out
`(~ oneself in) (~ up the prisoners) (~ed their secret in her
`heart) (~mg the child in his arms) (a ship fast in ice)
`b : to hold fast or inactive : overcome, fix (a mind ~ed in
`contemplation) (sleep
`the tired eyelids) 3 : to make
`fast by or as if by the interlacing or interlocking of parts (~mg
`arms across the table): as a : to make fast or rigid by the
`engaging of parts or the action of a restraint esp. friction (~
`the wheels of a carriage) b : to hold in a close embrace (~ed
`in each other’s arms); also : to grapple in combat (~ed in a
`death struggle) C : to fasten (imposed letterpress matter)
`securely in a chase or on the bed of a press by tightening the
`quoins; also Z to attach (a curved printing plate) to the plate
`cylinder of a rotary press — usu. used with up 4 : to invest
`(capital) where conversion into money is not easy — usu.
`used with up (had his resources up in the canal scheme)
`5 a : to move or permit to pass (as a ship) by raising or lower­
`ing in a lock — often used with in, out, down, up, or through
`b : to provide (as a canal) with locks C : to divide off (a
`portion of a river) by a lock — used with off *-■ vi 1 : to be­
`come locked : become fixed or fast by or as if by means of a
`lock (the door ~s easily) 2 : interlace, interlock (the
`sections ~ into one another) 3 a oj a vehicle Z to permit the
`fore wheels to swivel round with more or less freedom in
`turning b oj wheels : to have such freedom of motion 4 a : to
`build locks to facilitate navigation b : to go or pass by means
`of a lock (as in a canal) (~ed into the new canal) — lock
`horns 1 oj cattle : to engage or interlock the horns in fighting
`2 oj persons : to come into conflict (will probably lock horns
`over the appointment of a new supervisor)
`4lock \“\ adj : capable of being made fast : lockable
`5l0Ck \“\ vt -ED/-ING/-S [D locken, fr. MD; akin to OE
`loccian to attract, entice, OHG lockon, lucchen to entice,
`allure, ON lokka, and prob. to OHG liogan to lie — more at
`lie (tell a falsehood) ] archaic : allure, entice, seduce
`lock-able Vlilkabaix adj : capable of being locked (a desk with
`one ~ drawer)
`lock-age \-kij, -kej\ n -s izlock + -age} 1 a : an act or the
`Erocess of passing something (as a boat) through a lock
`: something passed or passing through a lock; esp Z the
`quantity £as of logs) that can be locked at one time 2 : the
`construction of a system of locks (as in a canal); also z a sys­
`tem of locks 3 : toll paid for passing through a lock or locks
`(as of a canal) 4 : the vertical distance through which a
`boat is raised or lowered in passing through a lock or series
`of locks; also : the volume of water involved in the process
`lockaid gun Y*f*-\,n [zlock + aid} Z a tool consisting of a
`barrel with a thin vibrator blade used to force open a lock
`lock-and-block system \!«;*-\ n, Brit z a railway block
`system in which the signals permitting a train to enter a block
`are locked while a train is in the block and automatically
`unlocked as it leaves the block
`lock bolt n 1 : bolt 2b 2 a : a bolt or pin employing a special
`locking collar instead of a nut b : a bolt for securing an
`adjustable part of a machine in a desired position
`lockbox Y*.A n Z a box (as a strongbox or safe-deposit box)
`that locks; esp : a post-office box that is accessible to the
`renter by means of a key
`lock corner n z a corner (as of a wood or metal box) secured
`by dovetail or other interlocking construction
`lock-down YsiA n [fr. lock down, v.] : a strip of wood with
`holes in the ends through which pins are driven to hold to­
`gether a raft of logs
`lock-e-an also locke-i-an or lock-i-an YlakeonX adj, usu cap
`[John Locke fl704 Eng. philosopher + E -an, -ian} Z of or
`relating to John Locke or to his theories or philosophical
`lock-e-an-ism also lock-i-anism X-ea.nizanA n -s usu cap
`Z the philosophical system of John Locke that denies the ex­
`istence of innate ideas and asserts that the mind orig. resem­
`bles a tabula rasa so that all knowledge comes from experience
`specif, from sense perception and from reflection upon the
`relations of apprehended ideas and the operations of the mind
`itself, maintains that the primary qualities of objects (as ex­
`tension, figure, number, motion, rest) inhere in the objects
`independently of being perceived and that the secondary
`qualities (as color, sound, odor) are caused by external objects
`but do not resemble them, and holds that political sovereignty
`is based on the consent of the governed
`locked adj [fr. past part, of 3lock} 1 : fastened or united by
`locking (a closet) 2 a Z oj a joint Z held rigidly in the posi­
`tion assumed during complete extension (struck a blow with
`a ~ wrist) b oj the knee joint Z having a restricted mobility
`and incapable of complete extension
`locked groove n z a final closed groove on a recording disc
`locked-in Y*!A adj [fr. past part, of lock in} Z unalterably
`fixed (a locked-in finish)
`locked jaw var oj lockjaw
`locked jury n Z a jury considering a case under orders not to
`separate and to communicate with no one except the court or
`its officers
`locked-wire rope or locked-coil wire rope n z a rope esp.
`adapted for haulage and rope transmission having a smooth
`cylindrical surface and made by drawing the outer wires to
`such shape that each one interlocks with the other so that the
`wires lie in concentric layers about a wire core
`lock-er \'lak9(r)\ n -s [ME lokker, fr. lokken lock + -er —
`more at lock] 1 : a container used for safekeeping or storage
`and usu. capable of being locked: as a : a drawer, cupboard,
`or compartment that may be closed with a lock; esp : one for
`b : a chest or compartment
`individual storage use (gym
`on shipboard for compact stowage of articles of a particular
`class (a boatswain’s ~) (forward paint ~j); esp Z an enclosed
`storage space (as for valuable cargo) C South : linen closet
`d : one of the compartments available for rent in a locker
`plant designed for storing quick-frozen foods for extended
`periods usu. at or below 0° F and at 80% relative humidity
`2 archaic : a locking device 3 : one that locks: as a : a
`British customs employee in charge of a warehouse b : a
`locking device for use on a vehicle wheel
`locker paper n Z a flexible protective paper for wrapping food
`for quick-freezing and storage
`locker plant n z a refrigeration and storage establishment
`consisting of quick-freezing equipment and storage lockers
`rentable for food storage
`locker room n Z a room devoted to storage lockers; esp : one
`in which participants in a sport have individual lockers for
`their clothes and special equipment and change into and out
`of sports costume
`locke’s solution \'lak(s)-\ or locke solution n. usu cap L
`[after Frank S. Locke, 19th-20th cent. Brit, physiologist] : a
`solution isotonic with blood plasma that contains the chlorides
`of sodium, potassium, and calcium and sodium bicarbonate and
`dextrose and is used similarly to physiological saline
`lock-et YllikSt, usu -dd-+V\ n -s [MF loquet latch, fr. MD
`loke latch, bolt + MF -et (dim. suffix); akin to
`OE loc bolt, lock — more at lock] 1 obs Z a
`crossbar of a window 2 : a part of a scabbard
`where a belt hook fastens 3 : a group of set
`jewels 4 : a catch or spring for fastening some­
`thing (as a necklace) 5 a : a small and often
`ornate case usu. of precious metal having space
`for a memento (as a miniature or a lock of nair)
`and worn typically suspended from a chain or
`necklace b : a patch of distinctive color (as
`white) on the throat or chest of a cat
`lockfast Y=,A adj [ME (Sc) lokjast, fr. lok
`lock + fast} Scot : made fast by a lock
`lock forward n z the middle player in the third
`row of the scrum in rugby
`lock-grained Y*!A adj, oj lumber Z having
`interlaced grain
`lock handle also locking handle n : a handle that can be
`locked in a fixed position
`lockhole Y*,A n z keyhole
`lock hospital n, Brit Z a hospital for the treatment of venereal
`lockhouse Y**iA n : a house for the person in charge of a
`canal or river lock
`lockian usu cap, var oj lockean
`lockier comparative oj locky
`lockiest superlative oj locky
`locking pres part oj lock
`locking plate n : the count wheel used in one type of clock
`striking train — distinguished from rack
`locking ring n Z a screw collar connecting the tube and jacket
`of some types of guns of minor caliber
`lockjaw Y*,A also locked jaw n z an early symptom of
`tetanus characterized by spasm of the jaw muscles and ina­
`bility to open the jaws : trismus; broadly : tetanus
`lock-joint YS.A n : a joint in which the elements joined are
`interlocked (as in a dovetail joint) with or without other
`fastening (as glue, solder, or pinning)
`lockkeeper Ys.sA n : a person in charge of a lock (as on a
`canal) (the ~ . . . came to the rescue with his boathook
`—Thomas Hughes)
`lockless YlliklasX adj Z having no lock (a ~ cabin) (a long ~
`stretch of water)
`lockmaker \'s,«\ n : one that makes locks
`lockmaking \'«,«\ n : the process of making locks
`lock-man Ylakmsn\ n, pi lockmen 1 Scot : a public execu­
`tioner 2 : a coroner’s summoner in the Isle of Man 3 : lock-
`lockmaster YsisA n Z a person who immediately directs the
`. relays word to
`operation of a lock (as of a canal) (the ~
`the control tower that we are ready to start our lift —J.H.
`Lock-nit \ 'lak,nit\ trademark — used for a fabric knitted with
`an interlocking stitch that resists runs
`locknut Y^.A n 1 : a nut screwed down hard on another to
`prevent it from slacking back 2 : a nut so constructed that it
`locks itself when screwed up tight 3 : a nut screwed against
`the end of a pipe fitting to hold it securely and prevent leakage
`4 : a nut used with an electrical conduit for locking it into a
`junction box or fitting
`lock on vt : to sight and follow (a target) automatically by
`means of a radar beam (will automatically follow, through
`any gyrations, the object on its screen to which it has been
`locked on —New Republic>
`lock out vt 1 : to withhold employment from (a body of em­
`ployees) in order to gain concessions 2 : to shut out from by
`or as if by a locked door (meters are usually locked out of the
`system when premises are to be left vacant)
`'lockout Ys.A n -s [lock out} z an act of locking out or the
`condition of being locked out: as a : the withholding of em­
`ployment by an employer and the whole or partial closing of
`his business establishment in order to gain concessions from
`employees — compare strike b : involuntary closure of se­
`cure premises (as a bank vault) due to failure of an intricate
`time-lock device either by chance or as a result of tampering
`^lockout \“\ adj : serving to prevent operation of a device or
`part of it (the ~ circuit breaker operates when there is an ex­
`cessive current flowing—Ernest Venk & William Landon)
`lockpick Y=,A n z picklock
`lockpin Y^.A n Z a peg or pin that is inserted through a hole
`or holes and locks two parts together
`lock plate n Z a plate to which the several parts of the lock of
`some firearms are attached and by which the whole is fastened
`to the stock by screws
`lock rail n : a horizontal stiffening member of a paneled door
`in or to which the lock is fixed
`lock-ram YlakrsmX n -s [ME lokerham, alter, (influenced by
`bukeram, bokeram buckram) of Locronan, town in Brittany
`where it was made] 1 : a coarse plain-woven linen of French
`origin formerly used in England (as for clothing) 2 or lock-
`rum \“\ dial z nonsense
`locks pi oj lock, pres 3d sing of lock
`lock seam n z lock 3f
`lockset Y*,A n 1 : a complete lock system including the
`lock mechanism together with knobs, keys, plates, strikes,
`and other accessories 2 : a jig or template used to prepare
`a door for receiving a lock
`locks-man Ylaksmsn\ n, pi locksmen 1 Scot : turnkey
`locksmith Y^A n [ME loksmith, fr. lok lock + smith — more
`at lock, smith] : a worker who makes or repairs locks
`locksmithing \'s,«\ n : the work or business of a locksmith
`lockspit Y^.A n [3lock + spit (spadeful)] Brit : a small
`trench cut to indicate the line to be followed in further work
`(as in making a railroad or a line of fortifications)
`lockstep Y*,A n : a m9de of marching in step by a body of
`men (as prisoners) going one after another as closely as
`lock Stile n : the stile on the free edge of a door that receives
`the lock — compare lock rail
`'lockstitch Y=,A n [zlock + stitch} : a sewing machine stitch
`turned by the looping together of two threads one on each
`side of the material being sewn
`21ockstitch \“\ vt : to sew on or together with a lockstitch
`<~ing the border of the cuff) ~ vi Z to sew with a lockstitch
`(most modern sewing machines ~>
`lock, stock, and barrel adv [so called fr. the three principal
`parts of a flintlock] : wholly, completely (sold his prop­
`erty lock, stock, and barrel> (took over the duties of his
`predecessor lock, stock, and barrel>
`lock Strike n : a metal fastening on a doorframe into which
`the bolt of a lock is projected to secure the door
`lock tender n 1 : lockkeeper 2 : a worker in charge of an
`air lock (as of a caisson")
`lock time n Z the interval between the releasing of the hammer
`on a firearm and the striking of the primer by the firing pin
`lock turtle or lock tortoise n z box tortoise
`lockup Y=*,A n -s [fr. lock up, v.] 1 : an act of locking or the
`state of being locked (~ occurs regularly at six o’clock)
`2 : something that is or is intended to be locked: as a: jail;
`esp : a local jail where persons are detained prior to court
`hearing b Brit Z a shop or store without living quarters
`C chiefly Brit : rented storage space (as a locker or garage)
`that may be locked by the user d (1) : a credit obligation (as a
`renewed note) or other investment in which capital is locked
`up (2) : a stamp or other philatelic item bought speculatively
`for anticipated appreciation in value 3 a : the operation of
`locking up imposed letterpress matter b : the quality of such
`locking up (a secure ~ for foundry)
`lock washer n : a washer (as a spring washer or a tooth lock
`washer) placed underneath
`a nut or screwhead to pre- (
`vent loosening
`lockwire Ys,A n : wire
`thrust through matching
`holes (as in a nut and bolt)
`to lock parts together, the
`ends often being secured by
`jock washers: 1 tooth, 2 spring
`a metal seal
`lockwork Y*,A n : the
`mechanism_on or in locks : the parts of a lock
`locky \‘lUke\ adj -er/-est : having or characterized by locks
`(a loose ~ fleece)
`locn abbr_location
`'lo-co Ylo(,)ko\ n -S often cap [by shortening] : locofoco 2
`2loco \“\ n, pi locoes or locos [MexSp, fr. Sp, adj., crazy]
`1 : locoweed 2 or loco disease : locoism 3 a : an animal
`affected by locoism b : a mentally disordered person
`310C0 \“\ vt -ed/-ing/-s 1 Z to poison with locoweed 2 : to
`make or cause to be frenzied or crazy
`4loco \“\ adj [Sp] slang Z out of one’s mind : frenzied (went
`~ with rage) : crazy (a ~ idea)
`5l0C0 \“\ adv (or adj) [It (al) loco, lit., at the passage] : in the
`register as written — used as a direction in music; compare
`61oco \“\ n -s [by shortening] : locomotive
`loco- comb jorm [F, fr. MF, fr. L loco, abl. of locus place —
`more at stall] 1: from place to place (/ocomotion) 2 : place
`lo-co ci-ta-to Ylo(,)kosl'ta(,)to, ,ia(,)kosd'ta(,)to\ adv [L]: in
`the place cited : in the passage quoted — abbr. loc. cit.
`lo-co-descriptive \;ioko + \ adj lloco- + descriptive} Z de­
`scribing a locality or a particular place
`locoed adj [fr. past part, of 3loco} 1 West, of an animal
`: affected by locoism 2 West, oj a person Z eccentric,
`lo-co-fo-co \,loko'fo(,)ko\ n -s [prob. fr. ’locomotive (seifs
`propelled) + It joco, Juoco fire, fr. L focus fireplace, hearth —
`more at focus] 1 : a match or cigar developed during the
`19th century and capable of being ignited by friction on any
`hard dry rough surface (~j . . . were a decided improvement
`over the lucifers —Springfield (Mass.) Union> — compare
`LUCIFER, safety match 2 usu cap [so called fr. a meeting of
`New York City Democrats on Oct. 22, 1835, to which the
`radical members came provided with matches to forestall a
`reported plot by their adversaries to disrupt the meeting by
`putting out the lights] a : a member of a radical group of New
`York Democrats organized in 1835 in opposition to the regu­
`lar party organization (editorials that, m the fashion of the
`northern Locojocos, called for . . . freedom of banking
`—Joseph Dorfman) b : democrat 2 (the two great bellig­
`erents — the Locojocos and Whigs —Diplomatic Correspond­
`ence oj Texas>
`lo-co-fo-co-ism X-'foko.izsmX n -s often cap : the principles
`of the Locofocos (the most arrant democracy and ~ that I
`ever happened to hear —Nathaniel Hawthorne)
`lo-co-ism Yloko.izamX n -s [2/oco + -ism] 1 : a disease of
`horses, cattle, and sheep caused by chronic poisoning with
`locoweeds and characterized by motor and sensory nerve
`locket 5a


`torial area (as a country or continent) set apart by geographic,
`economic, cultural, or other distinctive characteristics <the
`West, the South, and other of the U. S.) (the only im­
`portant grape-growing ~ of Pennsylvania —Amer. Guide
`Series: Pa.) b : a usu. distinctive quarter or district (as of a
`city or town) (the business ~ of the city) 9 a : a part that
`is, may be, or is held to be separated : division, portion,
`slice (the southern ~ of the route) (chop the stalks into ~s
`—Amer. Guide Series: La.) (an important ~ of the milling
`industry —Amer. Guide Series: Minn.) (a ~ of the task)
`b : one segment of a fruit (as an orange or grapefruit) : carpel
`C : one of the parts into which the warp threads are divided
`during weaving preparation (as warping, beaming, and slash­
`ing) 10 a : a portion of a group of people having or held to
`have a distinct and separate status usu. by virtue of one or
`more distinctive characteristics (a cheering ~) (royally enter­
`tained by all ~y of the local community —Guthrie Moir> (the
`strongest ~ of the European population —Patrick Smith)
`b : one of the classes formed by dividing a group of students
`taking a particular course (ten of English I) c : one of
`the groups into which a conference of teachers, scholars, or
`specialists in a given field is divided for discussion purposes
`11 a : a military unit composed of two or more squads
`b : a military unit constituting the basic unit of a larger unit
`12 a : a very thin slice (as of tissue or rock) suitable for
`microscopic examination b : an exposed surface revealing
`successive geological strata 13 a : a division of a railroad
`sleeping car including both an upper and a lower berth or
`when these are not made up two double seats facing each other
`b : a portion of a permanent railroad way under the care of a
`particular set of men C : one of two or more trains, planes,
`buses, or similar vehicles which run on the same schedule and
`for which special signals are usu. shown 14 : one of several
`component parts that mav be assembled or reassembled (a
`cutter bar with 15 ~s) (a bookcase in ~s) 15 : one of the
`frames each made about four inches square, designed to hold
`about a pound when full, and placed in the super of a hive
`for bees to store surplus honey in 16 : a profile on a plane
`perpendicular to the plane of the principal line or trace in
`fortification 17 : a division of an orchestra composed of
`one class of instruments (brass ~> (string ~) 18 : signa­
`ture 5b 19 : a subdivision of an office, staff, department,
`bureau, or other organization (the political ~ of an embassy)
`(a Communist party ~) (the U. S. ~ of the British Foreign
`Office) 20 : the sequence of rock units in a given locality or
`region syn see part — ill section adv : in the view revealed
`by a section (show a blood vessel in section)
`2section \“\ vbsectioned; sectioned; sectioning \-sh(3)niq\
`sections vt 1 a : to cut or separate into sections : make a
`section of (~ a history class by ability ratings) (~ a rock for
`examination) b (1) : to divide (a body part or organ)
`surgically (~ a nerve) (2) : to cut (fixed tissue) into thin
`slices for microscopic examination 2 : to shade (as a part
`of a mechanical drawing) with crosshatching to indicate a
`section : to represent in sections ~ vi l to form sections : be­
`come cut or separated into parts
`lsec*tion-al \-shan3l, -shnal\ adj 1 a : of, relating to, or
`based upon a section (~ repair of a tire) (a ~ view) (~
`drawings) b : belonging to a distinct part of a larger body
`(as a society or population) or territory : local or regional
`rather than general in character (~ interests) (~ jealousies)
`(a ~ dialect) — compare provincial 2 2a: consisting of or
`divided into sections (a ~ wire) furniture) b : designed
`for construction by assembling a series of component parts
`<a ~ garage) — see sectional boiler C : made up of sections
`to be added or reduced at will (a ~ bookcase) (a ~ dictionary)
`(a ~ sofa)
`2sectional \“\ n -si a piece of furniture made up of modular
`units capable of use separately or in various combinations (as
`a sectional sofa whose parts may be used as chairs)
`sectional boiler n : a boiler whose parts are fabricated and
`shipped in sections and erected in suitable supporting frames
`and brickwork settings
`sectional density n : the ratio of the weight of a projectile to
`the square of its diameter
`sec>tion«al*ism \-sh(3)n3,liz3m\ n -s : disproportionate devo­
`tion to the interests peculiar to one section (as of a country)
`: sectional feeling, spirit, or prejudice : consciousness by the
`people of a section of a common and peculiar set of identifying
`characteristics (as customs, interests, or social traits) (when ~
`exists within a state ... it may be an upstate versus downstate
`division —D.D.McKean)
`sec-tion*al*ist \-_l3st\ n -s : one characterized by sectionalism
`: one that advocates sectional interests or aims : one having
`usu. excessive sectional feeling
`sec-tion«al»iza*tion X.sekshfajnala'zashsn, -,lI'z-\ n -s : the
`action of sectionalizing or of becoming sectionalized : the
`state of being sectionalized
`sec*tion*al*ize \'seksh(3)n3,llz\ vt -ed/-ing/-s 1 : to divide
`into sections : make in sections esp. for later assembly 2 : to
`divide according to geographical sections or local interests
`: cause to become characterized by sectionalism
`sectional leaf cutting n : a section of a leaf (as of a begonia)
`on which with the proper environment adventitious buds
`and roots will develop
`sec*tion*al*ly \-3l|e, -3l|, |i\ adv l in a sectional manner
`: along sectional lines : from a sectional point of view
`isec*tion»ary \'seksh3,nere\ adj : of or relating to a section
`: sectional 1 <~ leaders)
`2sectionary \“\ n -es : a member or partisan of a sectional
`section bar n : a bar of iron or steel rolled so as to have a
`definite cross section
`section boss n 1 or section foreman : the foreman of a sec­
`tion gang 2 : a third hand in a textile mill
`section eight n, pi section eights usu cap S&E [Section VIII,
`Army Regulation 615-360, in effect from December 1922 to
`July 1944] 1 : a discharge from the U. S. Army for military
`inaptitude or undesirable habits or traits of character 2 : a
`soldier discharged for military inaptitude or undesirable habits
`or traits of character (where the Section Eights wandered
`around whimpering all the time —R.O.Bowen)
`section-eight \Jss's\ vt -ED/-ING/-S ojten cap S&E [.section
`eight] : to discharge (a soldier) from the U. S. Army for
`military inaptitude or undesirable habits or traits of character
`(until you ... go crazy and get section-eighted —Ernest
`section gang also section crew n : a gang or crew of trackmen
`employed to maintain a railroad section
`section hand n : a laborer belonging to a section gang
`section house n 1 : a small building for storing tools and
`equipment needed to maintain a railroad section 2 : a rail­
`road-owned dwelling at or near a railroad section for housing
`a section boss and his family or the members of a section gang
`seC'tion*ize \'seksh3,niz\ vt -ed/-ing/-s : to divide into sec­
`tions (~ land for disposal to settlers)
`section line n 1 : the boundary line of a section in surveying
`or land distribution (in eastern Ohio . . . roads followed
`section lines —R.H.Brown) 2 : one of a series of thin parallel
`lines placed on the cut surfaces of section views (as in an
`architectural drawing)
`section man n 1: section hand 2 : section boss 2
`section manager n : floorwalker 1
`section paper n, Brit: graph paper
`section plane n 1 : a surface seen in section (as in cross sec­
`tion) 2 : a hypothetical plane cutting a section
`sections pi of section, pres 3d sing oj section
`sect'ism Ysek.tizsmX n -s : sectarianism
`1 sect*ist \-_t5st\ n -s obs : sectarian 1
`isec-tor \'sekt3(r) also -,t6(3)r or -6(a)\ n -s [LL (trans. of Gk
`tomeus), fr. L, cutter, fr. sectus (past part, of secure to cut) 4-
`-or— more at saw] 1 a : the geometrical figure bounded by
`two radii and the included arc of a circle b (1) : a subdivision
`of a defensive military position assigned to a commander as an
`area of responsibility, bounded by arbitrary lines on the sides
`and rear, and in front extending

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